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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 8th, 2009 - Part 2


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*amarsh04 hates it when he receives emails that say to "go to the web site" without giving a specific url, or "use irc" without saying which irc network and channelFeb 08 14:01
EruaranlolFeb 08 14:03
*schestowitz done with a post about Microsoft vs Intel LinuxFeb 08 14:09
*schestowitz can't wait to post thatFeb 08 14:09
Eruaranoh dearFeb 08 14:15
EruaranI just saw some confused soul mix up KDE with WindowsFeb 08 14:15
EruaranTHey actually said, "KDE 7"Feb 08 14:16
Eruaran 08 14:16
*mib_swibhv (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 14:17
*mib_swibhv has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 14:18
schestowitzIt's flase advertisingFeb 08 14:19
EruaranIt was a jokeFeb 08 14:20
schestowitzSome people might try to pursue 7 and be disappointed that it only does "flip mode" and has no Amarok. heck, Windows 7 doesn't even have an office suiteFeb 08 14:20
EruaranI'm going to use this vid ad our next company meetingFeb 08 14:20
EruaranIt will strengthen my argument that we can maintain our margins while delivering higher quality and lower prices to our customers by using Linux.Feb 08 14:21
EruaranI think of people like my mother: It really makes no difference to her what the operating system is. What does make a difference to her is if it does what she wants and is easy to use in an every day sense.Feb 08 14:24
amarsh04yes, I'm annoyed that kde 3.5.X kpdf has "obey drm restrictions" enabled by defaultFeb 08 14:25
oiaohm_Read the PDF documentation licence for its specsFeb 08 14:25
oiaohm_Sorry that is a requirement amarsh04Feb 08 14:26
EruaranI've been using Okular for a while nowFeb 08 14:27
schestowitzoiaohm_: tell Adobe to shove itFeb 08 14:28
EruaranI think that is the bottom line of RMS's argumentsFeb 08 14:29
EruaranHe wanted a completely free ecosystem, and instead what we have is incomplete becuase people compromise too much... this is where people like Eben Moglen get annoyed and the "open source" people, becuase they have achived nothingFeb 08 14:31
schestowitzMore surveillance. yay!  Government plans travel database 08 14:34
Eruarana truly free software ecosystem is more robust than a compromised oneFeb 08 14:34
schestowitzopen source = money first, what can I /use/?Feb 08 14:34
schestowitzBut some of them share the same strategyFeb 08 14:34
schestowitzThe shame is that some Free software groups call themselves "open source"Feb 08 14:34
schestowitzI am about to post a docuemnt where you see Microsoft admitting that it 'contaminates' other people's stuff to repel and ruin.Feb 08 14:35
schestowitzThat's why it 'joined' open source... it confused and ruins.Feb 08 14:35
schestowitzHmmmmmmmmm.... 08 14:36
Eruaranlet me know when you post itFeb 08 14:36
schestowitzOKFeb 08 14:36
Eruaranyes there are known dodgey sitesFeb 08 14:37
schestowitzI'll do posts about Microsoft's anti-Linux patent scheme.Feb 08 14:38
schestowitzGroklaw used to cover some of this themeFeb 08 14:39
*oiaohm_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 08 14:40
schestowitzThe MOG shill seems to have moved from just using SCO to attack Linux to promoting Novell and shouting about those patent deals. Bastards.Feb 08 14:42
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 08 14:42
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 14:43
twitteryou expect better from MOG?Feb 08 14:43
twitterWho still publishes that idiot and why?Feb 08 14:43
twitterIt's cool to see whole GNU/Linux laptops that cost less than versions of Winblows.  M$ will collapse soon.Feb 08 14:47
schestowitztwitter: I think her husband's in itFeb 08 14:50
schestowitzOnly Sys-con gives room for thata BSFeb 08 14:50
schestowitzre: mini laptops, see comments here: 08 14:50
schestowitzI particularly liked the one that echoes my argument from 2-3 year ago... namely that Microsoft will do a lot of damage to everything while it's going down. Like a dino waving its tail.Feb 08 14:51
twitterCompUSA, Circuit City .... M$ had done considerable damage pushing Vista.Feb 08 14:52
*jeremy_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 14:53
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 08 14:53
*jeremy_ is now known as EruaranFeb 08 14:57
schestowitztwitter: just in: "Here's another to file under Windows failure: Too bad for Hall, though.  Perhaps it is karma for torpedoing the BSA tipping point last year."Feb 08 15:03
twitterwill lookFeb 08 15:03
twitterACPI article is scrubbed clean of M$ wrongdoing and filled with useless technical details 08 15:04
twitterNothing shows up here, 08 15:05
twittermaybe I need flash or silverlie or something to see the "external graphic" to show the scrubbing.Feb 08 15:05
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 08 15:07
schestowitzEruaran: give me a moment I'll do the docFeb 08 15:09
EruarankFeb 08 15:09
twitterI'm unfamiliar with the FairPoint saga.  ISPs breaking GNU/Linux is ugly.Feb 08 15:10
twitterugh 08 15:11
twitter"pledges to violate net neutrality"Feb 08 15:11
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 15:16
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerFeb 08 15:16
amarsh04sounds too much like the st:tng 1st episode "encounter at farpoint"Feb 08 15:17
Eruaransounds like consumers should simply call them and tell them they are moving to a different service provider, and when they try to penalize the customer for it, the customer can say the provider has failed to provide a resonable service, and furthermore their contract was with the previous owner.Feb 08 15:18
EruaranEspecially the person who lost approx $2000 business.Feb 08 15:19
schestowitzEruaran: almost there nowFeb 08 15:20
schestowitzI've just done one post on EMCFeb 08 15:21
schestowitzI have someone proofread Comes from me. She says: "Wow, what an amazing exhibit.  I'm sorry I didn't check mail yesterday! Reading through it this morning I only found a couple of possible edits in your commentary."Feb 08 15:21
EruarankFeb 08 15:21
*kentma has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 08 15:21
amarsh04note that linuxtoday has some talkback on the foxconn motherboard / linux acpi problem that references 08 15:23
amarsh04 08 15:23
schestowitzHehe. "(In this sentence I'd add "used to" to emphasize Plamondon's point about how Microsoft "uses" other people (as pawns) to do their dirty work for them.):"Feb 08 15:23
schestowitzamarsh04: I think I saw thatFeb 08 15:23
amarsh04funny also how intel's acpi compilation tool works better than microsoft's acpi compilerFeb 08 15:24
schestowitz*LOL* "When I read the section about "schmoozing" the first thing I thought of was Neelie Kroes' experience after the anti-trust verdict a couple of years ago.  She mentioned that Steve Ballmer came to visit, and that he took her out to dinner and what a charming guy he was.  I hope she sees this whole exhibit.  "Feb 08 15:24
schestowitzSo true.Feb 08 15:24
schestowitzThat's after he ran a smear campaign against herFeb 08 15:24
twitterconsumers should simply call them and tell them they are moving to a different service provider,Feb 08 15:34
twitterchances are, there is not other service providerFeb 08 15:34
twitterbut dial upFeb 08 15:34
EruaranMy ISP uses Debian, so if they ever give me any trouble as a Linux user its going to be really hard for them to defend.Feb 08 15:35
*amarsh04 just sent off an email to his electricity distributor to report a few more street lights out, with pictures courtesy of Google street viewFeb 08 15:35
amarsh04which isp is that Eruaran?Feb 08 15:36
EruaranNCableFeb 08 15:36
amarsh04my isp at least hosts a full Debian, and mirrorFeb 08 15:36
EruarancoolFeb 08 15:36
amarsh04so is ncable Geelong area only?Feb 08 15:40
EruaranGeelong, Ballarat and MilduraFeb 08 15:41
schestowitzEruaran: please read . See if you spot typos along the way, too ;-)Feb 08 15:41
EruaranOkFeb 08 15:41
schestowitzIt's good, trust me.Feb 08 15:42
schestowitzThis one took me a whole day, but it was worth it. It's an internal Microsoft presentation that reveals many of the company's dirty -- if not illegal -- tricks. What a treasure trove! :-)Feb 08 15:44
*Eruaran is readingFeb 08 15:47
schestowitzSee the part about why Microsoft attends open source and Apple conferencesFeb 08 15:48
twitterACPI Power Management Poison updated, thanks, 08 15:54
amarsh04I remember the "one night stands" part being mentioned on groklaw.netFeb 08 15:55
twitteryes, that and "pawns" got a lot of attention.Feb 08 15:55
twittergoing to look at new post of evilFeb 08 15:56
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 15:57
toroshiFeb 08 15:57
EruaranhiFeb 08 15:57
schestowitzamarsh04: that's just details. There's lots moreFeb 08 16:03
schestowitz"pawns" was mentioned in other exhibits, IIRC. IDG covered this too (Eric Lai I think).Feb 08 16:03
twitterGold, how they lie to gain trust, "OK, I hate Microsoft like everybody else, I’m a good member of the Computing Society, I hate Microsoft, that’s what you have to do to get in. But, you know, I like the individual people I’ve met from Microsoft."Feb 08 16:04
*mib_dovjhm (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 16:05
*mib_dovjhm has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 16:05
EruaranExcellent article RoyFeb 08 16:05
*mib_7z8qgg (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 16:05
EruaranHaven't noticed any typosFeb 08 16:05
*mib_7z8qgg has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 16:06
*mib_a5lmfa (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 16:06
*mib_a5lmfa has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 16:06
*mib_9mic2m (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 16:07
twitterone typo, an exclamation point where it probably should not be, " and! was out there doing this and I wasn’t even costing"Feb 08 16:07
twitterbet it was an "I"Feb 08 16:08
schestowitzFixedFeb 08 16:08
*mib_9mic2m has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 16:09
schestowitzBN did 21155 pages in the past 11 hours (excluding bots)Feb 08 16:12
Eruarangtg bbFeb 08 16:13
schestowitzThe Intel anti-Linux posts make tens of thousands, which is good. I hope someone sues.Feb 08 16:13
twitterYep, there's the killed the Mac conferences quote, "I’ve killed at least two Mac conferences." Priceless.  Beware the Novell and M$ fucktards at your conference they come to ruin.Feb 08 16:15
twitterThe punch line, "  by injecting Microsoft content into the conference, the conference got shut down. The guy who ran it said, why am I doing this?"Feb 08 16:17
schestowitzI should frame these quotesFeb 08 16:19
schestowitzI wasn't thinking about it while glancing at page 2x out of 66 :--)Feb 08 16:19
twitterEveryone hosting a conference should see it.Feb 08 16:20
schestowitzA word of caution... from Microsoft: 08 16:23
schestowitzI actually mailed the previous one to some people who run FOSS conferences because I know them.Feb 08 16:23
schestowitzI've put this in Digg and I hope it makes some big sites: This ought to become COmmon KnowledgeFeb 08 16:27
twitterWhat's particularly slimy is how the bastard always presented himself as the "nice guy," never saying anything negative in public, sucking up to key people personally while plotting pain and suffering for them.Feb 08 16:27
schestowitzYesFeb 08 16:27
schestowitz"If you don't let me in the symposium, then you're a zealot hater"Feb 08 16:28
schestowitzThen they give gifts and favoursFeb 08 16:28
schestowitzOr use your dead mother as an excuse to approach you and sneak in a session to fumigate the conference you organiseFeb 08 16:28
schestowitzSee the part where it says "how can you sleep at night?"Feb 08 16:28
schestowitzSomeone asks James thatFeb 08 16:29
schestowitzJames told me that he, well.. pretty much realise now that he was a douchebagFeb 08 16:29
schestowitzHe also tried to sort of 'pretext' to see what other material of his we have. I'm sure there's lots more.Feb 08 16:29
twitterDoes he mean it or is he just trying to manipulate you?Feb 08 16:29
twitterThis is how you have to think of everything from M$.Feb 08 16:30
twitterThey go out of their way to create "nice guys" so that they can manipulate people who hate M$.Feb 08 16:30
twitterPeople who believe in software freedom, who work for Apple or IBM, should never say or do things to please M$ - yet people like James P managed to get them to do all sorts of damaging things.Feb 08 16:33
*toros has quit ("leaving")Feb 08 16:42
schestowitzYes, pretty muchFeb 08 16:44
schestowitzHe tried with PJ tooFeb 08 16:45
schestowitzSadly, there are no laws that can put a person in prison (getting arrested) for being utter scum and damaging to society. Shoplifting = very bad; being an Icahn|Berman|Myhrvold = slap on wrist at best, but usually glorification in the land where <rich = benevolent>Feb 08 16:46
amarsh04didn't some talk by an m$ person at '09 collaps when the fellow from m$ received some rather pointed questions from some principal floss developers?Feb 08 16:51
schestowitzYesFeb 08 16:51
schestowitzBut they are suppsoed not to knowFeb 08 16:51
schestowitzAudience: "why does Microsoft corrupt people?"Feb 08 16:51
schestowitzRamji: I didn't do nothingFeb 08 16:51
schestowitzAudience: "Do you know that Microsoft is a criminal organisation?"Feb 08 16:52
schestowitzMicrosoft person at I dunno. I've just joinedFeb 08 16:52
schestowitzNational committee: "Can you not see OOXML is a scam, technically?"Feb 08 16:52
schestowitzMS lawyer: sorry, I don't understand, but look, we have over 6,000 pages... that's like, a lot!Feb 08 16:53
schestowitzThey never send out technical people and they never let their big criminal face the public and  receive questions. They put puppets with a 'clean sheet'. Reminds me of Obama actually ;-)Feb 08 16:54
schestowitzIt's a "talk to the hand" strategy. :-)Feb 08 16:54
PetoKrausthen i'll be a terminatorFeb 08 17:10
amarsh04spotted on a railway station mural: 08 17:11
PetoKraushehFeb 08 17:12
amarsh04interesting use of a rubic's cube instead of a windows logoFeb 08 17:12
amarsh04s/rubic/rubik/Feb 08 17:12
PetoKrausi need something to fill the gap in my windowsFeb 08 17:12
PetoKrauseh, windowFeb 08 17:12
PetoKrausthere's like a 1cm (security) holeFeb 08 17:13
schestowitzThat's the $1 response to "I'm a PC"Feb 08 17:13
PetoKrausall the heat goes poofFeb 08 17:13
schestowitz World treaty to block illegal sea fishing < >Feb 08 17:14
schestowitzGroovy! 08 17:14
schestowitzhttp://smspillaz.googlepage...Feb 08 17:16
schestowitzIn summary, it's The history of GNU/Linux/Free software eye candyFeb 08 17:17
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Feb 08 17:19
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 17:19
amarsh04how not to run a data centre: 08 17:19
schestowitzSimple chart with so much information.Feb 08 17:19
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 17:20
torosreFeb 08 17:21
PetoKraushelloFeb 08 17:21
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 17:21
schestowitzHey, welcomem backFeb 08 17:26
schestowitzI've got to go for 2 hours (gym). bblFeb 08 17:27
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 08 17:27
*mib_e6x8nx (i=5607d2bd@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 17:29
*mib_e6x8nx has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 17:30
PetoKraus"Feb 08 17:47
PetoKrausMary Jo Foley, do us all a favour please and quit your job tomorrow. You seem to be resistant to technical knowledge, logic and truth, so just go ahead resign and stop this awkward embarrassment. Also your grand-children might not have to ask you why everyone's pointing and laughing at you in the future. It'd be a win-win really."Feb 08 17:47
PetoKrausYEAH :DFeb 08 17:47
amarsh04url?Feb 08 17:49
PetoKraus 08 17:51
amarsh04thanksFeb 08 17:54
*pupusertx ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 18:38
twitterSheesh, it's a bad idea to have M$ friendly journalists at your conference too!Feb 08 18:59
amarsh04just say to them "remember what happened to Bdale Garbee at 2009?"Feb 08 19:00
twitterI think I'll leave a little note about spotlight for Chris.  The one where Jim Alchin or some other M$ exec looks at it before Vista shipped and said, they beat us.  I would buy a Mac if I did not work here.  ha haFeb 08 19:01
twitterah yes, here it is 08 19:03
twitterand here 08 19:05
twitterslapFeb 08 19:05
*toros has quit ("leaving")Feb 08 19:11
twitterCrap page won't let me post.Feb 08 19:13
twitterI give up.  It failed in both Konqueror and IceweaselFeb 08 19:19
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 19:24
amarsh04I had that fun with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation web site. A few days ago, I could post a comment even in lynx, but tonight it failed in both iceweasel and konquerorFeb 08 19:26
schestowitzJust got back. We have a winner: 08 19:46
schestowitzPetoKraus: true dat. Feb 08 19:47
schestowitztwitter: yes, she went schmozing at an Apple event.Feb 08 19:48
schestowitz*ooFeb 08 19:48
*mib_3sgfrq (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 19:49
*mib_3sgfrq has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 19:49
schestowitztwitter: which page won't let you post?Feb 08 19:49
schestowitzamarsh04: someone at the gym told me people in Australia dies from fires :-oFeb 08 19:50
schestowitziedFeb 08 19:50
amarsh04108: 08 19:50
*mib_ajhqxq (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 19:52
*mib_ajhqxq has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 19:52
schestowitzThanks.Feb 08 19:52
amarsh04no major fires near where I live thankfullyFeb 08 19:53
schestowitzamarsh04: I can't imagine that insurance companies can spare much to help the victims these daysFeb 08 19:53
schestowitzI heard some people died in their carsFeb 08 19:54
amarsh04yes, that happened alsoFeb 08 19:55
amarsh04750 houses destroyed by fireFeb 08 19:55
schestowitzInsured at least?Feb 08 19:58
amarsh04most people do have house insurance against fire, flood and theftFeb 08 19:58
amarsh04often that will be a condition of the housing loanFeb 08 19:59
twitterThe Amarok Blog did not let me post. 08 20:03
schestowitztwitter: Ah, OK. I thought it was a BN errorFeb 08 20:03
schestowitzbrbFeb 08 20:03
schestowitz"Weird: Google just gave me a content warning interstitial for some content on Blogger: since when has it been rating stuff?" 08 20:21
schestowitzAnother scientist totally reverses cause and effect.. ... like saying "lonely girls use Facebook" > "Facebook leads to girls becoming lonely". Feb 08 20:25
schestowitzOr science where if male/female ratio in Kenya in the same as in the US, then black/white ratio must be the same too. Net Application uses the latter trick to lie about Linux market share based on Firefox numbers.Feb 08 20:26
*mib_d1gqhh (i=4160d1b4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 20:28
*mib_d1gqhh has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 20:28
schestowitzIf you see any ERROR in BN, please let me know ASAP. I've enabled lots of distributed cache because is gonna strike us shortly.Feb 08 20:48
*amd-linux (i=543934f7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 20:50
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 20:54
joseschestowitz, that woderful huge page.. you closed comments on it because of its size?Feb 08 20:55
schestowitzNo, Digg effect comingFeb 08 20:56
joseokFeb 08 20:56
twittercongratsFeb 08 20:56
josewhere can i dig it?Feb 08 20:56
schestowitzI enabled caching on several pagesFeb 08 20:56
joseyes, noticedFeb 08 20:56
schestowitz 08 20:56
jose..for that pageFeb 08 20:56
schestowitz5 hours, 60 Diggs. Never happened to me before... and on a SUNDAY.Feb 08 20:56
twitterSunday is supposed to be peak reading time.  Don't know why when so many people are out of work ...Feb 08 20:57
schestowitzI also stripped down the pages (all pages) to reduce db thrashing.Feb 08 20:57
schestowitzLots more than 600k lost their job in Jan.Feb 08 20:58
schestowitzThey only count officially-announced layoffs. They neglect contracts that don't get renewed and private contractors of sorts that just see business grind to a halt (I know such people)Feb 08 20:58
amd-linuxjust dugg it :-)Feb 08 21:00
schestowitzThanks.Feb 08 21:00
amd-linuxI only read a few lines of "66 pages of MS evilness", but I already think they are part of organised crimeFeb 08 21:00
schestowitzThis talks about sabotage of AppleFeb 08 21:01
amd-linuxWe all used the mafia comparison once in a whileFeb 08 21:01
schestowitzIf the Apple fanboys (=Digg) 'dig' it, then we could get suspended and isolated again. It ruined my last weekend.Feb 08 21:01
amd-linuxfor MS, but this is worse than at least I could ever have imaginedFeb 08 21:01
schestowitzBut it says clearly in the slides "we are the good guys!"Feb 08 21:02
schestowitzSo Microsoft is good guys. They can't be "mafia". Feb 08 21:02
amd-linuxthey are rotten - inside and outsideFeb 08 21:02
schestowitzSo.. kind of like an Apple?Feb 08 21:02
amd-linuxI hope Ballmer and Gates will be brought to court one day for all thisFeb 08 21:02
schestowitzamd-linux: same for Bush and Cheney, but it ain't gonna happenFeb 08 21:03
amd-linuxwe will see about that.... (Bush and Cheney).Feb 08 21:03
twitterRemember, the guy who said he was the "good guy" was busy dishing out quack medical advice for a woman who's husband just had a stroke.  He did this in order to poison her conference with M$ crap.Feb 08 21:03
schestowitzI know.Feb 08 21:03
twitterPreying on the weak.Feb 08 21:04
amd-linuxwell, a lot to read for tomorrow in the trainFeb 08 21:04
schestowitzI thought about mailing him (I have his addy) to say that if he wants to redeem himself he'll need to take action against MicrosoftFeb 08 21:04
twitterAnother "one night stand" for him.Feb 08 21:04
schestowitzThey supported him with this. Like with Martin taylor...Feb 08 21:04
schestowitzamd-linux: :-)Feb 08 21:04
amd-linuxty for this material, see u folksFeb 08 21:05
*amd-linux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 08 21:05
jose"if he wants to redeem himself he'll need to take action against Microsoft" ... did he fess up after this had become public or did he volunteer thisFeb 08 21:07
*mib_q5ssid (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 21:07
*mib_q5ssid has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 21:07
schestowitzjose: he tried to take this into his handsFeb 08 21:08
schestowitzGroklaw and I exposed him the mostFeb 08 21:08
schestowitzSo he wanted people to read his side of the storyFeb 08 21:08
joseie, the evidence was already out?Feb 08 21:08
twitterThe evidence came out twice in court cases.  M$ buried it both times but people made copies.Feb 08 21:09
schestowitzWird...Feb 08 21:09
schestowitzIBM's former VP removed a postFeb 08 21:09
schestowitz"Many have said that the underlying cause of the financial crisis is greed.  That is way too simplistic an answer.  Greed has always been a part of the human condition.  Powerful Darwinian forces drive the human quest for money and power, - especially in highly competitive environments like Wall Street."Feb 08 21:09
twitterGL published some.  BN has published all 66 pages of puke.Feb 08 21:09
schestowitz >> The requested URL /blog/2009/01/checks-and-balances.html was not found on this server.Feb 08 21:10
schestowitzHe just moved it on the face of it. 08 21:10
schestowitztwitter: there's moreFeb 08 21:10
schestowitzJames tried contacting Doug to see what /else/ was out ther.eFeb 08 21:11
twitteralways gathering info, isn't he?Feb 08 21:11
twitteralways so friendlyFeb 08 21:11
schestowitzYes, friendlyFeb 08 21:13
schestowitzWait, I have his mailFeb 08 21:13
schestowitzHere: 08 21:14
schestowitzHow folksy Feb 08 21:15
twitterWTF, quoting Slashdot trolls for a news article? 08 21:16
twitterHow about doing some research instead?  no interface that makes sense to humans?  What shit.Feb 08 21:17
schestowitzDebian 5.0 Lenny is coming: target release date < >Feb 08 21:22
schestowitz /s/trolls/MS marketing people/Feb 08 21:22
schestowitztwitter: it's a "LINUX BLOG SAFARI" postFeb 08 21:22
schestowitzThese always involve collecting comments from Digg, / and LXer, then stringing them together and have some extra text to weave themFeb 08 21:23
schestowitzI can't complain much because she does link to BN on occasions.Feb 08 21:23
twitterI can complain when people who don't know GNU/Linux go on a troll safari.Feb 08 21:24
schestowitzShe means well, trust meFeb 08 21:24
schestowitzBut sometime she quotes the anti-Linux crowdFeb 08 21:24
twitterIf she meant well, she'd be a GNU/Linux user.  It's basic research.Feb 08 21:25
schestowitzECT are not so Linux friendlyFeb 08 21:25
twitterthey are not truth friendly, it seems.Feb 08 21:25
schestowitzI once had one of their writers, Nancy Cohen IIRC, approach me for Boycott Novell's take on a Novell deal, which doesn't happen too oftenFeb 08 21:25
schestowitztwitter: I don't think she uses LinuxFeb 08 21:26
twitterTheir idea of a Safari seems to be to read National Geographic.Feb 08 21:26
schestowitzHeck the EDITOR of LINUXINSIDER wasn't using Linux under recently.Feb 08 21:26
schestowitzI bet he only uses it part time. I can't remember his name.Feb 08 21:26
schestowitzI put his article about migrating to Linux in Digg and it made front pageFeb 08 21:26
twitterYou can't know anything about free software unless you use it.  Writing about it without having used it is irresponsible.Feb 08 21:27
twitterI'm tired of these writers who "mean well" but write trash pieces in complete ignorance.Feb 08 21:28
schestowitzWhoa: ø per second: 106.30Feb 08 21:28
schestowitzI've never seen the mysql server under this kind of loadFeb 08 21:28
schestowitzI'll block some IPsFeb 08 21:28
balzacI'm excitedFeb 08 21:28
balzacIt's like that song by Jesus Jones which featured clips of the Berlin Wall coming downFeb 08 21:29
schestowitzWe did 25336 pages in 16 hours (exc. bots)Feb 08 21:29
balzac"Right here, right now"Feb 08 21:29
schestowitzI'll block the botsFeb 08 21:29
balzacRoy, you know what I'm sayin? You feel the excitement?Feb 08 21:29
balzac"Right here, right now"Feb 08 21:29
schestowitz blockedFeb 08 21:30
schestowitzbalzac: no, I'm nervousFeb 08 21:30
schestowitzDigg scares mewFeb 08 21:30
schestowitzIf I was on CNET like Asay and others...Feb 08 21:30
schestowitzThen I'd not have to dedicate hours just 'preparing'Feb 08 21:30
schestowitzI'd blog insteadFeb 08 21:30
balzacDude, get better hostignFeb 08 21:31
balzachostingFeb 08 21:31
balzacI aint skeerd of diggFeb 08 21:31
schestowitzSomeone (or someones) block all traffic from /, and Digg because they're "afraid"Feb 08 21:31
twitter?Feb 08 21:31
balzactraffic is good not badFeb 08 21:32
schestowitzI might make another FPFeb 08 21:32
schestowitz 08 21:32
schestowitzbalzac: high traffic can mean lessFeb 08 21:32
schestowitzIf your server goes down for half a day for exampleFeb 08 21:33
balzacyou just need a hosting service that scales up and bills you appropriatelyFeb 08 21:33
schestowitzI have an even better dynamite/somking gun in the pipeline ready for posting. I'll save it for tomorrowFeb 08 21:33
schestowitzI can't cache the PDFFeb 08 21:34
schestowitzLet me try again.Feb 08 21:34
schestowitzTry this: (click the PDF). Does the PDF work for you?Feb 08 21:35
schestowitzI checked the intr's again: 08 21:35
balzacI dugg itFeb 08 21:36
amarsh04internal server error schestowitzFeb 08 21:36
balzachad to remember my password because I don't bother digging, I just read itFeb 08 21:36
schestowitzamarsh04: which URL?Feb 08 21:37
amarsh04 08 21:38
schestowitzS*Feb 08 21:38
amarsh04now it's okFeb 08 21:38
schestowitzHmmmmm.Feb 08 21:38
schestowitzWe can lose a lot of readers like the last timeFeb 08 21:38
schestowitzLike the difference b/w 30k and 60kFeb 08 21:39
schestowitzAnd we get only ONE SHOT at each exhibitFeb 08 21:39
schestowitzI'm sure the next one will be a hit tooFeb 08 21:39
balzacM$ can hear the war-drums pounding outside their castle walls.Feb 08 21:40
balzac"Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!"Feb 08 21:40
schestowitzThe guys at the gym had a look earlier too. They never knew Microsoft was doing that sort of stuff.Feb 08 21:41
balzac 08 21:41
schestowitz"Server Load  1.94 (4 cpus)"Feb 08 21:41
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Feb 08 21:44
*mib_d8pt8x (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 21:44
*mib_d8pt8x has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 21:44
balzacalright, time for me to get some work done...Feb 08 21:46
*fsdfdsfsdfs (i=4ca7ebae@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 21:52
schestowitzFree Culture in French < >Feb 08 21:52
schestowitzHey, flex__ Feb 08 21:52
fsdfdsfsdfsRAWRFeb 08 21:52
fsdfdsfsdfsADASFSDGSFeb 08 21:52
fsdfdsfsdfsDSFSDSDFFeb 08 21:52
schestowitzHeyFeb 08 21:53
fsdfdsfsdfsoopsFeb 08 21:53
schestowitz:-)Feb 08 21:53
schestowitzWhat's up?Feb 08 21:53
fsdfdsfsdfsoh shitFeb 08 21:53
*fsdfdsfsdfs has quit (Client Quit)Feb 08 21:53
schestowitzLOLFeb 08 21:53
MinceRoh shi-Feb 08 21:54
toroscat on the keyboard? :)Feb 08 21:54
schestowitz 08 21:54
schestowitzContributing to FreeBSD < >Feb 08 21:58
twitterRMS spot, UK House of Lords worries about CCTV and Freedom, 08 21:59
twitterabout timeFeb 08 21:59
schestowitzYes, we have 'em 'round every corna'Feb 08 21:59
schestowitzCCTV density exceeds that of people here :-) (not really)Feb 08 22:00
schestowitzLike sheep in NZFeb 08 22:00
*amarsh04 refrains from comments about new zealanders and sheepFeb 08 22:01
schestowitz hacked … full database acces , sql injection < >Feb 08 22:01
schestowitzamarsh04: why, nothing vulgar about it. There's the Welsh/Scottis equiv. of the joke.Feb 08 22:02
schestowitzOT: Seems like a front pager :-) : 08 22:20
*mib_dpna2l (i=50b403db@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 22:21
trmanco 08 22:22
schestowitzHi, mib_dpna2l Feb 08 22:24
schestowitztrmanco: they had a virus there last weekFeb 08 22:25
schestowitzSign of the times.Feb 08 22:25
trmanco 08 22:25
mib_dpna2lhiFeb 08 22:28
schestowitzBill creates detention camps in U.S. for 'emergencies' < >Feb 08 22:28
MinceRhm, seems to tell CoralCDN to request the page from itselfFeb 08 22:28
MinceR(i seem to have referer turned on)Feb 08 22:28
schestowitzLet me check....Feb 08 22:28
schestowitz,1...Feb 08 22:28
*mib_dpna2l has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 08 22:29
schestowitzIt works for me now, MinceR Feb 08 22:29
MinceRi'll try another browserFeb 08 22:29
schestowitzPlease retry. I can disable itFeb 08 22:29
MinceRdoes the same in opera and ffFeb 08 22:29
MinceRand konquerorFeb 08 22:29
MinceRi'll try another hostFeb 08 22:30
schestowitzS*Feb 08 22:30
schestowitzMaybe it's cause it's distributedFeb 08 22:30
MinceRworks on the other hostFeb 08 22:30
MinceR(with links)Feb 08 22:31
schestowitzThe issue I have is that if the server gets overloaded, then even a simple redirect is put on the queue or times outFeb 08 22:31
schestowitzOK, better than nothing.Feb 08 22:31
schestowitzMaybe I'll make a mirror just in caseFeb 08 22:31
MinceRgetting it from google cache :>Feb 08 22:32
MinceRperhaps i've reached a CoralCDN node where it's brokenFeb 08 22:35
MinceRhow does your webserver check if it's CoralCDN asking for the page?Feb 08 22:35
schestowitzMinceR: probablyFeb 08 22:35
schestowitzMinceR: Feb 08 22:35
schestowitzRewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !^CoralWebPrxFeb 08 22:35
schestowitzRewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)coral-no-serve$Feb 08 22:35
schestowitzBut it doesn't work so wellFeb 08 22:35
MinceRperhaps that node doesn't set thoseFeb 08 22:35
schestowitzI'm not sure why though. I test things periodically and regenerate the cache if there's an errorFeb 08 22:36
MinceRi'll try to get its addressFeb 08 22:36
MinceRServer CoralWebPrx/0.1.19 (See at 08 22:36
schestowitzrami has just made an FP: 08 22:37
schestowitz 08 22:39
MinceRwow, you got your own address at coralcdn: domain name pointer 08 22:39
MinceR:)Feb 08 22:39
schestowitzCNET is improperly flagging stuff as "open source".. 08 22:47
schestowitzMany more examples. If it's Web sumthin', then call it "open", or "open source"Feb 08 22:47
schestowitzThe cheapening of valuable term is very concerning.Feb 08 22:48
twitter"Emergency Prisons" are very disturbing.  There's one in every state already for immigrants.Feb 08 22:50
schestowitz*LOL* new... Don Novell < >Feb 08 22:50
schestowitztwitter: in the UK, protesters for Iceland = terroristFeb 08 22:51
schestowitzOn Hess.. 08 22:51
schestowitztwitter will like this one: 08 22:52
twitterSame here in the US.  Political opposition / Economic competition == Terrorist.Feb 08 22:53
schestowitzOpposition is the most important ingredient of democracy.Feb 08 22:53
schestowitzNot lobbyingFeb 08 22:53
schestowitzBut in warped logic, lobbyists = people in suits = good; protesters = people with banners = terroristsFeb 08 22:54
schestowitz "Articles like this make me cringe. Not only does Mr. Horowitz have only a fuzzy understanding of versions and updates, he also cites an article by Preston Gralla that he also fails to understand. LINUX IS NOT WINDOWS. Anyone who expects Linux to behave like Windows is doomed to frustration."Feb 08 22:57
MinceRthe CoralCDN issue has cleared up nowFeb 08 22:58
schestowitzCoool.Feb 08 22:59
MinceRsomething tells me this horowitz guy doesn't really use linux regularlyFeb 08 23:01
schestowitzHe doesn'tFeb 08 23:01
schestowitzI just recollectedFeb 08 23:01
schestowitzHe used to write a lot to CNETFeb 08 23:01
schestowitzOne of his 'greatest hits' was some article where he said "This is What Linux Looks Like" (not in these words, but in the headline). He just had some ugly brows shots of you-know-whatFeb 08 23:02
schestowitzHe tries it for leisure,that's all. I first saw him in IDG about 2 weeks ago,which leads me to suspecting that CNET if laying off (that's good)Feb 08 23:03
schestowitzIDG is laying off too. I got mails some days ago and even editors are being fired there (death of the media)Feb 08 23:03
schestowitz "My Ubuntu running Gnome, now looks a lot like KDE now, but its more stable than KDE4."Feb 08 23:05
*toros has quit ("leaving")Feb 08 23:06
MinceRlooks a lot like kde but has one quarter of the functionality :>Feb 08 23:06
schestowitzTime for writers to realise that there is system, platform, desktop environment, themes, etc. They can't just present a platform based on screenies....    Tell me 'bout the filesystem, show me the h/w support (Linux beats all), show benchmark, de facto security with refs, etc.Feb 08 23:06
MinceRhm, no screenshotsFeb 08 23:06
schestowitzMac fans: zomg, aqua! so pretty lol. does it do teh photoshop and itunes? Feb 08 23:07
MinceRi'm afraid writers have incentives not to realise thatFeb 08 23:07
schestowitzMinceR: it's a selection thing. They don't choose scientists, they choose people who write headlines like "Mac killer" and write in a low-level langFeb 08 23:08
MinceRone doesn't need to be a scientist to know the factsFeb 08 23:08
schestowitzI was actually told by an editor at a time to write less formally? Less formally?? What, does the press want to deliberately stoop down below journals?Feb 08 23:08
MinceRbut people don't care about the facts anywayFeb 08 23:08
schestowitzFacts are not a buisness thingFeb 08 23:09
schestowitzThat's the issueFeb 08 23:09
schestowitzAnd media industry = businessFeb 08 23:09
schestowitzThey make movies (blockbusters) out of WW2Feb 08 23:09
schestowitzIt's a good thing we had world wars, eh? Now they can make good film$$Feb 08 23:09
schestowitz"based on a true story" (lol wtf? brad pitt lived in the 20s?)Feb 08 23:10
schestowitz 08 23:13
schestowitznow the time is 1234567890 08 23:16
MinceRnot yetFeb 08 23:19
MinceRwe have ##1234567890 to celebrate it when it happens though :>Feb 08 23:19
schestowitzThere was a time that had my machine (and others' apparently) go AWOL (mine needed a reboot after 3 months of uptime)Feb 08 23:19
MinceRleap seconds?Feb 08 23:20
MinceRi remember such an issue, my boxen weren't affected thoughFeb 08 23:20
schestowitzGroklaw RSS feed still broken.. .. I told PJ, but they haven't fixed it.Feb 08 23:20
schestowitzPJ hasn't noticed this 'till now?,100...Feb 08 23:22
schestowitzI wrote about it at the time....Feb 08 23:22
schestowitzLMAO: Creator of iconic Obama portrait arrested < >Feb 08 23:22
schestowitz*LOL* "An arraignment is scheduled on Monday. If convicted on all charges, he faces up to three years in jail, Kenneally said."Feb 08 23:23
schestowitz"Fairey made headlines this week when The Associated Press claimed his Obama portrait infringed on its copyright to a photograph used for the artwork and that it should be compensated for its use."Feb 08 23:23
MinceRbut when will obama sue associated press for infringing on his copyright on his face?Feb 08 23:25
MinceRthen it will be time for obama's parents to sue him for infringing on their copyright on their DNA code.Feb 08 23:26
schestowitz:-) That's the pointFeb 08 23:28
schestowitzThey make a disgrace of Obama because observers might not understand what is happening. AP is dying BTW. They are like SCO these days, just suing and scaring the world.Feb 08 23:28
MinceRi've always preferred Dissociated Press anyway.Feb 08 23:29
schestowitzIf AP was a rabid dog, then you'd rather put it to sleep than watch it suffer barking and biting. You gotta fancy the bailout reasons they'll come up with. They publish a fair deal of anti-Linux, e.g. Wal-Mart breaking storyFeb 08 23:30
MinceRgnFeb 08 23:35
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 08 23:42
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 23:44
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerFeb 08 23:44
*jeremy__ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 08 23:55
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Feb 08 23:55

Recent Techrights' Posts

[Meme] Mentality of a Loser
"There is someone who created a project used by billions; I failed to create project used by billions, so I'll take down someone who did"
[Meme] Plundering the Commons
Free software is licensed to restrict privatisation and hoarding
Hardware Shortages If 'Hot' Conflict Spreads to Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan
except many "supply chain" shortages
Hate Crimes and Cybercrimes
Not agreeing with us on software issues is one thing; that does not justify committing crimes against us
A Classic Example of Concern Trolling
Embrace reason
[Meme] Chipzilla's Arrogance (False Assumption That the Customer Will Accept Every Customer-Hostile Addition)
"Maybe you can remove the M.E.? Please?"
More Love, Less Greed
The Free software movement is inherently about sharing
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Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC Proceedings: Saturday, October 19, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, October 19, 2024
[Meme] How 'Editorial Control' and/or 'Fact-Checking' Work in Social Control Media
"I saw a link with many 'likes' on it, so it must be accurate"
IBM: RMS Asked a Girl on a Date. We at IBM Are Bribing and Receiving Bribes. Cancel RMS.
The FSF is half female now
"The Definition of Insanity"
We've seen this and been through all this before
The 'New' Laptop as a Reminder of Why I Love GNU/Linux
days ago we acquired a 'new' (used) laptop
[Meme] The Way Things Used to Be...
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Fun Weekend, But Very Slow News
we welcome topic suggestions/recommendations
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Don't listen to the RMS haters
x86 Drowning in Competition, Bug Doors, Complexity, and Bloat
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Links 19/10/2024: European Perspective, Windows TCO, and Google Woes
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[Meme] When Hatred (or Envy) Comes First
A lot of attacks on Torvalds and Stallman (Linux and GNU founders, respectively) fall under this category
What "Ethical Source" Looks Like in Practice
People ban people or deny them service (or prevent them running a program) for merely not agreeing with them
The State of GAFAM and the I's (IBM and Intel)
Technology and "tech giants" will continue to exist, but they won't be what they once were
The Drew DeVault Report: Taking Out His Frustration on Other People While Doing Drugs
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[Meme] Your Negative Energy Only Makes Him Stronger
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"Free Software Is Under Attack! (Will You Help Defend It?)"
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