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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 1st, 2009 - Part 1


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Balrogrms had iceweasel on his system if I remember right, but then again, I didn't pay close attentionApr 01 00:03
Balroghe said that X crashes a lot on his (beta hardware) system, that's why he uses text modeApr 01 00:04
Balrogalso text mode is more convenientApr 01 00:04
_Hicham_text more is very efficientApr 01 00:05
_Hicham_I am glad Linux didn't turn out to be like WindowsApr 01 00:05
Balrog_most of the time it is.Apr 01 00:05
_Hicham_with a graphical shell onlyApr 01 00:05
Balrog_I know people who find gui mode more efficient thoughApr 01 00:05
Balrog_so I propose a dual system, with all features exposed through both modesApr 01 00:06
Balrog_OS X does this quite well, but even they don't do as good as it can be doneApr 01 00:06
schestowitzIBM might buy Novell (NOVL): 01 00:06
Balrog_that would be good.... or would it?Apr 01 00:07
schestowitzI got totally distracted, _Hicham_, sorry about thatApr 01 00:07
schestowitz_Hicham_: I run one server... but hardly soApr 01 00:07
Balrog_though this is apr fools I thinkApr 01 00:07
schestowitzCheck firstApr 01 00:07
schestowitzDon't be so sure.Apr 01 00:07
Balrog_it's clear after reading it :PApr 01 00:08
schestowitzOK, that's good.Apr 01 00:08
Balrog_ is a good siteApr 01 00:08
Balrog_this is an iphone developer with some very clear opinions :)Apr 01 00:08
Balrog_take a look at this, for example:Apr 01 00:11
Balrog_ 01 00:11
schestowitzmaybe OK for Apple stuff.. I dunnoApr 01 00:14
schestowitzI'll probably finish watching the RMS talk tomorrow morning. now I just work on assembling linksApr 01 00:15
Balrog_no, he's pro jailbreak and criticizes apple a lotApr 01 00:15
Balrog_how has that been so far (the talk)?Apr 01 00:15
schestowitzPretty OK.Apr 01 00:20
schestowitzI know this talk.Apr 01 00:20
schestowitzPortions of itApr 01 00:20
schestowitzHe reuses lotsApr 01 00:20
Balrog_hehApr 01 00:22
Balrog_the questions were interestingApr 01 00:22
schestowitzHaven't got to them yetApr 01 00:22
schestowitzDid they bother him?Apr 01 00:22
schestowitzThey did ask questions during the talkApr 01 00:22
schestowitzSame guyApr 01 00:22
schestowitzVery distractingApr 01 00:22
Balrog_someone called him out on not speaking about fair useApr 01 00:22
Balrog_(that was me :) )Apr 01 00:22
schestowitzAt thew end?Apr 01 00:23
Balrog_except for that time when a guy asked what is softwareApr 01 00:23
Balrog_yeah, there was Q/A at teh endApr 01 00:23
Balrog_it was something of an argument (about him not talking about fair use, etc)Apr 01 00:24
Balrog_schestowitz: you're looking?Apr 01 00:25
schestowitzNot yetApr 01 00:27
schestowitzI'm doing links right nowApr 01 00:27
Balrog_ok.Apr 01 00:27
Balrog_I see.Apr 01 00:27
schestowitzit's paused for daysApr 01 00:27
Balrog_(why does RMS often reuse his talks?)Apr 01 00:27
schestowitzI have extended the audio system to the bathroom, so I can listen to some stuff while showering.Apr 01 00:28
schestowitzKind of like radioApr 01 00:28
Balrog_:PApr 01 00:28
schestowitzBut more interactive... YouTube talksApr 01 00:28
Balrog_coolApr 01 00:28
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 00:49
_Hicham_wb oiaohmApr 01 00:52
oiaohmHi _Hicham_Apr 01 00:52
_Hicham_oiaohm : can I use ur name on my website?Apr 01 00:53
_Hicham_ie create : 01 00:53
oiaohmoiaohm is a global unique handle for me.Apr 01 00:53
oiaohmSo unless its something I am doing I prefer other people not use it.Apr 01 00:54
_Hicham_is it a trademark?Apr 01 00:54
oiaohmoiaohm is also part joke ie oiaohm=ok i am over here mate/manApr 01 00:54
oiaohmI really should trademark it.Apr 01 00:55
_Hicham_otherwise I will use itApr 01 00:55
_Hicham_and we will have trademark issuesApr 01 00:55
oiaohmWhy need mine.Apr 01 00:55
_Hicham_it is already knownApr 01 00:56
oiaohmIt took me ages to work out how to invent them.Apr 01 00:56
_Hicham_it is good publicityApr 01 00:56
oiaohmMe good publicity lol.Apr 01 00:56
_Hicham_u r already well knownApr 01 00:57
oiaohmPeople who know me expect a verry particular person.Apr 01 00:57
_Hicham_so, using ur name will attract a lot of customersApr 01 00:57
_Hicham_yes, that is why I am gonna use ur name in my businessApr 01 00:57
oiaohmAttract a lot of hate.Apr 01 00:57
oiaohmAs well.Apr 01 00:57
_Hicham_why?Apr 01 00:58
oiaohmI am liked and hated.Apr 01 00:58
_Hicham_everyone is liked and hatedApr 01 00:58
oiaohmYou really have no idea the toes I have stepped on with this handle.Apr 01 00:58
_Hicham_how much time did it take?Apr 01 00:58
oiaohmProject leads of most anti-virus companies to start off with.Apr 01 00:59
oiaohmDon't particularly like me.Apr 01 00:59
_Hicham_why?Apr 01 00:59
_Hicham_r u against antivirii?Apr 01 00:59
oiaohmThese days yes.Apr 01 01:00
oiaohmImportant note these days.Apr 01 01:00
_Hicham_so u r against clamav as well?Apr 01 01:00
oiaohmI support clamavApr 01 01:00
oiaohmI am always for good design.Apr 01 01:01
oiaohmMost anti-virus software of windows is poor design.Apr 01 01:01
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:01
_Hicham_did u work on clamav?Apr 01 01:01
yuhongOn the matter of cloud lock-in, here is an article.Apr 01 01:01
yuhong 01 01:01
oiaohmNormally finding samples for clamav and being in some of the design planing groups _Hicham_Apr 01 01:02
oiaohmI am not a coder.Apr 01 01:02
oiaohmI am mostly designer.Apr 01 01:02
yuhong 01 01:02
_Hicham_but clamwin lacks real-time scanningApr 01 01:03
yuhongWhat do you think?Apr 01 01:03
_Hicham_or on-access-scanningApr 01 01:03
oiaohmI did design a on-access-scanning section of clamwin.Apr 01 01:03
oiaohmThat has not been fully coded out.Apr 01 01:03
_Hicham_why?Apr 01 01:03
_Hicham_lack of resources?Apr 01 01:03
oiaohmFront end on clamwin has to be replaced.Apr 01 01:04
oiaohmTo support realtime scanning.Apr 01 01:04
oiaohmSo yes lack of resourcesApr 01 01:04
oiaohmThe back ground engine works.Apr 01 01:04
_Hicham_u mean to bring the notification system on?Apr 01 01:04
oiaohmYep.Apr 01 01:04
_Hicham_but it is just a matter of integration with the shellApr 01 01:05
yuhongsmoothspan suggests separating virtual hardware from the rest to avoid lock-in.Apr 01 01:05
oiaohmFront end interface of clamwin is writing in python.Apr 01 01:05
_Hicham_I knowApr 01 01:05
oiaohmWith no way of responding to messages.Apr 01 01:05
oiaohmdue to its design.Apr 01 01:05
_Hicham_there is no bindings?Apr 01 01:05
oiaohmno bindingsApr 01 01:05
oiaohmYes it has to be reworked.Apr 01 01:06
_Hicham_in MFC or Win32API?Apr 01 01:06
oiaohmfront end is wxwidgets + python.Apr 01 01:06
oiaohmWay its coded don't support it.Apr 01 01:07
oiaohmalso eats lots of ram.Apr 01 01:07
_Hicham_the engine or the front-end?Apr 01 01:07
oiaohmThe front-endApr 01 01:07
*TinyGrasshopper (i=18bab084@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:07
oiaohmThe complete front-end needs to be rebuild on clamwinApr 01 01:07
oiaohmThen real-time scanning can be added.Apr 01 01:08
_Hicham_why didn't they use MFC?Apr 01 01:08
oiaohmThe engine is sitting there ready to go.Apr 01 01:08
oiaohmclamwin was first designed for Linux.Apr 01 01:08
oiaohmNot for windows.Apr 01 01:08
_Hicham_u mean clamavApr 01 01:08
yuhongNo one responded?Apr 01 01:08
_Hicham_clamwin is a portApr 01 01:08
oiaohmNo clamwin it self.Apr 01 01:08
_Hicham_clamwin for Linux?Apr 01 01:08
_Hicham_to scan Windows partitions?Apr 01 01:08
oiaohmthe front end dates from when clamwin was a pure Linux project.Apr 01 01:09
oiaohmIt was ported to windows.Apr 01 01:09
oiaohmvery poorly ported to windows.Apr 01 01:09
_Hicham_but not the front-endApr 01 01:09
oiaohmThe front-endApr 01 01:09
_Hicham_the front-end should have been coded in MFCApr 01 01:09
oiaohmIt was not.Apr 01 01:09
oiaohmIt was coded in wxwidgets.Apr 01 01:09
_Hicham_that is the best choice I think on WindowsApr 01 01:09
oiaohmNot really.Apr 01 01:10
_Hicham_or better WTLApr 01 01:10
oiaohmThese days redoing it you would most likely code in QTApr 01 01:10
_Hicham_why Qt?Apr 01 01:10
schestowitzSilence Making People Nervous in Impending IBM-Sun Deal < >Apr 01 01:10
oiaohmQT more flexable that MFC and faster.Apr 01 01:10
_Hicham_Qt faster?Apr 01 01:10
oiaohmMFC is not that fast really.Apr 01 01:10
_Hicham_and WTL?Apr 01 01:10
devqwtl should be faster than mfcApr 01 01:11
oiaohmwtl is faster but feature lacking to QT.Apr 01 01:11
_Hicham_lacking what?Apr 01 01:12
_Hicham_give me some interesting features that WTL lacksApr 01 01:12
oiaohmHave you looked at everything included in the QT system.Apr 01 01:12
_Hicham_I have worked with it a littleApr 01 01:12
yuhongIn case you don't see it, I will post this again.Apr 01 01:12
*TinyGrasshopper has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 01:12
yuhong>On the matter of cloud lock-in, here is an article.Apr 01 01:12
yuhong 01 01:12
yuhong 01 01:12
yuhongWhat do you think?Apr 01 01:12
_Hicham_but WTL is way fasterApr 01 01:13
_Hicham_that is why google choosed itApr 01 01:13
oiaohmQT has every feature you need audio processing video web download manager... Basically.Apr 01 01:13
_Hicham_i agree with u on thatApr 01 01:13
_Hicham_Qt is completeApr 01 01:13
oiaohmMFC and WTL is not.Apr 01 01:13
_Hicham_but it is not optimized for WindowsApr 01 01:14
oiaohmWTL also is very Windows OS touchy.Apr 01 01:14
_Hicham_that is why it is bestApr 01 01:14
oiaohmQT is optimised for Windows.Apr 01 01:14
_Hicham_Qt optimized for Windows?Apr 01 01:14
_Hicham_haven't heard thatApr 01 01:14
PetoKrausoh guysApr 01 01:14
oiaohmYes heavly.Apr 01 01:14
_Hicham_better than WTL?Apr 01 01:14
oiaohmIt uses templates to do the optimsiation.Apr 01 01:14
oiaohmJust like WTL does.Apr 01 01:14
_Hicham_but WTL reuses a lot of Windows codeApr 01 01:15
oiaohmSame with QT.Apr 01 01:15
_Hicham_Qt have its own set of codeApr 01 01:15
yuhongschestowitz: What do you think about the Amazon cloud articles I just linked to?Apr 01 01:15
oiaohmQT provides template wrappers over a lot of windows functions.Apr 01 01:15
_Hicham_to provide platform abstractionApr 01 01:15
oiaohmWtL is also abstraction.Apr 01 01:15
_Hicham_WTL is Windows onlyApr 01 01:16
oiaohmBecause no one have bothered porting it.Apr 01 01:16
_Hicham_but nonethless, it is abstraction in a certain wayApr 01 01:16
*mib_aai6yz (i=4b6d3373@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:16
_Hicham_port WTL?Apr 01 01:16
oiaohmOr desining it so it can be ported.Apr 01 01:16
_Hicham_it would be insaneApr 01 01:16
mib_aai6yzcan the Conficker worm efeect my 360 if i play online?Apr 01 01:16
oiaohmOne of the projects around chrome is looking at porting it.Apr 01 01:17
_Hicham_porting WTL?Apr 01 01:17
oiaohmYepApr 01 01:17
oiaohmATL under WTL is the bug bear.Apr 01 01:17
oiaohmNot WTL itselfApr 01 01:17
_Hicham_Chrome on Linux will use GTKApr 01 01:17
_Hicham_I have seen that on Chrome's WebsiteApr 01 01:17
mib_aai6yzSo is there anything i can do to protect my 360 if i play online?Apr 01 01:18
oiaohmIts really stupid really thinking most of the chrome rendering engine is in QT.Apr 01 01:18
_Hicham_they did use Qt?Apr 01 01:18
oiaohmThey used GTK.Apr 01 01:18
mib_aai6yz:DApr 01 01:18
_Hicham_for Linux, I knowApr 01 01:19
_Hicham_but no QtApr 01 01:19
oiaohmMostly because QT already has webbrowsers.Apr 01 01:19
yuhongmib_aai6yz: Xbox 360 is not affected in any way from Conflicker to my knowledge.Apr 01 01:19
mib_aai6yzok man thnxApr 01 01:19
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]")Apr 01 01:19
oiaohmChrome head to head with QT browsers would have been a uphill battle.Apr 01 01:19
mib_aai6yz:DApr 01 01:19
_Hicham_what Qt browsers do u talk of?Apr 01 01:20
_Hicham_Opera?Apr 01 01:20
oiaohmThat is 1.Apr 01 01:20
oiaohmThere are more.Apr 01 01:20
_Hicham_but not major browsersApr 01 01:20
oiaohmMost have not been ported to windows and mac.Apr 01 01:20
_Hicham_give me an exampleApr 01 01:20
devq_Hicham_, konqueror?Apr 01 01:20
_Hicham_other than KonquerorApr 01 01:20
devqother than konq...Apr 01 01:20
oiaohm_Hicham_: safrii and konqueror both share common engine.Apr 01 01:21
devqisn't it kinda enoughApr 01 01:21
_Hicham_I know thatApr 01 01:21
*mib_aai6yz has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 01:21
_Hicham_but Safari isn't build with QtApr 01 01:21
_Hicham_it is Cocoa I think for SafariApr 01 01:21
devqaroraApr 01 01:21
oiaohmSafari and itunes use QT on windows.Apr 01 01:22
oiaohmQt is used a lot more than most people know.Apr 01 01:23
_Hicham_Adobe also uses QtApr 01 01:23
oiaohmOf course on apples own native plaform they use native interface Cocoa.Apr 01 01:23
_Hicham_Firefox is GTKApr 01 01:24
oiaohmQt has been developed for Windows for a really long time.   Major reason why gtk has any market share on Linux is that gtk had lgpl licence and qt had GplApr 01 01:24
oiaohmFirefox when it started could not use QT or it would have had to be under GPL.Apr 01 01:24
oiaohmThat is changed since QT has moved to LGPL.Apr 01 01:25
_Hicham_how can they compete with Firefox then on Linux?Apr 01 01:25
oiaohmFirefox internally is crap.Apr 01 01:25
_Hicham_why?Apr 01 01:25
oiaohmMemory leaks and other major poblems.Apr 01 01:25
_Hicham_Memory leak are less frequentApr 01 01:26
oiaohmwebkit used by chrome konq and a lot of others don't leak.Apr 01 01:26
_Hicham_it is not Gecko's faultApr 01 01:26
_Hicham_most of the time it is the pluginsApr 01 01:26
oiaohmGecko does leak in places.Apr 01 01:26
oiaohmjavascript is the worse offender of course.Apr 01 01:26
_Hicham_those places can be patchedApr 01 01:27
oiaohmthinking that most of firefoxs interface runs on xulApr 01 01:27
_Hicham_Javascript is one of the pillars of GeckoApr 01 01:27
oiaohmLeaks in gecko become a large problom.Apr 01 01:27
_Hicham_we can fix those LeaksApr 01 01:27
oiaohmLot of work.Apr 01 01:27
oiaohmBut yes fixable.Apr 01 01:28
_Hicham_plus, there is a project for Gecko2Apr 01 01:28
oiaohmI know.Apr 01 01:28
_Hicham_it won't be called Gecko thoughApr 01 01:28
_Hicham_it will be called Mozilla2 I thinkApr 01 01:28
oiaohmProblem is by the time gecko2 gets done webkit most likely will be miles ahead.Apr 01 01:28
_Hicham_and it is gonna be redesigned from scratchApr 01 01:28
_Hicham_webkit is still very youngApr 01 01:28
oiaohmkhtml what webkit started as is not that young.Apr 01 01:29
oiaohmYou are taking a birth in 1996Apr 01 01:30
oiaohmIts over 10 years old.Apr 01 01:30
_Hicham_khtmlApr 01 01:30
_Hicham_not webkitApr 01 01:30
oiaohmkhtml was bound to the kde stack.Apr 01 01:30
_Hicham_I know thatApr 01 01:31
oiaohmwebkit is khtml unlocked from kde stack.Apr 01 01:31
oiaohmIts basically the core engine of khtml.Apr 01 01:31
_Hicham_but Webkit doesn't support pluginsApr 01 01:31
_Hicham_there is a work to make pluginnableApr 01 01:32
oiaohmWebKit supports two types of plug-ins, cross-browser plug-ins using an enhanced form of the Netscape plug-in API and WebKit plug-ins that are designed for use by embedded applications that need to display native OS X content integrated with the Web document.Apr 01 01:33
oiaohmSomeone don't know there software.Apr 01 01:33
_Hicham_so it is as rich as Gecko?Apr 01 01:34
oiaohmWebkit also supports pluginable javascript engines.Apr 01 01:34
oiaohmMore flexable than Gecko.Apr 01 01:35
_Hicham_but devs should be convinced to use itApr 01 01:35
_Hicham_actually Firefox is the Plugins LeaderApr 01 01:35
oiaohmExtention leader.Apr 01 01:35
oiaohmNot really plugin leader.Apr 01 01:35
oiaohmWebkit could be used same way gecko is for interface just everyone chooses not to.Apr 01 01:36
_Hicham_why they choose not to in ur opinion?Apr 01 01:36
oiaohmUsing QT interfaces and the like have less overhead.Apr 01 01:38
oiaohmReason why there are like pure GTK ports of gecko engine.Apr 01 01:38
oiaohmNone of the firefox extentions work on them but they take way less resources.Apr 01 01:38
oiaohmAlso due to the way webkit is designed to be plugined into applications with simple to drop parts you don't want its way simpler than gecko to enmbed in applications.Apr 01 01:39
_Hicham_but people are used to GeckoApr 01 01:40
_Hicham_I mean the devsApr 01 01:40
oiaohmReally.Apr 01 01:40
_Hicham_there will be a new learning curve for themApr 01 01:40
_Hicham_which will take some timeApr 01 01:40
oiaohmMost application developers use either MS active X IE or webkit.Apr 01 01:40
oiaohmWeb developers are not use to it.Apr 01 01:41
oiaohmBut most of the time they don't need to know that its been rendered on webkit.Apr 01 01:41
oiaohmAlso the other problem with coping me is that my english writing style is uniquely stuffed.  Anyone who knows me will work out someone trying to copy me very quickly.Apr 01 01:42
oiaohmI changed my handle once to try to get away from my miss spent youth.  It only took 4 months before my new handle was located.Apr 01 01:43
oiaohm  <<chrome qt clone already.Apr 01 01:45
oiaohmNo special code used.Apr 01 01:46
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:47
yuhongBTW, schestowitz, what do you think of this thread?Apr 01 01:48
yuhong 01 01:48
schestowitzLet me lookApr 01 01:48
schestowitzSorry about earlierApr 01 01:48
schestowitzWasn't here, didn't ignoreApr 01 01:48
schestowitzyuhong: it's a troll threadApr 01 01:49
schestowitzMicrosoft Munchkins throwing FUD aroundApr 01 01:49
yuhongWhat about my links on cloud computing I posted earlier?Apr 01 01:49
schestowitzEveryone there except one person is a Microsoft trollApr 01 01:50
yuhongDid you get them?Apr 01 01:50
schestowitzHaven't yetApr 01 01:50
schestowitzI'm working on links at the momentApr 01 01:50
schestowitzFor BN postApr 01 01:50
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:50
_Hicham_1ur a great trademarkApr 01 01:50
yuhongWhy do you think they are MS trolls?Apr 01 01:50
_Hicham_1oiaohm would bring a lot of moneyApr 01 01:51
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellApr 01 01:51
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 01:51
devqbecause if you're m$ addicted and don't understand what wrong with it and post smth about oses you're a troll by defaultApr 01 01:52
_Hicham_1who is the troll in here?Apr 01 01:52
yuhongschestowitz: true or not?Apr 01 01:52
oiaohmWe get a few _Hicham_1Apr 01 01:52
devqit's about the question "Why do you think they are MS trolls?"Apr 01 01:52
oiaohmLot of people try to call me one.Apr 01 01:52
_Hicham_1oiaohm is not an MS trollApr 01 01:53
_Hicham_1oiaohm is one of the pillars of this roomApr 01 01:53
oiaohmLinux troll MS troll Mac troll I have been called them all at different times.Apr 01 01:53
devq... i was not even talking about those who are hereApr 01 01:53
_Hicham_1ok devqApr 01 01:53
_Hicham_1there is no trolls in hereApr 01 01:53
yuhongI know, even I was called a troll once, see the IRC logs.Apr 01 01:53
oiaohmBig problem is people through the troll word around without base too.Apr 01 01:53
schestowitzyuhong: because they are trollsApr 01 01:54
devqyeah, they always call me troll in ##windowsApr 01 01:54
schestowitzI know the historyApr 01 01:54
schestowitzIt's documentedApr 01 01:54
yuhongWhere?Apr 01 01:54
schestowitzThey are anonymous, nymshifying shills who post from zombie or honeypotsApr 01 01:54
yuhongHow did you tell?Apr 01 01:55
_Hicham_1I have called a troll in here tooApr 01 01:55
schestowitzoiaohm is n o trollApr 01 01:55
_Hicham_1I have been called a troll in hereApr 01 01:55
devqand banned my subnetApr 01 01:55
_Hicham_1schestowitz : am I a troll?Apr 01 01:55
oiaohmI get mistaken for 1.  Because some of the things I say seam so impossable.Apr 01 01:55
schestowitzyuhong: I won't tell you the whole story with hundreds of refs nowApr 01 01:55
oiaohmWhen they are true.Apr 01 01:55
devqeven though in that subnet all the ips are staticApr 01 01:55
oiaohmLike who would think that for data recovery of ntfs best tool for it was Linux before I said it.Apr 01 01:56
yuhongNow, what about the cloud computing links I posted about Amazon?Apr 01 01:56
schestowitzyuhong: 01 01:56
Balrog_I dislike dealing with trolls :(Apr 01 01:56
Balrog_especially those you can't get rid of *sigh*Apr 01 01:56
schestowitzyuhong: this is a aste of timeApr 01 01:57
oiaohmMost people call a person a troll for saying something that seams impossable.Apr 01 01:57
schestowitzYou come here handing out libel from trollsApr 01 01:57
Balrog_no, a troll is someone who tries to provoke troubleApr 01 01:57
schestowitzAnd then ask me for proof that there are trolls.Apr 01 01:57
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]")Apr 01 01:57
Balrog_/me?/Apr 01 01:57
schestowitzNoApr 01 01:57
schestowitzThe yuhoung fool.Apr 01 01:57
oiaohmProblem is a person who does not know much can provoke trouble without even trying.Apr 01 01:57
oiaohmRemember the biggest idiot can ask a question the wisest person can never answer.Apr 01 01:58
schestowitzI reckon he's a shill: 01 01:58
schestowitzHe's also trolling Roughly DraftedApr 01 01:58
schestowitzAll the sites that expose Microsoft's dark secretsApr 01 01:58
schestowitzHe's from SeattleApr 01 01:58
Balrog_shestowitz: I know a person who's a troll and doesn't think he isApr 01 01:58
Balrog_schestowitz *Apr 01 01:58
Balrog_basically, he causes problems for others and he believes he's doing the right thingApr 01 01:58
schestowitzJust ingnore theseApr 01 01:59
Balrog_well I have to deal with him *in real life*Apr 01 01:59
oiaohmOk the relgiguous  people Balrog_Apr 01 01:59
Balrog_not religiousApr 01 01:59
oiaohmLike GNU is great.Apr 01 01:59
_Hicham_1well, I don't know if I am a troll or notApr 01 01:59
oiaohmIts not all the time.Apr 01 01:59
Balrog_'religious' isn't a problem for me, it seemsApr 01 01:59
_Hicham_1tell me peopleApr 01 01:59
_Hicham_1am I a troll?Apr 01 01:59
Balrog_I don't think so....Apr 01 02:00
oiaohmEveryone can be from time to time. _Hicham_1 it is human nature to dig your toes in and fight an argument without the facts in order.Apr 01 02:00
Balrog_yes but this person is a troll 99% of the timeApr 01 02:00
_Hicham_1who Balrog_?Apr 01 02:00
oiaohmA person who is not a troll at all is aware of that fact.Apr 01 02:01
Balrog_someone I know personallyApr 01 02:01
Balrog_you won't see him hereApr 01 02:01
oiaohmAnd keeps it in mind.Apr 01 02:01
devqlol, what was he talking about... "it's okay for a exec manager to change companies as gloves"Apr 01 02:01
devqwe all know how harmful it isApr 01 02:01
oiaohmBest company troll argument I know.  Is free cannot be good quality.Apr 01 02:01
oiaohmIt has no base in fact that prices makes better quality products all the time.Apr 01 02:02
devqlike m$ stole managers from borland and that's why delphi was released long after it should've beenApr 01 02:02
oiaohmWe had a troll in here recently saying that KDE copied Vista.Apr 01 02:02
oiaohmWhen the reverse is true.Apr 01 02:03
_Hicham_1Vista copied GnomeApr 01 02:03
_Hicham_1not KDEApr 01 02:03
_Hicham_1when I see Vista, I see every bit of GnomeApr 01 02:03
oiaohmThey copied bits from KDE Gnome and Apple.Apr 01 02:03
devqand win2000 copied vmsApr 01 02:03
oiaohmThere are memos and other notes that even back it up _Hicham_1Apr 01 02:03
_Hicham_1they tried to implement Compiz, but they failed toApr 01 02:04
devqoh no... win nt evenApr 01 02:04
oiaohmwin nt is mach os rebuild.Apr 01 02:04
oiaohmNot a vmsApr 01 02:04
Balrog_win nt was built by vms engineersApr 01 02:04
oiaohmplease note mach os was a pure microkernelApr 01 02:04
devqoiaohm, from what i read they just took vms devs and copied vms with a bit of reworkApr 01 02:05
Balrog_yes, that's what I heardApr 01 02:05
devqand later went into courtsApr 01 02:05
Balrog_also there were components from OS/2Apr 01 02:05
oiaohmvms lead developer took the chance to change OS and design a new OS.Apr 01 02:05
oiaohmParts of vms design are in NT.  But what the vms developer started with was mach os.Apr 01 02:06
oiaohmYes your background effects your coding style.Apr 01 02:06
oiaohmAnd you solution style.Apr 01 02:06
_Hicham_1trueApr 01 02:06
oiaohmYes you can see bits of OS/2 VMS and Mach in windows.  But Mach os is the strongest.Apr 01 02:07
oiaohmMost people don't know mach so when they see bits of it they don't even identify it.Apr 01 02:07
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 02:07
devqso now they faultly try to copy linuxApr 01 02:07
oiaohmMost feature people think of as new NT features are from Mach.Apr 01 02:07
devqand kdeApr 01 02:07
oiaohmMS invents very little.Apr 01 02:08
devqdoes it invent at all?Apr 01 02:08
oiaohmMost of MS so called inventions are recreates of old items.Apr 01 02:08
_Hicham_1MS said that beforeApr 01 02:08
_Hicham_1they don't createApr 01 02:08
oiaohmSome things MS did event but there are a really short list.Apr 01 02:08
_Hicham_1they buy existing technologiesApr 01 02:09
oiaohmevent/invent.Apr 01 02:09
_Hicham_1oiaohm : give some examplesApr 01 02:09
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 01 02:09
oiaohmmach was open source _Hicham_Apr 01 02:10
oiaohmSo they did not even need to buy it opensource BSD licence.Apr 01 02:10
devqoiaohm, can you mention some of m$ inventions?Apr 01 02:11
oiaohmBSODApr 01 02:11
devqXDApr 01 02:11
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellApr 01 02:11
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 02:11
Balrog_don't they have to credit CMU for mach, like Apple does?Apr 01 02:11
oiaohmIf you read the book by the designer of NT he does.Apr 01 02:11
_Hicham_1MS have no credit for OpenSourceApr 01 02:11
Balrog_no, in the final productApr 01 02:12
oiaohmMicrosoft the main company does not want to own up to it.Apr 01 02:12
_Hicham_1MS have a long story with BSDApr 01 02:12
devqso they perverted that name with BSODApr 01 02:12
oiaohmIt would undermine there idea that closed source is good.Apr 01 02:12
Balrog_OS X shows 'Mach kernel (C) CMU Mach' as one of the first things in the boot process, if you boot verboseApr 01 02:12
Balrog_or something like thatApr 01 02:12
dsmith_MS also buys out pplApr 01 02:12
oiaohmMost things MS has invented is names.Apr 01 02:13
oiaohmOr if they have been good ideas stuffed them up.Apr 01 02:14
_Hicham_1finallyApr 01 02:14
_Hicham_1so they didn't invent anything?Apr 01 02:14
oiaohmBlue scren of death designed to provide debuging information to make what failed unstandable.Apr 01 02:14
oiaohmVery good idea.Apr 01 02:14
oiaohmThen they make it not readable by most humans.Apr 01 02:14
devqwas it really theirs?Apr 01 02:14
devqor their invention is "blue" in that sodApr 01 02:15
oiaohmAll other crash screens before BSOD ware like kernel panic.Apr 01 02:15
oiaohmNo debuging information.Apr 01 02:15
oiaohmOr apples bomb...Apr 01 02:15
oiaohmThe list goes on.Apr 01 02:15
oiaohmIt was a good invention.  Every time MS does a good invention they find a way to screw it up.Apr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1true, they invented BSODApr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1BSOD is one of their greatest inventionsApr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1who else can invent such a clever page?Apr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1full of hintful information?Apr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1and very human readable?Apr 01 02:16
_Hicham_1and very pleasant to the eye?Apr 01 02:17
_Hicham_1who can deny that?Apr 01 02:17
oiaohmLatter Linux kernel panics got more readable information.   But gets blocked from view by the GUI.Apr 01 02:17
_Hicham_1it is really a pleasure to have a BSODApr 01 02:17
_Hicham_1Linux kernel panics should generate messagesApr 01 02:17
oiaohmFirst generation kernel panics were just 1 line.Apr 01 02:18
oiaohmNo message.Apr 01 02:18
oiaohmYes curse and swear item.Apr 01 02:18
Balrog_interestingly, OS X kernel panics do generate messagesApr 01 02:18
_Hicham_1i a talking about a graphical warningApr 01 02:18
Balrog_they get dumped to NVRAM then written to a log on next rebootApr 01 02:18
_Hicham_1like MSVCRT onesApr 01 02:18
oiaohmThat is the OS X invention.Apr 01 02:18
oiaohm100 percent for sure readable kernel panics.Apr 01 02:19
NeonFlossFOSS sucks assApr 01 02:19
oiaohmNo mater how the system screws itself.Apr 01 02:19
_Hicham_1we can do that with LinuxApr 01 02:19
_Hicham_1we just have to generate message/eventsApr 01 02:19
NeonFlossapril foolsApr 01 02:19
oiaohmYou need hardware to do that _Hicham_1Apr 01 02:19
_Hicham_1catchable by the GUIApr 01 02:19
_Hicham_1oiaohm : why hardware?Apr 01 02:20
_Hicham_1but kernel panics sometimes block the UIApr 01 02:20
oiaohmKMS support is required so Linux gets a bluescreen of death.Apr 01 02:20
oiaohmequal.Apr 01 02:20
_Hicham_1great ideaApr 01 02:20
oiaohmOr the kernel cannot render anything to screen due to the video card being in the wrong mode.Apr 01 02:20
_Hicham_1Linux with BSODApr 01 02:20
oiaohmLinux did something really evil.Apr 01 02:21
oiaohmYou know the flashing lights you get when Linux kernel panics.Apr 01 02:21
oiaohmIts morse code.Apr 01 02:21
_Hicham_1why notApr 01 02:21
oiaohmWho knows morse these days.Apr 01 02:21
devqi don't rememberApr 01 02:21
oiaohmThat is Linux invention.Apr 01 02:21
_Hicham_1are talking seriously?Apr 01 02:21
oiaohmmorse code kernel panic messages.Apr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1is it morse code?Apr 01 02:22
*devq forgot morse code right after he learned itApr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1are u serious?Apr 01 02:22
oiaohmYep.Apr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1well, it is not that evil thenApr 01 02:22
oiaohmLinux kernel developers had to be able to get the error message some how.Apr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1the BIOS still uses themApr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1it is like BIOSApr 01 02:22
_Hicham_1so either use sound or imageApr 01 02:23
oiaohmEach OS invented something uniqueApr 01 02:23
oiaohmFor error handling.Apr 01 02:23
oiaohmWe just really need the best merged.Apr 01 02:23
*mib_468ulx (i=442fe926@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 02:25
*mib_468ulx has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 02:25
oiaohm  Interesting.Apr 01 02:26
*schestowitz resumes RMS CMU tralkApr 01 02:27
_Hicham_1oiaohm : how much time is left for Microsoft?Apr 01 02:30
oiaohmIt depends how Windows 7 goes.Apr 01 02:30
_Hicham_1and how do u see Windows 7?Apr 01 02:31
oiaohmHow Windows 7 sells or does not sellApr 01 02:31
oiaohmWindows 7 fails to sell well MS could be in big trouble very quicky.Apr 01 02:32
devqenforcing drm and other crap barely people like win7Apr 01 02:32
_Hicham_1did u test its beta?Apr 01 02:32
oiaohmThey are currently cutting away all unrequired departments.Apr 01 02:32
*devq is not installing windows until it's at least sp1Apr 01 02:32
oiaohmGoogle is going to make a strong push into th netbook market.Apr 01 02:32
devqand i didn't even install vista even to checkApr 01 02:33
oiaohmMS many not have the time to wait until sp1 of windows 7 and still be in good shape.Apr 01 02:33
oiaohmThey spent more money making vista than sending a man to the moon.Apr 01 02:33
oiaohmThey are having been spending huge everywhere.Apr 01 02:33
devqman to the moon...Apr 01 02:33
oiaohmNow they have to get use to being broke again.Apr 01 02:34
devqthey actually spent very little to make that up (sending a man to the moon)Apr 01 02:34
oiaohmVista total construction cost was over 400 billion devqApr 01 02:34
_Hicham_1400 billion?Apr 01 02:35
oiaohmLot of wasteful spending in there.Apr 01 02:35
devqyeah, and filming a fake landing didn't cost even 1 billionApr 01 02:35
oiaohmYou have to remember all the exermental projects that were intented for vista and never made it like winfs _Hicham_1Apr 01 02:36
_Hicham_1I remember that wellApr 01 02:36
devqwill win7 have winfs?Apr 01 02:36
_Hicham_1they are going to deathApr 01 02:37
_Hicham_1if they enforce drmApr 01 02:37
oiaohmTo make something like a Linux distrobution normally is about 10 billion in development time.Apr 01 02:37
devqthey actually do it alreadyApr 01 02:37
oiaohmOf course that is split over many commanies.Apr 01 02:37
oiaohmSo its not much money from each party.Apr 01 02:37
_Hicham_1oiaohm : from scratch?Apr 01 02:37
oiaohmFrom scratch.Apr 01 02:37
_Hicham_1Vista was the worst seller everApr 01 02:38
oiaohmVista basically cost 40 times more than a Linux distribution to make from scratch.Apr 01 02:38
_Hicham_1people were asking for machines with Windows XPApr 01 02:38
oiaohmThat massive spend hit MS bottem line.Apr 01 02:38
devqand got noneApr 01 02:38
oiaohmThen you have the netbook plagueApr 01 02:38
oiaohmthat reduced there OS income.Apr 01 02:39
oiaohmBasically MS is suffering.Apr 01 02:39
_Hicham_1netbooks fucked MSApr 01 02:39
oiaohmOne of there main money streams is damaged.Apr 01 02:39
_Hicham_1they didn't expect thatApr 01 02:39
oiaohmYep so they were spending like no tommorw.Apr 01 02:39
oiaohmProblem is tommow is here.Apr 01 02:39
_Hicham_1Windows XP was almost completeApr 01 02:40
_Hicham_1they just made things worseApr 01 02:40
oiaohmIf windows 7 is another flop expect to see MS dropping more departments.Apr 01 02:40
_Hicham_1they should have sold Service PacksApr 01 02:41
oiaohmPrice of closed source development will also start bitting MS like it bit apple.Apr 01 02:41
_Hicham_1instead of a new OSApr 01 02:41
_Hicham_1they made a bad move hereApr 01 02:41
_Hicham_1it was too riskyApr 01 02:41
oiaohmOS X has a open source core mostly because maintaining OS 9 was too expensive.Apr 01 02:41
oiaohmRemmber OS 9 has limited hardware it has to support.Apr 01 02:41
oiaohmI would not really like to be MS with Windows overheads.Apr 01 02:42
_Hicham_1but OS X now runs on Intel ArchitectureApr 01 02:42
oiaohmOS X core is based of freebsdApr 01 02:42
oiaohmof/offApr 01 02:42
oiaohmso porting to x86 was simple.Apr 01 02:42
oiaohmNot much effort at all.Apr 01 02:43
_Hicham_1I agree on thatApr 01 02:43
oiaohmIf arm based laptops come through.Apr 01 02:43
oiaohmMS has major battles ahead of them.  Major reason why MS is trying to get all applications coded in .netApr 01 02:43
oiaohmThe failure to do that is also MS problem.Apr 01 02:44
_Hicham_1why .NET?Apr 01 02:44
oiaohmRemember OS X has a generic executable format that is cpu netural as well.Apr 01 02:44
_Hicham_1.NET is ported to arm?Apr 01 02:44 is ported to arm by Novell.Apr 01 02:44
oiaohmThe deal between MS and Novell is not just a one way street.Apr 01 02:45
oiaohmMS needs Novell to live just as much as Novell needs MS.Apr 01 02:45
_Hicham_1so Novell is MS savior in a certain way?Apr 01 02:46
oiaohmBoth are trying to be each others saviorApr 01 02:46
oiaohmMS and Novell are both on a path to failure.Apr 01 02:46
_Hicham_1so they are drowning together?Apr 01 02:47
oiaohmBasically.Apr 01 02:48
oiaohmNovell saw MS as a way to save there falling Linux sales.Apr 01 02:48
oiaohmMS saw Novell as way to solve there cpu lock in problems.Apr 01 02:48
oiaohmNeither is turning out that great.Apr 01 02:49
_Hicham_1Novell took the wrong wayApr 01 02:50
schestowitzRMS the auctioneer.....Apr 01 02:50
_Hicham_1why didn't they do like RedHat?Apr 01 02:50
oiaohmNovell deals like that had worked for them in the past.Apr 01 02:52
oiaohmAnd made them lots of profit.Apr 01 02:52
oiaohmThis time it did not work.Apr 01 02:52
_Hicham_1examples of such deals plzApr 01 02:53
oiaohmnetware deal with MS _Hicham_1Apr 01 02:54
oiaohmMade Novell stacks.Apr 01 02:54
oiaohmTime pases what worked in the past many not every work again for you in business.Apr 01 02:54
_Hicham_1but netware deal has nothing to do with .NET dealApr 01 02:55
oiaohmnetware deal was another shared tech deal.Apr 01 02:55 deal was all about getting the server side deals with MS.Apr 01 02:56
oiaohmMS marketing Novell like they did with netware of the past.Apr 01 02:56
oiaohmThis time around competition lot stronger so stunt failed big time.Apr 01 02:56
schestowitz*ping* Balrog Apr 01 02:57
_Hicham_1who would bother to use .NET on a Linux Server?Apr 01 02:57
_Hicham_1what would be the benefit?Apr 01 02:57
oiaohmWhy do you use java on a Linux server.Apr 01 02:57
oiaohm.Net is about basicallly allowing MS .net asp applications to be pinched.Apr 01 02:58
oiaohmSo gaining market share.Apr 01 02:58
oiaohmIts all about the applications.Apr 01 02:58
oiaohmSomething the Linux world will have to focus on once the base techs are stable.Apr 01 02:59
_Hicham_1there is (almost) no interesting MS tech on the server side for LinuxApr 01 03:00
_Hicham_1except interoperabilityApr 01 03:00
oiaohmexactly interoperablity.Apr 01 03:01
oiaohmThe means to rip out a windows server transfer it apps and keep on going.Apr 01 03:02
_Hicham_1that would benefit Linux ServersApr 01 03:02
_Hicham_1no?Apr 01 03:02
_Hicham_1and make Linux Server biggerApr 01 03:03
oiaohmThat is novells idea.Apr 01 03:04
oiaohmAs I say it has not worked out that way.Apr 01 03:04
oiaohmTurns out lots of companies are running like php java and mysql on there windows servers.Apr 01 03:04
oiaohmSo there are not really enough .net applictions out there.Apr 01 03:05
_Hicham_1is it a good idea to run php on a windows server?Apr 01 03:05
oiaohmReally noApr 01 03:06
_Hicham_1why do people do it then?Apr 01 03:06
_Hicham_1lack of knowledge about Linux?Apr 01 03:06
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 03:08
oiaohmLack of funds _Hicham_1Apr 01 03:10
oiaohmSometimes you can only aford 1 server.Apr 01 03:10
oiaohmSo it has to do everything.Apr 01 03:10
oiaohmLinux lacks active directory and a few other key windows network controlling techs.Apr 01 03:10
_Hicham_1why not virtualize on Linux?Apr 01 03:11
oiaohmAgain lack of funds.Apr 01 03:11
oiaohmYou have to be aware lot of these companies are still running windows 2000 servers.Apr 01 03:11
oiaohmBefore Linux was good at virtualisation.Apr 01 03:11
oiaohmAnd they cannot kinda take servers off line.Apr 01 03:12
oiaohmSo ok php on windows not great.Apr 01 03:12
oiaohmBut it was better than nothing.Apr 01 03:12
oiaohmThe virtualisation on Linux is what is happening now _Hicham_1Apr 01 03:13
oiaohmOld 2000 servers are hitting the end of there optional cycles.Apr 01 03:13
schestowitzoiaohm: speaking of win2k, watch 01 03:13
_Hicham_1window 2003 is not used very much?Apr 01 03:13
oiaohm2003 is also come to the end of its cycle.Apr 01 03:18
oiaohm2008 is not used much.Apr 01 03:18
_Hicham_1what is the most secure webserver?Apr 01 03:19
_Hicham_1FreeBSD?Apr 01 03:19
oiaohmschestowitz:  Yes person found the item I was forgeting.  MS is risking another 1998 time frame problem.  Fire the wrong people basically cripple there complete operations.Apr 01 03:21
oiaohmMost secure is really hard to define _Hicham_1Apr 01 03:21
oiaohmBSD guys try to claim it.Apr 01 03:22
oiaohmYou might have a secure OS.Apr 01 03:22
oiaohmIf you use a inscure webserver it still can be rendered useless.Apr 01 03:22
*mib_pci4ae (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 03:23
*mib_pci4ae has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 03:23
oiaohmA secure webserver is made by the correct selection of parts to build it _Hicham_1Apr 01 03:24
oiaohmKernel can be Linux Freebsd or solarias.Apr 01 03:24
_Hicham_1but not Windows?Apr 01 03:24
oiaohmThere are ways to privilage exscape in windows even out of guest accounts.Apr 01 03:25
oiaohmOS X you can also build a secure OS on.Apr 01 03:25
oiaohmNormally too expensive so freebsd Linux and solaris get used instead.Apr 01 03:25
schestowitz4am, gnApr 01 03:26
oiaohmLinux kernel has privilage excape problems but by custom building kernel without particular features you remove lots of them.Apr 01 03:26
_Hicham_1gn RoyApr 01 03:26
oiaohmOther key thing to a secure webserver is the means to audit anything if needed.Apr 01 03:27
_Hicham_1can we escape privileges in Linux Kernel?Apr 01 03:27
oiaohmIf particular features are enabled.Apr 01 03:27
oiaohmLike your user having the means to write anywhere in memory _Hicham_1Apr 01 03:27
oiaohmRemove that also breaks X11 using DRI 1Apr 01 03:28
_Hicham_1does DRI 2 resolves this?Apr 01 03:28
oiaohmYesApr 01 03:28
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 03:29
oiaohmLinux will become a very secure desktop OS.Apr 01 03:29
yuhongI agree.Apr 01 03:29
oiaohmIts just not that secure at the moment.Apr 01 03:29
yuhong 01 03:29
oiaohmHard bit for MS supports to get is for many years most of Linux did not give a crap about the desktop.Apr 01 03:30
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Apr 01 03:30
yuhongI know.Apr 01 03:30
oiaohmThere was more money elsewhere.Apr 01 03:30
oiaohmAs the Linux army of coders turn on building a desktop it will improve.Apr 01 03:30
yuhongRemember when I was talking about why MS became Goliath?Apr 01 03:30
yuhongI just found this that might be interesting.Apr 01 03:31
yuhong 01 03:31
oiaohmRemember how I said history is repeating a while back.Apr 01 03:31
oiaohmThis is some of it I was refering to.Apr 01 03:31
_Hicham_1oiaohm : is there anyway to create an infrastructure for installing drivers on Linux like Windows?Apr 01 03:31
oiaohmLinux is different to windows.Apr 01 03:32
_Hicham_1I mean by means of the *.inf files and so onApr 01 03:32
_Hicham_1I knowApr 01 03:32
yuhongI once said that MS's business tactics were causing MS to become Goliath.Apr 01 03:32
_Hicham_1but is there any way to do so?Apr 01 03:32
oiaohmUserspace drivers like printer and scanners there are universion installallers.Apr 01 03:32
oiaohmUnder linux.Apr 01 03:32
yuhongAnd it seems you agree.Apr 01 03:32
oiaohmLinux is taking the place of david these days yuhongApr 01 03:33
yuhongI know.Apr 01 03:33
_Hicham_1one thing that prevent drivers from being easily installed is the ever changing Linux KernelApr 01 03:33
oiaohmLinux kernel has no goals about have a stable internal abi.Apr 01 03:33
yuhongWhat I was asking was why MS became Goliath.Apr 01 03:33
_Hicham_1so we have to compileApr 01 03:33
oiaohmThere are disadvantages to both methods.Apr 01 03:34
_Hicham_1and relinkApr 01 03:34
yuhongI once said that MS's business tactics were causing MS to become Goliath.Apr 01 03:34
oiaohmBy having a stable driver abi you can not remove design defect from kernel.Apr 01 03:34
oiaohmLinux kernel is introduction userspace driver support.Apr 01 03:34
yuhongI talked about this with oiaohm and it seems that he agrees, right?Apr 01 03:34
_Hicham_1that would be greatApr 01 03:35
oiaohmI agree with Ms becomes GoliathApr 01 03:35
_Hicham_1is it available in 2.6.29?Apr 01 03:35
yuhongI agree, I am talking about why.Apr 01 03:35
oiaohmGreed.Apr 01 03:35

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