Summary: Tim, Gordon, and Roy struggle with coughs and connection difficulties and yet manage to produce another episode filled with news and discussion
TODAY'S show covers many topics including the new Linux release, Android, Microsoft's latest departures and failures, and of course Wikileaks. This is the first episode in about a week due to lack of time for the three of us to regroup and record. Our new IRC channel and new official Web site will be announced quite soon. [Update: the show notes are up]
2011-01-15 11:55:03 (54.5 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33483250/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
2011-01-15 12:05:07 (54.3 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33483250/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
2011-01-15 12:15:11 (54.7 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33636748/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
Have fun digging into this :-)
P.S. and +1 for having embedded media with HTML5. The death of Flash is imminent :-)
2011-01-15 12:31:13
I just noticed the wget error messages are exactly 10 minutes and 4 seconds apart. So look for a 600 second limit in your server settings somewhere.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-01-15 14:00:59
Thanks. Someone brought it up right after the first few shows and we checked with the host. The main issue we have is the use of Varnish, which overrides some server settings. We'll try sorting this out again using the information you gave.
2011-01-15 15:51:20
Excellent, thanks, I hope they find the 600 second bug :-)
2011-01-19 12:47:44
Yep, the 600 second limit is still there.
I've now managed to download this ogg-cast over a slightly faster connection (8000kbps in stead of 5000-ish kps) in 9 minutes and 47 seconds: yep, that was a close one :-)
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-01-19 13:32:07
We're setting up a subsite to dodge the issue caused by Varnish timeout settings.
2011-01-15 12:02:39
I've always had niggling problems with downloading the audio files from this domain, but retrying a second or third time would sort it.
The download for episode 24 seem to be an exception to this: Firefox can not complete the download, it fails between 19 and 30MB. Also, your server does not seem to support a download restart, i.e. Firefox keeps having to start from scratch. I suspect a bit of tinkering with enabling restarting, or dealing with partial downloads, might save you a lot of bandwidth :-)
I'm just trying with wget, and it's having exactly the same problem: the first download was interrupted at 33MB for some unknown reason, and then it restarts from scratch :-(
I can download reliably from many other sites with much bigger files, so it ain't me :-)
P.S. I like this show a lot, keep up the good work :-)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
2011-01-15 12:28:56
2011-01-15 11:55:03 (54.5 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33483250/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
2011-01-15 12:05:07 (54.3 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33483250/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
2011-01-15 12:15:11 (54.7 KB/s) - Read error at byte 33636748/45448649 (Connection reset by peer). Retrying.
Have fun digging into this :-)
Cheers, Wim
P.S. and +1 for having embedded media with HTML5. The death of Flash is imminent :-)
2011-01-15 12:31:13
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-01-15 14:00:59
2011-01-15 15:51:20
2011-01-19 12:47:44
I've now managed to download this ogg-cast over a slightly faster connection (8000kbps in stead of 5000-ish kps) in 9 minutes and 47 seconds: yep, that was a close one :-)
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-01-19 13:32:07
2011-01-15 12:02:39
The download for episode 24 seem to be an exception to this: Firefox can not complete the download, it fails between 19 and 30MB. Also, your server does not seem to support a download restart, i.e. Firefox keeps having to start from scratch. I suspect a bit of tinkering with enabling restarting, or dealing with partial downloads, might save you a lot of bandwidth :-)
I'm just trying with wget, and it's having exactly the same problem: the first download was interrupted at 33MB for some unknown reason, and then it restarts from scratch :-(
I can download reliably from many other sites with much bigger files, so it ain't me :-)
Cheers, Wim
P.S. I like this show a lot, keep up the good work :-)