The current strategy involves a “dangerous cocktail” of low-quality patents (in large quantities) and low-qualified staff being recruited as examiners, equipped with examination guidelines that violate the EPC
2022 is just around the corner or right around the edge, but it's never too late to glance back at warnings from patent examiners, who repeatedly cautioned António Campinos about his destruction of patent quality -- an endeavour started years earlier by his 'appointing authority', fellow Frenchman Benoît Battistelli.
06.11.2019 su19021mp – 0.2.1/1.3.1
The Financial Survey: A divisive exercise
Dear colleagues,
[Mr Campinos has asked you] to inform your team managers which of the “measures 1 to 10” have your support. This question is wrong at many levels.
- these "10 measures" presume that huge (5.8 billion) savings are necessary. We do not believe this to be true.
- these savings are to be obtained by cutting staff benefits and a further high (25-30%) increase in productivity. We believe that the EPO should, on the contrary, invest in staff and in quality.
- asking individual staff members which of the "10 measures" they prefer is divisive since many of the measures affect one category of staff more than another.
- only giving staff the choice between measures that target them excludes other options and a wider discussion about the future direction of the Office.
- the proposed consultation procedure is intransparent and open to manipulation. The alleged outcome cannot be verified.
- be aware that replying by selecting a measure may render an appeal against such a measure a certain loser.
At the moment the only measure directly affecting staff that SUEPO supports is the increase in the pension contributions as recommended by the actuaries (CA/56/19) who regularly review the performance of the RFPPS.
All the other measures proposed need further analysis and discussion. Alternatives that have not been proposed (adopting fees to follow inflation, asking a contribution of the Member States, less ambitious building plans) must also be considered.
We kindly ask that you keep the above considerations in mind if you wish to discuss the "10 measures" with your team managers or directors.
SUEPO and the staff representation are currently in deliberations of what is the best way forward for staff. We will publish soon information on each and every measure and the impact these will have upon you.
SUEPO Munich