Xamarin is Still All About Microsoft, Still Excluding GNU/Linux
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2015-11-18 14:35:07 UTC
- Modified: 2015-11-18 14:35:07 UTC

via Wikipedia but with the GIMP treatment
Summary: The de facto Microsoft satellite known as Xamarin reveals that it is still little more than a Microsoft mobile division
LAST MONTH we wrote about
Xamarin's absorption of a FOSS Android tool, which quickly turned proprietary (almost instantaneously while takeover negotiations took place). Xamarin Studio, like a lot of Xamarin's proprietary software, does nor even run on GNU/Linux. There is hardly any pretence anymore that
Miguel de Icaza and his Microsoft-connected ilk even care about FOSS. These
traitors show their true colours and disdain for anything FOSS.
"There is hardly any pretence anymore that Miguel de Icaza and his Microsoft-connected ilk even care about FOSS."According to Microsoft's booster at El Reg (Anderson), the latest release from Xamarin still has no Java, just Microsoft lock-in like .NET, XAML, etc. To quote his piece:
Xamarin releases version 4.0 of its cross-platform mobile developer suite
The company has grown rapidly, since it solves a problem for Microsoft-platform developers who now need to target mobile, especially following the failure of Windows Phone to achieve significant market share. "We have over 10,000 customers, 350 consulting partners and 2,000 integration partners," Friedman told the Reg.
When will everyone recognise that the real motivation at Xamarin is serving as some kind of Microsoft satellite or proxy? Nothing good has come of Xamarin since
Novell dumped (laid off all the employees of) Mono and
a firm/VC connected to Microsoft became its sugar daddy.