Let's Encrypt in a Freefall in Geminispace (More Capsules 'Get' It)
Getting a "cert" from a CA says nothing about legitimacy; any malicious site or malware author can get a 'free' one these days. It's like 'Trophy Of Participation' (where merely attending guarantees an award).
2 days ago we saw 5% of Geminispace using Let's Encrypt. Last night that went down to 4.9% (we mentioned this in passing) and today it's 4.8%. Basically 2 days ago Lupa saw 139 capsules using Let's Encrypt and today it's down to 133, so maybe some were looking into changing their certificate to a self-signed one. 6 in 2 days is a lot and the number of self-signing capsules grew in those days. Maybe it's becoming more widely recognised that centralisation harms Gemini and the aspiration should be to get rid of these monopolistic, cartel-like Certificate Authorities (CAs). We see that the number of capsules signed by another CA also went down in recent days. The only category to gain was self-signed, whose absolute and relative share both went up.
Speaking of numbers, the FSF's race to get 200 new members is now halfway there (almost 100 members). Two days ago it was 88. █