Reference: Self-fulfilling prophecy (a dirty tactic routinely exploited by businesses)
THE EPO, and Battistelli in particular, has been the principal cheerleader and lobbyist for the UPC. Battistelli has done that for at least 6 years, even preceding his job as 'king' of EPO. Worth noting is the role played by Michel Barnier, a fellow Frenchman now pivotal in the talks over Brexit.
"Team UPC basically advertised jobs (i.e. recruitment) for positions that do not exist and will never exist. Accountability for anyone who did this is not likely, but such are the tactics of patent law firms that disregard democracy."Well, we're nowhere as the UPC is practically dead, if not just in the UK then in the whole of Europe (as the UPC was codified with London in mind and in the text). The UPC is rapidly collapsing and WIPR, which is London-based, says that "[t]he Unified Patent Court (UPC) preparatory committee has decided to postpone the recruitment of UPC judges, in light of Brexit." A Team UPC Web site now says the same. This means that even Team UPC is putting the brakes on the UPC now.
Team UPC basically advertised jobs (i.e. recruitment) for positions that do not exist and will never exist. Accountability for anyone who did this is not likely, but such are the tactics of patent law firms that disregard democracy. ⬆