Bonum Certa Men Certa

7,000 spam messages & Debian Day Volunteer Suicide

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Mar 06, 2024

Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock.

The latest revelation in the story of Frans Pop, the Debian Day Volunteer Suicide victim, is that he was given the tedious chore of cleaning 7,000 spam messages from the Debian archives.

Subject: Re: Death of Frans Pop
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 15:13:10 +0200
From: Cord Beermann <>
Organization: Wunder-Nett - Community Of Alternative Communication

Hallo! Du (Martin Zobel-Helas) hast geschrieben:
We worked together in the Listmasterteam, where Frans concentrated on the listarchive. He laid the grounds for the Spam-Removal-Effort and reviewed more than 7000 articles in the archive. I'm shocked and sad.
>I would like to suggest that the project sends a bouquet to funeral.
I second this, Cord

Here is one of Frans' last messages about this tedious chore. More details are in wiki pages. Reviewing spam messages sounds a lot like cleaning the toilets at FOSDEM. Why was there pressure on a volunteer to do a task like this? This mountain of spam messages existed on top of the enormous flame wars on debian-private, another possible factor in the suicide.

It is interesting to contrast Pop's burden with the tasks assigned to Outreachy candidates. While Pop wasn't paid anything, the Albanian woman photographed next to Chris Lamb at the DebConf19 dinner was paid $6,000 for sending approximately 100 emails to DebConf sponsors. Here is her report on her blog:

These weeks I have been reaching out to nearly 100 possible sponsors around the globe, sending them the sponsorship email based on a template that I had been working on during the application phase of Outreachy. Every change or update about everything related to the conference is documented in a Debian repo, which has made me improve my skills on using git commands and learn many more commands that make my work easier.

This is another huge insult to Pop and other volunteers: Lamb paid the woman to learn how to do things that other volunteers are doing for free.

The woman in question received numerous free trips to tech conferences. Frans Pop was excluded from the same release dedication granted to other contributors such as Joel Klecker, Thiemo Seufer and Ian Murdock.

Who benefits from the tedious chores performed by gullible volunteers?

In 2022, Software in the Public Interest, Inc filed an opposition against the Debian trademark registration in Switzerland. As a basis for their application, they claim that Debian is a well known trademark under the Paris Convention. To justify this claim, they submitted the following list of companies exploiting Frans Pop & Debian. How many of these companies have a Modern Slavery Policy?

Is there Modern Slavery in Debian and Open Source?

Debian, Software in the Public Interest, trademark, cyberbullying

Come già riportato nell’incipit del presente paragrafo, la nascita del progetto DEBIAN risale al 1997, ed ogni paese ha al proprio interno una comunità attiva di sviluppatori volontari che si occupano di progettare,
testare e distribuire programmi basati sul sistema operativo multipiattaforma DEBIAN per i più svariati usi;
ogni anno, a partire dal 2004, come visibile qui è stata organizzata una conferenza
internazionale alla quale partecipano tutti gli sviluppatori volontari che fanno parte delle diverse comunità
nazionali attive in ciascun paese del mondo (la lista dei paesi è visibile nel macrogruppo Entries by region ed
annovera, inter alia, Svizzera, Francia, Germania, Italia, Regno Unito, Polonia, Austria, Spagna, Norvegia,
Belgio, USA ecc, oltre ad estendersi a Sud est asiatico, all’Africa e all’America Latina).

Consultando, ad esempio, il documento DebConf13 - Sponsors relativo alla conferenza per l’anno 2013 visibile nella Section Swiss Debian Community, si nota che fra i numerosi sponsor spiccano Google, la arcinota società creatrice del famosissimo ed omonimo motore di ricerca, e HP, il noto produttore di hardware; allo stesso modo, consultando il documento DebConf15 - Sponsors visibile nella Section European Debian Community, fra gli sponsor della conferenza per l’anno 2015, è possibile annoverare nuovamente Google, HP oltre a IBM, il noto produttore di software e hardware, VALVE, il noto distributore di videogiochi online, Fujitsu, il noto produttore di hardware, nonché BMW GROUP, il noto produttore di autoveicoli. Per quanto concerne l’ultima conferenza svoltasi appunto nel 2022, visionando il documento DebConf22 sponsorship brochure visibile nella Section European Debian Community, è possibile annoverare tra gli sponsor, oltre a Google, anche Lenovo, il noto produttore di hardware, e Infomaniak, il più grande fornitore di hosting per siti internet della Svizzera (tale azienda, oltre ad aver sponsorizzato numerose edizioni della conferenza annuale, offre anche servizi di streaming e video on demand, ospitando più di 200.000 domini, 150.000 siti web e 350 stazioni radio/TV).
La stessa tipologia di informazioni, a livello europeo, può essere rinvenuta consultando la voce Entries in section European Debian Communiy nella sezione Entries by section.
Fra gli altri sponsor di cui alle diverse conferenze tenutesi annualmente, si annoverano, inoltre, l’Università di Zurigo-Dipartimento di informatica, il Politecnico di Zurigo-Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica, la PricewaterhouseCooper (notissima società di revisione), Amazon Web Services (la piattaforma di cloud computing e servizi web di proprietà di Amazon, la arcinota società di commercio elettronico statunitense), Roche (la nota casa farmaceutica), Univention Corporate Server (nota società tedesca produttrice di software open source per la gestione di infrastrutte informatiche complesse), Hitachi (noto produttore di hardware) il Cantone di Neuchâtel ecc., oltre ad un nutrito numero di altre società private ed altri enti; per una panoramica delle conferenze annuali tenutesi negli ultimi dieci anni è possibile osservare la relativa documentazione promozionale filtrando le Categories e cercando la voce Community – DebConf.
Osservando inoltre il macro gruppo Entries by year, è stato anche raccolto materiale volto a coprire l’ultimo decennio di attività, 2012/2022, del progetto DEBIAN compiegando documenti provenienti da diverse fonti della stampa specializzata e non, attestazioni da parte di Università e Centri di ricerca nazionali ed esteri, attestazioni da parte di utilizzatori del software DEBIAN per la propria attività imprenditoriale/commerciale ecc.
Il software DEBIAN di SPI è infatti utilizzato sia da numerose società private in Svizzera e nella Unione Europea, sia da numerosi enti istituzionali e di ricerca attivi nei più svariati ambiti.
I documenti disponibili nella Entries by section alla voce Cooperation with private companies in Switzerland mostrano infatti come LIIP una nota società svizzera (con sedi a Losanna, Friburgo, Berna, Basilea, Zurigo e San Gallo) attiva nella prestazione di servizi connessi alla rete internet quali, ad esempio, registrazione di domini per siti internet, configurazione di Server, servizi di hosting e per la creazione di siti web, campagne pubblicitarie via internet, gestione dei social network, sia anch’essa una utilizzatrice di Debian e, fra l’altro, anche uno degli sponsor delle conferenze annuali degli sviluppatori volontari.
Un altro documento incluso sotto la stessa voce, Debian Training Courses in Switzerland, mostra come vengano tenuti corsi di formazione sul software DEBIAN; sempre sotto la stessa voce, il documento Microsoft Azure available from new cloud regions in Switzerland for all customers mostra come il servizio di cloud computing di Microsoft (notissimo produttore di software), Microsot Azure, offra il software DEBIAN tra la selezione dei software messi a disposizione.
Sempre sotto la stessa voce, per mostrare la trasversalità e la permeazione del software DEBIAN in tutti i settori delle cerchie interessate, vi sono documenti che attestano, ad esempio, come un centro osteopatico a Losanna, operi con server dotati del software DEBIAN, che la casa editrice Ringier AG di Zurigo attiva nei mercati di quotidiani, periodici, televisione, web e raccolta pubblicitaria si sia occupata del software DEBIAN e che Lenovo (noto produttore di hardware) si sia interessato anch’esso al software DEBIAN.
I documenti disponibili nella Entries by section alla voce Cooperation with private companies in the European Union mostrano la notorietà del software DEBIAN presso svariate società localizzate in diversi paesi europei, ad esempio, Logikon labs in Grecia, Servicio Técnico, Open Tech S.L in Spagna, ALTISCENE, Logilab, Bureau d'études et valorisations archéologiques Éveha in Francia, 99ideas e Roan Agencja Interaktywna in Polonia, Mendix Technology in Olanda; in ragione del numero particolarmente elevato di documenti, pari a 135 unità, si invita pertanto a prendere visione dell’elevato di società piccole, medie e grandi che vedono il software DEBIAN alla base dei loro sistemi informatici.
Consultando le voci Research & Papers, Institutional/Governmental cooperation e Miscellaneous nella sezione Entries by section, si possono rinvenire una serie di documenti inerenti articoli divulgativi, scientifici, saggi di ricerca, abstract di tesi, monografie, brevi guide ecc., aventi ad oggetto il software DEBIAN, realizzati, inter alia, dal Politecnico di Zurigo, dall’Università di Edimburgo, dall’Università di Oxford, dall’EPFL di Losanna, dalla Università di Ginevra, dall’Università di Roma Tor Vergata, dall’European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble, dal WSL Istituto per lo studio della neve e delle valanghe SLF di Davos, dall’Università Politécnica di Madrid, dalla Scuola Specializzata Superiore di Economia-Sezione di Informatica di Gestione del Canton Ticino, dalla Unione internazionale delle telecomunicazioni di Ginevra, dalla BBC del Regno Unito, dal CERN di Ginevra, dall’Università di Glasgow, dalla Università di Durham ecc.
Le voci Swiss press coverage e European press coverage nella sezione Entries by section includono una rassegna stampa, sia a livello svizzero sia a livello europeo, inerente articoli aventi ad oggetto il software DEBIAN, inter alia, da parte di, Swiss IT Magazine, RTS Info, Corriere della Sera, Linux Magazine,,, The Guardian, la BBC, L’Espresso, Il Disinformatico (blog amministrato dal noto giornalista ticinese Paolo Attivissimo), Linux user,,, ,, Linux Magazine, ecc.
Verificando le voci Attestation & Statements by third parties, Switzerland, nella colonna Entries by section, si nota come diversi attori facenti parte delle cerchie commerciali determinanti, composte da consumatori, canali di distribuzione e commercianti, abbiano reso esplicite attestazioni di notorietà e conoscenza del marchio DEBIAN in Svizzera per i prodotti rivendicati nella classe 9 (“Logiciels de système d'exploitation et centres publics de traitement de l'information.”):
- il WSL Istituto per lo studio della neve e delle valanghe SLF di Davos; - il Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Zurigo; - il provider di servizi internet di Basilea; - il centro osteopatico Osteo 7/7 con sedi a Losanna e Ginevra; - il CERN di Ginevra per il tramite dell’Ing. Javier Serrano in qualità di BE-CEM - Electronics Design and Low-level software (EDL) Section Leader presso il CERN; - il più grande fornitore di hosting per siti internet della Svizzera (tale azienda offre anche servizi di streaming e video on demand, ospitando più di 200.000 domini, 150.000 siti web e 350 stazioni radio/TV) per il tramite del CEO di Boris Siegenthaler; - nota società svizzera (con sedi a Losanna, Friburgo, Berna, Basilea, Zurigo e San Gallo) attiva nella prestazione di servizi connessi alla rete internet quali, ad esempio, registrazione di domini per siti internet, configurazione di Server, servizi di hosting e per la creazione di siti web, campagne pubblicitarie via internet e gestione dei social network, per il tramite del cofondatore e partner di LIIP Gerhard Andrey; - notissimo produttore di software e servizi cloud (Windows, Microsoft Azure ecc.), per il tramite di Sarah Novotny, Direttrice della strategia Open Source di Microsoft; - notissimo produttore di software e servizi cloud (Windows, Microsoft Azure ecc.), per il tramite dell’Ing. KY Srinivasan quale Distinguished Engineer di Microsoft; - notissimo produttore di software e servizi cloud (Windows, Microsoft Azure ecc.), per il tramite dell’Ing. Joshua Poulson quale Program Manager di Microsoft; - il CERN di Ginevra per il tramite del Dr. Axel Nauman in qualità di Senior applied physicist and ROOT Project Leader presso il CERN; - uno dei principali fornitori di software open source nei settori della gestione delle identità e dell'integrazione e distribuzione delle applicazioni in Europa e Svizzera, che conta migliaia di utenti e organizzazioni partner, per il tramite del CEO di Uninvention Peter H. Ganten.
Alla voce, sottostante a quella di cui sopra, verificando le voci Attestation & Statements by third parties, European Union, nella colonna Entries by section, si nota come diversi attori facenti parte delle cerchie commerciali determinanti, composte da consumatori, canali di distribuzione e commercianti, abbiano reso esplicite attestazioni di notorietà e conoscenza del marchio DEBIAN in Europa per i prodotti rivendicati nella classe 9 (“Logiciels de système d'exploitation et centres publics de traitement de l'information.”) per un totale di ben 146 records (di cui si riportano i primi 25 qui di seguito):
- il Rost-Lab Bioinformatics Group dell’Università tedesca di Monaco; - la società greca Logikon Labs di Atene; - il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università italiana di Roma Tor Vergata; - la società spagnola Servicio Técnico, Open Tech SL di Las Palmas; - la società francese ALTISCENE di Tolosa; - la società polacca Zakład Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami w Dzielnicy Mokotów di Varsavia; - la società francese Logilab di Parigi; - la società svedese di Göteborg; - l’ente francese ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) di Grenoble; - la società austriaca di Graz; - la società polacca di Poznan; - l’organizzazione no-profit francese TuxFamily; - l’ente tedesco LINKES FORUM di Kreis; - la società polacca di Gliwice; - il Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Sistemas Informáticos (Facultad de Informática), dell’Universidad Politécnica spagnola di Madrid; - la società italiana Reware Soc. Coop di Roma; - la società polacca Roan Agencja Interaktywna di Gorzów; - la società slovacca RoDi Zilina; - la società olandese Mendix Technology di Rotterdam; - l’ente francese Bureau d'études et valorisations archéologiques Éveha di Limoges; - la società olandese AlterWeb; - l’Electronics Research Group dell’Università inglese di Aberdeen; - la società olandese MrHostman di Montfoort; - la società polacca System rezerwacji online Nakiedy di Gdansk; oltre, come detto, alle restanti testimonianze e attestazioni rese dalle più disparate società e diversi enti pubblici e privati aventi base/sede, rispettivamente, in Svizzera, Italia, Germania, Regno Unito, Francia, Polonia, Austria, Spagna, Olanda, Norvegia, Belgio, Repubblica Ceca, Svezia, Bulgaria, Grecia, Finlandia, Kosovo, Slovacchia, Bosnia, Danimarca, Ungheria, Lituania, Romania, di cui invitiamo a prendere visione.
Per dimostrare sia a livello nominativo, dimostrando inoltre la diffusione numericamente quantitativa, degli utilizzatori del software DEBIAN, si riporta di seguito un estratto del sito web del progetto DEBIAN tramite il quale si possono scorrere tutte le attestazioni volontariamente lasciate sul sito del progetto DEBIAN dagli utilizzatori finali (ciascun nominativo è un link interattivo al sito, di diversa estrazione, del software DEBIAN:
Istituzioni educative (educational)
Commerciali (commercial) Organizzazioni non-profit (non-profit) Enti statali (government) Istituzioni educative (educational) Electronics Research Group, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland General Students' Committee (AStA), Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany Athénée Royal de Gembloux, Gembloux, Belgium Computer Science, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, UK CEIC, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy Mexican Space Weather Service (SCiESMEX), Geophysics Institute campus Morelia (IGUM), National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico COC Araraquara, Brazil Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Sistemas Informáticos (Facultad de Informática), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Genomics Research Group, CRIBI - Università di Padova, Italy Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy Nucleo Lab, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA Infowebhosting, Perugia, Italy Medical Information System Laboratory, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan Bioinformatics & Theo. Biology Group, Dept. of Biology, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific, Indonesia Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales, Universidad Nac. de Cordoba, Argentina Laboratorio di Calcolo e Multimedia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy Department of Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Lycée Molière, Belgium Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany Computer Department, Model Engineering College, Cochin, India Medicina - Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina Artificial Intelligence Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Montana Tech, Butte, Montana, USA Mittelschule, Montessoriverein Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany Laboratory GQE-Le Moulon / CNRS / INRAE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Department of Measurement and Control Technology MRT (Department of Mechanical Engineering), University of Kassel, Germany Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, Tamilnadu, India Spanish Bioinformatics Institute, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Madrid, Spain NI, Núcleo de Informática, Brazil Software & Networking Lab, National University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine Parallel Processing Group, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece Departamento de Matemática -- Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil Departamento de Informática -- Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil Protein Design Group, National Center for Biotechnology, Spain Rost Lab/Bioinformatics Group, Technical University of Munich, Germany Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria Don Bosco Technical Institute, Sunyani, Ghana Instituto de Robótica y Automática, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, University of Sevilla, Spain Computer Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Iran Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Padova, Italy School of Mathematics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India Department of Computer and Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India Library and IT Services, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands Computer Science Department, Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut, USA Turnkey IT Training Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka. System Department, University of Santander, Cúcuta, Colombia Academic Administration, Universidad de El Salvador, El Salvador Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok, Indonesia Laboratoire de Chimie physique, CNRS UMR 8000, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France Dirección de Tecnología e Informática, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA Laboratoire VERIMAG, CNRS/Grenoble INP/Université Joseph Fourier, France Centre for Information Technology, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic Game Development Club, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA, USA
Commerciali (commercial)
IT Department, 100ASA Srl, Dragoni, Italy 99ideas, Gliwice, Poland Tech Dept, ABC Startsiden AS, Oslo, Norway Admins.CZ, Prague, Czech Republic, United Kingdom Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Wiktor Gamracki, Rzeszów, Poland Adwokat radca prawny, Poznan Lodz, Poland AFR@NET, Tehran, Iran African Lottery, Cape Town, South Africa AKAOMA Consulting, France Alfabet Sukcesu, Lubliniec, Poland AlterWeb Altiria, Spain ALTISCENE, Toulouse, France Anykey Solutions, Sweden JSC VS, Russia Apache Auto Parts Incorporated, Parma USA Applied Business Solutions, São Paulo, Brazil Archiwwwe, Stockholm, Sweden Computational Archaeology Division, Arc-Team, Cles, Italy Articulate Labs, Inc., Dallas, TX, US Athena Capital Research, USA Atrium 21 Sp. z o.o. Warsaw, Poland Co. AUSA, Almacenes Universales SA, Cuba Agencja interaktywna Avangardo, Szczecin, Poland Axigent Technologies Group, Inc., Amarillo, Texas, USA Ayonix, Inc., Japan AZ Imballaggi S.r.l., Pontedera, Italy Backblaze Inc, USA Baraco Compañia Anónima, Venezuela Big Rig Tax, USA BioDec, Italy bitName, Italy BMR Genomics, Padova, Italy B-Open Solutions srl, Italy Braithwaite Technology Consultants Inc., Canada BrandLive, Warsaw, Poland web developers, Catalonia, Spain Camping Porticciolo, Bracciano (Rome), Italy CAROL - Cooperativa dos Agricultores da Região de Orlândia, Orlândia, São Paulo, Brazil Centros de Desintoxicación 10, Grupo Dropalia, Alicante, Spain Charles Retina Institute, Tennessee, USA Chrysanthou & Chrysanthou LLC, Nicosia, Cyprus CIE ADEMUR, Spain CLICKPRESS Internet agency, Iserlohn, Germany Code Enigma Companion Travel LLC, Tula, Russia Computación Integral, Chile Computerisms, Yukon, Canada CRX LTDA, Santiago, Chile CyberCartes, Marseilles, France DataPath Inc. - Software Solutions for Employee Benefit Plans, USA Datasul Paranaense, Curitiba PR, Brazil Internal IT, Dawan, France DEQX, Australia Diciannove Soc. Coop., Italy DigitalLinx, Kansas City, MO, USA Directory Wizards Inc, Delaware, USA IT / Sales Department, Diversicom Corp of Riverview, USA Dubiel Vitrum, Rabka, Rabka, Poland Eactive, Wroclaw, Poland eCompute Corporation, Japan Agencja Interaktywna Empressia, Poznan, Poland, Buenos Aires, Argentina Eniverse, Warsaw, Poland Epigenomics, Berlin, Germany Essential Systems, UK Ethan Clark Air Conditioning, Houston, Texas, USA EuroNetics Operation KB, Sweden Bureau d'études et valorisations archéologiques Éveha, Limoges, France Fahrwerk Kurierkollektiv UG, Berlin, Germany Faunalia, AP, Italy Flamingo Agency, Chicago, IL, USA Freeside Internet Services, Inc., USA Frogfoot Networks, South Africa French Travel Organisation, Nantes, France Fusion Marketing, Cracow, Poland IT, Geodata Danmark, Denmark GigaTux, London, UK Globalways AG, Germany GNUtransfer - GNU Hosting, Mar del Plata, Argentina G.O.D. Gesellschaft für Organisation und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Germany Goodwin Technology, Springvale, Maine, USA GPLHost LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA; GPLHost UK LTD, London, United Kingdom; GPLHost Networks PTE LTD, Singapore, Singapore Hermes IT, Romania HeureKA -- Der EDV Dienstleister, Austria HostingChecker, Varna, Bulgaria Hostsharing eG (Cooperation), Germany Hotel in Rome, Foggia, Italy Huevo Vibrador, Madrid, Spain ICNS, X-tec GmbH, Germany Instasent, Madrid, Spain IT outsourcing department, InTerra Ltd., Russian Federation, Cosenza, Italy Iskon Internet d.d., Croatia IT Lab, Foggia, Italy Keliweb SRL, Cosenza, Italy Kosmetyczny Outlet, KosmetycznyOutlet, Wroclaw, Poland sp. z o.o, Kleszczow, Poland Linden Lab, San Francisco, California, USA Linode, USA, Rendek Online Media, Australia Linuxlabs, Krakow, Poland IT services, Lixper S.r.L., Italy Logikon Labs, Athens, Greece Logilab, Paris, France Madkom Ltd. (Madkom Sp. z o.o.), Poland Inmobiliaria Mar Menuda SA, Tossa de Mar, Spain IT Services, Medhurst Communications Ltd, UK Media Design, The Netherlands Mediasecure, London, United Kingdom Megaserwis S.C. Serwis laptopów i odzyskiwanie danych, Warsaw, Poland Mendix Technology, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Mobusi Mobile Performance Advertising, Los Angeles, California, USA Molino Harinero Sula, S.A., Honduras MrHostman, Montfoort, The Netherlands MTTM La Fraternelle, France System rezerwacji online Nakiedy, Gdansk, Poland New England Ski Areas Council, USA IT Ops, NG Communications bvba, Kortenberg, Belgium nPulse Technologies, LLC, Charlottesville, VA, USA Oktet Labs, Saint Petersburg, Russia One-Eighty Out, Incorporated, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Servicio Técnico, Open Tech S.L., Las Palmas, Spain Web Hosting, Basel, Switzerland Osteo 7/7, Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland IT Department, OutletPC, Henderson, NV, USA Parkyeri, Istanbul, Turkey Pelagicore AB, Gothenburg, Sweden Development and programming,, Spain PingvinBolt webshop, Hungary DeliveryHero Holding GmbH, IT System Operations, Berlin, Germany Portantier Information Security, Buenos Aires, Argentina Pouyasazan, Isfahan-Iran PR International Ltd, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, UK PROBESYS, Grenoble, France Agencja interaktywna Prodesigner, Szczecin, Poland Questia Media RatujLaptopa, Warsaw, Poland The Register, Situation Publishing, UK NOC, RG3.Net, Brazil RHX Studio Associato, Italy Roan Agencja Interaktywna, Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland RoDi, Zilina, Slovakia Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Italy Industrial Router Group, RuggedCom, Canada RV-studio, Zielonka, Poland S4 Hosting, Lithuania Salt Edge Inc., Toronto, Canada Ing. Salvatore Capolupo, Cosenza, Italy Santiago Engenharia LTDA, Brazil SCA Packaging Deutschland Stiftung & Co. KG, IS Department (HO-IS), Germany Overstep SRL, Via Marco Simone, 80 00012 Guidonia Montecelio, Rome, Italy ServerHost, Bucharest, Romania, a.s., Czech Republic Shellrent Srl, Vicenza, Italy Siemens Information Technology Dep., SIITE SRLS, Lodi / Milano, Italy SilverStorm Technologies, Pennsylvania, USA Sinaf Seguros, Brazil Skroutz S.A., Athens, Greece SMS Masivos, Mexico Auto Service Cavaliere, Rome, Italy soLNet, s.r.o., Czech Republic Som Tecnologia, Girona, Spain Software Development, SOURCEPARK GmbH, Berlin, Germany Computer Division, Stabilys Ltd, London, United Kingdom Departamento de administración y servicios, SW Computacion, Argentina Taxon Estudios Ambientales, SL, Murcia, Spain ITW TechSpray, Amarillo, TX, USA Tehran Raymand Co., Tehran, Iran Telsystem, Telecomunicacoes e Sistemas, Brazil The Story, Poland TI Consultores, consulting technologies of information and businesses, Nicaragua CA, Telegraaf Media ICT, Amsterdam, the Netherlands T-Mobile Czech Republic a. s. Nomura Technical Management Office Ltd., Kobe, Japan TomasiL stone engravings, Italy Tri-Art Manufacturing, Canada EDI Team, Hewlett Packard do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil Trovalost, Cosenza, Italy Taiwan uCRobotics Technology, Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan (ROC) United Drug plc, Ireland Koodiviidakko Oy, Finland Departamento de Sistemas, La Voz de Galicia, A Coruña, Spain VPSLink, USA Wavecon GmbH, Fürth, Germany WTC Communications, Canada Wyniki Lotto Web Page, Poznan, Poland Software Development, XSoft Ltd., Bulgaria Zomerlust Systems Design (ZSD), Cape Town, South Africa
Organizzazioni non-profit (non-profit), Gothenburg, Sweden Eye Of The Beholder BBS, Fidonet Technology Network, Catalonia/Spain, Poznan, Poland Beyond Disability Inc., Pearcedale, Australia E.O. Ospedali Galliera, Italy ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Grenoble, France F-Droid - the definitive source for free software Android apps GreenNet Ltd., UK GREFA, Grupo para la rehabilitación de la fauna autóctona y su hábitat, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany LINKES FORUM in Oberberg e.V., Gummersbach, Oberbergischer Kreis, Germany MAG4 Piemonte, Torino, Italy - Verein zur Förderung von Netzwerkkunst, Graz, Austria High School Technology Services, Washington DC USA PRINT, Espace autogéré des Tanneries, France Reware Soc. Coop - Impresa Sociale, Rome, Italy Systems Support Group, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK SARA, Netherlands Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Davos, Switzerland SRON: Netherlands Institute for Space Research TuxFamily, France
Enti statali (government)
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA (Health Surveillance National Agency) - Gerência de Infra-estrutura e Tecnologia (GITEC), Brazil Directorate of Information Technology, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France Gerencia de Redes, Eletronorte S/A, Brazil European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg, France Informatique, Financière agricole du Québec, Canada Informática de Municípios Associados - IMA, Governo Municipal, Campinas/SP, Brazil Bureau of Immigration, Philippines Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India INSEE (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), France London Health Sciences Centre, Ontario, Canada Lorient Agglomération, Lorient France Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dominican Republic Procempa, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil SEMAD, Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Goiânia/GO, Brasil Servizio Informativo Comunale, Comune di Riva del Garda, ITALY St. Joseph's Health Care London, Ontario, Canada State Nature Conservation Agency, Slovakia Servicio de Prevencion y Lucha Contra Incendios Forestales, Ministerio de Produccion Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina Vermont Department of Taxes, State of Vermont, USA Zakład Gospodarowania Nieruchomościami w Dzielnicy Mokotów Warszawy, Warsaw, Poland

More about the Debian.Day volunteer suicide

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Windows in Åland Islands: From 100% to Less Than Half
Åland Islands lost the sense of urgency to move to GNU/Linux
Not Just Slow News But Also Late News (Julian Assange Landing in Thailand)
Why did AP take so long (nearly a week) to release these?
[Meme] Smart Alec Poettering
How many Microsofters can the Debian Project withstand?
Getting Rid of Microsoft Does Not Go Far Enough
Microsoft already has many problems. One day Microsoft won't exist anymore. But that does not guarantee users' freedom.
Alyssa Rosenzweig's LibrePlanet Talk About Freeing the Apple GPU
Alyssa Rosenzweig is the graphics witch behind the reverse-engineered drivers for the Apple GPU. She previously led Panfrost, the free drivers for Arm Mali GPUs powering devices like the Pinebook Pro. She graduated in 2023 with a Computer Science degree from the University of Toronto and now writes free software full-time.
Links 30/06/2024: LLMs Under Fire and Dictatorship of the Old
Links for the day
[Meme] Walking Outside the Guardrails of the Walled Gardens Built by Monopolies
So-called "advertiser-unfriendly" material was never a problem for Wikileaks
200 This Week
Monday started with 40 articles/pages and this is #200
Press Complicity and Public Apathy All Along Enabled 14 Years of Illegal, Arbitrary Detention and Coercion Into Plea Bargain of Julian Assange on Brink of Death
They basically blackmailed him into letting the US 'win' the argument
At the End Journalism a Crime (If It Involves Accessing or Gaining Access to Documents Marked "Confidential" or "Classified" by Those Looking to Hide Their Misconduct/Crimes)
At least in the US, especially where the imperialism is at stake
Links 30/06/2024: Tensions in Korea and Japan, Criminalisation of Sleeping Outdoors
Links for the day
100% Slop/Spam From
This is the kind of stuff that's killing the Web faster
Gemini Links 30/06/2024: Murdoch and Ideal OS
Links for the day
In the First 6 Months of 2024 Thailand Moved to GNU/Linux, Not to Windows Vista 11
maybe users moved from Vista 10 and 11 to GNU/Linux, seeing where Microsoft was heading with forced hardware "upgrades"
Eko K. A. Owen, New Outreach and Communications Coordinator for the FSF
Nice to see many new additions to the FSF's team
Microsoft Has Slaves and Enablers, Not Partners
Obligatory meme too
Tobias Platen Covered Freedom-To-Play Games in LibrePlanet 2024
Freedom-To-Play games using Taler
[Meme] Opening a 'Webapp' With 'Only' 4 GB of RAM
Until 2020 none of my PCs ever had more than 2 GB of RAM
Destination 'Five Percent'
We reckon GNU/Linux can break the 5% barrier some time by the end of this year, even without counting Chromebooks
A Crisis of Online Journalism
Almost a week ago a journalist was forced to plead guilty for an act of journalism
Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) traffic plunged 60% last month
Microsoft’s Latest Antitrust Scrutiny
4 new stories
Microsoft Layoffs, Mass Plagiarism, and More
outrage included
GNU/Linux Climbed 0.25% This Month (in statCounter)
Around midday on Tuesday we'll start seeing preliminary data for July
Ilya Gulko Introduces Pollyanna
"Pollyanna is a web framework that makes it easy to create your own libre social space, such as a social network or blog."
'FSFE': Underage Labour, GAFAM Fronting, and Identity Theft to Undermine the FSF's Current Fundraiser
looking to raise funds at the same time as the FSF
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, June 29, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, June 29, 2024
Links 29/06/2024: Astronauts at Risk, Ukraine Updates
Links for the day
Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
Microsoft is Now Googlebombing or Spamming 'Open Source' and 'Linux' to Promote Proprietary Surveillance, Azure
Notice the title and the image, what's being promoted etc.
Seychelles: GNU/Linux Doing OK
Seychelles cannot be considered poor
This War Crime Footage, Nothing Political Per Se, Is What They Made Julian Assange Plead Guilty To (War Criminals Not Convicted, Only Those Who Expose Them)
Wikileaks' Julian Assange: Exposing the US Military Crimes
Gemini Protocol Isn't Even Remotely "Dead"
"Lupa knows of 505,000 (half a million!) working Gemini URLs at present, up from about 425,000 this time last year"
About 10 New Free Software Foundation (FSF) Members Per Day
The total changed from 46 to 47 while typing the article
20 Years Passed, Let's Go Even Faster Now
We are hoping to bring more original stories
Vista 11 Adoption Unusually Low in Germany and It's Going Down, Not Up
This is not happening only in Germany
Kevin Korte on Computers Being Allowed to Make Decisions Based on Cryptic Algorithms and Proprietary/Secret Data
It uses buzzwords where none are needed
[Meme] Garbage In, Garbage Out (
It is neither Linux nor security, just chatbot-generated slop
Microsoft-Invaded CISA Spreads Anti-Free Software FUD (as If Proprietary Software Has No Memory Safety Issues), Brittany Day Uses Chatbots to Amplify and Permutate the Microsoft FUD became an anti-Linux spam site
Microsoft Laying Off Staff in an Act of Retaliation and Union-Busting
retaliatory layoffs at Microsoft
Gemini Links 29/06/2024: Content Drowning in 'Goo' and LLM Slop
Links for the day
Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt
From over 99% to just over 7%
In Ecuador, GNU/Linux Adoption Surged From Under 1% to Over 4% in About 3 Years
Not even counting Chromebooks
LibrePlanet: Cultivating Backups (of Recordings)
an appeal to recover some of these talks
Microsoft/Windows Machines Are Turned Off (or Windows Deleted/Decommissioned) in Web Servers, as the "Market Share" Collapse Continues
Taking full history into account, this is a decrease of over 90% in some cases
Corwin Brust Hosting Freedom: A Behind-the-scenes Tour With the GNU Savannah Hackers
"the "smiling faces" behind it."
Android at 90% or More in Chad
Windows below 2%
David Wilson: Cultivating a Welcoming Free Software Community That Lasts
"a feeling of shared ownership for all users."
Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed)
And probably at a symbolic capacity only
Bringing in 12 Santas and Taking 13 Out (Old Interview With Julian Assange)
Julian Assange's life inside the Ecuadorian embassy
Neil Plotnick on GNU/Linux in the High School Classroom
uploaded to the LibrePlanet instance of MediaGoblin
Asia Appears to be Fastest to Adopt GNU/Linux
the home of a considerable majority of the world's population
Alexandre Oliva's LibrePlanet 2024 Talk About "Software Enshittification"
in spite of technical difficulties encountered while recording
What They Used to Do With Mono They Now Do With Systemd (Lower and Deeper Down Than Userspace)
Now we have a project started primarily by Red Hat (and managed by Microsoft GitHub, which is proprietary) being managed by Microsoft and primarily serving Microsoft and IBM
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, June 28, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, June 28, 2024
Links 28/06/2024: Kangaroo Courts and Patents Spam, EFF Still Fighting for CPC's TikTok (a Digital Weapon)
Links for the day
Links 28/06/2024: Overton window and Polarization
Links for the day
[Meme] In 50 Years...
Microsoft's Vista 11 will take 50 years to be fully adopted
Only About 1 in 8 Russian Windows Users is Using Vista 11
it looks like over the past 12 months Vista 11 hardly grew and it remains very low at around 12% of Windows usage in Russia
Links 28/06/2024: More Attacks on the Press, More Censorship in Russia
Links for the day
Gemini Links 28/06/2024: Christmas Prematurely, Self-hosting
Links for the day
IBM: So Long, Suckers. Your Free OS is Now Proprietary. Pay IBM or Else.
almost exactly a year after turning RHEL into proprietary software
Vista 11 is Doomed and Despite Lack of Adoption Microsoft Already Speaks of Vapourware ("12")
"Microsoft has pulled a Windows 11 update after users reported boot loops and startup failures."
ChromeOS Reaches Highest Share in Years at the World's Most Populous Nation, Windows Now at All-Time Low of 13%
We're talking about India today
[Video] "It Is Incredible That Julian Assange Survives"
There was a positive and mutual relationship between Wikileaks and Dr Jill Stein
Never Assume That Because the Law Exists the Powerful Will Follow the Law
Who's going to hold them accountable now?
Nearly a Month Has Passed and Nobody at the Debian Project Even Attempted to Explain What Seems Like Back-dooring of Debian (and Hundreds of Distros That Are Debian-Derived)
I can cynically guess that only matters when a user with a Chinese name does it
[Video] Julian Assange Explains Wikileaks' Logistics
predating indefinite detention
IBM Was Never the "Good Guy", Just a Self-Serving and Opportunistic Money- and Power-Hungry Monopolist, Living Off of Taxpayers' Money (Government Contracts)
The Nazi Party of Germany was its second-biggest client at one point and now it's looking to profit from the work of slaves
"I Hated Working at IBM. They Were the Most Unfriendly People."
Don't forget what Watson the son did to a poor woman on a plane
State of the News (and Depletion of Journalism Online, Not Just Offline)
Newspapers are not coming back and the Web is not coming back either
GNU/Linux Consolidates in North America
Android rising a lot this year, too
[Meme] More Monopolies Granted While Patent Examiners Die (Overworking for Less Compensation)
Work more; Get less
Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO) is Taking the New Pension Scheme (NPS) to an International Tribunal (ILOAT)
SUEPO wants more EPO staff to participate in collective action
Stella Assange and the Legal Team Speak to the Media a Day After WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrives in Australia
Published yesterday by a number of mainstream publishers
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, June 27, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, June 27, 2024
RIP Daniel Bristot de Oliveira, Red Hat death
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock