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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 21st, 2008 - Part 1


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twittertime for dinnerNov 21 00:03
*Slated has quit ("reset by beer")Nov 21 00:59
*neighborlee_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 01:07
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 01:24
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 01:27
*neighborlee_ is now known as neighborleeNov 21 01:34
schestowitz"The  Wall Street Journal has the disturbing figures* of the outrageous executive compensation (over 5 years) for those whose companies had major market value declines." < > Nov 21 01:59
schestowitz"Representatives from General Motors, Chrysler and Ford were in Washington, D.C. over the last couple days to try and convince Congress or the White House to give them a $25 billion bridge loan." < > Public to pay for corruption? What is this, communism?Nov 21 02:01
schestowitz"If you were looking for some good news out of Dell today as it reported its fiscal 2009 third quarter financial results, you will probably be disappointed." 21 02:05
neighborleeso did it work ,,man I hope not..I think id'  rather help those jobless folks with funds than give more money to corrupt companies that knowingly  kept fuel standards low and  ceo salaries high...but either way its going to cost us all alot of money o_0Nov 21 02:06
neighborleeI tend to feel good about the bankruptcy option but hey ;)..if it was some little guy that is exactly what would happpenNov 21 02:06
neighborleeand if bailing out a given industry lately is any sign of things to come, no thanks let them do bankruptcy..I mean look what aig did with our money  by having some ritsy party at some expensive hotel for some managers etal..again I say no thanks to using our money for god knows what next...let them fail and re invent themsleves.Nov 21 02:08
schestowitzMy cousin had his explanation that he sent me 2 hours ago.Nov 21 02:09
schestowitz"The downfall started with corruption but the money was so huge, all the important people in power positions who understood what was going on, protected their domain. Nobody had the conviction that the bubble would explode in their face."Nov 21 02:09
schestowitz"Wall Streeters enabled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to bundle loan packages that were traded as securities."Nov 21 02:09
schestowitz"The trouble was the loans were made to unqualified borrowers whose credit worthiness was falsified and inflated by crooked real estate brokers. The housing market collapsed, banks tightened up (too late) and then the ripple effect became a whirlpool dragging the nation's economy under water."Nov 21 02:09
schestowitz"Obama can't keep his promises. For him it will be like trying to extinguish a fire with gasoline. Disappointment will set in and finally the media will need to place the blame on the president."Nov 21 02:09
schestowitz"The Republicans regain the presidency in 2012 and the economy starts coming back making them look like heroes."Nov 21 02:09
schestowitzHe's a Republican by the way. Blech.Nov 21 02:10
neighborleeof course..the man who offers to usher in hope for those whom before had near zero and for tolerance and smart government , along with getting our world respect back and   everyone healthy with national health care, but surely not be able to keep his promises  and having faith that he wont be able to is prob. indicat ive of a desire that he does fail..oh wait yes you said your cousin is a republican <grins>Nov 21 02:12
neighborleeafa that goes,,obama is going for unification, not division as evidence by his talks with mcCain , hillary etal, and the alcaida statement that blew up in their faces,,,yeah I guess obama is looking shakey ;))Nov 21 02:14
neighborleeAl-Qaeda LOLNov 21 02:15
twittercrazy talk from the cousinNov 21 02:16
twittergood night.Nov 21 02:16
neighborlee:) gnNov 21 02:19
schestowitzgnNov 21 02:27
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellNov 21 06:38
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 21 08:15
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 08:16
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 08:17
MinceRgreetings and salutationsNov 21 08:46
schestowitzWhat a couple of loser.... "Singers Daryl Hall and John Oates have sued their music publisher, claiming they failed to protect their rights to their 1982 hit Maneater." < >Nov 21 09:36
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 21 11:04
schestowitzOSNews is trashes. Thom H submits bucketloads of Microsoft vapourware. It might make one think that Microsoft did something to him....Nov 21 11:25
schestowitz*LOL* 21 11:35
MinceR 21 11:38
MinceR 21 11:39
schestowitzMinceR: I rebutted: 21 11:40
MinceRthxNov 21 11:40
schestowitzDo you think this is appropriate for BN? 21 11:40
MinceRis the audio from ballmer?Nov 21 11:44
schestowitzVMware keeps shedding off key staff, kind of like Yahoo and ISO: i . The concern is that Microsoft might be putting its cronies its place.Nov 21 11:44
schestowitzMinceR: of course not (the audio). It's too rude, isn't it?Nov 21 11:44
MinceRi think it's pointlessNov 21 11:44
schestowitzYesNov 21 11:44
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 11:58
EruaranhiNov 21 11:58
EruaranPaul Krill regurgitating MS-Novell propaganda (advertising participation): 21 11:59
EruaranWhere does he get his quotes from happy customers extolling the virtues of MS-Novell ? From the MS-Novell "interop" site of course...Nov 21 12:00
schestowitzHeyNov 21 12:01
schestowitzYes, I know.Nov 21 12:02
schestowitzThat's Wintel press for ya..Nov 21 12:02
EruaranIts just pathetic... Does he really think readers are that stupid ?Nov 21 12:05
EruaranOr is it just that he's stupid and M$-NVL need to find better quality stooges ?Nov 21 12:05
zoobab_ 21 12:06
EruaranI think I've just realised where all Microsoft's R&D money goes...Nov 21 12:06
schestowitzMarketing.Nov 21 12:07
schestowitzIt's also a lie.Nov 21 12:07
schestowitzI saw your comment in the Seattle P-I and quoted itNov 21 12:07
EruaranOh really ?Nov 21 12:08
EruaranhahNov 21 12:08
schestowitzSituation: "Web developers hears that Silverlight is no-no for Linux, googles for 'Silverlight Linux' and finds Microsoft's promotional lies, then chooses Silver Lie"Nov 21 12:08
schestowitzI quoted you here: 21 12:09
schestowitzIt's a Big Lie. If Microsoft and Its Turfs repeat it often enough, it'll be believed that Silver Lie is 'cool' with Linux users.Nov 21 12:09
Eruaranah I forgot I posted thatNov 21 12:10
schestowitzI'm going to do another post about it.Nov 21 12:10
schestowitzMoonlight is poison. Fedora won't touch it.Nov 21 12:11
schestowitzAnd yet they pretend that it's all cool. "Here, drink some poison, it's good for you.."Nov 21 12:11
EruaranyesNov 21 12:11
EruaranThat guy who thinks maybe I'm a sock puppet on twitter under another name is wrongNov 21 12:13
EruaranI have a twitter username... Its umm, "Eruaran"Nov 21 12:13
EruaranI don't hide behind multiple names and proxiesNov 21 12:14
EruaranAnd all "Eruaran" is my real name, Jeremy, in elvish... :PNov 21 12:15
EruaranIts good cause just about the only place I've found anyone else already using that name is on youtube (yes, someone on youtube already nabbed it... I couldn't believe it, I thought I was so clever but no)Nov 21 12:16
schestowitzThey accuse all opposition of coming from the same sourceNov 21 12:19
schestowitzThey also attack people for citing BN as critic of Mono and try to make it seem like there is a single source of opposition.Nov 21 12:19
schestowitzNever mind Groklaw... never mind Fedora...Nov 21 12:19
schestowitzI'll do a post about this in a few minutes.Nov 21 12:20
EruaranOASIS seems to be getting a bit of supportNov 21 12:20
schestowitzFrom who?Nov 21 12:21
schestowitzRe: ODF?Nov 21 12:21
EruaranyesNov 21 12:21
Eruaran 21 12:22
EruaranOh waitNov 21 12:23
EruaranWrong articleNov 21 12:23
EruaranThere's another one I read earlier about ODF as wellNov 21 12:23
Eruaran,100000...Nov 21 12:24
Eruaran 21 12:25
schestowitzOh yeah.. that's a bit old.Nov 21 12:26
schestowitzI got newer bits last night.Nov 21 12:26
Eruaranyes I guessNov 21 12:26
schestowitzSee 21 12:26
schestowitzI've just mailed some people about itNov 21 12:27
Eruaranah yeah, I had only skimmed through that beforeNov 21 12:27
schestowitzI want IBM to give Novell the bootNov 21 12:27
EruaranIBM seem very activeNov 21 12:29
EruaranBacked up their words concerning ISO with action.Nov 21 12:30
schestowitzLobbying for swpats??Nov 21 12:30
schestowitzWell, let's hope the commission slaps MSNov 21 12:30
EruaranOn open formatsNov 21 12:30
schestowitzI hear that they are still on the fence.Nov 21 12:31
schestowitzEU should have embargoed Microsoft long ago.Nov 21 12:31
EruaranyesNov 21 12:31
schestowitzIt would have the message come across, but Microsoft has too many crones in govtNov 21 12:31
EruaranAre they due to say somethign soon ?Nov 21 12:31
schestowitzJust watch the Begian, Norwegian and French country leadersNov 21 12:31
schestowitzThere's this secret in the in indusry where companies can 'appoint' leaders that are puppetsNov 21 12:32
schestowitzBeen done in the UK for ages...Nov 21 12:32
schestowitzEruaran: I don't knowNov 21 12:32
EruaranThey can't do it forever thoughNov 21 12:32
EruaranYou end up with the whole industry lining up against youNov 21 12:32
EruaranAnd eventually politicians see value in siding with the other sideNov 21 12:33
EruaranI think the voice of an entire industry in a policitians ear saying, "we don't support you" gets louder than the voice of a convicted monopolist bearing gifts.Nov 21 12:34
Eruaraneventually...Nov 21 12:34
EruaranbbsNov 21 12:36
*Eruaran has quit (" HydraIRC -> <-")Nov 21 12:36
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 13:05
EruaranKDE 4.2 is sounding goodNov 21 13:06
schestowitzDisgusting: London Hospital back online after computer virus shutdownNov 21 13:06
schestowitz "Computer systems at three major London hospitals are largely back online on Friday morning, three days after a major computer virus outbreak forced staff to disconnect the network."Nov 21 13:06
Eruaran:ONov 21 13:07
schestowitzEruaran:  liked Aaron's snapshots from the nightly (taskbar)Nov 21 13:07
schestowitzI also did some bug reporting with KDE this morning.Nov 21 13:07
EruarancoolNov 21 13:07
schestowitzhad to install gdb and do some backtracing.Nov 21 13:07
schestowitzBut.. I mess up my inbox in the process. Nothing too serious though.Nov 21 13:08
EruaranSome nice little surprises, like improvements to kmailNov 21 13:08
schestowitzKNODeNov 21 13:09
EruaranKwin gets the cube :PNov 21 13:09
schestowitz 21 13:09
schestowitzCube... I like it. I have it in KDE 3.5Nov 21 13:09
schestowitzBut I hardly do free-hand spinning. I just see animation rotations when I hit CTRL+FxNov 21 13:10
schestowitzIt's a very ;large dual-head, so the framerate isn't amazing.Nov 21 13:10
EruaranahNov 21 13:11
schestowitzI can slice it to 2 cubes.Nov 21 13:11
EruaranI don't actually mind the desktop grid, I find it usefulNov 21 13:11
schestowitzIt's very confusing when you slice the display ans wrap it onto multiple cubes, but it impresses people.Nov 21 13:12
Eruaranand....Nov 21 13:13
schestowitzIt's funny how Windows users reacting to modern GNU/Linux desktop. They are speechless.Nov 21 13:13
Eruaranyay for a real systray in 3.2Nov 21 13:13
schestowitzThey should  rename itNov 21 13:13
EruaranerrNov 21 13:13
Eruaran4.2Nov 21 13:13
schestowitzIt makes it sounds like KDE is Windows imitationNov 21 13:13
EruaranyesNov 21 13:14
schestowitzWindows is KDE for kidzNov 21 13:14
schestowitzJust the 'basic' stuffNov 21 13:14
Eruarando what M$ does and call it the SUPERtrayNov 21 13:14
schestowitzAdolescent Windows gets some addons for focus switching, but it can never have powerful free applications and sabilityNov 21 13:14
schestowitzI hope KDE doesn't spend too much time with other platformNov 21 13:15
EruaranyesNov 21 13:15
schestowitz*platforms. Brazil shows that patience pays off and KDE lands where it belongs.Nov 21 13:15
EruaranAaron mentioned recently they've had 2 bug reports from people running Plasma on WindowsNov 21 13:15
schestowitz[Debian]Nov 21 13:15
schestowitzMaybe they can use help from the Chinese committers then.Nov 21 13:16
schestowitzWhy would anyone run KDE on Windows. I don't get it.Nov 21 13:16
schestowitzGot a Windows licence? Yes?Nov 21 13:16
schestowitzThen use VirtualBoxNov 21 13:16
EruaranyesNov 21 13:16
EruaranI dunnoNov 21 13:16
schestowitzuse GNU/Linux with KDE, put Windows in a box where it belongs.Nov 21 13:16
schestowitzSandboxing the viruses and cr*p tooNov 21 13:17
schestowitzImagine virus-compatible KDENov 21 13:17
EruaranBut I do like the fact that if you want to run KDE apps on Windows, their dependencies are on Qt KDE libraries and not on .NET or some Windows dependant crapNov 21 13:17
schestowitzOT: "Prime minister Gordon Brown has spoken about the Gary McKinnon extradition case for the first time, supporting the principle of repatriation of sentenced prisoners while declining to get into the specifics of the case, which remains under judicial review." 21 13:18
schestowitzThat's like Microsoft pardoning hackers, but it doesn't.Nov 21 13:18
EruaranIs he the same guy who said he was looking for UFO stuff ?Nov 21 13:19
schestowitzYesNov 21 13:19
EruaranhahaNov 21 13:19
schestowitzThe scapegoatNov 21 13:19
schestowitzIf he had wiped their machines, that's another thingNov 21 13:19
EruaranI remember his comment when they asked him if he was on drugsNov 21 13:19
schestowitzhe highlighted a flaw. better him than the Chinese intelligence.Nov 21 13:19
schestowitz[which got into the Pentagon anyway]Nov 21 13:19
EruaranHe said yes he was stoned at the time, and if he wasn't stoned he would have gotten in much fasterNov 21 13:20
schestowitzIt seems like all militaries now break into everybody else's, thanks to the flaw du jour in Win32Nov 21 13:20
EruaranI thought that was classicNov 21 13:20
schestowitz*LMOA*  Government still losing at least a computer a week < >Nov 21 13:20
EruaranI couldn't believe they were using Windows in the first placeNov 21 13:20
EruaranCan you say, "Military Intelligence" ?Nov 21 13:21
schestowitzIf I have someone put my details on the computer, I ALWAYS assume it will be shared, as in leaked. It always does. It's like thinking that DRM can prevent a song from becoming DRMless...Nov 21 13:21
EruaranyesNov 21 13:21
EruaransameNov 21 13:21
EruaranI noticed a cool feature available in Coreboot recentlyNov 21 13:21
EruaranWhich some of our clients will be interested inNov 21 13:22
schestowitzIf your doctor has your medical record, assuming it's out there in torrent available for all.Nov 21 13:22
schestowitzI suppose you read about the BNP?Nov 21 13:22
EruaranBNP ?Nov 21 13:22
schestowitz 21 13:22
schestowitzYay!!!!!!!!!!1 Let's make more DBs!! More information.... more secure????Nov 21 13:22
EruaranlolNov 21 13:23
EruaranDid you know with Coreboot you can dump RAM on shutdown ?Nov 21 13:23
Eruarancontents of RAMNov 21 13:23
EruaranWe have a client that is a law firm who very much like thatNov 21 13:24
schestowitzInfuriating: Computer virus brings London hospital networks to a standstill < >Nov 21 13:24
schestowitzI wrote about it and Carla put it in LinuxToday (seems as though she reads BN)Nov 21 13:24
schestowitzMost of our readers are lurkers.Nov 21 13:24
schestowitzProbably over 90%Nov 21 13:25
EruaranyesNov 21 13:25
schestowitzThat all comes back to securityNov 21 13:25
schestowitzLaw firms that use Windows might as well leak or put up their docs on the siteNov 21 13:25
schestowitz40% of the world's 'PCs' (read: Windows) are said to be zombies.Nov 21 13:26
EruaranyesNov 21 13:26
EruaranThe only Windows systems they have a virtual onesNov 21 13:26
schestowitzJust give an IP address... chance of 1 in 2 that you can get in through the trapdoorNov 21 13:26
schestowitzI joke about Windows being rented *and * also sharedNov 21 13:26
schestowitzFirst, the user must share the PC with Microsoft.Nov 21 13:26
Eruaranlol yesNov 21 13:27
schestowitzEven if automatic updates are disabled, Microsoft ignores the flag.Nov 21 13:27
schestowitzAnd then there are the cybercrooks one shares the PCs with.Nov 21 13:27
Eruaranserverside updatesNov 21 13:27
EruaranWindows update is retardedNov 21 13:27
schestowitzThere were botnet wars where criminals threatened each other for stealing 'zombie territories'Nov 21 13:27
EruaranWe regularly have people who come to us thinking there's something wrong with their Windows systemsNov 21 13:28
schestowitzJust pray that 'your' botmaster doesn't start playing the ransomware game on you.Nov 21 13:28
EruaranApart from the fact that they run WindowsNov 21 13:28
schestowitz[or deleted your HDD]Nov 21 13:28
schestowitz_Doug is frustrated with colleagues who say they "hate computers"Nov 21 13:28
schestowitz"You mean Windows," he saysNov 21 13:29
EruaranIts just Windows update trying to update something the user doesn't even have installed... so it gives them a fail dialogueNov 21 13:29
schestowitzThe Autie Beeb encourages the thinking that computer=Windows. Like it's bolted onto the chipsNov 21 13:29
schestowitzAnd viruses can infect h/w... and pass on to other installations... which is why people with malware-infested PCs often BUY NEW ONESNov 21 13:29
schestowitzWGA is a crucial application now.Nov 21 13:30
schestowitzMicrosoft did some 'test runs' in China last month. Black Screen of Death we call them...Nov 21 13:30
EruaranWGA is retardedNov 21 13:30
schestowitzIt's preparing for extortion of the userbase.Nov 21 13:30
EruaranAll it does is annoy and waste our timeNov 21 13:30
schestowitzMass extortion, and "patent terrorism" (Sun's phrase), followed by litigationNov 21 13:31
schestowitzBill Gates: “They’ll get sort of addicted, and then we’ll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.”Nov 21 13:31
schestowitzSame with MonoNov 21 13:31
schestowitz“They’ll get sort of addicted [to Mono apps], and then we’ll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade.”Nov 21 13:31
EruaranWe crack licenced Widnows systems simply because we dont have time to talk to some guy in a call centre in Karachi to get a crippled system working... its faster to crack it... were to busy to play musical phone calls with MicrosoftNov 21 13:33
Eruaran*too busyNov 21 13:33
schestowitzYahoo to seek an alliance with AOL instead of a takeover by Microsoft? < >Nov 21 13:33
EruaranDidn't they already try that ?Nov 21 13:34
schestowitzYesNov 21 13:34
schestowitzThey are like a 50-year-old woman trying to get a dateNov 21 13:34
EruaranM$ will go into debt if they buy Yahoo!Nov 21 13:34
schestowitzNo.Nov 21 13:34
schestowitzYou missed it...Nov 21 13:34
Eruaranoh ?Nov 21 13:34
schestowitzThey might already be in it: 21 13:35
EruaranooerNov 21 13:36
Eruaranoh yesNov 21 13:36
EruaranI hadn't read that yetNov 21 13:36
schestowitzNo?Nov 21 13:36
schestowitzIt's not newsNov 21 13:36
schestowitzMicrosoft the KING OF MONEY is a naked emperorNov 21 13:37
EruaranohNov 21 13:37
EruaranI thought they still had cashNov 21 13:37
schestowitzIt used the press to sell a different image, just like with WindowsNov 21 13:37
schestowitzApple has more cash than Microsoft.Nov 21 13:37
EruaranyesNov 21 13:37
Eruaranabout 24bNov 21 13:37
schestowitzGoogle will soon have more cash than Microsoft (maybe already the case)Nov 21 13:37
schestowitzMicrosoft is throwing 40bn at the stock to save it from drowningNov 21 13:38
schestowitzTaking debtNov 21 13:38
schestowitz*LoanNov 21 13:38
EruaranI thought Google had more cash in their cafeteriaNov 21 13:38
schestowitzAll they have left is code and 'IP'Nov 21 13:38
schestowitzThat's why Myhrvold exists.Nov 21 13:38
EruaranM$ is the next SCONov 21 13:38
schestowitzAnd Gates is now aligning with the trolls he createdNov 21 13:38
schestowitzTo coerce better competition like Red Hat, using extortion or litigationNov 21 13:39
twitterGood morning.  Novell is the next SCO.Nov 21 13:39
schestowitzEruaran: it is. PJ has said this for a long timewNov 21 13:39
EruaranyesNov 21 13:39
schestowitz"Microsoft is the next SCO Group" --PJNov 21 13:39
schestowitztwitter: Novell is Microsot's tool.Nov 21 13:39
schestowitzIt's used to 'plant the code in Linux'Nov 21 13:39
twitterSCO is Microsoft's tool.Nov 21 13:39
EruaranI wasn't quite willing to say that myself until this week.Nov 21 13:39
twitter*wasNov 21 13:40
schestowitzRather than putting actual /CODE/ irt puts /IP/ in itNov 21 13:40
Eruaranhello twitterNov 21 13:40
schestowitzMono, Moonlight, MOOX, etcNov 21 13:40
twitterhelloNov 21 13:40
schestowitzHere's a crazy thought: Novell using the "UNIX" ownership to carry on SCO's action... after the community turns bitter about SUSE...Nov 21 13:41
EruaranI'd say to Microsoft, "you want Mono ? You got it, and you can have Miguel as well, he spends most of his time in Redmond anyway".Nov 21 13:41
schestowitz[just hypothetical and crazy /]Nov 21 13:41
schestowitzAnd still fueled by Microsoft coupons money.Nov 21 13:41
schestowitzAs I wrote recently, SCO too has its 'Linux' and it contributed to Linux before suing the whole world.Nov 21 13:42
twitterSCO does owe Novell money now.Nov 21 13:42
schestowitzBetter!Nov 21 13:42
EruaranI'm not sure I'm willing to believe Novell is quite that dumb... no... waitNov 21 13:42
schestowitzMore money for NOVLNov 21 13:42
schestowitzThat's like a father leaving inheritance for the childNov 21 13:42
schestowitz"Here. Novell. Have some money that we got from Baysta^H^H^H^H^H^Hrosoft... carry on the good job"Nov 21 13:43
EruaranI remember that article someone wrote when Novell first got into bed with MicrosoftNov 21 13:43
EruaranSaid they had a dreamNov 21 13:43
schestowitzYesNov 21 13:43
schestowitzNovell came /TO/ MicrosoftNov 21 13:43
schestowitzNot the other way aroundNov 21 13:43
EruaranThey were surrounded by fire and brimstone... and there was a broken sign that said "ell"Nov 21 13:43
EruaranAnd then he turned and looked and saw the other half of the sign that said, "Nov"Nov 21 13:44
schestowitzSCO Also Used to Contibute to Linux, Just Like Novell < >Nov 21 13:44
EruaranI thought that was rather amusing and right on the moneyNov 21 13:44
twitterWhat's worse is that all of the parties can collude to keep SCO going as long as possible before Novell is used for new litigation against Red Hat and others.Nov 21 13:44
EruaranGood point RoyNov 21 13:44
schestowitzYou never know..Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzHere's the thingNov 21 13:45
schestowitzWe remember people (or companies) base don presentNov 21 13:45
twitterBoth Novell and SCO were powerful competitors that M$ destroyed and then used against free software.Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzWe remember SCO as SCO the bastard, ot CalderaNov 21 13:45
EruaranI've seen enough to know you can never say "never"...Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzNovell's management is changingNov 21 13:45
schestowitzIt gets more like MicrosoftNov 21 13:45
schestowitzIt attacks Red Hat now.Nov 21 13:45
schestowitzSun is furious too. Novell attacks Sun's OOoNov 21 13:46
twitterSCO did some ground breaking work with Winblows compatibility.Nov 21 13:46
schestowitzTrust me, I hear from peopleNov 21 13:46
schestowitzNovell is the Judas of UNIX/LinuxNov 21 13:46
EruaranNovell will go downNov 21 13:46
schestowitzIt's ripping everyone offNov 21 13:46
schestowitzSLERT is just RHEL's workNov 21 13:46
schestowitzGo-OO is a theft of Sun's labourNov 21 13:46
EruaranThey'd be up against an irate worldwide community as well as Red Hat, IBM, Sun, etc...Nov 21 13:47
schestowitzWith Microsoft addons like font, OOXML, Mono, VB..Nov 21 13:47
EruaranyeaNov 21 13:47
EruaranI detect a little help from Redmond thereNov 21 13:47
EruaranInfect now, claim laterNov 21 13:48
schestowitz 21 13:48
twitterInfect Novell, use Novell as a lawsuit proxy till destruction, inherit Microsoft Linux from Novell.Nov 21 13:49
schestowitz The banner of BN if prophetic. Maybe Hovsepian can become a Microsoft VP one day.Nov 21 13:49
EruaranThere is one thing we can be certain ofNov 21 13:49
schestowitzIBM isn't happy with Novell either, but IBM is a big companyNov 21 13:49
schestowitzI had IBM people showing me this.Nov 21 13:49
EruaranThat every time Ballmer opens his mouth, Microsoft's share value will fall.Nov 21 13:49
schestowitzHe's there to sink it.Nov 21 13:50
schestowitzFrom a comment in "Who cares about deposed or not. Let’s see some hard jail time for Gates, Ballmer, Allchin and company."Nov 21 13:51
schestowitz"The normal procedures often don’t apply to special cases, such as treason, which could be relevant here, depending on how deep the investigation is allowed to go into M$ records."Nov 21 13:51
schestowitz "Regarding Ballmer, he’s never seemed qualified to be manager of anything let alone a high executive of a large company. His main qualification was having a college buddy that could hook him up with a cushy job.Nov 21 13:51
schestowitz"Nov 21 13:51
schestowitz"MS probably is not profitable. Gates bailed as CEO in 1998 when the company ran a loss. Enron-style record keeping has kept the investors in the dark since then."Nov 21 13:52
EruaranI've actually been willing to stick my neck out in front of clients (in a credibility sense) and tell them that Microsoft's shareholders will want Ballmers head on a plate within 12 months.Nov 21 13:52
schestowitzBallmer the next Yang?Nov 21 13:52
EruaranBallmer, the next Ballmer.Nov 21 13:53
EruaranI think Yang could do a better job as CEO of Microsoft than Ballmer. >:DNov 21 13:53
schestowitzOn Ballmer  and being fires (long): 21 13:55
schestowitz*firedNov 21 13:55
Eruaran*listens to the crickets*... Ok, maybe that was going a little too far :PNov 21 13:55
twitterThe Yes Men need to nail M$.Nov 21 13:56
schestowitzNo need. Microsoft does it itself.Nov 21 13:56
twitterAs M$FT sinks to new lows, they should hold a special press conference.Nov 21 13:56
schestowitzThe bigger issue is Microsoft cauing havoc while it's drowning.Nov 21 13:56
*_doug (n=_doug@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovellNov 21 13:56
_doughi there ..Nov 21 13:57
schestowitz"Patent terrorism" (Sun term), ruining companies, making people miserable with Vista, etcNov 21 13:57
schestowitz_doug: we talked about you earlier.Nov 21 13:57
Eruaranhi _dougNov 21 13:57
twitterSteve Ballmer to announce M$'s new emergency plan, but he can't make it.... Then a representative announces that all M$ code is GPL'dNov 21 13:57
_dougWhat exactly is wrong about Silverlight on Linux ?Nov 21 13:57
schestowitzTop secret. Can't tell.Nov 21 13:57
schestowitzOh, Silverlight?Nov 21 13:57
schestowitzMono.Nov 21 13:57
twitterM$ donates $10 billion dollars to OLPC.Nov 21 13:57
EruaranummNov 21 13:58
_dougWhat did you say about me ??Nov 21 13:58
EruaranSilverlight isn't on LinuxNov 21 13:58
schestowitztwitter: what?Nov 21 13:58
schestowitzJoke, right?Nov 21 13:58
_doug Silverlight On the Way To LinuxNov 21 13:58
_doug 21 13:58
twitterI'm making it up.Nov 21 13:58
schestowitzOKNov 21 13:58
schestowitzMicrosoft has money for that sort of stuff anymoreNov 21 13:58
twitterIt's what M$ should do.Nov 21 13:58
schestowitzIt can hardly afford YahooNov 21 13:58
schestowitzThe loaners would tell them to piss off.Nov 21 13:58
EruaranYou think GPL'd Windows could compete with GNU/Linux ?Nov 21 13:58
twitterM$ can not afford to be a non free company, they should give it up.Nov 21 13:59
schestowitzEruaran: no, too much mess.Nov 21 13:59
schestowitzMicrosoft can't rely on devs helping Microsoft.Nov 21 13:59
Eruaranschestowitz: exactlyNov 21 13:59
twitterGPL'd Windows can do whatever the community wants with it.Nov 21 13:59
schestowitzDevelopers at large hate Microsoft.Nov 21 13:59
EruaranWhat communityhNov 21 13:59
_doug"the public beta of Moonlight -- a runtime library for Linux supporting sites that expect Silverlight -- is expected within days"Nov 21 13:59
twitterIf it's free, there'd be no reason to hate it.Nov 21 13:59
EruaranGNU/Linux was made by developersNov 21 13:59
schestowitzSome tolerate Apple, but only Microsoft's groupies 'help' WIndows with documentation in exchange for giftsNov 21 13:59
_dougPlease take our poison pill ..Nov 21 14:00
schestowitzIn which case help ain't free, i.e. Microsoft /pays/ for help..Nov 21 14:00
EruaranMicrosoft will never GPL Windows so the speculation is mootNov 21 14:00
twitterIt is not speculation, it is a demand.Nov 21 14:00
_doug"Moonlight not only displays graphics, but handles keyboard responses in real-time, which is vitally necessary for gaming"Nov 21 14:00
schestowitzEruaran: yes, they hate GPLNov 21 14:00
schestowitzThey have their own MS-controlled Gpl [sic]Nov 21 14:01
schestowitzg/plNov 21 14:01
Eruaranschestowitz: yes, and furthermore they aren't going to disclose incriminating codeNov 21 14:01
twitterYou know, the usual unconditional surrender demand.Nov 21 14:01
schestowitzversion 1 of the licence may seem harmless. Version 2? Who knows.Nov 21 14:01
twitterGPL your code or die.Nov 21 14:01
twitterThe market is doing it to them.Nov 21 14:01
schestowitzMicrosoft: EEEing the GPLNov 21 14:01
EruaranIt is a dead certainty that there are GPL violations, patent violations and copyright violations in Microsoft's codeNov 21 14:02
EruaranThey will never release itNov 21 14:02
schestowitz1. Make a copy; 2) Move developers to $copy 3)Exatnd $copy [...] 5) Lock-in!Nov 21 14:02
twitterI'm sure they tried to participate in GPL3 by proxy.Nov 21 14:02
schestowitzSame with RubyNov 21 14:02
schestowitzRemember RubyIron and how Microsoft took control of the .NET Ruby push with its OWN LICENCES!!Nov 21 14:02
twitterGPL3's process was robust enough to deal with M$ interference.  All free processes must be.Nov 21 14:02
schestowitztwitter: if by participate you mean mock it by proxyNov 21 14:03
schestowitzThey used all their usual shillsNov 21 14:03
EruaranMicrosoft's culture of "borrowing" other people's work, restrictive proprietary licensing, and threats goes all the way back to the 1970's.Nov 21 14:03
schestowitzACT...Nov 21 14:03
schestowitzISC, IIRCNov 21 14:03
schestowitzCompTIA... I'm not sure  though.Nov 21 14:03
schestowitzThey also paid some professor/s to mock GPLv3Nov 21 14:04
schestowitzOf course there was no clear disclosure.Nov 21 14:04
schestowitzClassic 'study' routine.Nov 21 14:04
twitterGPL3 was an open, community effort.  I imagine M$ spammed the lists.Nov 21 14:04
EruaranyesNov 21 14:04
schestowitzAs long as the company behaves like a Bunch of Gangsters [(R)Slated], there's no hope for change.Nov 21 14:04
schestowitztwitter: go ahead and dig in the listsNov 21 14:05
schestowitzSome say that BSD guys added poison too.Nov 21 14:05
schestowitzI saw some of that, but I can't find a link to MSNov 21 14:05
twitterI'd rather not chase ghosts.Nov 21 14:05
EruaranI'm with Linus on the BSD guys.Nov 21 14:05
twitterI do not care if gangsters use GPL'd code.Nov 21 14:05
twitterThe point is to deliver software freedom.Nov 21 14:05
twitterGangsters need to be punished for their crimes.Nov 21 14:06
EruaranGangsters only use "GPL'd" code to deliver patent bombs.Nov 21 14:06
schestowitzVolish CFO Chris Liddell had planned on the move since his firm’s offer to buy out Yahoo, which Mighty-Soft had planned to pay for partly through debt. But since the Micro-hoo deal is no longer on the table (or at least, that’s what Steve Ballmer would have us believe), it seems curious the Vole is still pushing ahead on the bond issue."Nov 21 14:06
schestowitzFrom 21 14:06
twitterOne good way to punish M$ for it's monopoly abuse would be to GPL all of their code.Nov 21 14:06
schestowitzChris Liddell came from the paper industry. Maybe he's still messing about with papers then...Nov 21 14:07
twitterM$ will do this on their own or fail as they are.Nov 21 14:07
schestowitzLike the people who were there before him... and ran awayNov 21 14:07
schestowitzCharles [something] blew the whitstle on their fraud.Nov 21 14:07
schestowitzThe judge was convinced enough to let this move forward and Microsoft paid Charlied $4 to STFU, piss off, and burn all the evidnece.Nov 21 14:08
twitterI'm with RMS about software freedom.  It needs to be defended but the goal is to eliminate software slavery.Nov 21 14:08
schestowitzAnd everyone lives happily ever after.Nov 21 14:08
schestowitzKind of like the US economy for the past 20 years... let it blow up later.Nov 21 14:08
schestowitzbrbNov 21 14:09
twitterHeh, gas prices fall below $2/gallon.  Too bad everyone is fired.Nov 21 14:10
EruaranThose falling fuel prices are a massive price fixing scamNov 21 14:10
twitterAt first I thought it was the usual election day gasoline discount.Nov 21 14:10
twitterNow I think it's collapsing from a real lack of demand.Nov 21 14:11

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