YAHOO! agreed to be turned into a zombie state of Microsoft after malicious intervention from Carl Icahn, but fortunately enough, the European regulators are among those instituting antitrust barriers [1, 2, 3, 4], so for the time being -- based on two separate reports -- the Microsoft-Yahoo! deal will not go through.
Yahoo! has told the Securities and Exchange Commission that it needs more time to sort out its search deal with Microsoft.
Yahoo admitted yesterday in an SEC filing, "The Letter Agreement specified that the parties would execute Definitive Agreements by October 27, 2009, but given the complex nature of the transaction, there remain some details to be finalized. The parties are working diligently on finalizing the agreements, have made good progress to date, and have agreed to execute the agreements as expeditiously as possible."
Carl Icahn, CIT and Goldman Sachs
We have Carl Icahn offering to bail out CIT. We have Goldman Sachs suing Carl Icahn over a an entirely different matter. We have Goldman looking to profit from a CIT collapse. We have Mr. Icahn in a similar position, but in a more stealth kind of way.
uberVU - social comments
2009-10-31 10:54:59
This post was mentioned on Twitter by JasonBraud: No Yahoo! for Microsoft, Carl Icahn Sued by Goldman Sachs ...
2009-10-30 13:53:16
Wow, I think they should say:
"Yahoo is under new management. Micro$ofts."