Many also believe vaccination is a scam just because some profit a lot from it (that's an entirely separate issue, which does not disprove vaccines being effective)

Live weather at EuroNews (6AM today)

"Firefox was promoting climate change denial posted on the New York Times, in a "sponsored story" by Chevron." -Ryan, yesterday in #techrights
IRC (he has raised/made this complaint)
Summary: Facts don't seem to matter all that much when the Public Relations 'industry' pays to push lies (and "Microsoft loves Linux" is among those truly laughable lies, which are valuable to Microsoft's long-term objectives and are therefore repeated endlessly in the media for maximal effect)
THE polar bears are believed to be imminently destined or rapidly heading towards extinction (without human intervention to prevent it, as is the case with panda bears). The average temperatures rise over time and natural disasters are exacerbated by a changing climate. It's hard to deny that. But never underestimate the power of "Public Relations", advertising, think tanks, and lobbying. They would completely twist the narrative to claim the
opposite of what's true (like Microsoft "loving" what it actually hates).
Not a unique strategy by which to disseminate contradictory and confusing messages... (shifting the point of supposed 'balance' -- a balance between a truth and a lie, seeding
But the same crowd that tells us vaccines are outright evil and
rejects masks being effective (because to these people, according to their deranged politicians, wearing a mask is just like a political badge/statement) would believe just about anything. To them, if governments lie a lot (which they do), then everything is the very opposite of what one's government tells. But that's an over-simplistic kind of logic. The governments do not lie all the time, just
some of the time.
Similarly, Microsoft does not lie
all the time. Candidly,
Microsoft sometimes admits what it really thinks of women. Candidly,
not tactfully.
"We already know that Microsoft's bribery of the media (sometimes in the form of "advertising") exceeds all other expenses. Lying and manipulations have long been Microsoft's strengths."The analogy here, I think, is noteworthy. When a lot of the media is so corrupt (wilfully printing lies in exchange for money) we must be careful in assessing what it tells us about Microsoft. We already know that Microsoft's bribery of the media (sometimes in the form of "advertising") exceeds all other expenses. Lying and manipulations have long been Microsoft's strengths. Days ago, Facebook, Apple, Google, and Amazon came under "antitrust" fire. Where was Microsoft? Why was it not summoned? Is Apple more of a monopoly than Microsoft? As always, follow the money and find lobbyists, 'perception management' manipulators, and of course 'campaign contributions' (political bribes).
With so many cranks out there, seemingly growing in number because the COVID crisis kills them from the neck up, it's no wonder some people out there even fall for lies like "Microsoft loves Linux..." (they deserve the same sort of ridicule dished out at climate deniers) ⬆