SOME years ago we became aware that quite a few (if not many) former employees of the EPO -- not just current employees -- read this site. They rightly worry about their pension, seeing how quickly Battistelli rubbishes their past employer (with a famous promise of a generous pension). As is widely known internally, EPO pensions have been subjected to 'clawbacks' under Battistelli. We covered this before and we intend to speak more about it in the coming days/weeks/months. The matter may mostly concern EPO staff (more so than stakeholders), but it still needs airing. There's a lot to be learned from it regarding European/French politics. 'Liabilities' to staff are being systematically and pro-actively cut.
let me share with you some thoughts about the EPO. In a past article there was a reference to a comment posted by an insider about the objectives set by Dr.(h.c) Battistelli and the respective achievements. I cannot find the comment but the objectives were in substance dismantling the union (done), reducing sickness and invalidity (done) and the last point was a reform of the pension system which has not occurred so far at least not for the personal in place for decades.
This comment has kept my mind busy with some results. A reform of the pensions "a la systeme Battistelli" is likely to be extremely unpopular. But there is still one way to implement a last unpopular measure and the would be just before Dr (h.c.) Battistelli leaves the office, therefore, leaving the consequences to his successor who couldn't be blame for what DR. (hc) Battistelli did. His last action would be a kind of "flipping the staff the bird" a last time. But this is not enough, in the last years Dr.(h.c.) Battistelli has accustomed us to show his finger therefore that wouldn't be spectacular. I believe there is something bigger on its way.
Remember Dr.(h.c.) Battistelli requested recently the full access to ALL EPO bank accounts? Remember there is somewhere a colossal amount of money called Pension Reserve Fund (PRF), afaik about 8 billions?
Do you really believe that Dr.(h.c.) Battistelli is going to return to Saint Germain en Lay to be a city Councillor in charge of culture, thus just dedicated to bully the local theatre troupe, after 10 years as a dictator in Eponia? How naive!!
The Corsican Dr.(h.c.) Battistelli wants the full access to the 8 billions for himself and for his accomplices. I guess that this was the ultimate purpose of sacking the EPO.
By the way, this was picked in the news this morning: "City councilman shot dead in Soccia (Corsica)"
But it has nothing to do with Dr. (h.c.) Battistelli at first glance. Hasn't it? Or could the news be used to keep the bodyguards after retirement?
More about Dr. h.g. Battistelli "Benoit BATTISTELLI, Maire-adjoint chargé de la Culture". Maire-adjoint translates deputy mayor.
and here more, when the social democracy strikes in Saint Germain en Laye. Unbelievable there is in this town an association named "workshop for environment and democracy" Guess who is presiding the association. Yesssss. LOL: Benoit Battistelli!