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Links 21/12/2022: New Linux Gadgets and Microsoft Breaches Aplenty

  • GNU/Linux

    • Graphics Stack

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • Carlos BeckerMarshaling SSH Private Keys - Why there's always a different block?

        Not long ago, when I was building melt, I learned something interesting: if you restore a private key from its seed, and marshal it back to the OpenSSH Private Key format, you’ll always get a different block in the middle.

      • Manuel MatuzovicDay 62: the container shorthand

        On day 56 you've learned that you have to define a container-type when working with size containers and on day 59 you've learned that you can name containers using the container-name property.

      • Manuel MatuzovicDay 61: color-scheme

        If you create an HTML document, it comes with default styles that are more or less the same in most browsers. A serif font, transparent (white) background, black text color, etc. You could say that the default theme for any HTML document is a light theme because it uses a light background color. Now here comes the big revelation (at least to me) Sara writes about: There's also a dark theme.

      • UNIX CopHow to install Binance Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21 - Unix / Linux the admins Tutorials

        In this post, you will learn how to install the Binance Desktop app on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21

        Note: In some countries, trading cryptocurrencies is illegal and subject to laws. Please check the legal status of Binance in your country.

      • PowerDNSPowerDNS Recursor: writing to a file you did not open | PowerDNS Blog

        This post is about how the Recursor can write to files even when its permissions to access the file system are restricted.

        When PowerDNS Recursor is running it mostly does not need to access files. In many runtime environments its access to the file system is restricted to limit the impact of potential security issues. When reconfiguring the Recursor, we need to make sure the files it needs to read are accessible in this restricted runtime environment. But in some cases, we also want to be able to write files.

      • It's FOSSHow to Update Pi-hole Easily

        Pi-hole is one of the most effective ad-blockers available for you to use. You can install it on your router or a dedicated system and get an ad-free experience for all the devices connected through it.

        In an earlier article, I discussed the steps for installing Pi-hole. But you must update it regularly to win the cat-and-mouse game between ad blockers and ad providers (Google, Facebook, etc). Another aspect is to patch a security vulnerability that might affect you negatively.

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Create, View and Extract Archive Files (*.a) in Linux

        This article guide demonstrates the usage of the Linux ar command to create, modify, and extract from archives.

        Linux provides several useful command-line utilities for managing archives. The ar command-line tool is among these utilities, which create, modify, and extract from archives.

        An archive is a single file format that holds a collection of other files within the archive that are referred to as members. The structure of the archive file makes it possible to retrieve the original files prior to their compression into the archived state.

        The archive preserves the original file attributes such as owner, group, timestamp, and mode (permissions).

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Create and Compile a Static Library in Linux

        This article guide provides an understanding between static and dynamic libraries and thereafter demonstrates how a user can create a static library in Linux via the aid of the Linux ar command.

        During the compilation process of a C program, an object code is usually the end result of a successful compiler runtime. Afterward, a linker is invoked to make the library function code available to a user program. The linker accomplishes this objective either by making the library function code copy available to the user object code or by availing the library function code at run-time.

        When the linker creates a copy of these re-usable library function codes and passes/avails them to an executable program file, a static library is born. It’s called a static library because the libraries and/or library files are statically linked. Static libraries in Linux are identified by the '.a' file extension.

      • How to Use a Recursive Chown on Linux - buildVirtual

        A recursive chown is a command that allows you to change the ownership of a directory and all of its subdirectories and files. This can be useful when you want to transfer ownership of a large number of files or directories to a different user or group.

      • TecMintHow to Monitor Progress of (Copy/Backup/Compress) Data using ‘pv’ Command [Ed: Newly updated]

        When making backups, and copying/moving large files on your Linux system, you may want to monitor the progress of an ongoing operation. Many terminal tools do not have the functionality to allow you to view progress information when a command is running in a pipe.

        In this article, we shall look at an important Linux/Unix command called pv – Pipe Viewer.

      • DebugPointDebugging LibreOffice Basic Macro using Breakpoint and Watch

        While writing complex macros to automate various tasks in LibreOffice, you definitely encounter errors. Some run-time errors are self-explanatory. But some of them are very generic. To debug those, you need to carefully put breakpoints and step through the code to see where the problem is in your code.

        Hence this tutorial. These techniques apply to all the macros written in Calc, Writer or Impress. And should be applied to OpenOffice macros as well.

      • Linux HandbookWhat is /dev/zero in Linux?

        In Linux, device files are quite special as they provide applications to interface with device drivers which also include the /dev/zero.

      • OSTechNixRemove Programs Installed From Source With Stow In Linux - OSTechNix [Ed: Just updated]

        This guide explains what is GNU Stow, how to install GNU Stow in Linux, and how to remove programs installed from source using GNU Stow.

      • Linux BuzzHow to Install Ansible on Rocky Linux 9 Step by Step

        Hello techies, in this guide, we will show you how to install ansible on rocky linux 9 step by step.

        Ansible is a free and opensource automation tool, it is used to configure and manage remote Linux and windows systems over ssh protocol and WinRM protocol respectively. We don’t need to install any agent on remote linux systems as it connects ssh connection.

        The system on which we install Ansible is known as control node and systems which are managed by ansible are known as managed hosts.

      • Linux HintHow to Use Docker to Make Local Development a Breeze

        Docker is an open-source, well-known tool for project development. It offers the developer a consistent development environment. The Docker containerization concept makes Docker stand out among other applications for local development. It can access the code remotely and deploy it on the local machine with the help of Docker containers.

      • Linux HintHow to Resolve “-squash is only supported on Docker daemon with experimental features enabled” Docker Error

        Tutorial on MySQL's round() function, what it does, its function syntax, accepted parameters, return values, and practical examples of the function usage.

      • Linux HintMySQL Round() Function

        Number rounding refers to finding the approximate nearby value of a given numerical value. Number rounding is a common practice when working with numerical values, allowing you to get a numerical value that is easier to read and parse. In this tutorial, you will learn about MySQL’s round() function. We will cover what the function does, its function syntax, accepted parameters, return values, and the practical examples of the function usage.

    • Games

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Federico Mena-Quintero: Development guides for librsvg and at-spi2-core

          When I started helping out with Crosswords, JRB taught me a valuable lesson: before implementing a non-trivial feature, or doing a non-trivial change, one should first write a document with the design of the feature. It doesn't have to be anything formal; just an explanation of where you are coming from, the point to which you want to get, and a little technical detail if appropriate. You can then discuss the feature based on the document itself before going down the rabbit hole of actually implementing it.

          Over time, these little documents form a high-level technical overview of the thing you are building; a sort of development history with less irrelevant detail than commit logs.

          You can see examples of these little documents in the repository for Crosswords.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Jon UdellCreate your own Mastodon UX

      I’ve been discussing Mastodon UX wishlists with some new acquaintances there. This excerpt from A Bloomberg terminal for Mastodon concludes with part of my own wishlist.

    • EFFUser Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer

      The fediverse isn’t a single, gigantic social media platform like Facebook or Youtube. It’s an expanding ecosystem of interconnected sites and services that let people interact with each other no matter which one of these sites and services they have an account with.€ That means people can tailor and better control their own experience of social media and be less reliant on a monoculture developed by a handful of tech giants.€ 

      For people hosting instances, however, it can also mean some legal risk. Fortunately, there are some relatively easy ways to mitigate that risk – if you plan ahead. To help people do that, this guide offers an introduction to some common legal issues, along with a few practical considerations.

      Two important notes: (1) This guide is focused on legal risks that flow from hosting other people’s content, under U.S. law. In general, the safe harbors and immunities discussed below will not protect you if you are directly infringing copyright or defaming someone. (2) Many of us at EFF are lawyers, but we are not YOUR lawyers. This guide is intended to offer a high-level overview of U.S. law and should not be taken as legal advice specific to your particular situation.

    • Matt RickardThe Architecture of Mastodon

      I was curious about how Mastodon is actually implemented. A high-level overview: [...]

    • Jeff GeerlingLimiting Handbrake threads to prevent throttling on M2 Macbook Air

      So to limit Handbrake a bit—which would slow rendering to 5-10 fps but also not cook my lap—I added threads=2 to the 'Additional Options' field in Handbrake's Video settings: [...]

    • Content Management Systems (CMS)

      • WordPressThe Month in WordPress - November 2022 - WordPress News

        WordPress enthusiasts tuned in last week for the State of the Word address to celebrate the project’s yearly accomplishments and explore what 2023 holds. But that’s not the only exciting update from the past month. New proposals and ideas are already emerging with an eye on the year ahead—let’s dive into them!

    • FSFE

    • Programming/Development

      • Brian CallahanGCC now includes Modula-2 and Rust. Do they work on OpenBSD?

        Two new language frontends have been added to GCC: Modula-2 and Rust. I think this is great news on both accounts: having a Wirth language in GCC fills my childhood heart with joy (though I do wish GNU Pascal can one day be revived and mainlined, as Pascal was the first non-BASIC language I learned). And Rust appears here to stay, so having more than just the one official compiler seemed all but inevitable. I think both languages make sense for GCC and am glad to see that they will be making the upcoming GCC 13.1.

      • Daniel LemireImplementing ‘strlen’ using SVE

        With this in mind, a simple algorithm to compute the length of a C string is as follows: [...]

      • Nicholas Tietz-Sokolskyreturn "reflections on a batch";

        There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch. I'm not sure of the origin of the terminology, but it seems like it's a pun on the return statement in programming languages. It's a great tradition, and it gives me a good motivator to reflect on my batch and share those reflections.

        This is going to be a ride, so buckle up. First I'll go through what was life-changing and formative about this period for me. This is going to be very personal and not so much about programming at first. Then I'll go through what I worked on during RC and what the batch was like.

      • Rlang2022 Hanukkah of Data ● Puzzle 1

        Visiting #2 and doing some $WORK-work, but intrigued with Hanukkah of Data since Puzzle 0 was solvable with a ZIP password cracker (the calendar date math seemed too trivial to bother with).

        Decided to fall back to R for this (vs Observable for the Advent of Code which I’ll dedicate time to finishing next week).

      • FinnstatsFundamentals of R Programming

        Fundamentals of R programming, Here, we provide you with some programming in R multiple-choice problems and their corresponding answers.

      • Jim NielsenGood Design, Pt. II

        Contrary to a belief by some, a thing is not “designed” through the application of visual aesthetics (e.g. color, type, etc.), but rather by virtue of being assigned a functional role within an ordered system. Design is the act of giving names, assigning functions, dividing up roles, and refining aesthetics.

      • Yoshua WuytsAsync-Iterator Crate

        Hey all, today was my first day back from PTO. While away, I was thinking what I often think: I should write more on here. With Twitter effectively defunct, and my Mastodon being set to ephemeral mode (posts auto-delete after 30 days), I should start keeping a better record of what I'm up to somewhere more permanent. And this blog seems as a good a place as any.

      • Anti Software Software Club LLCHow to draw ugly lines really fast

        Why this is important is hard to convery in a static picture, but in motion the quality difference is very obvious. And it turns out the speed difference is not actually significant, so why not go for the extra quality?

      • Anti Software Software Club LLCMeshlet sizing theory

        When working with mesh shaders to draw meshes, you need to split your source geometry into individual units called meshlets. Each meshlet would be processed by one mesh shader workgroup, and when compiling this mesh shader you need to specify the maximum number of triangles and vertices that the meshlet contains.

      • Matt RickardVector Search

        Instead of keyword matching, vector search uses vector similarity to find relevant content. It uses a vector space model to represent the documents as points in an N-dimensional space. Words closer to each other in this space are more relevant, and documents with similar words are more relevant. This allows searching for concepts and phrases instead of exact words. Models like GPT-3 have large embeddings (12288 dimensions)!

      • Raspberry PiCombining research and practice to evaluate and improve computing education in non-formal settings

        In the final seminar in our series on cross-disciplinary computing, Dr Tracy Gardner and Rebecca Franks, who work here at the Foundation, described the framework underpinning the Foundation’s non-formal learning pathways. They also shared insights from our recently published literature review about the impact that non-formal computing education has on learners.

      • Python

        • James BennettBoring Python: code quality

          As with last time, that was a lot of words to cover what turns out to be not a particularly complex set of recommendations; it’s just explaining the “why” of everything that takes a while. And hopefully now you have an idea of a “boring” Python code-quality regimen; this won’t prevent every bug or problem you might introduce into your code, but it will help to catch a lot of potential issues.

          And as before, even if you don’t adopt the recommendations I’ve given, I’d like to think that seeing them laid out and explained will at least be helpful to you, and that you’ll learn something you can take away and put to use in whatever setup you do choose to adopt.

  • Leftovers

    • The NationMichael Cimino, a Chaotic Auteur

      In the prologue to Cimino, Charles Elton’s new biography of Michael Cimino, the author describes pulling up to his subject’s mansion in the Hollywood Hills, knowing full well that the director would not be home. Elton showed up at the mansion’s doorstep in 2018, a year and a half after the director’s death at the age of 77 from undisclosed causes. He was there to sift through the artifacts of a career that changed the course of American movie history even as it also, to some extent, has become lost to it.

    • MeduzaArt dealer and Kremlin political consultant Marat Gelman placed on Russian federal ‘Wanted’ list — Meduza

      The Russian Ministry of the Interior (MVD) has placed Marat Gelman, an influential art dealer and political consultant, on the federal “Wanted” list.

    • MeduzaRussian authorities seek dissolution of Moscow Helsinki Group, country's oldest human rights organization — Meduza

      The Russian Justice Ministry has filed a lawsuit seeking to dissolve the human rights organization Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG), Interfax reported on Tuesday, citing the Moscow City Court.

    • University of TorontoSystemd unit templates don't provide a native way to have multiple parameters

      We have a collection of Apache servers, and as part of our Prometheus metrics system we indirectly scrape metrics from them, using a third party Apache exporter that queries Apache's mod_status information and converts it to Prometheus metrics. Because the exporter's author chose to write it that way, you need to run one instance of the exporter per Apache server you want to extract metrics from. Ordinary people would probably run these exporter instances on the Apache hosts themselves. We opted to instead run all of the exporters on our metrics server, which means that we need one systemd unit per exporter instance. As we gather metrics from more and more Apache servers, this had led to more and more systemd units, each of them basically identical.

    • ScheerpostAn Xmas Gift from Hedges and Fish

      Every year, Bob sends Chris Hedges and Mr. Fish into the blistering cold of the New Jersey woods to chop down a tree for the annual ScheerPost Christmas party. Please donate to ScheerPost so we can start buying a tree instead—and so you can get a book.

    • ScheerpostPatrick Lawrence: Between Myth and History

      Patrick Lawrence delivered the following remarks, based on his book Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century, before the Committee for the Republic in Washington on December 15. The Committee is a nonpartisan group founded in 2003 that advocates a restoration of the U.S. Constitution, notably the […]

    • ScheerpostRalph Nader: Democrats’ Fantasies About the 2022 Midterms Are a Delusional Danger

      The National Democratic Party has to set aside the champagne and rigorously face its disastrous failures.

    • Peteris KruminsAnnouncing paid plans for Text and String tools!

      Last week we launched paid plans for our top three most popular websites (PNG Tools, JPG Tools, and GIF Tools) and this week we're launching paid plans for our next two most popular websites – Text Tools and String Tools. Text and string tools are collectively used by 300,000 people every month. Next, we're adding paid plans to all other online tools websites that we built and eventually joining them into a single ultimate get things done website called (we already bought this premium domain!)

    • Counter PunchMichael Yates
    • Counter PunchRacing the Slamming Door

      Ever since sixth grade, all the way through High School, I’d invent games in which, in my mind, the future of the Civil Rights movement, or ending the escalating war on Vietnam, or even the good health and happiness of my family would depend on my ability to discipline myself sufficiently to master some seemingly unrelated and irrelevant situation. Going up the stairs, I’d sprint from the downstairs door straining to reach the landing before the door slammed shut. Invariably, I was successful, by a hair’s breadth, and Nazism, racism, or death itself was defeated, dead to the world–at least until the next time I raced the slamming door. Each time I added a greater distance I had to run in order to win. The combination of elation and relief with every “victory” (and this occurred at least once every day for eight or nine years), empowered me over conditions I wanted to change but over which I had no control.

      I fought against the temptation to “waste” this effort on minor or personal desires, like getting an A on an exam. These games, in which I was the only one involved but in which every occurrence became some sort of private signal and each re€­arrangement of reality became an esoteric omen, were reserved for only the most important world-shaking questions. “If I don’t beat that door, it’ll prove that god exists,” I’d think, and, fancying myself to be of scientific, non-religious mind despite five years in Hebrew school, I’d never fail to beat the slamming door, never fall down, always straining against my own physical limits, never setting it up as an easy goal, and thus, always giving abstract philosophical questions a real physical dependence.

    • Science

      • HackadaySingle Photon Detection With Photomultipliers

        Unless you are an audiophile, you likely think of tubes as mostly relegated to people who work on old technology. However, photomultiplier tubes are still useful compared to more modern sensors, and [Jaynes Network] has a look into how they work, especially with scintillating detectors.

      • HackadayThe Gallium Nitride Revolution

        [Asianometry] has been learning about gallium nitride semiconductors and shares what he knows in an informative video you can see below. This semiconductor material has a much higher bandgap voltage than the more common silicon. This makes it useful for applications that need higher efficiency and less heating.

    • Education

      • Geeks For GeeksHow Long Should a Resume Be in 2023?

        When writing a resume, there are possibilities where you end up writing your biography and making it a short essay of 5-6 pages. It might make you think that whatever you wrote was very much needed but we’re afraid to say, “they were unnecessary and not required.” If you’re wondering “Is a 4-5 page resume too long?“, it definitely is. Resume length is still a mystery for many because some people have 1-year experience and some have 25+ years of experience, so it’s hard to gather all in a 1-page document.

        Before looking more into ideal resume length, you need to know what a resume is.

    • Hardware

      • HackadayThe Coleman Z80 Is A Modern Take On A 1970s Computer

        [Joshua Coleman] likes to design his own computers. Sometimes, that means drawing up bus architectures,€  memory maps and I/O port pinouts. Other times, he can focus his efforts more on the general aesthetics, as well as on building a great set of peripherals, as he shows in his latest ColemanZ80 project. Thanks to the RC2014 architecture defining most of the essential features of a classic Z80 computing platform, [Joshua] was able to design a modern retrocomputer that’s not only genuinely useful, but also looks as if it came off a production line yesterday.

      • HackadayMore Detail On That Fantastic Lego OLED Brick

        It’s always great when we get a chance to follow up on a previous project with more information, or further developments. So we’re happy that [“Ancient” James Brown] just dropped€ a new video showing the assembly of his Lego brick with a tiny OLED screen inside it. The readers are too, apparently — we got at least half a dozen tips on this one.

      • HackadayAll About USB-C: Connector Mechanics

        There’s two cases when hackers have to think about USB-C connector mechanics. The first is when a USB-C connector physically breaks, and the second is when we need to put a connector on our own board. Let’s go through both of them.

      • HackadaySeriously, Don’t Buy This Mopping Robot

        The original Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner led to loads of clones and lookalikes over the years, and one of them is the ALEE mopping “robot”.€ [Raymond] tears it down and reveals what’s inside. Turns out it contains mostly regret! Although it does host some design cleverness in its own way.

      • Linux GizmosSilicon Labs dev board integrates Wireless SoC

        The xG24 Explorer Kit is a low-cost embedded platform based on the EFR32MG24 Wireless System-on-Chip. This compact board integrates a 2.4GHz radio in addition to one mikroBUS socket, one Qwicc connector and a SEGGER J-Link onboard debugger.

      • Barry KaulerRadical experiment to cool the laptop

        Just let it run, compiling the entire 1,620 packages... it took 4 days and 3 hours!

        As mentioned in that post, OE was set to use only 3 threads, also compiling of each package was with "make -j2", that is, only using 2 threads.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • New York TimesHow TikTok Became a Diplomatic Crisis

        But now the world has changed. In the United States, being tough on China is one of the few areas of bipartisan agreement. And in this fraught geopolitical context, TikTok is considered a Trojan horse — for Chinese influence, for spying, or possibly both. In China, meanwhile, a broad crackdown has sought to rein in high-flying tech companies and their founders, out of fear that, with their influence, independence and popularity, they were becoming alternative power bases to the Chinese Communist Party. The campaign is only one part of a broader political and social chill that threatens to pull the country back to the days of Mao. TikTok itself is not available in China — users there must access a different ByteDance app, which follows Chinese government directives on censorship and propaganda.

      • NPRCongress is about to ban TikTok from U.S. government phones

        TikTok is used by more than 100 million monthly active users in the U.S. alone, and its ability to create instant viral hits has put it at the forefront of internet culture, though concerns about data security have long dogged the app.

        If you count yourself among its users and you're wondering how this crackdown might affect you, here is what you need to know: [...]

      • TruthOutCongress Has One Last Chance to Abolish the Crack Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
      • Common DreamsOpinion | Millions of Afghans Are Starving as US Stalls on Returning Central Bank Funds

        The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021 and, in response, Europe, the United Arab Emirates and the United States froze the Afghan central bank's roughly $9 billion in foreign assets—$7 billion of which was under control of the United€ States.

      • Common DreamsMarijuana Advocates, Industry 'Deeply Disappointed' After Reforms Left Out of Spending Bill

        Despite high hopes for the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House, negotiators on Capitol Hill yet again failed to deliver even modest cannabis reforms in the 4,155-page omnibus government spending legislation released early Tuesday.

        "Marijuana businesses, the hundreds of thousands of people they employ, and the millions of Americans that patronize them will continue to be at a higher risk of robbery."

      • Counter PunchThe New York Times Uncritically Repeats Discredited Antidepressant Claims

        The Times article uncritically reported the responses of leading figures in psychiatry to Moncrieff’s review. They asserted: (1) her conclusions are not news, as the serotonin imbalance theory of depression is an “old theory” that has long been discarded by psychiatry; and (2) it does not matter that antidepressants do not work to correct a chemical imbalance because antidepressants are very effective.

        These responses should have resulted in at least two questions for serious journalists and their editors: (1) If the serotonin imbalance theory of depression—an idea which convinced many people to take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Celexa so as to correct this imbalance—has long been discarded by psychiatry, why has Moncrieff’s findings, as the Times put it, “made headlines”? (2) Given that antidepressants lack a neurobiological rationale of correcting a chemical imbalance, what is the evidence that antidepressants are scientifically effective (i.e., more effective than a placebo, and more effective than the simple passage of time)?

    • Proprietary

      • PC MagIs Apple Sending You $395 for a Faulty MacBook Keyboard? Check Your Email

        Owners of faulty butterfly keyboards used in MacBook machines between 2015 and 2019 are receiving emails from Apple on how to receive their payments, which could range from $300 to $395, MacRumors reports(Opens in a new window).

        The email comes after Apple agreed to pay $50 million in July to settle a class-action lawsuit over the faulty keyboards. They led to characters repeating unexpectedly; letters or characters not appearing; and/or the keys feeling "sticky" or not responding in a consistent manner.

      • [Repeat] MandiantTrojanized Windows 10 Operating System Installers Targeted Ukrainian Government [iophk: Windows TCO]

        The trojanized files use the Ukrainian language pack and are designed to target Ukrainian users. Following compromise targets selected for follow on activity included multiple Ukrainian government organizations.

      • IT WireThe cost of doing nothing: Australian organisations are gambling on cybersecurity [iophk: Windows TCO]

        The Australian Cyber Security Centre’s annual Cyber Threat Report this year found a cyber crime is reported every seven minutes while the overall number of cyber crime reports increased by 13% from 2021. Australia’s Minister for Home Affairs and Cybersecurity recently announced a new cybersecurity strategy will be developed as part of government’s ambition to make Australia the most cyber-secure nation in the world. How can organisations help ensure we get there?

      • India TimesU.S. Navy awards Amazon Web Services contract worth over $700 mln

        The deal will provide the Navy with access to Amazon Web Services' (AWS) commercial cloud environment, Professional Services and its training and certification courses.

      • India TimesChinese electric automaker Nio hit by data breach [iophk: Windows TCO]

        China-based Nio Inc said on Tuesday that hackers had breached its computer systems and accessed data on users and vehicle sales, in the latest [break-in] incident to hit the global auto industry.

    • Pseudo-Open Source

      • Openwashing

        • IdiomdrottningWhen a watch company promoted the revolutionary calendar

          This attempt at a timezone-less Internet time might’ve succeeded if they had been a li’l bit better at openwashing. It was too blatantly their corporate thing, with the day starting not based on anything astronomical but on Swiss standard time (i.e. where the sun is gonna be over Greenwich an hour later). To promote their own factory.

          If they had tied it to 刻 time notches or to the revolutionary calendar, but emphasized the new timezoneless nature of “beats”, we coulda had something great. The original pitch that this wasn’t meant to replace normal time but just used as a separate tool to coordinate stuff online was good. Maybe we’d have moved over entirely after a while. And they woulda been first to market, which would’ve been even more appealing if it had been (or looked like) more of an “open standard”.

        • OSI BlogNotes from Policy and Standards program – November 2022 - Voices of Open Source

          In the month of November we rebooted our public policy mailing list and expanded our Policy and Standards program beyond the EU and into the US. We thought it would be helpful to share what our areas of focus are as we look forward to planning for the coming year.

    • Security

      • Krebs On SecurityThe Equifax Breach Settlement Offer is Real, For Now

        Millions of people likely just received an email or snail mail notice saying they’re eligible to claim a class action payment in connection with the 2017 megabreach at consumer credit bureau Equifax. Given the high volume of reader inquiries about this, it seemed worth pointing out that while this particular offer is legit (if paltry), scammers are likely to soon capitalize on public attention to the settlement money.

      • TechdirtFBI Private Sector Cyberthreat Reporting Database Hacked By Apparently Unreported Cyberthreat

        Is this irony? It kind of seems like it is. Maybe it isn’t. It could just be a coincidence. An extremely unfortunate, ironic coincidence.

      • Freexian Collaborators: Recent improvements to Tryton's Debian Packaging (by Mathias Behrle and Raphaël Hertzog)

        Freexian has been using Tryton for a few years to handle its invoicing and accounting. We have thus also been using the Debian packages maintained by Mathias Behrle and we have been funding some of his work because maintaining an ERP with more than 50 source packages was too much for him to handle alone on his free time.

        When Mathias discovered our Project Funding initiative, it was quite natural for him to consider applying to be able to bring some much needed improvements to Tryton’s Debian packaging. He’s running his own consulting company (MBSolutions) so it’s easy for him to invoice Freexian to get the money for the funded projects.

      • DiffoscopeReproducible Builds (diffoscope): diffoscope 229 released

        The diffoscope maintainers are pleased to announce the release of diffoscope version 229. This version includes the following changes:

        [ Chris Lamb ]
        * Skip if html2text is not installed.
          (Closes: #1026034)

        [ Holger Levsen ] * Bump standards version to 4.6.2, no changes needed.

      • Integrity/Availability/Authenticity

        • MaskRayControl-flow integrity

          Control-flow integrity (CFI) refers to techniques which prevent control-flow hijacking attacks. This article describes some compiler/hardware features with a focus on llvm-project implementations.

          CFI schemes are commonly divided into forward-edge (e.g. indirect calls) and backward-edge (mainly function returns). AIUI exception handling and symbol interposition are not categorized.

          Let's start with backward-edge CFI. Fine-grained schemes check that a return address refers to a possible caller in the control-flow graph. This is a very difficult problem and the additional guarantee is possibly not that useful.

      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • Common DreamsCalls for US Facial Recognition Ban Grow After Mom Booted From Theater Over Her Job

          Digital rights advocates on Tuesday called for a ban on private use of biometric surveillance technology after a mom taking her daughter to see a Christmas show in New York City was kicked out of the theater after its facial recognition system identified her as an employee of a law firm involved in legal proceedings against the venue's operator.

          "There are just so many ways that biometric surveillance technology can be abused to discriminate and put people in danger."

        • VoxFortnite maker Epic Games has to pay $520 million for tricking kids and violating their privacy

          While your kids were playing Fortnite, Fortnite was playing with consumer protection laws.

          Epic Games, the maker of the very popular Fortnite series, is paying two of the largest settlements in Federal Trade Commission (FTC) history over children’s privacy violations and “dark patterns” that intentionally tricked users into making purchases through manipulative design.

        • New York TimesEpic Games to Pay $520 Million Over Children’s Privacy and Trickery Charges

          On Monday, the Federal Trade Commission accused the company of illegally collecting children’s personal information, of harming young players by matching them with strangers on Fortnite while enabling live communications and, separately, of using manipulative techniques, called “dark patterns,” to trick millions of players into making unintentional purchases. In a historic deal that puts the entire video game industry on notice, Epic agreed to pay a record $520 million in fines and refunds to settle the F.T.C.’s accusations.

          The F.T.C. acted at a moment of heightened public concern over the mental health, safety and privacy risks that some popular social media networks and multiplayer video games may pose to children and teenagers.

        • Computer WorldMicrosoft’s EU data boundary plan to take effect Jan. 1

          Under the first phase of the plan, companies that use Microsoft products and services will be able to store and process their customer data within the EU. Microsoft has included Azure, Power BI, Dynamics 365 and Office 365 under the first phase.

        • Michael GeistThe Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 151: The Year in Canadian Digital Law and Policy and What Lies Ahead in 2023 - Michael Geist

          Canadian digital law and policy in 2022 was marked by legislative battles over Bills C-11 and C-18, the Rogers outage, stalled privacy and AI reform, copyright term extension, and a growing trade battle with the U.S. over Canadian policies. For this final Law Bytes podcast of 2022, I go solo without a guest to talk about the most significant trends and developments in Canadian digital policy from the past year and to think a bit about what may lie ahead in 2023.

        • TechdirtEpic To Pay $520 Million Over Deceptive Practices To Trick Kids

          Maybe, just maybe, before we rush to pass questionable new laws about “protecting children online,” we should look to make use of the old ones? The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has been in place for years, and it has problems, but so many companies ignore it. I’ve mentioned in the past how I once walked around a part of CES that had a bunch of startups focused on offering services to kids, and a DC lawyer I was with made sure to ask each one what their COPPA compliance strategy was… and we just got blank stares.

    • Defence/Aggression

      • Pro PublicaRecords Reveal Medical Response Further Delayed Care for Uvalde Victims

        Bullets had pierced Eva Mireles’ chest as she tried to shield students from a gunman’s semiautomatic rifle. But the fourth grade teacher at Robb Elementary was still conscious when police carried her out of classroom 112 and through a hallway crowded with dead and dying victims.

        “You’re fine. You’re fine,” said her husband, Uvalde school district police officer Ruben Ruiz, who had been frantically trying to rescue her since the attack began. Mireles looked at him but could not speak. She’d been losing blood for more than an hour.

      • WiredBillionaires Are A Security Threat

        In the field of information security, there’s a kind of vulnerability known as the evil maid attack whereby an untrusted party gains physical access to important hardware, such as the housekeeping staff coming into your hotel room when you’ve left your laptop unattended, thereby compromising it. We have here a new analog, just as capable of wrecking systems and leaking data. Call it the “evil billionaire attack” if you’d like. The weapon is money, and more specifically, the likelihood that when the moment arrives you won’t have enough of it to make a difference. The call is coming from inside the house.

        The reason this strategy works is that most ideas of any consequence are owned by people with more money than you, and then whenever possible they string them together into a network with the specific intent of making the gravity inescapable. Founders and investors and excitable technology writers like myself frequently use the term “platform” to describe technical systems with granular components that can be used to compose new functionality, and the power sources propelling the technology industry find platforms particularly appealing when the bits can be monetized each time they are used.

      • VOA NewsFrustrated with the Taliban, US Officials Meet Anti-Taliban Figures

        However, despite controlling Afghanistan for more than a year, the Taliban have failed to gain recognition from any country for their so-called Islamic Emirate. The United States and the global community in general have vowed not to recognize any government in Kabul imposed by force, fearing Taliban-led rule would prolong the Afghan civil war and threaten human rights in the country.

      • Common DreamsWarren, Jacobs Accuse Pentagon of Vastly Undercounting Civilians Killed by US Military

        As U.S. military forces continue to kill and wound civilians in multiple countries during the ongoing 21-year War on Terror while chronically undercounting such casualties, a pair of Democratic lawmakers on Monday asked the Pentagon to explain discrepancies in noncombatant casualty reporting and detail steps being taken to address the issue.

        "The report did not admit to any civilian deaths in Syria, despite credible civilian casualty monitors documenting at least 15 civilian deaths."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | What the Pentagon Doesn't Want You to Know About China

        To encourage Congress to authorize the largest defense budget ever, the Pentagon just released its€ annual report on China, which dangerously misrepresents the country’s defense strategy. Such deliberate lies about China to drum up justification for more US war spending need to be urgently addressed.€ 

      • MeduzaRaising cannon fodder Vladimir Putin talks endlessly about ‘loving the Motherland,’ but the Kremlin’s education philosophy has both eyes on the battlefield in Ukraine — Meduza
      • Meduza‘What was here before?’ An up-close look at the devastation wrought by the Russian army in Ukraine’s Kherson and Kharkiv regions — Meduza

        This fall, the Ukrainian military succeeded in liberating the country’s Kharkiv and Kherson regions from the occupying Russian forces. Photographers who visited the cities of Izyum and Kherson, newly regained by Ukraine, captured images showing what had become of the two urban centers that thrived before Moscow’s invasion; devastated landscapes disfigured by explosions, broken roads, and half-demolished buildings met the eye everywhere. But large cities are just part of this story of destruction: understanding its full scale requires seeing the Ukrainian villages that often mark the shifting front line. At Meduza's request, Ukrainian photographer Yakiv Liashenko visited several war-torn villages and got as close to the destruction as his camera would let him.

      • Counter PunchTrump Accused of Four Crimes

        The House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol accused Trump as president, only days away from the end of his first term, of “inciting or assisting an insurrection” against the United States.

        It referred four criminal charges against him to the Justice Department, which is conducting an investigation of him on accusations that he took home hundreds of sensitive documents that should have gone to the National Archives.

      • The Meadows Texts: A Plot To Overturn An American Election

        TPM has obtained the 2,319 text messages that Mark Meadows, who was President Trump’s last White House chief of staff, turned over to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack. Today, we are publishing The Meadows Texts, a series based on an in-depth analysis of these extraordinary — and disturbing — communications.

      • Common DreamsVideo Shows Biden Saying Iran Nuclear Deal 'Is Dead, But We're Not Gonna Announce It'

        U.S. President Joe Biden said in a November exchange caught on camera and now circulating on social media that the Iran nuclear deal "is dead."

        Damon Maghsoudi, who published the video on Twitter, told The Hill that it was filmed by Sudi Farokhnia, acting president of Iranian-American Democrats of California, on the sidelines of a November 4 campaign event in the state.

      • Common Dreams'Uncompensated Allies': Report Details How US Stiffed Foreign Workers in Afghanistan

        Many foreign workers who aided the U.S. military by working on bases in Afghanistan during the 20-year occupation—and were more likely than Americans to be killed or injured by bombings—have received little to no compensation for injuries or death, despite the fact that U.S. law requires the Pentagon to recompense them and their families.

        "While this research looks specifically at Afghanistan, it's clear that this type of labor exploitation will persist there and elsewhere until there is accountability for these U.S. government abuses."

      • ScheerpostMoscow Says US Policies Have Put the US and Russia on the Brink of ‘Direct Clash’

        The head of NATO recently warned that the war in Ukraine could turn into a direct war between NATO and Russia.

      • Counter PunchIf a Russian Fighter had a Conversation with the Soldier Å vejk

        Thanks to his eye infection, Pavel Filatyev, that’s the soldier’s name, was admitted to a hospital in Crimea. During the 45 days of his hospitalization he wrote a personal diary about his war experience. In August he published his text, titled ZOV (“call”; moreover, is the acronym for the war against Ukraine) on the social media site Vkontakte. After publication, the ex-paratrooper was forced to go into hiding: he stayed in different hotels, one night in each. His mother advised him to leave Russia and that’s what he did. He traveled from one country to another – he was arrested in Tunisia where he was suspected of being a spy – until he arrived in France, where he asked for political asylum.

        Shortly after its publication I had access to ZOV, in Russian. The account, which begins on February 24, the day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is a unique source of information about the conditions of the Russian army on the Ukrainian front. The soldiers did not know why they had been posted to Ukraine. “It took me weeks to understand that there was no war on Russian territory and that Russia had attacked Ukraine,” the author explains and then goes on to report on the state of debasement in which the army found itself. “The paratroopers, the elite of the Russian army, captured Kherson and started stealing computers because their value is higher than their salary. Then we attacked the kitchens. Like animals, we devoured everything we found: oatmeal, porridge, jam, honey… We didn’t care about anything, we had been pushed to the limit, to a savage state. Like hostages, we were just trying to survive.”

      • MeduzaRussian soccer player calls Putin and Lukashenko 'scum' and 'genocide committers' on Instagram after Lukashenko jokes about being 'toxic' — Meduza

        Soccer player Nadezhda Karpova, a member of the Russian women's national team, posted a new message for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko online after Lukashenko joked on Monday that the two men consider themselves “toxic aggressors.”

      • MeduzaPutin cues Russia’s intelligence agencies to detect more ‘traitors, spies, and saboteurs’ — Meduza

        In a recorded greeting to the Russian “state security workers” on their day, Russian President Vladimir Putin urged branches of the security and intelligence apparatus to intensify their work in key areas. In light of new risks and threats to the state, Putin said, key directions include countering terrorism and extremism, and defending the state borders.

      • MeduzaDismantled ‘Twin Hearts’ installation returned to St. Petersburg’s Palace Square — Meduza

        The “Twin Hearts” installation, celebrating St. Petersburg’s “brotherhood” with Mariupol, the Ukrainian city razed to the ground by the Russian military, has been returned to the Palace Square in St. Petersburg.

      • Meduza‘They won’t shoot him, but he’s going to do time’ How one man's attempt to flee war-torn Mariupol ended in prison, torture, and prosecution — Meduza
    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

      • ShadowproofHow NSA Whistleblower Reality Winner Came To Support Prison Abolition

        This article was originally published as part of the Dissenter Newsletter. Become a€ monthly€ paid€ subscriber€ to help us continue our€ independent journalism.Reality Winner is an NSA whistleblower who was harshly prosecuted under the Espionage Act, but she is also more than that. She is an advocate who has used the visibility gained from her case to promote an end to prisons in the United States.I covered Reality’s detention and incarceration as a whistleblower extensively. What she endured further solidified her understanding of how prisons function. Yet according to Winner, she questioned the existence of the US prison system before she was arrested in June 2017.This is the first time that I have spoken to Reality since she was transferred to Federal Medical Center Carswell in 2018. We discuss her incarceration during the COVID pandemic, rampant sexual abuse in Bureau of Prisons facilities, and why prison is one of the worst places for a person struggling with drug addiction or substance abuse problems.

        Some of what Reality shares in the interview was reported previously by The Dissenter Newsletter, however, her stories from prison are much more detailed than what was described in earlier reports.

      • Project CensoredThe Twitter Takeover of Elon Musk, Declassification of More JFK Documents, and The Top 25 Most Censored Stories of the Year - The Project Censored Show

        Notes: Andy Lee Roth is Associate Director of Project Censored, co-editor of the Project’s annual volume of censored stories, and co-coordinator of the Project’s Campus Affiliates Program. He has published widely on media issues. Nolan Higdon is a university lecturer in media studies and history. He’s also the author of “The Anatomy of Fake News,”

      • Telex (Hungary)Telex's fifth transparency report
      • The NationWho’s Afraid of the Big Bad Twitter Files?

        It became quite easy, in the days after the so-called Twitter Files were dumped across the Internet, to dismiss entirely all of their revelations. For many progressives, the whole affair was a right-coded distraction, and therefore worth deriding or ignoring altogether. First, it was an Elon Musk production, and Musk has evolved into a puerile reactionary, suspending journalist accounts at will and tossing off idiotic gibes to his 122 million followers. The recipients of the Twitter Files were either apostates from the left or actual conservatives; major news organizations did not disseminate the documents. So while the likes of Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss bellowed the importance of what was found, the mainstream could collectively consign their reporting to a psychological backwater—safely ignored or, at most, angrily gestured at.

    • Environment

      • The NarwhalThe frontline of conservation: how Indigenous guardians are reinforcing sovereignty and science on their lands
      • DeSmogEnvironmental Activists Fight Back as Companies Resort to ‘Lawfare’ to Quash Criticism

        In 1999, when Shpresa Loshaj was 19, she fled her home town of Deçan, Kosovo, as a refugee and moved to Canada. When she returned in 2018, long after the war had ended, a journalist encouraged her to go into the hills and take a look at some new hydropower plants on the river Lumbardhi i Deçanit. The journalist was investigating claims by local people that the plants run by KelKos, a subsidiary of Austrian energy firm Kelag, were operating without permits and potentially damaging the local ecosystem and water infrastructure.

        “We are a mountainous town where we depend on the river and the mountain,” Loshaj told DeSmog. “I remember how when we grew up we could not even break a branch because our parents said this is our livelihood. And that became my motivation — to either accept that all my sacrifices for Kosovo are just down the drain, or I have to believe that it was worth something and I can still speak up.”€ 

      • Common DreamsIn Effort to 'Move the Needle,' UN Chief Announces Special Summit on Climate Crisis

        United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced Monday that he will convene a "no-nonsense" Climate Ambition Summit next year amid mounting frustration with world leaders' refusal to phase out fossil fuels and take other necessary steps to combat runaway planetary warming.

        "I call on every leader to step up—from governments, business, cities and regions, civil society, and finance," Guterres said during his end-of-year press conference at U.N. headquarters in New York City. "They must come with new, tangible, and credible climate action to accelerate the pace of change. The invitation is open."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Dreams of Democracy This Christmas

        Last week, I was in Washington, D.C.'s Union Station. The weather had turned cold and I couldn't help noticing what an inhospitable place it had become for the city's homeless and dispossessed. Once upon a time, anyone was allowed to be in the train station at any hour. Now, there were signs everywhere announcing that you needed a ticket to be there. Other warning signs indicated that you could only sit for 30 minutes at a time at the food-court tables, while barriers had been placed where benches used to be to make it that much harder to congregate, no less sit down.

      • Foreign PolicyHow the World Learned to Love Fossil Fuels Again

        Here are our five top reads on how 2022 pulled out the carpet from under the energy debate.

      • TruthOutUN Chief Announces a 2023 “No-Nonsense” Special Summit on Climate Crisis
      • Common DreamsOpinion | Courts Will Hear Groundbreaking Climate Cases in 2023

        Courts are becoming a critically important arena for addressing issues of justice and accountability pertaining to the climate emergency. Increasingly citizens and communities are turning to the courts in efforts to hold governments and corporations accountable for their roles in the escalating planetary crisis. This trend is so significant that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) even referenced it several times in its latest report on climate mitigation published last spring.

      • Common Dreams'Message Delivered': After Months of Pressure, Postal Service Vows to Ramp Up EV Purchases

        Climate campaigners welcomed the U.S. Postal Service's announcement Tuesday that it plans to buy at least 66,000 electric vehicles in the coming years to replace its aging, gas-guzzling fleet, a move that comes after months of pressure from environmental groups and the Biden White House.

        In a statement, the USPS—led by scandal-plagued Postmaster General Louis DeJoy—said at least 45,000 of the 60,000 next-generation delivery vehicles (NGDV) it intends to purchase from Oshkosh Defense by 2028 will be electric. The postal agency added that it also plans to buy "an additional 21,000 battery-electric delivery vehicles through 2028, representing a mix of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) vehicles."

      • TruthOutWater Protector Defense Attorneys Warn of “Breakdown in Separation of Powers”
      • uni YaleThank you for 15 years as Yale Climate Connections editor €» Yale Climate Connections

        That’s a sound-bite snapshot of the past 15 years for climate change and for this site since it first went live online. It’s been a great ride as founder and editor.


        Better too in terms of the affordability of renewable energy alternatives relative to continued splurging on fossil fuel alternatives that yet today remain, by far, the dominant sources of energy for much of the planet’s now-eight-billion human inhabitants. And better also concerning the technological fixes available and under development and the growing acceptance of same. (The U.S. Department of Energy’s December 13 announcement of a potentially world-changing “second sun” fusion breakthrough is just the most recent example.)

        Improvement in the overall “climate on the climate” derives in large part from hard-earned gains in public understanding, brought about by endless hours of tireless work and commitment by the global scientific community. And much of the credit for the progress stemming from their findings goes to federal support, notwithstanding its ebbs and flows, and to the charitable giving community and others who not only supported that work and, critically, spreading the word about it.

      • Energy

        • ScheerpostNews Sites Took Nearly $1 Million From Consultant Pushing Power Companies’ Agenda: Report

          One climate writer said the new exposé, published by NPR and Floodlight, "pulls back the curtain on yet another insidious corporate strategy to erode the core tenets of democracy for profit."

        • YLETuesday's papers: Electricity subsidies, costly Christmas hams

          Again this year, there will be almost 250 collection points at K-supermarkets and Neste service stations where waste cooking fats can be dropped off.

          The recycled fats are used in the production of Neste diesel fuel. Last year, 55.5 tons were collected.

        • Scott FeeneyWho's afraid of free transit?

          To briefly summarize my op-ed: I argue that while Slow Streets, the JFK Promenade, and the weekend use of the Great Highway as a car-free Great Highway Park represent progress worth celebrating, San Francisco is still moving in the wrong direction overall when it comes to transportation. Biking is up a little. (Parents biking kids to school on cargo bikes seems to have exploded in popularity.) But the share of car trips has seen a greater increase than that of bike trips, and public transit usage has fallen in the latest SFMTA survey. The missing element is full-throated political support—including an ambitious vision and strong funding—for Muni, which has failed to fully restore prepandemic service (exacerbating existing deficiencies on the west side), and which makes it hard to fill up your Clipper card if you travel among outlying neighborhoods and aren’t going downtown every day.

        • David RosenthalThe Synchronous Delivery Problem

          Parked at the end of the alley behind our house as I set out on my morning bike ride was a large pickup marked Nuro hauling a large trailer with some vehicle inside. I often see Nuro's "autonomous" Priuses in our neighborhood, so I assumed one had failed and was being collected. Near the end of my ride a few blocks from our house I passed another. At the end of the alley as I returned was this unfamiliar vehicle, so I stopped and took a picture.

          As I watched it drove forward about 15 feet, paused, drove forward another 15 feet and stopped about 4 feet from the back of a parked SUV. It thought for a while then backed up, returning to near its starting point. I understand, I too think it is a problem that our streets are infested with parked monster SUVs.

          Unlike Tesla's "Full Self-Driving" I don't think testing the Nuro-bot on our streets is a significant danger. They move slowly, make noise, are clearly cautious, and aren't being used by cult members. Below the fold I question not the technology but the economics.

      • Wildlife/Nature

        • Common DreamsGroups Say US Spending Bill 'Heartlessly' Dooms Right Whales to Extinction

          A policy rider included in the must-pass omnibus spending bill unveiled by the U.S. Congress is almost certain to doom the endangered North Atlantic right whale, environmental groups said Tuesday.

          "It's not an exaggeration to say that this rider will doom the right whale to extinction."

    • Finance

      • TruthOutMcConnell Celebrates Government Funding Package That Excludes Child Tax Credit
      • Common DreamsWatchdogs Applaud $3.7 Billion CFPB Fine Against Wells Fargo, Demand Further Federal Action

        Progressive advocacy groups cheered Tuesday after federal regulators at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered Wells Fargo to pay $3.7 billion in fines for a wide range of "illegal activity" that harmed millions of U.S. households, including charging surprise overdraft fees, wrongfully foreclosing on homes, improperly denying mortgage modifications, and unlawfully repossessing vehicles.

        "The CFPB's actions today send a loud and clear message: Wells Fargo is not above the law," Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project (AELP), said in a statement.

      • ScheerpostThe Economic Realities We Face at the End of 2022

        Economies around the world were shocked and damaged over the course of 2022. Global capitalism had been brewing conflicts among the major powers (the United States, China, and the EU) for some time as their relative strengths and vulnerabilities shifted. U.S. capitalism and its empire are widely perceived as waning. […]

      • Counter Punch“How To Stay Warm Without Turning The Heating On”: UK Poverty And Its “Moron Premium”

        UK media (print and internet) have been replete with advice for individuals in such straits. For the relatively well-off (and I include myself in this category) such advice may seem banal and commonplace, even though the guidance proffered is hugely salutary for anyone interested in a low-commodity-acquisition and low-energy-consuming way of life.

        Here are some snippets from these myriad pieces of advice:

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Site36Legal action against Commissioner Computer

        German Constitutional Court hears case on automated data analysis by the police

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Democrats' Fantasies About Midterms Could Cost Party Big in 2024

        The Democratic Party can't cease congratulating itself about the mid-term elections results defying the pundit's predictions of a red wave. (Newt Gingrich even predicted that Herschel Walker would win the Georgia senate race without a runoff.) This is a self-serving, self-destructive standard by which Democratic operatives measure their performance. They need to unfailingly look into the mirror and list their losses.

      • Common Dreams'A Good Day': House Dems Vote to Make Trump Tax Returns Public

        After an hourslong debate behind closed doors on Tuesday, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee voted 24-16 along party lines to publicly release six years of former President Donald Trump's tax returns.

        "The House Ways and Means Committee has righted a historic wrong."

      • Democracy NowIn Historic First, House Committee Urges DOJ to Criminally Charge Trump for Jan. 6 Insurrection

        We feature excerpts from the final hearing of the House January 6 committee that resulted in Monday’s unanimous vote to recommend criminal charges against former President Donald Trump. The committee’s 18-month investigation determined that Trump intended to disrupt the results of the 2020 presidential election and played a central role in the U.S. Capitol insurrection. This marks the first time in U.S. history a congressional committee has recommended criminal charges against a former president.

      • Democracy Now“No One Is Above The Law”: Calls Grow for Trump to Be Charged to Avoid Another Coup Attempt

        With the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol recommending criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, we speak with Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a scholar of fascism and authoritarianism, and Robert Weissman, president of the advocacy group Public Citizen. They say the committee has left no doubt that the insurrection was part of a larger plot to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election and that the Department of Justice must act soon if it intends to follow through on the referral. “The most important thing to prevent this kind of coup from ever taking place again is accountability for the people at the top,” says Weissman.

      • TechdirtTechdirt Podcast Episode 340: The New Abnormal On Twitter

        It seems the madness just never stops on Elon Musk’s Twitter, and it’s almost impossible to keep up. Recently, Mike joined the Daily Beast’s podcast, The New Abnormal, for a discussion with host Andy Levy about just what exactly is going on with Twitter under Musk’s erratic leadership. The conversation first appeared as part of The New Abnormal’s latest episode, and now you can listen to Mike’s segment here on the Techdirt Podcast.

      • TechdirtNo, The FBI Is NOT ‘Paying Twitter To Censor’


      • TruthOutCalls Grow for Charges Against Trump in Order to Avoid Another Coup Attempt
      • Casey NewtonTwitter’s risky plan to save its ads business

        A month ago, when Elon Musk’s Twitter first set out to revamp the Twitter Blue subscription, workers at the company identified a problem. Musk had promised that subscribers to the $8-a-month service would see half as many ads as free users. But that would cost the company about $6 in ad revenue per user per month, according to internal estimates. Factor in Apple’s App Store fees — something Musk would later go briefly to war with the company over — and the new Blue promised to lose the company money.

      • CNBCFormer Twitter employee sentenced to more than three years in prison for spying for Saudi Arabia

        According to testimony from an FBI agent presented to the Northern District of California, a Saudi government agent began courting Abouammo in 2014 by buying him gifts and depositing money in his cousin's bank account. Abouammo then began secretly accessing accounts of users who were critical of the Saudi government and sharing their email addresses and phone numbers with the government agent.

      • JoinupWhy is the Interoperable Europe Act proposal important for digital-ready policymaking and our community?

        The Interoperable Europe Act proposal itself contains several important elements relevant for our community: [...]

      • CoryDoctorowBetter failure for social media

        Content moderation is fundamentally about making social media work better, but there are two other considerations that determine how social media fails: end-to-end (E2E), and freedom of exit. These are much neglected, and that's a pity, because how a system fails is every bit as important as how it works.

      • VarietyWhy There Are Too Few Twitter Quitters

        I’d sooner believe Facebook is capable of stealing Twitter’s audience than any of the upstarts trying same, including Mastodon, Post, Hive, Counter Social, Plurk and Amino.

        But because no single one of them seems to be seeing the kind of momentum it should, I’m getting Trump vibes all over again: The preponderance of also-rans reminds me of the large field of candidates who tried to take on Donald Trump in the 2016 primaries, only to essentially cancel out one another.

      • [Old] ReutersSaudi's Kingdom Holding company to maintain Twitter stake

        Saudi Arabia's Kingdom Holding Company and the private office of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal said on Friday that they will continue their ownership of Twitter (TWTR.N) shares valued at $1.89 billion after Elon Musk's takeover of the social media company, according to a statement tweeted by Prince Alwaleed.

      • [Old] CNBCDemocratic senator calls for probe of Saudi Arabia's stake in Twitter after Musk takeover

        Murphy, D-Conn., who leads a key Foreign Relations subcommittee, sent a letter to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS, requesting a review of the financing of Musk's $44 billion purchase of Twitter, some of it from members of the Saudi royal family and the kingdom of Qatar.

      • [Old] BloombergMusk’s Twitter Investors Include Saudi Prince, Dorsey and Qatar

        That means Twitter, whose shares were delisted last week after almost a decade as a public company, has a new lineup of top investors.

      • [Old] ForbesSaudi Prince Alwaleed Becomes Twitter’s Second Largest Shareholder

        That made him one of two investors who chimed in about co-investing with Musk. The Qatar Investment Fund announced in an SEC filing that it had committed a previously agreed upon $375 million. These Middle Eastern investments have sparked national security concerns for a number of government officials, including Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) who called for a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (aka CFIUS) in a tweet Monday.

      • [Old] CNNSenate Democrat wants national security investigation of Saudi Arabia’s role in Elon Musk-Twitter deal

        Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal helped Musk finance the $44 billion acquisition of Twitter (TWTR) by rolling over his existing $1.9 billion stake in the social media company. The move makes Saudi entities the second-largest shareholder in Twitter – behind only Musk himself.

        “We should be concerned that the Saudis, who have a clear interest in repressing political speech and impacting US politics, are now the second-largest owner of a major social media platform,” Murphy said in a tweet on Monday.

      • The HillBig Tech bills left out of sweeping government spending bill

        Supporters had been pushing for two other antitrust bills, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, which aims to limit tech companies from preferencing their own products and services, and the Open App Markets Act, which aims to impose additional regulations on dominant app stores. The proposals came out of a House Judiciary Committee investigation into the market power of Google, Amazon, Apple and Facebook, now under the parent company name Meta.

      • Common DreamsJan. 6 Panel 'Extensively Cooperating' With DOJ Trump Investigation: Report

        A federal investigation into former President Donald Trump appeared to enter a new phase this month, according to reporting Tuesday that the U.S. House panel probing the January 6 attack on the Capitol is "extensively cooperating" with Jack Smith, the special counsel appointed to lead Trump investigations.

        Punchbowl News reported that the bipartisan House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol has begun sending Smith's team documents and transcripts related to a scheme by Trump's allies to create slates of "fake electors" who supported the Republican in states that were actually won by Democratic President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

      • TruthOutYear-End Funding Bill Includes Election Reforms Made to Avoid Another Jan. 6
      • The NationThe January 6 Committee Just Put Kevin McCarthy in Charge of an Investigation Into Kevin McCarthy

        The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol engaged in an exercise in futility Monday, when it recommended that the House Ethics Committee investigate four Republican lawmakers for defying the committee’s subpoenas—including the bumbling apologist for Donald Trump’s abuses of power who is expected to become the next speaker of the House, and the incendiary right-wing extremist who is set to chair the House Judiciary Committee. The sad fact is that nothing is likely to come of the recommendation because, in short order, Republican foxes will be guarding the henhouse.

      • The NationGriner
      • The NationAn Incarcerated Survivor Asks Kathy Hochul for Clemency

        All Nikki Addimando’s two children want for Christmas is their mother.

      • Telex (Hungary)Argentine ambassador rejects his country being called "white, Christian nation representing European values"
      • TruthOutTrue Democracy Doesn’t Focus Only on Elections But on the Real Needs of People
      • TruthOutChief Justice Roberts Grants GOP Request to Halt End of Title 42 Policy
      • Counter PunchSCOTUS Could Let State Legislatures Decide Presidential Election Counts

        Harvard University law professor Noah Feldman labels this theory as a “hyper-literal interpretation”€ of Article I, section 4 of the U.S. Constitution: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.” North Carolina Republican State Legislators initiated the Moore v. Harper case before the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) to argue that a state legislature can violate its state’s Constitution in congressional elections.

        If SCOTUS were to uphold ISLT, a state legislature could overturn any federal election’s popular vote if they believed it was critically unfair. They could ignore their€ state’s supreme court order to adhere to the recorded vote. In a close electoral count, Feldman points out that “a rogue state legislature could determine the outcome of a presidential election” by reassigning electors to the losing presidential candidate.

      • Telex (Hungary)The latest from Arte Weekly: Qatar-gate trail may lead to Italy, as Europe tries to cope with labour shortage
      • Telex (Hungary)Hungarian bank to support Putin-friendly Bosnian Serb entity with 45-billion forint loan
      • Counter PunchThe Code Behind the Success of the Far Right

        Exhibit A: Kari Lake, the Republican who ran for governor in the recent midterm elections. Though she lost in November, she’s still campaigning — on social media, in the courts, and in her own beclouded imagination. She refuses to accept that Katie Hobbs, her Democratic opponent, won by 0.6% of the vote. It’s a delusion she shares with Donald Trump who tweeted that Lake should be “installed” in the position anyway, like a triumphant coup leader. Lake, Trump, and all-too-many Americans now believe that any election in which a MAGA extremist doesn’t achieve a pre-ordained victory is, by definition, “stolen.”

        Then there’s Blake Masters, the losing Arizona Republican Senate candidate, who accused the Biden administration of encouraging millions of immigrants to enter the United States “to change the demographics of our country.” That’s a clear reference to the “great replacement” theory according to which outsiders (foreigners, non-Whites, Muslims), abetted by liberals and globalists, are using immigration and higher birthrates to replace “indigenous” White majorities. It has become ever more popular among White nationalists, alt-right activists, and mass murderers from El Paso to New Zealand who cite it in their manifestos.

      • ScheerpostThe Key to the Far Right’s Immense Success

        John Feffer sorts out the deplorables and persuadables in this strange America and on this strange planet of ours.

      • Telex (Hungary)Orbán on the football World Cup: There's hardly a more purely Christian story than this
    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

      • Vintage Is The New OldAfter 40 years, PC Magazine “magazine” ceases to exist.

        Carol Mangis explains that the decision to stop publishing PCMag: “As much as we have enjoyed carefully curating its contents and presenting our stories in the most visually compelling ways each month, it’s hard to compete with the immediacy we can deliver online. So we’ve made the decision to shift our focus fully toward”.

      • VOA NewsNational Security Provision in Iconic Press Club's Lease Concerns Some Members in Hong Kong

        Wishart questioned how tenable it would be to keep the press club in Hong Kong under such terms, saying, "It's a short lease and an even shorter leash."

        This not the first time the club has made changes with the national security law in mind.

        In April, the club scrapped its Human Rights Press Awards after the board cited concerns they could violate the law.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

      • RFERLThe Taliban Higher Education Minister Who Is Against Female Education

        Since October, that task has fallen to Nida Mohammad Nadim, a hard-line cleric who was appointed as the minister for higher education.

        A former governor and military commander, Nadim has vowed to root out all forms of the modern secular education that thrived in Afghanistan after the U.S.-led invasion in 2001 toppled the Taliban’s first regime. He has also voiced his opposition to education for girls and women, calling it un-Islamic and against Afghan values.

      • NPR'The Taliban took our last hope': College education is banned for women in Afghanistan

        "What news could be worse than this?" said Zahra in a voice message to NPR, left in response to a question about how she felt. She requested her family name not be used, fearing she'd be identified by Taliban officials. "I've been shaking with anger. I can't even cry."

        "The Taliban took our last hope from us. The female students had their last exam tomorrow," she said. "But the Taliban closed the gates of university today."

      • BBCAfghanistan: Taliban ban women from universities amid condemnation

        The United Nations and several countries have condemned the order, which takes Afghanistan back to the Taliban's first period of rule when girls could not receive formal education.

        The UN's Special Rapporteur to Afghanistan said it was "a new low further violating the right to equal education and deepens the erasure of women from Afghan society."

      • Daily PostTaliban bans women from attending universities in Afghanistan

        Robert Wood, US Deputy UN Ambassador has strongly condemned the Taliban’s latest actions, when he said, “the Taliban cannot expect to be a legitimate member of the international community until they respect the rights of all Afghans, especially the human rights and fundamental freedom of women and girls.”

      • CNNTaliban suspend university education for women in Afghanistan

        Human Rights Watch criticized the ban on Tuesday, calling it a “shameful decision that violates the right to education for women and girls in Afghanistan.”

        “The Taliban are making it clear every day that they don’t respect the fundamental rights of Afghans, especially women,” the rights watchdog said in a statement.

      • TruthOutConway Advocated for Leonard Leo’s Supreme Court Picks After They Struck Business Deal
      • Common DreamsMcConnell Hails 'Strong Outcome' for GOP as Omnibus Excludes Poverty-Cutting Child Tax Credit

        Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell celebrated what he called a win for the GOP as lawmakers on Tuesday unveiled a sprawling government funding package that includes $858 billion in military spending and leaves out a Child Tax Credit expansion that Democrats and progressive advocates demanded.

        "This is a strong outcome for Republicans, and much more importantly, it's the outcome that our nation's security needs," McConnell declared in a floor speech, touting the fact that the 4,155-page omnibus contains more money for the military than non-military domestic priorities.

      • TruthOut“Our National Nightmare Is Over”: NLRB Union Praises New Funding in Omnibus Bill
      • Common DreamsUnions Welcome $25 Million NLRB Funding Boost Included in Year-End Omnibus

        For the first time in nearly a decade, Congress has moved to increase the annual budget of the National Labor Relations Board.

        The NLRB Union, which warned last month that the federal agency tasked with enforcing U.S. labor law faces "budgetary Armageddon" and has long advocated for more resources, welcomed lawmakers' proposal to allocate an additional $25 million to the NLRB in fiscal year 2023.

      • Common DreamsProgressives Slam Omnibus Retirement Provisions as 'Giveaway to the Rich'

        Progressive advocacy groups and economic analysts on Tuesday denounced retirement savings-related tax changes embedded in Congress' end-of-year $1.7 trillion spending package, characterizing the pending reforms taken directly from the SECURE 2.0 Act as a "giveaway to the rich."

        "This bill does not make it easier for workers to save for retirement, it just makes it easier for high-income earners to shelter more of their earnings from taxes."

      • Common DreamsExperts Welcome New Biden Policy to Facilitate Humanitarian Aid in Sanctioned Nations

        Proponents of lifting U.S. sanctions on countries including Iran welcomed Tuesday's announcement by the Biden administration that the United States will take steps to make it easier for humanitarian aid to reach people who need it in sanctioned countries.

        "Historically, exemptions on paper do not lead to exemptions in practice, as the private sector prioritizes its bottom line."

      • Common DreamsOpinion | Teachers Must Protect Muslim Students

        In a recent incident of Islamophobia, a teacher in Florida was fired for crassly interrupting Muslim students' prayers, accusing them of doing "magic." Her reasoning is cringeworthy: "I believe in Jesus, so I'm interrupting the floor." Though no reason is given for the boys' recording their prayers, I suspect it's because this type of incident isn't the first time they've been harassed while praying. As someone who teaches world religions, including Islam, I find so much wrong with this TikTok video. In order for our pluralistic society to thrive, we must work together to repair a sense of the sacred in teaching.

      • Pro PublicaTexas School District Faces Civil Rights Probe Over Removal of LGBTQ-Themed Library Books

        The U.S. Education Department’s civil rights enforcement arm has launched an investigation into a North Texas school district whose superintendent was secretly recorded ordering librarians to remove LGBTQ-themed library books.

        Education and legal experts say the federal probe of the Granbury Independent School District — which stemmed from a complaint by the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and reporting by NBC News, ProPublica and The Texas Tribune — appears to be the first such investigation explicitly tied to the nationwide movement to ban school library books dealing with sexuality and gender.

      • ScheerpostMental Health of Incarcerated LGBTQ+ Youth Is Understudied —€ But New Analysis Shows Kids Are in Crisis

        Minnesota’s Student Survey shows high suicidal ideation and self-harm — pointing to a broader problem that needs to be studied.

      • Pro PublicaIn Six Months or Less, Some Parents Lose Their Kids Forever

        In the months after a West Virginia court permanently took away their right to parent their daughters this past April, Jackie Snodgrass and her husband were left in a quiet house. The kids’ rooms remained untouched. The same dolls and stuffed animals were arranged on their younger daughter’s bed. The same clothes in the closets, becoming outgrown. The same photos on the walls, outdated.

        The court had denied a final visit — despite the children continually saying they missed their mother — so the parents never got to say goodbye to them in person. Snodgrass worried about them constantly, especially her older daughter, who has diabetes. An app pinged her intermittently with updates on her child’s blood sugar. Occasionally, it would dip too low or spike too high.

      • Telex (Hungary)First teacher outside of Budapest fired for civil disobedience
      • Counter PunchThe Year of the Botched Execution

        In the United States, the death penalty has been falling out of favour.€  The outgoing governor of Oregon Kate Brown announced on December 13 that she would commute all of the state’s 17 prisoners on death row.€  In terms of the sheer bloodiness of it all, the figure of 18 executions in six states comes across as one of the lowest in recent years.

        The 2022 report by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) is merely another reminder as to why such cruelty should be ditched.€  It reads like a sadist’s dream and a humanitarian’s nightmare: over a third of executions this year were botched in the United States.€  “2022,” the report declares, “could be called ‘the year of the botched execution’.”€  To be more precise, seven of 20 execution attempts were bungled (“visibly problematic”, write the authors).€ Executions, it was found, were mostly concentrated in select jurisdictions – more than half in Oklahoma and Texas.

      • MeduzaRussian opposition politician Alexey Navalny says prison workers intentionally assigned inmate with poor hygiene to share his cell — Meduza

        Russian opposition politician Alexey Navalny, who is currently serving a nine-year sentence at Correctional Colony No. 6 in Russia’s Vladimir region, reported Tuesday that a prisoner with poor hygiene was put in his cell for the second time, presumably as a way to punish Navalny himself.

      • Pro PublicaHe Defended the NYPD in Court. Then They Arrested Him.

        By the time Karl Ashanti neared his office in the New York City Law Department’s headquarters in March 2018, the police were shutting down Park Place. Ice had fallen from the buildings above, so an officer had cordoned off the area. Ashanti flashed his work ID and the cop let him through. Then, about two-thirds of the way down the block, he ran into a second officer. “Turn around now,” John Shapiro barked. “I said now.”

        Ashanti stiffened. The two men were about the same size, each around 6 feet tall and 240 pounds. Shapiro was in his blue New York Police Department uniform. Ashanti, a city lawyer, wasn’t due in court that day and had dressed casually in dark slacks, a button-down, an overcoat and a winter hat. The two had never met before, but there was something about Shapiro’s brusque demeanor that Ashanti recognized.

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • TechdirtAT&T, Comcast, Quickly Returned To Being The Top Corporate Funders Of Anti-Democracy Insurrectionists

        Much like the company’s€ dedication to women, AT&T’s dedication to not funding people eager to overthrow democracy appears to be somewhere between inconsistent and nonexistent. And the company certainly isn’t alone.

      • EFFWe Need to Talk About Infrastructure

        That’s the easy part. The hard part is defining what exactly "essential internet infrastructure," is, and to which users. We also need to recognize that this designation can and does change over time. Right now, the "infrastructure" designation is in danger of getting tossed around too easily, resulting in un-nuanced conversations at best and an unjustified cloak of protection, sometimes for anti-competitive business models, at worst.

        The term “infrastructure” can encompass a technically nuanced landscape of things – services, standards, protocols, and physical structures – each of which has varying degrees of impact if they’re removed from the proverbial stack. Here’s how EFF thinks about the spectrum of infrastructure with respect to content moderation in late 2022, and how our thinking has changed over time.

        Some things are absolutely, essentially, infrastructure. These things often have no meaningful alternative, no inconvenient but otherwise available option. Physical infrastructure is the easiest type to see here, with things like submarine cables and internet exchange points (IXPs). These things make up the tangible backbone of the internet. € Parts of the logical layer of the internet also sit on this far side of the spectrum of what is or is not critical infrastructure, including protocols like HTTP and TCP/IP. These components of physical and logical infrastructure share the same essentialness and the same obligation to content neutrality. Without them, the internet in its current form simply could not exist. At least not at this moment.

    • Digital Restrictions (DRM)

      • TechdirtLibraries Offer Music Streaming Services That Really Support Local Musicians

        Music streaming services are great – for listeners, who gain access to huge quantities of music, even if they don’t end up owning any of it. But it’s hardly a secret that€ streaming services produce very little income€ for the musicians involved – even the big names earn a pittance – with most of the money ending up with the recording companies. That doesn’t mean that streaming services are beyond redemption. It just requires a little imagination to think of ways in which they can be great for artists and audiences alike. Take€ this idea, for example, reported on Vice:

    • Monopolies

      • IT WireNZ Commerce Commission seeks input on guidelines on the Application of Competition Law to Intellectual [sic] Property [sic] Rights [sic]

        The Commerce Act 1986 (Act) currently exempts certain conduct in relation to intellectual property from being assessed as anti-competitive and in breach of the Act.

        The Commission says that from 5 April 2023, these exemptions will be removed, and all conduct relating to intellectual [sic] property [sic] will be capable of breaching the Act.

      • Commerce Commission of New ZealandDraft Guidelines on the Application of Competition Law to Intellectual [sic] Property [sic] Rights [sic]

        From 5 April 2023, these exceptions will be removed, and all conduct relating to intellectual [sic] property [sic] will be capable of breaching the Act’s anti-competitive conduct provisions.

        To assist businesses to better understand the application of competition law to intellectual [sic] property [sic] rights [sic], we have drafted guidelines (draft Guidelines) that explain how the Commission assesses conduct relating to intellectual [sic] property [sic] under the Act. We are doing this to help businesses and other parties dealing with intellectual [sic] property [sic] rights [sic] to assess whether their conduct complies with the Act.

        We are issuing the draft Guidelines for public consultation. We are keen to receive feedback and submissions on the draft Guidelines from interested parties, including responses to the following questions, which will assist us to better frame the final version of the guidelines for its intended audience: [...]

      • New York TimesAmazon and E.U. Reach Deal to End Antitrust Investigation

        The settlement helps Amazon avoid what could have been a multibillion-dollar fine, while giving the European Commission, the European Union’s executive branch, a victory in delivering long-sought changes to the world’s dominant online shopping platform. Under the deal, the company will also be barred from using nonpublic information it gathers about independent merchants to inform Amazon’s own product choices.

        The deal is an attempt to put more guardrails between Amazon’s role as a digital storefront that many merchants depend on to reach customers, and as a maker of products that often compete with those outside sellers. The dual roles have created a conflict of interest, critics say, allowing Amazon to favor its own products and services over small rivals who have few other ways to reach customers online.

      • Hollywood ReporterMicrosoft Hit With Antitrust Suit From Gamers Seeking to Block Activision Deal

        The suit filed on Tuesday in federal court in California alleges that the deal will suppress competition in the gaming industry. It comes less than two weeks after the Federal Trade Commission sued to stop Microsoft from finishing the largest deal ever in the video game market.

      • EFFHere's How Apple Could Open Its App Store Without Really Opening Its App Store

        While this has implications for game consoles, the main attraction is the mobile market, specifically Apple’s iOS-based mobile devices: iPhones, iPads, iPods and Apple Watches. These devices are locked to Apple’s official App Store, and EU law prohibits the public from modifying them to accept alternative app stores from other vendors, under Article 6 of 2001’s EU Copyright Directive (EUCD).

        With the public unable to legally reconfigure their devices to use rival app stores, we are dependent on Apple’s permission if we want to get our iOS apps elsewhere, and, according to a Bloomberg report, that’s just what Apple is about to do.

        Though Apple hasn’t formally announced a plan to open its devices to rival app stores (and indeed, has not yet affirmed that it will comply with the DMA at all), Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman cites multiple Apple employees who provide early details of the plan.

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakGTA Cheat Developer Must Pay AU$130,000 for Copyright Infringement

          An Australian cheat developer who had his house searched and assets seized, has been ordered to pay AU$130,000 in profits to Rockstar Games and Take-Two Interactive. The man, who's linked to the once popular GTA 5 cheat “Infamous”, was previously found liable for copyright infringement by the Federal Court.

        • Torrent FreakNew Global IPTV Anti-Piracy Coalition Takes on 'Extremely Dynamic' Providers

          After reaching consensus that isolated actions are ineffective in the fight against online piracy, around 20 companies, regulators, and government representatives have signed an agreement to form a new global anti-piracy coalition. Global Anti-Piracy Pact lists pirate IPTV as a key issue, noting that pirates today are "extremely dynamic" criminal organizations.

        • Torrent FreakCopyright Holder Wants the Term "Troll" Banned at Piracy Trial

          Hundreds of thousands of pirating BitTorrent users have been sued over the years. These cases rarely ever make it all the way to trial but, in a Florida court, this is about to happen. Before the trial starts, however, several outstanding issues have to be decided, including the use of the term "copyright troll" before the jury.

        • Creative CommonsCC at 20: CEO Catherine Stihler Reflects on 2022 and Where CC Is Headed Next

          The team, network, and community of Creative Commons have so much to be proud of in 2022. We celebrated our 20th anniversary with community events around the world and an in-person party in San Francisco. In these two decades, CC revolutionized the copyright landscape, creating an open access alternative to traditional “all rights reserved” restrictions. Today, this system continues to empower a new era of online sharing and collaboration that has transformed our global digital landscape. Now two and a half billion pieces of content have been freed up because our open licenses and public domain tools empower creators, researchers, librarians, archivists, musicians, artists, educators, students, and individuals globally to share content openly. We are so proud of our key relationships, where our licenses are used every second to share knowledge and culture on platforms like Wikipedia, YouTube, and Flickr. And now in new spaces, we saw our public domain tools celebrating the #CC0Summer in 2022, where NFT artists used our licenses to place their creations in the commons.

        • EFFVictory! There Is No Link Tax in the End-of-Year Bills

          Earlier this month, it seemed like that might happen. € Proponents added this controversial, unconstitutional, poorly-conceived piece of legislation to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a routine but “must-pass” military budget bill. Thanks to all of you who spoke against this trick and forced the JCPA to be considered on its own merits.

          While many like to frame the opposition to the JCPA as that of Big Tech, we know better. The union that represents many reporters was against it. Civil society and Big Tech opponents were against it. And most importantly, you were against it. You drove thousands of messages to Congress exposing this bill as dangerous to the free flow of information online.

          We couldn’t rest after that fight because while the NDAA had closed its doors to the JCPA, there was still a chance that it would be added to the end-of-year omnibus, a massive spending bill that lays out the budget for the government for the next fiscal year and routinely gets all sorts of other bills added to it. But we kept pushing—you kept pushing—and it appears we have finally won.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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