The Corrupt Judge Rader (of CAFC) Still Pursuing Bad (More Aggressive) Patent System in the US
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2014-11-05 10:23:04 UTC
- Modified: 2014-11-05 10:23:04 UTC

Photo from Reuters
Summary: Randall R. Rader, the disgraced judge from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), is still trying to impose his patent agenda on the United States, despite the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) repeatedly throwing away his rulings
Amdocs, a very surveillance-oriented company (although not advertised as such), has just lost an important case. Dennis Crouch wrote about it in "Software as an Abstract Idea". "In yet another case," wrote Crouch, "a district court has invalidated a set of software patents as unduly abstract under Alice Corp., Mayo, and 35 U.S.C. 101. In this case, E.D. Va. Judge Brinkema issued a judgment-on-the-pleadings that all of the asserted claims of the four Amdocs patents were invalid as patent-ineligible. The Decision."
Here again we are seeing the impact of the Alice case on software patents in the United States.
"Alice Corp. Oral Argument Goes to the Dogs" is a new post from Matt Levy that's basically a comical video. It has been widely agreed by now (except by the more delusional patent lawyers) that software patents are severely affected by the ruling in the Alice case on software patents in the United States.
Meanwhile, the
corrupt trolls apologist and software patents proponent Rader reportedly
says that “The law makes no sense any more” because SCOTUS, ruling in the Alice case, has struck down many software patents (if not all). The site (source) is vigorously preventing copy/paste (we've tried many browsers and even page source), but it basically shows that Rader continues his zealous pursuit in the maximalists' agenda (he himself has a serious conflict of interest, which is why he was ousted).
2014-11-05 12:46:20
Hmmm... When I display the page "" with Firefox on my Android tablet, I can simply select all of the text and copy it to the clipboard. Once it's there, I can easily paste it elsewhere.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2014-11-05 14:26:47
2014-11-05 16:27:49
I do seem to remember that there was, indeed, a time when copying from some (likely the same) site didn't work, but it was, then, a simple matter of disabling JavaScript in order to copy anything off the site. It doesn't look like JavaScript is disabled now, though.