A FEW days ago we wrote about Microsoft front group Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) sticking its nose deep inside IGF. We only named Jonathan Zuck from ACT, but it turns out that 3 ACT lobbyists in a row did their "lobbying" (lobbying as in euphemism for legalised bribery or corruption), according to this short report, which also says:
It is a bit like in the Minne, Courtly love, at the 5th Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The singing knight are Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) lobbyists, the lady of admiration seems to be the German academic Jeanette Hofmann who gets their support. Their own topic seems apparently CIR, the Governance of Critical Internet Ressources or Critical Infrastructure Resilience. It is a bit unclear but the “Brute Cause” logic is telling (“we don’t have the luxury to prioritize fixing problems that don’t exist or fixing things that aren’t broken. Because there are so many things that still need to be done.”). In other words CIR is “critical” but problems don’t exist and there are other things.