--Steve Pepper (just days ago)
Had Microsoft played by the rules like a gentleman, then we would only say that OOXML is deeply flawed (which it is), not a deeply-rooted fraud. Some folks are determined to bring justice, but in a world of intellectual insanity and lawyers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], justice is expensive whereas corruption comes cheap.
The following news report from ZDNet tells British readers how they can fight for the truth in the UK.
A group of UK open-source advocates is seeking donations so it can continue its fight against the approval of Microsoft's Office Open XML document format.
UKUUG claimed in a statement today that Lloyd Jones “was wrong in his reading of papers,” before adding: “The matter will now be heard in open court.”
The group, which is made up of influential open source advocates in the UK, also quoted Lloyd Jones as saying UKUUG’s application "does not disclose any arguable breach of the procedures of BSI or of rules of procedural fairness", and that it was "in any event… academic in light of the adoption of the new standard by ISO".
The standard was being used by Microsoft as a barrier to competitors getting a piece of its market, said the statement. The group is still trying to raise money to fund its action. Microsoft's standard was given approval in a multinational vote at the International Standards Organisation. Four countries are contesting the award.