Summary: The Battistelli-leaning patent trolls' lobby (IAM) already starts, just as we expected, the Spanish 'flavour' of UPC propaganda
KNOWING THAT Joff Wild loves posting on a Sunday afternoon and knowing his EPO bias (payments included), we were not at all surprised to find Wild's latest wild piece from Sunday afternoon (the headline is "A new government in Spain reopens the possibility that the country may sign up to the UPC"). We saw that coming (we correctly predicted the time, author and nature of this a couple of days ago). As expected, Joff Wild starts with his pro-UPC screed again; there's a relatively moderate headline, but the toxic part is the body. Here's some restraint: "Of course, this does not mean that were a vote to be held on UPC membership under present circumstances there would be a similar result. Backing something in theory is not the same as approving its real-life implementation. As we have discussed before, there are powerful voices and vested interests in Spain that do very well out of things as they are; while politically it may not suit parties to hand PSOE legislative victories."
"The positions of the Spanish people and businesses have not changed."Then comes the same old UPC mythology (there's too much text there to rebut it all, but it's doable in theory). For instance, take the following lie: "Against that, though, Spain might well have a lot more to gain by being on the inside of the UPC rather than on the outside."
Not really, it would expose Spanish businesses to patent trolls' lawsuits. The positions of the Spanish people and businesses have not changed. This is sheer opportunism from Team UPC. ⬆