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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 30th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitzoiaohm: no, no updatesMar 30 13:25
schestowitzServer Load  30.00 (4 cpus) Memory Used  90.6 %Mar 30 13:25
*ledil ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 13:27
oiaohmThat is really acting like leak.Mar 30 13:29
oiaohmCPU usage is too load.Mar 30 13:29
oiaohmLoad/low.Mar 30 13:29
schestowitzI'll put more info.Mar 30 13:29
schestowitzmysql (5.0.67-community)  up  Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzpop failed Mar 30 13:30
schestowitznamed up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzcpsrvd up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzimap up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzexim-198 up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzsyslogd up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzspamd up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzlfd up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzhttpd (1.3.41 (Unix)) up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzftpd failed Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzexim (exim-4.69-15_cpanel_maildir) up Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzServer Load 30.00 (4 cpus) Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzMemory Used 90.6 % Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzSwap Used 99 % Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzDisk /dev/hda2 (/tmp) 2 % Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzDisk /dev/hdc1 (/backup) 88 % Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzDisk /dev/hda5 (/) 52 % Mar 30 13:30
schestowitzDisk /dev/hda1 (/boot) 31 %Mar 30 13:30
zer0c00lswap 99% ? thrashing?Mar 30 13:30
zer0c00llot of paging activityMar 30 13:31
schestowitzYes, I saw thatMar 30 13:34
schestowitzI think they turn attention to it nowMar 30 13:35
schestowitzhttp and other services disabledMar 30 13:35
schestowitzIt's probably about time... EC to Probe Online Profiling by Web Sites and ISPs < >Mar 30 13:37
schestowitzServer Load  7.93 (4 cpus)Mar 30 13:38
schestowitzMemory Used  27.5 %Mar 30 13:38
schestowitzOK, they brought it back upMar 30 13:38
schestowitzMemory OK for now. I think they didn't reboot, just done diagnosis/troubleshootMar 30 13:38
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 13:48
oiaohmoom killer might have caught up with it too.Mar 30 13:56
oiaohmLinux systems naturally recover from a leak eventually.Mar 30 13:58
schestowitzI think theyh took down some servicesMar 30 13:59
schestowitzMomentarilyMar 30 13:59
schestowitzcpanel gave visibility of fewerMar 30 13:59
schestowitzAnyway, it's back up without any trouble. Downtime was over half an hour.Mar 30 13:59
oiaohmNow its what caused it.Mar 30 14:01
schestowitzOn Sunday we did over 6GB of trafficMar 30 14:01
schestowitz5.3Gb to humansMar 30 14:01
schestowitzWe'll outgrow this too, despite the cachingMar 30 14:02
schestowitzMy preferred host (for 3 sites I have) doesn't do VPSMar 30 14:02
schestowitzShane wanted to pass over to me the domainMar 30 14:03
schestowitzBecause it takes up his takeMar 30 14:03
schestowitzBut it hardly matetrsMar 30 14:03
oiaohmYou sites growth rare has been impressive.Mar 30 14:04
oiaohmI was excepting the caching to buy you about 1 year.Mar 30 14:04
schestowitzIf I invite more people to contribute articles for us, do you think they would respond?Mar 30 14:05
schestowitzoiaohm: the site was bigger in January and FebruaryMar 30 14:05
schestowitzWe did almost twice as muchMar 30 14:05
schestowitzBecause I leaked a lot of crimes from Comes vs MicrosoftMar 30 14:05
schestowitzThe site went down a lot back then, as you can recallMar 30 14:05
schestowitz700,000 hits/day at timesMar 30 14:06
oiaohmAny artical by me could really attrack flame.   What seams natural to me does not seam natural to a lot of people.Mar 30 14:06
_Hicham_oiaohm : because u r an experienced manMar 30 14:07
_Hicham_but it is great to discuss with youMar 30 14:07
oiaohmIts not impossable for MS to stay live.Mar 30 14:08
oiaohmIts just not going to be fun.Mar 30 14:08
schestowitzoiaohm: well, _Hicham_ calls you radicalMar 30 14:08
MinceRlife support? :>Mar 30 14:08
schestowitzYes, I agree. The discussions you make are enjoyable and expose what's not typically stated in blogsMar 30 14:08
schestowitzoiaohm: alive -- YesMar 30 14:09
schestowitzIt has a brandMar 30 14:09
schestowitzIt can sell miceMar 30 14:09
oiaohmHeavly tainted brand.Mar 30 14:09
MinceRmaybe they'll sell microsoft floppies and cd-rs!Mar 30 14:09
oiaohmWho would trust them MinceRMar 30 14:09
MinceRnobody but it would be a joke brandMar 30 14:10
_Hicham_Microsoft LinuxMar 30 14:10
_Hicham_that would be their last moveMar 30 14:10
_Hicham_:DMar 30 14:10
schestowitzThey can'tMar 30 14:11
schestowitzSUSE is their best betyMar 30 14:11
schestowitzBut it's like selling ice to eskimosMar 30 14:12
schestowitzLinux users ain't stupidMar 30 14:12
schestowitzAnd it showsMar 30 14:12
schestowitzEven if SLED is good (and OpenSUSE too) people avoid itMar 30 14:12
schestowitzThey have bad karmaMar 30 14:12
schestowitzPeople choose distros based on what buddied recommendMar 30 14:12
MinceRthere already is microsoft linuxMar 30 14:12
MinceRin multiple flavorsMar 30 14:12
MinceRsuse edition, xandros edition, turbolinux editionMar 30 14:12
schestowitzSo it ascends from hardcore *nixers who know what Novell is up to (not PR)Mar 30 14:12
Eruaranhmm... I wonder if my crappy motherboard has any bios updatesMar 30 14:12
schestowitzEffects of a boycott go beyond the siteMar 30 14:13
MinceRexcept suse isn't goodMar 30 14:13
schestowitzLike Boycott Novell protests in Kochi, IndiaMar 30 14:13
schestowitzIt's a mouth-to-ear thingMar 30 14:13
schestowitzMinceR: OpenSUSE isn'tMar 30 14:13
schestowitzI don't know about SLED11Mar 30 14:13
schestowitzAs benJIman emphasises, it's OpenSUSE 11.1Mar 30 14:13
schestowitzRedoneMar 30 14:13
schestowitzwith blobsMar 30 14:13
_Hicham_India is a an advanced country in Computer ScienceMar 30 14:14
schestowitzMS codecs, patent protection....Mar 30 14:14
_Hicham_OpenSuse have YaSTMar 30 14:14
MinceRif it's opensuse redone, then it's crapMar 30 14:14
schestowitzYesMar 30 14:14
schestowitzYes to yastMar 30 14:14
schestowitzMinceR: OpenSUSE had bad poatches issuesMar 30 14:14
schestowitzFamous bloggersgot burnedMar 30 14:14
schestowitzWouldn't start X after updatesMar 30 14:14
_Hicham_Yast has inspired drakconf i think RoyMar 30 14:14
schestowitzBill Beebe and Marcel Cogne wrote about itMar 30 14:14
_Hicham_aka the Mandriva Control CenterMar 30 14:15
schestowitzIn OpenSUSE 11.1 IIRCMar 30 14:15
schestowitzMandriva is goodMar 30 14:15
schestowitzI love its control centreMar 30 14:15
schestowitzI changed time there this morningMar 30 14:15
schestowitzVery intuitive and prettyMar 30 14:15
EruaranI hate HPMar 30 14:15
schestowitzAlso had more than Windows'Mar 30 14:15
schestowitzIt has backup GUIs in there.Mar 30 14:15
_Hicham_it is written in Gtk2-Perl RoyMar 30 14:15
EruaranGot a PC here from HP which has an Asus motherboardMar 30 14:15
schestowitzAnd all sorts of very rich optionsMar 30 14:15
schestowitzYes, it's GTKMar 30 14:15
_Hicham_inside KDEMar 30 14:16
EruaranIts not listed on the Asus siteMar 30 14:16
schestowitzGTK has a nice theme in 'Driva 2008.1Mar 30 14:16
schestowitzIt works nicely with KDEMar 30 14:16
_Hicham_I knowMar 30 14:16
schestowitzYou can't tell it's differentMar 30 14:16
schestowitzxchat is not GTKMar 30 14:16
schestowitzxchat is not QtMar 30 14:16
schestowitzAnd it doesn't bother meMar 30 14:16
_Hicham_are u sure?Mar 30 14:16
_Hicham_xchat is a gnome projectMar 30 14:16
schestowitzIgnore the slipMar 30 14:16
schestowitzYesMar 30 14:16
schestowitzI meant QtMar 30 14:16
schestowitzI wrote GTK at first instead of saying it sues gtkMar 30 14:16
schestowitz*usedMar 30 14:17
Eruaranheh @ suesMar 30 14:17
schestowitzSame with FirefoxMar 30 14:17
_Hicham_I just wanted to say that Mandriva Control Center and Yast should be ported to all Linux DistrosMar 30 14:17
schestowitzWhen I see GTK dialogues.. same with nvidia driver actually.Mar 30 14:17
schestowitz_Hicham_: are they GPLed?Mar 30 14:17
EruarannoMar 30 14:17
_Hicham_I think soMar 30 14:17
schestowitzSome people said the same thing about yast.Mar 30 14:18
EruaranI don't like eitherMar 30 14:18
_Hicham_Yast at leastMar 30 14:18
schestowitzEven in community ediition?Mar 30 14:18
benJImanschestowitz: It's spelt openSUSE.Mar 30 14:18
_Hicham_there was a project to port Yast to DebianMar 30 14:18
schestowitzbenJIman: not true :-pMar 30 14:18
_Hicham_but it has stalledMar 30 14:18
schestowitzEven the OpenSUSE site starts capitalising it smetimesMar 30 14:18
schestowitzTrust me, I see it when it happensMar 30 14:18
_Hicham_we need a solid control centerMar 30 14:18
Eruaranwe ?Mar 30 14:19
benJImanschestowitz: Only places where mediawiki makes it impossible to spell lowercase.Mar 30 14:19
_Hicham_for All Linux DistrosMar 30 14:19
benJImanThe official name is openSUSE.Mar 30 14:19
schestowitzYesMar 30 14:19
schestowitzbenJIman: yes, re wikimediaMar 30 14:19
EruaranI'm happy with what I haveMar 30 14:19
schestowitzmediawikiMar 30 14:19
EruaranI hate what suse does with kdeMar 30 14:20
Eruaranrenaming stuff without any good reasonMar 30 14:21
Eruaranits like someone decided, "hey lets take some nice things from KDE and make them totally retarded"Mar 30 14:21
_Hicham_I am glad that standardized thingsMar 30 14:23
schestowitzEruaran: examples?Mar 30 14:23
schestowitzOther distros renames them in menus tooMar 30 14:23
schestowitzFor newbiesMar 30 14:23
_Hicham_so that we don't have to worry about running KDE stuff inside gnome and vice versaMar 30 14:23
oiaohmstandardization is an slow process.Mar 30 14:23
schestowitzTo some people, blue E somehoe connotates with InternetMar 30 14:23
schestowitzWhat does E stand for?Mar 30 14:23
schestowitzE-nternet?Mar 30 14:23
schestowitzOf course, it's a matter of habitsMar 30 14:23
schestowitzFirefox icon is familiar to many tooMar 30 14:24
schestowitzNot IceweaselMar 30 14:24
schestowitzLike it or hate, this be the case! :-)Mar 30 14:24
_Hicham_iceweasel was a mistakeMar 30 14:24
schestowitzDid it annoy mozilla?Mar 30 14:24
_Hicham_noMar 30 14:24
schestowitzI like that theyh force sites to not parse headersMar 30 14:24
_Hicham_but it did annoy debian usersMar 30 14:24
schestowitzAs in... "never assume Firefox will call itself firefox"Mar 30 14:25
schestowitzSo this edicates dumb webdevsMar 30 14:25
EruaranThey renamed KDE's unified 'System Settings' to 'Personal Settings' for a startMar 30 14:25
_Hicham_well, there should be a workaround at the presentMar 30 14:25
_Hicham_there is a lot of layout enginesMar 30 14:25
_Hicham_TridentMar 30 14:26
schestowitz"System Settings" was fineMar 30 14:26
_Hicham_GeckoMar 30 14:26
_Hicham_WebkitMar 30 14:26
schestowitzkontrol..Mar 30 14:26
_Hicham_so parsing headers is essentialMar 30 14:26
schestowitzControl Panel makes it sounds like Window ripoffMar 30 14:26
_Hicham_to do some stuffMar 30 14:26
schestowitz*WindowsMar 30 14:26
*mib_x8okmv (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 14:26
_Hicham_i don't see any problem in calling it Control PanelMar 30 14:27
_Hicham_Iceweasel is still a bad sign of cooperation between Mozilla and Debian devsMar 30 14:27
_Hicham_Mozilla wasn't asking for too muchMar 30 14:27
Eruaranschestowitz: they neutered System Settings becuase they have yast... and renamed it Personal Settings and made the whole idea of it pointless and once again it leaves the end user confused between two different control centre type thingsMar 30 14:27
_Hicham_But Debian developers are stubbornMar 30 14:27
_Hicham_I think that I am gonna set up my own repo for Firefox for DebianMar 30 14:28
_Hicham_I just mailed Eric Dorland, the packager of IceweaselMar 30 14:28
_Hicham_I will mail to Mozilla tooMar 30 14:28
_Hicham_to start my own Repo for Firefox DebianMar 30 14:29
EruaranKubuntu 9.04 does things right, it doesn't take anything away from System Settings and lets it be used the way it is meant to, so you have KPackageKit integrated beautifully into System Settings as "Add and Remove Software" in the Computer Administration section.Mar 30 14:29
_Hicham_Mozilla deserves better support than thatMar 30 14:30
EruaranI have great respect for DebianMar 30 14:31
_Hicham_Eruaran : Me tooMar 30 14:32
_Hicham_and everyone haveMar 30 14:32
_Hicham_but there is some things that must be discussedMar 30 14:32
Eruaranthey have been...Mar 30 14:32
EruaranendlesslyMar 30 14:32
_Hicham_and the users have the right to express their opinionsMar 30 14:32
_Hicham_and voteMar 30 14:32
Eruaranso do contributorsMar 30 14:32
_Hicham_that is real democracyMar 30 14:33
_Hicham_but this was a bad moveMar 30 14:33
_Hicham_they were just stubbornMar 30 14:33
schestowitz_Hicham_: agree, re MozilalMar 30 14:33
_Hicham_Mozilla didn't ask for muchMar 30 14:33
Eruaranthey were standing on principleMar 30 14:33
_Hicham_what principle?Mar 30 14:33
Eruaranthe four freedomsMar 30 14:33
_Hicham_Mozilla didn't break any of themMar 30 14:34
EruaranAnd what the Debian devs wanted wasn't unreasonable eitherMar 30 14:34
_Hicham_well it wasMar 30 14:34
EruaranThey only wanted a Linux version of FFMar 30 14:34
_Hicham_they had itMar 30 14:34
_Hicham_Mozilla didn't say anythingMar 30 14:35
EruaranAll they wanted to do was clean up and get rid of unnecessary codeMar 30 14:35
EruaranMozilla did not like itMar 30 14:35
*mib_pe3zzk (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 14:35
_Hicham_Mozilla just wanted to review the codeMar 30 14:35
_Hicham_is there anything bad in reviewing?Mar 30 14:35
schestowitzNopeMar 30 14:35
EruaranThey wouldn't accept the changes and allow it to continue to use the Firefox name and logoMar 30 14:35
_Hicham_look at the openssl flawMar 30 14:35
_Hicham_who said that?Mar 30 14:36
schestowitzI had some arguments with Mozilla too, but due to misunderstandingsMar 30 14:36
schestowitzThey are nice peopleMar 30 14:36
_Hicham_Mike Connor just wanted to see the patchesMar 30 14:36
schestowitzAsa and I had an argument over DRMMar 30 14:36
schestowitzMozilla also supports OggMar 30 14:36
_Hicham_to ease the upstream/downstream bugtrackingMar 30 14:36
schestowitzBecause of deadbeef (Chiristopher Blizzard) IMHOMar 30 14:37
_Hicham_isn't bugtracking one of the most aspect of FOSS?Mar 30 14:37
*Eruaran sighsMar 30 14:38
_Hicham_Debian was special to MozillaMar 30 14:39
_Hicham_but they begin to go far from the original codeMar 30 14:39
EruaranrubbishMar 30 14:39
_Hicham_we can't have two FirefoxesMar 30 14:39
EruaranSimply not trueMar 30 14:39
_Hicham_why?Mar 30 14:39
_Hicham_prove itMar 30 14:40
EruaranThat they made large changes is a false accusationMar 30 14:40
_Hicham_not large changes, but changes that must go to Mozilla upstreamMar 30 14:40
_Hicham_for reviewingMar 30 14:40
Eruaranoh so not large now... okMar 30 14:40
Eruaranwhy say it in the first place ?Mar 30 14:41
_Hicham_say what?Mar 30 14:41
_Hicham_that they deviate from the original code?Mar 30 14:41
_Hicham_well, they didMar 30 14:41
_Hicham_now, noMar 30 14:41
Eruaran<_Hicham_> but they begin to go far from the original codeMar 30 14:41
_Hicham_yesMar 30 14:41
Eruaranyou contradicted yourselfMar 30 14:41
_Hicham_noMar 30 14:41
_Hicham_the changes were not very bigMar 30 14:42
_Hicham_but they deviated the original codeMar 30 14:42
Eruaranthen they didn't "go far from the original code"Mar 30 14:42
_Hicham_and created problems with some pluginsMar 30 14:42
Eruaranyou cant have it both waysMar 30 14:42
_Hicham_a small change can drive u awayMar 30 14:42
_Hicham_just a line of codeMar 30 14:42
_Hicham_very farMar 30 14:43
_Hicham_example : modify garbage collection in xulrunnerMar 30 14:43
_Hicham_just one line of codeMar 30 14:43
_Hicham_and u are very farMar 30 14:43
Eruaranthe answer is cooperationMar 30 14:43
_Hicham_do u see now what I am saying?Mar 30 14:43
_Hicham_u come to my pointMar 30 14:43
_Hicham_finallyMar 30 14:44
EruaranI think Mozilla handled it badlyMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_that is what i was saying from the beginningMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_noMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_Mike Connor was very stressedMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_Mozilla Devs are very busyMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_they are handling code and PRMar 30 14:44
_Hicham_plus, developing for many platforms is not easyMar 30 14:45
_Hicham_look at Firefox on WindowsMar 30 14:46
_Hicham_it is very well done, because Mozilla controlled itMar 30 14:46
EruaranIt runs better than it does on linuxMar 30 14:46
_Hicham_sureMar 30 14:47
_Hicham_because it is controlled by MozillaMar 30 14:47
_Hicham_and they process bugs easily for the Windows platformMar 30 14:47
_Hicham_not like LinuxMar 30 14:48
_Hicham_because u can't know if it is an upstream or downstream bugMar 30 14:48
_Hicham_u have to do additional workMar 30 14:48
_Hicham_one other thingMar 30 14:49
*Eu (i=206812f0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 14:50
_Hicham_Ubuntu runs the same patches as DebianMar 30 14:50
_Hicham_why Mozilla don't deny them the brand?Mar 30 14:50
EruaranDebian would like to know that as wellMar 30 14:51
oiaohmReally.  Does Ubuntu patch the firefox they use.Mar 30 14:51
_Hicham_oiaohm : yesMar 30 14:51
_Hicham_they run the Debian patchesMar 30 14:51
_Hicham_plus some patches of their ownMar 30 14:51
_Hicham_and release Firefox quicker than DebianMar 30 14:51
oiaohmthe patches that remove firefox advertisement links.Mar 30 14:51
Eruaran"Ubuntu uses the same set of patches as Debian, with some more of their own, and even releases beta software in their official releases. But when it’s Ubuntu, it’s fine." ~ Mike Hommey (Debian)Mar 30 14:52
_Hicham_Iceweasel doesn't remove those links oiaohmMar 30 14:52
*mib_x8okmv is now known as [Apogee]Mar 30 14:52
_Hicham_Mike Hommey didn't see what Ubuntu Devs are allowed to EruaranMar 30 14:53
*mib_pe3zzk has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 30 14:53
oiaohmMost likely in time Ubuntu will get hammered when one of those patches drives Mozilla bugzilla nuts.Mar 30 14:53
EruaranMozilla hassled Debian unreasonably about what they were doing while at the same time letting Ubuntu do the same things and more without protest... I'd fork it as well.Mar 30 14:53
_Hicham_because they simply ask for review from MozillaMar 30 14:53
_Hicham_Ubuntu Devs were sending their patches for reviewingMar 30 14:53
oiaohmThere were over 400 invalid bugs that started it off EruaranMar 30 14:53
EruaranIf youre "not allowed" its not free software.Mar 30 14:53
_Hicham_it is not that u r not allowedMar 30 14:54
_Hicham_u r allowedMar 30 14:54
_Hicham_but let s collaborateMar 30 14:54
*mib_q3ubmy (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 14:54
oiaohmYou are not allowed if you wish to use Mozilla trade marks to do alterations that don't go upstream.Mar 30 14:54
_Hicham_that is what Debian Devs failed to seeMar 30 14:54
_Hicham_exactly oiaohmMar 30 14:54
_Hicham_isn't that logical?Mar 30 14:54
_Hicham_oiaohm understands meMar 30 14:55
oiaohmBecause if they are not logged up stream makes processing of mozilla bugzilla insane.Mar 30 14:55
*mib_q3ubmy is now known as nick_meu_mib_q3uMar 30 14:55
oiaohmSo mozilla force name change so they would not have insane any more.Mar 30 14:55
_Hicham_thanks God, finally oiaohm understands meMar 30 14:55
oiaohmFor somethings I will.Mar 30 14:55
_Hicham_doesn't mozilla have the right to do so?Mar 30 14:56
oiaohmIts now if Eruaran understand it.Mar 30 14:56
_Hicham_I wrote to the maintainer of IceweaselMar 30 14:56
*[Apogee] has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 30 14:56
*[Apogee]_x86 (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 14:56
oiaohmLot of problems are caused by distributions not upstreaming there patches.Mar 30 14:56
Eruaran 30 14:56
_Hicham_exactly oiaohmMar 30 14:56
*[Apogee]_x86 is now known as CsharpALLMar 30 14:57
_Hicham_I already read thatMar 30 14:57
_Hicham_Mike Hommey wasn't seeing clear in Mike Connor's sayingsMar 30 14:58
MinceRwaiting for upstream to merge a patch causes delays.Mar 30 14:58
_Hicham_MinceR : look at UbuntuMar 30 14:58
*nick_meu_mib_q3u has quit (Client Quit)Mar 30 14:58
_Hicham_they already released Firefox 3.0.8Mar 30 14:58
*MinceR is constantly looking at ubuntuMar 30 14:58
_Hicham_where is Iceweasel 3.0.8Mar 30 14:58
_Hicham_?Mar 30 14:58
_Hicham_who would patch xulrunner for Debian?Mar 30 14:59
_Hicham_it is a serious bugMar 30 14:59
Balrogno idea :/Mar 30 14:59
MinceRobviously, the changes that brought 3.x didn't originate from debian nor ubuntuMar 30 14:59
*Eruaran sighsMar 30 14:59
MinceRso it's irrelevantMar 30 14:59
_Hicham_exactly MinceRMar 30 14:59
EruaranI'm going somewhere where people can readMar 30 14:59
*Eruaran ( has left #boycottnovell (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")Mar 30 15:00
MinceRlol dramaMar 30 15:00
oiaohmDebian stuffed up.Mar 30 15:00
Balrogdebian broke openssl sometime agoMar 30 15:00
oiaohmMozilla is not going to forgive them simply.Mar 30 15:00
Balrog<<rememberMar 30 15:00
_Hicham_yesMar 30 15:00
_Hicham_openssl thingMar 30 15:00
oiaohmWe activate proto code.Mar 30 15:00
MinceRsomehow i don't see debian pleading for forgiveness ;)Mar 30 15:00
_Hicham_if there was collaboration with upstreamMar 30 15:00
oiaohmthen wonder why mozilla gets upset.Mar 30 15:00
_Hicham_the dev wouldn't have done thatMar 30 15:00
oiaohmpango was not approved for mainline usage.Mar 30 15:01
oiaohmIt was developer code.Mar 30 15:01
MinceRoh noesMar 30 15:01
MinceRand we've never seen distros use prerelease code in their releasesMar 30 15:01
MinceReverMar 30 15:01
MinceR;)Mar 30 15:01
_Hicham_as soon as I get Mozilla approval, I will start my own repo for FirefoxMar 30 15:01
oiaohmIf you do it right Mozilla is not a big ogre about it.Mar 30 15:02
Balrog_Hicham_: Firefox branding? What patches will you use?Mar 30 15:02
_Hicham_No patchesMar 30 15:02
_Hicham_just vanilla FirefoxMar 30 15:02
_Hicham_debianizedMar 30 15:02
Balrogah ok.Mar 30 15:02
MinceRi'm not going to make justice in the mozilla vs debian caseMar 30 15:02
_Hicham_well, the users must have an opinionMar 30 15:03
oiaohmubuntu did ship a vanilla firefox at first.Mar 30 15:03
oiaohmthen asked politely for rights to use the other patches.Mar 30 15:03
_Hicham_but they collaborate with mozillaMar 30 15:03
MinceRmy opinion is that likely both iceweasel and firefox would be fine for me.Mar 30 15:03
MinceRor even gnu icecat.Mar 30 15:03
oiaohmDebian just cannot get it.Mar 30 15:03
_Hicham_noMar 30 15:03
_Hicham_it is not fineMar 30 15:03
MinceR(if i can get around the certificate warning screwup in 3.x)Mar 30 15:03
oiaohmYou want to make mozilla happen go back to vanilla and say sorry.Mar 30 15:04
MinceR_Hicham_: tell me not to like one of them, then.Mar 30 15:04
oiaohmThen ask correctly for the right to use patches.Mar 30 15:04
MinceR_Hicham_: it won't change functionality.Mar 30 15:04
_Hicham_MinceR : it is not thatMar 30 15:04
_Hicham_it will make bugtracking difficultMar 30 15:04
_Hicham_we should help MozillaMar 30 15:05
_Hicham_it is an ingrate wayMar 30 15:05
_Hicham_mozilla gave us firefoxMar 30 15:05
MinceRthe ease of bugtracking isn't the end-all be-all of browser usageMar 30 15:05
Balrogbut what about mozilla acting like red hat (with their trademarks)?Mar 30 15:05
_Hicham_we wouldn't even gave them back some credit?Mar 30 15:05
Balrogcouldn't you say that?Mar 30 15:05
MinceRcredit was given via trademarks, which mozilla stopped :>Mar 30 15:06
_Hicham_Balrog : it is normal to protect their trademarksMar 30 15:06
oiaohmMozilla restored to it after Debian caused problems.Mar 30 15:06
Balrogyeah...ok.Mar 30 15:06
MinceRi don't know how they're credited in the rebranded versions if at allMar 30 15:06
oiaohmDistributions not upstreaming do cause lots of problems.Mar 30 15:06
MinceRafaik the problem wasn't not upstreaming, it was patching the upstream releaseMar 30 15:07
BalrogI see.Mar 30 15:07
Balrogwell there was a mess about that with cdrecordMar 30 15:07
_Hicham_MinceR : it is the same thenMar 30 15:07
Balrogproblem there was that the developer moved to combined GPL + CDDL codebaseMar 30 15:07
Balrogwhich you cannot doMar 30 15:07
MinceRwasn't the mess about cdrecord that the official version willfully omitted DVD support?Mar 30 15:07
Balrogsee 30 15:07
_Hicham_lack of collaborationMar 30 15:07
Balrogno, it started with 'buggy' patches for UnicodeMar 30 15:08
Balrogthen the developer moved parts of it to CDDLMar 30 15:08
_Hicham_then u r answering urselfMar 30 15:08
Balrogso there's CDDL and GPL code linking, not allowedMar 30 15:08
Balrogbut the developer is convinced it's okMar 30 15:08
_Hicham_fortunately, it is not firefox' caseMar 30 15:13
Balrogtrue.Mar 30 15:13
_Hicham_the two cases are not relatedMar 30 15:13
Balrogyes. But both started with patches that weren't likedMar 30 15:18
oiaohmWere did debian get the idea GPL program to CDDL lib is a illegal link.Mar 30 15:22
oiaohmSorry its not.Mar 30 15:22
oiaohmOther way over is illegal.Mar 30 15:23
oiaohmIe CDDL application linked to a GPL lib.Mar 30 15:23
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 30 15:25
CsharpALLEu: e ai!?Mar 30 15:33
Euin english pleseMar 30 15:42
*CsharpALL is now known as Csh4rpLLMar 30 15:43
Euhey guysMar 30 15:43
Csh4rpLLhiMar 30 15:45
EuHi ubuntu don't use the sat solver. I was trying to install Eclipse and I have to install 3 diferents java, and over 640MBMar 30 15:48
_Hicham_what is the sat solver?Mar 30 15:56
Csh4rpLLand what is ubuntu?Mar 30 15:58
schestowitzHey, Csh4rpLL Mar 30 15:59
zer0c00lanivar  and his mates seems to be stopped a potential university and M$ deal 30 15:59
zer0c00lhe just posted it in fsf india mailing listMar 30 16:00
schestowitzCool!Mar 30 16:00
schestowitzNo cigarettes for those kidsMar 30 16:00
zer0c00lhave to ask anivar what really happenedMar 30 16:01
zer0c00lhe is not happy about the reply he gotMar 30 16:02
zer0c00leven the university i am studying has tied up with M$Mar 30 16:02
zer0c00l:(Mar 30 16:02
zer0c00li too wanna join anivar and fight back against my universityMar 30 16:03
zer0c00lroy do you have his email id or something?Mar 30 16:04
zer0c00lcan i get itMar 30 16:04
zer0c00lseems like they are fighting hardMar 30 16:04
zer0c00lschestowitz, what software use for signing emails? i use firegpg its kept crashing my browserMar 30 16:08
zer0c00l*what software you useMar 30 16:08
zer0c00lkeepMar 30 16:08
twitterKeep pushing for answers, Pranesh Prakash.  Demand to know what they are going to sign before it's a done deal.Mar 30 16:13
twitterThat "in discussion" line is outrageous.  It means they won't tell you what they want to do before it's too late to change what they've done.Mar 30 16:13
twitterAsses.Mar 30 16:13
twitterSurely they have working documents they are not ashamed of.Mar 30 16:14
schestowitzzer0c00l: yes, I have contactMar 30 16:15
zer0c00ltwitter, i agreeMar 30 16:16
zer0c00l:-(Mar 30 16:16
schestowitzzer0c00l: I use enigmail in ThunderbirdMar 30 16:16
schestowitzIn KNode it's the KDE standardMar 30 16:16
zer0c00lschestowitz: okMar 30 16:17
zer0c00li will switch to Thunderbird thenMar 30 16:17
zer0c00lits keep crashing firefox (firegpg addon)Mar 30 16:17
schestowitzThey want their bribesMar 30 16:17
schestowitzLunch/vacation whatever...Mar 30 16:17
schestowitzLike those MS India employees who got caughtMar 30 16:17
schestowitzFind out who they areMar 30 16:17
zer0c00ltwitter, it happened to my university 2 years backMar 30 16:18
schestowitzThey are selling your country to evil colonialists with a proven track record of crimeMar 30 16:18
zer0c00lsadly there was no one to opposeMar 30 16:18
twitterLunch, LOL.  I'll sell you all of my students for this tasty tuna salad.Mar 30 16:18
schestowitzDid you see Live @ Edu mail?Mar 30 16:18
zer0c00l 30 16:19
schestowitzThey use students and give them cheap gadgets to sell out THE WHOLE universityMar 30 16:19
twitterin BN?  Yes, I think I saw something like that.Mar 30 16:19
zer0c00lyes its hereMar 30 16:19
schestowitzIt's like giving some chap a weapon to hurt his classmatesMar 30 16:19
schestowitztwitter: do a search and you'll seeMar 30 16:19
schestowitzMicrosoft is worse than Blackwater, I thinkMar 30 16:19
zer0c00l 30 16:19
zer0c00ltwitter, <schestowitz> twitter: do a search and you'll seeMar 30 16:19
schestowitzThe difference here that Microsoft doesn't killMar 30 16:19
twittersounds like an extension of the M$ Student Ambassador (astroturf) program.Mar 30 16:20
schestowitzNot directly anyway, same with the tobacco industry.Mar 30 16:20
zer0c00ltwitter, 30 16:20
schestowitzMSP...Mar 30 16:20
*Csh4rpLL (i=c910e07d@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 30 16:20
schestowitzThat's what they call it there.Mar 30 16:20
schestowitzEurope has these twoMar 30 16:20
schestowitzThe MS shill programmeMar 30 16:20
schestowitzStudents jumping for MS dollars and screwing those around themMar 30 16:20
schestowitzLike marketing VistaMar 30 16:20
twitterthey have to keep changing names to keep the reputation from getting too burnt up.Mar 30 16:21
schestowitzYesMar 30 16:21
schestowitzLike "Unlimited Potential"Mar 30 16:21
schestowitzit's a fairly new nameMar 30 16:21
schestowitzIt's "EDGI"Mar 30 16:21
schestowitzor "WeDGI"Mar 30 16:21
*zer0c00l is thinking of filing a right to information petition on his university and M$ dealMar 30 16:21
schestowitzMemoradum of Understand = "Project Marshall"Mar 30 16:21
zer0c00lit costs just 10 rupeesMar 30 16:21
zer0c00l:DMar 30 16:21
schestowitzNovell deals and milestones had codenames tooMar 30 16:21
twitterWhat's minimum wage in rupees?Mar 30 16:23
zer0c00l1 rupeeMar 30 16:23
zer0c00l:PMar 30 16:23
zer0c00lyou can get two cup of coffee with 10 rupeesMar 30 16:23
zer0c00lin my place you can get 3Mar 30 16:24
zer0c00l:DMar 30 16:24
zer0c00l 30 16:24
twitterEeeks, that's 20 cents an hour.  The 60 cent coffee sound OK.Mar 30 16:24
*mib_r21kl3 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 16:28
twitterHmmm, I used to joke about 5 Franc an hour jobs and the lack of motivation that provided. 30 16:28
schestowitzEconomies are unevenMar 30 16:29
schestowitzExploitation and greedMar 30 16:29
schestowitzNow, if only some stupid lackeys broke the cycle and didn't sell India to Bill&Steve...Mar 30 16:29
schestowitzFind out who's a traitor to India by doing these treasonous deal that sell students to MicrosoftMar 30 16:30
schestowitzMicrosoft != USAMar 30 16:30
schestowitzIt's a tyranny located in the USMar 30 16:30
schestowitzThe US comprises many such provate tyranniesMar 30 16:30
schestowitzTogether they can control who gets electedMar 30 16:30
schestowitzPolyarchy Mar 30 16:31
twitterThey loot the locals too, US Government sales are a big revenue generator for them.Mar 30 16:31
twitterM$ is a file clerk in the big picture, though.Mar 30 16:31
MinceRcorpocracyMar 30 16:32
amarsh04back later...Mar 30 16:33
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 30 16:34
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 30 16:34
*mib_r21kl3 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 30 16:34
schestowitz<MinceR>: different political scientists called it different thingsMar 30 16:38
balzackakistocracyMar 30 16:54
balzaccorporapracyMar 30 16:54
balzackleptocracyMar 30 16:54
balzacPoligarchyMar 30 16:54
schestowitzhead of OSI just mailed me this: http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordp... Mar 30 16:55
schestowitz"Every year, Microsoft adds more "features" to its software"Mar 30 16:55
balzacThe Open Society Institute or the Open Source Initiative? (jk, I know the answer)Mar 30 16:56
_Hicham_balzacMar 30 16:57
_Hicham_how r u doing?Mar 30 16:57
_Hicham_balzacocracyMar 30 16:57
_Hicham_schestowitz : every year, Microsoft keep fucking its customersMar 30 16:58
schestowitzThat'c ure of themMar 30 16:59
schestowitzThey just try to impregnate the masses with Vista and MonoMar 30 16:59
Euits costumers keep fucking them selfsMar 30 17:00
schestowitzFuckickerMar 30 17:00
schestowitz*ConfickerMar 30 17:00
_Hicham_schestowitz : how many people use Monodevelop?Mar 30 17:01
Eubecause it's easyMar 30 17:01
_Hicham_is there any statistics schestowitz?Mar 30 17:01
balzac_Hicham_: doing wellMar 30 17:02
balzacI'm thinking about starting an import business - importing women from exotic countries... jkMar 30 17:02
_Hicham_balzac : good businessMar 30 17:02
_Hicham_balzac : u will get a lot of moneyMar 30 17:03
balzacwell, I think it'll be simpler to export cams, computers, and live video-encoding softwareMar 30 17:03
_Hicham_balzac : and have a porn industry of urselfMar 30 17:03
_Hicham_schestowitz : should porn movies use ogg?Mar 30 17:03
balzacI'm going to see America's Top Stripper competition in AprilMar 30 17:04
_Hicham_wow, that is very hot balzacMar 30 17:04
balzacI'll be rooting for a girl from St. Louis with incredible technique and flexibilityMar 30 17:04
_Hicham_is she busty or skinny?Mar 30 17:04
zer0c00llolMar 30 17:04
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 17:04
balzacshe is quite nicely proportioned and has a southern accentMar 30 17:05
_Hicham_then she is probably a latina girlMar 30 17:05
balzacvery bright young lady, dark complexion, and as I mentioned, great technique and flexibilityMar 30 17:05
schestowitzHad anyone had any USENET experience here?Mar 30 17:06
schestowitzHas anything changed recentlyMar 30 17:06
balzacnot muchMar 30 17:06
balzacRoy, I think ISPs are freezing USENET outMar 30 17:06
schestowitzSome people I know say that the servers are killed by the MAFIAAMar 30 17:06
schestowitzYes, the local server at the university was apprently shut down some years ago.Mar 30 17:06
balzacok i'm away until the end of the day.Mar 30 17:07
schestowitzUSENET is not centralised enough for them, so no control over content (censosrship)Mar 30 17:07
Euhey, I don't understand this Boycott to Novell. Novell is the unique company how really spend money with Opensource Freesoftware. What Canonical, Redhat and others are doing?Mar 30 17:07
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 17:08
anivarschestowitz: hiMar 30 17:08
schestowitzHeyMar 30 17:08
schestowitzI got the copy.Mar 30 17:08
schestowitzMarino..Mar 30 17:08
anivarUpdates on ODF Award I sent you the mailMar 30 17:08
schestowitzWell, clearly Mar 30 17:08
schestowitzWeaseling out.Mar 30 17:08
schestowitzODF is not the same as FOSSMar 30 17:09
schestowitzBut he misses the point!Mar 30 17:09
schestowitzIt's the FOSS people who adopt ODFMar 30 17:09
schestowitzEsp. in KeralaMar 30 17:09
schestowitzWhat a joke!Mar 30 17:09
anivarYes. we dropped the open letter planMar 30 17:09
schestowitzIn fact, ODF gains traction largely because of support from FOSSMar 30 17:09
schestowitzmany apps are FOSSMar 30 17:09
schestowitzEsp. the successful ones, bar MSOMar 30 17:09
schestowitzanivar: but at least the controversy is publicMar 30 17:10
schestowitzSo people will know that it wasn't fairly earnedMar 30 17:10
anivarYea. We will write this n Local mediaMar 30 17:10
schestowitzThe award is nothing big anyway, just eymbolicMar 30 17:10
anivarYou can also publish the conversations if neededMar 30 17:10
schestowitzuse it as an opportunity--in the media if possible--to talk about FS, not ODFMar 30 17:10
schestowitzanivar: thanks.Mar 30 17:11
*Eu has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 30 17:11
anivarIt is an opportunityMar 30 17:11
twitterfraud street is on the skids today.Mar 30 17:11
anivarWe need to push them to release a correct statementMar 30 17:11
twitterODF gains also from Google Docs.Mar 30 17:12
twitterBallmer hates that 30 17:12
twitterha haMar 30 17:12
anivartwitter:  See the response we gotMar 30 17:12
anivarMarino MarcichMar 30 17:12
anivarHello Arun: Thanks for the feedback. I can appreciate the intense interest in...Mar 30 17:12
anivarMar 30 17:12
anivar7:23 PM (57 minutes ago)Mar 30 17:12
anivarMarino MarcichLoading...Mar 30 17:12
anivar7:23 PM (57 minutes ago)Mar 30 17:12
anivarMarino MarcichMar 30 17:12
anivar to Arun, me, Anvar, Sasi, Venkatesh, bipasha.chakra., Vimal, Praveen, Santhosh, Sasidharan, Joseph, Biju, Satish, Nagarjuna, SajithMar 30 17:12
anivarMar 30 17:13
anivarshow details 7:23 PM (2 hours ago)Mar 30 17:13
anivarMar 30 17:13
anivarMar 30 17:13
anivarReply to allMar 30 17:13
anivarMar 30 17:13
anivarMar 30 17:13
anivarHello Arun: Thanks for the feedback. I can appreciate the intense interest in the award given the considerable efforts of so many who helped make the IT@School project a reality.Mar 30 17:13
anivar Mar 30 17:13
anivarTo be considered for the ODF Alliance Award, an individual or entity (project) must first be nominated. Anvar Sadath was nominated and received  the award as an individual in recognition of the IT@School project. We did not receive a nomination for the IT@School project itself or any other individual involved in the IT@School project. Regretfully, we are unable to issue awards to people or projects that aren’t nominated. Though there were a numbMar 30 17:13
anivarer of worthy candidates in this category (education) around the world and we regret not being able to recognize their work, we felt and continue to believe that the nomination received for Mr Sadath in recognition of the IT@School project was the best.Mar 30 17:13
anivar Mar 30 17:13
anivarThere was considerable discussion regarding open source in the emails that followed. Please note as well that the award is for work done on ODF, not open source. ODF is not the “OpenOffice format” (while recognizing its origins), nor is it open source or even software for that matter. It is an open standard for document formats that can be implemented in both open source and proprietary software. It is “free” in the sense that it is freelyMar 30 17:13
anivar available for implementation and use. Importantly, it comes with the “freedom” to choose from among many implementations, including but not limited to open source, and the freedom to migrate to a different brand of software if desired.Mar 30 17:13
anivar Mar 30 17:13
anivarWe recognize that any significant change of the kind witnessed in Kerala involves a team effort and the actions of hundreds of individuals. This award  is a global recognition of the teaching community in Kerala and its many achievements. In the write-up of the project we would be happy to acknowledge the many people involved in this effort. We hope that you and others in this community can share in the award in the spirit in which it was intendedMar 30 17:13
schestowitzanivar: 30 17:13
anivar. Sincerely,Mar 30 17:13
anivar Mar 30 17:13
anivarMarino MarcichMar 30 17:13
anivarODF AllianceMar 30 17:13
schestowitzanivar: it's easier for the to justify and move onMar 30 17:14
schestowitzLess workMar 30 17:15
schestowitzLess retractionMar 30 17:15
schestowitzSo they'll perfume their mistakeMar 30 17:15
schestowitzThe mysql server turns out to have been restarted 4 hours ago, maybe along with the whole serverMar 30 17:19
anivarthis is my replyMar 30 17:20
anivarDear Marino,Mar 30 17:20
anivarI just want to point  time line of IT@school Project & Its ODF Adoption for your clarity .Mar 30 17:20
anivar2004: Free Software Implementation in 8th Standard IT@school Project. Document Standard is sxw  . Text books mentions Both Windows & GNU/Linux. IT@school Project Director is Biju Prabhakar . SCERT Started Developing Free Software Only Text Books under the leadership of Satyapalan sir. Software FREE Software Foundation is Training Teachers with the support of Kerala School Teachers Association . IT@school uses a Debian Based Custom Distribution madMar 30 17:20
anivare by Vimal JosephMar 30 17:20
anivar2005: 9th Standard syllabus Completly moves to Free Software. Text books Only Covers Free Software. Document Standard SXW  IT@school Director: Biju Prabhakar  IT@School decided to move to new Debian sarge based Distribution. IT@school Initates EDUSAT under the leadership of Biju PrabhakarMar 30 17:20
anivar2006:  10th stanadrd also migrates to Free Software. New IT@school Distribution based on Debian Sarge included Open Office 2.0  (Which support ODF because of the peer pressure from Teachers) .  Texts books were developed by SCERT covers this Change in Curriculam. IT@school Director : Biju Prabhakar ( he is left in 2006 August)  SCERT 's  Team head : Satyapalan Sir (retired in May 2006 after the Text book  based on new Distribution & ODF i ready) .Mar 30 17:21
anivar  Next IT@School Director was Sankaranarayanan (short term) and then it was under DPI's controlMar 30 17:21
anivarAnwar Sadath Comes as IT@school director after this..   After all the ODF adoption is happened. Also it is worth to mention that ODF adoption is a Logical Followup of Open Office adoption happened in 2004Mar 30 17:21
anivarAlso it is worth to note that Kerala State Issued IT Policy in 2007 which clearly adopted ODF . Kerala Become first state in India adopted this change. Policy discussion  were started in 2006 itself. Also Kerala was the only state which wrote to BIS to vote against OOXML in ISO Standardisation ProcessMar 30 17:21
anivarBased on the above facts  you can clealy identify that Anvar does not have any role in ODF adoption too.  I consider this as a clear example of how award committees were misleaded by getting partial information.  I just want to ask ODF alliance that what ODF related activity you have seen to award Mr. Anvar sadath.Mar 30 17:21
anivarI consider the campaign for IT@schools Free Software Adoption (ODF also Comes as a part of that) is something similar to the fight against OOXML in ISO . Alot of people amoung us were part of both of these campaigns . Both vere bottom Up collective eforts by a lot of people without central Coordination Force. Biju Prabhakar & Satyapalan sir understood that  spirit in IT@School and facilitated the change.  What will be the reponse if someone decideMar 30 17:21
anivard to award Sun's CEO  for fight againt OOXML .Mar 30 17:21
anivarODF Alliance says  you awarded  person X for the act  A  . But Above facts proves that Act 'A' was done by another persons Y&Z . X was not on picture for that change.  You can provide technical reasons of absence/mistake in Nomination by an ODF alliance member as a face saving reason. But It again points to the credibility of award and the verification of Facts by award commitee.  We were trying to raise the issue in front of ODF Alliance becauseMar 30 17:21
anivarwe value the contributions of your Organisation.  we consider you act as a responsible organisation, which will take corrective measures, if the nomination sent by one of its member is misleading by providing only partial information. I really appreatiate the positive steps you suggested. I hope arun & Others must have a say on itMar 30 17:21
anivarschestowitz:  At first they Jagjith Bhattacharya From ODF alliance responded that  they will give award only to individualsMar 30 17:22
anivarthen Praveen Pointed the press release of ODF alliance which clearly says "individuals & entities"Mar 30 17:23
anivarNow they says technical reasons of nominationMar 30 17:23
twitterhmph.Mar 30 17:24
zer0c00lschestowitz, did you see comments section of 30 17:26
schestowitzanivar: I got your mail. Can I repost this in BN?Mar 30 17:26
anivarIthink it is better to postMar 30 17:27
anivarand make this dicussion as publicMar 30 17:27
schestowitzzer0c00l: yes, I think the guy's buddies are them to help himMar 30 17:27
schestowitzTo save faceMar 30 17:27
schestowitzanivar:  thank you.Mar 30 17:27
anivarjust checking commentsMar 30 17:27
twitterMy wife found this the other day.  It might not be perfectly appropriate but it's funny. 30 17:29
anivarA lot of teachers are irritated. But they dont want to show their neck out because anvar have a lot of political influenceMar 30 17:29
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 17:29
twitteryes, it's difficult to get people to stand up for themselves about something they see as so peripheral.Mar 30 17:30
schestowitzanivar: yes, I can imagine...Mar 30 17:31
zer0c00lanivar, saw your mail on fsf-friendsMar 30 17:31
zer0c00lthat RTI petitionMar 30 17:31
schestowitztwitter: I hate Nancy SinatraMar 30 17:31
twitterWe can't expect heroism, but we should reward and admire it where we see it and people must realize that they hang together or hang on their own.Mar 30 17:31
schestowitzI like her dad's musicMar 30 17:31
twitterwho does not?Mar 30 17:31
schestowitzBut this b* is lobbying fot the MAFIAAMar 30 17:31
schestowitzShe's working to extend copyrightsMar 30 17:31
schestowitzSo that she can sit on her bum making money from poppa's workMar 30 17:32
schestowitzHe's deadMar 30 17:32
schestowitzAnd it's not as though she's poorMar 30 17:32
schestowitzFrickin' hoardersMar 30 17:32
twitterReally?  Personally doing that shit or is her name used without permission by the usual MAFIAA contract terms?Mar 30 17:32
schestowitzYesMar 30 17:33
schestowitzThey love "superstars"Mar 30 17:33
schestowitzAs RMS puts itMar 30 17:33
schestowitzThey don't ask artists about copyright extensionMar 30 17:33
schestowitzThey invite some millionaire "superstars"Mar 30 17:33
schestowitzIOW, those who decide are a tiny majority of elitesMar 30 17:33
schestowitzNot musiciansMar 30 17:33
schestowitzMaybe just top 1%Mar 30 17:33
anivarzer0c00l:  It is a wonderful responseMar 30 17:34
schestowitzThe assumption is that the richer the singer, the better s/he knowsMar 30 17:34
twitterugh, really. 30 17:34
anivarschestowitz: 30 17:35
zer0c00lanivar, we already discussedMar 30 17:35
anivarthis is what zer0c00l tlking aboutMar 30 17:35
anivarzer0c00l: ThanksMar 30 17:35
zer0c00lsingle line responseMar 30 17:36
zer0c00li am going to file one against anna universityMar 30 17:36
anivarzer0c00l:  Yes. But it is a leagal evidence. we sent few more applicationsMar 30 17:36
anivarCIS is an interesting organsationMar 30 17:36
zer0c00l:-)Mar 30 17:36
zer0c00l 30 17:37
zer0c00lits my blog to fight against proprietary in educationMar 30 17:37
zer0c00l 30 17:37
*conley has quit ("Leaving.")Mar 30 17:37
anivarschestowitz:  Also I feel current  award selection process has severe pitfalls-the main one being lack of openness. In future I hope ODF alliance should also adopt a similar policy.  It will be good if you can raise itMar 30 17:37
schestowitzMe?Mar 30 17:38
schestowitzI don't want to bother them too muchMar 30 17:38
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 30 17:38
anivarschestowitz:  Ok then we will do itMar 30 17:38
anivarzer0c00l:  I know NRC FOSS very vellMar 30 17:39
zer0c00lohMar 30 17:39
zer0c00lanivar, you with themMar 30 17:39
anivarAU-KBC centre works better than the CDAC centreMar 30 17:39
zer0c00l:PMar 30 17:39
zer0c00lohMar 30 17:39
zer0c00lbut i got frustrated as they are still keeping foss as an electiveMar 30 17:40
anivarzer0c00l:  I am not with anyone. But  there are 2 NRC fOSS . One is CDACs ISON south asia nodeMar 30 17:40
zer0c00land they failed to stop the deal between M$ and anna universityMar 30 17:40
anivarwhich releases BOSS ., They are just eating public money and produces nothingMar 30 17:40
zer0c00lBOSS==CRAPMar 30 17:40
zer0c00lyesMar 30 17:40
zer0c00lanivar, i agreeMar 30 17:40
anivarzer0c00l:  AU-KBC is comparatively better because they atleast do something and have a link with community in some wayMar 30 17:41
zer0c00lyes , kenneth gonsalves is a contributerMar 30 17:41
zer0c00lhe is from AU-KBCMar 30 17:41
anivarKenneth does the community linkages in better way. But they inherits the problems of beurocratic setupMar 30 17:42
anivarTheir Project was over in Last september. All Funds were finsihsed and Most of the employees leftMar 30 17:42
zer0c00lohMar 30 17:42
anivarand they closed down. This year they got funds for next 3 yearsMar 30 17:43
zer0c00lbut he usually pull people into flame war in mailing list and mostly he attacks people personallyMar 30 17:43
zer0c00li hate thatMar 30 17:43
zer0c00li would like to show you a ilug-c mailing list archiveMar 30 17:43
zer0c00lyesMar 30 17:43
zer0c00lanivar, i heard about thatMar 30 17:43
schestowitztwitter might be interested in this thing someone mailed me: "Ballmer keynote address -- [Bobby Johnson gets a man.crush on SteveO ]Mar 30 17:45
schestowitz'Among the more significant changes, however, was a new distribution deal with computer manufacturer Dell. The deal will see a slew of Microsoft products – including Windows Live search – pre-loaded onto all consumer machines from the Texan PC maker'Mar 30 17:45
schestowitz[The Google killer don't ya think, MS finally embed into the OS and apps. Will there be a toolbar in all the apps. I don't know. Download and take a look.Mar 30 17:45
schestowitzIt's the one real 'innovation' MS ever did invernt themselves, how to leverage the Windows to give their own stuff pre-eminence on their desktop, to the detriment of the other players. They can collect what crumbs that fall from the table.Mar 30 17:45
schestowitzPersonally I see the PC as obsolete, we should have all moved onto embedded solutions, running what ever OS and GUI that all talk to each other through truly open protocols.]Mar 30 17:45
schestowitz The man looks jaded, nothing as pathetic as an over-the-hill trying to act young. When are they going to figure out that there's is no wizard behind the curtain. "Mar 30 17:45
anivarzer0c00l:  But he have some genuine . Dont target personally. Appreciate work.Mar 30 17:45
zer0c00lyes he is a python geniusMar 30 17:45
zer0c00li stopped writing in that blogMar 30 17:46
anivarwe all involve in Flame wars. it is because we believes deeply into somethingMar 30 17:46
zer0c00l 30 17:46
anivarzer0c00l:  I have to leave nowMar 30 17:47
*anivar is leavingMar 30 17:47
zer0c00lokMar 30 17:47
zer0c00lanivar,Mar 30 17:47
zer0c00lbyeMar 30 17:47
zer0c00lcyaMar 30 17:47
zer0c00lnice chatting with youMar 30 17:47
*anivar has quit ("Ex-Chat")Mar 30 17:48
schestowitzLies, damned lies and inflation statistics < >Mar 30 17:50
schestowitzhere is the bully who is giving vmware to Microsoft: EMC's next CEO - a Tucci subject < >Mar 30 17:50
schestowitzTomTom sells out: 30 17:52
zer0c00lg2gMar 30 17:56
zer0c00lbyeMar 30 17:57
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 30 17:57
Balrogschestowitz: not good at allMar 30 17:57
Balrogany comments?Mar 30 17:58
balzacI noticed someone with the pseudonym paulgask1n in my ##bawd channelMar 30 17:58
balzacsome chump was trying to stress meMar 30 17:58
balzacbut I've already disclosed my identity here on freenode, in this channel, on every blog I blog as "balzac"Mar 30 17:59

Recent Techrights' Posts

Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
As usual, IBM does not talk about this
Microsoft Has Not Much Left to Show Investors, Shares Fall Almost 20%
It's not even clear how Microsoft makes money anymore
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): The OSI Election is Rigged, Biased Against People Who Oppose the Openwashing of GPL-Violating Bots Operated by Microsoft for Profit (OSI Gets Paid to Promote This)
they reckon that pretence of calm would serve them best, helped by puff pieces
Links 11/03/2025: Covid-19 5 Years On and Violence in Syria
Links for the day
Links 11/03/2025: NASA Besieged and "DOGE Has Become What It Claimed To Destroy"
Links for the day
Illuminating Injustice is Critical When Reckless Microsofters and Law Firms Try to Silence Reporters of Violence Against Women
I want to clarify that I'm well within my right (and not running afoul of any rules) by explaining what goes on here
EPO Central Staff Committee: "The Strategy of the Office Lacks Transparency and Cannot be Understood"
Microsoft and the EPO violate data protection laws
Links 11/03/2025: Spring and Misfin Server
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 10, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 10, 2025
Latvia (and Lithuania) Stepping Away From GAFAM, Microsoft
Windows becomes unessential as Android and GNU/Linux rise
Microsoft Layoffs Are Infectious (Don't Get Acquired or Become a Partner)
It seems like companies choosing to become "buddies" with Microsoft are dooming themselves and their products
A Closer Look Inside the EPO, Courtesy of Benoît Battistelli's Submissive Lapdogs Roberta Romano-Götsch and Elodie Bergot
new report comes from the Local Staff Committee Munich (LSCMN)
In Vietnam, statCounter Sees Microsoft Windows Falling Below 7% "Market Share"
Can Microsoft still demand $500 or more per Windows licence?
Links 10/03/2025: Staff Strikes, Mass Layoffs in Gaming Industry
Links for the day
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: "Eat The Rich" and Two-Year Anniversary of the 'Space Elevator' Orbit (Like 'Webring')
Links for the day
Links 10/03/2025: Small Web Praised, LLM Chatbots Exposed as Worse Than Useless Again
Links for the day
A Call for GNU/Linux and BSD Developers to Unite Against GAFAM and the Regime They Empower
We have long encouraged and continue to encourage people who value Software Freedom to altogether boycott GAFAM
The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
Devalue what's true, promote marketing?
[Video] Richard Stallman on the Four Essential Freedoms (Manuel Cuda News, 2025)
Added to a channel several days ago by Manuel Cuda News
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: Realisation About Young People, Punks, and Discord IPO
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025
[Video] Richard Stallman on Understanding the Misconception of So-called 'Artificial Intelligence'
to "know and understand"
FSF's Defective by Design (DBD): Amazon Tightens the Digital Handcuffs
Reproduced verbatim
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Plenty of Issues, Plenty of Censorship
The OSI is abusive on many levels!
EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
In prior reports the staff representatives said that rewards typically went to people who granted many patents, i.e. didn't do proper examination and instead just allowed many fake patents get enshrined as EPs, causing fiasco (from which some patent attorneys could profit)
As The Web Gets Drowned Out, Sinking in a Pool of LLM Slop, Real News Sites With Real News Become Increasingly Rare If Not Extinct
This is a real problem
Links 09/03/2025: Moderna Patents Thrown Out, Climate United Sues E.P.A.
Links for the day
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Lagrange 1.18.5 and Writing Mannerisms
Links for the day
Links 09/03/2025: FiveThirtyEight Killed by Disney, Nature (Journal) Chooses Suicide by Slop
Links for the day
Links 08/03/2025: International Women's Day, Software Patents Being Squashed
Links for the day
Hiding Problems Doesn't Work
transparent organisations will be more stable and sustainable
The Harder They Try to Censor, the Bigger the Scandal (and the Impact) Will Be
We don't plan to self-censor our coverage; sometimes we just delay publication a little
Gemini Links 09/03/2025: Leasehold Derangement Syndrome, Raspberry Pi, and More
Links for the day
All-Time Low for Microsoft in Africa
it helps show how irrelevant Microsoft is becoming
French woman (frontaliere) trafficked to promote unauthorised cross border Swiss insurance
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
New York Times & Guardian reporting on Modern Slavery Act prosecution of Glodi Wabelua
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Diana & Adrian von Bidder-Senn, EVP, Palm Sunday & Debian death on wedding day
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
The RTO (Return-to-office) Layoffs or 'Soft' Layoffs at IBM and Red Hat
There are certainly many layoffs going on there, but many are described as "resignations" or "retirements" after RTO or some other form of relocation
Under the Pen Name "John O'Donnell" (LLM Slop, Not Real Article or Author) LinuxLinks Pushes Spammy Page
it happened some hours ago.
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, March 08, 2025
IRC logs for Saturday, March 08, 2025