Microsoft's Story Might Contradict Novell's (Again)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2007-05-16 04:55:06 UTC
- Modified: 2007-05-16 05:00:59 UTC
Here is a funny contradiction (among several, including a
very recent one).
We have three options here:
- Microsoft may be changing the story it tells;
- Novell is simply not being honest;
- or it is just a case of flawed journalism
Let us have a look.
Microsoft tells its story to ComputerWorld in the article which is aptly titled "Analysis: Microsoft patent claims hint at internal issues".
Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft vice president of intellectual property and licensing, said that although Microsoft won't discuss specific patents publicly, it has discussed them in private with companies like Novell Inc.
The story suggests that Microsoft
did discuss the patents with Novell, possibly showing them these 235 patents which they wave. Have a look at Novell's stance and
Novell's side of the story.
While providing numbers is new, the claims that violations exists are not new. In response to similar Microsoft claims back in November, we put out an open letter from our CEO, Ron Hovsepian, that states our position on this issue. That position hasn’t changed.
Here is another
Microsoft executives had previously told Computer Business Review that the company had not carried out a detailed patent assessment before reaching its patent covenant agreement with Novell.
So, is Mr. Horacio Gutierrez lying to enhance the level of FUD? Or is it just poor reporting?
Mike Simons
2007-05-17 17:17:27