FIVE days ago we wrote about this subject, expecting that Microsoft would bombard the media (as it did!) for days to come, likely with vapourware rather than something of substance. Microsoft has long been trying to distract everybody with "GAFA" or "Big Tech". Now we have proof that Microsoft was behind all this... all along.
"It's time to quit talking about the vapourware and instead talk about how to deal with the criminal enterprise or that cult Microsoft became a number of decades ago."People who tell us that Microsoft is no longer a danger and that antitrust scrutiny is unnecessary for Microsoft (even when it hijacks the competition and bribes key outposts) are participating in the abuses and crimes of Microsoft; Microsoft sometimes pays them to do this.
It's time to quit talking about the vapourware and instead talk about how to deal with the criminal enterprise or that cult Microsoft became a number of decades ago. Nothing has improved. They just changed the messaging, increased the lobbying etc. The Gates Foundation is already floundering, but we must ensure the same happens to Microsoft -- the larger part of that same cult.
Incidentally, earlier today we added the Gates Foundation and Linux Foundation to Gemini, in gemini://
and gemini://
respectively. ⬆
New articles/items from the video (in order of appearance):