Irrespective of financial performance, Facebook is losing impact based on various metrics that we have tracked for years. Confirmatory media reports aside, Alexa ranks show Facebook peaking and then plateauing in 2011, finally suffering a statistically-significant decline of 4% in the past month alone. The past month has been exceptionally bad for Facebook, showing not just plateau but decline. In order to stay relevant, Facebook has been lobbying with Microsoft against public interests (this contributes to further isolation and alienation). Just like Yahoo, which is stuck with Microsoft after getting hijacked by Microsoft, Facebook is too closely aligned with Microsoft and against Google. As CNN put it, "Yahoo may want out of its search agreement with Microsoft, but the Internet giant doesn't really have another option." Yahoo nearly signed a Google deal some years ago, but Microsoft used AstroTurf tactics to stop it. Now Yahoo! is a dead man walking. Microsoft's investment in Facebook has had a similar effect. It doesn't let Facebook deviate from the 'Microsoft line'.
"Facebook will decline from majority market share to negligible market share in years to come."Now we discover that Bing, the Microsoft-censored 'search' which scrapes Google results pages, is to be further integrated with Facebook. Just like Nokia, Facebook will decline from majority market share to negligible market share in years to come. Don't let Microsoft-friendly sites make it seem like Nokia after the Microsoft takeover is anything but irrelevant. Even they say that "if you are thinking that this new Lumia is giant leap forward for Nokia and Windows Phone, you are mistaken."
Microsoft never helps companies. It devours of them. It leaves the unwanted bits out in the cold to rot. ⬆