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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 1st, 2009 - Part 2


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oiaohmIts one of the normal evils.Apr 01 03:35
oiaohmVery few companies are smart enough to avoid it.Apr 01 03:36
oiaohm_Hicham_1: problem with userspace drivers they are not fast performance.  char based drivers have been supported since 2.6.28 block devices are harder.Apr 01 03:36
yuhongBut I talked with you before about exactly this.Apr 01 03:37
oiaohmfuse is filesystem cuse is charbase.Apr 01 03:37
yuhongAre you saying MS's business tactics is caused by greed?Apr 01 03:37
_Hicham_1so kernel modules are always best?Apr 01 03:37
oiaohmAny company that gets in a dominating location force of greed temps them to destroy to get more yuhong.  Its not unique to MS.Apr 01 03:38
oiaohmIBM suffered from it before MS.Apr 01 03:38
oiaohm_Hicham_1: for speed yes.Apr 01 03:38
oiaohm_Hicham_1: for system secuirty anything you cannot audit in kernel space is a secuirty risk.Apr 01 03:39
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.8/2009032609]")Apr 01 03:39
oiaohm_Hicham_1: So binary kernel drivers are kinda a non non from secuirty.Apr 01 03:39
_Hicham_1userspace drivers will help to have closed source drivers easily installedApr 01 03:40
_Hicham_1and why notApr 01 03:40
_Hicham_1have a complete infrastracture for itApr 01 03:40
oiaohmMost because developers have not put in the time.Apr 01 03:42
oiaohmRemember there are only 3 types of drivers in Linux.Apr 01 03:42
oiaohmfilesystem char and block.Apr 01 03:43
oiaohmThat is it.Apr 01 03:43
oiaohmemulation of block interfaces have not been provided to userspace.Apr 01 03:43
_Hicham_1I read about sthg similar in UbuntuApr 01 03:44
_Hicham_1there is a dev working on thatApr 01 03:44
oiaohmFor all the drivers that could be released using cuse there is almost no drivers.Apr 01 03:44
oiaohmLack of interest so why should Linux developers go through the effortApr 01 03:45
_Hicham_1the hardware manufacturers are not likely to opensource their driversApr 01 03:46
_Hicham_1but these for most of them can't be used in userspaceApr 01 03:47
_Hicham_1because of speed issueApr 01 03:47
_Hicham_1eg Nvidia and ATI driversApr 01 03:48
_Hicham_1those ones will never be opensourcedApr 01 03:48
oiaohmATI drivers are going open source.Apr 01 03:49
_Hicham_1oiaohm : I don't think soApr 01 03:49
_Hicham_1AMD can't do thatApr 01 03:49
_Hicham_1they will lose marketApr 01 03:49
oiaohmHave you not notice that ATI is dropping support out there binary drivers as soon as the open source ones beat them.Apr 01 03:49
oiaohmAlso give open source access to specs before cards are even releasedApr 01 03:49
_Hicham_1ATI has dropped support for my card on their newer driversApr 01 03:50
_Hicham_1I am using an opensource oneApr 01 03:50
_Hicham_1the radeon driverApr 01 03:50
oiaohmBecuse in most tests the opensource will beat the old.Apr 01 03:50
_Hicham_1trueApr 01 03:50
_Hicham_1they also recommend the opensource oneApr 01 03:51
oiaohmAMD goal for Linux is in time there will be no need for closed soruce drivers for ATI cards for Linux.Apr 01 03:51
oiaohmThen they will look at the Linux tech and work out if windows should get the same treatment.Apr 01 03:51
oiaohmSame with MacApr 01 03:51
_Hicham_1do u think that Nvidia will do the same?Apr 01 03:51
oiaohmFor AMD its a new code base free of all the deals they have to pay for.Apr 01 03:52
oiaohmNvidia is one of the companies AMD has to pay for tech in the ATI drivers.Apr 01 03:52
oiaohmSame with Nvidia paying ATI for tech in the drivers.Apr 01 03:52
_Hicham_1so ATI is moving away from Nvidia?Apr 01 03:53
oiaohmNvidia most likely not.  They back stabed the first open source video card driver project.Apr 01 03:53
oiaohmThe tech that makes Nvidia fast on Linux was born in a joint project between video card markers to make open source drivers.Apr 01 03:54
_Hicham_1so Nvidia is not good to Linux?Apr 01 03:54
oiaohmThe deals that bind the Video card marks teoghter are also form that project.Apr 01 03:54
oiaohmNvidia has been bad for Linux in a lot of ways.Apr 01 03:55
_Hicham_1do u think that ATI is trying to cutoff wages?Apr 01 03:55
oiaohmRemoved the need for the X11 stack to be repaired.Apr 01 03:55
oiaohmSo the stack remained crappy for years.Apr 01 03:55
_Hicham_1what about the Nouveau driver?Apr 01 03:55
oiaohmSome of the hooks Nvidia uses block crappy code from being removed.Apr 01 03:56
zer0c00lschestowitz, always goes to sleep very early in the morning (4.00 am)Apr 01 03:56
oiaohmBasically Nvidia is partly resposnable for the sorry state of affairs X11 is.Apr 01 03:56
_Hicham_1but Intel have opensource Linux drivers long time agoApr 01 03:56
oiaohmReason why when someone tries to hold Nvidia up as good they get ripped to shreds.Apr 01 03:57
oiaohmIntel open sourced at first out of simple cheep solution.Apr 01 03:57
oiaohmOnly recently have they worked out the importance of making the stack work.Apr 01 03:57
oiaohmDevelopers are still required open source or not.Apr 01 03:57
_Hicham_1but with OpenSource we are having a communityApr 01 03:59
_Hicham_1which we can't have with closed sourceApr 01 03:59
oiaohmExactlyApr 01 03:59
oiaohmAllows Intel to work closer with end users of there chipsets.Apr 01 03:59
oiaohmSame with AMD.Apr 01 03:59
oiaohmClosed source puts a wall between you and users of you hardware for hardware makers.Apr 01 04:00
oiaohmMaking it hard to work out exactly what they want.Apr 01 04:00
oiaohmFor hardware makers closed source is really more often than not a downside.Apr 01 04:01
_Hicham_1closed source is a nasty ideaApr 01 04:01
_Hicham_1basically, no code should be hiddenApr 01 04:01
oiaohmDepends on kinda of company.Apr 01 04:02
oiaohmIf you are depend on selling applications.Apr 01 04:02
oiaohmclosed source is good.Apr 01 04:02
_Hicham_1if every binary has to be delivered with the source, there wouldn't be all of that security pbApr 01 04:03
oiaohmIf you depend on selling support closed source not as good.Apr 01 04:03
_Hicham_1oiaohm : we can sell open source softwareApr 01 04:03
_Hicham_1not GPL or BSDApr 01 04:03
oiaohmYou don't really sell open source software.Apr 01 04:03
oiaohmYou sell support.Apr 01 04:03
oiaohmtwo different modelsApr 01 04:04
_Hicham_1if it is GPLedApr 01 04:04
oiaohmEven if its GPLdApr 01 04:04
_Hicham_1we can sell code licensed under some restrictive licenseApr 01 04:04
oiaohmOpen source focus is on support.   Closed source focus is on the applications.Apr 01 04:04
_Hicham_1like MS Shared Code LicenseApr 01 04:04
oiaohmProblem with selling code under restrictive licence how the code works can simply worked out and program cloned.Apr 01 04:05
oiaohmClosed source is cloning resistance.Apr 01 04:05
_Hicham_1not if closed source is bannedApr 01 04:05
_Hicham_1if closed source is banned, no one can copyApr 01 04:05
_Hicham_1and there will be complete transparencyApr 01 04:06
oiaohmEven some open source support project use closed source.Apr 01 04:06
oiaohmIe they provide module closed source until people pay enough money.Apr 01 04:06
oiaohmthen they release the source code.Apr 01 04:06
_Hicham_1like Ubuntu?Apr 01 04:06
oiaohmFast solutions support closed source.Apr 01 04:06
oiaohmIe person needs X fixed but will not pay on going support contract.Apr 01 04:07
oiaohmOr enough money to cover cost of development.Apr 01 04:07
_Hicham_1u r talking about RedHat thenApr 01 04:07
oiaohmRedHat does it.Apr 01 04:07
_Hicham_1it is a good wayApr 01 04:07
_Hicham_1I like how RedHat do thingsApr 01 04:08
oiaohmClosed source has its place in the model.Apr 01 04:08
oiaohmIts like all things you can have too much of a good thing.Apr 01 04:08
_Hicham_1RedHat is the only company that works for the best of open sourceApr 01 04:08
oiaohmBlance is key.   World got way out of blance with closed and open source.Apr 01 04:08
oiaohmAnother company that does it the right way is ID.Apr 01 04:09
_Hicham_1ID?Apr 01 04:09
oiaohmThe company that make quake and the like.Apr 01 04:09
oiaohmThey make game engines.Apr 01 04:09
oiaohmAt first the engines are closed source.   Once they end of live they go GPL.Apr 01 04:09
oiaohmThey are nicely halfway between closed source and open.Apr 01 04:10
_Hicham_1that is a good wayApr 01 04:10
_Hicham_1I prefer than closed source get bannedApr 01 04:10
_Hicham_1and sell codeApr 01 04:10
_Hicham_1instead of binariesApr 01 04:11
oiaohmI would prefer a law that when you end of life a program you must release the source code.Apr 01 04:11
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 04:11
oiaohmAnd the source code must be held in trust for that day.Apr 01 04:11
_Hicham_1why not force everyone to release the source code?Apr 01 04:11
oiaohmIts a problem of paying developers.Apr 01 04:12
_Hicham_1I mean no commercial app without source codeApr 01 04:12
_Hicham_1we will sell the softwareApr 01 04:12
_Hicham_1the user will have the codeApr 01 04:12
oiaohmIf source code is held back.Apr 01 04:12
_Hicham_1but under a restrictive licenseApr 01 04:12
oiaohmsomeone might decide to pay the complete program out sooner to get it.Apr 01 04:12
oiaohmSo the developers end up paid for there time.Apr 01 04:13
oiaohmIts how ID system works.Apr 01 04:13
oiaohmThere have been cases of there engine released in months of public release because some big game company decide to pay out costs and give ID some profit.Apr 01 04:13
_Hicham_1that is just because closed source can't be bannedApr 01 04:14
oiaohmRemember if windows 2000 had to be released on end of life that would be next year.Apr 01 04:14
oiaohmSo MS would have to have current OS run better than 2000 with other coders adding updates.Apr 01 04:15
oiaohmForces self competition.Apr 01 04:15
oiaohmGreat for the market.Apr 01 04:15
oiaohmNow if they are forced just to release everything.Apr 01 04:15
oiaohmThere is no trigger for self competition.Apr 01 04:15
_Hicham_1there is no way to release everythingApr 01 04:16
oiaohmBasically closed source and open source have there place like ying and yang.Apr 01 04:16
oiaohmOut of balance there is a problem.Apr 01 04:16
_Hicham_1closed source can be reversedApr 01 04:16
_Hicham_1why closed source?Apr 01 04:17
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 04:17
_Hicham_1security by obscurity?Apr 01 04:17
_Hicham_1it has failed as a viable modelApr 01 04:17
oiaohmviable model is the ID one.Apr 01 04:17
oiaohmID develops something new.  They give a program so people can sample it.Apr 01 04:18
oiaohmThen people buy it.Apr 01 04:18
oiaohmIn the end it end up free.Apr 01 04:18
_Hicham_1I prefer to buy codeApr 01 04:18
oiaohmclosed source are like small shop samples of food.Apr 01 04:19
oiaohmto work out if you want to buy the bigger lots.Apr 01 04:19
oiaohmWhat is the point of paying for a idea that was invalid.Apr 01 04:19
_Hicham_1there should be some authority to hold the source code for any software before it is releasedApr 01 04:19
oiaohmSoftware needs to be treated like books.Apr 01 04:20
_Hicham_1the lacks of software authorities is a problemApr 01 04:20
oiaohmYou print a book it has to go to national arcive for storage.Apr 01 04:20
_Hicham_1there should be oneApr 01 04:20
oiaohmwhen the copyright expires it becomes public doman.Apr 01 04:20
_Hicham_1yesApr 01 04:21
oiaohmI am not anti-closed source.Apr 01 04:21
_Hicham_1that is what i want to sayApr 01 04:21
oiaohmclosed source has its place in the market.Apr 01 04:21
_Hicham_1anti-closed is badApr 01 04:21
_Hicham_1it is the source for all evilApr 01 04:21
oiaohmunregualated closed source is evil.Apr 01 04:21
_Hicham_1who is regulating closed source?Apr 01 04:21
oiaohmNo one.Apr 01 04:22
_Hicham_1then it is evilApr 01 04:22
oiaohmThere is nothing that keeps it in blance.Apr 01 04:22
_Hicham_1since there is no auditingApr 01 04:22
oiaohmCompanies like ID that internally regualate.Apr 01 04:22
oiaohmand keep the blance.Apr 01 04:22
oiaohmclosed source is not evil from them.Apr 01 04:22
_Hicham_1from them, yesApr 01 04:22
oiaohmBut you cannot depend on every company to do that.Apr 01 04:22
_Hicham_1but from Microsoft?Apr 01 04:23
oiaohmExactyApr 01 04:23
oiaohmThere needs to be laws regulating closed source.Apr 01 04:23
_Hicham_1when u know that advapi32.dll contains an NSA key?Apr 01 04:23
oiaohmNot destroying it.Apr 01 04:23
_Hicham_1to whom should u talk?Apr 01 04:23
oiaohmOf course so NSA can sign there own parts.Apr 01 04:23
oiaohmProblem is the line I follow ends up with you attacked from both sides on closed and open source.Apr 01 04:24
oiaohmClosed source zeloits take the point of view source code never has to be released because future products might be based on it.  So what I want competition.Apr 01 04:24
_Hicham_1because u r particularApr 01 04:24
oiaohmOpen source zeloits take the point of view everything has to be open source no matter the harm it does.Apr 01 04:25
_Hicham_1closed source is against science progressApr 01 04:25
oiaohmID fully open sourcing everything they would be basically a dead company.Apr 01 04:25
oiaohmIts the balancing line.Apr 01 04:26
_Hicham_1with the actual context and laws, I agree with uApr 01 04:26
_Hicham_1they will be damn deadApr 01 04:26
_Hicham_1because u can't sell opensource codeApr 01 04:26
oiaohmI guess another convert to my way of seeing closed and open source.Apr 01 04:27
oiaohmThat neither used right are evil.Apr 01 04:27
oiaohmJust everyone has seen abused closed source.Apr 01 04:27
oiaohmMy major different to most people is I go out of my way to see the complete picture of what my actions will cause.Apr 01 04:29
_Hicham_1that is why I am gonna use oiaohm as my website nameApr 01 04:29
_Hicham_1it will bring a lot of peopleApr 01 04:29
_Hicham_1and give me good page ranking in GoogleApr 01 04:29
oiaohmSupprisly lot of people don't want to hear the truth.Apr 01 04:30
oiaohmInstead they want to follow myths.Apr 01 04:30
_Hicham_1I want to hear the truthApr 01 04:30
oiaohmYou are rare.Apr 01 04:30
oiaohmIts why I enjoy schestowitz so much.Apr 01 04:31
oiaohmboth of us love the truth.Apr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1schestowitz is greatApr 01 04:31
oiaohmNot matter how bad it is.Apr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1I like to tease him as wellApr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1didn't think that british people could be that coolApr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1and Australians alsoApr 01 04:31
oiaohmI am AustralianApr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1since u share the commonwealthApr 01 04:31
_Hicham_1I knowApr 01 04:32
oiaohmWe pick on britishApr 01 04:32
oiaohmNormally.Apr 01 04:32
_Hicham_1basically british people are coldApr 01 04:32
_Hicham_1cold as iceApr 01 04:32
_Hicham_1but schestowitz is an exceptionApr 01 04:32
_Hicham_1and u tooApr 01 04:32
_Hicham_1I thought that u would get upset when I told that I will use ur nicknameApr 01 04:33
_Hicham_1but u didn'tApr 01 04:33
oiaohmI did I prefer it not used.Apr 01 04:33
oiaohmIt took me a long time to find this one.Apr 01 04:33
_Hicham_1I don't know why I like tooApr 01 04:33
_Hicham_1it is very mysteriousApr 01 04:34
oiaohmMy handle is rare.Apr 01 04:34
oiaohmI like it that way.Apr 01 04:34
_Hicham_1to who doesn't know its meaningApr 01 04:34
_Hicham_1it is funny thoughApr 01 04:34
_Hicham_1so u invented it for ur callers?Apr 01 04:34
_Hicham_1when they call for data recovery?Apr 01 04:34
oiaohmI invented it when I was a game player.Apr 01 04:35
oiaohmI would go to site after site after site and every login I tried was taken.Apr 01 04:35
oiaohmhmmm ok i am over here mate first letters might work and be simple to remmber.Apr 01 04:35
oiaohmafter that it stuck.Apr 01 04:36
_Hicham_1do u still play games?Apr 01 04:36
oiaohmI changed from my last handle to oiaohm after a girl was named after it.Apr 01 04:36
oiaohmThere are problems with creating names that are liked at times.Apr 01 04:37
oiaohmNot very much anymore _Hicham_1Apr 01 04:37
_Hicham_1u should build a business on thatApr 01 04:37
_Hicham_1creating nicknamesApr 01 04:38
_Hicham_1that would a very successful businessApr 01 04:38
oiaohmNot really.Apr 01 04:38
_Hicham_1why not?Apr 01 04:39
_Hicham_1u will develop some wizard to create nicknames based on some criteriaApr 01 04:39
_Hicham_1and being related to the person in questionApr 01 04:39
_Hicham_1not an ordinary nickname creatorApr 01 04:39
oiaohmAll my nicks are sentences.Apr 01 04:39
oiaohmBar my really early ones.Apr 01 04:40
oiaohmComes from a method to make hard to crack passwords.Apr 01 04:40
oiaohmHow to make words that don't exist in any dict known to man basically.Apr 01 04:40
oiaohmhtmwtdeiadktmApr 01 04:41
_Hicham_1so u have ideas for a new businessApr 01 04:41
oiaohmReally simple method of construction.Apr 01 04:41
_Hicham_1how old r u oiaohm?Apr 01 04:42
oiaohm33 this year.Apr 01 04:42
oiaohmHow old are you _Hicham_1Apr 01 04:43
_Hicham_126Apr 01 04:43
_Hicham_1u have the same age as balzacApr 01 04:43
oiaohmYes just young enough to missed out on critical mil stones in it history.Apr 01 04:43
oiaohmReally that is something that is lacking from this world the study of history.Apr 01 04:44
_Hicham_1I agreeApr 01 04:44
_Hicham_1history is fundamentalApr 01 04:44
_Hicham_1and most of all, we should profit from itApr 01 04:44
oiaohmWhen I was young I was dumb enough to think writing viruses that killed other virus was a good idea.Apr 01 04:45
oiaohmMy history is not what you call perfect.Apr 01 04:45
oiaohmMain reason people know boycott novell and oiaohm is how constant we are.Apr 01 04:46
oiaohmwhen i use to change my username a lot people did not know me.Apr 01 04:46
_Hicham_1I would recognize u from the way u talkApr 01 04:47
_Hicham_1well, it have been really nice talking to u tonightApr 01 04:47
_Hicham_1but it is 4 am in hereApr 01 04:47
_Hicham_1and I am very tiredApr 01 04:47
oiaohmBecause is 100 percent unique.  dyslexia damaged my means to create english.Apr 01 04:47
_Hicham_1are u dyslexic?Apr 01 04:48
oiaohmYep.Apr 01 04:48
oiaohmMakes coping me and fooling people so hard.Apr 01 04:48
oiaohmI have traits that are not normal people that should show up.Apr 01 04:48
_Hicham_1I am really tiredApr 01 04:49
_Hicham_1we will continue this conversation tommorowApr 01 04:49
_Hicham_1have a good dayApr 01 04:49
*_Hicham_1 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 01 04:49
*devq is now known as imawolfApr 01 05:16
*imawolf is now known as imaseerApr 01 05:34
*imaseer is now known as imadrunkApr 01 05:35
*imadrunk is now known as imamilkydrunkApr 01 05:35
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 05:39
*zer0c00l (n=student@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 07:02
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*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 07:33
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 07:53
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 07:58
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 08:01
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 08:01
*ToreadorVampire ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 09:11
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 01 09:21
schestowitzyoApr 01 09:23
MinceR"Back up my hard drive? I can't find reverse on this thing"Apr 01 09:23
MinceRgeekingsApr 01 09:27
*zpotonaator (i=5abef789@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 09:37
imamilkydrunkm$ bought novell at lastApr 01 09:37
schestowitzYes, congrats to themApr 01 09:37
*zpotonaator has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 09:40
ToreadorVampireSo, did conficker blow the world up yet?Apr 01 09:42
schestowitzI don't know, haven't checked.Apr 01 09:45
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Apr 1 09:55:45 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellApr 01 09:55
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Apr 01 09:55
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Apr 01 09:55
-ChanServ-You are not authorized to perform this operation.Apr 01 09:55
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelApr 01 09:55
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzApr 01 09:56
ToreadorVampirelolApr 01 09:57
ToreadorVampireMy SVN repos is at revision 1337Apr 01 09:57
schestowitzeliteApr 01 09:57
ToreadorVampireAnd now I've tagged something, 1338 :(Apr 01 09:59
MinceR:)Apr 01 09:59
MinceRnow it's leebApr 01 09:59
MinceRsoon it will be leegApr 01 10:00
ToreadorVampirehehApr 01 10:00
ToreadorVampireWell, that's end of that hack incident from yesterday - all dealt withApr 01 10:00
ToreadorVampireNastyApr 01 10:01
ToreadorVampireAnd indicative that that guy's web hosting is awfulApr 01 10:01
ToreadorVampireIt wasn't his site that was compromised - it would have been a whole server full of hosting clients - it was just a scattergun-style attack on the index page of every website found :sApr 01 10:02
ToreadorVampireAnd they dropped an .htaccess in the root of the site that told the webserver to parse .shtml files as php in order to get their malicious code to execute :(  Not good :(Apr 01 10:02
*mib_a8cfw9 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 10:04
schestowitzI wonder if my site problems are related to ConfickerApr 01 10:07
schestowitzMaybe DDOSApr 01 10:07
schestowitzI get error and can't access cpanel, either. Maybe DDOS?Apr 01 10:08
schestowitz"Server Load  30.16 (4 cpus)"Apr 01 10:12
schestowitzBN seems to be under some DDOS attack or somethingApr 01 10:13
schestowitz"Swap Used  61.12 %"Apr 01 10:14
schestowitzI wonder if my site is down because of Conficker DDOS. Totally overloaded by junk.Apr 01 10:14
schestowitzUnless it's a memory leak, boycottnovell is under DDOS attack and thus inaccesible.Apr 01 10:24
*mib_a8cfw9 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 01 10:24
schestowitzGroup Takes Conficker Fight to a New Level < >Apr 01 10:26
PetoKraushmmApr 01 10:26
PetoKrausis conficker doing anything already?Apr 01 10:26
schestowitz'Conficker' Worm Wakes Up, But It's Quiet <,28... >Apr 01 10:27
schestowitzApril Fools' computer worm surfaces < >Apr 01 10:27
schestowitz"And its ability to do that is cleverly designed: Conficker.c has a feature that disables the Windows update program in the Microsoft product, keeping Windows from becoming patched, Pirillo said. It also disables the auto-update capabilities of many anti-virus software programs."Apr 01 10:27
PetoKrausTaApr 01 10:28
schestowitzHP Confirms Considering Android in Netbooks < >Apr 01 10:28
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 10:30
oiaohmOk is boycott novell overloaded.Apr 01 10:37
schestowitzYesApr 01 10:37
schestowitzSimilar to yesterday's symptomApr 01 10:37
schestowitzServer Load  57.50 (4 cpus)  Apr 01 10:37
schestowitzMemory Used 95.2 % Apr 01 10:37
schestowitzSwap Used 99.99 % Apr 01 10:37
oiaohmOk that is inside a few sniffs of setting off oom killerApr 01 10:38
schestowitzServer bing stabilizedApr 01 10:54
schestowitzI've no idea what caused it, but I'll do a post about Conficer laterApr 01 10:54
schestowitzBN jumped in traffic rank to 2200th on the Web (Netcraft)Apr 01 10:56
*harrytuttle (i=528c0ab2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 11:00
oiaohmSwap goes to 99.99Apr 01 11:02
oiaohmLinux built in overload normally steps inApr 01 11:02
oiaohmQuestion is what did it kill to bring the system back in order.Apr 01 11:02
oiaohm  I had to do a april 1 post.  Non joke for the hell of it.Apr 01 11:03
schestowitzLet me ehceckApr 01 11:05
schestowitzI didn't know you had a blog. Subscxribed now.Apr 01 11:06
oiaohmIts a sometimes blogApr 01 11:06
oiaohmWhen I feel like it.Apr 01 11:06
oiaohmI really don't advertise.Apr 01 11:07
schestowitzDiary so to speak is a good excuse for thisApr 01 11:07
schestowitzThat's how I started such stuff. 'Public' notesApr 01 11:07
schestowitzBN helps me organise thoughts and material I find helpfulApr 01 11:08
schestowitzBut sometimes it helps when I think about a person who would read itApr 01 11:08
oiaohmMy blogs is normally my pet hates.Apr 01 11:08
schestowitzLike a VP at Red Hat or NovellApr 01 11:08
schestowitzI never liked the word blogApr 01 11:08
schestowitzSee my personal "Web log" from 2004Apr 01 11:08
schestowitz <mind URLApr 01 11:09
oiaohmThe closed vs open debate is so stupid in my mind as you could see in that artical.Apr 01 11:09
schestowitzTrue.Apr 01 11:10
schestowitzListen...Apr 01 11:10
schestowitzRMS gave this talkApr 01 11:10
schestowitzWhere he stresses the old stuff about FS vs OSSApr 01 11:10
schestowitzWhich very much relates to this postApr 01 11:10
schestowitzBecause had we only exposed source code but kept the same broken model, what would we achieveApr 01 11:11
schestowitzLikewise, had we put blobs in Linux and then made it ubiquitous on desktop, what would be achieved?Apr 01 11:11
schestowitzNothing.Apr 01 11:11
schestowitzJust another OS XApr 01 11:11
oiaohmProblem is RMS solution is not perfect for everything.Apr 01 11:11
schestowitzSo the debate about Freedom *is* importantApr 01 11:11
schestowitzFreedom to hack, to fork, to empower usersApr 01 11:11
schestowitzoiaohm: depends.Apr 01 11:12
oiaohmGame developers would not make profit as simple if they followed it.Apr 01 11:12
schestowitzI've just found some interesting postsApr 01 11:12
schestowitzI'll write about em laterApr 01 11:12
oiaohmHalf way suits almost everyone.Apr 01 11:12
schestowitzoiaohm: there are caveatsxApr 01 11:12
oiaohmClosed source for limited time.Apr 01 11:12
oiaohmForced open sourcing in time.Apr 01 11:12
oiaohmJust like the old rules of public domain on books.Apr 01 11:12
schestowitzCoyright limitsApr 01 11:13
oiaohmProblems repeat themselfs.Apr 01 11:13
schestowitzPublisher versus writersApr 01 11:13
oiaohmUsers vs Publishers vs writersApr 01 11:13
oiaohmSame battle happens in software.  writers are just developers.Apr 01 11:13
schestowitzoiaohm: NSW seems to be colluding again: 01 11:14
schestowitzRight next to you... liaising at addict kids at your expenseApr 01 11:14
schestowitzOopsApr 01 11:14
schestowitzPardon meApr 01 11:14
schestowitzWrong linkApr 01 11:14
schestowitz < corect oneApr 01 11:15
schestowitz*correctApr 01 11:15
oiaohmGood linkApr 01 11:15
oiaohmThe first one.Apr 01 11:15
oiaohmBe ware itwire anything with april first as a publishing date is fake.Apr 01 11:17
oiaohmIts there tradition.Apr 01 11:17
oiaohmNo real news on april 1 ever.Apr 01 11:17
oiaohmIf there is real news it gets published with a really strange date. Like april 0.5Apr 01 11:18
oiaohmApparently novell fell for it hook line and sinker.Apr 01 11:19
schestowitzoiaohm: I didn't read itApr 01 11:20
schestowitzWas there a joke inside?Apr 01 11:20
schestowitzPlease tell me they say funny stuff.Apr 01 11:20
schestowitzoiaohm: NOVL is historyApr 01 11:20
oiaohm  << Best april 1 one this year.Apr 01 11:21
schestowitzIts sales went down the s*tterApr 01 11:21
schestowitzAlso, there has been no major deal for them since the last resultsApr 01 11:21
schestowitzThey are a dud now and CIOs know itApr 01 11:21
schestowitzI saw it but didn't read itApr 01 11:21
schestowitzAlex is trolling LinuxApr 01 11:21
schestowitzI don't like him]Apr 01 11:22
schestowitzSo the Lenovo deal is a hoax?Apr 01 11:22
oiaohmYep.Apr 01 11:22
schestowitzCool.Apr 01 11:22
oiaohmitwire april 1 they go nuts.Apr 01 11:22
schestowitzI flagged it for later inspectionApr 01 11:22
schestowitzYes, I knowApr 01 11:22
schestowitzAt least 5 so farApr 01 11:22
schestowitzYou won't see it in 'respectable' pubsApr 01 11:23
schestowitzlike NYTApr 01 11:23
oiaohmBest year it was 35 fake news articals.Apr 01 11:23
oiaohmon april 1Apr 01 11:23
oiaohmOnly rule is it must look as real as possiable.Apr 01 11:23
oiaohmHopefully to get a few companies hook line and sinker.Apr 01 11:23
MinceRsounds boringApr 01 11:24
oiaohmThey got novell this year.Apr 01 11:24
oiaohmBest year they got 12 companies too.Apr 01 11:24
oiaohmThey are not having the best run on there april fools jokes.Apr 01 11:24
schestowitzIt's hard to say if our problems were related to Conficker: 01 11:28
oiaohmAlso itwire uses april 1 to state anything they suspect as true but cannot confirm.Apr 01 11:28
schestowitzYesApr 01 11:29
schestowitzI knowApr 01 11:29
schestowitzThat's the fun of itApr 01 11:29
schestowitzOr things you want to be true, ORApr 01 11:29
schestowitzThings where you want to highlight danger... like NOVL+UNIX ---> MSFTApr 01 11:29
oiaohmConficker publish would have got domain blocked not overloaded.Apr 01 11:30
oiaohmIf there was a reaction.Apr 01 11:30
zoobab01 01 11:31
oiaohmThe cheep licences that MS give to australian schools in the april 1 artical are true.Apr 01 11:32
schestowitzyes, but not unique to AUApr 01 11:40
schestowitzzoobab01: +1 +1Apr 01 11:40
MinceRlolApr 01 11:44
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schestowitzMicrosoft uses publishers to knock Google: 01 12:41
MinceRgoogle should strike backApr 01 12:43
schestowitzNaa... they are stil gentle compared to MSApr 01 13:00
schestowitzI hate it when companies fight evil with evilApr 01 13:00
schestowitzLike Novell or LFApr 01 13:00
schestowitzPaying IDC shillsApr 01 13:00
MinceRthe idea is that they'd both dieApr 01 13:00
schestowitzWho?Apr 01 13:01
schestowitzgoog?Apr 01 13:02
MinceRm$ and googleApr 01 13:03
oiaohmRemember paying shills costs money.Apr 01 13:04
oiaohmLet MS keep on doing it.Apr 01 13:04
oiaohmIts a complete waste of there resources.Apr 01 13:05
oiaohmWhat profitable does a shill really do.Apr 01 13:05
schestowitzThe issue is different IMHOApr 01 13:11
schestowitzTYhey get caughtApr 01 13:11
schestowitzbad PRApr 01 13:11
oiaohmschestowitz: what is better paying a developer or paying a shillApr 01 13:15
oiaohmShort term paying a shill gives a boost.   Not paying the developer long term screws you over.Apr 01 13:16
schestowitzYes, same with marketingApr 01 13:20
schestowitzMicrosoft and Apple both do itApr 01 13:20
schestowitzBut Apple has codersApr 01 13:21
schestowitzAbused BSD devsApr 01 13:21
schestowitzAnd KHTML and others....Apr 01 13:21
zer0c00lapril fool joke 01 13:26
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 13:27
zer0c00l"worlds first poetic computer book" ;)Apr 01 13:27
zer0c00lbblApr 01 13:28
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ToreadorVampireMmm ... well - I dunno if it's conficker related or not, but my ssh tunnels to one of my clients keeps dropping todayApr 01 13:28
ToreadorVampireAnd they run an exclusively windows-based network (except for the one Debian server I am using to build this web app for them on)Apr 01 13:29
ToreadorVampireUsually those tunnels are rock solid, but today I keep having to pin the damn things up againApr 01 13:29
schestowitzI'm getting DB errorApr 01 13:31
ToreadorVampireI get signal!Apr 01 13:31
ToreadorVampireWait, nevermind :)Apr 01 13:31
schestowitzToreadorVampire: yes, I hear storiesApr 01 13:31
schestowitzIt's wonky overallApr 01 13:31
schestowitzMake backups and find fallbacksApr 01 13:31
schestowitzLike opendnsApr 01 13:31
oiaohmThere is a lot fo distrubances.Apr 01 13:35
oiaohmReally minor thinking all routing networks are on high alert and scanning as many packets as they can.Apr 01 13:36
schestowitzzoobab01: have a look at what Apple is up to: US Patent Office exposes Apple secret plan < >Apr 01 13:36
MinceR:)Apr 01 13:37
schestowitzoiaohm: the server was rebooted this morning after the troubleApr 01 13:39
schestowitzSecond day in a rowApr 01 13:39
schestowitzBN did about 300k hits yesterday, despite the downtimeApr 01 13:40
schestowitzThe FFII is being hilarious about patents: 01 13:42
schestowitzSys-con junk is floating more junk: "Ulitzer bills itself as a new-age website that will somehow replace the cult of Wikipedia. And judging from the online farce that followed the site's Friday beta launch, it's off to a good start." 01 13:43
schestowitzMicrosoft is attempting to spin and escape looting stories: 01 13:45
schestowitzIs Microsoft shafting its partners? "MS phone being made now at Flextronics" < >Apr 01 13:47
*benJIman_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 13:53
schestowitzThis could, at some stage, bridge the gaming device for GNU/Linux: OnLive games service 'will work' < >Apr 01 13:54
schestowitzMaybe powerful people too can be criminalised: Spanish judge to hear torture case against six Bush officials < >Apr 01 13:56
schestowitzThe melting of Greenland: 01 13:57
schestowitzConficker: Over 300,000 Domains Blocked, Millions Infected  < >Apr 01 14:00
*benJIman has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Apr 01 14:01
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schestowitz"MONO(nucleosis), the Microsoft kiss of death disease. After the Tom Tom ordeal, how long do you think it will be before Monopoly$oft starts suing the idiots that drank the MONO koolaid..." 01 14:02
oiaohmTomtom scared the crap out them.Apr 01 14:03
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 14:03
schestowitzLots more comments here: 01 14:04
oiaohmNever though for one min that Tomtom with one sign of a pen could go from no effective patents against MS to armed.Apr 01 14:04
schestowitzTomTom is a good milestone if you intend to knock some sense into Novell & apologistsApr 01 14:04
schestowitzEven ZEMLIN is angryApr 01 14:04
oiaohmOIN does have its place.Apr 01 14:04
schestowitzThe MS apologistApr 01 14:04
schestowitzLet me find itApr 01 14:04
oiaohmTomtom is looking at removing fat completely from there products.Apr 01 14:05
oiaohmThank you ms you have just reduced your users compadiblity with third party devices.Apr 01 14:05
oiaohmI don't call MS patent win a win.Apr 01 14:05
oiaohmIts a loss.Apr 01 14:05
schestowitzMicrosoft apologist Zemlin on the TomTom settlement: Microsoft Rolls Back its “Open” Promises < >Apr 01 14:06
oiaohmIts also reactived the debate if device makers should design there own filesystem.Apr 01 14:06
schestowitzoiaohm: they have a similar dilemma with counterfeitingApr 01 14:07
schestowitzYou fight, you loseApr 01 14:07
schestowitzYou don't fight, you are de facto standardApr 01 14:07
schestowitzBut they don't know what to doApr 01 14:07
schestowitzWindows margins fall ANDApr 01 14:08
oiaohmMS had done there homework on tomtom.Apr 01 14:08
schestowitzI posted another thing here ysterdayApr 01 14:08
schestowitzIntel and Microsoft will suffer moreApr 01 14:08
oiaohmTomtom had no patents to use against MS.Apr 01 14:08
schestowitzsub-notebooks scale up with cheap CPUs and free Window (XP)Apr 01 14:08
schestowitzSo they make no decent margins when people buy new PCsApr 01 14:08
oiaohmOnce they signed OIN agreement they were all of sudden armed with solid unbreakable patents.Apr 01 14:08
schestowitzAnd they won't buy MSO for full price/at all, either.Apr 01 14:08
oiaohmTomtom has show other small companies they don't have to take the deal MS puts on the table.Apr 01 14:09
oiaohmThey can push back.Apr 01 14:09
oiaohmAnd get a more suitable deal for them.Apr 01 14:10
oiaohmOk not what you and I want I wanted a court battle.Apr 01 14:10
schestowitz"Shipley told that the Conficker.C worm has infected about 10 million Windows-based computers in 150 countries, with China's level of infection estimated at 3 million, Brazil at 1 million and Russia at 800,000. In the United States, researchers suspect about 200,000 computers have been infected."Apr 01 14:11
schestowitzoiaohm: no, it's not overApr 01 14:12
schestowitzSFLC and others are still on itApr 01 14:12
schestowitzNow they can demand that Microsoft folks the cardApr 01 14:12
schestowitzAnd invalidate those patentsApr 01 14:12
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 14:12
schestowitzwb, _Hicham_Apr 01 14:12
schestowitzSpanish judge to hear torture case against six Bush officials < >Apr 01 14:12
_Hicham_Hi Roy!Apr 01 14:12
_Hicham_how r u doing?Apr 01 14:12
schestowitzOKApr 01 14:12
_Hicham_did u sleep well?Apr 01 14:13
schestowitzSite was downed this morningApr 01 14:13
_Hicham_why?Apr 01 14:13
_Hicham_was it an attack?Apr 01 14:13
MinceRtime for that patent organization you keep mentioning to sue m$Apr 01 14:13
schestowitzDon't know. Maybe DDOS... server overloadedApr 01 14:13
schestowitzMinceR: OIN?Apr 01 14:13
schestowitzI don't think they canApr 01 14:13
_Hicham_schestowitz, don't u use akamai?Apr 01 14:13
oiaohmOIN could.  Current stage they are not interested.Apr 01 14:13
schestowitzThey are defense-only portfunk-junkioApr 01 14:13
MinceRwell, this is defenseApr 01 14:13
MinceRm$ is trying to kill companies who make linux-based devicesApr 01 14:14
schestowitz_Hicham_: no, CDNApr 01 14:14
oiaohmIts better to have MS force people into be coming members.Apr 01 14:14
schestowitzI think they triesApr 01 14:14
schestowitz*tiredApr 01 14:14
oiaohmfirst so when you do hit MS gets kinda crushed.Apr 01 14:14
schestowitzThat would end the proiblemApr 01 14:14
schestowitzBut Microsoft is a predator, aggressorApr 01 14:14
_Hicham_oiaohm, did u work today?Apr 01 14:15
schestowitz"I think the best thing that could happen to the 'official' MySQL is for IBM to complete its acquisition of Sun as fast as possible. That deal, by the way, no matter what rumors you may have heard is still very much alive. " http://blogs.computerworld...Apr 01 14:17
oiaohmSome _Hicham_Apr 01 14:19
_Hicham_data recovery?Apr 01 14:19
oiaohmnopApr 01 14:19
oiaohmGeneral server maintaince.Apr 01 14:19
oiaohmClearing and auditing of logs.Apr 01 14:20
oiaohmNasty job but has to be done from time to time.Apr 01 14:20
oiaohm  Forgot to tell you _Hicham_ I do have a blog I sometimes use.Apr 01 14:21
_Hicham_u didn't use it since FebruaryApr 01 14:22
_Hicham_ur last post was about long time between releases equal qualityApr 01 14:22
_Hicham_u didn't update it sinceApr 01 14:22
schestowitzoiaohm helped BN with data recovery of sortsApr 01 14:23
oiaohmYep normal.Apr 01 14:23
schestowitzAn assetApr 01 14:24
oiaohmI am one of these people I lack good topics or time blog goes dead.Apr 01 14:24
schestowitzWow. "I wish credativ developers happy hacking!" < > I thought Roberto disliked RMS and his doctrine.Apr 01 14:25
oiaohmI have a topic of next week so it will be good.Apr 01 14:25
_Hicham_u should always write to insure the continuity of the blogApr 01 14:25
oiaohmPeople always think as software patents as harmful to open source.Apr 01 14:25
_Hicham_are they good for open source?Apr 01 14:26
schestowitzA Sun VP just invited me to a conferenceApr 01 14:26
schestowitzI had to declineApr 01 14:26
oiaohmThey are double sided.Apr 01 14:26
oiaohmThey are harmful to everyone.Apr 01 14:26
oiaohmClosed and open source a like.Apr 01 14:26
schestowitzopen source misses the pointApr 01 14:26
schestowitzIt's not about visibilityApr 01 14:27
oiaohmClosed can use them against open and open can used it against closed.Apr 01 14:27
schestowitz"open source" is a strawmanApr 01 14:27
schestowitzSame with closedApr 01 14:27
schestowitzOr proprietaryApr 01 14:27
oiaohmAnd patents is fireApr 01 14:27
schestowitzThe distrinction to make is "Free software" and non-free softwareApr 01 14:27
*mib_ex455l (i=bd692c1a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 14:27
schestowitzSoftware that respects it user vs one that abuses the userApr 01 14:27
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oiaohmDoes not work abuse the person doing the work.Apr 01 14:28
oiaohmYet people work.Apr 01 14:28
schestowitzI don't followApr 01 14:29
_Hicham_schestowitz is selling closed source and patented softwareApr 01 14:29
_Hicham_:DApr 01 14:29
oiaohmOpen source always says respects the user.   If user needs software now but lacks the skill and money to pay for it to be developed how can they get it under the open source model.Apr 01 14:29
schestowitz"Some bloggers have picked up the stories and may be within their rights to publish while national newspapers cannot. The court order imposing the reporting restrictions says that it only applies to people who know about the restriction." Bingo.Apr 01 14:29
oiaohmIts a different form of abuse from open sourceApr 01 14:30
oiaohmLack of repsonsiveness.Apr 01 14:30
schestowitzThat's why blogs beat newspapers sometimes.Apr 01 14:30
_Hicham_I think that games will help Microsoft stay for a whileApr 01 14:30
oiaohmWhere with closed source they can look at getting there money back from more people.Apr 01 14:30
schestowitzoiaohm: no, not thatApr 01 14:30
oiaohmDifferent areasApr 01 14:31
_Hicham_their DirectX is getting acceptedApr 01 14:31
oiaohmThey are different sides of coin.Apr 01 14:31
schestowitzoiaohm: don't miss the point about DRM, forced payment through extortion/access, WGA and the likes of it. Also lockinbApr 01 14:31
oiaohmThey both harm users different.Apr 01 14:31
_Hicham_DX10 is already supported by a large area of video cardsApr 01 14:31
schestowitzDX10 means nothingApr 01 14:31
_Hicham_so Linux will still struggleApr 01 14:31
schestowitzLike XD9Apr 01 14:31
schestowitzJust marketingApr 01 14:31
schestowitzBut....Apr 01 14:31
_Hicham_it means a lotApr 01 14:31
oiaohmThey both provide different advantages schestowitzApr 01 14:31
schestowitzThis may slow down wineApr 01 14:32
_Hicham_it will slow it a lotApr 01 14:32
_Hicham_OpenGL is not catching upApr 01 14:32
schestowitzOpenGL has many gamesApr 01 14:32
oiaohmThink about blance schestowitz what would be required to protect user yet provide most chance they can get the software they need quick.Apr 01 14:32
schestowitzSome are run on the server sideApr 01 14:32
_Hicham_not like DX10Apr 01 14:32
schestowitzThere are startups explotring this alreadyApr 01 14:32
oiaohmTo long term protect users all programs have to go open source eventounraly.Apr 01 14:33
_Hicham_games on the server side?Apr 01 14:33
schestowitzYou could even do ray-tracing in real-time and stream over the results over the networkApr 01 14:33
schestowitz_Hicham_: yes, I posted this earlierApr 01 14:33
oiaohmBut to allow fast responces not all have to be open sourced off the start line.Apr 01 14:33
_Hicham_it is not very efficientApr 01 14:33
schestowitz OnLive games service 'will work' < >Apr 01 14:33
_Hicham_how can u play a game such as Assassin's Creed on a server?Apr 01 14:34
schestowitz_Hicham_: true, no efficient, BUTApr 01 14:34
_Hicham_it needs 3Gb of RamApr 01 14:34
schestowitzThink about streaming games on stuff like portable PCsApr 01 14:34
oiaohmvirtualgl for linux.Apr 01 14:34
schestowitzYou can't carry SLIs on the runApr 01 14:34
_Hicham_2.26 Core 2 DuoApr 01 14:34
oiaohm_Hicham_: how much of that memory would be duplicate.Apr 01 14:34
schestowitzHow nice would it be to move workloads off a thin portable client?Apr 01 14:34
oiaohmI have had programs that take 2 gb of ram.Apr 01 14:35
oiaohmOnly need about 1 meg for another user.Apr 01 14:35
schestowitzoiaohm: you had Vista?Apr 01 14:35
_Hicham_I don't think that servers will do thatApr 01 14:35
oiaohmWould MS done vista if they had been forced to release windows 2000 schestowitzApr 01 14:35
oiaohmAnd would be forced to release XP in time.Apr 01 14:35
_Hicham_we will have multiusers for the same game?Apr 01 14:35
schestowitzYesApr 01 14:36
schestowitzEven centralisedApr 01 14:36
schestowitzSo you can ensure no cheatingApr 01 14:36
oiaohmHow many cpus do you think fits on a motherboard _Hicham_Apr 01 14:36
_Hicham_16 I thinkApr 01 14:36
oiaohmMax you can fit in a kinda single board is 4096Apr 01 14:36
oiaohmThat is a cable joined motherboard.Apr 01 14:36
oiaohmBecause it would be too large to layout as a single flat board.Apr 01 14:37
_Hicham_won't that increase with time?Apr 01 14:37
*[Ramon] has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 01 14:37
oiaohmO yep.Apr 01 14:37
_Hicham_with chips getting smaller than actual ones?Apr 01 14:37
oiaohmCurrent 4096 is the max Linux can support.Apr 01 14:37
oiaohmOS limited not tech limited.Apr 01 14:38
_Hicham_ah I seeApr 01 14:38
schestowitz 'Venezuelan minx Mendoza, 22, popped into the US's illegal Caribbean detention centre accompanied by pal Crystle Stewart, who boasts the title Miss USA. On her blog, Mendoza "recounted how she and Stewart met US military personnel and toured the camp, with its barbed wire fences, minefields and watchtowers", as the Guardian puts it.'Apr 01 14:38
_Hicham_this server side game will kill hardware makers thenApr 01 14:38
oiaohmso ammount of processing power you are talking about is nothing compared to servers.Apr 01 14:38
_Hicham_because as schestowitz said, most of the requirements will disappearApr 01 14:38
schestowitzoiaohm: there are extensions in LinuxApr 01 14:38
schestowitzIt can do more CPUs/coresApr 01 14:38
schestowitzRed hat does the mostApr 01 14:39
schestowitzSLES a little less with extensionsApr 01 14:39
_Hicham_how many does RedHat support?Apr 01 14:39
oiaohm4096 is the defualt kernel that performs at high performance.Apr 01 14:39
oiaohmLinux can cluster way higher than that.Apr 01 14:39
schestowitz_Hicham_: centralised is also like hypervisorsApr 01 14:39
schestowitzSo you utilise energy betterApr 01 14:39
schestowitznetwork and routers take the tollApr 01 14:39
oiaohm4096 I was talking about to the OS its a single motherboard.Apr 01 14:40
oiaohmNo network.Apr 01 14:40
_Hicham_schestowitz : this technology won't be good for hardware makersApr 01 14:40
schestowitzNoApr 01 14:40
schestowitzSpurious is goodApr 01 14:40
schestowitzMore excessApr 01 14:40
schestowitzIntel slaughtered by netbooks...Apr 01 14:40
schestowitzProfits down 90% in last quarterApr 01 14:41
schestowitzCan you make mone competing ng with ARM?Apr 01 14:41
schestowitz*moneyApr 01 14:41
schestowitzSub-$100 complete mobosApr 01 14:41
_Hicham_no one canApr 01 14:41
_Hicham_sub-$100 is a killerApr 01 14:41
_Hicham_especially with the crisisApr 01 14:42
oiaohm  Redhat default kernel stops at 32 processes.Apr 01 14:42
oiaohmMost likely because 2.6.29 has 4096 defaultApr 01 14:42
oiaohmAnd redhat kernel is not upto that.Apr 01 14:42
oiaohmand 255 for amd 64Apr 01 14:43
schestowitzkiller to who?Apr 01 14:43
oiaohmNo where near the max Linux can do.Apr 01 14:43
oiaohmARM makes a proft under 100Apr 01 14:43
oiaohmNote ARM processor type.Apr 01 14:43
schestowitzgeode is dead, iirc Apr 01 14:44
oiaohmintel amd.... basicaly everyone makes arm processes.Apr 01 14:44
schestowitzatom is fatApr 01 14:44
schestowitzenergy consuming...Apr 01 14:44
oiaohmThe market is basically swiming in them.Apr 01 14:44
schestowitzticklessness needed alsoApr 01 14:44
schestowitzintel to licese arm tech?Apr 01 14:45
oiaohm 01 14:45
oiaohmNote 3/4 of all 32 bit processors sold world wide is arm.Apr 01 14:45
schestowitzOnly that?Apr 01 14:46
schestowitzI thought more.Apr 01 14:46
oiaohmx86 is only a very small section of the market.Apr 01 14:46
schestowitzI read that only 2% of world's CPUs target desktopsApr 01 14:46
schestowitzPuts 'Windows domination' in perspective, doesn't it?Apr 01 14:46
oiaohmx86 desktops and servers had to fit somewhere.Apr 01 14:46
schestowitzLinux is probably running on more 'computers' than WindowsApr 01 14:46
oiaohmNot more computersApr 01 14:46
oiaohmMore devices yes.Apr 01 14:46
schestowitzSame thingApr 01 14:47
oiaohmMore cpu cores yes.Apr 01 14:47
schestowitzComputer = CPU+other bitsApr 01 14:47
oiaohmremember a supercomputer would be counted as 1 in some cases.Apr 01 14:47
schestowitzSome doors are computersApr 01 14:47
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, thus the looselessly of the defApr 01 14:47
oiaohm+1 million chips 1 countApr 01 14:47
schestowitzRegardless of sizeApr 01 14:47
schestowitzLies, dman lies, and statsApr 01 14:48
oiaohmIts really trick to work out how to count googles server.Apr 01 14:48
schestowitzSome stupid trade journals call "Desktops" computersApr 01 14:48
schestowitzTherein the confusion gets generatedApr 01 14:48
oiaohmIts multi location and huge.Apr 01 14:48
schestowitzAnd "computers" have virusesApr 01 14:48
schestowitzLike it a bacterial infection in h/wApr 01 14:48
oiaohmLinux does sometimes get virusesApr 01 14:48
_Hicham_Computers have virusesApr 01 14:49
schestowitzGoogle is said to have abour 1 million serversApr 01 14:49
_Hicham_because Computers are equipped with WindowsApr 01 14:49
schestowitzSome might be old, but I reckon that most are big racks with multi-coreApr 01 14:49
_Hicham_Windows is stuck with the H/WApr 01 14:49
schestowitzIt's bundledApr 01 14:49
schestowitzThat's what keeps em goingApr 01 14:49
*harrytuttle has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 01 14:49
_Hicham_people don't make a difference between Windows and H/WApr 01 14:50
_Hicham_oiaohm : would u work for MS?Apr 01 14:50
schestowitzFirefox 3.0 ekes ahead of Internet Explorer 7 in Europe < > No idea of how accurate this is.Apr 01 14:52
schestowitzThe illegal bundling following the crimes against Netscape too is a factoApr 01 14:52
_Hicham_I am glad Mozilla is createdApr 01 14:52
_Hicham_Mozilla did help the Web a lotApr 01 14:52
oiaohmMost unlikely _Hicham_Apr 01 14:53
_Hicham_how oiaohm?Apr 01 14:53
oiaohmSome how I suspect I would be too likely to thump someone at MS.Apr 01 14:53
oiaohmNot like MS Windows has ever given me a good time.Apr 01 14:54
_Hicham_ 01 14:54
_Hicham_it is an old videoApr 01 14:55
_Hicham_but interestingApr 01 14:55
oiaohmARM is one of the processes I dont' mind using for embeded work.Apr 01 14:56
oiaohmYou can basically have the chip customised anyway you need.Apr 01 14:57
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 01 15:00
schestowitz "You know what scared ME from using Windows? Working for Microsoft for 14 years, 4 of them in the Windows division. One of the reasons I left the company (other than the over-abundance of incompetent people) was the lack of confidence I had in Microsoft's ability to deliver a quality OS -- and they proved it with Vista."Apr 01 15:00
schestowitzWhy Red Hat keeps out of desktops, with the exception of Fedora: 01 15:25
*mib_q53n1c (i=d8ef4ec4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 15:49
*mib_q53n1c has quit (Client Quit)Apr 01 15:50
Balrogalso see 01 15:52
*_Hicham_ has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 01 15:56
*schestowitz looksApr 01 15:59
schestowitzYes, I saw this earlier in Digg and posted this here.Apr 01 15:59
schestowitzThere is another good one.Apr 01 15:59
schestowitzBalrog: you really gave it to RMS, didn't you?Apr 01 15:59
Balrog...gave /what/ to RMS?Apr 01 16:07
Balrogyou've misquoted itwire ... "Letter from a CIO: why Conficker won’t hurt our company"Apr 01 16:07
Balrogyou mean asked too many questions? :PApr 01 16:08
Balrogor what?Apr 01 16:08
Balrog[?]Apr 01 16:09
schestowitzWhich question was this?Apr 01 16:09
schestowitzWasn't it a criticism about him not explaining fair use?Apr 01 16:09
Balrogthat was someone else.Apr 01 16:10
BalrogI asked various little questionsApr 01 16:10
schestowitzAustralia fooled by April Fool's Day pranks < >Apr 01 16:10
schestowitzBalrog: ah, OKApr 01 16:10
schestowitzCause you said something about fair useApr 01 16:10
Balrogthe very last, for exampleApr 01 16:10
schestowitzWhen RMS escaped...Apr 01 16:10
schestowitzHe answered the questions poorlyApr 01 16:10
schestowitzPoor performance that say, relatively.Apr 01 16:11
schestowitzAnd he should play less with his hair :-)Apr 01 16:11
Balrogat the end I complained about the VB.NET courses the school forces IST majorsApr 01 16:11
Balrogyeah lolApr 01 16:11
Balrogforces on *Apr 01 16:11
BalrogI feel that policy (of the school) isn't fairApr 01 16:12
schestowitzsometimes corruptApr 01 16:13
schestowitzTo the extend that universities allow people to have companies inherit studentsApr 01 16:13
BalrogI don't know in this case. There are two people in particular who seem to be involved, but I won't name namesApr 01 16:13
schestowitzEven wrong for Google, IBM, etc.Apr 01 16:13
Balrogthe chairman didn't know about it :OApr 01 16:13
schestowitzKickbacks are commonApr 01 16:13
schestowitzIn many walks of lifeApr 01 16:13
schestowitzThe important thing is to expose themApr 01 16:14
Balrogtrue.Apr 01 16:14
schestowitzIt can be soft bribes tooApr 01 16:14
Balrogwe've got enough supporters of FOSS around here thoughApr 01 16:14
schestowitzLike, "you put some .NET on the curriculum." A year later the professor gets a job offer from Microsoft.Apr 01 16:14
schestowitzVery common.Apr 01 16:14
schestowitzhappened with the Buton Group that smeared ODFApr 01 16:14
Balrogthese are older professors btw ... very close to retiringApr 01 16:14
schestowitzThey pay using contracts and stuff.Apr 01 16:14
Balrogor past retirement agApr 01 16:15
Balrogage *Apr 01 16:15
Balrogso idk how applicable that would be.Apr 01 16:15
schestowitzThey can be repayed through their kidsApr 01 16:15
Balrogtrue.Apr 01 16:15
schestowitzTheir kids could be MS programmersApr 01 16:15
BalrogI'm not going to accuse anyone of that yet though, because that would be pure speculationApr 01 16:15
Balrogfirst see what can be done using regular meansApr 01 16:16
Balrogright?Apr 01 16:17
schestowitzGoogle enters netbooks now. Ballmer explicitly said he was afraid of this, which means it's good. 01 16:22
schestowitz 01 16:22
schestowitzBalrog: it's hard to catch thisApr 01 16:22
MinceRso a new, crippled generation of netbooks is born.Apr 01 16:23
MinceRperhaps google wants to compete with the vista7 version that's limited to 3 apps at the same time :>Apr 01 16:23
schestowitzThat's easyApr 01 16:25
schestowitzFunny thing is this:Apr 01 16:25
schestowitzMicrosoft is trying to strangle GNU/Linux by dumpingApr 01 16:26
schestowitzThe strangulation works against MicrosoftApr 01 16:26
schestowitzIt shoots itself in he foot by promoting the perception (and reality) that Windows is gratis. OEMs will get spolitedApr 01 16:26
schestowitz*spoiledApr 01 16:26
schestowitzIf Microsoft's press is promoting Mono < >, then it must be bad for GNU/Linux.Apr 01 16:37
ToreadorVampireOoh, code folding in monodevelop 2.0Apr 01 16:50
ToreadorVampire<_<Apr 01 16:50
ToreadorVampire>_>Apr 01 16:50
ToreadorVampireI mean, erm, boo, hiss!Apr 01 16:50
schestowitzI'm going to write more about this laterApr 01 16:51
schestowitzAfter the FAT case they get ridiculed by more peopleApr 01 16:52
schestowitzI'm trying to think of a momorable name to convey the idea that mono is FATApr 01 16:52
schestowitzSomething which says that Mono is begging for another case of "taking out of the FAT (Mono)"Apr 01 16:52
schestowitz"Ballnux" is a good reminder to people that SLE* is just Ballmer's preferred 'Linux' distro, so how about something like Ballmono?Apr 01 16:54
*ToreadorVampire shrugsApr 01 16:55
ToreadorVampireBut I do concede that some day I'm gonna have to learn pythonApr 01 16:55
ToreadorVampireCoz right now .NET/Mono/Monodevelop is my development environment of choiceApr 01 16:56
schestowitzGo-oo is being called "Novell- and Microsoft-backed fork" It's interesting because they acknowledge it's a fork, and one that's backed by Microsoft with Novell, which pays Microsoft for patents.Apr 01 16:57
*Yfrwlf (i=4cfd41f2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 16:59
YfrwlfToo bad most governments are so prone to business lobbyists, instead of the citizens they're supposed to be supporting.  Otherwise none of this would have happened. ;)Apr 01 17:01
YfrwlfAnd this site wouldn't have to exist. :PApr 01 17:01
schestowitzHeyApr 01 17:02
*schestowitz reads commentApr 01 17:02
Yfrwlfjust random mumbling ^^Apr 01 17:02
Yfrwlfand my typical whining about a universal package management system to give Linux users real freedom :DApr 01 17:03
schestowitzyes, crime is a peril to Free softwareApr 01 17:03
schestowitzit's adverse to honestyApr 01 17:03
*iwmw ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 01 17:03
schestowitzThe IRC channel is more political than the siteApr 01 17:04
schestowitzEarlier on we discussed with Balrog how professors put .NET on the agenda, possibly for kickbacksApr 01 17:04
Yfrwlfcrime hurts anything community-driven, reallyApr 01 17:04
Yfrwlfit happens, kickbacks are commonplace in the business world I'm sad to sayApr 01 17:04
Yfrwlfbribing is sooooooo expectedApr 01 17:05
Yfrwlfhere's $100 to say/do blahblahblah, yay!Apr 01 17:05
schestowitzSome people are not hurtApr 01 17:05
schestowitzBecause being outside community they accept things blindlyApr 01 17:05
schestowitzUntil there's a great depressionApr 01 17:05
Yfrwlfif they're selfish and don't think about anyone else but themselves, then they do things without thinking even though it effects others.Apr 01 17:06
Yfrwlf*real* teachers would think about how it effects their students.Apr 01 17:06
schestowitzhey usually are selfishApr 01 17:06
schestowitzThe system --like the voting system--must take this into accountApr 01 17:07
schestowitzIt rarely doesApr 01 17:07
Yfrwlfa teachers job is to give fair and balanced approaches, and not take advantage of their students for a measly $100 =PApr 01 17:07
schestowitzLobbyists are bridges for those who run the system and corporationApr 01 17:07
schestowitz*sApr 01 17:07
schestowitzLike middlemen not just for money but also for favours (same thing)Apr 01 17:07
schestowitzThe problem is that bribes are likely to risse notApr 01 17:08
schestowitz*rise nowApr 01 17:08
schestowitzMore poor analysts without businessApr 01 17:08
schestowitzThey'll sell out.Apr 01 17:08

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