Added to our IRC proceedings, which will (starting tomorrow) highlight the IPFS CIDs distributed for each IRC log file, is a new daily section, accessible over RSS/Atom (XML), not just (X)HTML, along with the CID of the latest daily bulletin, which is text-based and self-contained. A full index of all CIDs is being maintained here and will be periodically updated.
"After 'going public' today we hope that more readers will adopt this non-Web approach."Not many sites have adopted such distribution models; we're a relatively early adopter and we'll have a lot more to say about it in days/weeks to come. Our node, which is a few days old, has already handled about 3 gigabytes in traffic. After 'going public' today we hope that more readers will adopt this non-Web approach. Many read the site using purely/partly RSS feeds, last month it became possible to read this site with just a simple text editor, and now it's becoming possible to access and share the site in a P2P fashion/approach, owing to IPFS. ⬆