Widening the Horizons in an Age of Patent Injustice
THIS month we happily and boldly go back to some essential "roots", so to speak. We'll not only relay articles from Daniel Pocock, who is basically a whistleblower (huge Free software contributor who turned sour in the face of abuse inside communities and organisations). We had concerns and felt some reluctance due to the prior webhost issuing threats when we relayed Pocock's articles.
We shall also cover EPO affairs every single day, illuminating the profound injustice of the EPO illegally granting European software patents while treating examiners like disposable rubber-stampers, knowing that it set up an illegal and unconstitutional kangaroo court to rule on them in the EU. The lead judge openly spoke in favour of such ludicrous patents (which even courts in the US, Australia and Canada reject), so there's no need to even speculate on this matter. Benoît Battistelli spent 8 years committing crimes at the EPO and António Campinos, who worked with Belarus, continues along the very same trajectory. These people don't care about laws and constitutions; they're there in positions of power because of who they truly serve; the same is true in the EU. Putin is bad? Wait till you see the true face of EPO management.
Our wiki is being improved/enhanced this week. At long last it's a set of static pages rather than a bloated CMS, which must have cost hundreds of pounds just in power bills. Sadly, a lot of modern computing trends are just deliberate bloat, seeking to make use of processors that get faster and memory that gets cheaper. Instead of fitting 1,000 static sites under a single physical server we have maybe 10 such sites, each of which makes the CPU cores scream all day long and all night long.
Of course we'll still be writing about Free Software. It's our 'bread and butter'. █