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Links 7/3/2022: Unifont 14.0.02 and XeroLinux Reviewed

  • GNU/Linux

    • 9to5Linux9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: March 6th, 2022

      This has been a great week with lots of exciting news, starting with the Armbian 22.02 release that finally introduced support for Raspberry Pi 4 devices and Nitrux 2.0.1 which switches to Mesa 22.1 by default, and continuing with great app releases like the Getting Things GNOME 0.6 personal tasks and to-do lists app, digiKam 7.6 photo management app, a new KDE Gear 21.12 point release, and a first LibreOffice 7.3 point release that fixes a critical bug in Calc.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • Graphics Stack

        • WCCF TechAMD ROCm 5.0.2 launches with minor documentation updates & fixes

          AMD's open-source team released the ROCm 5.0 driver with standard RDNA2 support about one month ago. A few days ago, the latest point release for the open-source AMD Radeon Open eCosystem compute AMD launched a stack update to add more documentation and fix the hostcall facility in the HIP runtime.

          AMD updates the ROCm 5.0 driver to fix a failing code and adds further information to the initial documentation for users

          AMD's ROCm is an open software platform permitting researchers to access the power of AMD Instinct accelerators to propel scientific findings. The ROCm platform is built on open portability, supporting environments across multiple accelerator architectures and vendors.

    • Applications

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Linux CapableHow to Install PHP 8.0 on CentOS 9 Stream

        PHP 8.0 is major released from PHP 7 series with improvements and changes to the language, including many long-awaited additions by developers everywhere! This includes named arguments; union types. It also boasts improved JIT compilation tools which will help optimize your application code even further than before while increasing performance.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install PHP 8.0 on Centos 9 Stream by importing the EPEL 9 and REMI repositories. The tutorial will focus on installing the development kit extensions and some tips for Nginx and PHP-FPM using the command line terminal.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Tor Browser on CentOS 9 Stream

        Tor, also referred to as The Onion Router, is open-source, free software that permits anonymous communication when using online services like web surfing. The Tor network directs the web traffic through an accessible worldwide volunteer overlay network with over six thousand relays and continues to grow. Many users want to search out more ways to stay their information and activities anonymous or a minimum of as private as possible, which has led to Tor Browser growing quite popular in recent years because it conceals a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.

        The Tor network is intended to protect the personal privacy of users and their freedom and ability from conducting communication without having their activities monitored, and data were taken without their consent and used to sum it up.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Tor Browser on CentOS 9 Stream workstation desktop using the natively installed Flatpak manager or downloading the browser manually and how to install it manually with tips on registering the application icon.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Opera Browser on CentOS 9 Stream

        Opera is a freeware, cross-platform Internet web browser by Opera Software and operates as a Chromium-based browser. Opera offers a clean, modern browser that’s another to the opposite major players within the Browser race. Its famous Opera Turbo mode and renowned battery saving mode are the simplest amongst all known web browsers by quite a margin, together with a built-in VPN and far more.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Opera Browser stable, beta, or developer (nightly) on CentOS 9 Stream Workstation by importing the official repository and GPG key, then how to update in the future or remove.

      • UNIX CopHow To Install Budgie Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04

        Budgie is a desktop environment that currently uses GNOME technologies such as GTK (> 3.x) and is developed as well as by contributors from numerous communities such as Arch Linux, Manjaro, openSUSE Tumbleweed and Ubuntu Budgie.

        Ubuntu Budgie is a community developed distribution, integrating the Budgie Desktop Environment with Ubuntu at its core. Whether you are using it on an old computer, or a powerful workstation.

        Ubuntu Budgie is operating system that is adaptable to any device, keeping them fast and usable.

      • UNIX CopHow to Install ionCube Loader for PHP in Ubuntu

        In this post you will learn How to Install ionCube Loader for PHP in Ubuntu

        ionCube is a PHP extension (module) introduced tools to protect the source code of software written using the PHP programming language from being viewed, changed, and run on unlicensed computers. The encoding technology grew out of earlier work on the PHP Accelerator project, and at first launch included an online encoding service where PHP scripts can be uploaded and an encoded version downloaded in return, and a command line tool for Linux soon after.

      • UNIX CopHow To Enable HTTP2 in NGINX

        HTTP2 is the natural evolution of HTTP. Thanks to it, we will have an improvement in the speed of response due to its architecture that allows with a connection to make several requests and responses.

        Another interesting aspect of HTTP2 is that it eliminates the sending and receiving of redundant information. In addition to this, everything is done securely so that the Internet experience becomes more efficient.

        For these and more reasons is that many sysadmin and webmasters choose to enable this protocol in all their configurations. Today we will do the same using Nginx.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Flatpak on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

        Flatpak is a tool for deploying and managing software packages on the Linux operating system. It provides an isolated environment where users can run applications without affecting other parts of their computers.

        With Flatpaks, installing an application is like pulling it into your local repository. Links have then generated that point from the right places in Filesystem to where you can find these files–these hard links will be efficient for disk space since they’re simple compared with doing things through traditional methods.

        Most Ubuntu LTS users know that the distribution focuses on stability over newer features, especially once the LTS has aged after its initial release with packages being frozen. For example, you may want to install the latest version of an application such as Discord, VLC, Spotify, or Ubuntu does not have the application together, making often third-party package managers use it as a backup.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Flatpak on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish and enable Flathub to search, install, maintain or remove Flatpak applications as an alternative the standard APT package manager, Launchpad PPA’s and especially Snap packages from

      • Bash script: YES/NO prompt example

        Interactive Bash scripts will often include a yes or no prompt in order to ask for user verification before proceeding with a set of instructions or canceling the procedure.

        If a user answers yes to the prompt, the Bash script will typically proceed with its task, and if a user answers no, the script will either exit or move on to a different part of the script.

        In this tutorial, you will see how to create a yes/no prompt in a Bash script on a Linux system. See some of our examples below to learn how a yes/no prompt works.

      • Bash Scripting: Read input from command line

        We can make a Bash script interactive by prompting a user for input. This can be done from the command line, with our script waiting for user input in order to proceed further.

        The principal way to do this is via the read command. Although it is also possible to read input in the form of command line arguments that are passed to the Bash script when it is executed.

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to read input from the command line with a Bash script and the read command.

      • How to Change Hostname in Linux

        If it’s connected to the internet, your computer has an address. It’s like the street address for your house, but other computers just use a series of numbers.

        To make it easier for us humans to remember, we also assign a hostname using words. If the need arises, here is how to change hostname in Linux.

      • How to Open/Allow incoming firewall port on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish

        The default firewall on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish is ufw, which is short for “uncomplicated firewall.” When enabled, the firewall will block all incoming connections by default.

        If you want to allow an incoming connection through ufw, you will have to create a new rule to allow a certain port or multiple ports. We can also specify that only connections from a certain IP address or network range can gain incoming access, while blocking all others. This is all done from the command line and is quite simple once you know the proper syntax.

        The objective of this tutorial is to serve as a quick reference guide on how to allow incoming traffic on any TCP or UDP port using Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Linux with UFW firewall.

      • How to configure Samba Server share on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Linux

        File servers often need to accommodate a variety of different client systems. Running Samba on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish allows Windows systems to connect and access files, as well as other Linux systems and MacOS. An alternative solution would be to run an FTP/SFTP server on Ubuntu 22.04, which can also support the connections from many systems.

        The objective of this tutorial is to configure a basic Samba server on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish to share user home directories as well as provide read-write anonymous access to selected directory.

        There are myriads of possible other Samba configurations, however the aim of this guide is to get you started with some basics which can be later expanded to implement more features to suit your needs. You will also learn how to access the Ubuntu 22.04 Samba server from a Windows system.

      • How to install GCC the C compiler on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish Linux

        The objective of this tutorial is to install GCC, the C compiler, on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish.

        GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection is a compiler system developed to support various programming languages. It is a standard compiler used in most projects related to GNU and Linux, for example, the Linux kernel.

        Installation of GCC can be achieved by using the apt install command as you will see below.

      • How to manage EFI boot manager entries on Linux

        UEFI is the firmware interface which on modern machines has superseded the legacy BIOS. One of the features of the UEFI firmware is being able to store boot entries in the persistent and editable NVRAM memory (Non Volatile RAM). While installing a Linux distribution (or any other operating system) in UEFI mode makes usually the related boot entry to be written to the NVRAM, in some cases we may want to perform manual operations such as modifying the boot order, creating or deleting a boot entry.

        To accomplish such tasks on Linux we can use the efibootmgr utility. In this tutorial we see how to install it on some of the most used Linux distributions, and how to use it to manage NVRAM boot entries.

      • UNIX CopHow To Install FileRun on Ubuntu 20.04

        Today you will learn How To Install FileRun on Ubuntu 20.04

        FileRun is a self-hosted Google Drive alternative. It is a full featured web based file manager with an easy to use user interface. It is great for managing your photo, movie, audio collection, or sharing files with your family and friends.

        FileRun is a reliable and performant File management desktop sync and file sharing

        It runs great on any server, including hosting accounts or small devices like Raspberry PiAccess your files from anywhere (desktop, mobile app or browser).

      • UNIX CopOsquery integration with Wazuh

        osquery is an operating system instrumentation framework for Windows, OS X (macOS), Linux, and FreeBSD. The tools make low-level operating system analytics and monitoring both performant and intuitive.

        osquery exposes an operating system as a high-performance relational database. This allows you to write SQL queries to explore operating system data. With osquery, SQL tables represent abstract concepts such as running processes, loaded kernel modules, open network connections, browser plugins, hardware events or file hashes.

    • Distributions

      • Reviews

        • Distro WatchReview: XeroLinux in 2022

          XeroLinux is a distribution based on Arch Linux with a focus on eye candy. The distribution is available in three editions: Main (which runs the KDE Plasma desktop), GNOME, and Xfce. Each edition is available for 64-bit (x86_64) machines exclusively.

          I couldn't find a whole lot of other useful information about XeroLinux from its website or forum, other than it uses the Calamares system installer, requires a network connection during the install process, and the project appears to be the work of a single developer who is not interested in fielding support requests from Wayland users: "I have finally added KDE Wayland Session to ISO, enabling you to use it. But it's not all roses, yet. Especially if you are an NVIDIA owner like I am. Yes, if you are, then you are either out of luck, since NVIDIA did not yet bake the required modules into the driver yet, so you will have to do some tinkering to get it to work. If you do not feel comfortable or confident enough to do it then just use Xorg (X11) to log in and skip Wayland for now... Kindly note, that I will not be providing support in that area since, I am not yet confident in using it."

          The latest version appears to have been released on January 3rd of 2022, though the project doesn't offer any version information attached to its ISO files. I downloaded the Main/KDE edition which is 2.7GB in size.

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • FSF

      • Programming/Development

        • Python

          • Linux HintPython Inline If-Else

            Python programming language is readable and efficient in writing operations. In this article, the discussion is on inline if-else conditional statements. Python doesn’t have a ternary operator, so we use if-else in a single line that has the same effects as ternary operators. This condition evaluates conditions in a state of being true or false.

            As inline if-else statements are logical statements that offer a single line that preserves code quality by replacing the multiple lines of if-else code. Inline if-else statements should be used with the expressions and their execution based on the evaluation conditions.

        • Java

          • Linux HintInheritance in Java | Explained

            Object-oriented Java programming provides a concept of inheritance that makes it possible for a class to inherit the class attributes and methods of other classes. The class that inherits the characteristics of some other class is referred as a child/derived/sub-class, while the class whose characteristics are inherited is referred as a parent/base/super-class.

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    GNU/Linux news for the past day
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    IRC logs for Thursday, June 27, 2024
    RIP Daniel Bristot de Oliveira, Red Hat death
    Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock