statCounter Reckons Less Than 10% in Mexico Still Use Windows to Access to Web and GNU/Linux Surges to All-Time High (Plus, Microsoft's Latest Debt Crisis)
It reached $36,218,605,000,000 in December 2024: (while the rich got richer faster than ever before and inflation surged, impacting those who buy stuff like groceries and/or pay rent)
In North America this month Microsoft is in trouble. It's not just about Canada and the US, it's also Cuba and smaller countries in the region.
Looking at Mexico in isolation, GNU/Linux is up to record highs:
If this is true, then for the second month in a row Windows is in the gutter:
Did statCounter correct prior data? In more and more countries Android nowadays dominates.
Android isn't about freedom, but at least it's not Windows, which is miles worse.
Microsoft stopped hiring and it's throwing out staff without meeting basic obligations. The company bleeds as debt goes out of control. Just like in any pyramid scheme, the people at the top (or in the company) can become rich, but at whose expense? Millions of shareholders or billions of people whose savings/pensions are tied to the pyramid scheme?
As somebody put it 8 hours ago:
It Took $5.8 In Debt To Generate $1 Of US "Growth" In The Fourth QuarterAs the BEA reported, in Q4 US GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted rate of 2.3%, below the 2.6% estimate and down from the 3.1% growth pace in Q3. More specifically, the number represented the annualized increase in the 131BN change between what the BEA calculated was chained Q3 GDP ($23.400 trillion) and Q4 GDP ($23.531 trillion). In other words, to keep it simpler, in Q4 the US economy actually grew some $130.6 billion chained dollars.
So far so good. The only problem is what funded this growth, and as regular readers are well aware, in the US the source of all growth is - and for the past 100 years - has been debt, and boy was Q4 a doozy.
As the chart below shows, while the US generated $131bn in chained GDP growth in Q4, this was the result of a $711 billion increase in the US budget deficit, which in turn was funded with a $754 billion increase in debt which, as of Dec 31, 2024, stood at a record 36.218 trillion. The Q4 snapshot is shown below.
Things aren't as they seem when the media is controlled by pyramid scheme builders. That same media now tries to tell us that "open"AI is "worth" 320 billion dollars despite expectation of losing about 30 billion dollars, according to itself. This is the same media that parrots anything from Scam Altman like it's ground truth, even ludicrous claims about 7 trillion dollars (yes, trillion with a T). A bailout would be infeasible short of totally crashing the real economy. █
"Microsoft, the world’s most valuable company, declared a profit of $4.5 billion in 1998; when the cost of options awarded that year, plus the change in the value of outstanding options, is deducted, the firm made a loss of $18 billion, according to Smithers."