THE links from the video and bits of context can be found in the article that was published earlier today. The purpose of the video is to show the sorts of thing people are presented with in the Ubuntu blog (we're including a screenshot below).
Partnerships with Microsoft never work out well for anyone (other than Microsoft executives). Time after time they totally destroy companies by partnering with them (Palm, Nokia, Novell to name a few) and Mark Shuttleworth may think that he's somehow "special" or invulnerable to Microsoft's criminal behaviour. A bit less than a decade ago Ubuntu was still mainstream among GNU/Linux distributions; that was before some of the more controversial moves by Canonical, ranging from the Amazon scandal to the Microsoft flirtations. Those flirtations became worse in subsequent years as Canonical started all sorts of projects that flagrantly helped Windows. It was around that time that Microsoft weaponised the media with the "loves Linux" nonsense and later infiltrated the Linux Foundation. ⬆