Always Follow the Money: Dozens of Press Articles (FUD) About Munich Dumping GNU/Linux After Microsoft Bribery But Only One (So Far in English) About Munich Dumping Microsoft Because GNU/Linux is Technically and Economically Better
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-05-15 03:24:42 UTC
- Modified: 2020-05-15 03:24:42 UTC
Part of a pattern
By Bruce Perens, in an article now deleted by the Linux Foundation (Perens is the co-founder of OSI, who resigned from OSI earlier this year; a month later OSI banned Raymond, its other co-founder). Guess who's paying OSI and what for... (yes, Microsoft pays OSI to promote proprietary software of Microsoft... and OSI has deleted the "Halloween documents" of Raymond)
Summary: The media bias doesn't get much clearer than this; anything negative about GNU/Linux is amplified ad infinitum and Microsoft's failures are belittled (if mentioned at all); when the media is paid by Microsoft it's reluctant to report the news and eager to promote Microsoft in exchange for more money (e.g. 'advertising')