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TechBytes Episode 40: Video Begins at 40

Direct download as Ogg (1:26:41, 16.8 MB) | Direct download as MP3 (39.7 MB | Low-quality MP3 (9.9 MB)

Summary: Except the experimental bits about video, this show covered MeeGo, Angry Birds, FTAs, and much more

We attempted to make this the first episode with video, but due to technical issues it will probably have to wait until the next episode. Tim and I will have hopefully sorted out webcams over SIP by then. Update: show notes are published.

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(There is also an MP3 version)

Our past shows:

November 2010

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 1: Brandon from FedoraTechBytes Episode 1: Apple, Microsoft, Bundling, and Fedora 14 (With Special Guest Brandon Lozza)1/11/2010
Episode 2: No guestsTechBytes Episode 2: Ubuntu's One Way, Silverlight Goes Dark, and GNU Octave Discovered7/11/2010
Episode 3: No guestsTechBytes Episode 3: Games, Wayland, Xfce, Restrictive Application Stores, and Office Suites8/11/2010
Episode 4: No guestsTechBytes Episode 4: Fedora 14 Impressions, MPAA et al. Payday, and Emma Lee's Magic9/11/2010
Episode 5: No guestsTechBytes Episode 5: Windows Loses to Linux in Phones, GNU/Linux Desktop Market Share Estimations, and Much More12/11/2010
Episode 6: No guestsTechBytes Episode 6: KINect a Cheapo Gadget, Sharing Perceptually Criminalised, Fedora and Fusion 14 in Review13/11/2010
Episode 7: No guestsTechBytes Episode 7: FUD From The Economist, New Releases, and Linux Eureka Moment at Netflix14/11/2010
Episode 8: Gordon Sinclair on Linux MintTechBytes Episode 8: Linux Mint Special With Gordon Sinclair (ThistleWeb)15/11/2010
Episode 9: Gordon Sinclair returnsTechBytes Episode 9: The Potentially Permanent Return of ThistleWeb17/11/2010
Episode 10: Special show formatTechBytes Episode 10: Microsoft FUD and Dirty Tactics Against GNU/Linux19/11/2010
Episode 11: Part 2 of special showTechBytes Episode 11: Microsoft FUD and Dirty Tactics Against GNU/Linux - Part II21/11/2010
Episode 12: Novell specialTechBytes Episode 12: Novell Sold for Microsoft Gains23/11/2010
Episode 13: No guestsTechBytes Episode 13: Copyfight, Wikileaks, and Other Chat28/11/2010
Episode 14: Patents specialTechBytes Episode 14: Software Patents in Phones, Android, and in General29/11/2010
Episode 15: No guestsTechBytes Episode 15: Google Chrome OS, Windows Refund, and Side Topics Like Wikileaks30/11/2010

December 2010

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 16: No guestsTechBytes Episode 16: Bribes for Reviews, GNU/Linux News, and Wikileaks Opinions3/12/2010
Episode 17: No guestsTechBytes Episode 17: Chrome OS Imminent, Wikileaks Spreads to Mirrors, 'Open' Microsoft5/12/2010
Episode 18: No guestsTechBytes Episode 18: Chrome OS, Sharing, Freedom, and Wikileaks11/12/2010
Episode 19: No guestsTechBytes Episode 19: GNU/Linux Market Share on Desktop at 4%, Microsoft Declining, and ChromeOS is Coming16/12/2010
Episode 20: No guestsTechBytes Episode 20: GNU/Linux Gamers Pay More for Games, Other Discussions18/12/2010
Episode 21: No guestsTechBytes Episode 21: Copyright Abuses, Agitators and Trolls, Starting a New Site20/12/2010
Episode 22: No special guestsTechBytes Episode 22: Freedom Debate and Picks of the Year27/12/2010

January 2011

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 23: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 23: Failuresfest and 2011 Predictions2/1/2011
Episode 24: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 24: Android, Microsoft's President Departure, and Privacy10/1/2011
Episode 25: Tim and RoyTechBytes Episode 25: Mono, Ubuntu, Android, and More14/1/2011
Episode 26: Tim and RoyTechBytes Episode 26: €£98 GNU/Linux Computer, Stuxnet's Government Roots, and More18/1/2011
Episode 27: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 27: Linux Phones, Pardus, Trusting One's Government-funded Distribution, and Much More22/1/2011
Episode 28: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 28: The Weekend After Microsoft's Results and LCA30/1/2011
Episode 29: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 29: KDE, Other Desktop Environments, and Programming31/1/2011

February 2011

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 30: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 30: Microsoft at FOSDEM, Debian Release, and Anonymous7/2/2011
Episode 31: Tim and RoyTechBytes Episode 31: Nokiasoft and Computer Games13/2/2011
Episode 32: Tim and RoyTechBytes Episode 32: Desktop Environments, Computer Games, Android and Ubuntu as the 'New Linux', Copyright Mentality22/2/2011

March 2011

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 33: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 33: Patent 'Thieves' and News That Deceives6/3/2011
Episode 34: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 34: Done on a Dongle13/3/2011
Episode 35: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 35: You Can't Please Some People19/3/2011

April 2011

Show overviewShow titleDate recorded
Episode 36: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 36: “Come to Take Me Away”3/4/2011
Episode 37: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 37: Escaping the Soaps4/4/2011
Episode 38: Tim, Gordon, and RoyTechBytes Episode 38: Thanks for Reaching Out11/4/2011
Episode 39: Tim and RoyTechBytes Episode 39: Groklaw wins, Microsoft me too's and trolls fail13/4/2011


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