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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 18th, 2009 - Part 2


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oiaohm_About the only ones who request generic packages are gamers zer0c00lFeb 18 13:51
zer0c00loiaohm: any do you have any link for autopackage or 0installFeb 18 13:51
oiaohm_remember ID .run files for there games.   Nvidia .run files .... you come into contact with generic package a lot.Feb 18 13:52
zer0c00loiaohm: also i hate the dependency problemFeb 18 13:52
oiaohm_The issue with no one requesting.Feb 18 13:52
oiaohm_is that projects like autopackage and 0install get left to suffer without large numbers of developers.Feb 18 13:53
zer0c00lohFeb 18 13:53
oiaohm_ both of there URL.Feb 18 13:54
zer0c00lif this is implemented we can reduce the bandwidth which should be spent for downloading packages for each disttroFeb 18 13:54
*zer0c00l looksFeb 18 13:54
oiaohm_0install can in theory.Feb 18 13:54
oiaohm_If enough people were using it.Feb 18 13:54
oiaohm_Good old chicken and egg problem.Feb 18 13:54
zer0c00li will ask those people it to add it as a featureFeb 18 13:55
zer0c00llike submit it for fedora's feature listFeb 18 13:55
zer0c00lalso ubunut'sFeb 18 13:55
zer0c00l*ubuntu 'sFeb 18 13:55
*zer0c00l feels its time for dinner..Feb 18 13:56
zer0c00lthey wont giv me food if i go late to the mess :(Feb 18 13:56
zer0c00lbrbFeb 18 13:56
oiaohm_Classic example of why distributions are so badly divided today.  No one thinks common ground between them exists.Feb 18 14:01
oiaohm_pardon my slightly off topic there schestowitzFeb 18 14:02
schestowitzMicrosoft lockin at work: "Last year, I decided to give Linux a try. Everything was going well, until I started working for a company that uses Microsoft Outlook for e-mail."Feb 18 14:03
schestowitzDistributions are like meals. Same components, one restaurant.Feb 18 14:04
oiaohm_Yet at a restraurant you are aware everything is coming from same compententsFeb 18 14:05
schestowitzBN served over 3000 unique IPs in the past 8 hours. I think it's StumbleUpon effect. I'll check logsFeb 18 14:05
oiaohm_Distributions go out of there way to try to make themselfs look completely not releated.Feb 18 14:05
schestowitzYes.Feb 18 14:08
schestowitzThat's a good thingFeb 18 14:08
schestowitzPeople want to use unique software sometimes, for the same reason that phones come in many colousFeb 18 14:09
oiaohm_Not when it means the same application is build a few 100 timesFeb 18 14:09
oiaohm_Into like 100 different package formats.Feb 18 14:09
oiaohm_That is pure time wasting.Feb 18 14:09
schestowitzThe source code is there.Feb 18 14:09
schestowitzYou can have 'big computers' compile in the BGFeb 18 14:10
oiaohm_Source code is there it still don't justify wasting them.Feb 18 14:10
oiaohm_Think about the numbers of applications Fedora Debian Ubuntu maintain that are over laps.Feb 18 14:10
oiaohm_Wasted time could be spent on building tests on sections that are not working.Feb 18 14:11
oiaohm_Compared to building stacks of stuff that works.Feb 18 14:11
oiaohm_Multiable times.Feb 18 14:11
schestowitzI see now..... it's one of the Intel posts that got hitFeb 18 14:12
oiaohm_I am off to bedFeb 18 14:13
schestowitz ... This one via Stumble Upon: 18 14:14
oiaohm_Have a good day schestowitzFeb 18 14:14
schestowitzhanks.Feb 18 14:14
*oiaohm_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 14:14
schestowitz"Query statistics: Since its startup, 178,865,825 queries have been sent to the server." (17 days ago)Feb 18 14:15
schestowitz{heart kiss} MicrosoftFeb 18 14:18
schestowitz* Telstra {heart kiss} Microsoft < >Feb 18 14:18
schestowitzAccumulating Aussie shills for the cause.....Feb 18 14:18
schestowitzBN is doing 120 queries per second right now. Server load is too high.Feb 18 14:23
zer0c00l:)Feb 18 14:28
schestowitzOMG. Cringely give it to Microsoft: The Bentonville Mafia < >Feb 18 14:32
*schestowitz trims down pages as server load goes "critical"Feb 18 14:41
schestowitzHehe. Brilliant: 18 14:43
schestowitz "To some extent people are exaggerating the issue, since such a collision cannot launch the subs' missiles. If the collision had been harder, it might have sunk one or both of the submarines and killed the crew. That would have been a sea disaster, but not a global calamity."Feb 18 15:00
schestowitzItalian bill aims to block mafia Facebook shrines < >Feb 18 15:01
*mib_gpzdvj (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:02
*mib_gpzdvj has quit (Client Quit)Feb 18 15:03
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 15:09
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:09
*mib_mjyrqe (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:14
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:15
*mib_qvesjo (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:16
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schestowitzWhy pay for staroffice these days? (new) 18 15:22
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 18 15:22
zer0c00lyeahFeb 18 15:23
zer0c00lopen office is better these daysFeb 18 15:24
schestowitzEven Sun does not know its financial strategy when it come to starofficeFeb 18 15:24
schestowitzThey stopped distributing it free of charge in (windows-only) Google Pack.Feb 18 15:24
zer0c00lohFeb 18 15:25
schestowitzI mailed DiBona to ask why Google give StarOffice for free only to Windows users. He din't want to respond probably because there is no easy answer.Feb 18 15:25
zer0c00lschestowitz: whats the reality behind sun acquiring oss products like mysql,virtualboxFeb 18 15:25
zer0c00ldo you have any idea?Feb 18 15:26
zer0c00lwill they harm the community?Feb 18 15:26
schestowitzThey want profitFeb 18 15:27
schestowitzBut as long as it's GPL, then it's not at riskFeb 18 15:27
zer0c00lalso i guess they dont want M$'s dominationFeb 18 15:28
*zer0c00l is installing ubuntu for one of my college mate ..Feb 18 15:29
zer0c00lsome of my friends are frustrated about the viruses and worms which are in windozwFeb 18 15:29
zer0c00lwhen they come to my room to remove those viruses ..i usually install them with ubuntu or fedoraFeb 18 15:30
zer0c00lLOL :DFeb 18 15:30
zer0c00lthanks to viruses and wormsFeb 18 15:30
schestowitzIt's the quicker fixFeb 18 15:34
schestowitzIt also requires less intervention.Feb 18 15:34
schestowitzAnd you don't need to install much software because it's already there by default and it stays clean.Feb 18 15:35
*zer0c00l has internals tomorrow on mobile communication Feb 18 15:39
*zer0c00l haven't touched the book yetFeb 18 15:40
*zer0c00l hates the dump non-practical syllabusFeb 18 15:41
*mib_tsscx7 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:42
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*mib_pwxwh7 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:48
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*jose (n=jose@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 15:56
joseschestowitz, this comment goes will with the bn piece about Microsoft suing/jailing their piracy distribution partners:Feb 18 16:05
jose>> They're not interested in distributors of unlicensed copies,Feb 18 16:05
josefrom 18 16:05
josewill -> wellFeb 18 16:05
joseHere is more contextFeb 18 16:06
jose>> Despite being insanely aggressive and unrestrained, none of these tactics work, and several have backfired spectacularly. V.i. Labs' CodeArmor uses a different approach: it reports on copies that are actually being used. The idea is to find out who is using the software without paying for it, and then pay them a friendly visit and turn them into a paying customer. They're not interested in distributors of unlicensed copies, or the odd nerd who makes aFeb 18 16:06
josecopy, uses it once, and then never touches it again. It also protects against reverse-engineering and cheat codes.Feb 18 16:06
joseIt's valuable to have people distribute your wares.Feb 18 16:07
joseMicrosoft suing them is ....Feb 18 16:07
joseschestowitz, [new topic] can you set aside a place on the wiki to design a distro?Feb 18 16:14
josewhat I am thinking is that subprojects and designs, worked on in open fashion, including by nontechies, can eventually be leveraged by other distro projects.. bn can serve as a focus point of sorts but be generally useful to LinuxFeb 18 16:15
josenot long ago, a conversation arose over designing better 3d desktop experiences. much of the design of any software can be done at a high level and leverage many skills.Feb 18 16:16
josewe might even stimulate digital tipping point to grow in a direction where we are building Linux marketing or desktop videos for use today.Feb 18 16:17
schestowitzHeyFeb 18 16:18
schestowitzYes, I saw that post from CarolaFeb 18 16:18
schestowitzCarlaFeb 18 16:18
schestowitzI mentioned this in BN too.Feb 18 16:18
schestowitzjose: of course you can use the Wiki for anythingFeb 18 16:19
twitter1"I mailed DiBona to ask why Google give StarOffice for free only to Windows users. He din't want to respond probably because there is no easy answer."  Easy advertising?  When you learn how good it is, you might want to run it on a real OS.Feb 18 16:19
schestowitzCreate a Wiki account though, I needed to block anonymous edits due to spamFeb 18 16:19
twitter1twitter1?Feb 18 16:19
schestowitztwitter1: maybe.Feb 18 16:20
twitter1You have wiki accounts set up now?Feb 18 16:20
schestowitztwitter1: probably some Freenode spilt/ghostFeb 18 16:20
schestowitztwitter1: anyone can create an accountFeb 18 16:20
twitter1If you are a business, StarOffice is cheaper than M$ Office.Feb 18 16:20
schestowitzThe Wiki isn't announced publicly yet. It needs a lot more work to be presentable.Feb 18 16:21
schestowitzI'll work a lot about it in H2 of 2009Feb 18 16:21
twitter1I'll try logging out and in.  Then I'll check out the wiki.Feb 18 16:21
schestowitzI'll unload some other chores to carry on doing Comes, which I haven't in a while.Feb 18 16:21
twitter1Do me a favor and make sure the trolls don't take the name "twitter"  you know my IP address.Feb 18 16:22
*twitter1 has quit ("Leaving.")Feb 18 16:22
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 16:22
twitterthere, that's betterFeb 18 16:22
twitterYes, I should learn the name change command.Feb 18 16:22
PetoKraus/nick?Feb 18 16:24
*twitter is now known as nick1Feb 18 16:24
*nick1 is now known as twitterFeb 18 16:24
twitterthat works, thanksFeb 18 16:24
PetoKraus>.>Feb 18 16:24
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 16:25
*conley has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 16:26
schestowitzMoonshite[sic]: "what does microsoft have to offer with silverlight? DRM, yea that supposed to be a "feature not a bug"."Feb 18 16:27
twitteroiaohm seems to have regurgitated some silly FUD above.Feb 18 16:28
schestowitzMore Moonshine|Moonshite: It's NOT even a new release... they just piggyback MS/Novell with Moon Lie.Feb 18 16:29
twitterWhy do people build hundreds of different distributions of the same software?  Because they can!  Freedom is not a waste of time, having to reinvent the wheel for system libraries because you don't trust M$ is.Feb 18 16:29
schestowitzoiaohm = "LinuxHater Redux"Feb 18 16:29
twitterhe's kind of like a benefits of free software refresher course.  without people like that, I'd forget why free software is so cool.Feb 18 16:30
schestowitz 18 16:30
twitterliterally?Feb 18 16:31
twitterhas he told you he's the author of that crap?Feb 18 16:33
twitterlinux-haters, the end result of M$'s "softening up on Open Source" is more FUD.Feb 18 16:34
twitterut oh, more fraud and losses, 18 16:35
twittermakes a bank run 18 16:35
twitterM$ denies it profits from selling two OS per computer, 18 16:36
twitterI wonder how many times people pay for Windoze per computer.Feb 18 16:37
twitterMy laptop was used to sell at least three copies.  I got one OEM because there was no naked or GNU/Linux option.  It was used from IBM, so they had sold at least one other OEM copy when it was new.  My University sold me at least one copy through compulsory student fees.  That's three for my one laptop and there was probably more from the laptop's previous life.Feb 18 16:40
twitterMy point is that M$ has zero potential for growth and a good chance of contraction because of tactics like this.  It annoys users.Feb 18 16:41
twitterbblFeb 18 16:41
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 16:42
joseon the wiki thing and distro project..Feb 18 16:42
josea group can design through words (concept group)Feb 18 16:42
joseanother draws/animates the concepts as necessary and introduces own ideas and detailsFeb 18 16:43
joseparallel technical development accompanies the various projectsFeb 18 16:43
josethetuxproject sort of was starting some of this.. let's see if using bn gets more momentum..Feb 18 16:45
joseif people come to learn about how bad the threats to linux might beFeb 18 16:45
josethey might stay around and contribute to linux directlyFeb 18 16:45
josethis goes along with the theme of bn offering strictly pro-linux contentFeb 18 16:46
joseof offering a pro-linux section, in other wordsFeb 18 16:46
*mib_w55c29 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 16:47
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schestowitzOK, back..Feb 18 16:47
josesome words as to the terms and licenses (copyright mostly but also patent perhaps) would be handyFeb 18 16:47
schestowitzHa! What did I tell you? Madoff was only the very beginning. "Hundreds of people lined up to withdraw money from banks in Antigua and Caracas affiliated with Texas billionaire Allen Stanford, a day after the tycoon was charged with an $8 billion fraud.Feb 18 16:48
schestowitz"Feb 18 16:48
josenot sure if wordpress is ideal for this.. but to organize ideas, do research, etc. we might have enough.. we can combine efforts with other groups (thetuxproject uses or used drupal)Feb 18 16:49
schestowitzAfter madoff a lady that's one of the 'richest' (on paper) is said to have committed suicideFeb 18 16:49
balzacIs it fraud or is it just that they didn't get bailed out?Feb 18 16:49
schestowitzThere are many rats out there looking at each other waiting to see who get busted for being a con artist fast. The chain reaction..Feb 18 16:49
schestowitzBailout=lootingFeb 18 16:49
schestowitzIt was funny watching Obama talk about itFeb 18 16:49
schestowitzSo many liesFeb 18 16:49
schestowitzHe kept a straight face.Feb 18 16:49
schestowitzThe public face of the real governmentFeb 18 16:50
balzacHow can you discriminate between the ponzi schemes and the rest of the stock-market gamblers and hucksters who are considered legitimate and were bailed out?Feb 18 16:50
joseyes yes but i still have some hope..Feb 18 16:50
schestowitz "Stanford International Bank Ltd’s Colombian brokerage unit will deregister from the country’s securities exchange after the firm was accused of fraud in the U.S."Feb 18 16:50
josethe ponzi scheme is destined to fail no matter what, whereas the others were simply abusedFeb 18 16:51
schestowitzjose: excellent.Feb 18 16:51
schestowitzHave you created a new anchor page yet?Feb 18 16:51
josethe wiki?Feb 18 16:51
josehaven't created an account yetFeb 18 16:51
schestowitzbalzac: *LOL* bailout and fraud are synonyms these days.Feb 18 16:52
joselet me go and do some things (I'll stay on though)Feb 18 16:52
schestowitzbalzac: good point. You can feed the crooks while they are unexposed. I think Microsoft wants piece of that bailout too (it's near debt and it lobbied for this lootin^H^H^Hmulus)Feb 18 16:53
josethe computerworld link twitter posted about ms profiting from downgrades to winxpFeb 18 16:57
schestowitzYes, I posted this in  BNFeb 18 16:58
schestowitzI linked to PCWorld (also IDG, same article)Feb 18 16:58
josegives another great reason to dislike microsoft and seek out linux and contribute to itFeb 18 16:58
schestowitzMicrosoft counts as 2 Windows sales the resale of Windows for 1 PCFeb 18 16:58
schestowitzThis has gone on for a whileFeb 18 16:58
schestowitzSome computers with Vista count as 2 copies of Vista because THEY RUN XP!!Feb 18 16:59
schestowitzThis was pointed out in USENET 1  year ago.. VERY eye opening.Feb 18 16:59
schestowitzIt's called triple-dippingFeb 18 16:59
jose"who me"Feb 18 17:00
joseof course microsoft doesn't benefit from the downgradingFeb 18 17:01
josethey just benefit from the new copy, the old copy, the intermediate-required copy.....Feb 18 17:01
joseuntrustworthy comes to mindFeb 18 17:01
joseand so does stinking ratFeb 18 17:01
joseif you have integrity, there is much more downside from any deals with microsoft.. ithinkFeb 18 17:02
josethe problem with some types of businesses, at least if you want to grow a lot..Feb 18 17:04
joseis that there are too many opportunities for you to be outdone by someone willing to get closer to the mud..Feb 18 17:05
josesince the benefits of knocking out a competitor can be very significantFeb 18 17:05
joseby many standards, red hat could be a much larger company today, but they pretty much appear to stay inside the line.Feb 18 17:06
josenick jose-learned-a-new-trick-todayFeb 18 17:07
*jose is now known as jose-learned-a-nFeb 18 17:07
jose-learned-a-ni guess i didn't learn it so well as i had thoughtFeb 18 17:08
jose-learned-a-nnick joseFeb 18 17:08
jose-learned-a-nlolFeb 18 17:08
*jose-learned-a-n is now known as joseFeb 18 17:08
josegreatFeb 18 17:08
*jose is now known as jose-242Feb 18 17:08
schestowitzHeyFeb 18 17:09
*schestowitz reads in intervals, sorryFeb 18 17:09
*schestowitz sets mode -e schestowitzFeb 18 17:10
*You are now known as royssFeb 18 17:10
*You are now known as schestowitzFeb 18 17:10
*services. sets mode +e schestowitzFeb 18 17:10
schestowitzI wanted to see if it preserved op, which it does.Feb 18 17:10
jose-242can you do that again?Feb 18 17:10
schestowitzI am logged it using a password, so..Feb 18 17:10
schestowitzjose-242: what for? Anyway, about the multi-dipping, this is worth a fully dedicated post, I think.Feb 18 17:11
jose-242jose was taken somehow during that interval or for whatever reasonFeb 18 17:11
jose-242maybe it was a sync issueFeb 18 17:11
*jose-242 is now known as joseFeb 18 17:12
joseyeah, i can't switchFeb 18 17:12
joseoddFeb 18 17:12
josei did switch even though was told the nickname was registeredFeb 18 17:13
*jose is now known as joooseFeb 18 17:13
jooosei could not change to jooseFeb 18 17:13
joooseanyway....Feb 18 17:13
*jooose is now known as joseFeb 18 17:13
twittercool, a multi-dipping post. That should be interesting.Feb 18 17:19
twitterjust spotted this - AMD spins off manufacturing, 18 17:19
*burmas ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 17:21
schestowitztwitter: it's old news actually.Feb 18 17:23
schestowitzThe lawsuit raised this and issued a challenge, that's allFeb 18 17:23
schestowitzIn general, when billg|steveb say "Vista was sold to X people" they know they are lyingFeb 18 17:23
schestowitzBut they lie with a straight faceFeb 18 17:23
schestowitzAndre Gide: “The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.”Feb 18 17:24
schestowitzFraud found in Blackberry todayFeb 18 17:24
schestowitz 18 17:24
*burmas ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Feb 18 17:25
schestowitzJoin the chain reaction. When corruption is the new 'norm', then getting busted soon becomes the norm, too.Feb 18 17:25
*mib_169otq (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 17:27
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PetoKraushmmFeb 18 17:28
PetoKraushow would i address a letter to a womanFeb 18 17:28
PetoKrausMrs or MsFeb 18 17:29
PetoKrauswhen I don't knowFeb 18 17:29
PetoKraus:DFeb 18 17:29
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 17:29
schestowitzJust no titleFeb 18 17:30
PetoKraushmFeb 18 17:30
PetoKrausDear Name Surname, etc?Feb 18 17:30
schestowitzGood news today for us... I've had press inquiries recently and BN gets a lot of visitors today (about 10k uniques). We'll carry on with Comes soon... that's where lots of attention is focused these days (unique archives)Feb 18 17:31
schestowitzPetoKraus: Just "Dear" :-)Feb 18 17:31
schestowitzOh dear!Feb 18 17:31
PetoKraus;)Feb 18 17:31
schestowitzMaybe it'll be a guyFeb 18 17:31
schestowitzIDG MAFIAA shills? 18 17:32
schestowitz"No, I’m not a card-carrying member of the RIAA, nor am I a fan of the recording industry’s past strong-arm tactics to fight piracy, including last year’s RIAA lawsuit when a Minnesota woman was found guilty of copyright infringement for sharing a measly 24 files on Kazaa."Feb 18 17:32
schestowitzSee, those idiots propagate and buy the illusion that ANY file shared on the Web is "illegal"Feb 18 17:33
schestowitzI guess all those screenshots I get too must be "piracy"Feb 18 17:33
schestowitzYeah... those E-mails I get too.. and those massive 650MB files (Linux distros)... this has really got to stop! Decetralised sharing... kind of like folks meeting at a pubFeb 18 17:34
schestowitzMaybe they'll attack RFIDs to all manufactured CD-ROMs and DVDs to check we don't pass these too... or put back doors in CD-burning software with spyware capabilities.Feb 18 17:34
schestowitzMaybe they can just gouge people's eyes and ears because these organs are responsible for so much "piracy"Feb 18 17:35
schestowitzAnd erase people's brains too because they might remember a song or a film.Feb 18 17:35
schestowitzWe're in 18 17:37
schestowitzCool! New ALP GUI: 18 17:38
schestowitz"Combining GPL, closed code - One of Linux's elder statesmen has published an essay about combining proprietary software with GPL-licensed software (such as the Linux kernel) in devices. Focusing on the specific example of mobile phones, Perens offers advice both about what to do and what not to do. " 18 17:41
schestowitzThis contradicts Microsoft's "GPL is like a cancer" FUDFeb 18 17:41
schestowitzThe Geek Stuff offers downloads of Ramesh Natarajan's Linux 101 Hacks E-Book for  f  r e e  via password "linuxrocks".Feb 18 17:43
schestowitz@ 18 17:43
schestowitz"And thank you, EU Commission, for creating a reality that makes it possible for the GPL to find a level playing field."Source: Hmmmmmm... not sure about the EU partFeb 18 17:46
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 17:48
josei so dislike almost anything using the words "ms" "deal" and "linux" in itFeb 18 17:50
josebut it seems to me that this vm deal is almost necessary from the corp support povFeb 18 17:50
joseat least as many will run such combinationsFeb 18 17:50
joseneverthelessFeb 18 17:51
jose....Feb 18 17:52
schestowitzHere is another perspectiveFeb 18 17:53
schestowitzMicrosoft f*ed over XenFeb 18 17:54
schestowitzIt used Citrix partnerFeb 18 17:54
schestowitzMicrosoft f*ed over VMwareFeb 18 17:54
schestowitzIt used the EMC partnerFeb 18 17:54
schestowitzSo it's choking Red Hat et alFeb 18 17:54
schestowitzCould Red Hat be pressued also by the Hyper-V-SLES exclusivity?Feb 18 17:54
schestowitzIf so, why without patent extortion>?Feb 18 17:55
joseit seems we are definitely talking about hypervisors which i think require os hooks...Feb 18 17:55
josei knew there was a hook in there somewhereFeb 18 17:55
schestowitzMicrosoft leverages theseFeb 18 17:56
joseas mentioned here 18 17:56
schestowitzAfter it had put the VMware mole (Maritz) in charge they signed at least 1 deal, maybe twoFeb 18 17:56
josethere are alternatives where linux runs underneath and ms cooperation (nor linux tie ins to ms) is not requiredFeb 18 17:57
schestowitzI'll post some more about ti laterFeb 18 17:58
joseregardless of this certification deal, red hat is in for fighting against unfair competitionFeb 18 17:58
schestowitz "You also won’t have to worry about Vista if you buy oneof Apple Computer’s Macintosh computers, which don’t runWindows."Feb 18 18:04
schestowitzFeature: it doesn't run WindowsFeb 18 18:04
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 18:16
schestowitzWhoa!Feb 18 18:18
schestowitzOstatic quietly became part of the IDG umbrella.Feb 18 18:18
*zer0c00l_ (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 18:22
*zer0c00l_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 18:24
josebyeFeb 18 18:32
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Feb 18 18:32
schestowitzAbba star slates 'lazy, stingy' Pirate Bay fans "Former Abba guitar player Björn Ulvaeus has hit out at supporters of The Pirate Bay and accused them of fighting for “the ‘freedom’ to be lazy and stingy”."Feb 18 18:50
trmanco 18 18:52
silentivmyes, I'm kinda lazy. :)Feb 18 18:52
schestowitztrmanco:  :-)Feb 18 18:57
schestowitzDid you see page 2?Feb 18 18:59
balzacMaybe Abba and Metallica should tour together to shame those who challenge copyright law.Feb 18 19:01
silentivmgood ideaFeb 18 19:01
*amd-linux (i=58418fc4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 19:16
MinceRthey should tour together... on the surface of the Sun.Feb 18 19:22
schestowitzMicrosystems (capitalisation noted)Feb 18 19:24
schestowitzThey'll be broke and out of work in no-timeFeb 18 19:24
MinceR:)Feb 18 19:24
MinceRi meant the real thing thoughFeb 18 19:24
MinceRnice 6000€°C weather and allFeb 18 19:25
schestowitzIt's not painful, you melt..Feb 18 19:25
MinceRbut molten people can't talk.Feb 18 19:25
schestowitzTorturous death comes from working for Sun (the other one)Feb 18 19:25
schestowitzMolten people have greater problemsFeb 18 19:26
schestowitzThe hypocrite bully is on the loose again.. Ballmer praises openness, attacks iPhone < >Feb 18 19:29
trmancoschestowitz, yes I did, he quoted you a couple of times :-PFeb 18 19:29
schestowitztrmanco: thanks.Feb 18 19:29
schestowitz"Andrea Milani and his team of professional asteroid hunters have upgraded the probability that Asteroid 1999 RQ36 could hit the Earth between the years 2169 and 2199. " 18 19:30
schestowitzI didn't know we'd even make it this far. What's worse? Localised impact of an asteroid or nuclear retalisations in many places? The Russian had 40,000 nukes some decades ago.Feb 18 19:31
schestowitz*ssiansFeb 18 19:31
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 19:35
toroshiFeb 18 19:35
MinceRhayFeb 18 19:36
silentivmhiFeb 18 19:36
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 19:39
schestowitzNew  Arch released.. lots of other releases this week.Feb 18 19:40
schestowitzGParted, CDlinux, Trixbox, RIPLinuX, Parted Magic, paldo, paldo, DragonFly .......Feb 18 19:41
schestowitzNo recession in *NIX world....Feb 18 19:41
MinceRonly in the FLOSS part :>Feb 18 19:43
silentivmXDFeb 18 19:44
schestowitzYes. Maybe Leopard Slow is next upFeb 18 19:44
torospaldo? is this the distro with the mono-based package manager?Feb 18 19:53
torosyepp, it is: 18 19:54
schestowitzHehe, yes, I've heard...Feb 18 19:57
torosonce I tested the distroFeb 18 19:58
torosIt wasn't bad, but as I remember, the package manager was pretty slow and stupidFeb 18 19:59
*amd-linux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 18 19:59
torosnot as bad as MyahOS... :PFeb 18 20:02
schestowitzSmall projectsFeb 18 20:09
schestowitz (Microsoft Kills Equipt Subscription Offering)Feb 18 20:34
*mib_7gbi71 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 20:44
*mib_7gbi71 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 18 20:47
schestowitzAMD still deeply troubled... AMD Shareholders Favor Manufacturing Spinoff < >Feb 18 20:54
MinceRsomething i've just noticed about the WIPO:Feb 18 21:01
MinceR"The Washington Post reported in 2003 that Lois Boland (USPTO Director of International Relations) said "that open-source software runs counter to the mission of WIPO, which is to promote intellectual-property rights." Also saying, "To hold a meeting which has as its purpose to disclaim or waive such rights seems to us to be contrary to the goals of WIPO.""Feb 18 21:01
MinceR 18 21:01
schestowitzWIPO is corrupt... morally corruptFeb 18 21:03
schestowitzSo it's hardly newsFeb 18 21:03
MinceRi wonder if the entirety of the UN is this corruptFeb 18 21:03
schestowitzIt's a front for companies that invest in intellectual monopoliesFeb 18 21:03
MinceRor the WIPO is somehow specialFeb 18 21:03
schestowitzSeach BN for "WIPO" :-)Feb 18 21:04
schestowitzYou'll be surprisedFeb 18 21:04
schestowitzWhip o'Feb 18 21:04
MinceRi've always known that the WIPO was against freedom, competition and fair useFeb 18 21:05
MinceRi just didn't know they explicitly oppose FLOSS, tooFeb 18 21:05
MinceRand it makes me wonder about the rest of the UNFeb 18 21:08
schestowitzYes.Feb 18 21:09
schestowitzUN and Gates has some chatz to doFeb 18 21:09
MinceRthere should be a campaign to make states leave the WIPO and perhaps also the UNFeb 18 21:09
schestowitz 18 21:09
schestowitzBillG is also doing OBAMAA: 18 21:10
schestowitzMany more... 18 21:10
schestowitz 18 21:10
schestowitz"Oh dear, what a charming philanthropist..." [he has moneyz... SHEESH]Feb 18 21:11
MinceRas charming as a pile of shitFeb 18 21:14
schestowitzMore on Gates, as per one hour ago: 18 21:20
schestowitzWhy are Apple customer accepting this type of abuse? 18 21:39
MinceRbecause they're apple's bitchesFeb 18 21:40
MinceRthere's no amount of abuse they won't takeFeb 18 21:40
schestowitzWhat if Apple makes those rented phone explode?Feb 18 21:40
schestowitz[they have kill switches]Feb 18 21:40
silentivmbecause it's Apple, after all, for the fanboys everything they make is coolFeb 18 21:40
schestowitzIDG has just published an article about Steve Jobs making the cover of a magazine. WTF? How does a front page of some paper count as news?Feb 18 21:47
*mib_w6bul4 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 21:48
MinceRooh, metanews!Feb 18 21:48
schestowitzHere, I found it again: Steve Jobs Makes The New Yorker Cover, Sort of < >Feb 18 21:48
MinceRquick, someone write an article about IDG publishing an article about Steve Jobs making the cover of a magazine!Feb 18 21:49
MinceRthen we can have a cover story about that article.Feb 18 21:49
schestowitz:-DFeb 18 21:49
schestowitzI'm doing a post about IDG ATMFeb 18 21:49
silentivm:DFeb 18 21:49
*mib_w6bul4 has quit (Client Quit)Feb 18 21:50
schestowitzGuys, help me out, see if you spot typos: (some sites will hate me for it)Feb 18 21:50
silentivmlooks OKFeb 18 21:53
MinceRi didn't spot anyFeb 18 21:54
schestowitzThanks.Feb 18 21:59
schestowitzMozilla, Skype join iPhone jailbreak fight < >Feb 18 22:04
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 22:07
schestowitzAnother company bites dust: "BearingPoint has filed for Chapter 11 as part of a financial restructuring agreed with its senior creditors which will see existing shareholders wiped out." 18 22:08
schestowitzAll of this mostly due to fraud. And self-proclaimed smartasses like Milton Friedman are against government intervention... 18 22:11
schestowitzUbuntu fanboyism from Mark Shuttleworth's friend: 18 22:14
schestowitz[Missing disclosure: Ubuntu is built by my buddy.]Feb 18 22:14
schestowitzWould Apple customer think this is "Cool!" too? 18 22:18
MinceRthey would think "DURRRRR" just like they normally do.Feb 18 22:19
schestowitzDo they know what Perl is?Feb 18 22:22
schestowitzI think along the lines of Safariphotoshop mentalityFeb 18 22:22
schestowitzSafari is an apt name. The Safari accommodates herds that roam a certain wild and follow the example of one another. Apple employs men with jeeps and big guns to shoot down or sedate... errr... 'illegal' programs and phones that threaten other animalsFeb 18 22:25
silentivmnice analogyFeb 18 22:25
schestowitz"Hi, I'm Linux. Hello, I'm a Mac, come join our Safari"Feb 18 22:25
schestowitzWebkit is to KHTML what elephant's ivory is to an elephant :-DFeb 18 22:26
MinceR 18 22:26
schestowitzLMAO. Watch this headline: 18 22:28
MinceR:DFeb 18 22:28
MinceRkinky.Feb 18 22:28
schestowitzAsimo is cheating on his wife: 18 22:32
schestowitzNice second videoFeb 18 22:33
schestowitz "This time, however, rerouting traffic to CoralCDN wasn’t sufficient. On the day The BoxeeBox Cookbook was published — despite promises of “unlimited site bandwidth” by HostMonster, our webhosting service provider — visitors were greeted with this lovely page.."Feb 18 22:35
schestowitzSame with ours by the wayFeb 18 22:35
schestowitzWe have 500GB traffic limitFeb 18 22:35
schestowitzBut Shane receives an E-mail saying this is "FAR TOO MUCH"... although he's paying for it. So they tell you you can have X but take you down when you reach like a third of X. Yeah.... 'unlimited'... they assume site will never come anywhere near.Feb 18 22:36
schestowitz"At this point, we couldn’t even login to the site’s web-based control panel or SSH into the server to try to remedy the situation."Feb 18 22:37
*mib_mafz7x (i=4fd460c3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 22:37
schestowitz"In other words the company “reserves the right to limit” the bandwidth of a website to whatever it decides is appropriate, based on current loading conditions, and can periodically disable the site — without warning — to enforce those limits. So much for “unlimited.”"Feb 18 22:37
*mib_mafz7x is now known as SilverlightFeb 18 22:38
schestowitzHe's the one from whom I learned about Coral in the first place.Feb 18 22:39
schestowitzOh oh! We have Silverlight installed ;-)Feb 18 22:39
schestowitzWhere is monononoFeb 18 22:39
schestowitzsudo apt-get install mononono  [ ]Feb 18 22:40
schestowitzmononoFeb 18 22:40
schestowitzsudo !Feb 18 22:40
schestowitzsudo !!Feb 18 22:40
schestowitzLeft a comment there: "I had EXACTLY the same problem 2.5 weeks ago, despite Coral being enabled (I leaned this tip from you). It ruined part of my weekend and turned away readers."Feb 18 22:40
silentivmporting mononono to ArchFeb 18 22:41
silentivmit's just a PKGBUILD awayFeb 18 22:41
schestowitz:-)Feb 18 22:42
schestowitzNew comment: "I work at a big international semiconductor company (not Intel), and our team of designers use GNU/Linux (RHEL) for most of their EDA tools." 18 22:42
*Silverlight is wondering about being rejected :-(Feb 18 22:43
schestowitzIs Novell involved in any of this < > or is it only a Dell thing that put SLED/Feb 18 22:44
*schestowitz sets mode -e schestowitzFeb 18 22:45
*You are now known as SilverLieFeb 18 22:45
*SilverLie is cross-platformFeb 18 22:45
*You are now known as schestowitzFeb 18 22:45
*services. sets mode +e schestowitzFeb 18 22:45
*Silverlight says an embracing good night to everybody Feb 18 22:45
Silverlightfrom GermanyFeb 18 22:46
*MinceR sees the extending and extinguishing good nights comingFeb 18 22:47
MinceRschestowitz: it is cross-platform! it runs on every windows platform ;)Feb 18 22:47
*Silverlight has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 18 22:47
MinceR(except of course for the ones it doesn't)Feb 18 22:47
schestowitzIs Apple still a Microsoft property?Feb 18 22:48
schestowitzHow are MSFT's investments in Jobs'little proprietary assurer? (and BSD abuser)Feb 18 22:48
MinceRsomeone said they aren't but who knowsFeb 18 22:50
MinceRm$ itself is a BSD abuser, tooFeb 18 22:50
trmancowtfFeb 18 22:50
trmanco"Why? .NET is one of the world's most advanced VM implementations and MicrosoftFeb 18 22:51
trmancohave put tremendous resources into building it. Competing with it isFeb 18 22:51
trmanco*extremely* difficult and will require not only a lot of cash but also a lotFeb 18 22:51
trmancoof talent."Feb 18 22:51
MinceRtrying to scare off competitors? or just self-delusion? :)Feb 18 22:52
schestowitzDid you paste this from Novell forums|?Feb 18 22:57
trmancoschestowitz, sort ofFeb 18 22:58
schestowitzIt's like the "Vista cost $6billion to make" FUD pattern.Feb 18 22:58
trmanco 18 22:58
schestowitzHehFeb 18 22:58
*toros has quit ("leaving")Feb 18 22:59
schestowitzSo it's pasted from a Novell project (forum)Feb 18 22:59
trmancoyesFeb 18 23:02
schestowitzIntel us abusing its monopoly again:  Intel is just running scared says Nvidia < >Feb 18 23:02
silentivmported mononono to Arch: 18 23:03
schestowitzno-mo-mono would work too as a program nameFeb 18 23:06
silentivmnice suggestionFeb 18 23:06
schestowitzThanks, silentivm Feb 18 23:07
silentivm:)Feb 18 23:07
schestowitzIt's equally important to explain why it is an important package so that people install and run itFeb 18 23:07
silentivmyepFeb 18 23:08
schestowitz "In New Zealand: black out your avatars as a protest against the guilt-by-accusation internet law."Feb 18 23:18
schestowitzBlackwater (assassins) are escaping bad reputation by nymshifting: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater < >Feb 18 23:19
schestowitzNationalizing the Banks Seems Inevitable: How Bad Does It Have to Get First? < >Feb 18 23:20
schestowitz"     Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalised…" — Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867Feb 18 23:21
schestowitzIdiots.Feb 18 23:21
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Feb 18 23:29
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 18 23:30
schestowitzCOmpanies seem to be fond of issue _PRESS releases_ for just some silly talk or presentation from employees.... 18 23:33
schestowitz*issuingFeb 18 23:33
MinceRgnFeb 18 23:38
schestowitz"In a way, open source and the cloud are the same thing” --SugarCRM CEO John Roberts   Very bad quote that one, unless he wants to kill "open source" (as a term) for good. Bad to Free software, methinks :-)Feb 18 23:49
schestowitzKrugle acquired: Aragon Acquires Software Analysis and Maintenance Technology Leader Krugle < >Feb 18 23:49
*Casperin has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 18 23:57

Recent Techrights' Posts

The So-called 'IT' Industry Became Somewhat of a Fraud Where People Equate Usage and Power Wasted With "Value" or "Success"
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The Significance of the Timing of the Ridiculous Letters From Brett Wilson LLP, Acting on Behalf of People From Microsoft
A preliminary look at the timeline and what it tells us
Politicians Ought to Invite Dr. Richard Stallman and Prof. Eben Moglen to Speak About Policies, Licensing, Digital Sovereignty
Is there something in Europe other than RMS' talk this coming Monday (that we're not yet aware of)?
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Joining APRIL(.org), AGM weekend, Paris, 15-16 March 2025
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Links 23/02/2025: Apple Back Doors, Ukraine Updates, and Gemini Leftovers
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Recent Improvements in Techrights
minimalism works fine when the main goal is to relay information
Slopwatch: Brian Fagioli, Brittany Day (, and Microsoft Misinformation, False Marketing
Serial Sloppers
Censored: Debian Zizian transgender vigilante comparisons in open source Linux communities
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, February 22, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, February 22, 2025
Links 22/02/2025: OpenAI Plans to Possibly Abandon Microsoft, Facebook Doubles Execs' Bonuses While Sacking Thousands
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Gemini Links 22/02/2025: Weekend Chill and Programming Thoughts
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Good Explanation of Why IBM Has Chosen to Conceal Mass Layoffs (of 'Expensive' Staff) as "R.T.O." (Even For People Who Never Worked at the Office to Which They're Ordered to "Return")
Many remaining IBM (or Red Hat) workers in Europe are in "cheaper" places such as Brno
Microsoft's Serial Strangler and Matthew J. Garrett Join Forces in Trying to Gag Techrights (for Exposing Microsoft Corruption and Crimes Against Women)
Whose terrible idea was it?
Links 22/02/2025: Labour Department Investigates Microsoft Infosys Amid Mass Layoffs, Large Law Firms Caught Red Handed With LLM Slop (Defrauding Clients and Courts)
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Gemini Links 22/02/2025: Analog Stuff, Sigil, and SSGs
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Microsoft's Market Share in Cameroon Falls to New Lows
This means a lot of Android users (iOS is about 4 times smaller), but Android does not mean freedom
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, February 21, 2025
IRC logs for Friday, February 21, 2025
The Streisand Effect is Real
So don't be evil. Also, don't strangle women.
Links 21/02/2025: Linux Foundation Openwashing, Microsoft Copilot Goes Down
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Links 21/02/2025: Doomscrolling and European Ham Radio Show
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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Proud to Host Free Software Talk by Richard Stallman
ahead of Monday's talk
Slopwatch: Anti-Linux Machine-Generated FUD (LLM Slop) From GBHackers, CybersecurityNews, and Guardian Digital, Inc (Google News Promotes Slop Plagiarism, Misinformation)
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Gemini Links 21/02/2025: Web Browsers, Mechanical Shortcuts, and Internet Hygiene
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Richard Stallman 'Only' Founded the FSF
there's no reason to be upset at the FSF for keeping their founder in the Board
Techrights Disconnected From the United States Two Years Ago
Did people really need to wait for the US government to become this hostile towards the media before recognising the threat?
Before Trying Censorship by Extortion the Serial Strangler From Microsoft Literally Begged Us to Delete Pages
This is very clearly just a broad campaign of intimidation
Hype Watch: Weeks After Microsoft Disappointed Investors With "Hey Hi" It's Trying Some "Quantum" Hype (Adding Impractical Vapourware to Accompany This Hype and Even LLM Slop in 'News' Clothing)
Remember "metaverse"? What happened to media hype about "blockchain" and "IoT"?
Report About February Mass Layoffs at Microsoft (Third Wave of Microsoft Layoffs in 2025) Comes Back From the Dead
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, February 20, 2025
IRC logs for Thursday, February 20, 2025