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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 14th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitz 14 08:34
schestowitzMicrosoft goes black, making Chinese see redApr 14 08:34
schestowitz 14 08:34
schestowitzMicrosoft anti-piracy tactic turns computer screens blackApr 14 08:34
schestowitz 14 08:34
schestowitzMicrosoft Tactic Raises Hackles in ChinaApr 14 08:34
schestowitz 14 08:34
schestowitzMicrosoft sued over anti-piracy activityApr 14 08:34
schestowitz 14 08:34
kentmamornin'  allApr 14 08:34
schestowitzHowdy, kentma Apr 14 08:34
DaemonFCyeah, read about thatApr 14 08:35
kentmahow're things in manc?Apr 14 08:35
schestowitzBig Microsoft partners collapse too: Infosys fires 2,100 < >Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzkentma: all right so far. Fun EasterApr 14 08:36
kentmawow - tough times...Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzEven in India...Apr 14 08:36
schestowitzMS is mass-closing units. 14 08:36
kentmaRecession is a nasty thing, big human cost. ohh - I'll look at that...Apr 14 08:37
kentmahmm, just seen the Uniloc patent result.Apr 14 08:37
schestowitzMaybe Linus et al can escape Portland in case they need to maintain development outside chaotic places. Linus did work over the Internet from Helsinki... and Cox up northApr 14 08:37
schestowitzkentma: recession is an understatmentApr 14 08:37
schestowitzIt assume thinks revert back to normalApr 14 08:38
kentmaIsn't A Cox a Welshman?Apr 14 08:38
schestowitz*assumes thingsApr 14 08:38
schestowitzkentma: yesApr 14 08:38
DaemonFCwell, Microsoft of course pushes FOR stiffer patent lawsApr 14 08:38
schestowitzNorth of EuropeApr 14 08:38
kentmaschestowitz: yes, it's nasty nasty.  I note that unemployment in Manc has almost doubled this year.Apr 14 08:38
DaemonFCI guess they never thought they'd get bit in the assApr 14 08:38
schestowitzkentma: what's the definition for it?Apr 14 08:38
schestowitzHas it changed like in America?Apr 14 08:39
kentmaschestowitz: this is based on the number of people claiming "job seekers' allowance"Apr 14 08:39
schestowitzDaemonFC: they don't develop productsApr 14 08:39
schestowitzIn 2007 they began heavy patent-filingApr 14 08:39
schestowitzNow they have 10k patentsApr 14 08:39
schestowitzGood just for scaring companies like TomTOmApr 14 08:39
DaemonFCschestowitz: US government admitted 683,000 net job losses last monthApr 14 08:39
schestowitzLike SCO putting up "indemnification" page for salesApr 14 08:39
DaemonFCthat doesn't tell you what kind of jobs (McDonalds) replaced them (Walmart)Apr 14 08:39
schestowitzSame signsApr 14 08:39
DaemonFCotherwise it looks a LOT worseApr 14 08:40
DaemonFC;)Apr 14 08:40
schestowitzDaemonFC: WalMart will be like the "Red"-branded product in China.Apr 14 08:40
DaemonFC683,000 is AFTER they cook the numbers with every trick in the bookApr 14 08:40
schestowitzIt's not 683kApr 14 08:40
schestowitzIt's a lot moreApr 14 08:40
schestowitzThey lowball itApr 14 08:41
DaemonFCthat's what I saidApr 14 08:41
DaemonFCthey cooked the numbersApr 14 08:41
schestowitzNo way! :-oApr 14 08:41
schestowitzWhy would they do such a thingApr 14 08:41
schestowitzAnd MS says only 4% of netbooks run LinuxApr 14 08:41
kentmaDaemonFC: I found out recently how the US Gov calculates growth - basically, it guesses and always guesses on the high side, whereas several EU govs use actual figures, which appear lower, but when measured over several years, US growth rate has been behind EU... fascinating exercise in stats.Apr 14 08:41
DaemonFCunemployment right now, if you look at the real picture are more like 15-20% depending on where you are in the USApr 14 08:41
DaemonFCand underemployment adds to thatApr 14 08:42
kentmaDaemonFC: Unemp figures here are hard to understand because so many people are now excluded from the figures - this is a hangover from the Thatcher gov.Apr 14 08:42
schestowitzEven reporting of quarterly earning changed overt the years to generate optimism. I read about it.Apr 14 08:42
schestowitzThis means that companies like Microsoft did not always beat previous quartersApr 14 08:42
DaemonFCright, the US government puts lipstick on it so that foreign banks don't panic sell all our currencyApr 14 08:42
DaemonFCand freeze our credit linesApr 14 08:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: was 14% in 2008 IIRCApr 14 08:43
schestowitzGreat Depression peaked at 25%, IIRCApr 14 08:43
DaemonFCno, higherApr 14 08:43
DaemonFCit got over 30%Apr 14 08:43
schestowitzSo it's not far off, but they changed how they countApr 14 08:43
DaemonFCin 1932 I thinkApr 14 08:43
schestowitzDaemonFC: check WikipediaApr 14 08:43
DaemonFCthen it started coming back downApr 14 08:43
DaemonFClmaoApr 14 08:43
DaemonFCWikipediaApr 14 08:43
schestowitzThe problem will come about laterApr 14 08:44
*DaemonFC edits it to say 30% in 1932Apr 14 08:44
schestowitzWhen the big nations dump the dollarApr 14 08:44
DaemonFCyep, I was rightApr 14 08:44
schestowitzThen, Wall Street will tumbleApr 14 08:44
*kentma laughsApr 14 08:44
DaemonFCI really don't careApr 14 08:44
schestowitzThey can't afford to have the USD become another RubelApr 14 08:44
DaemonFCthat's a good thingApr 14 08:44
DaemonFCit'll be painful, but hopefully this government becomes insolvent and collapsesApr 14 08:45
DaemonFCand we can set up a new constitutional conventionApr 14 08:45
DaemonFCand form a new one :)Apr 14 08:45
schestowitz*rubleApr 14 08:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: Sometimes the only way to fix something is to tear it downApr 14 08:45
DaemonFCand rebuildApr 14 08:45
DaemonFCand I think thats where our government isApr 14 08:46
DaemonFCthey're too well dug in to get rid of through insurgency or coupApr 14 08:47
DaemonFCso that's why I hope our ecomony failsApr 14 08:47
DaemonFC*economyApr 14 08:47
schestowitzOn Kendall Dawson: "He does a good job and has not gone over to the dark side. Unfortunately that means that trolls constantly make written personal attacks against him.  I also recall that when Slashdot was working on its 10-year celebration, there were a lot of posts from the trolls advocating physical violence against him. "Apr 14 08:47
schestowitzKendall Dawson=kdawson, /. editorApr 14 08:48
schestowitzDaemonFC: easier said than doneApr 14 08:48
schestowitzYou lose competitiveness in the processApr 14 08:48
DaemonFCMicrosoft has a lot of meat puppets patrolling blogs and youtubeApr 14 08:48
DaemonFCand if it's not them, it's some horribly brainwashed suck upApr 14 08:48
schestowitzMS partnersApr 14 08:49
schestowitzSometimes...Apr 14 08:49
kentmahmm just seen the netcraft article - it seems somehow relevant.  How far can stats be twisted?Apr 14 08:49
schestowitzThey have lots of dependentsApr 14 08:49
schestowitzDestruction of MSFT can mean destruction of millions of jobsApr 14 08:49
schestowitzAround the world that is. But it's mostly relearning and education. Some losses are indirect (channel sellers for Microsoft|Oracle|others)Apr 14 08:50
schestowitzBSA is a front to manyApr 14 08:50
schestowitzBill Gates' dad's people....Apr 14 08:50
schestowitzkentma: some say Microsoft is really under 20%Apr 14 08:51
schestowitzThey go to hosts and offer the shift of parked domainApr 14 08:51
schestowitzThen they can brag about gaining in Netcraft and make sales/business case. It's self-fulfillung prophecyApr 14 08:51
kentmaConsider the massive global project currently underway, though - which is the replacement of Windows with Linux-based systems.  This is going to create huge numbers of job opportunities, both in the developed world for the changeout, retraining of staff and so on, as well as in the developing world where this technology will become affordable *without* violating copyright.Apr 14 08:52
schestowitzFake growth, try to then use it to make it so. Zune and Silver Lie are example where it failedApr 14 08:52
kentmaschestowitz: indeed, I was just reading the LT references in the digest - you posted this a couple of days ago.Apr 14 08:52
schestowitzThey try it now on sub-notebooks. They try to scare OEMs using fake figuresApr 14 08:52
schestowitzThey used NPD to lie about tZune like this tooApr 14 08:52
schestowitzthey stuff the channel and sample at stuffed shops momentarilyApr 14 08:52
schestowitzThen make lots of press. IDG helped them a lot with this slogApr 14 08:52
schestowitzMicrosoft buddies (personal relationship) like Shane O'Neill seed it and then peers parrot the liesApr 14 08:53
DaemonFC"Link0ot has made a comment on Windows 7- My thoughts:Apr 14 08:53
DaemonFCLOL you noob! Reinstalling Windows 7 three times? haha. BSODs 9 times? You are obviously a windows noob. Stick with your crappy Linux.Apr 14 08:53
DaemonFCOnly noob and windows illiterate have issue. Oh the way, Windows 7 is still in beta, noob!!"Apr 14 08:53
schestowitzkentma: "This really is remarkable.  You really need to look at it closely, particularly this sentence: Fifty percent of those surveyed by Dimensional Research said they've considered switching to a non-Windows OS to avoid Vista or Windows 7. " 14 08:53
schestowitzI got it by E-mail this morning.Apr 14 08:54
DaemonFCoh my god, he said "illiterate" and spelled it rightApr 14 08:54
kentmaschestowitz: the whole system is completely corrupt.  It's hardly surprising we've just suffered a stock-market crash, really.Apr 14 08:54
DaemonFCirony?Apr 14 08:54
*kentma looksApr 14 08:54
schestowitzkentma: I've always had many equestion about itApr 14 08:54
schestowitzThe integrity of a system too good to be trueApr 14 08:55
schestowitzAnd some people can now brag about saying this for ages... intellectuals mostlyApr 14 08:55
schestowitzMoney does not grow on trees unless the fairies come there at night and plants it on the branchesApr 14 08:55
kentmathe people trousering cash at the time will always argue hotly against this, though, since this is how they get their money.Apr 14 08:55
schestowitzThank goodness I (or my family) have no loans to payApr 14 08:56
kentmaI've got a mortgage, but nothing else.Apr 14 08:56
kentmaI'm not a believer in being in debt.Apr 14 08:56
schestowitzAverage debt per UK person: GBP50Apr 14 08:56
schestowitz50kApr 14 08:57
schestowitzIncluding old men, babies, temps, soldiersApr 14 08:57
kentmaThat's high, considering average salaries...Apr 14 08:57
schestowitzYes, but not quite all of the storyApr 14 08:57
schestowitzWhen unemployment rises and market caps of assets like BP decline, then it's hard to liquefy and pay back.Apr 14 08:58
schestowitzSee how the value of Citi sankApr 14 08:58
kentmaThe biggest risk is in the pension funds...Apr 14 08:58
schestowitzRipe for pickup by CHinese businessmen... but... I just don't think they are even interestedApr 14 08:58
schestowitzChina must be the world's largest exporterApr 14 08:58
kentmapension funds are some of the biggest investors on the stock market, they "pay" a big chunk of society (the retired), and their worth is falling with the market.Apr 14 08:59
kentmaThe InfWeek article is damning.Apr 14 08:59
kentmaBut not surprising.Apr 14 08:59
schestowitz "US Linux operating systems integrator Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) has appointed Pablo Papazian as sales executive and Guido Ipszman as sales manager at the company's South American unit, Red Hat said in a statement."Apr 14 08:59
kentmaI expect that many companies will be looking at a rollout of netbooks for many staff this year.Apr 14 09:00
schestowitzkentma: I never heard of that firm before.Apr 14 09:00
schestowitzMicrosoft will counter by bribing its stagesetApr 14 09:00
schestowitzForrester, IDC, etcApr 14 09:00
schestowitzThey ALWAYS do thatApr 14 09:00
kentmaI'm not sure how many people are believing them any more - the recession has woken up a lot of people.Apr 14 09:00
schestowitzIn BN, I've led many people to disregard analysts like thatApr 14 09:00
kentmaRightly so!Apr 14 09:01
schestowitzDoug picked up some evidenceApr 14 09:01
schestowitzAnd another person I can't name sent me pointersApr 14 09:01
kentmaOh?  Interesting... is it anything which can be published?Apr 14 09:01
schestowitzIDC and Gartner bills...Apr 14 09:01
kentmaAh...Apr 14 09:01
schestowitzI called it "Analyst Cartel" -- a 5-part seriesApr 14 09:01
schestowitzIt's very popular still.... not as much as the Intel-Microsoft anti-LinuxApr 14 09:01
kentmaHehe - excellent - anyway, must get on with work - happy easter & speak soon.Apr 14 09:01
schestowitzThanks./Apr 14 09:02
schestowitzkentma: it's already published BTWApr 14 09:02
schestowitzI just don't put this in COLAApr 14 09:02
schestowitzLeading to accusation of 'self promotion' from Microsoft's policemen in COLAApr 14 09:02
schestowitz"The US owes Iraq 53 billion dollars for the oil it has been unable to sell since the conquest" 14 09:04
schestowitz"Moldova is the poorest country of the Europe. A couple of days ago we hadApr 14 09:05
schestowitzelections. You could hear about it in the news, the Parliament and theApr 14 09:05
schestowitzPresident's residence were burnt. The ruling Communist party blames theApr 14 09:05
schestowitzopposition and the neighbor country Romania for this. Some claim that thisApr 14 09:05
schestowitzwas staged by the Communist party itself - the same scenario used by NazisApr 14 09:05
schestowitzwhen they burnt the Reichstag."Apr 14 09:05
schestowitz 14 09:05
DaemonFCschestowitz: So we don't pay them?Apr 14 09:07
DaemonFCThe problem is solved on our end :PApr 14 09:07
schestowitzIt's like paying your debts at warApr 14 09:07
DaemonFCor better yet, we could say that we'll apply it towards what they owe usApr 14 09:07
DaemonFCB-)Apr 14 09:07
schestowitzAnd later Bush asks, "why do they hate us?"Apr 14 09:07
schestowitzRumsfeld et al know very well the answerApr 14 09:07
schestowitzBut they don't tell himApr 14 09:08
schestowitzhe asked it in Sept. 13th, 2001 BTWApr 14 09:08
schestowitzA lot of the Bush cabinet armed the Moujahadin (Spelling) and offered them training to shoot Russuan tanks with StingersApr 14 09:08
schestowitzThat is also why Osama, coming from a veyr wealthy family, was disgusted and appalled almost 2 decades ago. The US used Afghanistan as cannon fodder.Apr 14 09:09
DaemonFCwell, more of them would have died without usApr 14 09:10
DaemonFCthe Soviets would have taken them after killing many more peopleApr 14 09:10
DaemonFCthe truth is they used us just as much as we used themApr 14 09:11
DaemonFCand the Taliban took over later and they got what they wantedApr 14 09:11
DaemonFCa Muslim theocracyApr 14 09:11
schestowitz[corp-focus] No Blank Check for the IMF  < >Apr 14 09:11
DaemonFCthe reason they hate Americans is the same reason they hated the SovietsApr 14 09:11
DaemonFCor anyone that's not MuslimApr 14 09:12
schestowitzBTW, 40% if the USian military busget is black.. unknown... no access even to the SenateApr 14 09:12
schestowitzSince project Manhattan (scheme to nuke opponents)Apr 14 09:12
DaemonFCif they were ever powerful enough to wipe us out, they'd come after everyone else that's not Muslim nextApr 14 09:12
DaemonFCdon't think they like you any betterApr 14 09:12
schestowitzAggravation didn't help, eitherApr 14 09:13
DaemonFCIt shocks me that so-called LIBERALS defend such an illiberal undemocratic peopleApr 14 09:13
kentmaDaemonFC: nobody has ever successfully invaded Afganistan.Apr 14 09:13
schestowitzThe threat increased sevenfold after the Iraq invasionApr 14 09:13
schestowitzIt's not just threat to the USApr 14 09:13
schestowitzThe US put a lot of its neighbouring countries and allies at risk tooApr 14 09:13
DaemonFCI consider myself a liberal, but even I really don't like those peopleApr 14 09:13
DaemonFCand I'm not going to defend someone that wants to kill meApr 14 09:13
DaemonFCjust cause I won't convert to their sick religionApr 14 09:14
schestowitzDaemonFC: if your theory is true about Islam, then how come early in the century there was hardly a problem?Apr 14 09:14
DaemonFCare you kidding me?Apr 14 09:14
schestowitzEVEN WITHOUT surveillance and foreign military bases.Apr 14 09:14
DaemonFCThe Ottoman EmpireApr 14 09:14
DaemonFCWorld War 1?Apr 14 09:14
schestowitzDaemonFC: the religious justification comes AFTER the technical oneApr 14 09:15
DaemonFCif they were equipped and prepared to murder all non-muslims and anyone "less Muslim" than they areApr 14 09:15
DaemonFCthey would do itApr 14 09:15
schestowitzLike, I might sidle with Linux /because/. Microsoft injured me (or someone else like Ernie Ball)Apr 14 09:15
kentmaDaemonFC:   Steady here, Islam is not sick.  Aside from anything else, Islam itself is not anti-Christian.  Christianity has always been anti-Islam, though.Apr 14 09:15
DaemonFCThe partitioning of the middle east after WW1 into Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Israel, etc was the right thing to doApr 14 09:15
schestowitzThe world's biggest atrocities have nothing to do with religion BTWApr 14 09:15
DaemonFCit keeps them at each others throatsApr 14 09:15
schestowitzCongo, WW2... not a religious warApr 14 09:15
DaemonFCthat was the pointApr 14 09:16
schestowitzOKApr 14 09:16
schestowitzIt's usually water, territory, desprationApr 14 09:16
DaemonFCkentma: The Christians and Muslims are both pretty hateful and sickApr 14 09:16
schestowitzReligious is used for labellingApr 14 09:16
DaemonFCand I consider both my enemyApr 14 09:16
schestowitz"Them" vs "Us"Apr 14 09:16
schestowitz*Religionv(typo)Apr 14 09:17
schestowitzIt's not a religious thingApr 14 09:17
schestowitzMaybe geographical and geo-politicalApr 14 09:17
DaemonFCbut the funny thing is that in Israel, they are not murdering homosexuals like the arabs doApr 14 09:17
schestowitzOne exploits others sometimes.Apr 14 09:17
DaemonFCor like the Christians want toApr 14 09:17
schestowitzPeople are not as stupid as the imperialists need to believeApr 14 09:18
DaemonFCthey have equal rights to anyone elseApr 14 09:18
schestowitzThe Indian troops that Britain recruited too turned against themApr 14 09:18
DaemonFCso I'd say if any of them, I like the Jews moreApr 14 09:18
schestowitzBecause they knew they were being misued and exploitedApr 14 09:18
kentmaDaemonFC: I understand what you're driving at, and have considerable sympathy with your view.  But I would point out that both christianity and islam share one very important thing, that is, that they are both made of and for people.  It's the people who are the problem, where there are problems.Apr 14 09:18
schestowitzDaemonFC: don't mix religion with groupsApr 14 09:19
kentmaI suspect that you have a general objection to authoritarian power structures, and overall, I tend to share your objection.Apr 14 09:19
schestowitzThink of techApr 14 09:19
DaemonFCkentma: The Nazis and the Muslims had one thing in common, they wanted to kill all Jews and all homosexualsApr 14 09:19
schestowitzThe 'Microsoft sect'Apr 14 09:19
schestowitzIt's not a religionApr 14 09:19
schestowitzBut it is like oneApr 14 09:19
DaemonFCthat's why the Nazis got along with the Muslims so well during the warApr 14 09:19
schestowitzCause they share vested interestsApr 14 09:19
schestowitzSame with FOSS to an extentApr 14 09:19
schestowitzApple and fanboizApr 14 09:19
kentmaDaemonFC: Okay, but nazi != german, and I'm 100% certain that not all Muslims want to kill anyone at all.Apr 14 09:19
DaemonFCbut had the Axis won either WW1 or WW2, the fascists and the Muslims would have turned on each otherApr 14 09:20
schestowitzIslam is not violentApr 14 09:20
schestowitzThere are billions of MuslimsApr 14 09:20
DaemonFCit was an alliance of convenienceApr 14 09:20
schestowitzA tiny minority is shown on Fox news for exampleApr 14 09:20
schestowitzI have Arab friends and it's insulting that they are characterise just to promote (party) linesApr 14 09:20
schestowitzIf you treat them badly, how can you expect them not to behave reciprocally?Apr 14 09:21
DaemonFCschestowitz: There's a US Congressman from here (Indiana) who is a Muslim and has co-sponsored gay rights bills, but I'm sure most Muslims would kill HIMApr 14 09:21
DaemonFCjust for thatApr 14 09:21
kentmaDaemonFC: there were lots of alliances of convenience in WW2, including UK with Russia, UK with China etc. etc.Apr 14 09:21
schestowitzDaemonFC: Christians tooApr 14 09:22
DaemonFCI really feel like we lost World War 2 as soon as we provoked the JapaneseApr 14 09:22
schestowitzAdherence to religion in generalApr 14 09:22
DaemonFCeven though we technically wonApr 14 09:22
kentmaDaemonFC: there are a lot of muslims around, and whilst a few might well be violent, I'm quite sure that most are not, towards anyone.Apr 14 09:22
DaemonFCthey were at war with the Communist forces in ChinaApr 14 09:22
DaemonFCso had we not provoked them maybe they would have solved that problemApr 14 09:22
schestowitzWhat China does by the way is not very different from te rest of the world todayApr 14 09:23
kentmaDaemonFC: okay, but I think you should consider who "they" are in these situations.  Even in ww2, very few countries were affected completely.Apr 14 09:23
schestowitzThey just hide it lessApr 14 09:23
schestowitzmedia control = corporate control vs walls of censorshipApr 14 09:23
schestowitzSnoops and centralised databases (UK) versus eavesdropping in ChinaApr 14 09:23
DaemonFCwell, when I say that a religion is violent, 10% of them may not beApr 14 09:23
DaemonFCbut on the whole, most areApr 14 09:24
kentmaThe US has just announced the closure of its global ring of torture centres, for example.Apr 14 09:24
schestowitzSuppression of speech versus implicit censorshipApr 14 09:24
DaemonFCso while there may be non-radical factions, that does not excuse the groupApr 14 09:24
schestowitzThey block" democracy", whereas people here PRETEND to have itApr 14 09:24
schestowitzkentma: maybe there was one here in MancApr 14 09:24
schestowitzThey have some interrogation cells (secret) in US airportsApr 14 09:25
kentmaschestowitz: gosh, scary thought.Apr 14 09:25
DaemonFCyou can't hate a group of people and instill that hate, then try to distance yourself when your followers pick up knives and swords and guns and bombsApr 14 09:25
DaemonFCand go kill the people you taught them how to hateApr 14 09:25
schestowitzkentma: not next door to Business Class Lounge: -)Apr 14 09:25
kentmaDaemonFC: most muslims are just not like that, though.  There are clearly some, without doubt, but there are some people in almost any grouping who are disaffected in some way, and can become violent.Apr 14 09:25
DaemonFCthat's pretty much what Islam and Christianity are, when their followers act on that hate, the group disavows itApr 14 09:26
schestowitzDaemonFC: better a knife than hbombApr 14 09:26
kentmaschestowitz: I always wondered what the screams were whilst sitting in the loung at Heathrow  - I though it was just the catering staff testing the aeroplane food :-)Apr 14 09:26
schestowitzThe US is said to have spent $5tr on nuclear programmers in recent years. I couldn't verify the fact (from Professor emeritus)Apr 14 09:26
DaemonFCThe acts of Christian and Muslim atrocities are kind of the equal and opposite of the Nazi prison guards who "just followed orders"Apr 14 09:27
kentmalounge, I mena.Apr 14 09:27
kentmamean.  Arggh!Apr 14 09:27
kentmaDaemonFC: there is no excusing them - about that I agree 100%, however, how many germans were Nazis?Apr 14 09:27
DaemonFC"I just said they are an affront to God and they're filthy and disgusting, THEY went and blew them up, I didn't specifically SAY to do THAT"Apr 14 09:27
schestowitzkentma: *LOL* I actually like food on planesApr 14 09:27
DaemonFCthat's what preachers and clerics sayApr 14 09:28
DaemonFCright after that shit goes downApr 14 09:28
*magentar (n=magentar@swla509.WLAN.Uni-Marburg.DE) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 09:28
DaemonFC:)Apr 14 09:28
kentmaDaemonFC: there are clearly some radical preacher types who are dangerous and objectionable, and clearly deliberately trying to cause problems.Apr 14 09:28
schestowitzHungarian government boosts open sauce  < >Apr 14 09:29
schestowitzkentma: Galloway? :-DApr 14 09:29
DaemonFCThe preachers that say that are like the Nazis in the Nuremburg trials if they had said "We just said that your Jewish neighbors are greedy and covetous and stealing all your shit, and the people under our command went and shot them"Apr 14 09:29
kentmaschestowitz: oh yeah, MP for Bagdad central :-)Apr 14 09:29
schestowitzI like the attitude of this guy: Apr 14 09:30
schestowitzSoftwareApr 14 09:30
schestowitzHungarian government boosts open sauce Apr 14 09:30
DaemonFCHow many people would go for that line THEN?Apr 14 09:30
schestowitzOops. I like the attitude of this guy: 14 09:30
MinceRgeekingsApr 14 09:30
kentmaDaemonFC: A lot of people are easily led, for sure.  I don't know how much psychology you've studied, but you should look at the "stanford prison experiment" - it's quite fascinating, and shows how this sort of thing works.Apr 14 09:31
schestowitzThe MPAA is committing crimes now: 14 09:31
kentmaDaemonFC: 14 09:31
schestowitzkentma: that experiment is on YouTube BTWApr 14 09:32
DaemonFCkentma: I've seen thatApr 14 09:32
kentmaschestowitz: really?  I did subsid psychology as part of my degree, this was one thing we looked at.  It's quite terrifying, really.Apr 14 09:32
DaemonFCthat's also too unethical to be a "scientific" experimentApr 14 09:32
kentmaDaemonFC: ah, okay, then you know...Apr 14 09:32
kentmaDaemonFC: unethical?  Not sure I see that.Apr 14 09:32
schestowitzI notice 14 09:33
DaemonFCyesApr 14 09:33
schestowitzkentma: mind is stil primitiveApr 14 09:33
schestowitzInherent animal instricts can eruptApr 14 09:33
schestowitz*instinctsApr 14 09:33
kentmaschestowitz: social pressures are very strong - we're still monkeys, deep down.Apr 14 09:33
kentmaor apes or something.Apr 14 09:34
kentmasomething Darwin said, anyway :-)Apr 14 09:34
schestowitzFreud tooApr 14 09:34
ushimitsudokithat's also too unethical to be a "scientific" experiment <- this makes no senseApr 14 09:34
schestowitzushimitsudoki: yes, so we learn from themApr 14 09:34
ushimitsudokiexactly. ethics are a consideration independent of the validity of the experiment.Apr 14 09:35
ushimitsudokinot to say i support un-ethical experiments or anything. just saying that the ethics of an experiments doesn't affect it's validity.Apr 14 09:35
schestowitzScientology meets science channels: 14 09:36
kentmaushimitsudoki: I agree.Apr 14 09:36
kentmaushimitsudoki: this is one area where people find science rather scary, that it's conclusions and actions are purely based on rational consideration, independent of any moral framework.  A very large number of "scifi-horror" stories are based on this perceived gap.  Perhaps the first was Bram Stoker's Dracula.Apr 14 09:37
kentmaEven Grimm's Faery Tales follow similar paths, though.Apr 14 09:38
schestowitzMicrosoft is usually PAYING to sign ad deals and then issues press releases. Digg is a good example. Digg is declining rapidly... let it rot with MSN..Apr 14 09:39
ushimitsudokikentma: i agree; and I think ethics are important. I just bristle at the idea that ethical or moral "truths" can affect scientific "truths". down that path lies superstition and dogma, as you rightly point to ("There are some things man is not meant to know", etc.)Apr 14 09:39
schestowitzIt probably went wrong because of spammers and competitionApr 14 09:39
schestowitzkentma: 14 09:40
schestowitz"Microsoft’s sales of new software have taken a hefty hit from the economic downturn.."Apr 14 09:43
schestowitzReport due soon.Apr 14 09:43
schestowitzQ1Apr 14 09:43
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 09:43
kentmaschestowitz: room 101 was a terrifying idea.  I re-read 1984 recently, it's an amazing book.  My imagination does a better job than most films, to be honest:-)Apr 14 09:44
kentmaushimitsudoki: I agree - superstition rapidly becomes dogma, and dogma is used for suppression of thinking.  It's a nasty cycle.Apr 14 09:46
kentmaIncidentally, the police broke up a demonstration at a power plant *before it happened* today.  This is very 1984 - we have thought police in action, it seems.Apr 14 09:47
*zer0c00l (n=root@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 09:49
DaemonFCMicrosoft took the Halo trial version downApr 14 09:55 still has it, hehApr 14 09:56
schestowitzI've just done a quick summary of Microsoft's decline: 14 09:56
schestowitzzer0c00l: watch out for InfosysApr 14 09:56
schestowitzMaybe they'll wake up on time and harness Free software Apr 14 09:56
schestowitzkentma: yes, put the characters of your choice in.Apr 14 09:57
*zer0c00l looksApr 14 09:57
schestowitzHow would a girl feel watching a chap? It would be harder to relateApr 14 09:57
DaemonFChmmm, anyone know if the Halo 2 XP patch works for Wine?Apr 14 09:58
DaemonFChmmmmmm,Apr 14 09:58
schestowitzkentma: they spy on E-mail for this. Also in activists/groupsApr 14 09:58
schestowitzSearch for something like "protest" or <venue_name>Apr 14 09:58
schestowitzkentma: did you know about the US base in YorkshireApr 14 09:59
DaemonFCschestowitz: How do you like that?Apr 14 09:59
schestowitzTurns out they have been keeping copies of mail for quite some time. UK mail.Apr 14 09:59
DaemonFCMicrosoft tried saying all those games needed VistaApr 14 09:59
DaemonFCand they were hacked to pieces and running on 2000 and XPApr 14 09:59
DaemonFCwithin daysApr 14 09:59
schestowitzBull.Apr 14 09:59
schestowitzPressureApr 14 09:59
schestowitzThey still support w2kApr 14 09:59
DaemonFCschestowitz: C&C 3: Tiberium Wars REQUIRES VistaApr 14 10:00
schestowitzYou can take the horse to water, can't make it drinkApr 14 10:00
DaemonFCbut there's an unofficial patchApr 14 10:00
DaemonFCthat lets it work on XP and 2K as wellApr 14 10:00
schestowitzOf courseApr 14 10:00
schestowitzOld newsApr 14 10:00
schestowitz2007ishApr 14 10:00
schestowitzThey sometimes use some INI fileApr 14 10:00
schestowitzSilly artificial obstructionsApr 14 10:00
DaemonFCno, they had to modify the EXEApr 14 10:00
schestowitzOhApr 14 10:00
DaemonFCit was making bogus checks for Vista kernel functionality the game doesn't useApr 14 10:01
schestowitzI can look up examples I gatheredApr 14 10:01
schestowitzIt was almost 2 years agoApr 14 10:01
DaemonFCjust to make sure it was really on VistaApr 14 10:01
schestowitzFound in Digg IIRCApr 14 10:01
schestowitzIt's like "exclusives"Apr 14 10:01
schestowitzWhich means "secrew the customers"Apr 14 10:01
schestowitzKickbacks to promote certain choice through restriction thereofApr 14 10:01
schestowitzIt should really be prohibitedApr 14 10:01
DaemonFCThey were desperate to sell Vista so they made perfectly 2000/XP compatible software not allow you to run it on 2000/XPApr 14 10:02
DaemonFCand paid their partners to do it tooApr 14 10:02
schestowitzImagine if Renault  signed a deal that said only their cars are allowed to enter Alton ParkApr 14 10:02
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, that ought to have them finedApr 14 10:02
schestowitzIt's a h/w upgrade cartelApr 14 10:03
DaemonFCschestowitz: If they were actually using some killer new feature of Vista to make their game better, I could understand thatApr 14 10:03
DaemonFCbut this is just holding new software hostageApr 14 10:03
DaemonFCto force upgradesApr 14 10:03
DaemonFCI actually tried the DirectX 10 enhanced features of a lot of those games, that's only available on Vista, like Crysis, it has a XP mode and a Vista modeApr 14 10:04
DaemonFCthe Enhanced mode doesn't look a lot better but it is much slowerApr 14 10:04
schestowitzDX10 can work on XP tooApr 14 10:05
DaemonFCWhy would you want to?Apr 14 10:05
DaemonFCI turned the enhanced features off on VistaApr 14 10:05
schestowitzBut Microsoft artificially made upgrade differentiator.Apr 14 10:05
DaemonFCcause they were such a performance dragApr 14 10:05
schestowitzDaemonFC: I only used DX many years back as a teenager.Apr 14 10:05
schestowitzDX is a Windows/games thingApr 14 10:06
schestowitzHollywood uses OpenGLApr 14 10:06
DaemonFCI remember when 3dfx stopped updating their drivers and I had JUST bought a Voodoo 5 5500 for Windows MeApr 14 10:06
schestowitzIn fact, anything but the Wingame world is apathetic t/w DXApr 14 10:06
zer0c00l"Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC is an extension built on the core of ASP.NET that brings some of the popular practices and ease of development that were popularized by Ruby on Rails and Django to the .NET developers." 14 10:06
DaemonFCand DirectX 7 destroyed their driverApr 14 10:06
schestowitzzer0c00l: yes, Microsoft employees try to deceive usApr 14 10:06
schestowitzThey are desparateApr 14 10:06
schestowitzSo many years went by and .NET never wonApr 14 10:06
schestowitzNow we have Python, PHP, Java as Free software...Apr 14 10:07
DaemonFCso the 3dfx users built a website with hacked drivers that worked well enough to use on ME/2000/XPApr 14 10:07
schestowitzSo Miguel and other Microsoft employees try to change thisApr 14 10:07
DaemonFCnot well, but they workedApr 14 10:07
schestowitzSame story with Windows MobileApr 14 10:07
schestowitzMaybe billions in losses so far and over a decade later it's still nowhereApr 14 10:07
schestowitzSome say 5%Apr 14 10:07
DaemonFCschestowitz: I wish more of these companies would release their stuff as GPL or something before selling or going bankruptApr 14 10:08
DaemonFCGlide was pretty superior to DirectX or OpenGL for gamesApr 14 10:08
schestowitzMaybe they sell the so-called "IP" to someoneApr 14 10:08
schestowitz"IP"=codeApr 14 10:08
schestowitzCopyrightApr 14 10:09
DaemonFC 14 10:09
DaemonFCmemories *sigh* :PApr 14 10:09
schestowitznew distro: About ULTILEX < >Apr 14 10:09
DaemonFCGlidos can still wrap DirectX and let you play Glide games by piping everything to DirectXApr 14 10:10
DaemonFCit works in Wine, but not wellApr 14 10:10
schestowitzOBAMAA is on a roll this year: Obama Taps 5th RIAA Lawyer to Justice Dept. < >Apr 14 10:10
schestowitzUpdate: VirtualBox 2.2.0 < >Apr 14 10:12
DaemonFChow much you figure he got in campaign money?Apr 14 10:12
schestowitzMicrosoft Employees Demonstrate Fondness For Google < >Apr 14 10:12
DaemonFCNot that I doubt they also gave campaign money to McCainApr 14 10:12
DaemonFCthese special interests fund both sidesApr 14 10:12
DaemonFCand threaten to cut off whoever defies themApr 14 10:13
schestowitzGoogle market cap: 119.22BApr 14 10:13
schestowitzDaemonFC: Biden more likelyApr 14 10:13
DaemonFCschestowitz: Imitation is the sincerest flattery :PApr 14 10:13
DaemonFCWindows live is being seriously whored in Windows 7Apr 14 10:13
schestowitzPeople have this feeling that they own ObamaApr 14 10:14
schestowitzLike he's there puppy to save them from McBushApr 14 10:14
schestowitz*theirApr 14 10:14
schestowitz"Anything but Bush" is not goodApr 14 10:14
schestowitzIt's just "not as bad"Apr 14 10:14
schestowitzDaemonFC: yes, I heard about Microsoft pimping Live in Vista7Apr 14 10:14
schestowitzRegulators watch this closelyApr 14 10:15
schestowitzAnd VIsta7 will only be sold with new PCs, i.e. very littleApr 14 10:15
DaemonFCWell, then it becomes a bidding platformApr 14 10:15
schestowitzMicrosoft already says it will offer DOWNGRADE RIGHTS for Vista7Apr 14 10:15
schestowitzIt knows there will be trouble even a year aheadApr 14 10:15
DaemonFCGoogles pays off HP or Dell to use Google Desktop and Google Search in IEApr 14 10:15
schestowitzMSFT's income might not be as bad this Q because of layoffs and closed down divisionsApr 14 10:16
DaemonFCI don't agree with letting other things hook into the Search AppletApr 14 10:16
DaemonFCjust means spyware and low quality crap can piggyback inApr 14 10:16
schestowitzThe market is also afloat on borrowed/printed money at the momentApr 14 10:16
schestowitzDow back above 8000pts because of the illusionsApr 14 10:17
DaemonFCwhen you install DivX for example, you now have Google Search clobber Windows SearchApr 14 10:17
DaemonFCcause it piggybacked inApr 14 10:17
schestowitzGood for Wall Street (the looting)Apr 14 10:17
DaemonFCjust like spywareApr 14 10:17
schestowitzJobs keep being eliminated nonetheless, just not in Connecticut maybeApr 14 10:17
DaemonFCschestowitz: And now this gives spyware another hook into WindowsApr 14 10:18
DaemonFCso maybe Porno Search replaces Windows SearchApr 14 10:18
DaemonFCwhen you get a spyware infectionApr 14 10:18
schestowitzVista7 scares meApr 14 10:18
schestowitzI never cruised Vista except one time... at the airportApr 14 10:18
DaemonFCThat's not a Microsoft faultApr 14 10:18
schestowitzThey had a test machine next to two macsApr 14 10:18
DaemonFCthat's due to misplaced government regulationApr 14 10:18
schestowitzVista creeps me as a platform that you'd registerApr 14 10:19
DaemonFCNobody is forcing APple to let Google clobber FinderApr 14 10:19
DaemonFCyou get what I mean?Apr 14 10:19
schestowitzYesApr 14 10:19
schestowitzApple is no modelApr 14 10:19
DaemonFCNo, I mean the Windows search applet should NOT be replaceableApr 14 10:19
DaemonFCJust as the Mac one shouldn't be eitherApr 14 10:20
DaemonFCcause you get Google and spyware that replaces it with little or no user consentApr 14 10:20
DaemonFCand this is all the fault of the EUApr 14 10:20
DaemonFCand the Department of JusticeApr 14 10:20
DaemonFCif they want to regulate something, why not make IE an optional program?Apr 14 10:21
DaemonFCwhile they're at it, Safari should be optional on the MacApr 14 10:21
schestowitz "That announcement stated that, starting "on or about the third week of April" users who are still running either IE6 or IE7 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 "will get will get a notification through Automatic Update about IE8.""Apr 14 10:21
DaemonFCAndwhy didn't they investigate Apple for having secret APIs only Safari can use?Apr 14 10:21
DaemonFCWhy did Mozilla have to reverse engineer Mac OS?Apr 14 10:22
DaemonFCWhy is that not a scandal?Apr 14 10:22
schestowitzApple has sympathyApr 14 10:22
schestowitzIt hasn't committed quite the same type of crimesApr 14 10:22
schestowitzLike lawsuits by proxyApr 14 10:22
schestowitzBlackmailApr 14 10:22
schestowitzbribesApr 14 10:22
DaemonFCIF you notice Firefox 3 suddenly acting native and performing better than version 2?Apr 14 10:23
schestowitzIt did however commit financial fraud on the face of it, like MSFTApr 14 10:23
DaemonFCIt's cause they're now using the same secret APIs that Safari usesApr 14 10:23
schestowitzDaemonFC: FF3 is less stable for me than FF2Apr 14 10:23
schestowitzBut a lot fasterApr 14 10:23
schestowitzFF2 could run for 100s of hours without crashesApr 14 10:23
DaemonFCI like Linux mostly because there aren't any dirty tricks artificially crippling one program to make the other look betterApr 14 10:24
DaemonFCMicrosoft and Apple do thatApr 14 10:24
DaemonFCconstantlyApr 14 10:24
schestowitzFor 'security'Apr 14 10:25
DaemonFCMicrosoft and Apple remind me of Richard Nixon's Dirty Tricks SquadApr 14 10:25
schestowitzof selfApr 14 10:25
DaemonFC:PApr 14 10:25
DaemonFCalsoApr 14 10:25
DaemonFCas of yesterdays updatesApr 14 10:26
DaemonFCUbuntu no longer calls itself development branch at the terminalApr 14 10:26
DaemonFCjust Ubuntu JauntyApr 14 10:26
DaemonFChmmmApr 14 10:26
schestowitzCarlo Piana explains controversial MXM Public License proposal to OSI < >Apr 14 10:26
DaemonFCSGI has sent in 70 XFS patches on the 2.6.30 Linux dev branch so farApr 14 10:30
DaemonFCthat's more than I've seen in that last 2 yearsApr 14 10:30
DaemonFCmostly cleanups, small bug fixes, some performance patchesApr 14 10:31
DaemonFCthe new driver is actually looking pretty goodApr 14 10:34
schestowitz"Of course, while they may be a tad too much for some people, the BN people at least are proactive. Their regular links are the best of any FLOSS sites." That's us :-) 14 10:38
schestowitzSGI is no moreApr 14 10:38
schestowitzRackableApr 14 10:38
schestowitzPushed into a rack of historyApr 14 10:39
DaemonFCschestowitz: They still have some SGI people working on XFSApr 14 10:40
DaemonFCand a lot of former employees doing it as part of their new job or as a hobbyApr 14 10:40
DaemonFCThats the nice thing about GPL, XFS can live on without SGIApr 14 10:40
schestowitzWordPressApr 14 10:41
schestowitzGPL is a wonderful thing, isn't it?Apr 14 10:41
schestowitzYou know where WordPress came from...?Apr 14 10:41
*magentar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 14 10:41
DaemonFCyeah, it means that projects can and do outlive the company that made themApr 14 10:41
DaemonFCno clue reallyApr 14 10:41
schestowitzA French guy who apparently went broke (Michele, b2). Now it's a de facto blog platform and sometimes CMS tooApr 14 10:41
DaemonFCSGI released a lot of their unfinished XFS work back in December when they laid off most of their XFS teamApr 14 10:42
schestowitzWordPress is now a company (Automattic) with many millions behind it and millions of sites. The press does not cover this success strory enoughApr 14 10:42
schestowitzThe same is said about Red HatApr 14 10:42
DaemonFCso I'd imagine this is why we're seeing a bunch of stuff landing all at onceApr 14 10:43
DaemonFCother people are finishing the work SGI hadApr 14 10:43
schestowitzIt powers a lot of the world's computers yet people hardly even recognise the name (except technies)Apr 14 10:43
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 10:43
DaemonFCRed Hat is skittish about XFSApr 14 10:43
schestowitzWith every demise of a GPL project there's a chance to become a project leaderApr 14 10:43
DaemonFCif they add it they have to support itApr 14 10:43
schestowitzRename, fork, restartApr 14 10:43
schestowitzJoomla!~Apr 14 10:43
DaemonFCbut their lead file system engineer is a former SGI employeeApr 14 10:44
DaemonFCwho maintains XFS for FedoraApr 14 10:44
DaemonFCalso, Rackable got all of SGI's former customers who still use XFS and will for yearsApr 14 10:45
DaemonFCso I don't think it will go away soonApr 14 10:45
DaemonFCXFS became a white elephant because Linux developers have kind of a not invented here attitudeApr 14 10:45
DaemonFCExt4 merely duplicates most of what XFS already had from when it was ported to Linux 8 years agoApr 14 10:46
oiaohmExt4 does not have the one glitch of XFS ie deleting of files.Apr 14 10:46
schestowitz Firefox wins because of DEVELO~1 DEVELO~1 DEVELO~1 (extensions).Apr 14 10:46
schestowitzWhich one does IBM fund (FS)Apr 14 10:47
DaemonFCyou mean lots of little files?Apr 14 10:47
oiaohmYepApr 14 10:47
DaemonFCthe performance hitch on thatApr 14 10:47
DaemonFCyeahApr 14 10:47
DaemonFCyou can improve that by tweaking the mount options in fstabApr 14 10:47
oiaohmYou think about developers building kernels all the time.Apr 14 10:47
DaemonFCbut it's a well known area of not so good performanceApr 14 10:47
oiaohmBias comes party from usage.Apr 14 10:47
DaemonFCyeah, that's really the only people that will even notice that problemApr 14 10:48
DaemonFCis people deleting lots of little .c and .h filesApr 14 10:48
DaemonFC:)Apr 14 10:48
DaemonFClike a kernel source directoryApr 14 10:48
oiaohmYep the very people who are making the decide.Apr 14 10:48
DaemonFCXFS hauls ass on most everything else thoughApr 14 10:48
oiaohmAre the ones effected by the one annony XFS defect.Apr 14 10:48
oiaohmPure bad luck for XFS reallly.Apr 14 10:49
schestowitzoiaohm: you got a comment: 14 10:49
oiaohmIf the defect was on extreamly large files developed would have not noticed.Apr 14 10:49
DaemonFCI don't mind it just cause if it takes me a minute extra to build a kernelApr 14 10:50
DaemonFCand XFS is so much faster for everything else I doApr 14 10:50
DaemonFCI still end up aheadApr 14 10:50
oiaohmThat is the problem.Apr 14 10:50
oiaohmHopefully in time all the best features of all filesystems end up in one.Apr 14 10:50
schestowitzGavin Clarke is still advertising Microsoft in El Reg: "Microsoft: have it your way on IE 8"Apr 14 10:53
schestowitzIt's like another Ina Fried, but this guy also attacks the oppositionApr 14 10:53
schestowitzThough the Friedshill does this too, esp. against Linux and APpleApr 14 10:53
oiaohmI will leave that.  Really don't want to have to dig into oldest greek language.Apr 14 10:53
oiaohmThey are some of the first translation errors.Apr 14 10:54
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, I guess it's what happens when controversial issues are discussed here.Apr 14 10:58
schestowitzWindows dedicated site to try Linux! <  > Even the MSFTers look for alternatives.Apr 14 11:00
schestowitzIs the patents (intellectual monopoly) era reaching its end? 14 11:05
schestowitz "IMO, Apple sees Linux as desktop threat."Apr 14 11:09
schestowitzPsystar steers off Mac OS X and supports Linux. 14 11:12
PetoKraushmm interestingApr 14 11:22
DaemonFCschestowitz: 14 11:22
DaemonFClolApr 14 11:22
PetoKrausi'm just reading the /. article on the new M$FT €9M fineApr 14 11:22
PetoKrausit's interesting indeed.Apr 14 11:23
schestowitzPart of a patternApr 14 11:24
PetoKrausit's actually one of the first articles where the comments help to understand the topicApr 14 11:25
schestowitzDE is ahead of the curveApr 14 11:25
PetoKrausthe article and summary are totally retardedApr 14 11:25
schestowitzalso fined scoApr 14 11:25
schestowitzDaemonFC: heh.Apr 14 11:26
schestowitzlinkworthyApr 14 11:26
DaemonFCschestowitz: I went to Opera's IRC room to mention some Linux bugsApr 14 11:27
DaemonFCand one of their employees said he didn't care cause he doesn't use LinuxApr 14 11:27
DaemonFCI asked him why they ported the damned thing if they didn't care it had bugsApr 14 11:28
DaemonFC:PApr 14 11:28
schestowitz (Expanding Linux desktop market)Apr 14 11:29
schestowitzBut some Opera developers use LinuxApr 14 11:30
schestowitzThey say they like itApr 14 11:30
schestowitzDepends who you askApr 14 11:30
DaemonFChmmmApr 14 11:31
DaemonFCthey still use QT3 :PApr 14 11:31
DaemonFCI just grabbed the latest Opera 10 buildApr 14 11:31
PetoKrauswellApr 14 11:34
PetoKrausthere's quite a lot of apps which don't work with operaApr 14 11:34
DaemonFCseems like it comes in halfway between IE 8 and Firefox on SunspiderApr 14 11:35
DaemonFCtwice as fast as IE but still twice as slow as Firefox 3.0.8Apr 14 11:35
PetoKrausenter midoriApr 14 11:36
PetoKraus:PApr 14 11:36
PetoKrausthat's blazing fastApr 14 11:36
PetoKrausi'd use it, if only it tracked my gtk theme properlyApr 14 11:36
DaemonFCOpera still seems faster than Firefox on other thingsApr 14 11:38
DaemonFCI think overall Opera is fasterApr 14 11:38
DaemonFCbut Firefox is better on scriptsApr 14 11:38
PetoKrausand it's FOSSApr 14 11:38
PetoKraus:)Apr 14 11:38
schestowitzMicrosoft and Apple try to pretend Linux does not exist (reduce visibility): 14 11:39
schestowitzPCLinuxOS 2009.1 receives nothing but rave reviews. The latest: 14 11:40
schestowitz Linux Easter egg:  "I admit that a couple of these examples -- one in Linux and one in a Telnet session -- aren't technically Easter eggs. But I think these little treats are pretty cool so I put them all in my egg basket to share with you." Apr 14 11:42
*DaemonFC has quit ("Windows is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers.")Apr 14 11:46
schestowitz3 audio-oriented distros are said to be blobs-free. 14 11:46
schestowitz (Current Blames Economy For No IPO... But, Lack Of Profitability May Have Been A Bigger Issue)Apr 14 11:48
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 11:48
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 11:50
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*iwmw ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 11:53
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schestowitz"The Phoronix Test Suite is our GPLv3..." well done, MichaelApr 14 12:01
schestowitzhappy (belated) EasterApr 14 12:02
DaemonFCPhoronix botched their file system comparisonApr 14 12:04
DaemonFCand interpreted Bonnie++ results wrongApr 14 12:04
DaemonFCthey claim that Ext3 was doing things that it's not even capable ofApr 14 12:04
DaemonFCI don't think it was intentional, I'm just not sure they know what they're doingApr 14 12:05
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 14 12:05
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 12:05
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 12:06
schestowitzDaemonFC: he does knowApr 14 12:09
schestowitzAnd he doesn't intend to misleadApr 14 12:09
schestowitzHe's very apathetic wrt Microsoft and other issues we talk about.Apr 14 12:09
*Ap0g33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 12:12
*Ap0g33 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 14 12:12
DaemonFCI didn't mean the results favored MSApr 14 12:12
DaemonFCIt just showed Ext4 as having superpowers it does not possess B-)Apr 14 12:12
DaemonFCperformance-wise, XFS and Ext4 are both better at certain things, but it's never enough one way or another that you have a clear advantage with one or the otherApr 14 12:13
DaemonFCbut they are both much better than Ext3 and XFS is much more debugged and has better file system toolsApr 14 12:14
oiaohmFor some things.Apr 14 12:15
DaemonFCIt will take a radical change in concepts of how fiel systems should behave to get much better than XFS or Ext4Apr 14 12:15
oiaohmThere are downsides in some of XFS tools.Apr 14 12:15
DaemonFCwhich is comingApr 14 12:15
oiaohmExt4 is end of line.Apr 14 12:15
DaemonFCoiaohm: I kind of liked UFS2's Soft UpdatesApr 14 12:16
DaemonFCallows it to not have to lug around a journalApr 14 12:16
DaemonFCand it's still pretty much as reliableApr 14 12:16
oiaohmXFS does have the structures that with work it could be reformed.Apr 14 12:16
oiaohmOf course not disk compadible.Apr 14 12:16
schestowitzDaemonFC: why don't you tell him?Apr 14 12:16
DaemonFCwell, SGI wanted to keep it on-disk compatible with IRIXApr 14 12:16
oiaohmExt really run to its full end if life.Apr 14 12:17
oiaohmDesign past rebuilding.Apr 14 12:17
DaemonFCschestowitz: Eric Sandeen already gave them a play by play of why they were incorrect, much more in-depth than I could, he's the lead file system engineer at Red HatApr 14 12:17
DaemonFCand worked at SGI before thatApr 14 12:17
DaemonFCand they plugged it in the footnotesApr 14 12:17
schestowitzPTS became de facto benchmarkApr 14 12:17
DaemonFCand left their incorrect benchmarks up!Apr 14 12:18
schestowitzTell him to fix it. michael at michaellarabel.comApr 14 12:18
schestowitzThe issue is, if it's not fixed it'll be repeated and propagatedApr 14 12:19
schestowitzSame forumla, same code. Some companies use PTS internally.Apr 14 12:19
DaemonFCExt3 has all around BLAH performance with everything, where other file systems seem to perform super well under certain loads, and die when you throw others at themApr 14 12:19
DaemonFCExt3 is mediocre at everything so it just become the accepted standard :PApr 14 12:19
DaemonFCit creeks and clanks, but it does the just just well enough to never die off.....sounds familiarApr 14 12:22
schestowitzDaemonFC: that screenshot of Hotmail is funny for 3 reasonsApr 14 12:23
DaemonFCmeh, Sandeen's reply to them sounded like he was kind of annoyed at having to explain that you'd need top end hardware to even do some of that stuff and Ext3 still isn't capable even if you have itApr 14 12:23
DaemonFCbecause no independent expert would ever really recommend Internet Explorer?Apr 14 12:24
schestowitz1) they annoy a Firefox users, saying "upgrade", not "switch"; 2) They spam Hotmail users; 3) they bug Linux users with Win-only swApr 14 12:24
DaemonFCwell, most Hotmail users use WindowsApr 14 12:24
DaemonFCmost Windows users use IEApr 14 12:24
schestowitzMost BN readers don;tApr 14 12:24
DaemonFCMost Windows+IE users are used to spam and pop ups and crapApr 14 12:24
DaemonFCand they'd lock Linux out of Hotmail, but they'd get suedApr 14 12:25
DaemonFCB-)Apr 14 12:25
schestowitzKDE4 is said to have popupsApr 14 12:25
schestowitzWierd notion thatApr 14 12:25
schestowitz*weirdApr 14 12:25
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 12:29
schestowitzFirefox 3.6 is Already Running on GNU/Linux < >Apr 14 12:48
oiaohmExt3 does have a performance spike in small file handling.Apr 14 12:51
oiaohmAll filesystems have something they were ok at.Apr 14 12:52
DaemonFCwell yeah, you can get Minefield at any pointApr 14 12:57
DaemonFCit's just a binary build of the last day's workApr 14 12:57
DaemonFCbut it will likely have problemsApr 14 12:57
taconenice linkApr 14 12:58
DaemonFCthey're built with no human considerationApr 14 12:58
DaemonFCthey don't have any of the mods to make them work better on LinuxApr 14 12:58
DaemonFClike the ones Debian usesApr 14 12:58
DaemonFCand they are 32-bit onlyApr 14 12:58
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 14 13:00
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zer0c00lschestowitz, you saw my mail ?Funny windoze error messageApr 14 13:13
schestowitzMicrosoft is up to no good againApr 14 13:14
schestowitzbribing schoolsApr 14 13:14
schestowitzTo fight LinuxApr 14 13:14
schestowitzand!!!!Apr 14 13:14
schestowitzCalling it "Charity"Apr 14 13:14
schestowitzThis company has got SOME nerve. :-)Apr 14 13:14
MinceRso business as usualApr 14 13:14
schestowitzThis organised crime is fortunately reaching the end of its roadApr 14 13:14
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 13:20
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 13:21
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 13:21
*zer0c00l goes back to sleepApr 14 13:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 14 13:23
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 13:23
schestowitz 14 13:23
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellApr 14 13:23
schestowitz skip to 3:20Apr 14 13:27
oiaohmMS is starting to talk about a SP4 for XPApr 14 13:38
oiaohmbut not extending end of life.Apr 14 13:38
MinceRlolApr 14 13:42
schestowitzSocial security crisis: 14 13:51
schestowitzMore on the economy. This is disturbing. Anyway, I'm off for a while... cziN3gt-hic&feature =PlayList&p=9C6B 8D9B8F705FBC&am p;index=14&playnext =3&playnext_f rom=PLApr 14 13:51
schestowitzoiaohm: it says a lot about Vista7Apr 14 13:52
schestowitzaka XP2 RC2Apr 14 13:52
oiaohmIt breaks MS live support policy.Apr 14 13:55
oiaohm5 years from the last service pack.Apr 14 13:55
iwmwlol, will xp sp4 include dx10?Apr 14 13:57
schestowitzdrmApr 14 13:58
iwmwaah, dx10 is 'bout drmApr 14 13:58
iwmwno wonder i don't have it installedApr 14 13:58
schestowitzIt would be nice if WinXP was called Win2001 to remind poeple what they use. Nandriva 2009.1 is out shortly.Apr 14 13:59
iwmwnot so shortly, 2 weeks until the internal release i suspectApr 14 13:59
*iwmw is looking towards debian at homeApr 14 14:00
oiaohmNext generation viruses are going to give windows and anti-virus companies even more hell.Apr 14 14:01
iwmwanti-virus companies will only be gladApr 14 14:01
oiaohmReally.Apr 14 14:01
iwmwthe moar viruses the more threatApr 14 14:01
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 14 14:02
oiaohmAs viruses become harder and harder to stop.Apr 14 14:02
iwmwthe more panicApr 14 14:02
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:02
oiaohmMore disabling of there scanners.Apr 14 14:02
iwmwthe more money for antivirusesApr 14 14:02
oiaohmAnd updating at the same pace or faster than antivirus software.Apr 14 14:02
schestowitzbblApr 14 14:02
oiaohmAlso anti-virus software has a hard limit.Apr 14 14:02
oiaohmThere is only so many signatures you can scan for before you render machine useless.Apr 14 14:03
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 14 14:04
iwmwantiviruses should've already been moved to the semantic analysis domainApr 14 14:04
oiaohmViruses are mirroring the semantic methods.Apr 14 14:05
oiaohmAs with all things in IT tech to prevent viruses can be used in reverse.Apr 14 14:06
DaemonFCNothing really changes in Windows, if something does improve it's because they needed better infrastructure for their DRMApr 14 14:06

Recent Techrights' Posts

Windows in Åland Islands: From 100% to Less Than Half
Åland Islands lost the sense of urgency to move to GNU/Linux
Not Just Slow News But Also Late News (Julian Assange Landing in Thailand)
Why did AP take so long (nearly a week) to release these?
[Meme] Smart Alec Poettering
How many Microsofters can the Debian Project withstand?
Getting Rid of Microsoft Does Not Go Far Enough
Microsoft already has many problems. One day Microsoft won't exist anymore. But that does not guarantee users' freedom.
Alyssa Rosenzweig's LibrePlanet Talk About Freeing the Apple GPU
Alyssa Rosenzweig is the graphics witch behind the reverse-engineered drivers for the Apple GPU. She previously led Panfrost, the free drivers for Arm Mali GPUs powering devices like the Pinebook Pro. She graduated in 2023 with a Computer Science degree from the University of Toronto and now writes free software full-time.
Links 30/06/2024: LLMs Under Fire and Dictatorship of the Old
Links for the day
[Meme] Walking Outside the Guardrails of the Walled Gardens Built by Monopolies
So-called "advertiser-unfriendly" material was never a problem for Wikileaks
Wikipedia Co-Founder (Not Wales) Expresses Support for Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, Says Assange Will Probably Continue
probably exactly the sort of thing that the US prosecutors did not want
Marco Calegaro on Hacking Art Into a Community
talk by Marco Calegaro
Links 01/07/2024: Chokecherry Leaf and Agile Manifesto
Links for the day
Johannes Åsgård on Making the Raspberry Pi More Free With librerpi
Johannes (also known as dolphinana)
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 30, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, June 30, 2024
200 This Week
Monday started with 40 articles/pages and this is #200
Press Complicity and Public Apathy All Along Enabled 14 Years of Illegal, Arbitrary Detention and Coercion Into Plea Bargain of Julian Assange on Brink of Death
They basically blackmailed him into letting the US 'win' the argument
At the End Journalism a Crime (If It Involves Accessing or Gaining Access to Documents Marked "Confidential" or "Classified" by Those Looking to Hide Their Misconduct/Crimes)
At least in the US, especially where the imperialism is at stake
Links 30/06/2024: Tensions in Korea and Japan, Criminalisation of Sleeping Outdoors
Links for the day
100% Slop/Spam From
This is the kind of stuff that's killing the Web faster
Gemini Links 30/06/2024: Murdoch and Ideal OS
Links for the day
In the First 6 Months of 2024 Thailand Moved to GNU/Linux, Not to Windows Vista 11
maybe users moved from Vista 10 and 11 to GNU/Linux, seeing where Microsoft was heading with forced hardware "upgrades"
Eko K. A. Owen, New Outreach and Communications Coordinator for the FSF
Nice to see many new additions to the FSF's team
Microsoft Has Slaves and Enablers, Not Partners
Obligatory meme too
Tobias Platen Covered Freedom-To-Play Games in LibrePlanet 2024
Freedom-To-Play games using Taler
[Meme] Opening a 'Webapp' With 'Only' 4 GB of RAM
Until 2020 none of my PCs ever had more than 2 GB of RAM
Destination 'Five Percent'
We reckon GNU/Linux can break the 5% barrier some time by the end of this year, even without counting Chromebooks
A Crisis of Online Journalism
Almost a week ago a journalist was forced to plead guilty for an act of journalism
Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) traffic plunged 60% last month
Microsoft’s Latest Antitrust Scrutiny
4 new stories
Microsoft Layoffs, Mass Plagiarism, and More
outrage included
GNU/Linux Climbed 0.25% This Month (in statCounter)
Around midday on Tuesday we'll start seeing preliminary data for July
Ilya Gulko Introduces Pollyanna
"Pollyanna is a web framework that makes it easy to create your own libre social space, such as a social network or blog."
'FSFE': Underage Labour, GAFAM Fronting, and Identity Theft to Undermine the FSF's Current Fundraiser
looking to raise funds at the same time as the FSF
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, June 29, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, June 29, 2024
Links 29/06/2024: Astronauts at Risk, Ukraine Updates
Links for the day
Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
Microsoft is Now Googlebombing or Spamming 'Open Source' and 'Linux' to Promote Proprietary Surveillance, Azure
Notice the title and the image, what's being promoted etc.
Seychelles: GNU/Linux Doing OK
Seychelles cannot be considered poor
This War Crime Footage, Nothing Political Per Se, Is What They Made Julian Assange Plead Guilty To (War Criminals Not Convicted, Only Those Who Expose Them)
Wikileaks' Julian Assange: Exposing the US Military Crimes
Gemini Protocol Isn't Even Remotely "Dead"
"Lupa knows of 505,000 (half a million!) working Gemini URLs at present, up from about 425,000 this time last year"
About 10 New Free Software Foundation (FSF) Members Per Day
The total changed from 46 to 47 while typing the article
20 Years Passed, Let's Go Even Faster Now
We are hoping to bring more original stories
Vista 11 Adoption Unusually Low in Germany and It's Going Down, Not Up
This is not happening only in Germany
Kevin Korte on Computers Being Allowed to Make Decisions Based on Cryptic Algorithms and Proprietary/Secret Data
It uses buzzwords where none are needed
[Meme] Garbage In, Garbage Out (
It is neither Linux nor security, just chatbot-generated slop
Microsoft-Invaded CISA Spreads Anti-Free Software FUD (as If Proprietary Software Has No Memory Safety Issues), Brittany Day Uses Chatbots to Amplify and Permutate the Microsoft FUD became an anti-Linux spam site
Microsoft Laying Off Staff in an Act of Retaliation and Union-Busting
retaliatory layoffs at Microsoft
Gemini Links 29/06/2024: Content Drowning in 'Goo' and LLM Slop
Links for the day
Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt
From over 99% to just over 7%
In Ecuador, GNU/Linux Adoption Surged From Under 1% to Over 4% in About 3 Years
Not even counting Chromebooks
LibrePlanet: Cultivating Backups (of Recordings)
an appeal to recover some of these talks
Microsoft/Windows Machines Are Turned Off (or Windows Deleted/Decommissioned) in Web Servers, as the "Market Share" Collapse Continues
Taking full history into account, this is a decrease of over 90% in some cases
Corwin Brust Hosting Freedom: A Behind-the-scenes Tour With the GNU Savannah Hackers
"the "smiling faces" behind it."
Android at 90% or More in Chad
Windows below 2%
David Wilson: Cultivating a Welcoming Free Software Community That Lasts
"a feeling of shared ownership for all users."
Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed)
And probably at a symbolic capacity only
Bringing in 12 Santas and Taking 13 Out (Old Interview With Julian Assange)
Julian Assange's life inside the Ecuadorian embassy
Neil Plotnick on GNU/Linux in the High School Classroom
uploaded to the LibrePlanet instance of MediaGoblin
Asia Appears to be Fastest to Adopt GNU/Linux
the home of a considerable majority of the world's population
Alexandre Oliva's LibrePlanet 2024 Talk About "Software Enshittification"
in spite of technical difficulties encountered while recording
What They Used to Do With Mono They Now Do With Systemd (Lower and Deeper Down Than Userspace)
Now we have a project started primarily by Red Hat (and managed by Microsoft GitHub, which is proprietary) being managed by Microsoft and primarily serving Microsoft and IBM
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, June 28, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, June 28, 2024