If You See Many Microsoft Puff Pieces That All Say More or Less the Same, Consider the Possibility That Microsoft LLMs 'Wrote' Those
Like this one from 5 hours ago: (classic greenwashing for Microsoft and its DRM)
100% LLM slop:
A day ago we saw Microsoft seeding some distraction from the mass layoffs, which Microsoft previously belittled using the exact same media mole (Jordan had done this for over a decade).
There are also many phantom fake 'reports' about Microsoft in relation to some "hey hi" (AI) things. It's the go-to chaff. There's no actual substance in those, but they came out hours before this year's second round of mass layoffs.
BetaNews seems to be a Microsoft-powered and Microsoft-connected garbage factory with clickbait and spam, often generated by machines for SEO or basically plagiarising other people's work by rewording it algorithmically. █
Also see: BetaNews Has Become a SPAM/Slop Factory, Brian Fagioli Publishes Fake 'Articles' | It's Morbid to Talk About Living People as If They're Dead | BetaNews, Inc. Became a Spam Operation/Web Site, LLM Spew (Slop) for SEO Disguised as "Articles" | BetaNews is Beta-Testing the Site as LLM Slop With Microsoft Propaganda Thrown In | Even the Managing Editor of BetaNews is Doing Slop and Spam | At BetaNews, "Most Commented Story" Is Not a Story But LLM Slop! (Readers Talking to Bots) | BetaNews is Run and Written by Bots That Make Clickbait | BetaNews, Desperate for Clicks, is Pushing Donald Trump Spam Created by LLMs (Slop) | "Latest Technology News" in BetaNews is Press Release SPAM (or LLM Slop, Marketing, Fake 'Review')