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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 25th, 2009 - Part 2


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oiaohmUsers is the key word.Apr 25 12:12
oiaohmSays nothing about distrobutions.Apr 25 12:13
oiaohmcodecs in moonlight come from Microsoft.Apr 25 12:13
oiaohmEven that there were opensource processors of lots of those formats.Apr 25 12:14
ushimitsudoki1The way the MS covenant reads to me is only Novell can distribute Moonlight. So, if you are non-Novell user, it won't be something that is wrapped up in your distroApr 25 12:15
oiaohmYep.Apr 25 12:15
oiaohmUnless distribution wants to risk hot water or out side where MS rules apply.Apr 25 12:16
ushimitsudoki1Or the expectation is that users will get the distro from wherever and then d/l moonlight from NovellApr 25 12:16
schestowitzushimitsudoki1: I have some news about moonlightApr 25 12:21
schestowitzNot posted yetApr 25 12:21
schestowitzHAHAHA!Apr 25 12:22
schestowitzBrilliant, ushimitsudoki1 Apr 25 12:22
ushimitsudoki1Cool, I will look for it. When I was discussing mono with that fellow here the other day, I tried to make the point that all the acceptance of mono opens the door for things like moonlight. That's what got me to make a note about itApr 25 12:22
schestowitzI love that screenie at the bottomApr 25 12:22
schestowitz 25 12:23
ushimitsudoki1It's in the Microsoft/Novell document. I haven't looked through all of them from that site, because they are so full of shit it's hard to read a lot at one timeApr 25 12:23
schestowitzA friend of my apologised to me for installing moonlight (for his wife)Apr 25 12:23
schestowitzShe watches some Italian chanelApr 25 12:23
schestowitztacone wrote about over there in Italy the MS family is spreading this disease in TVApr 25 12:23
schestowitzIt's funny though that my friend mailed me to apologiseApr 25 12:24
schestowitzAs though I'd be angry or something :-)Apr 25 12:24
Omar87schestowitz:  lol :)Apr 25 12:49
Omar87schestowitz: Do you agree with me that Steve Ballmer is a great asset to the FOSS community?Apr 25 12:59
Omar87schestowitz: In that his idiocy is like the shortest shortcut to the death of Microsoft?Apr 25 13:02
schestowitzYes, pretty muchApr 25 13:08
schestowitzWe'd be in trouble if an Obama-like PR figure was heading MSFTApr 25 13:08
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Apr 25 13:15
schestowitz:- !!Apr 25 13:16
Omar87schestowitz: I just saw what you were talking about this post about the guy who added Microsoft related stuff to the ODF Wikipedia page. :)Apr 25 13:26
Omar87schestowitz: LOL, "Microsoft Office 2007 to Support ODF - and not OOXML". Yeah FSCK'in right. :DApr 25 13:27
Omar87schestowitz: This rubbish is removable though, shall I do that?Apr 25 13:29
schestowitzOmar87: yes, it's incorrectApr 25 13:30
schestowitzWikipedia has been sabotaged by this guy endlesslyApr 25 13:30
schestowitzHe's notorious in the ODF circlesApr 25 13:30
schestowitzAlso for smearing ODF peopleApr 25 13:30
Omar87schestowitz: I can remove those stupid things  from there if you want.Apr 25 13:31
schestowitzAs long as it's factualApr 25 13:33
schestowitzMicrosoft Office is pro MS-OOXMLApr 25 13:33
schestowitzthe Microsoft version of OOXMLApr 25 13:33
schestowitzMicrosoft does not support ECMA OOXMLApr 25 13:33
schestowitzSo nobody doesApr 25 13:33
schestowitzAnd Microsoft is promoting OOXMLApr 25 13:33
schestowitzThe ODF bit is just a sort of lie to lock dpeartments in to MSOApr 25 13:34
schestowitzSo that they'll be told ODF is OK, and they should stick with MSO (MS Office)Apr 25 13:34
schestowitzBut Microsoft will warn users if they save as ODFApr 25 13:34
schestowitzIt'll be crappyApr 25 13:34
schestowitzTypical MicrosoftApr 25 13:34
schestowitzDebian has just published this detailed analysis of Moonlight licensing. I suggest that you read it. 25 14:17
trmanco 25 14:21
trmancoKuubntu looks pretty slickApr 25 14:21
trmancoKubuntu*Apr 25 14:21
trmancomore than UbuntuApr 25 14:22
trmanco 25 14:24
schestowitzI saw a review earlierApr 25 14:25
schestowitz 25 14:25
schestowitzHehe.Apr 25 14:25
schestowitzOops.Apr 25 14:25
schestowitzSame one.Apr 25 14:25
trmanco:-PApr 25 14:25
schestowitztrmanco: sam mailed me last nightApr 25 14:26
schestowitzBut not about the articleApr 25 14:26
schestowitzAbout Mono having MS employees(ish)Apr 25 14:26
schestowitzI'm preparing a post about Mono as well (thanks, ushimitsudoki1 )Apr 25 14:27
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 25 14:28
schestowitzI mailed Mark Shuttleworth about mono some moments ago.Apr 25 14:28
trmancoschestowitz, that great, no reply yet? push GnoteApr 25 14:29
trmancothat's*Apr 25 14:29
schestowitzXandros is finished IMHO: 25 14:29
schestowitztessier: gnote is not ready yetApr 25 14:29
schestowitzUbuntu has also too many developments in and dependencies on other mono appsApr 25 14:30
schestowitzThe "mono religion" guards it closely to maximise .NET penetration to the masesApr 25 14:30
schestowitz*masseApr 25 14:30
EruaranIm sticking with KubuntuApr 25 14:30
trmancothere are just 2 apps that depend on mono AFAIK, and they can now be replacedApr 25 14:34
trmancotomboy and f-spot can be replacedApr 25 14:34
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 14:34
EruaranWhat about Evolution ?Apr 25 14:35
schestowitz"Steve Ballmer, remember where you read about this idea. And send me my commission through the Cayman Islands."Apr 25 14:35
schestowitzHeheApr 25 14:35
schestowitzEruaran: for KDE4 it might bve better to pick Mandriva 2009.1 (out shortly)Apr 25 14:35
schestowitzmandriva actually developes for KDEApr 25 14:35
schestowitzUbuntu just tosses something out..Apr 25 14:35
schestowitzEruaran: evolution is not monoApr 25 14:36
schestowitzThere's some appendages that may require monoApr 25 14:36
schestowitzBut it's not ill with monoculuesis just yetApr 25 14:36
EruarankApr 25 14:36
EruaranI'm enjoying Kubuntu, its rather niceApr 25 14:37
trmancoEruaran, no, not that I know ofApr 25 14:39
schestowitzNovell spends a lot of money promoting its Microsoft-taxed 'Linux' distribution: 25 14:45
schestowitzSo it's not far fetched that Microsoft may buy Novell after all: 25 14:50
trmancoBandit Defense site statisticsApr 25 14:53
trmanco: 25 14:53
trmancoOperating SystemApr 25 14:53
trmanco48.5% Windows XPApr 25 14:53
trmanco23.7% Windows VistaApr 25 14:53
trmanco 9.0% Mac OS XApr 25 14:53
trmanco 7.3% Ubuntu LinuxApr 25 14:53
trmanco 3.0% Linux (other)Apr 25 14:53
trmanco 2.6% Windows NT 6.0Apr 25 14:53
trmanco 2.4% Windows Server 2003Apr 25 14:53
trmanco 1.2% Windows 2000Apr 25 14:53
trmanco 1.0% Debian LinuxApr 25 14:53
trmanco 1.0% (other)Apr 25 14:53
trmanco 0.3% iPhoneApr 25 14:53
trmancoWeb BrowserApr 25 14:53
trmanco68.0% Firefox 3Apr 25 14:53
trmanco12.6% Internet Explorer 6Apr 25 14:54
trmanco 6.8% Internet Explorer 7Apr 25 14:54
trmanco 2.8% Firefox 2Apr 25 14:54
trmanco 1.8% OperaApr 25 14:54
trmanco 1.6% SafariApr 25 14:54
trmanco 1.5% Internet Explorer 8Apr 25 14:54
trmanco 1.4% Google ChromeApr 25 14:54
trmanco 1.0% Iceweasel (which is Firefox on Debian)Apr 25 14:54
trmanco 0.9% Internet Explorer 5Apr 25 14:54
trmancoPlease don’t fork (and esspecially don’t fork forks): 25 14:56
*pheld has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 25 14:57
schestowitztrmanco: it must be forced, say the trollsApr 25 15:01
schestowitzThey claim that Linux is 0.000000000000000000000000000000001%Apr 25 15:01
trmancofor the trolls, linux doesn't even existApr 25 15:01
trmancowell, that what they try to spread anywayApr 25 15:01
schestowitztrmanco: oppositeApr 25 15:02
schestowitzfor the trolls, linux does even existApr 25 15:02
schestowitzThat's why they harass Linux forums all the timeApr 25 15:02
trmancoyou're might be rightApr 25 15:03
trmancoyou*Apr 25 15:03
trmancoMicrosoft Surface Is an Incredible User Experience That Sucks a Whole Bunch to Setup: 25 15:03
*mib_ut9s9w (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:04
mib_ut9s9whi oiaohmApr 25 15:04
*mib_ut9s9w has quit (Client Quit)Apr 25 15:04
*mib_ui1r60 (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:04
*mib_ui1r60 (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 25 15:04
*mib_6y7m3l (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:05
*mib_6y7m3l is now known as _Hicham_Apr 25 15:05
_Hicham_hi oiaohmApr 25 15:05
trmancoAndroid 1.5 Released: 25 15:07
*_Hicham_ has quit (Client Quit)Apr 25 15:08
*mib_m0phxc (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:14
*mib_m0phxc is now known as _Hicham_Apr 25 15:14
schestowitzMicrosoft AND Novell are now calling "Moonlight" just "Microsoft Moonlight". No kidding!!! 25 15:15
schestowitzHi, _Hicham_ Apr 25 15:15
MinceRMicrosoft Novell!Apr 25 15:15
_Hicham_Hi schestowitzApr 25 15:17
_Hicham_it is very sad that Oracle bought SunApr 25 15:17
oiaohmNot really.Apr 25 15:17
oiaohmOracle aquiring sun will start the next war.Apr 25 15:17
oiaohmBetween major software companies.Apr 25 15:17
oiaohmIBM vs OracleApr 25 15:18
_Hicham_what about Java's future?Apr 25 15:18
oiaohmMS is most likely going to get hit in the cross fire.Apr 25 15:18
oiaohmOracle wants java.Apr 25 15:18
_Hicham_Oracle don't do well with open sourceApr 25 15:18
oiaohmLot of there customers depend on it.Apr 25 15:18
oiaohmWhat a myth _Hicham_Apr 25 15:18
_Hicham_why?Apr 25 15:18
_Hicham_isn't that true?Apr 25 15:19
oiaohmOracle don't brag about what they do.Apr 25 15:19
_Hicham_well, they shouldApr 25 15:19
oiaohmLike the two major back end of mysql were made by OracleApr 25 15:19
oiaohmOk made or maintained.Apr 25 15:19
_Hicham_and open source?Apr 25 15:19
oiaohmyes.Apr 25 15:19
_Hicham_do u think that Oracle will continue the process of open sourcing java?Apr 25 15:20
oiaohmOracle could not brag without giving credit to there competion.Apr 25 15:20
oiaohmOracle will most likely open source more.Apr 25 15:20
oiaohmRemember lot of Oracles customers use Java.Apr 25 15:20
_Hicham_coz open jdk still lacks certain featuresApr 25 15:20
_Hicham_as they are proprietaryApr 25 15:21
oiaohmSo Oracle providing more java features making customers happy.Apr 25 15:21
oiaohmGood for OracleApr 25 15:21
_Hicham_Oracle ships java with their productsApr 25 15:21
oiaohmSome of there products.Apr 25 15:21
_Hicham_more features doesn't mean open source onesApr 25 15:21
_Hicham_jdk will still be closed sourceApr 25 15:22
MinceRbtrfs is from oracle too.Apr 25 15:22
oiaohmLot of Linux kernel alterations come from oracle.Apr 25 15:23
oiaohmLot of small alterations all over the place come from oracle.Apr 25 15:24
_Hicham_I know thatApr 25 15:24
_Hicham_since they need itApr 25 15:24
_Hicham_that is how kernel have grown rapidlyApr 25 15:24
oiaohmThe need java for there customers as well.Apr 25 15:24
_Hicham_without corporate efforts, kernel wouldn't have been what it is todayApr 25 15:24
oiaohmUpsetting customers not good for Oracle.Apr 25 15:25
oiaohmOracle is also a memeber of the Linux foundation.Apr 25 15:26
*Eruaran|alphates ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:26
*Eruaran has quit (Connection reset by peer)Apr 25 15:26
MinceRand they've paid more than sun didApr 25 15:26
trmancoWindows16452663.9 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoLinux5679722 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoUnknown3348213 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoMacintosh21560.8 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoSun Solaris1280 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoBSD1080 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoSymbian OS1060 %Apr 25 15:26
oiaohmSo releasing code of some of sun projects make them look better.Apr 25 15:26
trmancoSony PlayStation Portable310 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancoUnknown Unix system220 %Apr 25 15:26
MinceRfor what it's worthApr 25 15:26
trmancoOS/220 %Apr 25 15:26
trmancothose stats are from one of my sitesApr 25 15:26
schestowitzUpdate: http://kinesismomentum.wordpress...Apr 25 15:27
schestowitzSo they attacked the guy who reviewed Surface negativelyApr 25 15:27
schestowitzSee the comment: 25 15:28
MinceRand the vista7 failure continues >> 25 15:28
oiaohmYou are aware that Oracle provide code to all of the open source web development techs _Hicham_Apr 25 15:28
oiaohmBasically Oracle make very little nose about what they do.Apr 25 15:29
_Hicham_I hope that they will optimize java for linuxApr 25 15:30
schestowitzMinceR: fp says "Altho I call it Kubuntu with XP running in QEMU...."Apr 25 15:30
MinceR:)Apr 25 15:30
schestowitzAh goodness..Apr 25 15:30
_Hicham_java on linux is a messApr 25 15:30
MinceRjava is a messApr 25 15:30
MinceRthere, fixed that for you.Apr 25 15:30
oiaohmOracle is wait and see.Apr 25 15:31
MinceR"You dawg, I heard you like Windows, so we put Windows in your Windows so you can BSOD while you BSOD."Apr 25 15:31
oiaohmIt all comes down to what Oracle wants the most.Apr 25 15:31
_Hicham_MinceR : java on windows outperforms java linuxApr 25 15:31
oiaohmDepends.Apr 25 15:32
magentardoes it?Apr 25 15:32
_Hicham_oiaohm : do u doubt that?Apr 25 15:32
*MinceR waits for the benchmarksApr 25 15:32
oiaohmIt all depends on the system you are using.Apr 25 15:32
_Hicham_u mean the hardware?Apr 25 15:32
schestowitzMinceR: let me know if you find an article about it other than Shill Thurrott'sApr 25 15:32
oiaohmSome of the custom distributions I run with almost everything built with portland group complier hammers the crud out of Windows.Apr 25 15:33
schestowitz_Hicham_: falseApr 25 15:33
magentarOkay the 2d stuff is faster on windows since it is hw accelerated, but plain java algorithms might even run faster on linuxApr 25 15:33
schestowitz_Hicham_: Phoronix did a benchmarkApr 25 15:33
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:33
schestowitzJava on Linux beat WindowsApr 25 15:33
_Hicham_schestowitz : i seen thatApr 25 15:33
_Hicham_it is simply not trueApr 25 15:33
_Hicham_from my own experienceApr 25 15:33
magentar_Hicham_, what programs are you talking about?Apr 25 15:34
MinceRso now we have Phoronix's word against _Hicham_'s word.Apr 25 15:34
_Hicham_yesApr 25 15:34
MinceRat least the testing methodology for the former is known.Apr 25 15:34
_Hicham_it is obviousApr 25 15:34
_Hicham_run eclipse on linux and on windowsApr 25 15:34
_Hicham_and see by urselfApr 25 15:34
schestowitz 25 15:34
schestowitz_Hicham_: don't use 'feel' to argue with experimentsApr 25 15:34
magentareclipse is not faster on windows, except your setup is bogusApr 25 15:34
MinceReclipse is java now?Apr 25 15:35
oiaohmIt comes down to the java engine.Apr 25 15:35
_Hicham_magentar : my setup was ubuntu's officialApr 25 15:35
oiaohmgcj does not run eclipse all that great.Apr 25 15:35
schestowitz_Hicham_: put Eclipse on VistaApr 25 15:35
schestowitzGive it one gig or RAMApr 25 15:35
_Hicham_schestowitz : fuck VistaApr 25 15:35
magentaryes ubuntu sometimes defaults to gcjApr 25 15:35
oiaohmWhat java _Hicham_Apr 25 15:35
schestowitzAnd also, let the Registry bloat up for a bit :-)Apr 25 15:35
oiaohmThat are 6 different java's on Linux.Apr 25 15:35
_Hicham_magentar : it wasn't gcjApr 25 15:36
oiaohmYes 6 different java engines.Apr 25 15:36
_Hicham_it was sun's jre 1.6Apr 25 15:36
_Hicham_sun's is the most advanced oneApr 25 15:36
_Hicham_as it features the hotspot jit compilerApr 25 15:36
oiaohmOk slow to start after about 30 to 40 mins running Windows is slower and Linux is faster.Apr 25 15:37
oiaohmThat is the trend with 1.6 sun.Apr 25 15:37
oiaohmSuspending Eclipse to disk as some advantages with it.Apr 25 15:38
_Hicham_oiaohm : so u say that the hotspot jit runs better on linux?Apr 25 15:38
oiaohmWith time.Apr 25 15:38
magentarit does...Apr 25 15:38
magentaryour problems are probably swt relatedApr 25 15:38
oiaohmWindows slows down.Apr 25 15:38
_Hicham_magentar : isn't swt the best ui toolkit in java?Apr 25 15:39
oiaohmLonger complex programs are running.Apr 25 15:39
oiaohmNasty windows trend undoes it short term advantage of accelerated graphics.Apr 25 15:39
magentardepends what you call best. probably not the fastest oneApr 25 15:39
_Hicham_magentar : what is the fastest one then?Apr 25 15:39
_Hicham_magentar : and don't tell me awtApr 25 15:40
magentaropengl accelerated java2d?Apr 25 15:40
_Hicham_magentar : didn't use thatApr 25 15:40
_Hicham_but opengl on linux is still buggyApr 25 15:41
oiaohmCompared to X11 2d.Apr 25 15:41
magentaropengl is not buggy, maybe the drivers areApr 25 15:41
oiaohmIts great.Apr 25 15:41
_Hicham_oiaohm : maybe with dri2Apr 25 15:41
schestowitzMicrosoft has just ended buybacks!!Apr 25 15:41
oiaohmOpengl is fine with 1 program using it.Apr 25 15:41
schestowitzIT won't be lifting its stock artificially anymoreApr 25 15:41
_Hicham_oiaohm : that is the problemApr 25 15:41
schestowitzI guess there's no much excess in profits anymoreApr 25 15:42
_Hicham_oiaohm : u can't use more than one viewportApr 25 15:42
oiaohmNvidia cards don't suffer from the 1 program limit.Apr 25 15:42
magentarwith dri2 it works flawlessly even in many programsApr 25 15:42
oiaohmClosed driver hacks around it.Apr 25 15:42
oiaohmYes I do mean hackesApr 25 15:42
magentarand you can run it in multiple programs if you don't use compizApr 25 15:43
_Hicham_hope to see dri2 supported by more driversApr 25 15:43
_Hicham_magentar : i use compiz with openglApr 25 15:43
_Hicham_i works very slowly, with viewports corruptionApr 25 15:44
_Hicham_i am using matlab with openglApr 25 15:44
_Hicham_it is really a pain in the assApr 25 15:44
magentaryou have a intel graphics card?Apr 25 15:44
_Hicham_no, atiApr 25 15:44
schestowitzMicrosoft's stock had been elevated for years by Microsoft's buying lots of it. This has now ended.Apr 25 15:44
_Hicham_and using the open source radeon driverApr 25 15:45
magentardo you use the fglrx driver or the opensource one?Apr 25 15:45
magentarokApr 25 15:45
_Hicham_i ve run some games successfulyApr 25 15:46
magentardid you try it on xserver 1.6 already?Apr 25 15:46
oiaohm  Have to try make this beast work with C# to C++ at some point.Apr 25 15:46
schestowitzNice image: New Unigine Project Will Work On Linux < >Apr 25 15:46
oiaohmOpen source radeon driver supports DRI2 without opengl support.Apr 25 15:47
magentarah that's a shameApr 25 15:47
oiaohm_Hicham_ opengl support is still in works.Apr 25 15:47
oiaohmShould be out before middle of year.Apr 25 15:47
magentarbtw, is ati supporting the opensource driver in any way at the moment?Apr 25 15:47
_Hicham_magentar : yesApr 25 15:48
_Hicham_by releasing the specsApr 25 15:48
magentarstill better than nvidia i guessApr 25 15:48
twitterHi all.Apr 25 15:49
oiaohmAnd codeApr 25 15:49
oiaohmIts specs and sample code.Apr 25 15:49
oiaohmMakes job a lot simpler with sample code.Apr 25 15:49
twitterIf you want to know just how crappy the M$ experience really is, I'm your man.Apr 25 15:50
_Hicham_magentar : i am still using xserver 1.5Apr 25 15:50
twitterI have to use it at work.Apr 25 15:50
schestowitzI'm close to tossing our The Register because they hired a Microsoft shill, Gavin ClarkeApr 25 15:50
_Hicham_I am on fedora 10Apr 25 15:50
schestowitzHe's attacking FOSS from The RegisterApr 25 15:50
schestowitzPOSApr 25 15:50
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 15:50
twitterit's been a while since I saw anything useful from the RegisterApr 25 15:51
schestowitztwitter: yes, I've readApr 25 15:51
_Hicham_I will test it on fedora 11 soonApr 25 15:51
twitterBN is my primary news source now.Apr 25 15:51
schestowitzLater on Microsoft will say they gain market shareApr 25 15:51
magentarokay, if there is no dri2 support yet, i won't bother upgrading. i'm using fedora rawhide atm with intel drivers, it's quite good.Apr 25 15:51
schestowitzThey get hits using theis softwareApr 25 15:51
*Eruaran|alphates has quit (Connection reset by peer)Apr 25 15:51
schestowitzWhich they force people to useApr 25 15:51
schestowitzAuto-updates and OEM bundlingApr 25 15:51
_Hicham_magentar : fedora 11 will ship xserver 1.6Apr 25 15:52
twitterThey play a weird game for "upgrades" where they beg the user repeatedly to do the dirty workApr 25 15:52
magentaryesApr 25 15:52
schestowitzMicrosoft's buybacks are bizarre. They said they'd issue debt.Apr 25 15:52
twitterah, is that what drove their stock price back over $20 on Friday?Apr 25 15:53
oiaohmtwitter: Are you system admin on a windows network.Apr 25 15:53
twitterI'm glad it was not institutional investorsApr 25 15:53
oiaohmI amApr 25 15:53
oiaohmNightmare never end with it.Apr 25 15:53
twitterI'm unsure of what the admins actually use but all the network stuff devolves to the Windows lowest common denominator.Apr 25 15:54
twitterWindows still pretends other computers are a floppy drive.Apr 25 15:54
twitterR: that kind of thing instead of a book mark to an IP address.Apr 25 15:54
twitterIt's insaneApr 25 15:55
oiaohmI am a Linux and Solarais system admin as well.Apr 25 15:55
oiaohmthose networks give me no trouble.Apr 25 15:55
schestowitzI don't mind journos who just promote MSApr 25 15:55
schestowitzBy this Gavin Clarke POS is attacking LinuxApr 25 15:56
schestowitzAnd he does it in 'witty' waysApr 25 15:56
twitterSMB is some kind of horrible "discovery" network.Apr 25 15:56
schestowitzBy using words like sandals and flogging MS vapourApr 25 15:56
twitterI mind people who ignorantly promote crap.Apr 25 15:56
_Hicham_schestowitz : another "Get the Facts" campaign?Apr 25 15:56
trmancothe version of eclipse in Ubuntu is oldApr 25 15:56
schestowitz_Hicham_: sortaApr 25 15:56
schestowitzHim and Kelly ruin the RegisterApr 25 15:56
schestowitzRuined since the founder leftApr 25 15:56
trmancoI use netbeans, it loads a lot faster here on Ubuntu then on Windows at schoolApr 25 15:57
twitterthe Register's founder left?  another mystery solvedApr 25 15:57
oiaohmSMB first design came from Sun Microsystems twitterApr 25 15:57
oiaohmThe first design was sane.Apr 25 15:57
twitterI don't care where it came from or how sane it once was, it sucks life now.Apr 25 15:57
twittersftp is far betterApr 25 15:58
oiaohmDo you have any idea of the numbers of errors samba found in MS addons to SMB.Apr 25 15:58
oiaohmThey crossed the 100 000 mark about 2 years ago.Apr 25 15:58
twitterI don't care.Apr 25 15:58
twitterI don't want it.Apr 25 15:58
oiaohmYep even different verisons of windows like 2000 and XP will not talk to each other all the time over SMB.Apr 25 15:58
oiaohmGlitchy.Apr 25 15:59
_Hicham_fuck MS networks of shitApr 25 15:59
magentarif i have to use windows i always use winscp and openssh. i won't bother to do anything with smb.Apr 25 15:59
schestowitzSFTP?Apr 25 15:59
schestowitzWhy not fish?Apr 25 15:59
schestowitzMore secure, more versatile IMHOApr 25 16:00
schestowitzcopy over sshApr 25 16:00
schestowitzscpApr 25 16:00
twitterwhat's the difference?Apr 25 16:00
schestowitztwitter: protocol.Apr 25 16:00
schestowitzIn Konqueror it's easierApr 25 16:00
schestowitzAssuming you set up no sftp daemonApr 25 16:00
schestowitzJust enable SSH on all PC and off you goApr 25 16:00
schestowitzI never set up FTP on my own PC, I think...Apr 25 16:01
schestowitzMaybe I tried when I was a teenagerApr 25 16:01
oiaohm  << Now this bug took the cake with 2000.Apr 25 16:01
twitter 25 16:01
oiaohm18770 Characters for  password anyone.Apr 25 16:01
schestowitz_Hicham_: don't forget why smb came aboutApr 25 16:02
schestowitzLook at the recent memo with a good quoteApr 25 16:02
schestowitzAbout having to replace standardsApr 25 16:02
twitterlooks like ssh to me.Apr 25 16:02
schestowitzSun/NFS/etcApr 25 16:02
schestowitzFrom Gates IIRCApr 25 16:02
twitterI use sftp:// on Konqueror and thought it was basically the same thing as fish.Apr 25 16:02
_Hicham_standards can't emerge from MSApr 25 16:03
_Hicham_MS just have to be shutApr 25 16:03
_Hicham_fucking shut for goodApr 25 16:03
*Eruaran agreesApr 25 16:03
MinceRindeedApr 25 16:03
twitterKonqueror and grsync deal with all of my file transfer needs perfectly.Apr 25 16:03
schestowitz 25 16:04
schestowitz"Kill cross-platform Java by grow[ing] the polluted Java market." --MicrosoftVJ98 SKUs and Pricing ProposalApr 25 16:04
twitterWindows .... leaves much to be desiredApr 25 16:04
schestowitz"[W]e should just quietly grow j++ share and assume that people will take more advantage of our classes without ever realizing they are building win32-only java apps." --Microsoft's Thomas ReardonApr 25 16:04
schestowitzWho said Microsoft does not comply with standards? Standard crime :-))Apr 25 16:04
MinceRnah, not much -- only its complete disappearance.Apr 25 16:04
_Hicham_Windows is basically a public bathroomApr 25 16:04
_Hicham_everyone can shit in itApr 25 16:04
MinceRwindows is a cancer.Apr 25 16:05
schestowitzOh, I found itApr 25 16:05
schestowitz"What we are trying to do is use our server control to do new protocols and lock out Sun and Oracle specifically"" Bill Gates, MicrosoftApr 25 16:05
schestowitzThat's about SMBApr 25 16:05
twitterniceApr 25 16:05
MinceRas if that could even workApr 25 16:05
MinceRsun and oracle could have easily pulled a novell and had the user install extensions to windowsApr 25 16:06
_Hicham_vive confickerApr 25 16:06
_Hicham_vive lsass vulnerabilitiesApr 25 16:06
schestowitz"Microsoft first proposed to Netscape that, rather than compete with each other, the two companies should enter an illegal conspiracy to divide up the market. When Netscape refused, Microsoft then used its Windows monopoly to, in Microsoft's own words, 'cut off Netscape's air supply.'"Apr 25 16:06
schestowitz--Joel Klein, Assistant Attorney General (quoting Paul Maritz, Microsoft's then-Group Vice President of the Platform Applications Group)Apr 25 16:06
schestowitzMaritz is now heading VMwareApr 25 16:06
schestowitzThey put a criminal in  chargeApr 25 16:06
schestowitzAnd he'll serve MicrosoftApr 25 16:07
schestowitzhe also surrounded himself with two former MS managersApr 25 16:07
_Hicham_schestowitz : not all MS employees are evilApr 25 16:07
_Hicham_some of them support open sourceApr 25 16:07
_Hicham_it is just that they can't decideApr 25 16:07
oiaohmBad blood between oracle and MS is old.Apr 25 16:08
schestowitzMicrosoft wants to kill OracleApr 25 16:08
schestowitz"Please give me one good reason why we should even consider [enabling Microsoft technology to work on competing systems]. (Hint: any good answer needs to include making more money and helping kill Unix, Sybase or Oracle.) --James Allchin, Microsoft Senior Vice-PresidentApr 25 16:08
MinceRif they really support FLOSS, they should refuse to work for m$.Apr 25 16:08
MinceRthey should put their money where their mouth is.Apr 25 16:08
_Hicham_as oiaohm said, it is a new war between IBM and OracleApr 25 16:08
oiaohmOracle and IBM both have Office suites now.Apr 25 16:08
_Hicham_MinceR : it is not as simple as thatApr 25 16:08
_Hicham_oiaohm : office suites basically similarApr 25 16:09
schestowitz "If we own the key 'franchises' built on top of the operating system, we dramatically widen the 'moat' that protects the operating system business.... We hope to make a lot of money off these franchises, but even more important is that they should protect our Windows royalty per PC." --Jeff Raikes, Microsoft PresidentApr 25 16:09
oiaohmIBM and Oracle now in there software inventory have a complete match up to every product MS amkes.Apr 25 16:09
MinceRdoes IBM really care about its office suite?Apr 25 16:09
oiaohmmakesApr 25 16:09
oiaohmfull blown war between them for market control could get really nasty.Apr 25 16:09
MinceRthen again, IBM probably doesn't care about anything that doesn't concern servers.Apr 25 16:09
oiaohmCatch its is half fake.Apr 25 16:09
_Hicham_IBM care about other productsApr 25 16:09
_Hicham_like AS400Apr 25 16:09
schestowitz"The approach we will take is to detect dr [DOS] and refuse to load. The error message should be something like 'Invalid device driver interface.'" --Phillip Barrett, Microsoft Windows Development ManagerApr 25 16:10
oiaohmIBM Office suite is based off OpenOffice.Apr 25 16:10
schestowitzSoon 3.0Apr 25 16:10
_Hicham_everyone changes openoffice and pretends to have done sthg newApr 25 16:10
MinceRnot everyoneApr 25 16:10
oiaohmIBM attacking MS MS would get press.Apr 25 16:10
_Hicham_like go-ooApr 25 16:10
schestowitz"This anti-trust thing will blow over. We haven't changed our business practices at all." -- Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and then-CEO (1995)Apr 25 16:10
MinceRwe still have Gnome Office and KOffice :)Apr 25 16:10
oiaohmOrcale attacking MS MS would get press.Apr 25 16:10
oiaohmOrcale attacks IBM and takes MS out as side damage MS does not get press.Apr 25 16:11
_Hicham_MinceR : nothing come close to openoffice for the momentApr 25 16:11
oiaohmIBM vs Orcale war will be good.Apr 25 16:11
_Hicham_oiaohm : it will rip MS assApr 25 16:12
_Hicham_"Windows is Obsolete", Roy SchestowitzApr 25 16:13
oiaohmAdd in arm and mips chip makers want ways into the desktop market.Apr 25 16:13
oiaohmMS is in hell.Apr 25 16:13
_Hicham_MS is giving Windows XP for freeApr 25 16:14
_Hicham_just to keep its marketApr 25 16:14
_Hicham_but how long can they afford that?Apr 25 16:14
oiaohmWorseApr 25 16:14
oiaohmMS has been paying asus so they ship windows.Apr 25 16:14
_Hicham_oiaohm : really?Apr 25 16:14
oiaohmYep.Apr 25 16:14
_Hicham_but asus ships XandrosApr 25 16:14
twitterthat's the accusationApr 25 16:14
MinceRRoy said they don't pay for Xandros though.Apr 25 16:15
*mib_fcuczm (i=bd121e22@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 16:15
twitterNo, Xandros used to get about $5 per netbookApr 25 16:15
mib_fcuczmplease ,someone edit mono appsApr 25 16:15
mib_fcuczmwe need to add some criticism to monoappsApr 25 16:15
twittereasy edit, "rm mono_app"Apr 25 16:15
mib_fcuczmLike I done with bannsheeApr 25 16:16
mib_fcuczmLook the banshee exampleApr 25 16:16
mib_fcuczmThe actual list talks positive thing of monoappsApr 25 16:16
twitterwhy would I bother with banshee when I could use amarok?Apr 25 16:16
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 25 16:16
_Hicham_Asus will ships Fedora or Ubuntu with timeApr 25 16:16
mib_fcuczmwe need to change for put a list of negative things and criticismsApr 25 16:16
_Hicham_as it was done with OLPCApr 25 16:17
mib_fcuczmNo twitter , I 'm not promoting bansheeApr 25 16:17
mib_fcuczm 25 16:17
mib_fcuczmLook the banshee exampleApr 25 16:17
twitterAsus took it's first quarterly loss ever last quarter.  I'm not sure how they did this one/Apr 25 16:17
_Hicham_Plus, Xandros have been optimized for EeePC by ASUS EngineersApr 25 16:17
mib_fcuczmPlease ,someone fix the bad english mistakesApr 25 16:17
twitterthere's nothing wrong with your english, thanksApr 25 16:20
_Hicham_but how will MS provide splashtop?Apr 25 16:20
mib_fcuczmthanks!Apr 25 16:20
MinceRwell, ubuntu managed to break koffice.Apr 25 16:21
mib_fcuczmBut we need to add more criticisms for other apps like monotorrent an tomboyApr 25 16:21
twitteryou might want to include a link to the specifics, like how has the license failed to protect artistsApr 25 16:21
twitterwhat the license is, as listed by the fsfApr 25 16:21
schestowitzThe value of Linux/FOSS skills is up very sharply: 25 16:21
mib_fcuczmtwitter: for example banshee uses mit/x11 and this license permits drmApr 25 16:21
twittercool, pay for people who earned it.Apr 25 16:22
_Hicham_fuck drmApr 25 16:22
schestowitzmib_fcuczm: edit the mono_apps descriptionApr 25 16:22
schestowitzThey are from WikipediaApr 25 16:22
mib_fcuczmand mit/x11 license is veery weak against patentsApr 25 16:22
schestowitzThey can be stripped off their destriptionApr 25 16:23
twitterThat's good information, fcuzm, you could link to a page that provides proof of the license and to the FSF criticism of that license.Apr 25 16:23
schestowitz*descriptionApr 25 16:23
mib_fcuczmschestowitz: Can I remove mono apps description?Apr 25 16:23
_Hicham_well, basically linux distros should remove it from their reposApr 25 16:23
_Hicham_if debian, ubuntu, and fedora remove it, mono will disappearApr 25 16:23
schestowitzmib_fcuczm: we can't edit more than one person at a timeApr 25 16:24
mib_fcuczm_Hicham_: this will never happen, but we can enforce distro to not include mono by defaultApr 25 16:24
schestowitzLater on I will do another pass (when you finish)Apr 25 16:24
_Hicham_but then, how to convince themApr 25 16:24
schestowitzIt has been viewed hundreds of times per dayApr 25 16:24
schestowitzWe also need a page that acts as an index to Mono critiqueApr 25 16:24
_Hicham_schestowitz : u didn't list all alternativesApr 25 16:24
_Hicham_u were subjectiveApr 25 16:25
schestowitzmib_fcuczm: yes, remove their descriptionApr 25 16:25
schestowitzIt's from WikipediaApr 25 16:25
mib_fcuczmschestowitz: Yes ,I was planning to do this a complex chapter about monoApr 25 16:25
mib_fcuczmschestowitz: okApr 25 16:25
schestowitzI used their apps list as a starting pointApr 25 16:25
mib_fcuczmmib_fcuczm: Remember ,I'm seller_liarApr 25 16:25
schestowitz_Hicham_: I don't know the alternativeApr 25 16:26
schestowitz*vesApr 25 16:26
schestowitzNot all of themApr 25 16:26
_Hicham_sellar_liar : type /nick sellar_liar in freenode windowApr 25 16:26
schestowitzI'm mostly a kDE user (not only)Apr 25 16:26
schestowitzHelp out by editing the page with usApr 25 16:26
_Hicham_okApr 25 16:26
schestowitzcellar or sellar :-)Apr 25 16:26
*mib_fcuczm is now known as seller_liarApr 25 16:27
seller_liar_Hicham_: thanks!Apr 25 16:28
twitterstellarApr 25 16:28
seller_liartwitter: what is stellar?Apr 25 16:29
twitter"Of or pertaining to stars"Apr 25 16:29
twitter"Full of stars; starry"Apr 25 16:30
seller_liartwitter: a crazy guy?Apr 25 16:30
seller_liarwhat is the beagle and tomboy license?Apr 25 16:31
twitterPeople generally use the word for positive connotations, excellence.  It can be a synonym for "heavenly" that does not come with religious baggage.Apr 25 16:32
twittera stellar_liar is one that lies very wellApr 25 16:32
EruaranI'm going to forward the ECIS paper to one of Australia's most respected journalists and hope he/she is interested in covering it.Apr 25 16:32
seller_liartwitter: ok thanksApr 25 16:32
_Hicham_Ubuntu is slow because of mono and beagleApr 25 16:32
_Hicham_once beagle and mono are removed eveything goes back to normalApr 25 16:33
twitterI thought it would be fun to praise the change of nick name this way.Apr 25 16:33
seller_liartwitter: another dayApr 25 16:33
_Hicham_thanks to god fedora doesn't ship mono by default, nor does debianApr 25 16:33
EruaranMaybe Liz Jackson or Quentin DempsterApr 25 16:33
twitterUbuntu without mono and beagle, that has to be more like Debian....Apr 25 16:34
seller_liarWe need to add a page about  nevell craziness about Mit/X11 licenseApr 25 16:34
seller_liarnovell promotes mit/x11 against gplv3Apr 25 16:34
twittergo for itApr 25 16:34
seller_liartwitter: okApr 25 16:34
twitterthanksApr 25 16:34
twitterI have to run along and get a few things done today.Apr 25 16:35
seller_liartwitter: The mono webpage needs to be reestructeredApr 25 16:35
twittersee you laterApr 25 16:35
*twitter ( has left #boycottnovellApr 25 16:35
seller_liartwitter: byeApr 25 16:35
schestowitzMore Facebook FUD from MSBBC: 25 16:36
seller_liarroy ,if possible ,add some criticisms to mono appsApr 25 16:36
schestowitzOf course, she could be caught going to the grocery storeApr 25 16:36
schestowitzBut no... they use some online thing for a good storyApr 25 16:37
schestowitzEruaran: good, do just thatApr 25 16:37
schestowitzseller_liar: Microsoft can live with those licencesApr 25 16:38
schestowitzMicrosoft hates GPLApr 25 16:38
schestowitzseller_liar: we have criticisms alreadyApr 25 16:38
schestowitzWe need to do a page with index to posts IMHOApr 25 16:38
schestowitzNot to rewrite from scratchApr 25 16:38
schestowitzToo  much duplicationApr 25 16:39
seller_liarschestowitz: okApr 25 16:39
seller_liarwhere are the criticisms about tomboy, do you have the linkApr 25 16:40
schestowitzYou can search for tomboyApr 25 16:40
schestowitz 25 16:41
_Hicham_fuck FacebookApr 25 16:42
schestowitzRob Kerr is back to the INQ(uirer)Apr 25 16:43
schestowitzBut it sucksApr 25 16:43
schestowitzAnd they hardly published much anymoreApr 25 16:43
schestowitzVEry few posts /dayApr 25 16:43
schestowitzRegister is a shill farm now, for some parts at leastApr 25 16:43
_Hicham_schestowitz : they need moneyApr 25 16:43
schestowitzApple thinks netbooks are "junky" < >Apr 25 16:44
schestowitzApple will hopefully stay out of this market]Apr 25 16:44
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, I wonder if they are paidApr 25 16:44
schestowitzThe founder leftApr 25 16:44
schestowitzMaybe they just still run the sites for their own use and inetrestsApr 25 16:44
schestowitzLike floating their buddies and stuffApr 25 16:44
schestowitzSome journos boosted Microsoft and then got a job at MicrosoftApr 25 16:45
schestowitzSame with 'analysts'Apr 25 16:45
schestowitzThis is good news about Linux+ARM: ARM wants the sub $200 netbook market  < >Apr 25 16:45
schestowitzIt'll run Ubuntu.Apr 25 16:46
schestowitzSome of them anywayApr 25 16:46
schestowitzXandros wants in, tooApr 25 16:46
magentarif apple wants to compete in the netbook market, they also would have to give their OS away nearly for free. that's something apple won't do..Apr 25 16:46
schestowitzmagentar: yes, it's "junky"Apr 25 16:46
schestowitzApple charges premium for hwApr 25 16:47
schestowitzOEMing OS X won't happenApr 25 16:47
schestowitzAlso, hw support becomes an isueApr 25 16:47
schestowitzBut they have CUPSApr 25 16:47
seller_liar 25 16:47
seller_liarlook tomboy criticismApr 25 16:47
schestowitz"So what will happen to Sun's hefty legal department, which listed 170 lawyers in 2006?" 25 16:48
_Hicham_sellar_liar : please pay attention to english mistakesApr 25 16:50
seller_liar_Hicham_: please fix the mistakesApr 25 16:50
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 25 16:51
seller_liarschestowitz: I'm rewriting all mono section.I will contact trmanco later to translate all writings for meApr 25 16:51
schestowitzOh you still editApr 25 16:52
schestowitzNow we have conflictsApr 25 16:52
seller_liarI have stoppedApr 25 16:52
seller_liardelete my comment thenApr 25 16:53
_Hicham_schestowitz : I will help with an arabic and french sectionsApr 25 16:53
_Hicham_what do u think?Apr 25 16:53
schestowitzseller_liar: you can mergeApr 25 16:53
schestowitz 25 16:54
schestowitz_Hicham_: sounds greatApr 25 16:54
seller_liarschestowitz: I'm not Funnylife ,I'm seller liarApr 25 16:56
seller_liarschestowitz: You can merge and fix all mistakesApr 25 16:57
_Hicham_schestowitz : I just logged outApr 25 16:58
_Hicham_I am funnylifeApr 25 16:59
schestowitz_Hicham_: thanks. I see it's just a little typo-conflictApr 25 17:00
schestowitzNothing majorApr 25 17:00
schestowitzThe pages will expand over time later this year when I free up time. I'll do lots this summerApr 25 17:00
_Hicham_I don't know if Ubuntu 9.04 still ships mono appsApr 25 17:03
_Hicham_who is using ubuntu 9.04 in here?Apr 25 17:04
seller_liar_Hicham_: I don t know , I remember only f-spot and tomboy are includedApr 25 17:06
seller_liar_Hicham_: But people like directhex tries to include bansee tooApr 25 17:06
ushimitsudoki1 There is a big push on to get Banshee in the default install tooApr 25 17:06
_Hicham_too sad to hearApr 25 17:10
schestowitzIt's controled by NovellApr 25 17:10
schestowitzUnlike TomboyApr 25 17:10
schestowitzAnd it expands to video tooApr 25 17:10
schestowitzMaybe DRMApr 25 17:10
_Hicham_there must be some plan to remove that crapApr 25 17:11
schestowitz 25 17:11
_Hicham_microsoft must just be cutApr 25 17:11
ushimitsudoki1mono-promoters are well organized and keep pushing mono apps. Sad to say, but they are winning the war right now in terms of getting out the message in the Ubuntu communityApr 25 17:11
_Hicham_no interopApr 25 17:11
_Hicham_fuck interop if it is with MSApr 25 17:11
schestowitzIt's interop for MSApr 25 17:12
schestowitzPatents, MS standards, easy migration to WindowsApr 25 17:12
schestowitzThat's why Novell signed the dealApr 25 17:12
_Hicham_fuck interopApr 25 17:12
schestowitzIt does sign deal for goodnessApr 25 17:12
_Hicham_vive linuxApr 25 17:12
schestowitzMS is not a charity, yetApr 25 17:12
schestowitzI've got to go nowApr 25 17:12
_Hicham_interop should be one wayApr 25 17:12
ushimitsudoki1http://brainstorm.ubuntu... - This is the brainstorm idea about getting Rhythmbox out as the default Ubuntu media playerApr 25 17:12
_Hicham_not bothApr 25 17:12
_Hicham_Linux should interop with allApr 25 17:13
seller_liarushimitsudoki1: The only way to destroy mono devs is recruit developers to port all mono apps to another languagesApr 25 17:13
*lis` has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 25 17:13
_Hicham_sellar_liar : noApr 25 17:13
_Hicham_that is a waste of timeApr 25 17:13
seller_liar_Hicham_: yes!Apr 25 17:13
_Hicham_go do it urselfApr 25 17:14
seller_liar_Hicham_: Because calls atention for about mono problemsApr 25 17:14
ushimitsudoki1seller_liar: well I don't know if that is the *only* way. Novell people for example are going to push mono no matter whatApr 25 17:14
ushimitsudoki1It's part of the paycheck thereApr 25 17:14
seller_liarfor example gnote cause a lot of destruction in mono trollsApr 25 17:14
_Hicham_fuck monoApr 25 17:14
_Hicham_if u want to kill sthg, isolate itApr 25 17:14
seller_liarI know , but we can't win ,but we cannot lose all battlesApr 25 17:15
_Hicham_sellar_liar : who did say we can't win?Apr 25 17:15
_Hicham_Linux is winning for sureApr 25 17:15
seller_liarmono api dominationApr 25 17:15
_Hicham_there is a huge amount of R&D in LinuxApr 25 17:16
_Hicham_far more than in any other platformApr 25 17:16
_Hicham_Linux supports most hardware out of the boxApr 25 17:16
_Hicham_all big corporations send their drivers to kernel treeApr 25 17:17
_Hicham_it is fast pacedApr 25 17:17
_Hicham_what do we want more?Apr 25 17:17
seller_liarwe need learn to program!Apr 25 17:17
seller_liarWe must turn in developers to destroy mono appsApr 25 17:17
seller_liarWe need port all mono appsApr 25 17:17
seller_liarI was thinking even in a python port of banshee called sheepyApr 25 17:18
magentarwhat for, there's already rhythmbox and songbird. both are better than bansheeApr 25 17:18
ushimitsudoki1Why port Banshee instead of improving existing alternatives, though? Porting Tomboy is important because it is included by default in Ubuntu, so that's a little different than porting just any random mono appApr 25 17:19
seller_liarbut ,it's not included by defaultApr 25 17:19
ushimitsudoki1Same thing with F-SpotApr 25 17:19
ushimitsudoki1Yes it is. Tomboy is in by default and so is F-SpotApr 25 17:19
seller_liarbut banshee probably will come in next version of ubuntuApr 25 17:19
seller_liarwe need to port f-spot and bansheeApr 25 17:19
ushimitsudoki1Better to improve Rhythmbox than port Banshee, I thinkApr 25 17:20
_Hicham_fuck bansheeApr 25 17:20
_Hicham_well i use audaciousApr 25 17:20
seller_liarRhythmbox is abandonedApr 25 17:21
magentarrhythmbox is very easy to extend, i tried to write a shoutcast plugin recently, it was just a view lines of codeApr 25 17:21
_Hicham_sellar_liar : revive it thenApr 25 17:21

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