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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: May 1st, 2009 - Part 2


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oiaohmIts not new.May 01 12:25
oiaohmScale is the difference that is all.May 01 12:26
*mib_kvl4sl (i=7aa75f31@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 12:27
oiaohmIf a normal colum flip floped it would have to be based on fact schestowitz or writen in weasel so it don't loss customers.May 01 12:27
oiaohmMags learnt early on do it too much loss too many readers.May 01 12:28
oiaohmDo it a little over the year regulars would tollerate it and it would get new readers in.May 01 12:28
oiaohmBasically shills did not learn anything from publishing history.May 01 12:29
schestowitzWe need to find out more about how W-E worksMay 01 12:30
schestowitzIt's the largest shill organiser Microsoft is employinfMay 01 12:30
schestowitzI think Miss Waggener or whatever (Laura) actually grew along with Microsoft because of her shillingMay 01 12:30
oiaohmW-E  ?  full company name.May 01 12:30
schestowitzYou can find it in old E-mails from ComesMay 01 12:31
schestowitzWaggener-EndstromMay 01 12:31
schestowitzI probably misspelled somethingMay 01 12:31
schestowitz"This is saddening stuff. At a recent Ruby conference (that I’m not going to name because it wasn’t their fault), a speaker (whom I’m not going to name for reasons of taste) had porn-flavored slides in his presentation; people were offended and said so. " 01 12:33
oiaohm  Yep those guysMay 01 12:34
oiaohm  Its basically MS press.May 01 12:35
schestowitzProxyMay 01 12:37
schestowitzYou're not supposed to call them MicrosotMay 01 12:37
schestowitzSo when they hire shillsMay 01 12:37
schestowitzThey don't "work for Microsoft"May 01 12:38
oiaohm 01 12:38
schestowitz Almost no company behaves like thisMay 01 12:39
schestowitzthere's MAFIAA with MAFIAADefenderMay 01 12:39
oiaohmPatent holder for some very strange patents.May 01 12:39
schestowitzAnd there's the oil companies that engage on genocide for cheap oil. But these are other problems.May 01 12:39
schestowitzWhich patent?May 01 12:39
oiaohmBasically patenting a internet scanning tool to work out if your press is working.May 01 12:40
oiaohmAnd others.May 01 12:40
schestowitz 01 12:40
oiaohmNotce that all you press access go into waggeneredstorm.May 01 12:40
oiaohmFrom MS.May 01 12:41
schestowitzReally?May 01 12:41
schestowitzAny link?May 01 12:41
oiaohmThe PR ContactsMay 01 12:41
oiaohmWhere I said its basically MS pressMay 01 12:41
schestowitzWhere is the patent text?May 01 12:42
schestowitzW-E is already scanning twitter for its spying dossiers or whatever they doMay 01 12:42
schestowitzIf they also patent that, then shame on themMay 01 12:42
oiaohmFollow the Our IP sections on there web site.May 01 12:44
oiaohmThere are a lot of warped things they are after patents on.May 01 12:44
schestowitzWhose Web site?May 01 12:45
oiaohmMicrosoft Learning: Microsoft Press, books, multimedia training and certification, reference tools  << Also the reason why I said they are basically MS press they are all the press contact for that.May 01 12:45
schestowitzW-E?May 01 12:45
oiaohmW-EMay 01 12:45
oiaohmyes there site.May 01 12:45
oiaohmhttp://waggeneredstrom.comMay 01 12:46
schestowitzI'm there alreadyMay 01 12:46
schestowitzPoor designMay 01 12:46
oiaohmNeeds javascript enabled to even allow you everywhere.May 01 12:47
schestowitzthsnks, I'll write about it laterMay 01 12:47
oiaohmDon't miss the PR_ContactsMay 01 12:47
oiaohmThat is a big one how can they be independant if they are the PR contact for so many of MS departments.May 01 12:47
oiaohmDon't MS departments trust themselves talking to the public.May 01 12:48
oiaohmYes you can have a lot of fun with this schestowitzMay 01 12:48
*schestowitz has connectivity issues ATMMay 01 12:51
oiaohmI guess the interlink is a lot more public than you dreamed schestowitzMay 01 12:53
schestowitz 01 12:54
schestowitzoiaohm: seems selectiveMay 01 12:54
schestowitzSomeones you can tell when some routes went bustMay 01 12:54
schestowitzIt only started happening when Conficker came about, so it could be related to zombiesMay 01 12:54
oiaohmRemember I told you about the network defence system being activatedMay 01 12:55
oiaohmLot of key rounters around the world can filter.May 01 12:55
oiaohmProblem is they are not what you call nicely selective.May 01 12:55
schestowitzSecurity in Open Source Projects: Lessons From Mozilla and Drupal < >    <--- this site hardly ever flamesMay 01 12:56
oiaohmSomething people attacking the internet would not dream after the malissia worm where it was a human typo lot of major router managers work out that a worm could nuke the complete network.May 01 12:56
schestowitzI'll need to do a wiki page abour W-E at some stage. We have heaps of material in 20 posts or soMay 01 12:56
oiaohmSo filters were added.May 01 12:57
schestowitzI have more in USENETMay 01 12:57
schestowitzFilters assume bad nodesMay 01 12:57
schestowitzLike zombies spewing spamMay 01 12:57
oiaohmConficker was the first time it was put fully into action.May 01 12:57
schestowitzI.e. someone innocent's PC controlled by another, which is controlled by another...May 01 12:57
oiaohmYes lot of the formulars have turned out to be like sledhammers.May 01 12:58
schestowitzConficker: the Microsoft MorrisMay 01 12:58
oiaohmCutting off gulty  with the incerent.May 01 12:58
oiaohmSorry about it schestowitzMay 01 12:58
oiaohmI was one of the ones who designed some of the formulars.May 01 12:59
*mib_644h5f (i=c4c88a4b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 12:59
*mib_644h5f is now known as _Hicham_May 01 12:59
_Hicham_Hi All!May 01 12:59
oiaohmHi _Hicham_May 01 13:00
_Hicham_anything new oiaohm?May 01 13:02
oiaohmOther than having to write up a project plan no.May 01 13:02
oiaohmSomething I like design a business network from nothing.May 01 13:03
oiaohmI guess you have heard about samba 3.4.0 containing franky option .  Samba 4 merged with Samba 3 so it can have a Active Directory Server.May 01 13:04
oiaohmWhat are you upto _Hicham_May 01 13:05
schestowitzIsle of Man KKK burns cross on Facebook < >May 01 13:06
schestowitzin _Hicham_ 's universe, network pwns YOUMay 01 13:06
_Hicham_does that mean no more headaches when it comes to interop with MS networks?May 01 13:07
schestowitzChina launches DNA database to track trafficked kids < > glyn moody will just love it.May 01 13:08
oiaohmNot quite yet _Hicham_May 01 13:08
oiaohmBefore end of year why would you run a MS ADS server when you can run a Linux one and not have to pay cals.May 01 13:08
oiaohmIts another wave of attack on MS bottem line.   Also will allow NAS servers into the ADS game.May 01 13:09
_Hicham_I am talking about interop, not setting up new ADSMay 01 13:10
oiaohmSamba 3 already had connect to ADS.May 01 13:11
oiaohmSamba 4 was about be ADS or a sub servent ADS server.May 01 13:12
_Hicham_wowMay 01 13:12
_Hicham_how will MS react to that?May 01 13:12
oiaohmNot much they can do.May 01 13:12
_Hicham_no patents law suit?May 01 13:13
oiaohmThinking most ADS protocals are mutent public domain protocals.May 01 13:13
schestowitz 01 13:13
oiaohmBasically nothing.May 01 13:13
oiaohmAll patents would have prior art somewhere.May 01 13:13
oiaohmAlso attacking samba the samba project could play dirty thinking they got funding to built the test suit for the MS protcols for MS.May 01 13:14
oiaohmEvery bug in Windows Servers the samba project most likely knows.May 01 13:15
*_Hicham_ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 13:15
schestowitzNice examples of KDE4 plasma widgets: 01 13:31
schestowitzRed Hat Hires Massively as GNU/Linux Business Carries On Growing at Double-Digit Pace 01 13:33
*mib_kvl4sl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 13:38
*magentar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))May 01 13:44
schestowitz"Cassatt Preparing to Shut its Doors: Report - eWeek"May 01 13:50
schestowitz'The Source' to close its doors < >. The press has been very quiet about business that shut down recently. Maybe because the press too is dying.May 01 13:51
*_boo_ (n=oiewq@ has left #boycottnovellMay 01 13:59
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 14:00
*mib_kvl4sl (i=7aa775a2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 14:04
schestowitzHere is another company that tried to sell Vista and seems to have just died: 01 14:10
schestowitz"Glyn Moodyglynmoody@schestowitz they've obviously learned from the UK's shining example on DNA databases for children"  key word is "UK's", not "government's"May 01 14:12
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))May 01 14:22
schestowitzMary Jo plays along w/ ms lies: 01 14:25
schestowitzms fakes leaks and loadsMay 01 14:25
schestowitzShe is supposed to know this, so something tells me she pretends May 01 14:26
schestowitzShe also advertises Vista7 some more today. :-(May 01 14:26
schestowitzglyn moody seems to be using twitter as a central point to all writings, so I'm dropping his blogspot feed.May 01 14:31
oiaohmI know some of the downloaders will be the future pirates.May 01 14:33
oiaohmaAMay 01 14:33
oiaohmAlso some of the downloaders are working out how secuirty flawed Windows 7 is.May 01 14:34
schestowitzAnother new sub-notebook runs GNU/Linux: 01 14:34
schestowitzoiaohm: less secure than VistaMay 01 14:34
schestowitzI think it's widely agreed and backed by _evidence_ by nowMay 01 14:35
schestowitzThe 'binary space' of Vista was also explored some more by nowMay 01 14:35
oiaohmWindows 7 is still too heavy for device makers.May 01 14:37
schestowitzWhat's the deal with this? 01 14:39
schestowitz"Threat Level contacted Microsoft to find out if any part of the locked down Windows XP configuration got into general consumer versions of the software or has influenced how it configures future versions of its software. The company did not respond."May 01 14:39
schestowitzHold it right there.May 01 14:40
schestowitzSecure XP?May 01 14:40
schestowitzThat's like saying rock-solid cardboard.May 01 14:40
schestowitzoiaohm: Windows 7 is not that much faster than Vista  < >May 01 14:40
schestowitzAlready confirmed some months ago in benchmarksMay 01 14:40
schestowitzGet Lessig's good new book now (free download): 01 14:41
*PeterKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 14:41
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))May 01 14:41
oiaohmNSA version of XP is truly secure.May 01 14:43
schestowitzMinceR: HU: Procurement continues to puzzle open source companies  < >May 01 14:43
oiaohmIt has something like selinux in it.May 01 14:43
schestowitznsa has selinuxMay 01 14:43
schestowitzbeat me to itMay 01 14:44
schestowitzbut the Pentagon is sill being crackedMay 01 14:44
schestowitzI very much doubt they secure windowsMay 01 14:44
oiaohmHow many machines run NSA windows.May 01 14:44
oiaohmNot many and no way MS will ever ship it.May 01 14:44
oiaohmfilesystem is not NTFS that is as far as my clues go to what in heck they have changed.May 01 14:45
schestowitzVery cool map about human origin (PIC): 01 14:46
schestowitzBe careful of shill blogs: 01 14:49
schestowitzMore of the same: Journalism 2.0: Don't Throw Out the Baby < >May 01 14:50
schestowitzObama: 'I believe waterboarding was torture, and it was a mistake' < >. Now will he put Bush and Cheney on trial?May 01 14:51
*mib_kvl4sl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 14:52
oiaohmBesides there is a far more effective way to extract information.May 01 14:53
oiaohmPut the person in mri and ask them questions.May 01 14:53
oiaohmUnless they are well trained they cannot really lie on the answers.May 01 14:54
schestowitzOur campaign to Defend Peaceful Protest launches < > It's like going 100+ years back in time.May 01 14:54
schestowitzoiaohm: that would not workMay 01 14:55
schestowitzYou want them to say thingsMay 01 14:55
schestowitzNot to read mindsMay 01 14:55
schestowitzBut...May 01 14:55
schestowitzOne psychological thing is this:May 01 14:55
schestowitzYou could ask specific questions and secretly check the brains response.May 01 14:55
schestowitzLike: "did man <X> phone you?"May 01 14:55
oiaohmActive areas of brain.May 01 14:56
schestowitzOr the US option: waterboard the hell out of the person.May 01 14:56
oiaohmMaking up on spot shows up straight away due to much activity.May 01 14:56
oiaohmIts not reading minds.  It monitoring brains responces to question and creating answers.May 01 14:57
schestowitzMonitoring your MEP: A tricky issue < >. EU is very secretive.May 01 14:58
schestowitzoiaohm: I think it's more complicated than thatMay 01 14:58
schestowitzThere is also a lot of probability theory and no accuracyMay 01 14:59
oiaohmCompared to water boarding.May 01 14:59
oiaohmWere person will tell you what ever you want to hear so you will stop.May 01 15:00
oiaohm   MRI is 100 percent at detecting on the spot fibbing.May 01 15:02
oiaohmPlaned lie that area is where it gets tricky.May 01 15:02
oiaohmAgainst people not trained to lie the lie its 100 percent effective.May 01 15:03
oiaohmTruely trained to lie there is no lie detect design yet or toture that will work.May 01 15:06
*mib_tcrpql (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 15:07
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 01 15:07
schestowitzI wonder if Larry has ready it by now: 01 15:16
trmancohttps://bugs.edge.launchpad...May 01 15:22
schestowitzDoc Searls of Linux Journal writes about our own kentma1 01 15:23
schestowitzBrian Murray May 01 15:23
schestowitzWho's that?May 01 15:23
schestowitzIt good to advertise it not just as a replacement for the virus (mono)May 01 15:24
*mib_kvl4sl (i=7aab10ee@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 15:24
schestowitzAlso removing the very heavy stack of MonovellMay 01 15:24
schestowitzTo all those who blindly choose Ubuntu: As one with Ubuntu installed on 3 PCs, I recommend Mandriva: 01 15:28
*conley has quit ("Leaving.")May 01 15:31
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 15:32
schestowitzInteresting post from Gary (ODF Foundation): 01 15:33
schestowitzIntelius Buys People Search Engine SpockMay 01 15:35
*PeterKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 01 15:35
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 15:37
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 01 15:42
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 15:43
*mib_kvl4sl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 15:44
schestowitzKucinich would have done something to put the torture blunder in front of a judge.May 01 15:50
schestowitzMore information about Novell layoffs: 01 15:56
schestowitzCould Ubuntu 9.10 get rid of Mono? 01 16:09
schestowitzMaddog on FOSS: 01 16:15
BalrogI hope soMay 01 16:15
*lis` has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))May 01 16:16
trmancoheheMay 01 16:19
trmancoit will pop into the repos, but I don't really think it's going to be in that releaseMay 01 16:19
Balrogit will be in the reposMay 01 16:21
Balrogthere's non free software in the reposMay 01 16:21
trmancoI would love to se banshee written in c++May 01 16:21
Balrogeven stuff like vmware!May 01 16:21
trmancoyeah I knowMay 01 16:21
BalrogI'd like to see gnome-do in C++May 01 16:21
trmancoflash and adobe reader are in tooMay 01 16:21
trmancopartner repoMay 01 16:21
*mib_tcrpql has quit (" ajax IRC Client")May 01 16:22
trmancoI don't see in which way something like gnome do is usefulMay 01 16:22
trmancowanna see why Gnote rocks?May 01 17:14
trmancobefore I remove mono crap from my system?May 01 17:14
schestowitzI'm doing a post about SpainMay 01 17:15
schestowitzMicrosoft Teaches Spanish Schools How to Smoke Windows: 01 17:23
trmancoschestowitz, 01 17:29
trmancohere is a reasonMay 01 17:29
trmancotomboy -> user0m2.324sMay 01 17:31
trmancognote -> user0m0.280sMay 01 17:31
*silentivm ( has joined #BoycottNovellMay 01 17:32
*mib_4266j8 (i=58a5ca63@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 17:34
trmancospain is getting owned by microsoftMay 01 17:34
trmancotime for the showdownMay 01 17:36
trmanco 01 17:36
*mib_4266j8 has quit (Client Quit)May 01 17:37
trmancotrmanco@trmanco-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get purge libmono0 mono-commonMay 01 17:38
trmancoReading package lists... DoneMay 01 17:38
trmancoBuilding dependency treeMay 01 17:38
trmancoReading state information... DoneMay 01 17:38
trmancoThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:May 01 17:38
trmanco  libglitz-glx1 gvfs-bin libglitz1 python-dateutil python-enchant python-vobject libgdiplusMay 01 17:38
schestowitztrmanco: that's startup time, right?May 01 17:38
trmancoUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.May 01 17:38
trmancoThe following packages will be REMOVED:May 01 17:38
trmanco  libart2.24-cil* libflickrnet2.1.5-cil* libgconf2.24-cil* libglade2.0-cil* libglib2.0-cil* libgmime2.2a-cil* libgnome-keyring1.0-cil*May 01 17:38
trmanco  libgnome-vfs2.24-cil* libgnome2.24-cil* libgnomepanel2.24-cil* libgtk2.0-cil* libgtkhtml3.16-cil* libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil* libmono-addins0.2-cil*May 01 17:38
trmanco  libmono-cairo1.0-cil* libmono-cairo2.0-cil* libmono-corlib1.0-cil* libmono-corlib2.0-cil* libmono-data-tds1.0-cil* libmono-data-tds2.0-cil*May 01 17:39
trmanco  libmono-data1.0-cil* libmono-data2.0-cil* libmono-getoptions1.0-cil* libmono-getoptions2.0-cil* libmono-posix1.0-cil* libmono-posix2.0-cil*May 01 17:39
trmanco  libmono-security1.0-cil* libmono-security2.0-cil* libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil* libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil* libmono-sqlite2.0-cil* libmono-system-data1.0-cil*May 01 17:39
trmanco  libmono-system-data2.0-cil* libmono-system-web1.0-cil* libmono-system-web2.0-cil* libmono-system1.0-cil* libmono-system2.0-cil* libmono0* libmono1.0-cil*May 01 17:39
trmanco  libmono2.0-cil* libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil* libndesk-dbus1.0-cil* mono-2.0-gac* mono-2.0-runtime* mono-common* mono-gac* mono-jit* mono-runtime* tomboy*May 01 17:39
trmanco0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 49 to remove and 0 not upgraded.May 01 17:39
trmancoAfter this operation, 51.8MB disk space will be freed.May 01 17:39
trmancoDo you want to continue [Y/n]?May 01 17:39
trmancoschestowitz, yesMay 01 17:39
trmancoschestowitz, should I press yes?May 01 17:39
trmancoI'll take that as a yesMay 01 17:40
trmancodoneMay 01 17:41
schestowitzThe times are for startup, right?May 01 17:41
zoobab01 01 17:42
trmancoyesMay 01 17:42
trmancoI'll write about itMay 01 17:44
trmancoschestowitz, have you seen the image?May 01 17:44
trmancozoobab01, lolMay 01 17:45
Balrogtrmanco: yes was the correct thing to doMay 01 17:53
trmancoBalrog, Thank HubMay 01 17:54
Balrogthough you should run 'apt-get autoremove' as wellMay 01 17:54
trmancoyeahMay 01 17:54
trmancoalready did :-PMay 01 17:54
BalrogokMay 01 17:54
trmancoupgrade cruftMay 01 17:54
Balrogaptitude does that for youMay 01 17:54
Balrogyes.May 01 17:54
Balrogwhy does 3 look like windows in ubuntu 8.04?May 01 17:55
trmancouh?May 01 17:57
trmancooh that's the themeMay 01 17:57
trmancoGnote is instant, even on a cold startupMay 01 18:00
trmancoincredible what a simple port to a proper language can doMay 01 18:00
Balrognice. I tore out Tomboy and F-spot and Gnome-Do from this machine (Ubuntu 8.04)May 01 18:04
Balrogbut there's no PPA for Gnote for hardy :(May 01 18:05
BalrogVadim's is only for Intrepid and JauntyMay 01 18:05
trmancotomboy was the only app holding me back on removing monoMay 01 18:05
Balrogand some of us want to use LTEMay 01 18:05
schestowitzGnote ftw: 01 18:05
trmancoBalrog, email himMay 01 18:05
BalrogOK, then I'll do that.May 01 18:05
trmancoI've already pinged him to update to the latest versionMay 01 18:05
trmancoschestowitz, :DMay 01 18:07
trmancoI'll write that too, in english and portugueseMay 01 18:07
BalrogokMay 01 18:08
trmancomono and tomboy take 55 megs of disk spaceMay 01 18:12
schestowitz Apple considering price cuts  < >May 01 18:12
schestowitztrmanco: 50 floppesMay 01 18:13
schestowitz*iesMay 01 18:13
trmancoI removed f-spot so what's in the cd is a little moreMay 01 18:13
trmancomaybe 3-5 megs more, not sureMay 01 18:13
*mib_381gbe (i=7aa75aba@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 18:14
schestowitzHeh. Ubuntu As TV Character Name < >May 01 18:19
trmancoI'm slow in writing, I'm not like schestowitz who is blazing fastMay 01 18:19
schestowitzIf gnote succeeds, someone might do the same t f-spotMay 01 18:19
trmancoschestowitz, that is what g-photo is forMay 01 18:19
trmancosorry, gthumbMay 01 18:19
schestowitzbrbrMay 01 18:20
schestowitzphoneMay 01 18:20
trmancookMay 01 18:20
trmancoog btwMay 01 18:24
trmancothe gnote version I'm using is 0.2.0May 01 18:24
trmanconot the final releaseMay 01 18:25
trmanconewest*May 01 18:25
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 01 18:34
schestowitzAn open letter to Mark Shuttleworth < >May 01 18:34
schestowitzIs GNOME Di in Fedora?!?!May 01 18:34
schestowitz"To launch Gnome Do, press the ‘super’ key (mapped to the ‘Start’ key) and the spacebar together. Type whatever you wish (such as a URL, a file name, an application to launch, etc). and then perform the action, or press the Tab key to decide which action to perform. If you match the name of an image file, you could decide to open this, upload it to Flickr or to Imageshack. The utility is available directly from the Ubuntu aMay 01 18:34
schestowitznd Fedora repositories."May 01 18:34
schestowitz 01 18:34
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 18:35
schestowitzHow to upgrade from Mandriva 2009 to the new Mandriva 2009 Spring < >. I guess it's not simple from 2008.1May 01 18:47
schestowitzNice wooden theme for GNOME.. 01 18:50
trmancoalmost done with my gnome postMay 01 18:51
schestowitzIn PT-pt?May 01 18:53
schestowitzI wonder if btrfs will overrun ext4 before it's even widely deployed. "Ubuntu 9.04 does not use ext4 by default" 01 18:53
trmancoschestowitz, in englishMay 01 18:54
trmancoI will write also in portugueseMay 01 18:54
schestowitzChasing the white whale- “the year of the linux desktop” and “new ubuntu theme” < >May 01 18:55
schestowitzSome new positive reviews of BSDs on the desktop: 01 18:58
trmancoschestowitz, 01 19:00
trmancoI may have some typos or grammar errorsMay 01 19:00
*silentivm has quit (Remote closed the connection)May 01 19:03
schestowitzThe FSF has been working with a FOSS-oriented ad site to help them in the creation of a FLOSS advertising network. The finishing touches to their new advertising model will be completed within the next week or so, and they are starting to reach out to advertisers and web sites to help build interest. BN might become part of this.May 01 19:06
schestowitzThey approached us tooMay 01 19:06
schestowitz"I don't think you carry any display adverts currently, but would you be interested in doing so in an effort to help us to launch a free software friendly ad network? Unfortunately, too many sites that talk about free software carry proprietary adverts, so we are hoping that we can force a sea change."May 01 19:07
trmancothat's good newsMay 01 19:07
schestowitzI suggested they also contact Michael Larabel <michael at> from Phoronix. He's very upset about his advertising deal. At BN we got none and Shane pays the bills with AdSense.May 01 19:07
trmanco 01 19:08
trmancoThe Ad Bard Network is the only advertising network designed specifically for reaching the developers, architects, users and influencers in the free software community, allowing advertisers to directly communicate with the key customers in this exciting new area.May 01 19:08
schestowitzHow did you know?May 01 19:09
trmancoit's this ad network?May 01 19:10
schestowitzChip sales dive 29% in March < >May 01 19:10
schestowitztrmanco: did you know them?May 01 19:10
trmancoI saw these ads on lwn long time agoMay 01 19:10
schestowitzSuppose to be private for now, I think.May 01 19:10
schestowitzAh, OKMay 01 19:10
trmancoI didn't know it was that site :-PMay 01 19:11
schestowitzSomeone has just mailed me some fascinating stuff I didn't know about/May 01 19:11
trmancowhat is the topic?May 01 19:11
schestowitz"See here where they are trying to use the USTR as a stick to beat foreign competition." 01 19:12
schestowitz 01 19:12
schestowitz 01 19:12
schestowitz"The label is only there to make the consumers less guilty. A gigantic public relations exercise is all."May 01 19:12
schestowitz"See the last one where they are using the 'dolphin-safe”' legislation to keep Mexico's tuna out of the US market. Now we all know the only difference between "dolphin-safe” and dolphin-unsafe” tuna is a label. I recall reading a report where, the same boats go out using the same equipment using the same methods as before they introduced "dolphin-safe” tuna."May 01 19:12
schestowitzIs this common knowledge?May 01 19:12
schestowitzMy dad knew there was something funny about that label.May 01 19:12
schestowitzChina is sailing around the world and netting lots of the fish that's left in reefs tooMay 01 19:13
schestowitzI wonder when fish runs out.....May 01 19:13
schestowitz"There's plenty of fish in the sea" is a bad phrase to use. Some are already going extinct, even mammals like dolphins and whalesMay 01 19:13
schestowitzThe IP propaganda is very loud here in the UKMay 01 19:15
schestowitzSeparation in trade and restriction on development. VERY unethical.May 01 19:15
schestowitzOracle to intensify battle with < >May 01 19:18
schestowitzsomeone who knows the kernel well suggested that btrfs can do the best of both world when it's done. Is this true? Does one need all the btrfs (or zfs) features on a desktop?May 01 19:20
trmancoI'll brbMay 01 19:22
trmancobackMay 01 19:25
schestowitzRMS: " The US  forced an Air France plane to fly outside US airspace because one of its passengers, a respected journalist, was on the "terrorist watch list". This is yet more proof that US "anti-terror" measures are really "anti-dissident" measures — which makes them "anti-human-rights", "anti-democracy" and "anti-citizen". "May 01 19:27
schestowitzApril's edition of GNOME Journal has just been formally published: 01 19:33
schestowitzwp-hackers was very quiet last month. 01 19:35
schestowitz 01 19:35
*ushimitsudoki has quit ( 01 19:37
*ChanServ has quit ( 01 19:37
*conley has quit ( 01 19:37
*logger_bot has quit ( 01 19:37
*tessier has quit ( 01 19:37
*tessier ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 19:38
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 19:39
*logger_bot ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 19:39
*ushimitsudoki ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 19:40
*Yorp (n=yorp@unaffiliated/pecet) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 19:42
Yorphi guys, i love microsoft, and mr. ballmer tooMay 01 19:42
schestowitzJust in from OOoConf: IBM: "We are happy that MS has delivered support for ODF in SP2, even though MS said that it could not be done"May 01 19:44 just went bonkersMay 01 19:44
YorpwhateverMay 01 19:44
*Yorp (n=yorp@unaffiliated/pecet) has left #boycottnovell ("There’s probably no life, now stop worrying and enjoy your Internet.")May 01 19:44
schestowitzMary Jo is doing LOADS or Vista7 PR at the moment. What got into her...??May 01 19:46
*ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 20:01
* gives channel operator status to ChanServMay 01 20:01
schestowitz < An Apple a Day…Takes Away Your First Amendment Rights >May 01 20:08
-christel_-Hi all. Services have returned from a backup location, though we're still working on the issue with the sponsor. We should be back to normal in due course. Apologies again, and thanks for using freenode!May 01 20:09
trmancowriting that gnote vs tomboy thing in portugueseMay 01 20:25
schestowitzThanks.May 01 20:29
schestowitzWhere was the Engligh version again?May 01 20:31
schestowitzCan't see it in the logMay 01 20:31
trmancogive me a secMay 01 20:32
trmanco 01 20:33
trmancoI've already caught some typos :(May 01 20:33
trmancoand corrected them... but I may have moreMay 01 20:33
*trmanco goes back to his blog postMay 01 20:33
*schestowitz posts it to COLAMay 01 20:44
schestowitzNice theme by the way. Me like...May 01 20:45
*mib_b8rtcn (i=266a8a23@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 20:54
*mib_b8rtcn has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))May 01 20:54
trmancothanksMay 01 20:57
schestowitzNew blog?May 01 20:59
schestowitzHavn't checkedMay 01 20:59
schestowitz*veMay 01 20:59
trmancoit's not newMay 01 21:02
schestowitzI have my own site tooMay 01 21:02
trmancoI just don't post regularlyMay 01 21:02
schestowitzI hardly change it thoughMay 01 21:02
schestowitzBN gets loads more readershipMay 01 21:02 at about 10k/day, BN at about 30kMay 01 21:03
trmanco10 kMay 01 21:03
trmancoI get about 0.1 kMay 01 21:03
trmanco:-pMay 01 21:03
trmancono wait, less 0.01kMay 01 21:03
schestowitzI've just used the netapp cr*p in COLA to show what we need to show without a linklMay 01 21:04
schestowitzThat Linux grew heaps relativelyMay 01 21:04
schestowitzNot that the absolute numbers say muchMay 01 21:04
schestowitzI heardly check stats anymoreMay 01 21:04
schestowitzYears ago I did it every dayMay 01 21:04
schestowitzLike 2004-5May 01 21:04
schestowitzIt rose to about 3000 visits/day (avg) in about 2005May 01 21:05
schestowitzStrange week last weekMay 01 21:05
schestowitzLike 20k pages/dayMay 01 21:05
schestowitzMaybe botsMay 01 21:05
schestowitzProbablyMay 01 21:05
*schestowitz reminisces the days of excitement over 100 visits/dayMay 01 21:06
*mib_az98mm (i=be1876c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 21:07
*mib_az98mm has quit (Client Quit)May 01 21:08
trmancololMay 01 21:10
schestowitzThe Internet is a wonderful thing and sharing platform. Those who don't understand it never managed to make it work. Like old professors and such..May 01 21:11
schestowitzEven the navy moved to Linux now: 01 21:11
Balrogwell the air force didn't ... 01 21:14
Balrogread the comments if you feel likeMay 01 21:15
trmanco 01 21:15
trmancoheheMay 01 21:15
trmancothe man responsible for this ppa has already updated gnote :DMay 01 21:15
trmancobut it still hasn't been built yetMay 01 21:16
Balrogcool; now just to wait until the 8.04 version is upMay 01 21:16
trmancoBalrog, you already contacted him?May 01 21:17
Balrogyeah, he's working on itMay 01 21:18
BalrogI just tested it; works fineMay 01 21:19
Balrog(from src)May 01 21:19
Balrogbut I want the packageMay 01 21:19
trmancoah ok :DMay 01 21:20
schestowitzBalrog: seen it earller, thanksMay 01 21:20
schestowitzRest assured I have some expositions lined upMay 01 21:21
schestowitzAbout crooked politicians and MSMay 01 21:21
BalrogOK.May 01 21:21
trmancopublishedMay 01 21:28
trmanco:DMay 01 21:28
Balrogtrmanco: :May 01 21:30
Balrog? *May 01 21:30
trmancomy portuguese article on gnote and tomboyMay 01 21:31
Balrogo ok.May 01 21:33
schestowitzwe can only speculate on what will happen to zfs and btrfs now. Oracle created the latter due to zfs licensing.May 01 21:39
schestowitzBalrog: what happened to os x with zfs?May 01 21:39
Balrogzfs.macosforge.orgMay 01 21:40
Balrogit's still being advertised for 10.6May 01 21:40
Balrog 01 21:40
Balrogthe thing about ZFS is that it's already stable / shippingMay 01 21:42
trmanco:DMay 01 21:43
trmancojust seen that you posted my blog link on cola :-P thanksMay 01 21:44
Balrogtrmanco: ?May 01 21:46
trmancoBalrog, 01 21:47
Balrogok.May 01 21:54
*scientes ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 21:55
*scientes ( has left #boycottnovellMay 01 21:56
trmancoSmall Business Owner Sues Google & Others Over ‘Android’ Name: 01 22:19
schestowitzPhew. Many posts in COLA todayMay 01 22:20
schestowitzI'll need to relax for a bitMay 01 22:21
schestowitzAndroid?May 01 22:21
schestowitzOpen a dictionaryMay 01 22:21
schestowitzIt has existed for many yearsMay 01 22:21
schestowitzThe android should sue us all HUMANSMay 01 22:21
schestowitzThe AMerican public should be furious over this: 01 22:30
trmancoApple Seeks Order Compelling Psystar to Provide Financial Info: 01 22:32
trmancoit's just some company who wants a have a tiny fight with googleMay 01 22:32
trmancoit might not last longMay 01 22:32
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving")May 01 22:32
schestowitzI hardly follow that case anymoreMay 01 22:34
schestowitzhere's Paul 26 years ago 01 22:34
trmancowhy are people feeding that net applications BS?May 01 22:47
schestowitzIDG?May 01 23:02
schestowitzThey try to make it acceptedMay 01 23:02
schestowitz Fringes...May 01 23:02
trmanconot only them, but people who are close to Ubuntu for exampleMay 01 23:09
trmancoheise also covered thisMay 01 23:09
schestowitzsee the comments re: gnoteMay 01 23:31
schestowitz"Roy, you missed a link to the original article: "May 01 23:31
schestowitzHehe. trmMay 01 23:31
schestowitzLike .arsMay 01 23:31
PetoKrauslet's see gnoteMay 01 23:36
schestowitzIt's moving super-fastMay 01 23:37
schestowitzSince March when it was concivedMay 01 23:37
schestowitzMaybe in the repos shortlyMay 01 23:37
schestowitzLet's keep the project in some headlines and circlesMay 01 23:37
*schestowitz too tiredMay 01 23:51
schestowitzgnMay 01 23:51
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 01 23:56

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Active Twitter account
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insights into the pressure examiners are under
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IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, January 29, 2025
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Announcements and Administrivia
This week we're going out for two days in a row to celebrate an achievement that's very respectable
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The Web, Including Wikipedia, Gets Filled With Lies About Bill Gates, Added by Bill Gates and His PR Team
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WebM file
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"SuccessFactors" (SAP) Stunts at the EPO Used to Break Laws and Constitutions, Staff Tricked Into Harming Themselves
Ongoing corruption and lawlessness became the norm; Europe's second-largest institution (EPO) along with the largest institution (EU) has its very own Minsk
The GNU Manifesto Turns 40 in a Few Weeks
The FSF turns 40 later this year, too
Continued Support and Momentum at the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
"This helps protect our community."
Another Talk by Richard Stallman Tomorrow, This Time in Bengaluru
This means that in January 2025 he is giving at least 5 public talks
Over at Tux Machines...
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IRC logs for Monday, January 27, 2025