Visually Enhanced Interviews With ESR and RMS on Free Software (With French)
Video uploaded a few days ago: Nom de code - Linux [Ultra HD 4K] 2001 [VF] (we've carved out 33:22 - 36:50)
WebM (short portion only): Nom de code - Linux (portion, cut)
Richard Stallman's next talk (in French) is just 2 days away, as we already said days ago on a couple of occasions. The above new 'remastering' has French in it, it is still relevant even if the movie itself is old, and we've cut out the bits about how they tried to extinguish Free software as a concept as a sort of 'shortcut', in effect shortchanging the movement that started it all back in the mid-80s (a lot happened in 1983). Have a look. We have ESR's "Halloween Documents" in Gemini. ESR is still busy coding. Below one can see his weekend/Sunday activity (in spite of cancer). █