Lessig giving Abramoff a platform, photo by Madeleine Ball
Professor Larry Lessig, who recently became famous for using his Apple gear and Apple software to produce slides about political corruption, is unhappy about Apple censorship and right now he speaks out against technical problems with Apple products [1]. This is significant because it comes from one whose fascination with Apple stuff sort of conflicts with the spirit of Creative Commons, for which he is responsible. Maybe it's time for him to embrace GNU/Linux and Free/libre software.
Every Apple-related product I use has been crippled in important ways.
David Pogue, the technology writer for The New York Times, whose columns were among the most popular at the paper, said on Monday that he was leaving for Yahoo to start a consumer-focused technology site.
2013-11-13 22:58:30
He likely will if and when he can find a better solution. Clearly he does not believe the open source community has provided one yet. Maybe some day they will.