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Links 19/12/2022: Twitter Exodus Gains Momentum, GnuCash 4.13 is Out

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux LinksLenovo ThinkPad T470 Ultrabook running Linux – Part 5 – Multimedia

      This is a blog looking at a refurbished Lenovo ThinkPad T470 Ultrabook running Linux.

      Our T470 has a hot-swappable external 24Wh battery and an internal 24Wh battery. Both batteries had been heavily used. We therefore purchased a new Lenovo 72Wh battery. We definitely recommend getting a 72Wh battery if battery life is important.

      And if you get a new battery, we strongly recommend installing and configuring TLP. It’s an awesome command-line power management package. The software needs very little configuration as the default settings are spot on.

    • Linux Made SimpleLinux Weekly Roundup #214

      Welcome to this week's Linux weekly roundup.

      We had a full week in the world of Linux releases with ExTiX Linux 22.12, Debian Edu 11.6.0, Debian 11.6.0, PCLinuxOS 2022.12.

      Have a wonderful week, and merry Christmas! Remeber the meaning of the season!

    • Server

      • Kubernetes BlogKubernetes 1.26: Device Manager graduates to GA | Kubernetes

        The Device Plugin framework was introduced in the Kubernetes v1.8 release as a vendor independent framework to enable discovery, advertisement and allocation of external devices without modifying core Kubernetes. The feature graduated to Beta in v1.10. With the recent release of Kubernetes v1.26, Device Manager is now generally available (GA).

        Within the kubelet, the Device Manager facilitates communication with device plugins using gRPC through Unix sockets. Device Manager and Device plugins both act as gRPC servers and clients by serving and connecting to the exposed gRPC services respectively. Device plugins serve a gRPC service that kubelet connects to for device discovery, advertisement (as extended resources) and allocation. Device Manager connects to the Registration gRPC service served by kubelet to register itself with kubelet.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • Open Source Security (Audio Show)Josh Bressers: Episode 354 – Jerry Bell tells us why Mastodon is awesome and MFA is hard

        Josh and Kurt talk about how hard multi factor authentication is. This all starts from a Mastodon thread, and Jerry Bell, the administrator of joins us to discuss password security and all things Mastodon. is an incredible story and Jerry weaves a thrilling tale.

      • GNU World Order (Audio Show)World Order 491

        **kscreen** , **kscreenlocker** , **kservice** , **kshisen** from the Slackware KDE software set.

    • Applications

      • OpenSource.comDiscover the power of the Linux SpaceFM file manager |

        SpaceFM is a tabbed file manager for Linux using the GTK toolkit, so it fits right in on desktops like GNOME, Mate, Cinnamon, and others. SpaceFM also features a built-in device manager system, so it's particularly good for window managers, like Fluxbox or fvwm, which typically don't include a graphical device manager. If you're happy with the file managers on Linux, but you want to try one that's a little bit different in design, SpaceFM is worth a look.

      • NeowinGnuCash 4.13

        GnuCash is a personal and small business finance application, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. It’s designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible. GnuCash allows you to track your income and expenses, reconcile bank accounts, monitor stock portfolios and manage your small business finances. It is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.

        GnuCash can keep track of your personal finances in as much detail as you prefer. If you are just starting out, use GnuCash to keep track of your checkbook. You may then decide to track cash as well as credit card purchases to better determine where your money is being spent. When you start investing, you can use GnuCash to help monitor your portfolio. Buying a vehicle or a home? GnuCash will help you plan the investment and track loan payments. If your financial records span the globe, GnuCash provides all the multiple-currency support you need.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • OpenSource.comHow I use my old camera as a webcam with Linux |

        This year after largely abandoning my MacBook in favor of a NixOS machine, I started getting requests to "turn my camera on" when video calling people. This was a problem because I didn't have a webcam. I thought about buying one, but then I realized I had a perfectly good Canon EOS Rebel XS DSLR from 2008 lying around on my shelf. This camera has a mini-USB port, so naturally, I pondered: Did a DSLR, mini-USB port, and a desktop PC mean I could have a webcam?

        There's just one problem. My Canon EOS Rebel XS isn't capable of recording video. It can take some nice pictures, but that's about it. So that's the end of that.

        Or is it?

        There happens to be some amazing open source software called gphoto2. Once installed, it allows you to control various supported cameras from your computer and it takes photos and videos.

      • Fedora MagazineSetting up Fedora IoT on Raspberry Pi and rootless Podman containers - Fedora Magazine

        Fedora IoT is a foundation for Internet of Things (IoT) and Device Edge ecosystems. It’s a secure, immutable, and image-based operating system that supports the deployment of containerized applications. We’ll discuss how you can run Fedora IoT on a Raspberry Pi to deploy a rootless Podman container.

      • Linux HandbookInstall Latest Docker on Debian Linux

        Docker is available in the default repository of Debian but by its nature, you are bound to get old docker versions.

      • UNIX CopHow to remove the password from a PDF using the terminal on Ubuntu / Debian?

        In this post, you will learn how to remove the password from a PDF file using the terminal in Ubuntu / Debian. This is important to know when you want to share the file with a third party.

        As we all know, a PDF file can be protected using a password, but there comes a point where if we would like to share the file, we should remove the password.

        In this post, we assume that you own the file and therefore know it. Let’s get started.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install PHP 8.2 on Rocky Linux EL9 or EL8

        PHP 8.2 has been officially released, along with the retirement of PHP 7.4. Rocky Linux does not support this version in either EL9 or EL8 but can be installed using the Remi PHP Repo. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to import the REMI PHP Module and install PHP 8.2 on Rocky Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 8, along with some tips about configuring Nginx with FPM using the command line terminal.

      • TecMintHow To Run a Cron Job Every 10, 20, and 30 Seconds in Linux

        The cron job scheduler does not support scheduling jobs to run at an interval of seconds. In this article, we will show you a simple trick to help you run a cron job every 30 seconds or x seconds in Linux.

        Are you new to the cron job scheduler and want to run a job every 30 seconds? Unfortunately, cron does not allow for it. You can not schedule a cron job to run every x second. Cron only supports a time interval of at least 60 seconds (i.e 1 minute). To run a cron job every 30 seconds, you need to employ the trick we have explained below.

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Install Chrony NTP Server/Client in Rocky Linux

        Chrony is an implementation of the now deprecated Network Time Protocol (NTP). It synchronizes the system clock with online NTP servers, and reference clocks and is tailored to perform well in a range of conditions. These include congested networks, intermittent network connections, and systems that do not run continuously or run on a virtual machine.

        Chrony maintains a high accuracy of time between systems synchronized over the internet. The accuracy attained is typically within a few milliseconds while on a LAN network, this is in tens of microseconds. It supports Linux and UNIX systems such as FreeBSD and NetBSD.

      • H2S MediaHow to install Docker on Rocky Linux 9 - Step by Step

        Rocky Linux 9 is an RHEL package-based distro. Whereas Docker is a commercial platform used by individuals and businesses to create and run containers. It is open-source software that provides a lightweight alternative to other Type-2 virtualization software. For example – VirtualBox. Although the pre-built images are available, we can also create our own to run on containers powered by the Docker Engine.

    • Games

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Automotive World LtdDriving the future: Why open-source is key in a world of software-defined cars

      It’s not just the software which is becoming more complex, the hardware is too. Modern vehicles already have up to 150 electronic control units (ECUs), often scattered through the vehicles, close to sensors. Increasingly, manufacturers are moving towards a model where these ECUs are combined and consolidated, connected by an Ethernet network. As the amount of data vehicles deal with increases, it’s unlikely that all of this will be directly uploaded to cloud servers. Instead, much of it will be processed inside the vehicle, before ‘edited highlights’ are uploaded to the cloud for processing.

      This has important implications for vehicle maintenance and also poses cost issues. Car manufacturers face challenges when it comes to managing the ever-growing complexity of their systems, while trying to keep annual recurring costs down.

    • JoinupThe Brno Open Source Declaration sets the next steps for the creation of the Czech national OSPO

      The Czech public sector is steadily raising its involvement with open source. Through their national open source portal and multiple projects, the Czech Republic has managed to better organise its use of open source in public administrations. The Declaration builds on those past efforts from different public and civil society actors to move towards a more organised form of open source governance, a national OSPO.

      Lucie Smolka, Chairwoman of the Committe for Open Cities : “This declaration is a great step towards the establishment of the Czech National OSPO. We are very happy to have been able to cooperate with all the actors of the Czech Open Source community towards this goal.”

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

      • Mozilla

        • TalospaceFirefox 108 on POWER

          Now that the Talos II is back in order and the Fedora 37 upgrade is largely behind me, it's now time to upgrade Firefox to version 108. There's some nice performance improvements here plus a hotkey for about:processes with Shift-Escape. Support for WebMIDI seems a little gratuitous, but what the hey (haven't tried it yet, the Macs mostly handle my music stuff), and there are also new CSS features. As before linking still requires Dan Horák's patch from bug 1775202 or the browser won't link on 64-bit Power ISA (alternatively put --disable-webrtc in your .mozconfig if you don't need WebRTC). Otherwise, we were able to eliminate one of our patches from the PGO-LTO diff, so use the new one for Firefox 108 and the .mozconfigs from Firefox 105.

    • SaaS/Back End/Databases

    • Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

    • Licensing / Legal

      • FSFEGNU Health opts for REUSE [Ed: FSFE pretends it has something to do with GNU, just like it pretends to be connected to FSF]

        In the framework of the REUSE Booster initiative, the FSFE provides individual assessments and direct assistance to Free Software projects in the implementation of the REUSE best practices. GNU Health, a project that combines social medicine with technology, has recently become REUSE compliant. We have talked with Dr. Luis Falcón, its founder.


        GNU Health is a community driven Free Software project from GNU Solidario; a non-profit humanitarian organisation that focuses both on technology and on social medicine. The software has been adopted by different organisations and national public health systems around the globe. From now on, users and re-users of GNU Health will have a clear overview of the copyright notices and license terms thanks to the standardised way of displaying it by following the REUSE specification.

        “The task of manually keeping track, displaying and writing the legal information in large Free/Libre projects like GNU Health can be daunting. The REUSE project makes this tedious process simple. I invite the Libre software community to adopt REUSE as the standard for displaying legal information to boost development, productivity and integration among projects.”

        Dr. Luis Falcón, founder of GNU Solidario and author of GNU Health.

    • Programming/Development

      • [Old] DL Wicksell A Simple JSON Encoding for MUMPS Data

        So now that we know what JSON-M stands for, let's get into the reasons why it is needed. There is really only one data structure in M, which is known as the array, but is really a tree. In fact, it is most often implemented as some kind of B-Tree. It is also what's known as a sparse data structure, in that it does not require every node to contain data, nor even to exist. One of the most powerful features of M is its full language integration with a persistence storage facility, or database, known as globals, which are structured exactly the same as its in-memory arrays, and which are a first class primitive of the language. By simply prepending a caret character (^) to any array, you are now operating with the database on disk, rather than the symbol table in memory. And since they are the same exact data structure, the language provides for easy merging of a tree or sub-tree between local (in-memory) arrays and global (on-disk) arrays, as well as local-to-local and global-to-global merging. This tree-like data structure is incredibly powerful, in part because of how dynamic it is. The language doesn't enforce any kind of template or schema, nor any other kind of predetermined structure on the data. It is created on-the-fly, being shaped as needed. Though this kind of dynamic data structure is very flexible, it comes at the cost of having to build your own data dictionary schemes, and having to write and maintain your own indexes, since the language has no built-in database management system.

      • DEV CommunityGit merge - learn by example

        Git merge is a powerful tool that allows developers to integrate changes from different branches into a single branch. In this article, I'll explain different ways to merge branches with Git, using a simple example to illustrate each method.

      • Daniel Stenbergcurl sighting: Tschugger |

        Following the curl line is what looks like an interactive login procedure, which certainly is not something a real curl would present. Based on this, I think we need to give this use of curl a fairly low realism score: a 2 out 5.

        Trying that displayed command line in a real terminal unfortunately only gives us Could not resolve host: I doubt that the TV company actually purchased this domain though. It seems a little too generic.

      • OpenSource.comUse Rexx for scripting in 2023 |

        In a previous article, I showed how the Rexx scripting language is both powerful and easy to use. It uses specific techniques to reconcile these two goals that are often considered in conflict.

        This article walks you through two example Rexx scripts so you can get a feel for the language. Rexx purports to be highly capable yet easy to work with.

      • AIMWhat Makes Linux the Go-to System for AI/ML Development?

        Notwithstanding the ‘elitist’ moniker the community has earned, learning Linux has become considerably easier over the years


        For AI/ML experts, Linux has been the focus of high performance computing as most high performance libraries at various points of the ML software stack have been written with their focus around Linux. Windows support is erratic by comparison and at times completely absent. Case in point, even NVIDIA does not fully support Windows with some of its libraries.

      • FinnstatsReshape data in R - finnstats

        Reshape data in R, In general, data processing in R Programming Language is accomplished by reading data from a data frame that is organized into rows and columns.

        Data frames are commonly used because data extraction is much simpler and thus easier.

        However, there are times when we need to change the format of the data frame that we receive. As a result, we can use various functions in R to split, merge, and reshape the data frame.

      • Perl / Raku

      • Java

        • DEV CommunityThere are a few reasons why Java is a good language for beginners to learn.

          Java is easy to read and understand: Java has a simple, English-like syntax, which makes it easy for beginners to read and understand code.

          Java is widely used: Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it is used to build a wide range of applications, including web, mobile, and desktop applications.

  • Leftovers

    • Daniel MiesslerHow to Survive and Thrive in a World Where AI Can Do Almost Everything
    • Counter PunchMessi’s Secret

      What explains Messi’s unique abilities? David Konzevik, a former Argentine soccer player and now a famous economist living in Mexico City told me recently, “I have never before been so moved seeing a player as I am with Messi. I have watched him doing magic with the ball for years. There is nobody like him.”

      Many claim that Messi’s remarkable ability as a player is the result of Pep Guardiola’s teachings when he played in Barcelona. However, since he was a child in Argentina, Messi was already a brilliant player. Ernesto Vecchio, a coach from his youth, said, “As a player, he is very similar now to how he was as a youngster. He decides in milliseconds what he is going to do with the ball at his feet.”

    • Counter PunchWhy 2022 was a Crucial Turning Point in European History

      He wrote in the Fortnightly Review, which he edited, about “the great topics of this year of noises. They have been the cattle-plague, the [financial] panic, the disclosures of railway mismanagement, the agitation for Reform, the Fenians, the conflict of the President with Congress, the Seven Days’ War, ending in the expulsion of Austria from Germany, and the freedom of Italy from a foreign yoke.”

      The world turns slowly, and much that looks new and shocking to us today was happening 150 years ago, though often in a different guise. Many problems that bedevilled the lives of our Victorian ancestors are still alive and kicking and far from solution. I do not mean anything along the lines of the tired old quote from Karl Marx about history repeating itself “first time tragedy, second time farce” (in reality history has a nasty habit of serving up tragedy twice over). It is rather that serious confrontations and crises are often so deep-rooted that they go on recurring down the centuries.

    • Counter PunchPortland, Oregon at the Crossroads

      I don’t know about you, but personally my sphincters have gotten way more of a workout this election cycle than seems healthy or advisable. Given the considerable efforts so many of us valiantly exerted over the past few months to keep from messing our collective national trousers [cue national anthem] at the prospect of a red wave, it stands to reason that we might all need a little breathing space, a little “me” time.

      In Maryland, where I grew up, a “little me time” for many will soon include firing up very legal spliffs with considerably less trepidation about the long arm of the law walking away with your dime bag. That’s if you’re White. If you’re Black, Native American, or Latinx, the new laws mean having to worry less about a joint being used as a solid pretext to blow your brains out at point blank range – as in the case of Patrick Lyoya – or kneel on your neck for nearly nine minutes–as in the case of George Floyd.

    • The NationBeyond Zombie Figuration

      Lately, figurative painting has become a much stronger presence on the art scene—and in the art market—than it’s been in living memory. About a decade ago, the hot thing was a certain kind of post-minimal but decorator-friendly abstraction, usually exemplifying what John Yau called, at the time, a “well-produced scruffiness” via “ironic variations of the artistic canon,” as exemplified by such honored precursors as Agnes Martin, Robert Ryman, and Frank Stella. Critics got all bent out of shape over the market frenzy over a few of these young neotraditional abstractionists, for instance Jacob Kassay and Lucien Smith, and their fate was sealed when Walter Robinson coined the term “zombie formalism” to describe the formulaic nature of their production and its indebtedness to the color field and minimalist painting of the 1960s. No one could ever take that cohort seriously again, and collectors started looking elsewhere for new finds. Figurative painting seemed like a fresher field. The push in that direction has only taken on greater momentum, partly because figurative painting seemed to offer artists a way to communicate more directly their passionate beliefs, and to focus on human stories rather than on abstruse aesthetic concerns. And it offered curators and collectors a way to display their sympathies right there on the wall—like wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve.1

    • HackadayZ8000 Trump Card Needs Your Help

      [Smbakeryt] needs your help. He bought a 1984-vintage Z8000 coprocessor card for the PC, but the software is missing in action. Apparently, the co-processor — called a Trump Card — appeared in Byte magazine courtesy of the famous [Steve Ciarcia]. The schematics were published, and if you sent [Steve] proof that you built it, he’d send you the software. The product was later commercialized, but no one seems to have the software, so [Smbakeryt] is on the lookout for it.

    • HackadayImage-Generating AI Can Texture An Entire 3D Scene In Blender

      [Carson Katri] has a fantastic solution to easily add textures to 3D scenes in Blender: have an image-generating AI create the texture on demand, and do it for you.

    • Science

      • HackadaySolar Cell Fabric Makes Anything Solar

        MIT has been working on very thin solar cells made of a film just a few microns thick. The problem? The cells are so thin that they’re hard to work with. You could make a small solar cell on top of, say, a glass slide, but that’s not all that interesting since you can make perfectly good solar cells that are as fragile as glass using conventional techniques. But in a new paper, MIT researchers describe creating 50-micron-thin fabrics that can generate electricity from solar.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayMini Cheetah Clone Teardown, By None Other Than Original Designer

        [Ben Katz] designed the original MIT Mini Cheetah robot, which easily captured attention and imagination with its decidedly un-robotic movements and backflips. Not long after [Ben]’s masters thesis went online, clones of the actuators started to show up at overseas sellers, and a few months after that, clones of the whole robot. [Ben] recently had the opportunity to disassemble just such a clone by Dogotix and see what was inside.

      • The EconomistThe enduring value of an analogue technology

        Recent research underscores the enduring value of this ancient technology, whether in making decisions, enhancing productivity or winning over customers. Start with decision-making, and a study from Maferima Touré-Tillery of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and Lili Wang of Zhejiang University. In one part of their study, the researchers approached strangers and asked them to take a made-up survey. Half the respondents were given a pen and paper to fill out the form; the other half were handed an iPad. At the end of the exercise, respondents were asked if they wanted to give their email address to receive information on how to donate to a charity. Those who used paper were much likelier to provide their email addresses.

      • Linux GizmosLILYGO T-CAMERA S3 includes display and PIR sensor

        The T-CAMERA S3 is a compact embedded module based on the low power ESP32-S3 SoC supporting dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.2. The device is equipped with an OV2640 camera module, a 0.96” OLED display, a PIR sensor and a few JST connectors for additional devices.€ 

      • CNX SoftwareTopTon TP-X4F mini PC with four 2.5GbE ports features up to AMD Ryzen 7 5825U processor - CNX Software

        TopTon TP-X4F is a mini PC and network appliance equipped with four 2.5GbE ports and powered by a choice of processors from the AMD Ryzen 5000U series up to the Ryzen 7 5825U octa-core-16-thread processor.

        The system supports up to 64GB RAM and up to five high-speed internal SATA or NVMe storage devices through M.2 sockets and SATA connectors and comes with three 4K display interfaces: HDMI, DisplayPort, and USB-C, as well as four USB ports.

      • HackadayMedical Ultrasound Scanner Gives Up Its Secrets, Runs DOOM

        Medical equipment often makes for interesting teardown videos: the strict requirements imposed by certification bodies mean you’ll find good quality components and a high standard of design and manufacturing. But when [Buy It Fix It] bought an ultrasound scanner on eBay, he wasn’t interested in tearing it down: his plan was to use it to find out if his sheep are in lamb, so he went on to repair it and modify it for its new purpose.

      • HackadayAntweight Combat Robot Tips, Shared From Experience

        [Harry]’s newest robot, the MotherLoader V2, looks fantastic but was ultimately more of a learning experience and test bed for some experimental features. Luckily for us, [Harry] created a lengthy write-up detailing everything that he tried and revised.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • VOA NewsTaiwan Probes TikTok for Suspected Illegal Operations

        Taiwan's Liberty Times newspaper reported that TikTok's owner, ByteDance, had set up a subsidiary on the island to tout for business, contravening Taiwanese law that Chinese social media platforms are not allowed commercial operations on the island.

        The Mainland Affairs Council, responding to that report, said the Cabinet's working group had discovered that there was indeed a suspected breach of the law, and legal authorities were investigating.

      • Spectator AUAll I want for Christmas is a TikTok ban

        Whether you’re a teenage girl or a government employee with a top secret clearance, TikTok wants to brainwash you and steal your secrets — maybe even both!

        While spending all your time on any social media platform can’t be good for your health, TikTok in America is specifically programmed to hook its users, with documented mental health problems plaguing teenage girls. A recently viral “blackout challenge” on the platform literally resulted in kids dying while they strangled each other — or themselves.

        Meanwhile in China, if you are under fourteen, the TikTok that you use is capped at forty minutes’ usage a day and floods your feed with science and pro-CCP content, according to a 60 Minutes report, which compares the Chinese version to “spinach” and its exported, Western version to “opium.”

      • NIH grant funding decisions: Reality vs. antivax conspiracies

        As a surgeon-scientist who has over the years applied for more research grants than I can currently remember from various funding agencies, including the NIH and other federal entities, I sometimes like to discuss how the NIH determines which grants to fund given that the current budget only allows the NIH to fund roughly 10% of the grant applications that it receives every year. (This is, unfortunately, a situation that has persisted for many years now, despite increases in the NIH budget.) After all, I have submitted far more grant applications to fund my lab to the NIH, the Department of Defense (which, little known to most people, actually funds a fair amount of cancer research), and other agencies than have ever been funded. (I will keep my percent success rate a secret, but it’s fairly low, which is not uncommon among investigators.)

      • ScheerpostFarmworkers’ Working and Living Conditions Take a Mental Health Toll

        Advocates seek to counter cultural stigma and the harsh effects of COVID-19 with innovative approaches to reaching a vulnerable population.

    • Security

      • CPO MagRunning in Place: Staying Afloat With Language-Level Vulnerability Management - CPO Magazine [Ed: This bizarre article obsesses over "Linux" and describes issues that are likely not even in Linux itself]

        For businesses working with operating systems like Linux, additional issues can arise. Historically, Linux has been considered one of the more secure operating systems. However, Linux attacks are becoming more attractive to threat actors because those systems tend to have a higher payoff value. Businesses operating with Linux are faced with increasingly dangerous Linux-based vulnerabilities, like those related to remote control execution (RCE) and local privilege escalation (LPE). RCE is considered the holy grail for attackers, given the level of control it offers over machines and systems. And if RCE isn’t possible, attackers can always rely on an LPE vulnerability.

        With Linux, traditional patching tools like apt, dnf, or yum (which are used for updating on-disk versions of vulnerable software), are problematic, since they don’t immediately apply to already running code, like the Linux kernel that is always running, or shared libraries already residing in memory as a dependency of multiple services. Changes occurring on disk will only translate to revisions in the running code when those services are restarted, or the whole system is restarted – something obviously disruptive to any workload. This means that some customer or user somewhere is going to experience a business disruption.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • The Telegraph UKWhy it could soon be curtains for Amsterdam's red light district

          Under the proposal by the D66 liberal party, window brothel curtains will stay shut and clients will be asked to book via a QR code on their smartphones rather than directly to the sex worker behind the glass.

          However, sex workers oppose the idea and argue it will make their work less safe because it will be harder to assess potential clients and any danger they might pose.

          "Lucy", a Dutch sex worker, said Amsterdam was the world’s safest place to work when she spoke to the Telegraph at the Prostitution Information Centre (PIC) in the red light district.

        • The EconomistChina is helping Zimbabwe to build a surveillance state

          And this is not the only worry. Since 2018 Zimbabwe has collected fingerprints, photos, addresses and phone numbers to clean up the voters’ roll, which was reportedly full of “ghost voters”. This frightens many Zimbabweans, especially those belonging to the minority Ndebele ethnic group, much of which is concentrated near Bulawayo. In 1983 some 20,000 mostly Ndebele people were massacred by the army. Emmerson Mnangagwa, now the president, was head of the security services at the time. Now, people fear data collection “is a way to re-identify and target us,” says Rodwin Sibanda of the Habakkuk Trust, an NGO in Bulawayo.

        • [Old] Buzz FeedLeaked Audio From 80 Internal TikTok Meetings Shows That US User Data Has Been Repeatedly Accessed From China

          The recordings, which were reviewed by BuzzFeed News, contain 14 statements from nine different TikTok employees indicating that engineers in China had access to US data between September 2021 and January 2022, at the very least. Despite a TikTok executive’s sworn testimony in an October 2021 Senate hearing that a “world-renowned, US-based security team” decides who gets access to this data, nine statements by eight different employees describe situations where US employees had to turn to their colleagues in China to determine how US user data was flowing. US staff did not have permission or knowledge of how to access the data on their own, according to the tapes.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • VOA NewsUS Border Cities Strained Ahead of Expected Migrant Surge

        Along the U.S. southern border, two cities — El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez in Mexico — prepared Sunday for a surge of as many as 5,000 new migrants a day as pandemic-era immigration restrictions expire this week, setting in motion plans for emergency housing, food and other essentials.

      • RTLJailed Pakistan Taliban take hostages after seizing police station

        More than 30 Pakistan Taliban militants were holding several officers hostage on Monday after breaking free from custody and seizing a police station, officials said.

      • Counter PunchThe F-35: Sales to Allied Countries Don’t Mean It’s A Great Airplane

        Firstly, let’s dissect the F-35. The late world famous aircraft designer and originator Pierre Sprey, who made huge contributions to the successful design of the F-16 and A-10 – among other aircraft — called it a “turkey” on Canadian TV in 2012 and said that it would lose against contemporary European fighters. He also said old low frequency radar, which the Russians and the rest of the world have in excess, can easily detect the aircraft, therefore making its so-called “stealth” an expensive and unnecessary feature that might make little difference in combat. For example, in the Kosovo Air War in 1999, the Serbs used ancient low frequency radars to detect the “stealthy” F-117 and direct missiles close enough to shoot one down and damage another. (2)

        More recently, Dan Grazier of the Project on Government Oversight has basically described the aircraft as a disaster with many defects even now after more than a decade in the service. He also points out that some new defects and failures have been hidden by the Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E). He says “The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program appears to be in a state of suspended development, with little progress made in 2021 toward improving its lackluster performance. The latest report by the Pentagon’s Director, Operational Test & Evaluation reveals stagnation and even backsliding in some fleet reliability measures. And that’s just the public DOT&E report. In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35’s poor performance. For the first time ever, the testing office created a non-public “controlled unclassified information” version of its report, and although there is much overlap between the two versions, the meaningful details about the ever-troubled program are only included in the non-public one.”(3)

      • Counter PunchFacing a Houthi Victory in Yemen, the US Shifts Its Approach

        Bowing to the reality that the opposition Houthi movement now controls 80 percent of the population of Yemen and has acquired the means to launch missiles deep into Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, U.S. officials have been focusing on the truce as a means of achieving a ceasefire and ending the war.

        The truce “has brought a period of unprecedented calm in Yemen, saving thousands of lives and bringing tangible relief for countless Yemenis,” President Joe Biden said in a statement in August.

      • MeduzaGovernor of Belgorod: eight wounded and one killed by shelling — Meduza

        In the Belgorod region, as a result of shelling on December 18, eight people were wounded and one was killed, according to reports from the head of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov.

      • MeduzaFire breaks out in Irkutsk oil and gas field — Meduza

        A fire broke out at the Markovskoye oil and gas field in the Irkutsk region.

      • TruthOutGOP Blocks Funding to Cut Child Poverty After Approving $858 Billion for Defense
      • Counter PunchThe Economic Realities We Face at the End of 2022

        The key fact is not the military war between Russia and Ukraine, so far a limited, secondary affair except for the massive on-the-ground suffering of the Ukrainian people and the soldiers on both sides of the conflict. The year’s key reality is rather the economic warfare between the United States and the EU versus Russia and China: sanctions and countersanctions. Their ramifications (energy price spikes, supply chain disruptions, and massive market shifts) worsened the inflation already troubling many countries. These, in turn, provoked central bank interest rate increases that added more disruptive and costly shocks to an already problematic 2022 global economy.

        For decades, wealth and income have been redistributed upward—with minimal protest by the working classes who were harmed by that redistribution. During 2022, working classes in many countries were no longer willing to defer their needs in the wake of that redistribution. Labor militancy, unionization, and strikes have all been renewed with remarkable energy and enthusiasm. Increasing numbers of workers are unwilling to wait and see whether or not long sluggish center-left and center-right governments and parties would do anything adequate to change the deepening inequalities, instabilities, and injustices of contemporary capitalism.

      • MeduzaZelensky: the liberation of Crimea has begun ‘in people’s minds’ — Meduza

        The operation to liberate Crimea “has begun in people’s minds,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with French television networks TF1 and LCI.

      • MeduzaKyiv authorities: heat fully restored in the city — Meduza

        Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko says that the city has fully restored heating services.

      • MeduzaViktor Bout spoke at the launch of a Luhansk branch of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia — Meduza

        On December 17, Viktor Bout, who returned to Russia from a US prison in early December, took part in the opening of a new branch of the right-wing nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, in Ukrainian Luhansk, which is currently under Russian control.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | US Veterans Call for Holiday Truce, Ceasefire, and Negotiations to End War€ in Ukraine

        Winter's arrival in the northern hemisphere brings increased concern about the war in Ukraine—now in its tenth month. Concern about the suffering of civilians under siege, and the fate of millions of refugees. Concern about the energy crisis and militarization in Europe. Concern about war-related food shortages in Africa. And concern about the possibility of a civilization-ending nuclear war. € 

      • Common DreamsTrump Unleashes Deranged Rant as Jan. 6 Panel Plans to Recommend Criminal Charges

        Donald Trump took to his beleaguered social media app late Saturday to lash out against the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection following reports that the panel is planning to use its final meeting Monday to recommend criminal charges against the former president and 2024 White House hopeful.

        "They say that the Unselect Committee of Democrats, Misfits, and Thugs, without any representation from Republicans in good standing, is getting ready to recommend Criminal Charges to the highly partisan, political, and Corrupt 'Justice' Department for the 'PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICLY' speech I made on January 6th," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "This speech and my actions were mild & loving, especially when compared to Democrats wild spewing of HATE. Why didn't they investigate massive Election Fraud or send in the Troops? SCAM!"

      • ScheerpostTeaching Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago in Prison

        There are many disturbing similarities between the brutality imposed on Stalin’s victims and the injustices endured by the incarcerated in federal and state prisons.

    • Environment

      • Foreign PolicyHow Greenland’s Mineral Wealth Made It a Geopolitical Battleground

        But for those following Arctic politics, Trump’s interest wasn’t a surprise. Geopolitics in the Arctic has become increasingly fraught in the last decade, as Greenland has been of increasing interest to the superpowers—especially the United States and China. There are three main reasons for this interest, said Rasmus Leander Nielsen, an associate professor at the Center of Arctic Political Science and Economics at the University of Greenland: The melting ice will create new commercially valuable sailing routes from the east; Greenland maintains security importance to the United States as the site of its northernmost military base at Thule; and finally, Greenland could become a crucial rare-earth mineral source.

      • Counter PunchHuman and Environmental Rights Come with Mutual Responsibilities

        The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) sets forth the fundamental rights belonging to every individual in the world. The UDHR celebrated its 74th anniversary on December 10, 2022.

        This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the Declaration on the Human Environment and the 5th anniversary of the Declaration of Ethical Principles of Climate Change. These declarations call for the preservation, enhancement, and equitable use of the environment for present and future generations.

      • The NationAgainst Climate Optimism—Because “Team Normal” Won’t Save the World

        Liz Cheney, the anti-MAGA yet deeply conservative outgoing representative from Wyoming, may have said it best: The midterm election results were “a clear victory for team normal.” The center held. “Democracy,” such as it is, held. Even stalwart progressive comrades of mine in the climate movement found the results reassuring.

      • Counter PunchLetter from London: Snowfall City

        For the rest of the day, I remained keen on this notion of forgetful snow, its presence in what was a usually snowless reality making everything somehow dreamier, as if there was no such thing as time before the snow, only the moment being experienced now — Zen and the Art of the Nucleated Snowflake, if you like. For me, it was also about memory. What are we not remembering?

        On a possibly lighter note, do I remember this view across the River Thames from Observatory Hill before any of those vast office buildings at Canary Wharf on the Isle of Dogs? (‘The barges drift/With the turning tide/Red sails/Wide/To leeward, swing on the heavy spar./The barges wash/Drifting logs/Down Greenwich reach/Past the Isle of Dogs,’ also wrote Eliot.) Beyond the much older Queen’s House and former Royal Naval College used to be creaking masts and rigging. Now, there is just the glass-enshrined dry-docked Cutty Sark, while back over at Canary Wharf, the big ships are Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, HSBC, JP Morgan, Infosys (cough, Rishi Sunak), Chase, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, etc. Plus we have the very occasional sound of a Chinook crossing the crisp blue London sky, with St Paul’s Cathedral in the distance, the twin rotors now overhead, and the snow gleaming like a blanket of white gold. When London looks so beautiful, it is easy to forget when it is ugly.

    • Finance

      • BBC'I quit my job rather than go back to the office' - BBC News

        Is there a growing divide between employers who want staff back in the office and employees who want to work from home?

      • Should groceries come by drone, EVERYWHERE? | Stop at Zona-M

        Could drone delivery of groceries, and consumer goods in general “become mainstream” even in cities, cleaning them of those lousy human riders who even dare demand sleep and money? It depends, says this article.

        Up in the mountains, the sooner it happens, the better it is, if you ask me.

        Cities are a totally different beast, of course. Besides increasing acustic and visual pollution, drones may crash on pedestrians for many reasons, going from faults to collisions with birds. But that would be nothing compared to physical limits, that is the fact that drones could never really reach customers living inside apartment buildings. This is why that article does not just discuss at length whether drone delivery could ever be feasible everywhere, but also asks “would we even want it?”

      • TruthOutFlorida’s Housing Crisis Makes It Almost Impossible for Storm Victims to Recover
    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Common DreamsOpinion | This Is the Dying Phase of Reaganism—and It's Hideous

        Back in 1981, when Ronald Reagan was sworn in and implicitly promised to destroy our government because it was “the problem,” many of us who strongly opposed him wondered what the final stage of Reaganism would look like.€ 

      • Common Dreams'I Will Abide': Musk Holds Twitter Poll to Decide If He'll Step Down as CEO

        Elon Musk, the billionaire owner and CEO of Twitter, launched a poll on the social media giant's platform on Sunday evening asking users to decide whether or not he should step down as head of the company.

        "I will abide by the results of this poll," Musk said.

      • Common DreamsFTC Urged to Take a Close Look as Musk's Twitter Bans Links to Competitors

        Elon Musk's Twitter announced Sunday that users are no longer allowed to post links to some of the social media platform's competitors, including Facebook, Mastodon, Instagram, and Post, a move likely to draw the notice of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and European Union officials.

        In a post explaining the new policy, Twitter said it will "remove any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs) to any of the [banned] platforms on Twitter."

      • SCMPTwitter’s journalist bans invite comparisons to censorship on WeChat, the super app Elon Musk wants to emulate

        Musk has said previously that he would like to turn Twitter into a super app like Tencent’s WeChat

      • The HillTwitter bans ‘free promotion’ of other social media platforms

        Twitter specifically said users cannot promote Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Nostr, and Pos accounts. Twitter will also prohibit users from sharing third-party social media link aggregators such as and

        “We still allow cross-posting content from any social media platform,” Twitter Support added in its thread. “Posting links or usernames to social media platforms not listed above are also not in violation of this policy.”

      • VOA NewsTwitter Bans Linking to Facebook, Instagram, Other Rivals

        Twitter users will no longer be able to link to certain rival social media websites, including what the company described Sunday as "prohibited platforms" Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon.

        It's the latest move by Twitter's new owner Elon Musk to crack down on certain speech after he shut down a Twitter account last week that was tracking the flights of his private jet.

      • NBCTwitter announces, then quickly retracts ban on promoting other social media

        The new, restrictive policy came after many users, eyeing the exit doors, began posting links to their accounts on other platforms following Elon Musk's takeover as CEO of Twitter and its subsequent reinstatement of far-right accounts, suspension of journalists and mass layoffs.

      • Rolling StoneElon Musk’s New Twitter Policy: No More Links to Rival Sites

        Not only are free links to Mastodon, Facebook, Instagram, Truth Social, Tribel, Post and Nostr prohibited, but so are those to aggregating platforms like and, according to the policy. It also considers it a violation to spell out “dot” in place of a period, as well as posting a screenshot of handles for accounts on banned platforms.

        Users found to be in violation may be required to delete the relevant post if it’s an “isolated incident or first offense.” A temporarily suspended account is also on the table, with users potentially facing a permanent suspension for “subsequent violations.”

      • Hollywood ReporterTwitter Bans Linking to Mastodon, Facebook, Truth Social and Other Competitors

        Twitter temporarily banned the “free promotion” of specific third-party social media platforms through link sharing as well as social media link aggregators, the company announced Sunday, before walking back the policy that night.

      • India TimesTwitter bans open-source rival Mastodon. See why

        Many Mastodon URLs no longer work on Twitter, classifying them as potentially dangerous around 6:30 PM PT. Domains like and have been removed from Twitter, although other domains are still working.

      • Counter PunchNarcissism Inc.: The Harry and Meghan Production

        Much has and will be made of the various personal details the Netflix production is promoting.€  The dominant theme is blame and blamelessness, enriched by a layering of score-settling.€  Unaware by the implications of her own conduct, Meghan herself observes that, “Most people need to find someone to blame.”

        The couple are, naturally, clean, washed, pristine; the laundry of everybody else, from the media to the ghastly relatives, is not.€  “I believe my wife suffered a miscarriage because of what the (Daily) Mail did.€  I watched the whole thing,” states a forlorn Harry.

      • Twitcher: tweet frequency over the years - quantixed

        At the time of writing, I have essentially left Twitter. It was a fun ride and without going into what’s happening there now, this is a good opportunity to look at my 12 years on the platform.

        Early in November, I downloaded my data and locked my Twitter account. This gave me all the data I needed. Using R, a few nifty libraries and the tweets.js file that was part of the download, I could gain quite a lot of insight. You can use this code to analyse your own data.

      • John GruberOne More for the ‘Everything Is Going Just Fine at Twitter’ File

        Seems more than a bit euphemistic to describe not paying rent or promised severence packages as mere cost-cutting measures. And it also seems like an inauspicious time to shake up the company’s legal department.

      • John GruberMusk Steers Twitter Right Into the Iceberg, Bans All Links to All Other Social Media Sites
      • VoxAngry, irrational, erratic: This is Elon Musk’s Twitter

        There are so many questions today after a wild night on Twitter, which saw Elon Musk suspend multiple journalists’ accounts, citing violation of his company’s anti-doxxing policies. Twitter also shut down its Spaces audio chat feature, which journalists — including at least one who Musk had suspended — and Musk used last night to have a live discussion about the suspensions.

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

      • VarietyElon Musk Temporarily Suspended Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz for ‘Prior Doxxing Action,’ but She Denies She Doxxed Anyone

        UPDATE, 12/18, 10:05 a.m. PT: Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter account (@TaylorLorenz) has been restored. She said the temporary suspension from Twitter appeared to be because she had posted links to her accounts on other social platforms, in violation of a new rule that Elon Musk announced Sunday. Later in the day, the page on Twitter’s help site about the new “Promotion of Alternative Social Platforms Policy” was removed; Musk tweeted that the policy “will be adjusted to suspending accounts only when that account’s *primary* purpose is promotion of competitors, which essentially falls under the no-spam rule.”

      • Don't Extradite AssangeWikiLeaks delegation meets Bolivian President Luis Arce to discuss ongoing prosecution of Julian Assange/ President calls for release of Assange

        In a private meeting with the president and the Minister of the Presidency, Maria Nela Prada, President Arce spoke frankly of the threat to press freedom and the necessity to uphold human rights and the right to know. The president was firm in his support of Julian Assange and the desire to see him a free man.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | The US Justice Department Must Drop Charges Against Julian Assange

        President Joe Biden is pressing ahead with a controversial criminal case against Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, a whistleblower website. Assange has been languishing for close to four years in the UK’s harsh Belmarsh Prison while appealing extradition to the United States, where he faces espionage and computer intrusion charges that could land him in a maximum security prison for 175 years.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • VOA NewsRights Monitor: More than 500 Killed Since Iran Protests Began

        At least 500 people have been killed in Iran since protests there began in mid-September, according to U.S.-based rights monitor HRANA.

        The Human Rights Activists News Agency said the dead included 69 people under the age of 18, and that authorities have arrested more than 18,400 people.

      • ABCNo big deal for Finns as defense chief takes paternity leave

        And Finns aren’t batting an eyelid. Ditto their Nordic neighbors, who are used to family-oriented social policies and work-life balance.

      • TruthOutCommunity-Based Programs Offer Alternative to Detention for Asylum Seekers
      • The NationThe Big Winners of the 2022 World Cup? Qatar and Despots the World Over (And Messi)

        The winner of the Qatar men’s World Cup is not Argentina, who won the greatest match in finals in history, or even the upstart semifinalist Morocco. It is neither the Golden Boot winner, the otherworldly Kylian Mbappe of France, nor the Golden Ball winner, the legendary Argentinian Lionel Messi. The champion is Qatar, and they didn’t have to win a match. The World Cup host country looks to have successfully—with the West’s full complicity—engaged in brazen sportswashing, earning plaudits and envy from authoritarians the world over.€ 

      • Telex (Hungary)Hungarian MP Szilárd Németh: White, Christian, European values won the World Cup
      • Pro PublicaSome Talk but Little Action on Private Policing in St. Louis

        Three months after a St. Louis public safety official said the city planned to review how off-duty police officers are used by private companies to patrol some neighborhoods, city officials said they had identified a consultant to do the work but were still looking for a way to pay for it.

        The pledge to review police moonlighting came in September, after ProPublica revealed how the use of private police forces in St. Louis exacerbates disparities in how the city is protected. Deputy Public Safety Director Heather Taylor, responding to ProPublica’s findings, said the city would hire a consultant to study the issue.

      • Counter PunchWelcome Home, Brittney!

        Why does this woman need to spend a week getting debriefed (in the name of medical care) at a military base? Are the ganjapreneurs going to have a bidding war over which brand of CBD she’ll endorse? How come, with all the coverage of her arrest and detainment, the Times hasn’t run a single piece about Russia’s draconian marjuana prohibition? We’ve heard plenty about Paul Whelan, who’s doing time for espionage, but nothing about the Russian prisoners doing time for mere possession.€ (The Russkies tagged “possession” onto Griner’s smuggling charge.) And the Times continues to ignore€ Marc Fogel, a 61-year-old American teacher arrested after entering Russia in August 2021 with less than 20 grams (prescribed for him by a doctor in Pennsylvania for chronic pain) and sentenced to 14 years in a penal colony. Unlike Griner, he was not quickly classified as “wrongfully detained” by the US State Department.€ (the website of the once-important magazine) reported on Fogel’s plight and noted that “From 2012 until his arrest, Fogel had been working at the Anglo-American School in Moscow, an elite private school that teaches the children of American diplomats and those of other international political figures.”

      • Counter PunchDo Your Multiplication

        1. Please note the gender of horsemen. Patriarchy runs richly through each of these four great scourges.

        2. The worst of the “four horsemen” (I suggest a fifth below) € is arguably the first one, with the climate crisis in the lead – the biggest issue of our or any time.€  There’s no public health, demilitarization, democracy, social justice, and rule of law on a dead planet. At the same time, the odds of annihilation through nuclear war do not get worse with each day we go without a terminal exchange.€  We just stay lucky.€  Climate pollution is different: the risk of passing terminal tipping points rises with each day of mass emissions that raise atmospheric carbon saturation to ever more lethal and exterminist levels. Every tricky day in which you are not killed by a climate change-driven high intensity weather event or drought just brings you closer to the day when you will be as long as you and your species continue to emit 37 billion metric tons of CO2 or so into the atmosphere each year.€  It all accumulates, hovers, cooks, and kills.

      • The NationWhat Democrats Can Learn From Keith Ellison’s Reelection

        Former deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee Keith Ellison was reelected as Minnesota’s attorney general in November. His Republican challenger, Jim Schultz deployed a tough-on-crime campaign, hoping to capitalize on Ellison’s support of Black Lives Matter and the movement to defund the police.

      • ScheerpostFor Many Workers, the Holiday Season Is the Most Exploitative Time of the Year

        As delivery workers support others’ holiday dreams, they urgently need support in their 2023 contract fights.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | This Has Been a Horrific Year for the Globally Displaced

        This year had the unwelcome distinction of being the first to see over 100 million people displaced worldwide. Such a staggering milestone reminds us that greater efforts are needed to address the underlying causes forcing so many innocent people to flee their homes.

      • Common DreamsOpinion | 2022 Deadliest Year on Record for Palestinians Under Israeli Occupation: UN

        The UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights has issued a press release detailing the views of its experts on the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians during the past year, which they say has seen the worst death rate among the Occupied population since the organization began systematically tracking fatalities in 2005.

    • Monopolies

      • Software Patents

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakU.S. Doubles Down and Seizes 'Comeback' Domains of Pirate Sites

          Leading up to the FIFA World Cup final this weekend, U.S. law enforcement seized 23 domains operated by pirate sports streaming sites. The domains in question were used by sites targeted in a similar action a week earlier. This triggered a game of whack-a-mole that's not over yet. Meanwhile, other sites are being targeted, including the popular Soccerstreams portal.

        • Torrent FreakUbatcha: No More Genshin Impact Leaks vs. Cognosphere's Dilemma

          Early December, prolific Genshin Impact leaker 'Ubatcha' was targeted in a DMCA subpoena application filed by publisher Cognosphere. Since then the subpoena has been characterized in various ways, from a full-blown lawsuit to a matter that's best ignored. Both are incorrect but there is a broad middle ground. With Ubatcha promising no more leaks, will that put this issue to rest?

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • Purposeful effort

        I was absent for several days in the small net. I had busy weeks with many time-consuming home and work activities. So I was able to look at selected things and I was doing it irregularly. This was my first thought then I finally did my full small web routine. And then I thought that maybe it isn't true.

        Because I had free time, which was annexed by less demanding things. So there was for eg. non-committal scrolling of eye-candy things on YouTube. It was so comfortable to sit on a couch and do so. Without any entry threshold. With a dopamine award for finding "so pleasant images". A soft sofa didn't make me travel so far to a desktop computer. In one hand, one finger, and lazy scrolling through a mobile screen. Hah! Isn't that how the whole business is organized? It's easy to lull our vigilance.

      • it was...the way it was?

        I think we can consider this place moribund, if not actually undead.

      • Auld Lang Syne

        For some reason I have been playing Auld Lang Syne recently, reflecting on the past year. Mostly all that I have done wrong, and some of the stuff I have discovered about myself personally. So to hopefully at least slightly make up for the fact that this is a tiny piece of wasted resources on another individual's computer; here are the lyrics to the song. Also for no purpose an accompanying youtube video to an instrumental version of the song.

      • Skill checks

        “Breathing is difficult down here in the damp, dusty air, as the dark dungeon corridor stretches out in front of you. At the very dimmest, flickering edge of your torchlight, it splits in a T-intersection, branching left and right. Make an Insight check.”

      • 🔤SpellBinding: ABEIZTP Wordo: FLANK
    • Technical

      • Internet/Gemini

        • How will the fediverse pay the bills when it is 10x bigger?

          In the early days of the fediverse user numbers (aka hosting costs) were low and enthusiasm was high.

          Admins made their instance because they wanted to. Moderators volunteered because it felt meaningful (or whatever). We all had similar values and vibes were good. When the hat was passed around everyone happily threw a few bucks into it. Setting up a small instance can be done fairly easily by using a pre-configured docker image so only basic linux skills were needed.

          All that is about to change.

        • Setup a Mastodon instance on Fedora Server

          I'll go through the steps to setup a Mastodon instance on Fedora Server. This guide is based on the original Install from source guide in the Mastodon documentation, but includes Fedora-specific tweaks such as packages, file path differences, and SELinux policies. I'll first go through prerequisites and basic setup, and then branch of in the style of a choose-your-own-adventure.

        • Service Update

          This post is in part to test some tweaks that I've recently made to my setup. I finally got fed up with gemfeed's misbehavior when it comes to improperly sorting gemlog entries in the resulting atom feed. A number of times changing computers has led to the order being broken and throwing aggregators like Antenna through a loop. Therefore, I am putting a hold on atom feed generation for now and reverting back to submitting the gemlog as it is in gmisub format. The reason I used atom at all was just to make sure that my posts were sorted properly in Antenna if I wrote too many too fast, but let's be realistic... how often am I going to write more than one post in a day? It happens so infrequently that it doesn't merit relying on broken software to try to give it unnecessary finesse.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

Microsoft Collapses While GNU/Linux Rises in Bulgaria, According to statCounter
Microsoft is losing across all sectors
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): An Introduction
In a nutshell: there's a massive conflict inside the OSI and the OSI stooges (staff serving Big Sponsors like Microsoft) try to hide it
Paraguay: GNU/Linux Surging to New Usage Levels (7%), According to statCounter
Notice that the gains are at Microsoft Windows' expense
Social Control Media as a Rapid Race to the Bottom - Part I - That Sinking Feeling
When you realise you made an error and things you adopted more than 15 years ago became utterly bad
Microsoft's Entryism as Mortal Risk/Danger: The Example of the Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Microsoft is a cult
FSF Amicus Brief: Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.0, OOXML (.docx), and Microsoft Word (Proprietary)
Could the FSF not find any law firm that, in addition to talking about or for Free software, does not use .NET, OOXML, and almost everything Microsoft?
New Interview With Richard Stallman in Italy (Manuel Cuda News)
Due to Google's growing aggression against Free software and proper APIs, this cannot be downloaded and converted to a free format
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Transcript of Richard Stallman's Interview With Manuel Cuda News in Italy (Debunking Fake "AI")
A rough draft, but checked by two people
Chad: All-Time Lows for Windows, According to statCounter
According to statCounter, many in Chad moved to Android
Links 04/03/2025: Universities Are Under Attack, Windows Attracts Ransom Against Ministry of Health
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Links 04/03/2025: Microsoft Issues Policy Instructions to the Cheeto Mussolini Administration, Cloudflare Engages in Mass Censorship Again
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Gemini Links 04/03/2025: Athens, Fedora 41, and Yelling at Clouds
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The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Belatedly Comments on Case That Tests Copyleft in the United States
"The Free Software Foundation (FSF) announced today it has submitted an amicus brief in the case entitled Neo4j"
If They Try to Censor You on Some Topic, Then You Should Cover This Topic Even More
OSI is only a small part of it
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 03, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
Thorsten Glaser & Open Source Initiative (OSI) resignations due to AI whitewashing
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Gemini Links 03/03/2025: Copyrights, GrapheneOS, and SpaceBeans
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Links 03/03/2025: Europe Rallies Behind Ukraine, Measles Flourishes in US Again
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Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
After Fund-raising Campaign the Free Software Foundation Still Raises About $13,000 Per Week (Without Campaigning for New Donors/Members)
Richard Stallman in the Board is not a liability
Links 03/03/2025: 'Monetisation' Myth' and Microsoft's LLMs Helping Criminals
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The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
Also based on the leading publication that they want removed
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Links 03/03/2025: Mass Layoffs in IBM China, Intel Still in Trouble
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3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 02, 2025
Microsoft Windows Falls to All-Time Low in Thailand
We're seeing many all-time records like these so far in 2025
Gemini Links 02/03/2025: Snowdrop Flower and Hostile Leaders
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Links 02/03/2025: Microsoft Outlook Goes Offline, Foreign-Owned Social Control Media Interfering With Fair Elections
Links for the day
According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
Right now there are many articles about Microsoft Outlook being down completely
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Over at Tux Machines...
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