Linux is Becoming Non-free Software and the So-called 'Linux' Foundation Likes It That Way (It's Fronting for Companies That Violate the GPL, the Licence of Linux)
Related: OSI's Cofounder Bruce Perens: “Linux Foundation is an Infringer's Club.”
THE Linux Foundation likes to talk about "security", but in practice it is advancing the agenda of back doors and working to undermine GPL compliance, in turn making Linux-powered devices less secure, not more security.
Yesterday a reader shared the article "Broadcom turns VMware into a prolific money-making machine" and said this was "proprietary Linux" (VMware violated the licence of Linux and then badmouthed that which it had violated). To quote this article:
Broadcom has told investors its integration of VMware is all but done, ahead of schedule, and that it has turned the virtualization giant into an even more prolific money machine than it hoped it would be possible.
What's happening here is, they rip off people using their "stolen" (GPL-violating) product. Is that the definition of "success" now? What's worse is, later they have the audacity to blame "Linux" for their proprietary garbage, e.g. from this year alone:
- Blaming "Linux" for Problems of VMware (Prolific GPL Violator, Infringer of the Linux Licence)
- Microsoft-Friendly Media Twists VMware ESXi Issues or Malware Getting Installed as "Linux" (VMware Violates the Linux Licence)
- Media Unable to Tell the Difference Between Proprietary VMware and "Linux"
- VMware and Microsoft: Anti-Linux Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (FUD) and Propaganda
There have been many more examples this year and last year. They basically spit inside the well they had been drinking from. █