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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 26th, 2009 - Part 1


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*marko_d (n=maki@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 00:25
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 00:26
DaemonFCschestowitzApr 26 00:26
DaemonFC 26 00:26
DaemonFC:)Apr 26 00:26
MinceR:)Apr 26 00:30
DaemonFCthis is like watching a train wreck get slammed into by another trainApr 26 00:31
DaemonFC:PApr 26 00:31
*mib_a1vfak (i=bd137cc0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 00:36
*mib_a1vfak is now known as Ap0G33Apr 26 00:37
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 00:37
*Ap0G33 (i=bd137cc0@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 26 00:37
*marko_d has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 26 00:39
*mib_r7dpbu (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 01:02
*NZheretic (n=NZhereti@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 01:05
NZhereticJust dropped in to post two links ...Apr 26 01:06
NZheretic 26 01:06
NZhereticApr 26 01:06
NZhereticIt's only taken Microsoft six years.Apr 26 01:07
MinceRgnApr 26 01:07
*NZheretic has quit (Client Quit)Apr 26 01:09
*silentivm ( has joined #BoycottNovellApr 26 01:11
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 01:14
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 01:18
Balrogschestowitz: heard of the Win7 RC leaks?Apr 26 01:41
DaemonFCoh dear godApr 26 01:42
DaemonFCI tried 7100Apr 26 01:42
DaemonFCand it has not improvedApr 26 01:42
DaemonFCevery time I bitch about some stupid thing it doesApr 26 01:42
*NeonFloss has quit ("Leaving")Apr 26 01:43
DaemonFCsomeone pipes up "What build did you try?"Apr 26 01:43
DaemonFCI doesn't fucking matterApr 26 01:43
DaemonFCall of them suckApr 26 01:43
DaemonFC:)Apr 26 01:43
*mib_r7dpbu has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 01:50
Balrog_yes, they all suckApr 26 01:53
Balrog_though the press (radio / newspapers) spin itApr 26 01:53
Balrog_they say win7 will save msApr 26 01:53
*_Hicham_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 01:55
_Hicham_hi oiaohmApr 26 01:55
*_boo_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 26 01:59
_Hicham_no one in here?Apr 26 02:00
oiaohmNot exactyApr 26 02:02
_Hicham_how?Apr 26 02:03
_Hicham_just woke up?Apr 26 02:03
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 02:09
Balrog_I'm here, but leaving soonApr 26 02:10
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 26 02:13
oiaohmIn different channel that is all.Apr 26 02:14
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 26 02:30
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 02:30
*mib_6rqe1u (i=ceff412f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 02:42
*mib_6rqe1u has quit (Client Quit)Apr 26 02:43
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Apr 26 02:50
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 02:52
*mib_bda9rv (i=bd121e22@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 02:54
*mib_bda9rv is now known as seller_liarApr 26 02:54
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 03:04
DaemonFChehApr 26 03:06
DaemonFC 26 03:06
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 03:07
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 03:21
oiaohmOk not in driver development then DaemonFCApr 26 03:26
oiaohmLast changes of vista were pure evil.Apr 26 03:26
oiaohmup until that point most XP drivers still worked.Apr 26 03:27
DaemonFChehApr 26 03:28
dsmith_i'm glad they forked tomboyApr 26 03:28
dsmith_NO monoApr 26 03:28
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 26 03:31
*oiaohm_ (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 03:32
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)Apr 26 03:32
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 26 03:50
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 03:55
yuhongOn the matter of Amazon and patent reform, if Amazon did successfully reduced the software patent lifetime to 3 to 5 years, the 1-Click patent reexams that happened in citra-2007 would not have been happened as that patent would have been expired by then.Apr 26 03:57
yuhong>On the matter of Amazon and patent reform, if Amazon did successfully reduced the software patent lifetime to 3 to 5 years as Bezos suggested in his open letter back in 2000, the 1-Click patent re-exams that happened in citra-2007 would not have been happened as that patent would have been expired by then.Apr 26 03:59
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.9/2009040821]")Apr 26 04:02
*just_some_guy (i=c9a03d40@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 05:06
*just_some_guy (i=c9a03d40@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 26 05:07
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Apr 26 05:12
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 05:21
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 26 05:49
*Eruaran|alphates ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 05:49
*mib_b8vme0 (i=c2ed8e07@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 05:57
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 26 06:01
*TheBluePill ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 06:26
*Eruaran|alphates has quit (Connection reset by peer)Apr 26 06:27
*TheBluePill has quit ()Apr 26 06:38
schestowitzMorning...Apr 26 06:58
oiaohm_Hi schestowitzApr 26 07:05
schestowitzHeyApr 26 07:10
schestowitzMicrosoft hypocrisy is priceless: 26 07:10
oiaohm_Yet they don't fully support running on arm.Apr 26 07:17
oiaohm_By the looks of things windows 8 is going to be .net.Apr 26 07:22
*roy__ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Apr 26 07:22
*roy__ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 07:22
*mib_9r3z12 (i=c2ed8e14@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 07:26
schestowitzoiaohm_: yes, The Vista7+XP news is amusingApr 26 07:35
schestowitzTo say the leastApr 26 07:35
schestowitzoiaohm_: don't mention Vista8 yetApr 26 07:35
schestowitzThey want people to talk about it when Vista7 disappointsApr 26 07:35
schestowitz"But look! Vista 7 is better than XP because it's XP+Vista (in VMs)"Apr 26 07:35
oiaohm_Apr 26 07:37
oiaohm_Windows 8 screen shots look nothing like current day windows.Apr 26 07:37
schestowitzDon't be deceived by what Microsoft calls "Charity": 26 08:04
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 26 08:08
schestowitzNovell's plans for Mono start getting clearer: 26 08:18
schestowitzMicrosoft money is funneled into anti-Google lawsuits: 26 08:46
oiaohm_Sooner the IBM Orcale war starts the better.Apr 26 09:02
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 09:05
schestowitzWhy?Apr 26 09:06
schestowitzWhat's in it for us?Apr 26 09:06
oiaohm_Both will be competing for the server market.     Both support Linux.   Mysql and postgresql both could end up better than ever.Apr 26 09:08
oiaohm_If it spreeds into office suits it will be interesting.Apr 26 09:08
oiaohm_Its a little bit like KDE and Gnome neither would be as far advanced to day if they did not have the other one to compete with.Apr 26 09:09
oiaohm_Competition drives development at way faster rates.Apr 26 09:09
oiaohm_Also should have the nice effect of flooding network with news not about Microsoft.Apr 26 09:14
schestowitzoiaohm_: true, good pointsApr 26 09:22
schestowitzIBM has embraced  postgresApr 26 09:23
schestowitzMore proof the patent system is a joke: 26 09:23
*mib_b8vme0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 09:23
*mib_9r3z12 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 09:25
*mib_b8vme0 (i=c2ed8e07@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 09:28
oiaohm_Samba with ADS support would the the one key stone to allow IBM and Orcale to go into over drive on MS.Apr 26 09:42
schestowitzCould MS turn the table on Samba?Apr 26 09:47
oiaohm_NopApr 26 09:48
oiaohm_MS attacking samba opens up a big can of worms.Apr 26 09:48
oiaohm_Very big can of worms.   Attacking the group responsable for quality control of the SMB protocal would be really stupid.Apr 26 09:49
oiaohm_List of information samba could publish on MS protocal defects between versions is a mountain.Apr 26 09:50
oiaohm_Pure techical attack on there complete quality of production not a good thing to set off.Apr 26 09:50
oiaohm_Also samba has a direct blood line to the start of the SMB protocal.Apr 26 09:52
oiaohm_MS does not.Apr 26 09:52
oiaohm_Part of the reason why MS lost in the EU court and had to give up specs.Apr 26 09:53
schestowitzOKApr 26 10:02
oiaohm_Before samba there was another group that was the offical care takers of the protcals that make up MS networking.Apr 26 10:04
oiaohm_Samba took that role over.Apr 26 10:05
oiaohm_Yes the standard body have to reverse eng the protocal they are ment to be the standard body for due to one company being rogue should not happen.Apr 26 10:05
oiaohm_Samba is one of those rare projects were it wise for MS to leave well alone.Apr 26 10:09
schestowitzMicrosoft is laying off its AstroTurfers: 26 10:09
schestowitzMicrosoft Cutting CSR PR BudgetApr 26 10:09
schestowitz 26 10:09
oiaohm_That was predictable.Apr 26 10:11
oiaohm_Now how long until they have to start cutting dumping.Apr 26 10:11
MinceR 26 10:32
MinceR:(Apr 26 10:33
PetoKrausMinceR: i just started trolling the MPAA group on facebookApr 26 10:38
PetoKrausit got meApr 26 10:38
oiaohm_Here is from last performance.Apr 26 10:42
oiaohm_Not from death.Apr 26 10:42
oiaohm_Death in theory could cause some nasty glitches.Apr 26 10:42
PetoKrausdon't worryApr 26 10:44
PetoKrausthey'll harmonize it soonApr 26 10:45
schestowitzPetoKraus: don't worry. They'll extend it to 90 years 20 years from now :-)Apr 26 10:54
schestowitzMickey mouse directive.Apr 26 10:55
schestowitzMarkS mailed me back re: Mono/MoonlightApr 26 10:55
schestowitz"Thanks Roy! I've forwarded to the Ubuntu technical board and also to Canoni-legal :-) "Apr 26 10:55
trmancoschestowitz, I'll check thatApr 26 10:57
schestowitzThanksApr 26 10:58
schestowitzBut I don't think they'll post it publicly.Apr 26 10:58
trmancomeh, no public mailing list :|Apr 26 10:59
trmancopff, Ubunt has a mono list -> , I guess it has to many bugs han?Apr 26 11:02
trmanco 26 11:06
trmancoI'll brbApr 26 11:11
*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 26 11:11
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 11:12
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 11:45
schestowitzLots of good news to Linux today. Also, what's bad for Microsoft is good for Linux because Oracle, IBM, Google et al use Linux to their advantage.Apr 26 11:52
schestowitzioquake3 Goes Gold WIth Ogg Decoding, x86_64 < >Apr 26 11:52
schestowitzFF will gain Ogg support in JuneApr 26 11:53
schestowitz10+ million PCs on the first dayApr 26 11:53
schestowitzFF injects Ogg support into over 30% of the PCs in Europe when 3.5 is released.Apr 26 11:54
*mib_uahrh7 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 11:58
*mib_uahrh7 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 26 11:59
trmancoApple found guilty of willful patent infringement: 26 12:00
schestowitzYes, posed in BNApr 26 12:08
schestowitzThere's no "Willful"Apr 26 12:08
trmancoyeah, just saw itApr 26 12:08
schestowitzNot with sh*tty patents like theseApr 26 12:08
schestowitzHey... you use tabbed browsing!Apr 26 12:08
schestowitzWillful infringersApr 26 12:08
schestowitzMicrosoft invested thisApr 26 12:08
schestowitzSo says the USPTO AFAIKApr 26 12:08
schestowitz*inventedApr 26 12:09
trmancololApr 26 12:11
trmancopgup and pgdown button patentApr 26 12:11
PetoKrausgod's sakeApr 26 12:25
oiaohm_Patent system is slowly killing the system.Apr 26 12:27
oiaohm_Really companies like Apple should concider moving offsoure to a location where patent cases don't apply.  So all people can do after that is attempt to block product.Apr 26 12:28
*mib_edrk6c (i=54d31636@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 12:42
*mib_edrk6c has quit (Client Quit)Apr 26 12:42
*mib_fmmwe3 (i=7aa762d9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 13:37
*oiaohm_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 26 14:04
schestowitz "So Oracle ends up owning Sun Microsystems.  I couldn’t believe it at first, thinking somehow that it was all just a ploy to get IBM to pull out the Big Checkbook."Apr 26 14:29
schestowitz*LOL* I like... So will the MAFIAA take on Google now?Apr 26 14:42
trmancothe MAFIA are a bunch of wanking walrusesApr 26 14:46
schestowitz 26 14:49
schestowitz"As a government owned corporation the BBC has a duty to educate, and be evenhanded in its dealings with subjects. Yet in a recent segment on their long-running ‘Film’ program, currently hosted by Jonathon Ross, the BBC ran a biased segment straight from the MPAA. The BBC on the other hand, believes it was fair and balanced." 26 14:49
schestowitzSo basically, the government sees greedy phat buggers as the good guysApr 26 14:49
schestowitzThe bad guys are usApr 26 14:49
schestowitzAnd the MSBBC plays along with itApr 26 14:50
schestowitzYes, the billionaires who treat singers like total rubbish are the good guysApr 26 14:50
schestowitzAnd we're "copyright thieves"Apr 26 14:50
schestowitzNot that copyright can be stolenApr 26 14:50
schestowitzUnless one changes the copyright notices to one's own nameApr 26 14:50
schestowitzOtherwise it can be INFRINGED, not STOLENApr 26 14:51
schestowitzThe UK government, which is tied to the BBC, was caught engaging in brazen copyright infringement (GPL-licensed CMS theme)Apr 26 14:51
schestowitzI don't think anyone but David Gerard < > really pays much attention to Symbian. It's better not to mention them; they compete with Linux using Eclipse licence, which is rubbish.Apr 26 14:53
schestowitzIt's probably sensible to fight against Kindle and what it represents, despite the fact it runs Linux: 26 15:02
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 15:06
Omar87HiApr 26 15:06
Omar87schestowitz: There seems to be a typo here: "Patent Hawk (Troll) may this violating a contract that he has with Microsoft"Apr 26 15:07
schestowitzThanks!Apr 26 15:17
schestowitzThink of all the URLs that will die with Geocities (content graveyard): 26 15:17
Omar87schestowitz: Another typo: "What a wonderful transition this whole “interoperability” provision is preparing. If only _if_ worked the other way."Apr 26 15:17
schestowitz 26 15:19
schestowitzOmar87:  :-) Yeah..Apr 26 15:19
schestowitzBoth fixedApr 26 15:20
schestowitzHow to get banned from my blog < >Apr 26 15:25
ushimitsudokiI'm concerned that mono-promoters are well organized in Ubuntu-land. They will be proposing Banshee for default inclusion in the next version of Ubuntu. Where is this process and is it open and visible for anyone to comment on?Apr 26 15:31
schestowitzMicrosoft has just dumped on TurkeyApr 26 15:41
schestowitzIt's going nation after nation to attack LinuxApr 26 15:41
schestowitzushimitsudoki: yes, back in 2007 someone told me that the Mono-ers are seizing control of Ubuntu landApr 26 15:42
schestowitzThat's how Ubuntu got so entangled in mono in the first placeApr 26 15:42
schestowitz 26 15:42
ushimitsudokischestowitz: they are well organized and know the process. that gives them an enourmous advantage in pushing their agenda forward.Apr 26 15:43
schestowitzushimitsudoki: are we talking about Mono or Microsoft? :-)Apr 26 15:43
schestowitzIt's also how they corrupt procurement/tenders at Microsoft. They know people in the administration. Sometimes they are former Softies...Apr 26 15:43
ushimitsudokiI'm talking about the mono-advocates. It is too late to complain about Banshee getting in after the fact - I'd like to find out where to start raising concerns now, before the battle is lostApr 26 15:44
schestowitzRemember Mono defenders like Jeff Waugh, who used to WORK for Canonical.Apr 26 15:44
schestowitzushimitsudoki: yes, I know. I mailed MarkS about it. He got it.Apr 26 15:44
ushimitsudokigood, please share the information. if the proposal process is open for comments, I might try to prepare some commentary on keeping Banshee out by default.Apr 26 15:45
schestowitzIs there anything formal?Apr 26 15:45
schestowitzI thought it was brainstorm and stuff like that.Apr 26 15:45
schestowitzThe Monovell religion. 26 15:46
ushimitsudokiNo. Brainstorm is user-submitted ideas. There is developer-level / MOTU / something process going on as well, but I don't know the details.Apr 26 15:46
ushimitsudokiThat dude directhex is a big mover for mono. from his blog: "I have a proposal which I’m going to make to the Desktop team at Ubuntu Developer Summit in May, which will save six precious megabytes."Apr 26 15:47
ushimitsudokiSo, I have the impression that after May it might be too late.Apr 26 15:47
schestowitzNice news site: Find people...Apr 26 15:48
schestowitzushimitsudoki: yes, he's also the pusher in DebianApr 26 15:48
schestowitzStill memory leaks in Plasma: 26 15:50
schestowitzI'm getting sick and tired of MirosoftApr 26 15:53
schestowitzThey abuse entire nations nowApr 26 15:53
schestowitzTurkey this timeApr 26 15:53
schestowitz 26 15:54
schestowitzI can't get by without writing about what they really do ther.eApr 26 15:54
Omar87  schestowitz: I think the best thing we can do is write an open letter to Mark Shuttleworth telling him to reconsider the inclusion of Mono in Ubuntu.Apr 26 15:57
Omar87schestowitz: We can even name it something like: "Ubuntu is such a great distribution, and it would be even greater without Mono!"Apr 26 15:59
schestowitzOmar87: would it be more effective than a bunch of raving Mono fans?Apr 26 16:07
schestowitzMaybe more posts with information are better use of time?Apr 26 16:08
schestowitzOmar87: if you or ushimitsudoki write a letter that gets the point across, I'd post it of courseApr 26 16:08
ushimitsudokiI have to see if I can put something together. It is important to put together a good argument, because the mono-promoters will be sure to raise issues with itApr 26 16:11
Omar87ushimitsudoki: Absolutely. Which is why I'd recommend it to be a collaborative work with a group of contributors.Apr 26 16:23
schestowitzushimitsudoki: +1Apr 26 16:24
schestowitzI'd love to helpApr 26 16:33
schestowitzJust let me finish this one long post about TurkeyApr 26 16:33
*Neonflow ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 16:41
trmancothe mono crap just make the system slower and more bloatedApr 26 16:43
trmancotomboy would be a great app if it wasn't written in c#Apr 26 16:44
schestowitzgnote :-)Apr 26 16:44
schestowitztrmanco: but don't argue on these groundsApr 26 16:45
trmancoschestowitz, did you propose the inclusion of gnote in Ubuntu?Apr 26 16:45
schestowitzArgue on basis on control and legal issuesApr 26 16:45
schestowitzMono=microsoft is in change (.NET)Apr 26 16:45
trmancoon that email you wrote to Mark?Apr 26 16:45
schestowitzMono=microsoft can change (patents)Apr 26 16:45
trmancoyeah, that the worst partApr 26 16:45
schestowitztrmanco: no, I don't want to other him too muchApr 26 16:45
schestowitz*botherApr 26 16:46
trmancohmm, but if he ever think in removing mono of ubuntu, he will have to think alternativesApr 26 16:46
schestowitzIf you want to bother someone, mail steveb@microsoft.comApr 26 16:46
trmancowho is him?Apr 26 16:47
schestowitzHe doesn't have other people checking it for himApr 26 16:47
schestowitzHe reads em himselfApr 26 16:47
schestowitzHe doesn't get much mail :-)Apr 26 16:47
schestowitzJust 30 spam/day, maybe 70Apr 26 16:47
trmancoI will submit that email to my new 3 billion computer botnet in china :-PApr 26 16:47
schestowitztrmanco: feel freeApr 26 16:47
trmancoheheApr 26 16:47
schestowitzSlow down the mosterApr 26 16:47
schestowitz*monsterApr 26 16:47
*trmanco is dreamingApr 26 16:47
trmancoschestowitz, you sure are a very bad personApr 26 16:48
schestowitzNaaa.Apr 26 16:48
trmancoonce the logs go live, that email is going to get spamedApr 26 16:49
schestowitzBallmer doesn't even use Outlook for anything but mailApr 26 16:49
schestowitzWhich shows what crap it isApr 26 16:49
schestowitzballmer uses Excel to do his timetableApr 26 16:49
trmancohehe, is bloatedApr 26 16:49
schestowitzSome lousy Toshiba crapApr 26 16:49
trmancoexcel can't even do simple math rightApr 26 16:49
schestowitzIt's funny how envious he is of MacbooksApr 26 16:49
schestowitztrmanco: they tryApr 26 16:49
schestowitzThey can make it the $standardApr 26 16:50
trmancowait, let me help you, are you really sure it's this -> emailApr 26 16:50
trmancoreally -> steveb@microsoft.comApr 26 16:50
schestowitzLike leap yearsApr 26 16:50 <- REallyApr 26 16:50
schestowitzAnd the Microsoft spinner defend thisApr 26 16:50
schestowitzHey, let's make bogus leap years in ISOApr 26 16:50
schestowitztrmanco: yesApr 26 16:50
trmancoah okApr 26 16:50
schestowitzHe spoke about it days agoApr 26 16:50
trmancoI just added that email to my filtersApr 26 16:50
schestowitzHe has students writing to himApr 26 16:50
trmancohmm, interestingApr 26 16:51
trmancomaybe that student who threw him egg the other time is one of themApr 26 16:51
trmancoeggs*Apr 26 16:51
schestowitzBill Gates, Chairman of the Board -billg@microsoft.comApr 26 16:52
schestowitzSteve Ballmer, CEO - / (425) 706-8448Apr 26 16:52
schestowitzJ. Allard, CTO - jallard@microsoft.comApr 26 16:52
schestowitzRobert Bach, President, Entertainment and Devices Division - rbach@microsoft.comApr 26 16:52
schestowitzJoe Belfiore, Corporate VP, Entertainment and Devices eHome Division - joeb@microsoft.comApr 26 16:52
schestowitzKathleen Hogan, Corporate VP, Worldwide Customer Service - khogan@microsoft.comApr 26 16:52
schestowitz(don't phone them, please)Apr 26 16:52
trmancoheheApr 26 16:52
schestowitzYesterday at the gym I spoke about people and celebrity statusApr 26 16:53
schestowitzHow industry glamorizes peopleApr 26 16:53
schestowitzSo people can't think of their icons as humansApr 26 16:53
schestowitzLike they have no phone # and mail addressApr 26 16:53
schestowitzOr as though they can't have babies or have an abusive fight with the bf (Like Rihanna)Apr 26 16:53
*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 26 16:57
schestowitzGoogle's algo hacked: Google Results Polluted By Cybercrooks < >Apr 26 17:13
*mib_b8vme0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 17:15
*mib_b8vme0 (i=c2ed8e07@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 17:16
trmancoA good place to discuss mon in ubuntu is by sending an email to ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-discuss, but be advised, you might get insultedApr 26 17:24
*mib_b8vme0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 26 17:25
schestowitzMicrosoft is dumping on Turkey to fight GNU/Linux and Free software: 26 17:35
schestowitzSony bats for MAFIAA: (Sony: PSP could "go away" because of piracy)Apr 26 17:42
schestowitzRed Hat and Intel: The intelligent server choice: 26 17:45
schestowitzYuck IntelApr 26 17:45
schestowitzThat's the same company that derailed Fedora-powered OLPCsApr 26 17:45
schestowitzAnd now Red Hat plays ball with them (it has to because of chips)Apr 26 17:45
schestowitzAMD is back in business: 26 17:49
schestowitzSo many jackasses in Microsoft.. "Q: Microsoft recently sued TomTom over patents. I realize you're not the general counsel, but do you ever want to go over there and tell the lawyers, hey, stop that?"Apr 26 17:52
trmancomicrosoft moonlight?Apr 26 17:52
trmancowtfApr 26 17:52
schestowitzYes the f*Apr 26 17:53
schestowitz "So here's a thought: could Red Hat fork MySQL, hire some key developers, and effectively assume the mantle of MySQL leadership?"Apr 26 17:53
schestowitz Sun Microsystems, Inc. Shareholder Lawsuit over Takeover  (Class action)Apr 26 17:55
trmanco 26 17:55
trmancolets spread a little loveApr 26 17:55
*nicks (i=4faf484b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 17:56
nickshello peopleApr 26 17:57
trmancohiApr 26 17:57
nickslol some articles are so trueApr 26 17:59
trmancojust someApr 26 18:00
trmanco?Apr 26 18:00
nickswell i mean some i know aboutApr 26 18:00
nickswhich is in field of my knowledge. I can't say i read others , but this is bad year for M$Apr 26 18:01
nicksi mean we have even to pay for support. They are keeping win xp on purpose to kill of GNU/LinuxApr 26 18:02
nickson netbooksApr 26 18:02
nicksanyway they are like crew of ship which is sinking. If they can't make it they will pull others to sunk with them.Apr 26 18:04
schestowitzHi, nicks Apr 26 18:05
nickshi schestowitzApr 26 18:06
schestowitzyes, the ship analogy is rightApr 26 18:06
schestowitzA case of drowning with your rivalApr 26 18:06
schestowitzBut which one do they want to drown /with/?Apr 26 18:06
nickswell its analogy:If i die you die with meApr 26 18:06
schestowitzNovell? TomTom?Apr 26 18:06
*mib_ufm0wf (i=bd121ebb@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 18:07
schestowitznicks: yes, Microsoft is the suicidal abusive girlfriend who bought a pistol ;-)Apr 26 18:07
nickswell Novell is already gonner TomTom is not theirs.Apr 26 18:07
schestowitzTomTom has financial uncertaintyApr 26 18:07
schestowitzThat's why Microsoft attacked it at this stagrApr 26 18:07
schestowitz*stageApr 26 18:07
schestowitzThey aimed for settlement that gives them more FUD against Linux and FAR usersApr 26 18:08
schestowitz* /s/FAR/FAT/Apr 26 18:08
nicksThe day games start support for linux is the end of Microsoft for good.Apr 26 18:08
schestowitznicks: there's WineApr 26 18:08
schestowitzBut they might try to use their patentsApr 26 18:08
nicksyea but not every game is compatibleApr 26 18:08
schestowitzThe European Commission won't allow thisApr 26 18:08
schestowitzMonopoly abuse using sw patentsApr 26 18:08
schestowitzECIS raised this to the EC, maybe on behalf of IBMApr 26 18:09
nicksyea i read it in newspapers. Some of their patents are stoolenApr 26 18:09
schestowitznicks: can't the h/w do the translationApr 26 18:09
schestowitzAPI calls changed at some level by auto-translation of code in the pipeline?Apr 26 18:09
schestowitznicks: Bill's abusive dad just wrote about itApr 26 18:10
schestowitzLet me find, let me find... :-)Apr 26 18:10
nickslol Bill Gates dad , now this is funny :PApr 26 18:10
schestowitz"This Tuesday, my new book goes on sale. The name "Bill Gates" is featured prominently. I suspect some people, if not most people, will do a double-take. I'm used to that. I was still in my early 50s when my son "stole" my name and -- to avoid confusion with him -- I became Bill Gates Senior"Apr 26 18:10
schestowitz 26 18:10
schestowitznicks: search BN for info about Bill's dadApr 26 18:10
nicksroflApr 26 18:10
schestowitzWe did a lot of studying around itApr 26 18:10
schestowitzHe's working closely with Bill JuniorApr 26 18:11
schestowitzPart of the political corruption themeApr 26 18:11
schestowitzLike playing with Abramoff for visasApr 26 18:11
schestowitzAnd the BSAApr 26 18:11
schestowitzAbramoff worked with Gates seniorApr 26 18:11
schestowitzJack is in prisonApr 26 18:11
schestowitzThe Gateses are still out of jailApr 26 18:11
schestowitzThey tossed judge Jackson out when he asked for a criminal trial against MS managementApr 26 18:12
schestowitzI've been told by people about the expansion of law firms owned by BIll seniorApr 26 18:12
schestowitzQuite scaryApr 26 18:12
nickslol a pyramidApr 26 18:12
schestowitzHow the country  is run and press controlled by some very quietApr 26 18:12
schestowitzNot really thatApr 26 18:12
schestowitzThe pyramid is another thingApr 26 18:12
schestowitzGates Senior is like a Rockefeller pulling string behind the scenes since Gates was a kidApr 26 18:13
nicksi meant a pyramid of their network in government etc.Apr 26 18:13
schestowitzLike those who planned the invasion of Iraq for their own benefitApr 26 18:13
schestowitzRockefeller talked about thisApr 26 18:13
schestowitz[in private]Apr 26 18:13
schestowitzThe people who run things are not those who live in the limelightApr 26 18:13
schestowitzBut there it goes..Apr 26 18:13
schestowitzanyways..Apr 26 18:14
schestowitznicks: government is another matterApr 26 18:14
schestowitzNot separate, but it's still worth studying tooApr 26 18:14
schestowitzMostly int he IRC channelApr 26 18:14
schestowitzI don't write about it in sitesApr 26 18:14
nicksWell strange thing was when someone claimed that windows wasn't made Bill GatesApr 26 18:14
nicksby*Apr 26 18:15
schestowitzIt wasn'tApr 26 18:16
schestowitzHe's hardly a programmerApr 26 18:16
schestowitzNot a good one anywayApr 26 18:16
schestowitzIt's an epic bunch of storiesApr 26 18:16
nicksyea i know thatApr 26 18:16
schestowitzHe's a lawyerApr 26 18:16
schestowitzHarvard BSApr 26 18:16
schestowitzFrom a family of lawyers/diplomatsApr 26 18:17
nicksSo who did it then?Apr 26 18:17
trmancothink dirty operating systemApr 26 18:17
schestowitzA group of peopleApr 26 18:17
schestowitzDOS he just stoleApr 26 18:17
schestowitzBASIC likewiseApr 26 18:17
schestowitzThey claim credit for things they never createdApr 26 18:17
schestowitzThere are few things they invented Apr 26 18:17
schestowitzThis is probably the best summary on the Net:' 26 18:17
*kentma has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 26 18:17
schestowitztrmanco: DOS is OKApr 26 18:18
schestowitzNot MSDOSApr 26 18:18
schestowitzDR-DOS is OKApr 26 18:18
schestowitzI'll do Comes exhibits on how Microsoft broke the law against itApr 26 18:18
schestowitzI don't think it ever appeared in publicApr 26 18:18
schestowitzHow Ballmer is equipped with code that deliberately crashes OS/2Apr 26 18:18
schestowitzNot just DR-DOSApr 26 18:18
nicksi see this is amazing.Apr 26 18:18
schestowitzHe's sent on a tour to demonstrate crashesApr 26 18:19
schestowitzThat's criminalApr 26 18:19
schestowitzI wish I had the time to parse and do the text nowApr 26 18:19
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 18:19
trmancoI like this -> 26 18:20
schestowitzMore spying on E-mail now: 26 18:20
schestowitzFor 'security'Apr 26 18:20
schestowitzI just encrypt when I canApr 26 18:20
nicksI see.Apr 26 18:21
schestowitzThere's a US base right here in Yorkshire that read all people's E-mails (transatlantic)Apr 26 18:21
schestowitzThat's essentially spying on foreign terrotiriesApr 26 18:21
schestowitzThe UK government just lets the US have fund with UK domenstic commsApr 26 18:21
schestowitzJoy! :-)Apr 26 18:21
schestowitzAnd American bases as disguised here as RAF (Royal Air Force) basesApr 26 18:22
trmanco"They continued to break into university and privately owned computer systems until about 1975. "Apr 26 18:22
schestowitztrmanco: yesApr 26 18:22
schestowitzThey broke the law since childhoodApr 26 18:22
trmancoI didn't know thisApr 26 18:22
schestowitzThey sabotaged the computers to buy timeApr 26 18:22
nicksI see. Well in Serbia microsoft has its office in government building.Sad but true.Apr 26 18:22
schestowitzRead 26 18:23
schestowitznicks: makes senseApr 26 18:23
schestowitzThere's lots of intersection :-)Apr 26 18:23
schestowitzAT&T+government: 26 18:24
schestowitzAT&T is like some kind of secret agency masquerading and also operating as a company: 26 18:25
nicksWell i even think they made conflickerApr 26 18:26
schestowitzCensoring for the government for example, snooping, etc. I don't know the history of US telecom, but I imagine that there's staff intersection with people in power and they also lobby and fund candidates (examples in the post re sw patents)Apr 26 18:26
schestowitzThey don't need Conficker. FBI has already make CIPAV: 26 18:27
schestowitzCorruption in US 'justice: 26 18:29
schestowitz"PJ: These Hollywood dudes are something else, trying to paint RealNetworks as a "hacker" company. What would they do to you and me, do you suppose? And how unlucky can RealNetworks get to draw as a judge the same one who killed off Napster, which in my view was Hollywood's best hope for moneymaking in an internet age? If she shares Hollywood's limited vision, RealNetworks' hopes, if they have any, probably lie on appeal."Apr 26 18:29
nickswebOS are becoming more popular with every day :PApr 26 18:29
schestowitz"Yow, AMD can run their latest at 7GHz. Well, *screw* concurrency then, who needs the pain? Let's all go back to single-threaded everything." 26 18:30
schestowitzMaybe our next PCs will be single core again :-)Apr 26 18:30
schestowitznicks: OS as in suite of applications?Apr 26 18:30
schestowitzBecause an OS also needs hardware managementApr 26 18:30
*seller_liar (i=bd121ebb@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 26 18:31
nicksyea but its more like web office then a OSApr 26 18:31
amarsh04I've done kernel builds on the new dual-core machine with CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=64 (-:Apr 26 18:31
seller_liarI was thinkingApr 26 18:31
seller_liarGoogle summer of code helps foss softwareApr 26 18:31
seller_liarbutApr 26 18:31
seller_liarbut creates more dependency from companies and money becauseApr 26 18:32
amarsh04as long as the extra processes don't get swapped it still goes fine, but takes up a larger percentage of cpu and ramApr 26 18:32
schestowitz (Pirate Bay judge denies 'conflict of interest')Apr 26 18:32
trmanco"Windows [n.] - A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."Apr 26 18:32
seller_liarbig and powerful project costs more (maintenance and others)Apr 26 18:32
schestowitzNow even judges in Sweden are corrupt :-(Apr 26 18:32
nicksAnyway i still wonder what part Vivendi has in all this....Apr 26 18:33
schestowitztrmanco: where from?Apr 26 18:33
schestowitzPenguin Pete?Apr 26 18:33
trmancono, from that rantApr 26 18:34
seller_liarPowerful compaines with lot of money , have enough money to destroy human integrityApr 26 18:34
trmancoit was a usenet emailApr 26 18:34
trmanco-> 26 18:34
nicksI still think WoW wasn't made just for funApr 26 18:34
schestowitzseller_liar: yes, so how do to propose responding?Apr 26 18:34
schestowitzGoogle's SOC is also a selfish thingApr 26 18:34
schestowitzIt comes at a priceApr 26 18:34
trmanco"Let's be honest: there's no such thing as bug-free software. Initial versions of programs may occasionally crash, fail to de-allocate memory, or encounter untested conditions. Developers may overlook security holes, users may do things nobody thought of, and not all systems are identical. Software developers are only human, and they make mistakes now and then. It happens. But of all major software vendors Microsoft has the worst recoApr 26 18:35
trmancord by far when it comes to the quality of their products in general."Apr 26 18:35
trmancoanother good quoteApr 26 18:35
seller_liarschestowitz: I think the foss comunnity is well developed  , a lot of software don t need GSoCApr 26 18:36
nicksWindows 7 is buggy as hell. It fails.Apr 26 18:36

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