Software Patents in Europe

Several large companies that include
IBM, Philips and
Nokia have been lobbying the European Parliament and the
EPO for software patents in Europe. This poses a threat to Free/libre software and we've covered this in the posts beneath.
Klaus Grabinski Expressing Support for Software Patents in Violation of the European Patent Convention (and Common Sense)
Software Patents in the EPO Are Still Illegal, But Criminals in Charge of the EPO Still Try to Stage a Coup Against the Law
Meme: António Campinos Loves Kangaroo Court for Software Patents
The European Commission's Policy-Making on Software Patents Inside Standards
Let's Put an End to Software Patents by Contacting Our Representatives (Politicians)
When Europe's Largest Patent Office is Governed by Lawyers, Bankers, and Career-Climbing Opportunists Who Violate the European Patent Convention (EPC) for Them
The EPO Bubble — Part XII — The Shape of Things to Come?
The EPO's Misguided and Misleading Approach to Software Patenting, Disguised Using Disingenuous Newspeak and Buzzwords
The EPO Bubble — Part XI — The Viennese ICT Patent Orchestrator
Teaser The Food Expert Who Got an ‘Appetite’ for Software Patents
EPO's Georg Weber Increasing Grant Rates Close to 100% in Software Patents (for Supposed 'Success')
What the Latest EPO Leaks Teach Us About the Management's Plans for Software Patents in Europe
Meme: “So I Wrote an Algorithm”
The EPO Bubble — Part X — A Leaked E-mail Provides Some Clues...
Meme: Software Patents by Any Other Name (or Buzzword)
The EPO Bubble — Part V — Propping Up the Bubble?
Bastian Best is Still Wrong and Dishonest About Software Patents
European Software Patents Cannot Withstand Scrutiny, EPO Management Wants Kangaroo Courts (UPC) to Change That
EPO Celebrates Software Patents Again, Dubbing Them 'Hey Hi' (AI) and '4IR'
António Campinos Promotes Software Patents Using Buzzwords and Sketchy Loopholes With Dubious Legal Basis
Meme: Jorgotta Be Kidding Us, Campinos! Now Openly Brags About Making Illegal Patents a Welcomed Part of the Examination Guidelines
When Most Granted Patents (and Fake ‘Growth’) Are Just Software Patents and EPO ‘Joins the Club’
The EPO is Granting Loads of Software Patents in Order to Fake 'Growth'
Power Without Countervailing Power in Patent Law
Süddeutsche Zeitung Became a Propaganda Arm of EPO Management (and by Extension Software Patents/Patent Lobbyists)
Meme: 'Open Source' Study/Report From the European Commission Promotes Software Patents in Europe
5 Years Ago: Benjamin Henrion (FFII) Explains the Connection Between Software Patents and UPC
About Half of the Supposed ‘Growth’ in Patents is Abstract Stuff or ‘Software-Related’ (Patents That Courts Would Quite Likely Reject)
Patenting Software and Patenting Music
Richard Stallman Explains Why He Protests and Condemns the EPO (for Promoting Software Patents in Other Continents, Too)
Meme: Patents on ‘Magic’
EPO Bribing Scholars to Justify Software Patents, Then Using Narrow Surveys to Justify Unlawful Guidelines for Examiners (e.g. Software Patents as ‘Hey Hi’)
Philippe Aigrain, Who Fought Against Software Patents, Died This Past Weekend
EPO Would Never Have Posted This
Heli Pihlajamaa Promoting Software Patents to Patent Maximalists
Virtual Injustice — Part 8: A Well-Connected ‘IP’ Maximalist
Say Hey Hi to Inventions and Patents
The EPO’s War on Justice and Assault on the Law — Part 13: Internal Members: Gunnar Eliasson and Andrea Ritzka
Richard Stallman on How UPC is a Trojan Horse for Software Patents in Europe
EPO President António Campinos Promoting Microsoft Proprietary Software (Monopoly) and Software Patents
Hey, Hi, Welcome to the EPO
The EPO is Drunk and Should Go Home
The ‘Hey Hi’ of António Campinos Will Survive This
EPO Promoting Illegal Software Patents Under the Guise of NET/Hey Hi
The German Constitutional Court Needs to Recognise That the EPO’s Tribunals Are Not Independent and EPC Has Not or Isn’t Being Honoured for Quite Some Time Now
EPO Does the Unlawful While Leveraging Women’s Rights as an Opportunistic Form of Disguise
The EPO's Software Blunders Are Inevitable Outcome of Technically Clueless Management Which Grants Illegal Patents on Software
EPO President Pushes Illegal Software Patents in South America (Over the Telephone With a Misleading New Puff Piece)
Hey Hi (AI) is Just a Trojan Horse for Illegal Software Patents, According to EPO Management and Litigation Firms It’s in Bed With
Microsoft Hosts a European Software Patents Propaganda Event (in ‘Hey Hi’ Clothing) Featuring Thierry Breton and Litigation Firms
Meme: Software Patents in the Patents-as-Buzzwords Office
The European Buzzwords Office
Video: What the European Patent Office Means by AI and 4IR (a Plot to Advance Illegal Software Patents)
The EPO is Promoting Software Patents This Week, Seeking to Impress the Administrative Council With Illegal Patents
EPO Management Has No Plans Other Than Granting Loads of Invalid Patents (e.g. Software Patents) to Pocket Fees and Then Grift/Gamble With the Money
Meme: Things Will Get Amusing When/If EPO Proceedings Are Cancelled Due to Patent Trolls Suing the Platforms Using Software Patents (Granted by the EPO)
The EPO is Using Hype Wave and Buzzword to Promote Illegal Software Patents in a So-Called “Digital Conference”
IAM Celebrating and Glorifying Illegal Patents With Fake 'Awards' and Bogus 'Endorsements'
The EPO is Pushing Illegal Software Patents Together With WIPO
Ongoing (Albeit Secret) Campaign of Patent Extortion Against GNU/Linux Distributions Using Software Patents, Even Expired Ones in Europe
Meme: António the Computer Genius
Managing 'Intellectual Property' (Managing 'IP') is Promoting Software Patents for a Fee
Unified Patents Comes to Europe, Challenging Bogus Software Patents That EPO Should Never Have Granted
The Enlarged Board of Appeal Cannot Independently Rule on the Matter of Software Patentability
Marks & Clerk Reveals That António Campinos, With Zero Experience in Software, is Lobbying Judges (Who Are Supposed to be Independent But Are Actually Controlled by Him) to Open the Floodgates to Illegal Software Patents
Using 'Hey Hi' (AI) and Mindless Buzzwords to Spread Confusion and Blur the Gap Between Computer-Generated Patents and Patents on Algorithms
The EPO Continues to Publicly Brag About Granting Illegal Patents to Fake 'Production' (It's Not Really Production But Abuse of the Granting Authority)
The Industrial Revolution 5.0 (or 6.0) - Symptom of Totally Incompetent Management at the European Patent Office
It is Not Possible to Prevent Software Patent Grants in Europe as Long as the EPO is Profoundly Corrupt and the EU Looks the Other Way
EFF Should Also Speak About the EPO Granting Software Patents Against the Law
EPO: A Lawless Institution That Makes Its Staff Look Bad
Greenwashing and Peace-washing Patents We Can Never Coexist With (and the Law Forbids Anyway)
USPTO and EPO Openly Brag About Breaking the (Case)Law to Grant Software Patents That Courts Would Reject, Even the Very Highest Courts
European Law Firms Are Marketing Illegal Software Patents Using Meaningless Buzzwords
EPO Management is Trying to Violate the EPC and Justify Its Illegal Software Patent Grants During a Pandemic's Peak
Technical Computer-Implemented Digital Videogame AI on the Blockchain
Mask Against the European Patent Convention
Almost a Month Later Lies Persist About the “Fate of the Unified Patent Court” and Software Patents It Was Supposed to Introduce/Cement
The European Patent Office Admits That It's Faking Its 'Results' by Granting Loads of Illegal Software Patents
Coronavirus Has Not Slowed Down the EPO's Promotion of Illegal Software Patents
Software Patents Remain Junk Patents in the United States (Not Enforceable), Whereas the EPO Keeps Granting Them and Promoting Them
Digitalisation and Digital Technologies as a Ploy to Justify Illegal Software Patents
Digital Communication, Digitalisation and Videogaming Among the EPO's Latest Smokescreens for Illegal and Abstract Patents on Algorithms
Emotional Blackmail for Illegal Software Patents
Faking Production With Fake Patents on Software
The Battle Against Software Patents Rages on
The Next Task is Defeating European Software Patents Because the Media Certainly Isn't Doing Its Job
The EU's EUIPO Will Later Today Help the EPO (Run by EUIPO's Former Chief) Promote Illegal Software Patents
Patent Scavenging or Racing to the Bottom of Patent Quality
EPO: Goodbye to the Rule of Law and Hey Hi, AI!
Poor Excuses for Granting Poor (and Often Illegal/Invalid) Patents
European Patent Office (EPO) Granting Patents on Surveillance Software
We Will Never Have a Meaningful Debate About Patents When the Media Calls Algorithms “AI” and the EPO is Called “EU Patent Office”
EPO G 1/19 (Software Patents Case) Already Compromised by Overt Violations of the European Patent Convention (EPC)
EPO Throws DABUS Under the Bus... But for the Wrong Reasons
The EPO Likes “Hey Hi” (AI) Only When It Lets Actual Humans Fake 'Production'
Only the EPO Goes as Far as Bribing Publishers (the Media) to Promote Software Patents and Publish Fictional Stories
EPO Promoting Software Patents in Countries Where These Are Illegal
Demonstration Against Unitary Software Patents, Thursday 12 Dec in Brussels
Fake European Patents (on Algorithms) Leading to Fake Embargoes
The EPO's President Admits He's Illegally Granting Software Patents (CII, 4IR, IoT, AI and Blockchain Mean Software Patents at the EPO)
Maximalists Cherry-Picking the So-Called 'Corbyn' 'Leak' for Their Patent Agenda While the US Lobbies Britain for Software Patents and Worse
Global Patent Warming
'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) Will Only Doom Patent Offices If It's Used to Stamp Millions of Invalid Patents (IPs)
The EPO Instructs European Examiners to Grant Junk Patents on Algorithms (Maths and Stats)
António Campinos and Comrade Iancu (US) Both Push Software Patents Into Europe to the Detriment of Small Businesses and Developers
Today's EPO is an Illegal Institution Promoting and Granting Illegal Patents
Yesterday in EPOPIC Andrei Iancu and António Campinos Shared a Salad of Ridiculous Buzzwords
An Illegal Practice: The EPO Continues to Grant Unlawful Patents and Then Brag About These
G1/19: Enlarged Board of Appeal Bombarded by Monopolies, Law Firms and EPO President in Favour of Software Patenting
EPO Boards of Appeal Need Courage and Structural Disruption to Halt Software Patents in Europe
“The Stupidest Patent/Tax Policy Ever”
Meme: Software Patents at the EPO
Software Patents (or Monopolies on Algorithms) Are Not 'Property' and They're Not Even Legally Valid
AI and Other Nonsensical Technobabble Exploited by EPO Management to Do Illegal Things
EPO Makes Guidelines for Examination That Formally Allow Software Patents in Defiance of European Law
EU Parliament Needs to Clarify Once Again That Software Patents Granted by the EPO Are Illegal and Void
EPO President Along With Bristows, Managing IP and Other Team UPC Boosters Are Lobbying for Software Patents in Clear and Direct Violation of the EPC
Illegal/Invalid Patents (IPs) Have Become the 'Norm' in Europe
Fake Software Patents in Europe (Invalid Patents) Would Only Discourage or Drive Away the European Software Industry, But Lawyers Don't Care
The Electronic Frontier Foundation Opposes Software Patents (in the US), So Why Does It Keep 100% Silent About Europe and the EPO?
Some Patent Attorneys Dislike Techrights Not Because It's Wrong But Because Software Patents Are Wrong (and Sometimes Illegal)
Patent Trolls' Paradise: The EPO is a Rubber-Stamping Machine, So Why Not Automatically Generate Patent Applications?
The American Patent Microcosm Models Its Lobbying for Software Patents Based on the EPO's Ongoing Violations of the EPC
EPO Continues to Grant Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Software Patents and the Media Doesn't Care
EPO Gradually Becoming the World's Most Permissive (Low Patent Quality) Patent Office by Consciously Violating the EPC
EPO-Bribed Media Speaks to Team UPC, Produces UPC Puff Pieces With Plenty of Falsehoods and (Forbidden) Software Patents Advocacy
IBM Happy That Patent Quality at EPO Collapsed and It's Easy to Get Software Patents
American Front Group Open Invention Network (Riding the Linux Brand) is a Proponent of Software Patents in Europe
Say 'Hey Hi' to Software Patents
Patent Professionals in Europe Have Devolved Into a Marketing Industry
'AI Taskforce' is Actually a Taskforce for Software Patents
António Campinos — Unlike His Father — Engages in Imperialism (Using Invalid Patents)
Patent Quality Continues to Slip in Europe and We Know Who Will Profit From That (and Distract From It)
Lawlessness at the EPO Means That Software Patents Are Still Being Granted and EPO Judges Have Their Hands Tied
The European Patent Office is a Global Threat, Not Just a Threat to Europe
An Office of Patent Extremists
The War on Patent Quality
Lusting for a Unified Patent Court (UPC) That Respects Invalid European Patents, Including Software Patents
Illegal Software Patents and Patent Trolls Well Served by European and American Patent Offices But Not Courts
Corruption at the EPO is a Threat Not Only to Europe But to Every Continent in the World
Why Does the EPO Keep Praising People Who Promote Software Patents, Rewarding Them for Patent Thickets That Harm Software Developers?
The EPO is a Threat to Software Developers Everywhere, Not Just in Europe
EPO in 2019: Pushing (and Bribing) for Buzzwords to Bypass/Cheat the Law Whilst Abolishing the Court System
Lack of Justice at the EPO Continues to Usher in Fake Patents on Abstract Things
The Quality of Patents is Connected to the Quality of Life of Patent Examiners
"/o/2019/04/24/restraining-the-epo/ German Federal Patent Court Curbs the Patent Maximalism of the EPO, Which Promotes Patents on Nature and/or Maths Every Single Day]]
USPTO and EPO Both Slammed for Abandoning Patent Quality and Violating the Law/Caselaw in Order to Grant Illegitimate Patents on Life/Nature and Mathematics
The EPO's Use of Phrases Like “High-Quality Patent Services” Means They Know High-Quality European Patents Are 'Bygones'
The European Patent Office Does Not Care About the Law, Today's Management Constantly Attempts to Bypass the Law
Corporate Media Will Never Cover the EPO's Violations of the Law With Respect to Patent Scope
Patent Maximalists Are Enabling Injustices and Frauds
The EPO is Slipping Out of Control Again and It's Another Battistelli-Like Mess With Disregard for the Rule of Law and Patent Scope
EPO Still Wasting Budget, Paying Media and Academics for Spin
Who Does the Legal System Really Serve or Favour in European Patent Disputes?
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) — Like MedTech at the EPO — Just Another Dodge for Illegitimate Software Patents
The EPO Continues Granting Bogus Patents on Mathematics and Nature, But There's Hope Over the Horizon
Artificially-Intelligent Blockchained Internet of Things Industrial Revolutionary CII or Software Patents by Any Other Name
The EPO is Still a Software Patents Propaganda Machine and Thus an Enemy of Software Developers in Europe
The Unified Patent Court is Dead, But Doubts Remain Over the EPO's Appeal Boards' Ability to Rule Independently Against Patents on Nature and Code
Stopping António Campinos and His Software Patents Agenda (Not Legal in Europe) Would Require Independent Courts
The EPO and the USPTO Are Granting Fake Patents on Software, Knowing That Courts Would Reject These
EPO Examiner: “I Have Been Against Software Patents and Eventually 3/4 of My Job is Examining Software Patent Applications.”
Europe Will Pay a High Price for Software Patents Advocacy by António Campinos in Europe's Patent-Granting Authority
Patent Law Firms Are Truly (and Visibly) Panicking Over the Demise of Software Patents
Truly and Completely Out of Control, the Unhinged European Patent Office Calls Applicants “Customers” While Offering Patents on Nature, Life, Maths
The EPO Technical/Enlarged Board of Appeal Would, Potentially (If It Enjoyed Actual Independence), Serve a 'European Alice' and Eliminate All/Most Software Patents in Europe
The Technical Board of Appeal Will Need True Independence to Squash Software Patents at the EPO (T 0489/14)
T 0489/14: Will the European Patent Organisation Put an End to Software Patents at Long Last?
Software Patents Are in a Freefall in Courts Worldwide, But the EPO Keeps Granting and Promoting These
How Long Can the EPO Bend the Rules Before the Avalanche of Invalid Software Patents?
What Happened in the United States Now Happens in Europe: Lots of Patents Turn Out to Be Bunk, Fake, Bogus, Invalid and Thus Worthless
Courts in Disagreement: Warning on Wrongly-Granted European Patents and the Looming Collapse of All Software Patents in Europe
EPO Grants Fake European Patents — Including Software Patents — and European Courts Keep Rejecting These
“EPO Lawlessness Again”
Innovating the Idea That Software Patents (Monopolies on Algorithms) Are Covering 'Artificial' 'Intelligence' (AI and ML as Loopholes)
European Patent Office’s Exploitation of the ‘AI’ Catchphrase/Buzzword to Grant Patents on Algorithms in Defiance of the Rules, the Law, and Common Sense
EPO President Campinos Works With Patent Trolls and With Team UPC to Promote Software Patents
The European Patent Office's Promotion of Software Patents Overlooks Ongoing 'Spillage' of the Patent Crisis to Patent Courts (Rejecting Such Patents)
Fake Software Patents, Patent Trolls and Assault on Generic Medicine in Europe
The EPO Continues to Grant Software Patents Even Though Many European Patents Are Being Invalidated Already
The USPTO Used to Pose a Threat to European Software Developers. Now It's the EPO Posing a Threat to Software Developers Worldwide.
British Courts Once Again Reject Bogus European Patents Granted on Software
Declining Patent Quality and Lies About Software Patents at the EPO
Software Patents Are a Dying Breed, So Marks & Clerk and Other Legal Monoliths Promote the EPO's Buzzwords (Loopholes)
EPO Defying Patent Restrictions/Limits From the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Countries It Claims to Represent
IBM, Which Will Soon be Buying Red Hat, is Promoting Software Patents in Europe
The EPO's Low Patent Quality Can Kill the European Software Industry and Kill People Too
The Quality of European Patents Likely Declined Even Further in 2018
UPC Died in 2016 or 2017; But the EPO Continues to Issue Fake Software Patents That European Courts Reject
EPO Chief Economist Yann Ménière Keynote Speaker at Patent Trolls-Funded Event Set Up by the Patent Trolls' Lobby
Patents on Abstract Things and on Life (or Patents Which Threaten Lives) Merely Threaten the Very Legitimacy of Patent Offices, Including EPO
The Quality of European Patents Continues to Deteriorate Under António Campinos and Software Patents Are Advocated Every Day
EPO, in Its Patent Trolls-Infested Forum, Admits It is Granting Bogus Software Patents Under the Guise of 'Blockchain'
EPO Management High-Fiving Patent Propaganda Sites Like 'Managing IP' While Granting Illegitimate Patents on Algorithms
António Campinos is Working for Patent Trolls at the Expense of Science and Technology
Clouding Abstract Software Patents Using Acronyms and Buzzwords
The Demise of Software Patents in Patent Courts Worldwide Would Mean Much-Needed Staff Cuts in Litigation Giants
Thanksgiving EPO Roundup: UPC Lies, Software Patents Considered Harmful and SUEPO Condemns Union-Busting Activities (Which Carry on Under António Campinos)
To Mask the Decline in Patent Quality, e.g. Granting of Software Patents a.k.a. Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII), EPO Makes Oppositions Harder
Patent Trolls in EPO Events That Promote Software Patents
The European Patent Office is Attracting Patent Trolls
The European Patent Office Comes up With a Plethora of New Buzzwords by Which to Refer to Software Patents
Second Day of EPOPIC: Yet More Promotion of Software Patents in Europe in Defiance of Courts, EPC, Parliament and Common Sense
Yannis Skulikaris Promotes Software Patents at EPOPIC, Defending the Questionable Practice Under António Campinos
Pro-Litigation Front Groups Like CIPA and Team UPC Control the EPO, Which Shamelessly Grants Software Patents
Latest Loophole: To Get Software Patents From the EPO One Can Just Claim That They're 'on a Car'
EPO Stacking up Buzzwords (4IR, AI, Now SDV) to Compel Examiners to Grant Patents on Algorithms
European Software Patents: From AI to Blockchains and Now... Self-Driving Vehicles
The European Patent Office Lost Its Way, Found Buzzwords Instead
Blockchain Hype Exploited by the EPO and by Patent Law Firms to Wrongly Assert Free/Libre Software Can Coexist With Software Patents
EPO Granting European Patents on Nature and on Thoughts
Today the EPO Has Officially Lowered Patent Quality by Allowing Software Patents by Means of Dog Whistles
EPO Insider: Under António Campinos “the Union Busting Done by the Administration Continues Even Worse Than Before” (and they are almost forced to grant software patents)
The EPO Lost Any Sense of Shame About Granting Patents on Software, Which It Openly Welcomes and Even Encourages
The EPO is Trying to Make Software Patents Look and Feel 'Healthy'
EPO: Software Patents Are Allowed, Just Say 'AI' in the Patent Applications and We'll Compel Examiners to Grant
Pretty Revealing That EPO Management Promotes Software Patents and IP Kat Promotes Patent Trolls
The EPO Under António Campinos Has Opened More Doors to Software Patents and Only Litigators Are Happy
EPO Under António Campinos Relaxes the Rules on Software Patenting and the Litigation 'Industry' Loves That
Quality of Patents Granted by the EPO is Still Low and Nobody Will Benefit Except Lawyers, Jubilant Over Growing Lenience on Software Patents
New EPO Guidelines: Granting European Patents on Business Methods, Algorithms, Mental Acts and Other Abstract Stuff
António Campinos Makes Excuses for Granting European Patents on Software in Spite of the EPC
When It Comes to Patent Quality António Campinos Might be Even Worse Than Benoît Battistelli
Europe is Getting Flooded With Software Patents, Repeating the Mistakes Made by the United States
More Patents Would Mean More Tax Evasion for Large Corporations and More Taxes/Duties on Society
EPO Under António Campinos an Unprecedented Booster of Software Patents
António Campinos Goes to UPC-Hostile Country, UPC Continues to Languish and Team UPC Carries on Pushing for Software Patents in Europe (Courts Also)
Patentability of Software Constantly Pushed by the EPO Under António Campinos With Help From IAM, CIPA, IPO and Other Litigation Front Groups
35 U.S.C. § 101 Squashes Already-Granted US Patents, Europe Needs Post-Grant Appeals to Accomplish the Same Because EPO Grants Software Patents
CIPA and EPO, Two UPC Boosters, Get Together to Promote Software Patents in Spite of the EPC
The António Campinos-Led EPO is Over-Relying on Bogus and Abstract Software Patents to Fill the Gaps
Racing to the Bottom, the António Campinos-Led EPO Continues to Promote Software Patents, Just Like China
The EPO (European Patent Office) Under António Campinos is Just Another Battistelli EPO; Still UPC and Software Patents Lobbying
Software Patents Royalty (Tax) Campaign by IBM, a Serial Patent Bully, and the EPO's Participation in All This
The Lack of Genuine, Honest Discussion About Patent Quality Means That Under António Campinos Software Patents Will Continue to be Granted, Campinos Strives to Make Them 'Unitary'
Nearly Half of Patent Applications at the EPO Are (at Least Partly) Software Patents, According to the EPO, and Not Many Patents Are European (Foreign, Not Domestic)
The 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI) Hype, Propped Up by Events of the European Patent Office (EPO), is Infectious and It Threatens Patent Quality Worldwide
IAM Concludes Its Latest Anti-§ 101 Think Tank, Featuring Crooked Benoît Battistelli
Buzzwords and Three-Letter Acronyms Still Abused by the EPO to Grant a Lot of Patents on Algorithms
Corrupt Benoît Battistelli Promotes Software Patents in IAM's Patent Trolls-Funded Event in the United States
The EPO’s ‘Expert’ Georg Weber is Still Advocating Software Patents in Europe (But He Disguises Them Using Buzzwords)
The EPO is Demolishing European Law With Terms Like ICT, CII, AI, and 4IR
Software Patents Advocacy and UPC Lies Go Hand in Hand
EPO Has Become Overzealous About Software Patents, Probably More So Than Almost Anywhere Else
EPO-Funded Propaganda for Software Patents Reaches as Far as East Asia and the EPO Then Brags About That
The EPO Grants Software Patents Under the 'CII' Umbrella, Mass Litigation in Europe Already a Problem
Short: EPO Says That Most (Over 50%) of Patent Applications at the EPO Are Software Patents
Battistelli's EPO Continues to Promote Software Patents and Even Pays the Media to Play Along, Impacting Other Continents
Today's EPO is Not Compatible With the Law and It's Grossly Incompatible With Truth and Justice
Short: EPO Explains to Examiners Why They Should and Apparently Can Grant Software Patents (in Spite of EPC)
The EPO Continues to Lie About Patent Quality Whilst Openly Promoting Software Patents, Even Outside Europe
Deleted EPO Tweets and Promotion of Software Patents Amid Complaints About Abuse and Demise of Patent Quality
The EPO's Paid Promotion of Software Patents Gets Patent Maximalists All Excited and Emboldened
Watch Out for Buzzwords That Are Used to Mask Patents on Software, Even in Europe
Battistelli Works With IAM and Pays European Media to Promote Software Patents in Europe
India and Europe Do Not Permit Software Patents, But Patent Law Firms Try to Work Around the Law
The EPO Ignores This Week's Decision Which Demonstrates Patent Scope Gone Awry; Software Patents Brought Up Again
Automotives, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 Among the Buzz Terms Used to Bypass Alice and the EPC Nowadays
Battistelli Feels as Though He's Above the Law, So No Wonder He Pursues Software Patents in Europe (Against the Rules)
The EPO Has Found 'Creative' New Ways to Bribe the Media and Promote Software Patents
Buzzwords/Terms Like “Industry 4.0” or ICT as Cover for CII (Software Patents) at the EPO
EPO Continues to Disobey the Law on Software Patents in Europe
Expect an Avalanche of Bad Patents (Including Software Patents) From the EPO to Become Invalid, Shaving Off a Lot of Imaginary Value
The European Commission Has Essentially Invalided Many European Patents (EPs) for Being Out of Scope; Are Software Patents (CII) Next?
EPO Gets Together With Patent Radicals to Promote Software Patents
Patent Boxes Are for Tax Avoidance, But in the Land of Tax Avoidance (Switzerland) No Avoidance for Software Patents
Today, Koen Lievens From EPO is Promoting Pursuits of Software Patents in Defiance of the European Rules
The Collapse of Patent Quality at the EPO is Inviting to Europe Some of the World's Worst Patent Trolls
When It Comes to Software Patents, the EPO Has Become Among the Worst in the World
Software Patents and the Unified Patent Court (Talk From Friday)
European Commission Betrays the Public by Promoting Software Patents
Software Patents in Europe Are Still Promoted by the EPO, Even in Defiance of the Ban
Techrights Was Right About the Unitary Patent (UPC)
EPO’s Georg Weber Continues Horrifying Trend of EPO Promoting Software Patents in Defiance of Directive, EPC, and Common Sense
“EPO Continues to Grant Software Patents”
Someone Needs to Explain/Remind EPO Management That Software Patents Are Not (Supposed to Be) Valid in Europe
At EPOPIC Today, As Expected, Software Patents Courtesy of EPO
The EPO's Continued Push for Software Patents, Marginalisation of Appeals (Reassessment), and Deviation From the EPC
Personal Audio LLC and Patent Troll Jim Logan Demonstrate the Harms of Software Patents and Why They Must Never Spread to Europe
Software Patents Still a Problem in Europe (in Spite of the European Patent Convention), the UPC Would Make Things Worse
Software Patents in Europe and the UPC Already a Problem
UPC Would Bring Software Patents to Europe and Open the Floodgates to Litigation
Benjamin Henrion's (FFII) FOSDEM Talk About UPC and Software Patents in Europe
Microsoft-Connected FRAND Lobbying (Software Patents Against Free/Open Source Software) in Brussels
Company Known as European Patent Office Provides Tips on How to Patent Software in Europe
Slides of New Talk Which Explains the Connection Between the Unitary Patent (UPC) and Software Patents
Richard Stallman: European Software Patents Are Back With the Unitary Patent Court (UPC)
Germany Needs to Respect the European Patent Convention and Stop Issuing Software Patents, Also Reject UPC
Today's Chaos Computer Club (CCC) Talk: EU Software and Business Method Patents: Call for Action
Patent Lawyers Want to Bring Software Patents (Hence Patent Trolls Too) to Europe, Piggyback Battistelli’s Habitual UPC Promotion
So-Called ‘Trade’ Treaties Like TPP and TTIP Threaten to Legalise Software Patents in Europe and Even Effectively Ban Software Freedom/Copyleft
CopyCamp '15 in Warsaw Discussed the Problem of Patents on Software, Which Still Exist in Europe
EPO Management Lobbies for the Unitary Patent (UPC) and Uses This to Advance Software Patents in Europe
European Pirate Party MEP Julia Reda Says TPP Will Bring Software Patents to Europe and Other Continents/Countries
Patent Practitioners: "The Unitary Patent Might be Able to Open the Floodgates for Software Patents in Europe"
Better Watch Out or the United States Will Export Software Patents to Europe, Along With Patent Trolls
European Unitary Patent and Court System in Trouble
EPO and UPC in Europe Now the Hope of Patent Maximalists, China Too is Assimilating
Another Depressing Look at the Patent Systems in the US and in Europe
Arguments Persist Over Whether Software Patents Died in the US Whilst European Patent Law is Quietly Assimilated to US
Software Patents Are Still a Threat to Europe Due to ‘Unitary’ Patent
European Commission Takes Next Step Towards Legalising Software Patents in Europe
US Patent System Utterly Broken and Threatens Expansion to Europe
The Patent Lawyers in the EU and NZ Must Not Decide on Patent Policy Including Software Patents
As the Battle to Legitimise Software Patents in New Zealand and Europe Carries on, New Systemic Corruption Found
Software Patenting Under Attack in Germany
The European Patent Office is Breaking the Law Regarding Software Patents, German Parliament Finally Complains
With Unitary Patent Scheme, EPO Pushes Hard for Software Patenting (More Leech Income)
The Aftermath of ‘Unitary’ Patent
‘Unitary Patent’ Helps Microsoft Extend Linux/Android Patent Extortion to Europe
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Glyn Moody, April, FSFE and Many Others Oppose Unitary Patent (Vote is Today)
Stop Software Patents in Europe, Polish Government May Already Repeat Its Anti-ACTA Action
French National Assembly Views Unitary Patent as Illegal
December 11th an Opportunity for Politicians to Legitimise Software Patents in Europe
Attempts to Make Unitary Patent Mess Before Xmas
European Free Software Activists Fight Against Software Patents Loopholes: Unitary Patent and FRAND
Software Patents Through ‘Union’ in Europe
Europe to Push for Unitary Patent (Software Patents Loophole) at 7 PM CET Tonight
Betrayals in Europe Over Software Patents
Contact European Parliament Members Today to Stop Software Patents
Europe and New Zealand Share a Software Patents Problem As Such
Contacting Politicians to Stop Software Patents in Europe
Call for Action Against Software Patents in Europe
Fighting the Unitary Patent Like We Fought ACTA in Europe
European Council Slows Down Software Patents
Germany Against Software Patents
Europe’s Unitary Patent Siege
EU Unitary Patent: Status Update
Software Patents: How Europe Lost Its Sovereignty
European Commission Betrays the European Public With Stance on OOXML and Unitary Patent
EPO and Other Lawyers-dominated Circles Push for Software Patenting
Patent Lawyers Push for Software Patents, Poorly
Commissioner Barnier: Enemy of European Development
Unitary Patent is Not a Done Deal
Software Patents in the EU Become a Central Concern Again
Software Patents Come to Europe Through the Back Door
New Reports Antagonise Patents Madness in Europe
‘Pulling an ACTA’ to Legalise Software Patents in Europe
Lehne and the Polish Presidency Continue to March for Software Patents in Europe
Microsoft Pushing Hard for Software Patents in Europe While Halliburton Makes British/European Patent Lawyers Happy
Halliburton in a War With European Patent Law
EU Patent Failing to Materialise, But EPO and Politicians Begin to Overstep Their Line of Authority to Intervene
Polish EU Presidency Helps Global Patent Regime
Europe Patent Law Under Pressure, APRIL Gets Increasingly Involved
Techrights Commends Spain and Italy for Keeping Software Patents Out of Europe
Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier and Polish Presidency Named and Shamed for Patent Policy
Microsoft Lobbyists Still Push for Software Patents in Europe
FFII Warns About Latest Patent Threats in Europe
France and the United Kingdom Want to Drown in Software Patents Sea of Risk
Europe’s Software Patents Problem Summarised
Europe Has Judges Weigh in on Software Patents
Europe’s Peanut Gallery Wants Software Patents
Breaking European Patent Law With the Benelux Court Hack
Klaus-Heiner Lehne Blasted for Conflict of Interest, Florian Müller Shares His Interests
Elop-led Nokia and Bill Gates Lobby Europe Amid New Push Ushering in Software Patents
The FFII Undresses the European Union
The FFII Reports Bad Faith at the European Patent Office
”In Europe Microsoft Have Been Putting Significant Resources in Backing The Setting Up Of the European Patent Office“
Triumph Against Software Patents in Europe as EU Treaty Brought Up
Spain is Still Against the EU Patent
European Court of Justice Can Defend European Software Companies From Patents
Europe Enters the Patents Cold War
April/End Software Patents/FFII Ask European Parliament to Postpone Enhanced Cooperation on Unitary Patent After CJEU Opinion
Patent Lobbying in Europe
McCreevy’s Successors Are Getting Their Way With Software Patents in Europe
Using Financial Blackmail to Convince Spain to Allow Software Patents to Enter Europe
Microsoft Lobbyists Are Still Duping EU Politicians for Software Patents to be Legalised
New Push for Software Patents in Europe (Innovation Union) While UK’s Tim Berners-Lee Opposes (F)RAND
EU Plan to Potentially Welcome Software Patents is Finally Defeated
Michel Barnier Still Confused, Spreading Misconception About Patents and ”Competitiveness“
Michel Barnier Still Has an Agenda Hostile Towards European Software Developers
Microsoft’s Pressure for Software Patents in Europe Carries On
European Patent Law is Being Abducted by Big Business and Patent Lawyers
European Court of Justice Advocates General Says Pan-EU Patent Court Would Violate the Principles of EU Founding Treaties
EU: Advocate General on Community Patent and Software Patents Still at Stake
“EPO Still Operating in a Vacuum”
UPLS is on the Rocks
European Lesson About Novell’s Software Patents, Germany Seemingly Continues to Allow Software Patents
Who to Blame for Germany’s Dangerous Decision Regarding Software Patents
Siemens Betrays Germans by Legalising Software Patents in Europe
FFII and End Software Patents (ESP) Respond to Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA) Regarding Software Patentability
Patents Shred Europe’s Democracy to Pieces
Canonical Needs to Tell Ubuntu Users How Much It Paid MPEG-LA for Patent ‘Protection’
‘IP’ People Want to Add Software Patents to New Zealand and Europe
Why Klaus-Heiner Lehne Lobbies for Software Patents (Money of Course)
USPTO Starts Rejecting Software Patents While Germany Mistakenly Overrides the Law and Approves Microsoft’s
EU Patent System Overrides European Court of Justice
Microsoft and Its Front Group, Association for Competitive Technology (ACT), Organise Software Patents Lobby Events in Europe
Patents Roundup: America, Europe and Asia Share a Problem with Software Patents
Patents Roundup: Escalations in Europe, SAP Pretense, CCIA Goes Wrong, and IETF Opens Up
How Patent Trolls Harm Free Software and How the European Parliament Plans to Make the Trolls Even Stronger
Microsoft Tries to Pollute Standards with Software Patents Where It is Illegal
Patents Roundup: Neelie Kroes and Microsoft Patents Revisited, Steve Ballmer Lobbies Obama on Patents, Apple Wants Linux Phones Embargoed (Using Patents)
Patents Roundup: Commission Sells Out to Microsoft; Apple and RIM Sued by Gates-backed Kodak
“Kroes Was Quite Clueless About Software Patents and UPLS,” So the Commission Made a Microsoft Patent Deal Last Week
OSS Watch Pretends That Microsoft’s Attacks on Free Software Do Not Exist
‘Microsoft Press’ Acknowledges Microsoft’s Free Software-Hostile EU Deal
European Commission Unable to Defend Free Software from Microsoft Patent Racket
Patents Roundup: Nokia and Apple Cross Swords, British Patent System Becomes Form of Tax, Israel Besieged by Software Patents
Microsoft Gets Its Way in the European Commission
Patent Imperialism Threatens Europe
McCreevy’s Suicidal Patent Battle to Harm Europe Glorified in Irish Press
FFII: Swedish Presidency Tries to Sneak Software Patents Into Europe
Tim Berners-Lee: “Software Patents Are a Terrible Thing”
ACTA is on Europe’s Agenda (Next Monday) as Patent Devils Lurk
Patent Tax and Microsoft Tax in Europe: An Update
Patents Roundup: Threat of Software Patents in Mexico, Sweden; Microsoft Still Fights with (and for) Software Patents
European Commission Keeps Getting Filled with Microsoft Cronies
The ‘Microsoft of Europe’ Instructs Oracle on Free Software
IBM and Open Forum Europe Address European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Fiasco
European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Corrupted by Microsoft et al, Its Lobbyists
Patents Roundup: Microsoft’s Software Patents Trick in the EU Revisited and Google Patents Spellchecker
Parties Behind Complaints Against Microsoft in EU Not Pleased
Glyn Moody on European Commission’s Inability to Defend Free Software in Face of Microsoft Lies
Microsoft Wins Free Software-Hostile Deal in Europe, Its Front Group ACT Pleased
FSFE Wants the European Commission to Stop Microsoft’s Racketeering
Microsoft Spreads Intellectual Monopoly Law in Europe and Arab States; EFF Takes on Acacia
European Commission Learns Whether Patents Harm Europe
Likewise: Microsoft Embraces and Extends Samba with Software Patents?
Microsoft Takes Software Patents Agenda Up a Notch
Microsoft Still Lobbies for Software Patents in Europe, via ACT/Jonathan Zuck
Why the United Patent Litigation System Could Bring Software Patents to Europe
Formal Complaint Against European Commission for Harbouring Microsoft Lobbyists
After 3 Months, Europe Lets Microsoft-Influenced EU Panel be Seen
Details of Microsoft’s Lobbying in Europe
Is the United Kingdom Immune to Software Patents? Continental Europe is… for Now… Sort of…
2 Months and No Disclosure from the European Parliament
Knuth Tells Europe to Let Him “Innovate in Peace” (Without Software Patents)
Software Patents Want to Enter Europe from the Back Door
General Electric Joins Microsoft’s Fight Against Free Software
Charles McCreevy is Still Advancing Software Patents in Europe
Patents Roundup: Attack on Science, Lobby for Software Patents in EU and India, More Rebellion
Microsoft Unleashes Its Paid Guns to Fight European Regulators
Software Patents Roundup: Protests in the EU, OLPC Suffers, Microsoft Seeds More Patent FUD
The Latest Patent Comedy from Europe
Revolt Against Software Patents in Europe
Patents Roundup: Microsoft Likes Patent Deform, OIN to Strike Back, EU Still Besieged for Software Patents
The Question of Software Patents without Democracy
Red Hat, Microsoft, EU Lobbyists, and Software Patents
Does the European Commission Harbour a Destruction of Free/Open Source Software Workgroup?
European Patent Office Continues March for Software Patents
Is the EPO Selling Out to Microsoft?
European Open Source Software Workgroup a Total Scam: Hijacked and Subverted by Microsoft et al
Microsoft Uses Pressure Groups to Push Software Patents Into Europe
Patents Roundup: Disintegration, EU in a Limbo, Applecrosoft Patents and Scientists’ Rebellion
Patents Roundup: Acacia Extortion, European Lobby, and Failed Systems
Patents Roundup: Software Patents vs. Microsoft, Novell (And Others)
Microsoft & Paid Lobbyists Attack Open Source in European Interoperability Framework
Latest Update on Microsoft’s Plans with Software Patents
European Patent Office: From Riot to Order?
Microsoft Lobbyist Jonathan Zuck Infiltrates EU Summit on Intellectual Monopolies
Failing SCO, Microsoft Eyes EU and Software Patents
Symbian is Not About Freedom, It’s About DRM and Software Patents (Update)
Novell’s Michael Meeks Gets Software Patent from the UK
Patents Roundup: Microsoft, Nokia, and McCreevy for Software Patents
Software Patents Riot Spreads to Four Continents
The Software Patents Situation and How It Affects Free Software
Microsoft Lobbyists Abound for Software Patents in Europe
Microsoft Proxies and Software Patents in Europe
EU Lobbyists Awaken, Patent Trolls Abound
Microsoft Still Insists Free Software Tax in Europe
IAM Denies Software Patents Knock on Europe’s Back Door
Software Patents in Europe and Microsoft’s Huge Lobbying Budget as of Late
Software Patents Roundup: EU’s Back Door; Microsoft Sued Again
Latest Attempt to Expand Software Patents to Europe; Microsoft Shenanigan Revisited
UK-IPO Approves Software Patent as Microsoft and its Lobbies Pressure for Software Patents in EU
Clarification on MySQL and Software Patents
Europe to Increase Use of Free Software, Lobbyists Try to Force Software Patents Onto Europe
Richard Stallman Explains Software Patents (Video)
Microsoft Lobbyists Are Again Hijacking Voices, Fighting for Software Patents
Microsoft, Siemens and Phillips Named for Software Patents in Europe
The State of Software Patents in the US, Resistance in Europe
Lobbyists Among the Causes for Software Patents in Europe
Trolltech + Nokia = Bad News
America Invades Britain (with Software Patents)
The Absurdity of Software Patents Unseen in a Money-minded World
Europe Says No to Software Patents (Videos)
Is Sun Microsystems Against Software Patents?
It’s Not Over in Europe; WIPO Wants Some More Open Source Whipping
Europe, Intellectual Property, and Software Patent Stories
Might Europe Reverse Accidental Discrimination Against Samba?
The Agreement in Europe Could Drive Free Software Projects to Other Countries
Articles About Microsoft Dropping a GPL/Samba Bomb on Europe
Is Europe Being Assimilated to America, Patent-wise?
The Free Software Community Warns the EU About the Microsoft Agreement
The Fourth ‘Patent Deal’ was with Europe… and the Sixth Deal That Won’t be
More on Why the Agreement in Europe Simply Sucks!
A Victory in Europe for Microsoft’s Absurd Patents and So-called ‘Innovation’
Videos: EFF’s Patent Busting Leader, Patents in Europe, and More Patent FUD
No Software Patents in Europe (Bad Ideas Rejected Yet Again)
The Xenix Patent Front and Software Patents in Europe
Michel Barnier