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Links 14/12/2015: KDE Frameworks 5.17.0, ‘Referendum’ on GPL Enforcement

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:57 am by

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • Hints For Successfully Managing an Open Source Project

    Today I want to change things a bit: instead of covering a technical subject, I want to share with you what it means to run an open source project

    For more than two years, my friend David Rousset and I have led Babylon.js. We started the project after hearing that IE11 would support WebGL and we wanted to make it easier for people to build 3D scenes and games. For the following two years I spent all of my spare time making Babylon.js a simple and powerful 3D engine for web developers.

  • Western Digital Labs and ownCloud
  • Person of The Year 2015 in the Linux/OpenSource Community: Open Voting

    Year 2015 ends. Taking time to honor those peoples who work in Linux and Open Source community and don’t have deserved popularity. Maybe you use everyday several products from these peoples – this is your personal chance to say “thank you”.

  • Why William Hill is betting on open source rather than traditional IT vendors for digital transformation

    William Hill is moving away from traditional IT vendor relationships as it seeks to modernise its business, choosing to build applications internally using open source technologies pioneered by internet giants such as Google and Facebook.

  • Staking a career on open source software’s success

    I have enjoyed reading the stories others have shared about how they got started with open source software, so I thought I’d add mine. It is different in that I came to open source purely for business reasons. While I later embraced the open source way for reasons such as personal freedom and community, my initial exposure to it came from trying to find the best solution to a business problem.

  • Events

    • Extension: FOSDEM 2016 Desktops DevRoom Call for Talks

      The FOSDEM Organization has graciously given devroom organizers a little extension. We are therefore extending our own deadline for the Desktops DevRoom: the new deadline is December 14th. There will be no further extensions.

    • TADHack Paris – 12-13 December 2015

      I’m currently in Paris for TADHack, an opportunity to collaborate on a range of telephony APIs and services. People can also win prizes by doing something innovative with the platforms promoted by the sponsors.

  • Web Browsers

  • SaaS/Big Data

  • Databases

    • Google tries to spread the SQL cloud love

      Google has unveiled the next gen of its Cloud SQL service, a hosted version of the MySQL database.

      The second generation Beta Cloud SQL is more than seven times faster than the first generation of Cloud SQL. And it scales to 10TB of data, 15,000 IOPS and 104GB of RAM per instance.

      The first generation of Cloud SQL was launched in October 2011 .

  • Education

    • Dear parents: Let your kids use open source software

      A 16-year-old boy recently asked the r/Linux community for advice. When his parents discovered that he’d reloaded his laptop with Linux, they were horrified—after all, this “free” software must certainly be riddled with viruses and/or hackers. It didn’t help matters any that he’d “ruined” an expensive gift, and was no longer using some of the expensive software that had been purchased with it. He tried to talk to them about it, but it was tough—he was the teenager; they were the adults.

  • Pseudo-/Semi-Open Source (Openwashing)

    • Facebook’s custom AI hardware will be open-source, ready for Skynet

      While most artificial intelligence is powered by software, as the software gets more sophisticated, it relies on more powerful and sophisticated hardware to execute its needs. The social network will reportedly submit all the relevant design materials to the Open Compute Project, an organization that manages the sharing of datacenter infrastructure designs. “They’ve designed quite an elegant solution that can fully power and cool that number of GPUs and deliver maximum performance”.


    • A referendum on GPL enforcement

      One of the key provisions of the GNU General Public License (GPL) is that derivative products must also be released under the GPL. A great many companies rigorously follow the terms of the license, while others avoid GPL-licensed software altogether because they are unwilling to follow those terms. Some companies, though, seem to feel that the terms of the GPL do not apply to them, presenting the copyright holder with two alternatives: find a way to get those companies to change their behavior, or allow the terms of the license to be flouted. In recent times, little effort has gone into the first option; depending on the results of an ongoing fundraising campaign, that effort may drop to nearly zero. We would appear to be at a decision point with regard to how (and whether) we would like to see GPL enforcement done within our community.

    • For the love of bits, stop using gzip!

      So, who *does* use xz? kernel.org. Also, the linux kernel itself optionally supports xz compression of initrd images. Vendors just need to pay attention and turn the flags on. Anyone else want to be part of the elite field of people who use xz? Please?

  • Openness/Sharing

    • ROS, the Robot Operating System, Is Growing Faster Than Ever, Celebrates 8 Years

      Eight years ago, Morgan Quigley, Eric Berger, and Andrew Ng published a paper that was not about ROS. It was about STAIR, the STanford Artificial Intelligence Robot, which used a library called Switchyard to pass messages between software modules to perform complex manipulation tasks like stapler grasping. Switchyard was a purpose-built framework that was designed to be modular and robot-independent, and it was such a good idea that in 2009, “ROS: An Open-Source Robot Operating System” was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Japan. As of this month, the paper introducing ROS has been cited 2,020 times, an increase of more than 50 percent over last year.

    • The Cryptocurrency Open Source API Marketplace for Developers

      The API economy is the reality we live in and it’s an enormous one that, once the Internet of Things kicks into full gear, will feature an infinite number of API calls a day. But as we globalize, the world and the products—in this case APIs—we sell in it become more complicated and often more expensive as we factor in all the friction of exchange rates and credit card micropayments. It’s in everybody’s interest to smooth over that friction so developers can access our APIs or application programming interfaces more easily.

    • Open Hardware

      • OSWatch, an open source watch

        If you are a soldering ninja with a flair for working with tiny parts and modules, check out the Open Source Watch a.k.a. OSWatch built by [Jonathan Cook]. His goals when starting out the project were to make it Arduino compatible, have enough memory for future applications, last a full day on one charge, use BLE as Central or Peripheral and be small in size. With some ingenuity, 3d printing and hacker skills, he was able to accomplish all of that.

  • Programming

    • Git 2.6.3 A Lot Of New Features And Fixes
    • Django awarded MOSS Grant

      We’ve been awarded $150,000 to help fund the development of Channels, the initiative to rewrite the core of Django to support (among other things) WebSockets and background tasks, and to integrate key parts of the Django REST Framework request/response code into Django, such as content negotiation. Together, these projects will help considerably improve Django’s role of backing rich web experiences as well as native applications.

    • Go vs Node vs Rust vs Swift

      Some days ago ago Apple released Swift as open source language with instructions for Ubuntu Linux 15.10. So I decided to do a couple of simple benchmarks just to test some basic general purpose things like cpu, functions, read/write and not sequential access to arrays, concurrent parallel execution where possibile.

  • Standards/Consortia


  • Auto-Generating Clickbait With Recurrent Neural Networks

    “F.D.R.’s War Plans!” reads a headline from a 1941 Chicago Daily Tribune. Had this article been written today, it might rather have said “21 War Plans F.D.R. Does Not Want You To Know About. Number 6 may shock you!”. Modern writers have become very good at squeezing out the maximum clickability out of every headline. But this sort of writing seems formulaic and unoriginal. What if we could automate the writing of these, thus freeing up clickbait writers to do useful work?

  • Twitter Aims to Show Advertising to Much Wider Audience

    Twitter has long argued that its reach and influence extends far beyond the 320 million people who log into its social media service at least once a month. Tweets are embedded on thousands of other websites and apps, emailed, displayed on television and published in newspapers.

  • Microsoft is in an apologetic mood right now — what next? ‘Sorry for Windows 10′?

    Sorry may be the hardest word, but it seems to be tripping off Microsoft’s tongue quite freely at the moment. Maybe it’s the holiday season making the company look at itself, but we’ve had two apologies in recent days — first, a semi-apology for stealing OneDrive storage from people, and now it’s sorry about the Surface Book and Surface Pro 4.

  • Science

  • Health/Nutrition

    • Meat industry ignores FDA, health experts, buys more antibiotics

      Despite recent efforts by health experts, doctors, and the Food and Drug Administration to pull the meat industry away from its heavy use of antimicrobials, livestock producers seem to have dug in their heels.

      From 2009 to 2014, the amount of antimicrobials sold and distributed for use in livestock increased by 22 percent, according to an FDA report released Thursday. Of the antimicrobials sold in 2014, 62 percent were related to drugs used in human health, also called medically important. From 2009 to 2014, sale and distribution of medically important antimicrobials used on farms also jumped—an increase of 23 percent.

      That brings the 2014 total of antimicrobials sold for US livestock to 15,358,210 kilograms, including 9,475,989 kilograms of medically important drugs, according to the report.

  • Security

    • The Joy of Getting Hacked

      Two weeks ago, the server I host all my personal projects on was hacked by some guy in Ukraine.

    • Microsoft Edge has inherited many of Internet Explorer’s security holes

      We’re all anxiously awaiting the day that Windows 10′s new Edge browser becomes usable. That hasn’t happened yet, but it will some day next year. Microsoft Edge should represent a huge improvement in browser security, particularly when compared with the ancient, creaking, and leaky Internet Explorer. Recent events, though, have me wondering if Edge really represents that big of a step forward.

    • DEF CON 23 – Runa Sandvik, Michael Auger – Hacking a Linux-Powered Rifle

      TrackingPoint is an Austin startup known for making precision-guided firearms. These firearms ship with a tightly integrated system coupling a rifle, an ARM-powered scope running a modified version of Linux, and a linked trigger mechanism. The scope can follow targets, calculate ballistics and drastically increase its user’s first shot accuracy. The scope can also record video and audio, as well as stream video to other devices using its own wireless network and mobile applications.

    • Supporting secure DNS in glibc
    • TLS in the kernel

      An RFC patch from Dave Watson at Facebook proposes moving the bulk of Transport Layer Security (TLS) processing into the kernel. There are a number of advantages he sees for doing so, but most of the commenters on the patch set seem a bit skeptical about the idea. TLS is, of course, the encryption layer that protects HTTPS and other internet protocols.

    • Let’s Encrypt Stats
    • December ’15 security fixes for Adobe Flash
  • Defence/Police/Secrecy/Aggression

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • How Indonesian fires are affecting global climate

      Raging fires in Indonesia’s forests and peat lands since July this year are precipitating a climate and public-health catastrophe with repercussions across local, regional and global levels, experts told IndiaSpend.

      Acrid smoke and haze have enveloped Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, and have reached Thailand, choking people, reducing visibility and spiking respiratory illnesses, according to Susan Minnemeyer, Mapping and Data Manager for Washington-based World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Global Forest Watch Fires initiative.

    • Peat fires travel underground – the Indonesian disaster

      When I landed in Palangkaraya, the capital of the Indonesian province of central Borneo, in early September the smoke was already fairly thick. I was surprised they hadn’t cancelled the flight on seeing the ground suddenly come into view what seemed like a few seconds before landing.

      The smoky smell and thick warm air was something I recognised from 2011, the last El Niño year to hit the region (causing an extended dry season). There was definitely something of a “here we go again” sentiment from the locals I knew there too. My friend Yuyus texted: “selamat datang di kota asap” when I told him I’d arrived – welcome to smoke town. Within the next two days, all flights to and from the town had been grounded.

    • Fires Caused These Massive Plumes of Carbon Monoxide to Appear Over Indonesia

      Tens of thousands of wildfires ravaged Indonesia in September and October. A sizable portion of these blazes was smoldering subterranean peat fires, which sent toxic gas and particulate matter into the atmosphere. This new map shows the extensive spread of one particularly nasty gas: carbon monoxide.

      Wildfires in Indonesia are particularly troublesome. Unlike “conventional” forest fires, these fires smolder under the surface, making it extremely difficult to extinguish; it usually takes a good downpour during the rainy season to put them out. Making matters worse, these peat-fueled fires release far more smoke and air pollution than most other types of wildfires.

    • California in overdraft

      Two decades ago, the rolling hills of Paso Robles were mostly covered with golden grass and oak trees. Now the hills and valleys are blanketed with more than 32,000 acres of grapevines.

      Surging demand for wine has brought an explosion of vineyards, and along with it heavy pumping of groundwater. With the water table dropping, many people have had to cope as their taps have sputtered and their wells have gone dry.

    • Meteorologist Dr. Marshall Shepherd Explains How Historic Climate Agreement Will Have Positive Cascading Effects For Decades
  • Finance

    • Bill with passport and third-party tax collection provisions passes Congress

      The act creates a new Sec. 7345 that requires the secretary of State to deny, revoke, or limit the passport of any person who the IRS certifies has a seriously delinquent tax debt. “Seriously delinquent tax debt” is defined as an outstanding tax debt in excess of $50,000 (adjusted for inflation) for which a notice of lien or a levy has been filed, unless the individual is making timely payments under an agreement with the IRS or collection is suspended because a Collection Due Process hearing or innocent spouse relief has been requested or is pending. This provision is effective upon enactment.

    • Desperately seeking Satoshi Nakamoto

      In 2008, someone calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto posted a paper describing the workings of what would become the world’s most important digital cryptocurrency, bitcoin. Two months later, he posted the code for the first version of the software that would allow people to create and exchange the currency.

      The paper was revolutionary because it brought together ideas that people had been working on in the area of digital currencies. It solved the problem of exchanging money in a safe and secure way, without having to trust third parties or even the other person in the deal.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

  • Censorship

  • Privacy

    • What I told the kid who wanted to join the NSA
    • ‘I want to join the NSA. What do you think of that?’

      In September, I spent a day at the United States military academy at West Point, an elite, 213-year-old academic institution. I’d been invited to lecture by the Army Cyber Institute, a new academic department that focuses on cybersecurity and policies related to the military implications of attacking and defending electronic infrastructure.

      It’s not my usual speaking gig. I grew up as an organiser in the anti-nuclear-weapons movement; my experience of the military mostly revolves around protesting outside bases, not being invited inside them. West Point was the first military audience I’d ever addressed, yet I’d heard that they have used my young-adult novel Little Brother, which concerns net-savvy kids in San Francisco who form an underground movement to resist Homeland Security incursions on civil liberties following a terrorist attack.

      West Point is an American oddity: a leafy, ancient (by US standards) campus on a lazy river with academic standards to match any Big Ten or Ivy League university, but with a student body that is far more likely to come from racial minorities and poor people than any of America’s notoriously high-ticket educational institutions. I’ve done teaching stints at American universities where annual tuition ran to $50,000, and the contrasts between the student body at those schools and West Point could be the subject of a dissertation on American history, sociology, race relations or economics.

    • AP FACT CHECK: GOP hopefuls overstating on NSA phone records

      In the wake of the California shootings, Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham are complaining that U.S. intelligence agencies have lost their authority to collect phone records on Americans under a controversial National Security Agency surveillance program. They want the government to bring that program back.

    • Rubio Doubles Down on Repealing NSA Restrictions

      Florida Sen. Marco Rubio amped his criticism Friday of the Obama administration’s support for restrictions to a major National Security Agency surveillance program, and joined with fellow Republicans to call for increasing the agency’s powers in the wake of recent deadly shootings in Paris and California inspired by the Islamic State.

    • Cruz Defends Dictators, NSA Limits in Security Speech

      Taking on critics in his own party, Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz on Thursday defended Middle East dictators as useful allies against Islamic extremists during a Washington address decrying political correctness and stricter gun laws as an impediment to national security.

    • Ted Cruz rejects demands to revive NSA surveillance after San Bernardino

      Ted Cruz has launched a stinging attack on fellow Republicans who have demanded the return of mass telephone surveillance in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

    • Libertarian hero: ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, government funds, the NSA and the DHS

      It’s more than a little odd seeing the world hail their libertarian hero, mourn that he was “arrested for inventing Bitcoin”* (as is being claimed on Twitter), and find that he ate government money like a horse.

    • ‘Probable’ Bitcoin Creator Is A Garrulous Government Security Contractor And Is In Legal Trouble

      As the old adage has it, never meet your heroes. If Craig Steven Wright, an Australian serial entrepreneur, really is the creator of Bitcoin, then lovers of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency are going to be a little disappointed: Satoshi Nakamoto is not the man you thought he was.

      Reporters from Wired and Gizmodo have unmasked someone who has been a long-time purveyor of business cliches, someone who claims to be one of the most certified security professionals on the planet, and, rather than working against government, appears to have done plenty of work for the establishment. He even claimed to have relationships with employees at the NSA. As both publications admit, however, it could all be one elaborate ruse.

    • This Is What The NSA Told Their Employees About Digital Currencies, In 1995

      If news goes unnoticed for years, is it still new news, especially if the present brings new perspectives to light? While researching another article I came across an internal NSA document that was written in 1995 and declassified in 2008, not long before the invention of Bitcoin. The document, which is publicly available on the NSA website, is a weekly internal newsletter for NSA employees called Communicator and in it, they discuss the early iterations of digital currencies that were make headway at the time, specifically David Chaum’s Digicash.

    • James Clapper has found another reason why he lied about NSA spying

      Director of National Intelligence James Clapper now has a fifth reason for why he lied to the US Congress over the NSA’s spying program: he just plain forgot it existed.

      Speaking during a panel discussion last week, Clapper’s general counsel Robert Litt said that Clapper had not had time to prepare an answer to the question posed to him by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) about storing data on Americans.

    • Terrorist attacks don’t warrant return to mass NSA spying, McCaul says

      The terrorist attacks in California and Paris should not spur Congress to reinstate the mass surveillance of Americans’ phone records, House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul said Wednesday.

      But McCaul, R-Texas, said phone companies may need to keep customer data longer to help federal agents investigate terrorists such as the couple that carried out the mass shooting last week in San Bernardino. Federal agents have complained that a new law reining in the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone data limited how many years of phone records they could analyze in the San Bernardino case.

    • Researchers Found Windows’ Malware Similar To The One Used by NSA

      NSA’s one of the known snooping tactics is installing a malware into hard drive’s firmware which makes the deletion of the malware nearly impossible even the malware can avoid formatting of the hard drive.

      Nemesis is a malware that can be used for similar purposes as it can avoid clean-up software and can even avoid reinstalling of windows altogether by hiding behind boot records, according to FireEye.

    • Inside the NSA’s hunt for hackers

      When America’s premier federal security recruiters go fishing for new technical talent, they have plenty of lures to dangle. There’s the patriotic mission; the promise of a government salary; the thrill of working under the hood on the country’s classified cyber mechanics.

      And then there’s the pile of free purple and orange pens.

      At a recent job fair in this city’s cavernous convention center, the National Security Agency set up an eight-foot-long folding table and covered it with a black cloth and assorted pieces of schwag, trying to rope in coders and tech experts. “Push the limits of innovation,” read one of its posters. Brochures touted a mission producing results “that you might see on the nightly news,” like disrupting a terrorist attack, catching international drug traffickers or preventing a crippling cyberattack.

    • Original NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice: NSA Targeted Barack Obama

      Tice stated that the NSA is lying that they are only collecting the meta-data of USA citizens, and that the entire contents of every single form of communication in the United States is illegally and unconstitutionally spied upon and recorded by the NSA.

      Tice made the shocking allegations that the NSA is specifically targeting Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, and that the NSA has targeted and wire-tapped President Obama while he was campaigning prior to being elected!

    • Join Us as We Dive with Trevor Paglen 70 Feet Underwater and See NSA-Tapped Cables

      I’m flopping in my fins toward my first scuba dive in the ocean, accompanying artist Trevor Paglen on a mission to the ocean floor. We’re heading 70 feet down off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The captain asks me how I’m feeling.

      “Scared,” I say with a shrug, as if to say, How else would I feel?

      “Remember,” he tells me, “Jacques Cousteau did not die from diving. He died an old man.”

      When I hit the water, though, the anxiety is gone, and I am going slowly into the deep, hand over hand along a yellow rope.

    • How the NYPD is using social media to put Harlem teens behind bars

      Asheem and Jelani, were born exactly one year apart to the day, in the warm Junes of 1991 and ‘92. “I always felt there was something special about that,” says their mother Alethia. “A little bit of magic.” The two grew up together in their mother’s small apartment on the corner of 129th Street and Malcolm X Boulevard in New York’s Harlem neighborhood.

      As young children, the brothers were good friends with kids from all over Harlem. But as they matured into adolescent young men, a set of once-invisible rivalries began to surface. The True Money Gang from the Johnson Houses was at war with the Air It Out crew from the Taft Houses. Crews from Grant and Manhattanville projects exchanged gunfire in the streets. As he grew up, Jelani looked forward to leaving the neighborhood for school, “So I didn’t have to look behind my back every two seconds to see if someone about to bash me in the head,” he says.

    • Facebook offices in Hamburg vandalised

      Vandals have damaged the entrance to a building in Hamburg that houses the offices of social network Facebook, smashing glass, throwing paint and spraying “Facebook dislike” on a wall, according to police in the northern German city.

      Police said in a statement on Sunday that the overnight attack was carried out by a group of 15-20 people wearing black clothes and hoods. An investigation has been launched. Facebook was not immediately available to comment.

    • Privacy hawks turn to White House in encryption fight

      Privacy advocates are leaning on the White House to counter lawmakers’ renewed efforts to pass encryption-piercing legislation in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.

      Despite a lack of direct evidence the technology played a role in either incident, lawmakers continue to use both deadly plots to promote a bill that would force companies to decrypt data upon request.

      The tactic has left technologists and privacy advocates frustrated, even outraged.

      In a meeting with privacy and civil liberties groups on Thursday, the Obama administration said it was preparing to issue an updated stance on encryption policy in the coming weeks, giving the pro-encryption community hope it might have a new ally in its fight.

    • FBI director renews push for back doors, urging vendors to change business models

      The FBI still wants backdoors into encrypted communications, it just doesn’t want to call them backdoors and it doesn’t want to dictate what they should look like.

      FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he’d been in talks with unspecified tech leaders about his need to crack encrypted communications in order to track down terrorists and that these leaders understood the need.

    • Congresswoman Asks Feds Why They Pressured a Library to Disable Its Tor Node

      A Congresswoman from California is questioning Department of Homeland Security officials who put pressure on a local public library to take down the relay node it had set up for the anonymity network Tor.

      You may recall back in September, when the Kilton Public Library in Lebanon, New Hampshire briefly disabled its Tor relay after meeting with local police, who had received a tip from agents with Homeland Security’s investigations branch warning that the network can be used by criminals. Relay nodes act as the middle points of the Tor network, whose layers of encryption allow activists, journalists, human rights workers, and average citizens (and, yes, criminals) to access the Internet anonymously. The more nodes, the faster the network becomes.

      The fearmongering backfired spectacularly: the Lebanon library unanimously voted to restore its Tor relay and announced plans to convert it into a Tor exit node, one of the essential gateways which provides the last “hop” allowing Tor users to anonymously connect to Internet sites and services. More than a dozen other libraries around the U.S. also piled on, declaring their intention to run Tor nodes of their own in defiance.

      Now Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is asking just what the hell compelled the DHS to intervene.

    • The Secrets of an Abandoned Microwave Tower in Kansas

      A mysterious AT&T relic reveals connections between telecommunications infrastructure and the Cold War.

    • Elon Musk and other Silicon Valley investors to open AI research center

      In an interview following the launch of OpenAI, Musk explained how his new nonprofit was designed to help.

    • Cyber bill’s final language likely to anger privacy advocates

      Digital rights advocates are in an uproar as the final text of a major cybersecurity bill appears to lack some of the privacy community’s favored clauses.

      In the last few weeks, House and Senate negotiators have been working unofficially to reach a compromise between multiple versions of a cyber bill that would encourage businesses to share more data on hacking threats with the government.

    • Obama calls on tech giants to fight ISIS

      President could be referring to encryption debate

    • Government can’t find big needle in small haystack

      Since Edward Snowden revealed the federal government’s unlawful and unconstitutional use of federal statutes to justify spying on all in America all the time, including the members of Congress who unwittingly wrote and passed the statutes, I have been arguing that the Fourth Amendment prohibits all domestic spying, except that which has been authorized by a search warrant issued by a judge. The same amendment also requires that warrants be issued only based on a serious level of individualized suspicion backed up by evidence — called probable cause — and the warrants must specifically identify the place and person to be spied upon.

    • AP’s Ted Bridis Fact Checks His Own Bogus Claims, Now Being Repeated By Others, Admitting They’re False

      Earlier this week, we wrote about an absolutely ridiculous Associated Press story by reporter Ted Bridis, claiming that law enforcement investigating the San Bernardino shootings are being somehow held back because of the close of the NSA’s Section 215 phone records program. There were all sorts of problems with that story, so it’s great to see the Associated Press ask one of its enterprising young reporters — a guy who goes by the name Ted Bridis — to do a “fact check” piece on Republican Presidential candidates who are now repeating the very claims that Bridis himself made earlier in the week.

    • What the NSA Should Have Been
    • Edward Snowden to speak at CU via video chat

      Ron Suskind, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist will moderate the February 16 event from the Macky Auditorium. Attendees will be able to ask Snowden questions, but details about that process have not been released.

    • Jesse Ventura: NSA Violates the Constitution

      The FBI has used a secretive authority to compel Internet and telecommunications firms to hand over customer data including an individual’s complete web browsing history and records of all online purchases, a court filing shows.

      The NSA is violating the Fourth Amendment: Reasonable search and seizure. They’re providing none. They have no reasonable warrant to do this.

    • The Online Habits That Trigger NSA Spying

      TOR is an encryption network developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in the 1990s. The military’s hope was to enable government workers to search the web without exposing their locations and identities. The system today is widely available, runs on open-source code, and is popular among privacy advocates as a more secure alternative to open Internet surfing, particularly in countries with repressive regimes. It works by encrypting the user’s address and routing the traffic through servers that are located around the world (so-called “onion routing.”) How does the NSA access it? Through a computer system called XKeyscore, one of the various agency surveillance tools that NSA leaker Edward Snowden disclosed last summer.

    • * Obama Speech Translated * AP’s NSA “Propaganda”

      Wheeler writes widely about the legal aspects of the “war on terror” and its effects on civil liberties. She blogs at emptywheel.net. She just wrote the piece “6 Responses to Why the AP’s Call Record Article Is So Stupid,” about the NSA’s monitoring of San Bernardino shooting suspect Tashfeen Malik which states: “The AP engaged in willful propaganda yesterday, in what appears to be a planned cutout role for the Marco Rubio campaign. Rubio’s campaign immediately pointed to the article to make claims they know — or should, given that Rubio is on the Senate Intelligence Committee — to be false, relying on the AP article. That’s the A1 cutout method Dick Cheney used to make false claims about aluminum tubes to catastrophic effect back in 2002.

    • Edward Snowden Would Rather Play Fallout 4 Than Correct AP Journalists

      The takeaway from the AP story is that investigators lost out on the NSA’s phone record dragnet when one of the NSA’s bulk collection programs expired, which would have allowed them to access five years of phone records on shooters Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Now, the AP story implies, they’re stuck obtaining records directly from phone companies under the USA Freedom Act.

    • Paul: ‘If Rubio Were Doing His Job’ He’d Know NSA Program Was Active Last 6 Months

      Host Chuck Todd said, “Senator, respond to something Marco Rubio said. He said the following a week ago, ‘We were still able to see the phone records of a potential terrorist cause, we held them, now you have to hope the phone company still has them, you have to argue with their chief counsel by the time you get access to it and find out who they’ve been talking to before it’s too late.’ You were on the forefront of trying to change this law. Any second thoughts?”

    • Senator Rand Paul: NSA program failed to prevent terror

      Kentucky Senator Rand Paul says the US National Security Agency’s program of collecting US citizens’ phone metadata has failed to thwart terrorist attacks or help detain criminals as had been claimed by the United States authorities.

    • Paul: ‘Authoritarians’ like Christie want to reinstate data collection
    • Paul: Christie is an ‘authoritarian’
    • Paul slams ‘authoritarian’ Christie over bulk data collection
    • Christie to Congress: Attach Restoration of NSA Program to Spending Bill
    • Rand Paul on NSA Data Collection: Is There Any Limit To What “Authoritarians” Like Chris Christie Will Give Up?
    • Rand Paul: NSA phone-snooping program didn’t prevent any attacks
    • Paul’s Libertarian Support Siphoned Off by Cruz
    • 3 GOP presidential-candidate stooges
    • Christie hits Obama, Congress over NSA surveillance
    • NSA bulk collection of phone records ended, or did it?

      Nov. 29 was the deadline for the end of NSA bulk collection of telephone records as established by the USA Freedom Act six months ago. This ended the Patriot Act, revealed by Edward Snowden, to have been the authority used to collect the bulk phone records of hundreds of millions of Americans, a certain big government invasion of privacy, which incensed civil libertarians. Libertarians and Constitutionalists, on Fourth Amendment concerns, led by Sen. Rand Paul brought the demise of the hated Patriot Act. This ends government surveillance of its citizens. Or does it?

      The USA Freedom Act called for a six-month transition period allowing NSA to continue bulk collection as before, but at its end NSA must only access targeted data from telephone providers with judicial approval. Unfortunately for Constitutionalists it, like its predecessor the Patriot Act, nullifies the 4th Amendment requirement of “probable cause” and thus is as unconstitutional as the law it replaced.

  • Civil Rights

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Trademarks

    • Copyrights

      • Pirate Bay Founder: ‘I Have Given Up’

        “The internet is shit today. It’s broken. It was probably always broken, but it’s worse than ever.”

      • UK to Lengthen Copyright on Works of Artistic Craftsmanship

        The United Kingdom is holding a consultation as to when a provision of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 should take effect. Copyright in works of artistic craftsmanship—utilitarian objects (even if mass-produced) which are deemed artistic—shall be extended. Currently, the copyright lasts for 25 years after an item is first offered for sale; the new term will be for the life of the creator, then another 70 years. This means that some works which are now in the public domain will become copyrighted. Publishers of derivative works of such items, for example a book or film in which a work of artistic craftsmanship was photographed, will be obliged to obtain permissions, except for uses which fall under fair dealing.

      • Pirate Gets a Million YouTube Views, Everybody Benefits

        A pirate ordered to get 200,000 YouTube views or risk getting sued by companies including Microsoft has smashed his target. Against the odds Jakub F’s anti-piracy video now has more than a million views. Could it be that everyone involved – from corporations to pirates – have benefited from this exercise?


Keeping the European Patent Office (EPO) Out of Politics Amid the EPO’s Campaign to Deceive the Media, Politicians

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:51 am by

EPO Campaign to Deceive

Summary: The EPO is still — as for at least a decade beforehand — lobbying politicians and trying to manipulate the media (which politicians read) for a manufactured sense of legitimacy

THE President of the EPO has been doing some UPC lobbying recently (including unbelievably shallow puff pieces with so-called 'correspondents' who read from a pro-EPO script). It’s just part of a recent trend; we recently showed other examples of EPO lobbying for the Unitary Patent [1, 2], playing into the hands of large multinational organisations, not European citizens.

Looking around for some history on this, this is not exactly a new practice. Segolene Royal, French socialist candidate to the Presidency (2007), mentioned EPO lobbying in her answer to a series of questions:

Son activité dégage également des excédents mais avec l’avantage supplémentaire pour lui qu’aucun État ne vient les ponctionner. Ces excédents lui permettent de financer des professionnels des relations publiques pour influencer les choix du Parlement Européen.

Jonas Maebe, FFII Board Member, wrote in a letter to MEPs during the debate on the software patent directive:

The EPO lobbying politicians to promote software patents is a bit like some Department of Housing promoting the handing out of more building permits. We hope our letter and its annexes can give MEPs more balanced information than the EPO’s simplistic oneliners like “Idea + Patent = Innovation”. Economic policy making should not be based on unfounded claims by the EPO and emotional pleas by its largest customers, but on sound economic evidence and the desires of the involved sectors as a whole.

In our previous posts we showed some EPO material being disseminated too; was this distributed in the European Parliament? Outside of it too? What’s the context for all this lobbying if not software patents (at the time)? One small group of people that we know said it was “concerned that the EPO has become like a big business. Did you know that the EPO keeps an office in Brussels, just so that it can lobby the Commission, and Parliament? Did you know that the EPO places full-page adverts in magazines that MEPs read, promoting software patents?”

The matter of fact is, the EPO wants to expand its scope of influence and power. Broadening patent scope is one way to accomplish this. Becoming a vassal of massive multinationals is another.

According to D Young & Co’s new puff piece about the EPO, “an Adobe PDF file [can] to be converted into editable form or typed into a Microsoft Word document” and given to the EPO (remember that Microsoft is a special partner of the EPO, so no ODF file is likely to be accepted).

As we did back in the Novell days, we now have lots of trackers on the EPO, helping us quickly identify cases of EPO lobbying and manipulation of the media. We are going to try to inform journalists whom we believe got bamboozled or exploited by the EPO. There is a massive PR campaign going on right now.

When SUEPO Called the EPO a “Public Service Organisation Out of Control”

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:37 am by

The inherent problems with the European Patent Office (EPO) are long-recognised problems

Benoît Battistelli
Photo via “European Parliament not fooled by hearing of the patent microcosm”

Summary: Recalling some of the past calls for caution regarding the European Patent Office (EPO) or the organisation as a whole

THE European Patent Office (EPO) has been controversial for quite some time. Not only EPO staff was complaining. The problem isn’t SUEPO but is still Battistelli [pun intended] along with his buddies. The very fact that a clique of people managed to come into power with extreme force (Team Battistelli) is in itself a testament to the problems.

SUEPO logoAll those years SUEPO was able to co-exist with the management, but it’s only Battistelli that could not tolerate such staff unions. He added to his team a notorious aggressor who refuses to even acknowledge SUEPO's existence. He also hired notorious union busters, Control Risks.

Looking around some older material we found Senftl and Hardon v. EPO [PDF] (ILO-AT from 2010). There’s a long history of scandals there and also high staff turnover (we recently wrote about brain drain, or people moving around or leaving; even the recruiters themselves may be leaving as Iris Kindl was appointed Director Procurement only this spring). Hardon, however, is one of the well known veterans, having worked there for many decades. This is what probably makes her a very effective staff representative and an attractive scapegoat to Battistelli. She has seen a lot over the many years.

One interesting finding that we’ve managed to net is this old press release from almost a decade and a half ago. It speaks of structural issues in the organisation. To quote the press release:

A Public Service Organisation out of control?

As has been widely reported in the last few days, the European Patent Office appears to consider itself not to be bound by European Directives. In the specific case mentioned there was an alleged contravention of the Directive on Biotechnology in relation to European Patent EP-B1 0 695 351.

The European Patent Office is not part of the European Union

Although originally intended to be the authority charged with the grant of patent rights for the European Community, the EPO was created outside the framework of the European Union. As a result, the European Patent Office is in many respects an “autonomous state”, which is not bound by any of the directives of the EU unless it so chooses. The “Head of State” is the President, Ingo Kober. He is responsible solely to the Administrative Council, a body made up of representatives from the 19 contracting states who are party to the European Patent Convention. This body is not democratically elected and is accountable only to the respective national governments. As a body created by a separate international treaty this body is not directly bound to any national or international law other than the European Patent Convention, the EPC.

Further loosening of democratic control is contemplated

This Administrative Council is currently contemplating far-reaching changes to the Eurpoean Patent Convention. These changes will effectively mean that in future the Administrative Council can decide autonomously on the future direction of the law governing the award of patent rights in Europe, and the very law by which it is governed itself. No agreement by the European Parliament or any other publicly accountable European organisation will be needed and, as in all deliberations of the Administrative Council, many of which are held in secret session, there will be no participation of society at large. This opens the door to uncontrolled wide-ranging changes to the European Patent System. Recent events suggest that these changes may be against the interest of European citizens.

The Administrative Council already fails to defend the interests of the European public

The Administrative Council has put the Office under pressure to grant patents as fast as possible, without, however, creating the conditions that would make it possible to recruit the necessary staff. This means that the existing staff, already working to their full capacity, are being put under pressure to examine cases faster and faster. With less time being allowed to consider the complicated technical and legal questions which arise in patent examination, it is to be feared that the standards applied will drop. Statements in the press attributed to an EPO spokesman acknowledge that increasing production pressure can indeed lead to errors. See for example:



This could in turn lead to a larger number of patents of dubious validity (“junk patents”), thus impeding fair and open competition in the European Market, and hence threatening the employment market in Europe. This is however simply the tip of the iceberg. Lack of legal security for staff threatens standards The EPO is not bound by many of the laws or regulations that most of the citizens of Europe take for granted, such as the European Convention on Human Rights.

Some examples:

  • The Employment Law offers the staff extremely limited protection. Staff can be dismissed almost at will by the President and have no claims to unemployment pay or other social security payments:
  • Basic legal rights are ignored. The President is the ultimate ruler of the EPO. He is judge, jury and executioner. His decisions on matters within the office are final. Any decision made by the President can be enacted immediately. There is no “stay of execution” pending the outcome of appeal hearings. Sanctions are arbitrary and harsh. This makes the staff extremely vulnerable to pressure from the management in order to meet demands, e.g. by increasing output to a level beyond which it is possible to assure sufficient attention to detail.
  • European safety and health standards are not applied on EPO premises.
  • Even criminal law is disregarded: In 1995 the then President of the EPO physically attacked and injured a staff member, the Administrative Council of the EPO subsequently refusing to lift the immunity of the President.


The Administrative Council has shown a tendancy to treat the office as a commercial entity rather than as the public service organisation it is. This results in the continuing demands for ever more granted patents, while refusing to increase the resources of the European Patent Office accordingly. SUEPO, the Staff Union of the EPO soundly condemns this development due to the risks it poses to the quality of patent rights granted in Europe. It is high time that steps are taken to change the structure of the Organisation making it accountable for its actions to the citizens of Europe and their elected representatives.

This wasn’t the only such strongly-worded statement. Nearly a decade ago the SUEPO public page was mentioning (snapshot from that time, along with others that sport the default Drupal theme) the governance of the EPO as an extremely heated debate:

On June 19th the staff of the EPO in Munich striked (photos…) against the undermining of the European Patent System by the body entrusted with its governance, the Administrative Council. Simultaneously there was a demonstration held in Bern, in front of the Swiss Patent Office – home of Mr. Grossenbacher, the Chairman of the Administrative Council. National and individual interests (many of which financial) are dominating the decision making process and making it increasingly difficult for staff to maintain a high quality output of valid patents. The issue of governance of the EPO and its effect on the future of the European Patent System is a topic of heated debate.

Here is a face-saving interview from around that time.

SUEPO’s interview of Francis Hagel [PDF] is still online and it says:

Suepo: What effects (advantages / risks) does this combination of functions in a national and European offices have?

Francis Hagel: There are pro’s and con’s in any governance system. Certainly the fact that members of the Administrative Council are heads of national patent offices interested in the transfer of workload from the EPO raises a conflict of interest when such transfer is discussed by the Council. This may provoke criticism. However, the question is : what is the alternative ? A significant advantage of the current system, on the other hand, can be seen in the fact that the members of the Council understand very well the patent system and the operation of patent offices. Replacing the heads of national patent offices by public officials unfamiliar with the patent system and the operation of patent system, or involving the EU institutions in the governance of the EPO, could entail serious risks for the EPO.

SUEPO also published an interview of Dietmar Harhoff, who is introduced as “Munich innovation researcher and patent expert”. He said [PDF] the following:

3. Internal EPO structures

The Administrative Council runs the EPO together with the President. Most of its members work at national patent offices.

What effects does this combination of national and European offices have?

Professor Harhoff: It is undoubtedly good that the European Patent Organisation benefits from the experience of national institutions and experts. However, there are problems, on principle, with the fact that the EPC contracting states, or rather their national offices, profit financially from EPO-granted patents by virtue of their 50% share of the renewal fees, yet simultaneously would have to approve any measures leading to a greater focus on quality and thus to fewer patents. That is indeed an unsatisfactory situation requiring correction in the long term. The whole fee system is characterised by cross-subsidisation: expensive examination is partly financed by renewal fees. That of course creates incentives to grant as many patents as possible. The Academic Advisory Council report did in fact criticise this.

Finally, here is an interview from 2007 with Dr Ulrich Schatz [PDF] (it’s concluding with “The Central Executive Committee”). It is an interesting one that says:

(3) What should the relationship between the EU and the EPO look like?


From my experience over the last forty years, I can only warn against diluting that clear position, e.g. by making the EPO a subordinate EC agency. The Organisation would then forfeit its budgetary independence, which has so far ensured both Office and staff virtually ideal conditions in technical, accommodation and manpower terms. This would also put paid to any prospect of achieving a comprehensive and efficient European patent system including the post-grant phase as has been conclusively shown this past year by the EC’s renewed failure to create a Community patent.

It’s clear that for quite a long time now SUEPO has known about inherent issues inside the EPO. Now isn’t a bad time to unearth old criticisms, many of which still apply and are relevant.

SUEPO has sincere, genuine concerns, not some efforts to maliciously scandalise its members’ employer.

Patents Roundup: Software Patents Debate in the US, Microsoft and Apple Fight in Favour

Posted in Uncategorized at 4:19 am by

Depositing money using weaponised patents, for the benefit or enrichment of patent trolls, monopolists, and those working for them


Summary: A week’s roundup of news about software patents in the United States, primarily from sources that stand to gain from them (software monopolists and patent lawyers)

THE US patent system, the USPTO (which also combines another aspect, trademarks), is arguably creating a chilling environment that at times can discourage innovation. This has been a subject of active debate for quite some time because in some domains, such as software, any development work can be done quickly by a single person, to whom it is infeasible to study a lot of patents before undertaking the development work. To make matter worse, because a lot of software is reducible to logic or mathematics, there may not be any workarounds, especially when the patent is so vague that it covers a whole breadth of different approaches (patent on a progress bar for instance).

“To make matter worse, because a lot of software is reducible to logic or mathematics, there may not be any workarounds, especially when the patent is so vague that it covers a whole breadth of different approaches (patent on a progress bar for instance).”The world’s prominent patent maximalists (and occasional proponents of patent trolls) promoted the potency of software patents back in September, in spite of Alice. Also see Amanda Ciccatelli’s “How the USPTO’s “analysis paralysis” changed the software patent game”. She said that “As of late, the USPTO has invalidated an increasing number of software patents and denied numerous patent applications that deal with software that’s too abstract. With so much uncertainty about the patentability of software-related inventions, there are steps that patent-seekers take to ensure compliance with §101.”

Looking to this new article from a lawyers’ site, it becomes clearer just how some patents can discourage creation, either pre-actively, out of fear, or after the work was already done. To quote: “Receiving a cease and desist letter that alleges patent infringement is becoming more common in today’s competitive business markets and may come as a shock to the recipient, particularly if the sender is unknown to them and the recipient is unaware of the patents referenced in the cease and desist letter. That shock may quickly evolve into an emotional reaction based on an assumption or suspicion that the sender may be a “patent troll”, which may result in the letter being tossed into the garbage.”

“Software patents are the weapon of choice of patent trolls and patent lawyers universally like these because they profit from feuds.”Software patents are the weapon of choice of patent trolls and patent lawyers universally like these because they profit from feuds. The more litigation, the more business they get. That’s just how this market works; companies don’t just amass patents for publicity, vanity, etc. as though these are trophies. They use these offensively.

This new article by Tony Dutra speaks of a new story about patent trolls. To quote the gist of it: “A Harvard Business School study released Dec. 9 claims that patents on inventions in the financial services industry score lower on standard measures of quality compared to patents in non-financial fields.

“Professor Josh Lerner and his team looked at patents awarded by the Patent and Trademark Office after the Federal Circuit’s 1998 State Street Bank decision opened the door to business method patents. The patents featured fewer citations to other documentation—non-patent literature, leading academic journals, etc.—that is likely to show an exhaustive prior art search for patentability assessments.”

“That’s just how this market works; companies don’t just amass patents for publicity, vanity, etc. as though these are trophies. They use these offensively.”According to this new report from the Financial Times, Goldman Sachs “had applied to patent a virtual currency settlement system” (we mentioned this some days ago). The intersection between patents on business methods and on software were previously explored by SCOTUS with the Bilski case.

Justin Blows, an Australian patent attorney, speaks about the recent trolling with encryption patents (patents on software). He called it “the rise of US software patents”, but in reality, software patents are a declining market in the US. Blows says that in “the Alice decision, a two-step test for patent-eligible subject matter was created. In a first step, it is considered if the claims are directed to an abstract idea. If so, in a second step it is considered whether the claims have a sufficient “inventive concept” to render the idea patent-eligible. A summary of the two-step test can be found here.

“I do not believe that anyone would dispute that encryption is directed to an abstract idea. In fact, many computer implemented calculations relate to an abstract idea and so this question is particularly interesting.”

“…Microsoft and Apple are now lobbying for software patents, not so surprisingly (they both use software patents against GNU, Linux, Free software and so forth).”Software patents are still on their way out (as we have shown here before, with some exceptions). Based on this new report, titled “Court to hear animation case some call broad threat to software patents”, Microsoft and Apple are now lobbying for software patents, not so surprisingly (they both use software patents against GNU, Linux, Free software and so forth).

To quote Reuters, “McRO Inc, its attorneys at MoloLamken and Mishcon de Reya, and an industry group that counts Apple Inc and Microsoft Corp among its members, say that a ruling last year from a district court in California canceling McRO’s patent puts the software industry in jeopardy.”

Interesting to see the litigation/litigious firm which the EPO uses to attack me (Mishcon de Reya) on the same side as Microsoft.


The EPO’s Failed (Dismissed) Attempt to Dismiss a Judge Alleged to Have Communicated About EPO Abuses

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:54 pm by

The EPO decision as HTML (warning: utilises remote files from epo.org)

The EPO's decision

Summary: The infamous decision (G2301/15) regarding a suspended judge is resurrected here in Techrights, for permanent record and for public scrutiny

AFTER an act of self-censorship the EPO ought to have known that the public would get even more interested in what the EPO was attempting to hide (a perceived cover-up effort). They just don’t seem to ‘get’ the Streisand Effect after all this time.

The decision above (or below, corresponding to the official PDF) suggests that the EPO is indeed reducing salaries of the accused, which limits their ability to pay legal fees and properly defend themselves from a heavy-pocketed institution with a vendetta.

The document is long, but we have read it from start to finish and also downloaded a snapshot of the page, as HTML (warning: utilises remote files from epo.org), before it was taken down. Our HTML version that can be found below is basically very similar; it is based on the PDF and includes pagination.

There are comments relevant to this in IP Kat. One comment says: “Don’t worry about the G2301/15 being taken down. Publishing the decision is contravening the service regulations of the EPO employees, especially Art 14 because it’s not in the interests of the Office. CRG and IU have taken care of this and the person responsible will be suspended soon. It’s business as usual… The President will inform the AC that everything is fine and …there will be plenty of Xmas gifts.”

They might as well bring it back online. g230115.pdf and its text are already circulating online (IP Kat was the first to publicise it) and people have already downloaded the information, hence they can upload it at any time. Some of the ‘evidence’ in the case has been redacted, but nonetheless it is readable:

Internal distribution code:
(A) [ ] Publication in OJ
(B) [X] To chairmen and members
(C) [ ] To chairmen
(D) [ ] No distribution

Datasheet for the decision
of 17 September 2015

Case number: Art. 23 1/15

Language of the proceedings: EN

Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation


Request for a proposal of removal from office

Relevant legal provisions:
EPC Art. 22, 23(1), 24(3), (4), 113(1), 117(1)
EPC R. 13
RPEBA Art. 2(5), 12a, 13, 14(2), (4), 18(3)
BDS/EBA Art. 1, 2, 10
ServRegs Art. 14(1), 20(1), (2), 93, 102(3)
Rules of procedure of the Administrative Council Art. 4

EPO Form 3030

This datasheet is not part of the decision.
It can be changed at any time and without notice.

- 2 -

“Request from the Administrative Council for a proposal that a
member of the boards of appeal be removed from office under
Article 23(1) EPC”
“Composition of the Enlarged Board of Appeal in proceedings
under Article 23(1) EPC”
“Requirements in terms of reasons and substantiation to be
fulfilled by a request under Article 12a(5) RPEBA”
“Reimbursement of all the respondent’s procedural costs

Decisions cited
G 0006/95


1. The law-making bodies have so shaped the proceedings for a
decision for a proposal under Article 23(1) EPC that they
take proper judicial form. The arrangements laid down in
Articles 2(5) RPEBA and Article 10 BDS/EBA for the
composition of the Enlarged Board of Appeal in proceedings
under Article 23(1) EPC are compatible with the European
Patent Convention and general principles of law.

2. Article 12a(5) RPEBA requires that the request under
Article 12a(1) RPEBA specify individual incidents and the
evidence for them, and give reasons why they constitute a
serious ground within the meaning of Article 23(1) EPC.

Case number: Art. 23 1/15

of the Enlarged Board of Appeal
of 17 September 2015

Petitioner: Administrative Council of the
European Patent Organisation
Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1
D-80469 Munich (DE)

Representatives: …
European Patent Office
Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1
D-80469 Munich (DE)

Respondent: …

Representative: …

Composition of the board:
Chairman: I. Beckedorf
Members: K. Klett
A. Dimitrova
M.-B. Tardo-Dino
E. Dufrasne
U. Oswald
H. Meinders


- 2 -

Summary of facts and submissions

I. These proceedings concern the request of 25 June 2015
(hereinafter: AC request) from the chairman of the
Administrative Council of the European Patent
Organisation (hereinafter: the petitioner) for a
proposal that the respondent be removed from office as
a member of the boards of appeal under Article 23(1),
first sentence, EPC and the rules of procedure of the
Enlarged Board of Appeal (RPEBA) as approved by the
Council on 25 March 2015 (CA/D 3/15).

II. In the AC request, the petitioner referred to the
Council’s decision of 26 March 2015 (CA/28/15,
item 10.1, page 5) to initiate disciplinary proceedings
against the respondent, and said he had just received
the opinion of the Council’s Disciplinary Committee
(hereinafter: DC) recommending the respondent’s removal
from office.

He added that the DC’s opinion was an integral part of
the AC request, and that the documents provided to the
DC – available on a USB stick and including the facts,
arguments and evidence on which they were based – would
be submitted in due course. He also indicated that the
Council would be represented in the proceedings by …
Concluding, he said he expected to receive the
information about how the Enlarged Board assessed the
case in time for the Council to take a final decision
at an extraordinary meeting planned for early September.


- 3 -

III. … [summary of the confidential DC’s opinion – added
for ease of understanding]

IV. … [summary of the confidential DC’s opinion – added for
ease of understanding]

V. On 29 June 2015, the Enlarged Board received several
copies of the USB stick promised by the Council
chairman in the AC request.

VI. On 30 June 2015, following receipt of the AC request,
the composition of the Enlarged Board to hear the case
was determined, and by letter of 2 July 2015 the
petitioner and the respondent (hereinafter: the parties)
were summoned to attend oral proceedings on 4 and
5 August 2015 and the respondent was set a time limit
of Monday, 27 July 2015 for making any written
submissions. In addition, the Vice-President in charge
of Directorate-General 3 (Appeals) (hereinafter: VP3)
was invited to comment under Article 12a(2) RPEBA. He
submitted substantive comments on 22 July 2015.

VII. In submissions received on 15 July 2015 the respondent
made several procedural requests and argued that the
AC request was not admissible.

VIII. By letter of 17 July 2015, the then chairwoman of the
Enlarged Board said in response to the admissibility
objections, without prejudice to the Enlarged Board’s
subsequent decision, that the facts to be regarded as
forming the basis for the AC request were limited to
those considered in the DC’s opinion of 23 June 2015


- 4 -

IX. and that as a consequence the USB-stick material
referred to in the AC request could not be used to
extend the proceedings to new issues.

X. On 20 July 2015 the respondent made further submissions
to the Enlarged Board, inter alia repeating his
objections that the AC request was inadmissible. In
particular, the subject-matter of the proceedings was
still not clear, as the AC request referred to facts,
arguments and evidence on the USB stick, and the
procedural papers included documents relating to
allegations dismissed by the DC and stored somewhere on
that data carrier.

XI. … [procedural aspects – added for ease of understanding]

XII. On 28 July 2015 the respondent filed an objection
against the then chairwoman under Article 24(3) EPC.

XIII. On 5 August 2015 the Enlarged Board took an
interlocutory decision under Article 24(4) EPC allowing
this objection and appointing a new member of the
Enlarged Board in her place.

XIV. The (main) proceedings were structured as follows:
first, the procedural issues raised by the respondent –
notably the admissibility of the AC request – would be
discussed and considered in initial oral proceedings;
then, if the request was admissible, the substance of
the allegations would be addressed.


- 5 -

XIII.1 Oral proceedings to decide on the AC request’s
admissibility were appointed for 16 and 17 September

XIII.2 To prepare for these oral proceedings, the Enlarged
Board informed the parties by written communication of
14 August 2015 under Articles 12a, 13 and 14(2) RPEBA
that the following issues in particular would be

(1) The respondent’s argument that Article 2(5) RPEBA
was not compliant with Article 23(1) EPC
(point 2.1 of the communication)
(2) His argument that the AC request was inadmissible
on four grounds, namely
(a) the Council chairman had no mandate to make it
(point 2.2(a))
(b) it was not substantiated (point 2.2(b))
(c) it was premature (point 2.2(c)) and
(d) the DC’s opinion contained serious
deficiencies (point 2.2(d)).

(3) The communication also mentioned (point 2.3) the
respondent’s requests that the proceedings be
stayed and (point 2.4) a public hearing held.

XIII.3 Written comments for the oral proceedings were filed by
the respondent on 10 September 2015, and by the
petitioner’s representatives on 15 September 2015.

XV. At the oral proceedings, on 16 September 2015, the
respondent confirmed his request that the AC request be
rejected as inadmissible.


- 6 -

The petitioner’s representatives requested that the
AC request be found admissible, and that substantive
proceedings under Article 23(1) EPC be started.

XVI. The parties commented on the individual issues, in the
order of their presentation in the communication of
14 August 2015.

In reply to a question from the chairman, the
respondent confirmed that his request for a public
hearing applied only to any consideration of the merits
of the AC request, not to the admissibility issues. He
withdrew his request for a stay.

After discussing at length with the parties the facts
and the law concerning the admissibility of the
AC request, the Enlarged Board closed the debate and
adjourned the oral proceedings for deliberation.

XVII. After this internal deliberation, the Enlarged Board
resumed the oral proceedings on 17 September 2015.

The chairman informed the parties that the Enlarged
Board regarded the AC request as inadmissible.

The petitioner’s representatives thereupon asked the
Enlarged Board to reopen the oral proceedings on
admissibility, so that the petitioner could make the
following request:

“The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall inform the Council
representatives what exactly it wishes to receive from


- 7 -

the Administrative Council in order to proceed with a
substantive examination of the request for a proposal
for removal from office of the respondent.”

The respondent said this request should not be granted.
After discussion with the parties and internal
deliberation, the Enlarged Board refused it.

XVIII. The parties were then heard regarding costs.

XIX. The parties’ final requests were as follows:

XVIII.1 As per the AC request initiating these proceedings, the
petitioner wanted the Enlarged Board to

1. make a proposal to the Council for the
respondent’s removal from office as a member of a
board of appeal pursuant to Article 23(1) EPC

and, during the oral proceedings, it asked the Enlarged
Board to

2. reject the respondent’s admissibility objections
to the AC request

3. proceed with the examination of the substance of
the AC request, and

4. dismiss the respondent’s request for
reimbursement of costs or, failing that, limit
any cost reimbursement to the debate on
admissibility and to legal fees under German law.


- 8 -

XVIII.2 The respondent asked the Enlarged Board to

1. dismiss the AC request as inadmissible, and
2. propose to the Council that all costs incurred by
the respondent in the proceedings be reimbursed.

XX. At the end of the oral proceedings and after internal
deliberation, the chairman announced the Enlarged
Board’s decision as set out in the Order.

Reasons for the decision

Preliminary remarks

1. The title of Article 23 EPC is “Independence of the
members of the Boards”. Under Article 23(1) EPC, members
of the boards of appeal, whose function as judges is
generally recognised, are appointed for a term of five
years and may not be removed from office during this
term unless there are serious grounds for such removal
and the Administrative Council, on a proposal from the
Enlarged Board of Appeal, takes a decision to that

2. Under Article 23(4) EPC, the rules of procedure of the
boards of appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal are
adopted in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.
They are subject to the approval of the Administrative
Council. Under Rule 13(2) EPC, the RPEBA are adopted by
the (internal) members of the Enlarged Board appointed
under Article 11(3) EPC.


- 9 -

Under these provisions, by decision of 25 March 2015
(CA/D 3/15), the Council approved amendments to the
RPEBA which had been adopted by the Enlarged Board on
19 March 2015.

3. Article 2(5) RPEBA governs the Enlarged Board’s
composition in proceedings under Article 23(1) EPC. It
provides that in such cases the Enlarged Board is
composed according to the provisions of Article 22(2),
first sentence, EPC, the chairman being replaced by his
alternate and two of the legally qualified members being
external members.

More details about deputising for the chairman and the
Enlarged Board’s composition in specific cases are set
out in Article 10 in conjunction with Articles 1(2)
and 2(1)(a) and (b) of the Enlarged Board’s business
distribution scheme (hereinafter: BDS/EBA).

The respondent’s admissibility objections

4. These objections come under three headings:

a) Unlawfulness, i.e. the composition of the Enlarged
Board under Article 2(5) RPEBA was incompatible with
Article 23(1) EPC and general principles of law (see
section 5 below)

b) Procedural, i.e. the Council chairman and the
petitioner’s representatives were not duly authorised,
the disciplinary proceedings were premature, and the
disciplinary proceedings and the DC’s opinion were
flawed (see section 6 below), and


- 10 -

c) AC request, i.e. it was not properly substantiated
(see section 7 below).

Unlawfulness objections

5. The respondent objects that the present Enlarged Board’s
composition is incompatible with the EPC and general
principles of law. As already stated in the Enlarged
Board’s communication of 14 August 2015 (in its
point 2.1), this objection does not withstand incidental
legal review of compatibility with Article 2(5) RPEBA
(and thus implicitly also with Article 10 BDS/EBA).

5.1 The EPC contains provisions concerning the powers and
proceedings of the Enlarged Board. They state that the
Enlarged Board is responsible for ruling on points of
law referred to it by a board of appeal or the President
(Article 22(1)(a) and (b) EPC), or on petitions for
review requested by a party under Article 112a EPC
(Article 22(1)(c) EPC).

5.2 For Enlarged Board rulings under Article 22(1) EPC,
Article 22(2) EPC provides that in proceedings under
paragraph 1(a) and (b) the Enlarged Board consists of
five legally and two technically qualified members, and
in proceedings under paragraph 1(c) of three or five
members. However, the Enlarged Board’s composition for a
proposal for the exceptional situation of a removal of a
board member from office under Article 23(1) EPC is not
regulated in the EPC itself.

In particular, the EPC does not stipulate that a
proposal to remove a board member from office on serious


- 11 -

grounds under Article 23(1) EPC is to be decided on by
the full Enlarged Board (i.e. consisting of all its
internal and external members under Article 1 BDS/EBA).
This cannot be inferred in particular from the provision
as worded, because what Article 22 EPC refers to as the
“Enlarged Board of Appeal” are boards of varying (but in
any case limited) compositions.

5.3 Nor therefore can it be inferred from the words
“Enlarged Board of Appeal” in Article 23(1) EPC that a
proposal to remove a member on serious grounds must be
decided on by the Enlarged Board in its entirety. Rather,
the rules governing its composition are to be adopted by
the bodies responsible for the corresponding
implementing provisions, as expressly laid down in
Article 23(4) EPC.

5.4 In the institutional structure of the European Patent
Organisation, the Council as a body is responsible above
all for adopting secondary legislation where the
contracting parties to the EPC have not done so
themselves (Article 33 EPC). At the Enlarged Board’s
request (Article 23(4) EPC, Rule 13(2) EPC), it has
decided that proceedings under Article 23(1) EPC are to
be conducted in proper judicial form.

Thus it is up to the Council, as the appointing and
disciplinary authority for board of appeal members
(Article 11(3) and (4) EPC), or to VP3 as the vice-
president in charge of the boards, to make a request to
the Enlarged Board (Article 12a(1) RPEBA). This sets in
train adversarial proceedings to which the respondent is
a party (Article 12a(4) RPEBA). He must be able to


- 12 -

comment on the allegations made against him and regarded
by either his appointing authority or administrative
superior as so serious as to justify his removal from
office. Article 12a(6) RPEBA expressly states that the
proceedings may not be concluded without the respondent
being informed of the facts, arguments and evidence
underlying the request and having had the opportunity to
be heard on them. It also says that in these proceedings,
which are conducted in writing, supplemented if
necessary by oral proceedings, he may be represented or
advised. Given the reference to Article 117(1) EPC,
which lists the means of giving or obtaining evidence,
the Enlarged Board must satisfy itself in proceedings
under Article 23(1) EPC that the allegations made
against a board member are indeed true.

5.5 Thus the proceedings which may lead to a board member’s
removal from office on serious grounds within the
meaning of Article 23(1) EPC take the form of a judicial
procedure. That means – contrary to the view expressed
by the petitioner’s representatives in the oral
proceedings – that it cannot be equated with an
administrative or executive-legislative activity. Since
it is not an administrative or executive-legislative
activity, the necessity of a full Enlarged Board of
Appeal (further subject to a quorum for taking decisions)
as foreseen for such activities by Rule 13 EPC is
neither given, contrary to the respondent’s opinion.

Rather, and logically enough, the legislative bodies
responsible have specified that for a decision on a
request under Article 23(1) EPC the Enlarged Board is
composed as laid down in Article 22 EPC for its judicial


- 13 -

proceedings. That the European Patent Organisation
bodies responsible for enacting implementing legislation
opted in Article 2(5) of the amended RPEBA for the
largest Enlarged Board composition possible for such
proceedings shows they attached due importance to
proposals under Article 23(1) EPC.

5.6 Article 23 EPC contains provisions which are intended to
ensure the “independence of the members of the boards”
in their work as judges. The independence of judges is a
principle which is recognised and applied in all member
states of the European Patent Organisation, as
corresponding to the very nature of the judicial
function. The provisions of the EPC concerning the
boards of appeal must therefore be interpreted in the
light of this general principle (G 6/95, OJ EPO 1996,
649, Reasons point 2).

There is certainly no indication that the procedure for
removing a member, as laid down in the RPEBA approved on
25 March 2015, could run counter to basic principles of
judicial independence generally recognised in the EPC
contracting states.

True, removing a judge is always problematic in terms of
judicial independence. The independence of legal
decision-making – traditionally ensured in democracies
primarily vis-à-vis the other state powers (legislative
and executive) – is jeopardised not only when a specific
decision is directly influenced but also and especially
if undue pressure is brought to bear on judges or if the
resources they need to actually do their work are
withheld. The possibility of removing an irksome judge


- 14 -

from office can thus be used to indirectly influence
decisions. That is why it is generally regarded as
crucial to judicial independence that judges cannot be
removed from office without special institutional
safeguards; this makes sure that removal is actually
objectively justified.

The above considerations certainly apply also to members
of the boards of appeal, who exercise a judicial
function that is generally recognised and derives
straight from the EPC.

Therefore, for disciplinary action against (professional)
judges in particular, the member states of the Council
of Europe – most of which also belong to the European
Patent Organisation – have as a rule set up state bodies
to be used in exceptional removal procedures laid down
by law. These bodies and procedures differ, however, so
there is no general institutional model which might
guide an international institution such as the European
Patent Organisation (see CEPEJ report No. 20 on
“European judicial systems – Edition 2014 (2012 data):
efficiency and quality of justice”, page 354 ff.;
Systèmes judiciaires européens. Efficacité et qualité de
la justice, Les Etudes de la CEPEJ no. 20, Edition 2014
(données 2012), page 369 ff.).

5.7 The rules implementing Article 23(1) EPC – as regards
powers and procedures for the exceptional removal of
board of appeal members – that have been adopted in the
RPEBA by the law-framing bodies responsible within the
European Patent Organisation are in line with said
provision’s object and purpose.


- 15 -

For the fact that a board member can exceptionally be
removed from office only on a proposal from the Enlarged
Board is intended to make sure that unsubstantiated or
groundless, made-up allegations cannot be used as a
pretext for getting rid of an irksome judge.

The Enlarged Board must satisfy itself, in adversarial
proceedings conducted in proper judicial form, that the
allegations made are indeed true, and so serious as to
require the judge’s removal from office. Only on the
basis of proceedings meeting that general yardstick for
justice can the Council take a decision that is so far-
reaching, both personally and institutionally. These
proceedings thus embody the legislative intent codified
in Article 23(1) EPC.

That other ways of implementing Article 23(1) EPC might
be conceivable does not mean there is no compliance with
the EPC.

5.8 The respondent also requests that all documents on the
procedure leading to the 25 March 2015 decision to amend
the RPEBA be disclosed to him. However, he has put
forward no evidence of any deficiencies in the
proceedings followed in compliance with the only
procedure foreseen by the EPC (see points 2 and 5.4

5.9 The respondent’s objection that Article 2(5) RPEBA runs
counter to Article 23(1) EPC and general principles of
law is thus unfounded.


- 16 -

Procedural objections

6. The AC request asking the Enlarged Board to make a
proposal that a specified technical board of appeal
member be removed from office is signed by the chairman
of the Administrative Council.

The respondent argues that he had no power to do so, and
that the Council as a whole must decide to make such a
request, or delegate this task to its chairman – which
did not happen.

6.1 The EPC does not set out the Council chairman’s duties
in any detail.

The relevant chapter (Articles 26 to 36 EPC) provides
that the Council elects a chairman (and deputy chairman)
from among the EPO member states’ representatives and
their alternates, for a term of three years (Article 27
EPC), and his task is to convene the Council’s meetings
(Article 29(1) EPC). In addition, under Article 28 EPC
the Council can also elect a five-member Board and
assign duties to it in accordance with the rules of
procedure (Article 28(4) EPC).

Under Article 4 of the Council’s rules of procedure
(CA/D 8/06 as amended by CA/D 21/09, CA/D 10/12 and
CA/D 20/13), cited by the petitioner’s representatives,
the chairman is responsible for the work of the Council
and the exercise of its functions, and in particular for
presiding over its meetings.


- 17 -

From that, no delegation of the power to submit a
request for an Enlarged Board proposal within the
meaning of Article 23(1) EPC can be inferred.

6.2 Both parties cite the decision taken by the Council at
its 143rd meeting on 25 and 26 March 2015 (summary of
decisions, CA/28/15, item 10.1: follow-up to the
Council’s decision CA/D 12/14 – investigation report
CA/C 4/15).

At that meeting, the Council unanimously decided to
initiate disciplinary proceedings against an employee it
had appointed, who was suspected of misconduct. To that
end, an ad hoc Disciplinary Committee was to be set up,
tasked with delivering an opinion on whether or not the
employee had breached his obligations and, if so,
recommending an appropriate sanction for such breach.

The DC’s opinion and recommendation would then be
forwarded to the Enlarged Board, pursuant to Article 23
EPC, and to the EPO President, who would both give their
opinions – to be also submitted to the Council, which
would take the final decision.

6.3 … [observations of the Enlarged Board in respect of the
non-public document CA/C 4/15 - added for ease of

6.4 … [observations of the Enlarged Board in respect of the
non-public document CA/C 4/15 - added for ease of


- 18 -

Although neither the request nor the decision expressly
refers to the possible outcome of the proceedings before
the DC, it is apparent from the possible follow-up
measures that it was intended, “once the DC has issued
its opinion”, to make future arrangements “for the
Council to take an informed decision, bearing in mind
Article 23(1) EPC”, i.e. for the eventuality that the DC
found that misconduct justifying removal from office had

As the Council, under item 10.1 of the summary of the
decisions it took at its 143rd meeting on 25 and
26 March 2015 (CA/28/15), not only initiated
disciplinary proceedings but also specified what would
happen once the DC’s report was available, it is to be
concluded that it agreed to its chairman’s proposal of
18 March 2015.

The Council’s decision of 25/26 March 2015 can thus be
understood to mean that, were the DC to propose
dismissal, it had mandated its chairman to submit to the
Enlarged Board a request for a proposal within the
meaning of Article 23(1) EPC.

6.5 Thus the Council did authorise its chairman to submit
the AC request to the Enlarged Board under Article 23(1)
EPC, and the respondent’s objection that the Council
chairman was not empowered to request a proposal for his
removal from office is unfounded.


- 19 -

6.6 This also means that the Council chairman had the power
to appoint and authorise representatives to act for the
petitioner in the proceedings before the Enlarged Board.
So this objection too must fail.

6.7 On the respondent’s further objection that continuing
the disciplinary proceedings prejudged the proceedings
under Article 23(1) EPC and that the petitioner should
have discussed the DC’s opinion in plenary session, with
all Council members present, and should also have heard
him under Article 102(3) ServRegs, the Enlarged Board
has already commented in its communication of 14 August
2015 citing Article 12a(8) RPEBA, which provides that
Enlarged Board proceedings are conducted independently
of any disciplinary or national proceedings.

That means that continuing the Council disciplinary
proceedings cannot prejudge the present judicial
proceedings. Rather, the former are formally concluded
only when the Council, as appointing and disciplinary
authority under Article 11(4) EPC, takes its decision.
It is (only) prior to that decision that a hearing under
Article 102(3) ServRegs must take place.

However, for the Council to apply to a board member the
most severe disciplinary sanction available (dismissal
according to Article 93(2)(f) ServRegs), Article 23(1),
first sentence, EPC requires that it must first have
received a proposal for their removal from office from
the Enlarged Board. But that does not change the
principle that administrative disciplinary proceedings
under Article 93 ff. ServRegs before the appointing
authority are separate from judicial proceedings before


- 20 -

the Enlarged Board, which is not the appointing

The objection that the disciplinary proceedings were
prejudicial must therefore fail. If the objection raised
against point 2.2(c) of the Enlarged Board communication
of 14 August 2015 is also to be understood as arguing
that the Council should first have discussed the outcome
of the disciplinary proceedings before taking a formal
decision to initiate proceedings under Article 23(1),
first sentence, EPC, then it concerns whether the
Council chairman (alone) had the authority to submit the
AC request. That matter was decided in the affirmative
in the previous section above.

6.8 The respondent’s further objection that the disciplinary
proceedings and the DC’s opinion were flawed would
involve both reviewing the disciplinary proceedings and
assessing the petitioner’s allegations that the
respondent has committed misconduct constituting a
serious ground within the meaning of Article 23(1),
first sentence, EPC.

It is quite clear from Article 12a(8) RPEBA, stating
that removal proceedings are conducted independently of
any disciplinary proceedings, and from the fact that
proceedings under Article 23(1), first sentence, EPC are
adversarial and conducted in proper judicial form, that
the purpose of the Enlarged Board proceedings is not to
conduct a formal review of the disciplinary proceedings;
on the contrary, they are conducted independently of the
disciplinary proceedings.


- 21 -

Assessing the allegations made against the respondent,
and deciding whether they give rise to a serious ground
within the meaning of Article 23(1), first sentence, EPC,
would go (well) beyond evaluating their admissibility;
it would mean examining their substance.

Therefore, this objection too fails to establish that
the AC request is inadmissible.

AC request-related objections

7. Proceedings before the Enlarged Board under Article 23(1)
EPC are regulated in Article 12a RPEBA.

7.1 A request for a proposal may be made by either the
Council or VP3 (Article 12a(1) RPEBA).

7.2 In either case, the request must set out all the facts,
arguments and evidence relied on, and all documents
referred to must be attached (Article 12a(5) RPEBA).

7.3 The procedure that may lead to a proposal from the
Enlarged Board for removal from office within the
meaning of Article 23(1) EPC takes the form of quasi-
judicial adversarial proceedings (see point 5.5 above).
The rules expressly state that the member who is the
subject of the request is a party to the proceedings as
respondent (Article 12a(4) RPEBA) and that the
proceedings may not be concluded without the respondent
being informed of the facts, arguments and evidence
underlying the request and having had the opportunity to
be heard on them (Article 12a(6) RPEBA). The proceedings
are then to be conducted in writing, if necessary


- 22 -

supplemented by oral proceedings, and the respondent may
be represented or advised (Article 12a(6) RPEBA).
Article 117(1) EPC on the taking of evidence is
applicable (Article 12a(7) RPEBA), and the proceedings
are to be conducted independently of any disciplinary or
national proceedings (Article 12a(8) RPEBA).

7.4 In adversarial inter partes proceedings, the parties,
and in this case the petitioner in particular, are
required to produce the facts and evidence and give
reasons why, from the petitioner’s perspective, the
facts adduced – and in its view proven – are so serious
as to warrant the respondent’s removal from office as a
member of a board of appeal. In adversarial proceedings
the respondent must have an opportunity to refute the
allegations. He must be able to comment on all the facts
adduced, to state his case in full awareness of the
allegations and to rebut any evidence. It is up to the
Enlarged Board to judge whether the specific facts
adduced are proven by the evidence produced and whether
the proven facts exceptionally warrant the exceptional
removal from office of the respondent.

7.5 However, the Enlarged Board is not there to define of
its own motion which facts may be derived from documents
and exhibits. The respondent is a party to the
proceedings and can exercise his full right to be heard
only if the facts held against him are explicitly

7.6 The AC request does not say what facts are held against
the respondent. Instead it refers to the DC’s opinion


- 23 -

and declares it to be an integral part of the request
for a proposal.

In that opinion, the accusations made against the
respondent, substantiated by a huge volume of data and
documents …, are grouped into five allegations.
[summary of points 1 to 5 of the confidential DC’s
opinion - added for ease of understanding]

7.7 At the oral proceedings the petitioner’s representatives
expressly stated – and confirmed more than once when
asked by the Enlarged Board – that they maintained all
five of these allegations, which had been raised by the
Administration, i.e. the EPO and its departments, in
particular the investigative unit, in the disciplinary
proceedings against the respondent. Their view was that
the Enlarged Board had been presented with all the
evidence on the subsequently filed USB stick and so was
fully informed and in a position to form its own view of
the respondent’s conduct.

7.8 Under Article 12a(5) RPEBA, the request under
Article 12a(1) RPEBA must set out the “facts, arguments
and evidence relied on”.

The facts have to be described and presented clearly
enough for the respondent to be able to comment on them
in a fully informed manner.

The Enlarged Board must be able to satisfy itself that
the facts explicitly set out in the request are proven,
so as to judge on that basis whether they constitute
serious grounds within the meaning of Article 23(1),


- 24 -

first sentence, EPC and therefore warrant a proposal for
removal from office under Article 23(1) EPC.

7.9 As the AC request itself does not adduce any facts that
in the petitioner’s view warrant the extraordinary
removal from office of the respondent, those facts would
have to be explicitly set out within the meaning of
Article 12a(5) RPEBA in the DC’s report of 23 June 2015,
together with the supporting evidence.

7.10 Firstly, the five issues under which the DC dealt with
the evidence against the respondent constitute general
allegations which in turn rest at best upon specific

Thus the DC – without ultimately expressing a view on
the reliability of the evidence produced – concluded
under issue 1 that the respondent … and under issue 2
that he … [had committed certain acts he was accused of
- added for ease of understanding]

7.11 The DC’s opinion goes into these allegations in more
detail, but adduces no specific facts in relation to the
allegations grouped under issues 3 to 5 … [observation
of the DC in its confidential opinion – added for ease
of understanding]

With regard to allegations 3 to 5, the DC’s opinion
provides no facts at all which under Article 12a(5)
RPEBA are set out explicitly enough for evidential
purposes. Hence allegations 3 to 5 are not substantiated
for the purposes of the AC request.


- 25 -

7.12 Yet even with regard to the allegations that the DC
groups under issues 1 and 2, the facts and evidence are
not set out explicitly enough for the respondent to
comment on them, and for the same reason the Enlarged
Board is unable to reconstruct and examine them in order
to judge for itself, independently of the disciplinary
proceedings as required by Article 12a(8) RPEBA, whether
there are serious grounds within the meaning of
Article 23(1) EPC. As a result, they cannot be used for
evidential purposes under Article 12a(7) RPEBA and
Article 117(1) EPC.

Similar considerations apply to the DC’s assessment of
evidence merely generally outlined in the DC’s opinion
or of pure deductions from circumstantial evidence not
set out or proven in detail therein, none of which can
replace either substantiated argument or the production
of direct or circumstantial evidence.

[observations of the Enlarged Board in respect of the
allegations under point 1 of the confidential DC’s
opinion - added for ease of understanding]

The specific facts held against the respondent must be
defined on the basis of the evidence indicated in the
DC’s opinion, to enable judgment to be made, in full
knowledge of the circumstances, as to whether they are
proven and relevant. It is not good enough to simply
refer to facts and evidence and leave the Enlarged Board
to reconstruct the events for itself. That does not
satisfy the requirements of Article 12a(5) RPEBA nor the
respondent’s right to know the charges against him.


- 26 -

7.13 The same applies to the allegations considered in
issue 2 of the DC’s opinion … [observations of the
Enlarged Board in respect of those allegations - added
for ease of understanding]

It does not however describe the individual acts of
which the respondent is accused; the Enlarged Board
would have to construe these from the evidence.

… [observations of the Enlarged Board in respect of the
allegations under point 2 of the confidential DC’s
opinion - added for ease of understanding]

Evidence that the respondent had sent … a message … was
found insufficient by the DC, so there is no need for
the Enlarged Board to entertain this allegation.

Lastly, the DC was satisfied – again by reference … –
that … the respondent wrote to … But again its report
does not actually reproduce the alleged insults, so the
respondent would not be able to comment on them under
Article 12a(6) RPEBA in adversarial proceedings before
the Enlarged Board.

7.14 Thus the AC request, taken as a whole, fails to fulfil
the formal requirements of factual substantiation
prescribed by Article 12a(5) RPEBA to ensure adversarial
proceedings in which compliance with parties’ generally
recognised procedural rights in judicial proceedings,
and impartiality on the part of the decision-making body,
are guaranteed.


- 27 -

7.15 At the oral proceedings the petitioner’s representatives
also expressed the view that the Enlarged Board should
have informed it beforehand, and more clearly, that
there might be admissibility issues with the AC request.

However, that disregards the fact that all the
admissibility objections discussed with the parties in
the oral proceedings and forming the factual and legal
basis for the present decision had already been raised by
the respondent, and were also mentioned again in the
Enlarged Board’s written communication of 14 August 2015
as material points for discussion.

So the petitioner’s representatives were – or could have
been – aware of these issues from the admissibility
objections explicitly raised and substantiated by the
respondent at the start of the proceedings, in his first
written submissions of 15 July 2015, and from his
unqualified request that the AC request be rejected as

From the timetable explained to the parties at the oral
proceedings on 5 August 2015 (oral proceedings on
admissibility on 16 and 17 September 2015, and – if the
request was admissible – on the merits on 8 October 2015),
and at the latest on receipt of the Enlarged Board’s
communication of 14 August 2015 preparing the oral
proceedings of 16 and 17 September 2015, it was made
quite clear to all parties that the admissibility
objections were crucial to the decision.

In such circumstances, no further clarifications for the
parties – or for the petitioner alone – were called for.


- 28 -

7.16 Given this outcome, there is no need to consider the
respondent’s further objection regarding the
(in-)admissibility of the USB-stick evidence as
announced in the AC request but submitted only later,
not together with the request as required by
Article 12a(5) RPEBA.

7.17 The AC request is thus to be rejected as inadmissible.

Request to reopen the debate on the admissibility of the
AC request

8. The petitioner’s representatives’ request that this
debate be reopened was to be refused.

8.1 Firstly, all the admissibility issues set out in the
Enlarged Board’s communication of 14 August 2015 were
discussed with the parties in depth for over three and a
half hours on 16 September 2015.

That gave the parties the opportunity not only to
present their own positions on the facts and law but
also to comment on the opposing party’s submissions. The
Enlarged Board also questioned the parties to establish
further details and clarify their submissions.

When this discussion was over, the chairman closed the
debate on the AC request’s admissibility.


- 29 -

8.2 The petitioner did not dispute this in the requests it
made and substantiated orally, and then confirmed in
writing at the oral proceedings on 17 September 2015.

8.3 After the Enlarged Board had deliberated, when the oral
proceedings were resumed on 17 September 2015 its
chairman began by informing the parties of its
conclusions regarding the admissibility objections
discussed the previous day, expressly stating that this
was not yet a formal decision but the oral proceedings
would now continue with a discussion of the respondent’s
request for costs, which was still outstanding. It was
at this point that the petitioner’s representatives then
requested a reopening of the debate about the
AC request’s admissibility which had been closed the day

8.4 In the grounds presented orally for this request and
reflected in the wording of the written request, the
petitioner’s representatives said they were making it
because they wanted the Enlarged Board to inform them
what exactly it wished to receive from the petitioner in
order to proceed with a substantive examination of the
request for a proposal for removal from office of the

8.5 Under Article 14(6) RPEBA, a debate is reopened after
closure only at the Enlarged Board’s discretion, for
example if a procedural error material to the decision
has occurred, such as an infringement of the right to be
heard (Article 113(1) EPC).


- 30 -

Nor is the Enlarged Board under any general obligation
to offer pointers and explanations – especially if they
are sought with a view to giving one party in
adversarial proceedings a procedural advantage over the

Rather, each party – itself, exclusively, and admissibly
– must make all the submissions on which its requests
are based. In the present proceedings, the admissibility
flaws set out above could not in any case have been
rectified afterwards, in the same proceedings. The
requirements under Article 12a(5) RPEBA for a request
under Article 12a(1) RPEBA must be fulfilled at the time
of its submission.

8.6 Thus it was not possible, for legal reasons, to accede
to the petitioner’s representatives’ request as worded
and substantiated.

Request and proposal on costs

9. Given the outcome of these proceedings, in the absence
of special circumstances, reimbursement under
Article 12a(10) RPEBA of all costs incurred by the
respondent in the proceedings before the Enlarged Board
is to be proposed.

The petitioner has given no convincing reasons why
reimbursement should be limited, and nor are any
otherwise apparent. As far as the petitioner’s
representatives argue that only legal costs under German
law should be reimbursed, and they should be limited to


- 31 -

those incurred on the issue of the AC request’s
admissibility, this is a matter of the costs’ actual
calculation and fixing, which are the petitioner’s
responsibility. However, the Enlarged Board would point
out that its former chairwoman’s order of 2 July 2015
instructed the respondent to present a defence against
all aspects of the AC request, not limiting in any way
the issues to be addressed, and that his written defence
in these proceedings covered the merits of the
AC request as well as its admissibility.


For these reasons it is decided that:

1. The request of 25 June 2015 is rejected as inadmissible.

2. The reimbursement of all costs incurred by the respondent
in the proceedings before the Enlarged Board of Appeal is

The Registrar
W. Crasborn

The Chairman
I. Beckedorf


The suspended DG3 member, or alternatively the “defendant” or “respondent” in this context, is already the victim of what looks like a defamation campaign. To quote this one comment:

Why is the AC doing nothing to stop BB’s destruction of DG3? A mystery, no?

Here is a possible explanation. The Link below (thanks to the IPCopy website) will take you to an EU Commission Paper on “Upgrading the Single Market”. Now how important do you suppose that political objective is?

Amongst the proposals are (see pp 68-77) to encourage SME innovators to upgrade to the EU unitary patent. What about the expense, I hear you cry.

The Commission hears you. It tells us that patent legal expenses insurance is the answer, and a must, but that a market in such insurance can germinate and grow only when the unitary patent succeeds.

So there you are. For the Commission, we get more innovation in Europe only when the unitary patent system displaces the EPO bündle of national patent rights. So don’t you see, we should all be grateful for BB’s deep sacrifice, because it is helping the AC to deliver to all of us the Commission-defined Roadmap to the unitary patent future.

Does the Commission believe its own tosh? Does it care? Who does care?


Here is another interesting comment about it:

Finally, the SUEPO published some numbers:

This year, 1228 persons were entitled to vote in the local SUEPO The Hague committee elections.
Last year (2014), 975 members were entitled to vote.

Within one year, SUEPO attracted netto 253 new members in The Hague alone.
That is more than 25% added over one year!

I think this alone speaks for whom the staff trusts and supports…
Or did we gang-press people on the street to join this mafia-like organisation?

In return, last weeks internal consultative organs received a new proposal by the president, which he might sell to the AC as necessary to be able to continue docking half the salary of the suspended DG3 member.

Current Article 95(3) of the Service Regulations limits any withholdings of salary to a maximum of four months, to incite the administration to be speedy.
This will be amended. No more time limit given.
Article 95(4) is intended to be deleted, which included that if the disciplinary procedure resulted not in a proposal to downgrade/dismiss the employee, the withheld salary hat to be paid out in full. It also states, that if the disciplinary procedure takes longer than four months, the withheld amounts had to be payed out anyway.

The new regulations would allow the president/administration to take years for any disciplinary procedure, thus , if necessary to get rid of “unwanted” persons, just pay them half and let them rot at home. (not being allowed to take up any kind of work, and having to be accessible for hearings, even at short notice).
Just being suspended would become a punishment in itself, as it will be questionable if withheld amounts based on false grounds dismissed by the disciplinary committee would have to be refunded.

We will be the only organisation having nothing in place to ensure a speedy procedure….

- on the other hand I got informed of a very interesting rumour, by my director nonetheless. But as (s)he pointed out, it would be the kind of rumour we want to hear, so we will have to wait to see how reliable it is.
Next week will be very interesting (AC meeting).

-fan of Art. 6 ECHR

Some have apparently decided to write to delegates. One person asks: “I would like to know if some of you have written to their AC delegate? and with some protection or not?

“My intention was to do so (and I still have it) but some comments on IPkat have slightly cooled down my (good) intentions. I will do it using a proxy and/or the Tor browser.”

The atmosphere of fear has made anonymity somewhat of a prerequisite, which may explain why the judge is accused of (or alleged to have been) communicating anonymously. Well, anonymity in its own right is not a crime. It’s not identity theft or impostering.

“I don`t like to share my personal life…it wouldn`t be personal if I shared it.”

George Clooney

The European Patent Office is a Lobby Organisation, Was and Still is Lobbying for Expansion of Patent Scope (Also to Software) Through UPC

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:38 pm by

Summary: The European Patent Office (EPO) has historically been stepping outside the area of its authority and is still doing so right now, particularly when it comes to the Unitary Patent

THE EPO is widely misunderstood. We mean that in a bad way. A lot of people honestly believe that the EPO is a good idea badly or poorly implemented, or that change of management alone would resolve all the issues.

According to this site, serving as a puff piece platform for Benoît Battistelli, the EU ‘unitary’ patent is less than a year away. To quote their summary: “Matthew Newman, senior correspondent for MLex market insight, is joined by Benoît Battistelli, president of the European Patent Office (EPO) to discuss the new and long-awaited ‘unitary’ patent and how it will help boost investment and innovation in Europe.”

“A lot of people honestly believe that the EPO is a good idea badly or poorly implemented, or that change of management alone would resolve all the issues.”Well, not sure what they mean by “senior correspondent”, we deem the whole thing a sort of hogwash, like a media "presence" campaign. It was spread online with soft messages like “EuropeanPatentOffice’s President discusses the long-awaited #UnitaryPatent” (“long-awaited” by who?).

The FFII’s President has responded by saying that “the only thing the Unitary Patent will boost is patent litigation and patent filings.”

Linking to this Unitary Patent (or UPC) Web site, a City of London-based patent lawyers’ site (MIP) wrote: “Here they are at last: the final #UPC Rules of Procedure” (see attachment in there)

“Well, not sure what they mean by “senior correspondent”, we deem the whole thing a sort of hogwash, like a media “presence” campaign.”“Just the 142 pages,” they added, “happy reading!”

Happy for who? For lawyers. It’s not even of any (or much) value to patent examiners, boards, and so on. The London-based courts, as we showed here before, are being set up before Brexit/referendum. There is a push for finalisation by the patent lawyers, who are fast-tracking it so as to make reversal more difficult. The management of the EPO has been doing the same thing. This isn’t democracy, it’s more like a coup. Citizens aren’t even being consulted.

Coming up on December 28th is a talk by Reinier Bakels, Iga Bałos, and Józef Halbersztadt. Speaking at the popular CCC (in Germany), they will give a lecture titled “Software and business method patents: call for action”

“It’s not even of any (or much) value to patent examiners, boards, and so on.”To quote their abstract: “Ten years after the rejection of the European software patent directive by the European Parliament, the software patent problem still is not over. Political action is required.”

Reinier Bakels is well known for his work under the FFII, e.g. this one. The FFII has been warning about software patents for a very long time and its current President once took note of the “EPO CII microsite”. It’s no longer there, but it’s worth recalling what it used to say. Here is how the EPO microsite justified its selling of software patents: “As with all inventions, computer-implemented inventions are only patentable if they have technical character and solve a technical problem, are new, and provide an inventive technical contribution to the prior art.”

“What ever happened to separation of powers and executive branches?”The EPO called these CII (an alternative name for those controversial software patents, making them sound more sophisticated) and the address of the microsite used to be http://cii.european-patent-office.org/.

The site first appeared in 2005 (around the time of the famous vote on the matter) and it vanished some time between February 2007 and November 2007 (when it was already gone), based on the snapshots taken by the Web Archive.

Here is the page in question before in vanished and here is a screenshot of it:


Well, in 2008 it already redirected, later (soon thereafter) to just vanish. Here is a screenshot:


“The EPO lobbied Brussels,” we have learned from the FFII’s President, Benjamin Henrion. Here is how the EPO lobbied Brussels, based on MIP again:

Sant and his team are taking part in a working group of the EU Council that was formed after the Competitiveness Council approved the Community patent agreement on March 3.

As Henrion put it at the time: “So the EPO sends lobbyists to Brussels, who then take part in Council working groups.”

Around that time,”lobbying and influencing [of] the legislators” was alleged by Benjamin Henrion (see the original photo from Henrion, which we have digitally enhanced to make it a little more legible).

EPO lobbying

Has anything changed since then?

Well, judging by the EPO’s lobbying for the UPC these days, it is still the same [1, 2], only the names have changed a little. As we have shown here before, citing experts, the UPC will likely bring with it software patents.

What ever happened to separation of powers and executive branches? Well, the EPO isn’t just a tyranny inside Eponia. It tries to expand its breadth of influence as far as Brussels, still. Why is this tolerated and when will the public interest finally be considered?

Microsoft is Getting Utterly Desperate

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:01 pm by

Vista 10
These paid-for ads (from my timeline) show just how low Microsoft has stooped

Summary: An overview of Microsoft’s strategy as of late, including the plot to devour the competition (e.g. GNU/Linux in servers)

THIS MONTH (and in previous months too) I spoke to someone from Microsoft and learned about more layoffs, which the company is apparently trying quite hard to hide from the media (and the public). I was apparently not supposed to know about this. Microsoft is saving face.

The severity of the problems inside Microsoft is sometimes only known to insiders. A few days ago Microsoft’s friends at the BBC covered the XBox disaster. XBox has lost a lot of money over the years (Microsoft knows how to hide the losses) and now, according to this BBC report: “Encryption keys that secure Xbox Live accounts have been “inadvertently disclosed”, Microsoft has said.

“Microsoft is saving face.”“The keys in question are designed to be kept private so they can guarantee the authenticity of a digital certificate, invoked when users connect to xboxlive.com.”

Who would ever trust Microsoft for security? IDG’s Grimes (who is a Microsoft employee masquerading as journalist) is supposed to be a Microsoft security expert, but in this new article of his he deflects by speaking of an “almost foolproof way to check for malware”. “Yes,” iophk told us sarcastically, “if it is running Windows then it has / is malware” (increasingly the case with Vista 10, which is malware by definition).

Microsoft is having a lot of problems right now, both with security (giving the NSA back doors contributes to this) and with getting people to install malware like Vista 10 on their PCs. Hence the aggressive push, financial incentives, and ridiculous marketing (see above). Microsoft is clearly losing it; the common carrier/monopoly is dying, so Microsoft tries FORCING people to use spyware/malware (see this new article titled “Microsoft may ‘automatically upgrade’ Windows 7 and 8.x to W10″). Microsoft is literally trying to infect people’s PCs with malware — Microsoft’s own malware, complete with a keylogger that broadcasts people’s passwords for example. If it wasn’t Microsoft behind such a software plot, police forces would come at daytime, raid their offices, and put in handcuffs engineers and managers who created such malicious software, then forcibly spread it to many PCs.

“Who would ever trust Microsoft for security?”Microsoft is in a very bad state, no matter how much it pays the media (via PR agencies) to claim otherwise. Even Mac Asay does marketing for Microsoft on the face of it, but all these claims about a Microsoft recovery overlook the massive losses, the stock buybacks, and many other factors. Even a Microsoft booster from IDG (IDG employs many such boosters, including some on Microsoft’s payroll) is willing to acknowledge that quality of Microsoft’s software patched is basically low. “Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday update KB 3114409,” he explained, “intended to help admins keep Outlook 2010 from starting in safe mode, has in fact done the opposite. Many Outlook 2010 customers report that installing KB 3114409 forces Outlook to start in safe mode.”

Microsoft loses not just in phones and on the desktop. Its share in active sites keeps declining based on the latest figures from Netcraft. No wonder the company is now trying to devour GNU/Linux; it’s losing… well, everything. “See the chart at the end on “market share of computers”,” iophk told us, “and note that IIS has a worse than 1:1 ratio of sites to hardware while Apache and nginx have a better than 1:1 ratio.”

“Microsoft loses not just in phones and on the desktop.”Microsoft will definitely do whatever it can to force ‘upgrades’ to the latest spyware from Microsoft, not just Windows (which is now malware). As The Register put it yesterday: “Microsoft is advising Windows users to update their browsers ahead of a new policy that will see some versions of Internet Explorer no longer supported.

“The Redmond software giant said that beginning January 12, 2016, it will only support the newest version of its browser available in each operating system.”

People don’t need Internet Explorer. It is still a very low quality Web browser and it is spying on users’ browsing habits and more. Firefox does not do this.

“Microsoft’s history serves as a warning sign and the company still attacks Linux with patents.”Microsoft’s booster Todd Bishop, in this older bit of spin, tries to equate Google to Microsoft. “Google has jumped the shark,” iophk told us regarding this article, but the views of a person or two (Google hired some people from Microsoft) hardly represent Google’s views as a company.

One should proceed with caution amid Microsoft’s demise because the company is now trying to just devour the winner, which is GNU/Linux. See the news about ARTIK below [1] and also the Linux Foundation relationship, in [2-23] below (links not already mentioned in our daily news). We have already responded to the Linux Foundation's approach, which is risky. Microsoft’s history serves as a warning sign and the company still attacks Linux with patents.

Related/contextual items from the news:

  1. ARTIK is Now Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT

    ARTIK, the Internet of Things (IoT) Samsung hardware platform has had some very Interesting developments recently, it is now Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT! This translates to the ARTIK 5 and ARTIK 10 boards being tested for readiness, compatibility, and usability with the Microsoft Azure IoT Suite.

  2. Microsoft’s week: Final Patch Tuesday for 2015, open source Chakra engine and Linux certification for Azure
  3. Microsoft and Linux Foundation Create ‘Linux on Azure’ Cert Program
  4. Microsoft offers new certification for Linux on Azure
  5. Microsoft offers Linux certification. Do not adjust your set. This is not an error

    The new Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Linux on Azure teaches you how to do Linux on Azure by making you do an Azure course and a Linux course.

  6. Linux Foundation and Microsoft Partner on New Azure Cloud Certification
  7. Microsoft and Linux are offering a joint certification for Azure
  8. Microsoft continues to embrace Linux with new Azure certification
  9. Microsoft and Linux Foundation Create ‘Linux on Azure’ Cert Program
  10. Linux Foundation and Microsoft offer new Azure certification program
  11. Microsoft announces Azure certification program for Linux
  12. Microsoft Partners With Linux Foundation On Azure Certification
  13. Microsoft introduces new Certification for Azure on Linux
  14. Microsoft readies Linux on Azure certification
  15. Microsoft Adds Linux Certification For Azure
  16. Microsoft introduces Linux certification
  17. Microsoft is now offering Linux on Azure certification once you pass two exams
  18. Now Linux will be available on Azure Certification as announced by Microsoft
  19. This Is Not Your Or Bill Gate’s Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)
  20. Microsoft further embraces Linux with IT professional certification for Azure
  21. Microsoft to offer a Linux-based cert for Azure admins
  22. Microsoft Announces Linux on Azure Certification
  23. Microsoft embraces Linux with Azure certification

IAM ‘Magazine’ Protects Patent Trolls, Blocks People Who Disapprove

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:23 am by

IAM blocking opposing views now?

IAM blocking

Summary: The IAM echo chamber becomes even more of an echo chamber as people who don’t agree with IAM get literally blocked

IAM was always the most 'extremist' site when it comes to patents. It loves software patents, it loves patent trolls, and it evidently loves the EPO‘s management (at times serving as some kind of courier). We have watched the site for many years (reading literally hundreds of articles) and have many reasons for scepticism. It didn’t come out of nowhere or at haste.

“IAM brought upon itself somewhat of a controversy online because it has blocked at least 3 people in Twitter (those whom we know about) for merely criticising IAM, denying them even visibility of IAM’s ‘work’.”Well, IAM ‘magazine’ decided to organise a conference for patent trolls. They don’t use the word trolls (they strongly oppose and reject the term); they use a euphemistic acronym and refer to it as “our inaugural NPE conference”. Remember IP Dealmakers Forum, which was recently opened by the world’s largest patent troll.

IAM brought upon itself somewhat of a controversy online because it has blocked at least 3 people in Twitter (those whom we know about) for merely criticising IAM, denying them even visibility of IAM’s ‘work’.

Joff Wild, who often acts like a megaphone of Battistelli, especially amid scandals [1, 2], cannot take the heat. He is now blocking those who don’t agree with him, showing how thin-skinned he is. Even what we believe to be EPO staff got blocked [1, 2, 3], not to mention the President of the FFII [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and myself included. Well, even the EPO’s Twitter account, which is a PR front for an institution that blocked Techrights (internally, site-wide), has not done so. What does this say about IAM?

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