Summary: Benoît Battistelli's union-busting EPO is in a state of disarray as employees from all across Europe find the courage to openly demonstrate against Team Battistelli and in favour of SUEPO, the most popular staff union with many decades of operation behind it
THE EPO scandals keep piling up and staff is catching up. Earlier this month nearly half of all EPO staff took it to the streets and protested. How many members of staff? Over 2,000 in Munich, including Directors (see photos from the following week, when another protest attracted a similar number of staff), about 800 in the Netherlands, and now, according to this account, "Ca.150 SUEPO Colleagues in Berlin went also public today to show solidarity with the hunted union officials!" There is also a photograph there (copied above).
"The harder Team Battistelli attacks the unions, the more it discredits itself. Defaming the union leaders isn't helping either."150 is a lot considering the total number of EPO employees in Berlin (most of them are in Munich). Many of them also very quickly signed a petition in support of the suspended representatives, as we showed nearly a fortnight ago. It seems safe to say that almost a majority of EPO staff is now brave enough to openly and proudly (even in front of the employer) protest in favour of SUEPO. Everyone seems to be defecting away from Team Battistelli and loyalties are rapidly shifting. The harder Team Battistelli attacks the unions, the more it discredits itself. Defaming the union leaders isn't helping either. It just serves to show the sheer hypocrisy of Team Battistelli, which used to allege "campaign of defamation" (meaning dissemination of truth) against itself. ⬆