THE EPO BOSS WHO likes to 'milk' terror attacks in Europe and the United States (sending an open letter to Lee only after one such attack) is apparently trying to get close to the USPTO amid massive slide in 'demand' for EPs from the US. Calling Battistelli a "boss" is actually an understatement considering the coup.
"Calling Battistelli a "boss" is actually an understatement considering the coup."There is a stark difference in leadership styles; Lee has gently used what's known as 'soft' power and Battistelli is a bulldozer, who even bulldozes the law and then declares "immunity", thereby disgracing Europe. Lee would be wise to keep her distance from this thug.
"Today," the Office wrote a couple of days ago. "USPTO Director Lee talks on the future direction of technical cooperation and classification with @EPOorg’s Benoît Battistelli."
Be careful not to associate with this thug and 'Mafioso', Mrs. Lee. We have been frank about Battistelli and we have been very supportive of Lee and her reforms, which were based on law rather than some fringe lunatic like Benoît Battistelli with his irrational whims. "Patent Trolls cost the US economy $80 billion/year and must be reformed," Gary Shapiro wrote the other day and Lee actually combats the problem, gradually and successfully.
"Be careful not to associate with this thug and 'Mafioso', Mrs. Lee."Battistelli, by contrast, wants to bring these trolls to Europe. This is perhaps why patent aggressors (like IAM and its "swamp") are supportive of Battistelli and everyone else wants him ousted. Watch this sole response to the tweet from the USPTO and mind/see the addressees (IAM ‘magazine’). IAM is already siccing trolls on Michelle Lee. That's the "swamp" of IAM -- basically a pool of patent vermin that just twists the system to extort and abuse actual scientists and technologists. Suffice to say, people who write for IAM are not technical (or barely technical). The same is true for Battistelli, who was only introduced to so-called 'IP' in his mid fifties and had received no science education, unlike Lee.
We won't be too shocked if by the end of the day or some time in the coming days a photo op of Battistelli turns up in the EPO's Web site, pretending all is fine and dandy. Lee is no Trump and it won't be easy for her to decline to shake Battistelli's hand, even for some self-serving footage (legitimising a thug who disgraces Europe and France).
"We certainly hope that Battistelli's sheer abuses and a Mafia-like regime won't interfere with the true reforms in the US."Yesterday IP Watch wrote: "The director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Michelle Lee, today resurfaced after weeks of silence, speaking after the trilateral meeting of the US, European and Japan patent offices. Among her remarks was praise for Latin American countries for joining the Patent Prosecution Highway, which she said has already resulted in much faster patents in the region. "
"One problem," I told them, "is [that] she was not exactly silent, [and she] still signed things. Attacked by patent microcosm" though (she had to be defensive and keep a low profile for a while). We certainly hope that Battistelli's sheer abuses and a Mafia-like regime won't interfere with the true reforms in the US. Anything that Battistelli touches turns to ashes, including the EPO itself. ⬆