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2009-07-31 12:27:35
Roy, Roy... If you have so much 'information' against "dangerous lunatic" David Schlesinger I am sure you are looking forward to your trial...
I' on the other hand, believe that you are whistling in the dark because you are currently s******g your pants for fear of contact with this extremely ugly side of the 'real world' (TM) that we call 'law'.
2009-07-31 14:03:24
Roy wants to be careful from whom he takes information, I think. He's admitted to libeling me on this site already, so the "dangerous lunatic" stuff is getting kind of edgy as well.
Perhaps you have some substantiation of those claims, Roy? I'd check where that information's coming from before you get _too_ excited over it...
2009-07-31 14:08:22
Oh, and by the way, "the Beez"'s reading comprehension skills seem to be as lacking as anyone's here.
schestowitz There's also something about CHani
schestowitz She did not complain about RMS in her blog
Yeah, she did. See the comment here, which is the one I quoted and which neither "the Beez" nor Roy were able to find.
talking about relieving women of their virginity casts women in a submissive role, with men in a dominant role, and brings up thoughts of oppression and (indirectly) rape. (yes, thinking about a roomful of guys thinking about taking womens’ virginity does eventually lead me to wondering how many of them would take it by force.) it becomes less about the non-sexual meaning of “virgin” and more about all the crazy ideas societies have had about virgin women. and thinking about that stuff would make any woman uncomfortable.
If you look at the entire entry—something that's generally a good practice before you begin making pronouncements about it—Chani complains a good bit about Stallman's joke.
GAFAM traps aren't "free hosting"; they herd us all into a world of tollbooths and locks, surveillance and planned obsolescence (you own nothing, you only rent)
There are many debunkings (to likely false accusations), but won't that just be another example of Windows TCO, exacerbated externally in the form of Windows botnets?
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
2009-07-31 12:27:35
I' on the other hand, believe that you are whistling in the dark because you are currently s******g your pants for fear of contact with this extremely ugly side of the 'real world' (TM) that we call 'law'.
2009-07-31 14:03:24
Perhaps you have some substantiation of those claims, Roy? I'd check where that information's coming from before you get _too_ excited over it...
2009-07-31 14:08:22
Yeah, she did. See the comment here, which is the one I quoted and which neither "the Beez" nor Roy were able to find.
If you look at the entire entry—something that's generally a good practice before you begin making pronouncements about it—Chani complains a good bit about Stallman's joke.