In May 2021, according to StatCounter's data from the US, there's now 10%+ market share for GNU/Linux on desktops/laptops, albeit including ChromeOS (Gentoo). If one includes mobile (Android/Linux), it's even worse for Microsoft. Some time soon, on the "client side" at least (depends on definition of client, e.g. Internet-connected), Windows will be less than a quarter of the overall market.
"Some time soon, on the "client side" at least (depends on definition of client, e.g. Internet-connected), Windows will be less than a quarter of the overall market."The corporate media isn't talking about it, but a lot of things have changed over the past decade. When did the media last mention the collapse of IIS (and of Windows) in the servers sector? Lies by omission? For the sponsor?
Later today we plan to record another episode of TechBytes (if all goes according to plan). As longtime listeners are aware (the show started more than a decade ago), we've long covered the growth of GNU/Linux and demise of Microsoft in our show. Many of the predictions did in fact come true. Some were ahead of their time, so to speak. Over the years we discussed Microsoft shills and media operatives, with names like Mary Jo Foley, Ad Bot (or Bought), Mr. Wilcox, and Andre Da Costa coming up every now and then. They've since then vanished or become more marginalised. Even ZDNet seems to be giving up, albeit slowly. Attacking Linux is a losing battle because it requires going against facts, which means it alienates the audience. ⬆