Gates Foundation Critique
Category:Bill Gates
The">">The Gates Foundation was described as a shell for tax avoidance by philanthropist and accounting expert, Sheldon Drobny. Techrights has collected evidence that shows the same and will organize it here. Through the foundation, Bill, Melinda and Microsoft maintain pharmaceutical patent investments, tobacco investments, investments in alcoholic beverages, petroleum investments, investments in experimental and controversial crops, and even investments in news/media. Gates need not even pay tax, though he keeps control of the assets and uses that control to influence private and public policy. Money talks and politicians can in turn be persuaded to buy from Microsoft. This dependence/lock-in cascades down to businesses and homes, creating a revenue stream that would not exist in a free market. Gates is also able to bring public money to himself through energy and public health policy. As Gates has diversified, his corrupting influence has spread to other portions of the economy.
We have provided extensive evidence for the above claims in many past summaries which include the following (sorted in chronological order although we took a much closer look in later years). As Techrights will report fraud in other areas as it is discovered.
British Police May Also Need to Investigate the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Signed Between Sirius and the Gates Foundation in 2019
Meme: We May Never Know What Bill Gates Paid Sirius Boss to Do in 2019 (Under a Strict Non-Disclosure Agreement)
What Happened Months Before Seattle Police Sent Almost 3,000 Pages About Its Arrest for Pedophilia at Home of Bill Gates
When You Realise That Your Employer Not Only Abandons Free Software But is Also Becoming Truly Dodgy (and Starts Taking Money From Bill Gates Under a Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Sirius Open Source Inc. — A New Shell Created When Bill Gates Paid the CEO; Then the Company Immediately Turned Ugly and Hostile Towards Its Own Workers
Why Does NPR, Funded by Bill Gates, Publish Such a Thing This Week?
Bill, Melinda, Jeffrey Epstein, and Microsoft: An Investigation is Well Overdue
Melinda Gates Has Just Confirmed What We Knew All Along About Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates
Bill Gates Over Microsoft Skype in Gates-Funded PBS
NPR and PBS, Both Funded by Bill Gates, Try to Save Him
Reality is Warped When You Pay for 'Perception Management' (or: Bill Gates Pays Twitter for Propaganda)
Bill Gates Exposed
According to the Wall Street Journal, Bill Gates’s Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein Caused the Bill-Melinda Divorce (While the Media Deflected to Dr. Stallman, Using a Phony ‘Scandal’)
“The Lolita Express” and Prince Bill
The Latest Reports About Bill Gates Serve to Confirm or at Least Reaffirm Many People’s Suspicions
The Timing of This Melinda Gates Tweet Was Always Curious…
Media Frenzy Around Gates Divorce Helps Distract From Bill's Crimes
Instead of Making Access to COVID-19 Solutions Easier Bill Gates Has Made It Harder (Patent Profits)
'President Bill Gates' Wants to Punish Not Only Google After Using “Extensions” to the Web to Reinforce Microsoft's Monopoly (Antitrust Violations Are a Microsoft Thing)
Donald Trump Helped Bill Gates Increase His Wealth by More Than 50%, Especially During the Pandemic
Conspiracy Theories Have Successfully Distracted From Perfectly Legitimate and Real Scandals of Bill Gates in India, the Fertile Ground for Unethical Mass Experimentation on Humans
Gates Foundation: the Fake 'Charity' That Profits From Microsoft (and Much More) Without Paying Tax
The Bill and Melinda GMO Foundation
Latest Tim Schwab Investigative Report on Bill Gates Explores His Latest Vaccine Profiteering Drive
Speaking Through Spokespeople is a Sign of Weakness, Such as Non-Denying and False Denials (or: Bill Gates Never Denied His Connections to MIT Through Jeffrey Epstein)
Published One Year Ago Today: The Real MIT Scandal (Before Attention Was Shifted Entirely to Richard Stallman)
Techrights Needs Help From American Readers (in Order to Retrieve the Court Documents Regarding Bill Gates' Engineer)
A New Tim Schwab Investigative Report on Bill Gates' Bribery of the Media and Beyond (for Hagiographies and Salesmanship)
The Pandemic Has Been Hugely Profitable for Bill Gates and It Helps Distract From His Epstein Mystery
Bill Gates Lied to Mainstream Media About His Relationship With Jeffrey Epstein
Melinda and Zoophilia Found in Tandem in the Illegal Pornographic 'Stash' of Bill Gates' Engineer
Detectives Found That Bill Gates' Engineer Took Photos of Latino Boys at the Beach. His Child Pornography Files Included Similar Material.
What is Known for a Fact (Not Speculation) About Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and Rick Allen Jones
No Prison for Pre-Teen Child Rape Collections When You Work for Bill Gates?
The Deeds and Misdeeds of Bill Gates Have International Impact
Former Microsoft Employee Explains the Deception, Lies, and 'Philanthropy' of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein
The Real 'Pee-gate' Was on External (Portable) Media of Bill Gates' Engineer, Arrested Over Pedophilia at the Gates Mansion
Backup: KIRO Report About Arrest of Rick Allen Jones
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) Identified Some of the Children in the Pornographic 'Stash' of Bill Gates' Engineer
Always Look for Stories the Media is Suppressing and Hiding
Whistleblower Aid Already Showed Cover-up of Bill Gates 'Contributions' to MIT
Proof (Archived Original Letter): Bill Gates Lied to the New Yorker, BBC and Others About Connection of MIT Money to Mr. Jeffrey Epstein and Their Close Relationship
All This Happened While Bill Gates' Engineer Was on Trial for Amassing Child Pornography
Release: Bill Gates' Engineer Busted for More Child Pornography Than Reported in the Media
Even the Mainstream/Corporate Media is Trying to Study Why (or If) Bill Gates and Epstein's Sex Abuse Ring Were Closely Connected
Release: Several Police Reports About Searching the Home of Bill Gates' Engineer (Stockpiles of Child Pornography Found Along With Illegal Firearm)
Release: Search Warrant and Reports on Findings When Bill Gates' Engineer Arrested for Pedophilia
Release: 29 Pages of Internet Access Report About Pedophile Working for Bill Gates at His Home
Release: Police Report About Arrest of Bill Gates Engineer for Pedophilia (Detained at Residence of Bill Gates)
Bill Gates' Personal Engineer Rick Jones is Connected to Other Child Pornographers. One Key Contact Works (or Worked) Indirectly for Microsoft.
Techrights Now Has All Pages (Nearly 3,000 of Them) About the Famous Police Arrest, an Arrest for Pedophilia by Engineer of Bill Gates, Working at His Home (the Gates Estate Where He Was Busted, Admitted Guilt)
Revelations From Arrest of Bill Gates' Engineer: Everything You Do on Google May Immediately Become Available to Law Enforcement (Under Gag Order; They'll Never Tell You)
How Google, NCMEC and the Police Cooperate to Bust Pedophiles (Such as the Personal Engineer of Bill Gates)
How Google ‘Reads’ Your Mail and Repository of Files, Then Informs the Police
The Gates Press (GatesGate) -- Part VI: Sunsetting for Now
Pedophile Working as the Engineer of Bill Gates Initially Reported by Google
“Philanthropic Racism” (Clinical Trials/Experimentation on Live Subjects and Ethnic Cleansing as 'Public Good')
Resurgent Interest in Gates Foundation Scandals
What a 'Smoking Gun' Would Look Like
Los Angeles Times Examination of the Gates Foundation (2007)
Former Microsoft Employee: “Bill Gates Invested in (Monsanto, Now Bayer) Because They’re Basically the Microsoft of the Agriculture Industry.”
A Probable Case of Child Exploitation (Sexual Abuse) Facilitated by People Other Than Rick Allen Jones, the Engineer of Bill Gates
The Gates Press (GatesGate) — Part V: Putting the Series on Hold to Focus on More Urgent Matters
The Three Things Seattle’s Police Department Redacted in the First Installment
Personal Engineer of Bill Gates Illegally Possessed Firearms. Police Apparently Never Charged Him for That.
Bill and Melinda Gates Employee Took Photos of Young Boys at the Beach
Seattle Police Department Delivers First Installment of 2,851-Page Police Report About Pedophilia Arrest Connected to Bill Gates
Gates Foundation Is Not Helping Africa or Africans. It Exploits Them.
The Gates Press (GatesGate) — Part IV: Burning History
The Gates Press (GatesGate) — Part III: What Happens When You Tell the Truth About Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation
The Gates Press (GatesGate) — Part II: When Media That You Bribe Calls All Your Critics ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ (to Keep Them Silenced, Marginalised)
The Gates Press (GatesGate) — Part I: Lost the Job After Writing an Article Critical of Bill Gates for Attacking Some Actual, Legitimate Charities (Because They Had Spread GNU/Linux)
First They Bribe the Employer, Media Lynch Mobs May Follow
Upcoming Series Teaser: The Bribery Operation of William Henry Gates III
Joi Ito Already Admitted on the Record That Bill Gates Had Paid MIT Through Jeffrey Epstein
Bill Gates, King of Piracy and Serial Vandal, is a Terrible Public Face for Vaccination Efforts/COVID-19 Response Drive
Guest Post: Finer Details About Rick Allen Jones, Bill Gates Employee Arrested for Trade of Child Exploitation Footage
Editorial Note: Do Not Conflate Legitimate Inquiry About Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein With Nutty and Unverified Conspiracy Theories
The Media Paints Bill Gates as the Man Who Will Save the World While Seattle's Police Department Obstructs Access to Documents About Pedophilia Arrest at His Home
Still Work in Progress: Getting Those 2,851 Pages of Police Report About Arrest for Pedophilia in Home of Bill Gates
Recommended Read: Bill Gates Gives to the Rich (Including Himself) by Tim Schwab | The Nation
Inside the Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Part VIII: Bill Gates Quietly Leaves Microsoft and Media Focuses Again on His Abuses (Instead of Richard Stallman)
A Bill Gates Paedophilia Scandal Turns Into Several (6 Months of Police Stonewalling to Cover up Paedophilia Arrest)
Seattle Police Repeatedly Falling Behind Its Own Promised Schedules, Admitting There Are Almost 3,000 Pages in Its Report About Arrest for Paedophilia in the Mansion of Bill Gates
Mansion of Pedophilia – Part IX: Arrest for Pedophilia Made, Conviction (Guilty Plea) Affirmed, and Search Conducted While the Pedophile Was at the Home of Bill Gates
When Police Gets in the Way of Investigations, Having Used Microsoft Products to Investigate Microsoft Issues
Opinion: If You Advocate Population Control and You Are Yourself Doubling in One Single Generation, Then You Might be Hypocritical
Vandana Shiva: “Bill Gates is Continuing the Work of Monsanto”
Mansion of Pedophilia – Addendum: Accessing and Assessing Court Documents
Mansion of Pedophilia – Addendum: Progress on Police Request
Mansion of Pedophilia – Part VIII: More Than 4 Months of Waiting for Police Department to Send Over the Files They Claim to Have an Issue Opening
Mansion of Pedophilia – Part VII: Guilty Verdict in Case of Pedophilia (Staff at the Mansion of Bill Gates), But Where Was the Mainstream Media?
Massachusetts Institute of Tall Tales (MIT) Covers Up Bill Gates Bribery of MIT Through a High-Profile Pedophile, Citing No Evidence Other Than Representatives of Gates Himself
Mansion of Pedophilia – Part VI: Familiar Stenographers Painting Microsoft as Protective of Children
Mansion of Pedophilia - Part V: When Media Reports a Story One Year Late and When All Journalists Are on Holiday, Then Removes Video Reports (When Many People Notice Them)
Mansion of Pedophilia - Part IV: An Apparent Gates Foundation Exodus During Pedophilia Trial
Mansion of Pedophilia - Part III: Suppressing Information About a Criminal Case Regarding Pedophilia at the Home of Bill Gates
Mansion of Pedophilia - Part II: Dr. Stallman Defamed in the Media One Day After Request Made for King County Sheriff’s Office to Divulge Information About Pedophilia in Home of Bill Gates
Mansion of Pedophilia - Part I: Bill Gates Has Plenty to Hide. Money and Connections Have Helped.
As Expected, the Bill Gates Propaganda Machine is Trying to Throw/Put Everyone off the Scent of Jeffery Epstein's 'Incestuous' Ties With Gates
Guest Post on Bill Gates and Donald Trump
The Gates Foundation Subjected to Criticism, But Over a Decade Too Late
Buying Panels and Paying the Media to Cement Personal Agenda: The Bill Gates Common Core Case Mirrors the Battistelli Unitary Patent Case
Bill Gates Does Not Want to Pay Tax (Uses Proxy to Avoid It), Only to Continue to Tax Society With Patents and Other Monopolies
Thousands of Child Rape Photos Traded Out of Bill Gates’ Mansion
Bill Gates Buys the System, Writes Cheques to the White House
Despite Controversy and Backlash From Scientists and Human Rights Activists, the Gates Foundation Continues to Promote Private Prisons and GMO Ventures That It Profits From
Message to the Corporate Media: Bill Gates is Not an Ebola Expert
How Bill Gates Continues to Pass Wealth From the Public to His Own Bank Account
India May be Taking Bill Gates to Court for Misusing His So-called ‘Charity’ to Conduct Clinical Trials Without Consent on Behalf of Companies He Invests in
Bill Gates’ Privatisation Crusade
More of Bill Gates’ Investments in GMO and Mass Indoctrination Under the Disguise of ‘Donations’
Bill Gates Investments Harm the World, Not Improve the World, Based on New Exclusive Piece of Investigative Journalism at The Nation
Bill Gates’ God Complex: Common Core a One-Man Campaign of Greed and Control
Gates Foundation CFO Quits and Debate About Revolving Doors Recalled Amid Systematic and Shrewd Bribery of Public Officials
Bill Gates is Profiting By Diverting Public Money to His Own Pocket and Reducing Wages
Bill Gates Now Bribes NBC in Exchange for Favourable (and Profitable) Coverage
Valerie Strauss Explains Why Gates Foundation’s Lobbying for ‘Common Core’ (Privatisation) is a Swindle That Makes Microsoft Richer
Wirelessly-Controlled Contraceptives and Other Villainous Bill Gates Initiatives
Bill Gates Pushed Out of States by Better Informed Teachers
Bill Gates Deeply Corrupt Not Just in Education Sector
Professor Diane Ravitch Calls for Investigation by Congress of Bill Gates’ Latest Offences
People Who Worked on Bill Gates Projects Speak to Techrights About Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds
Society Still Occupied by Bill Gates and Other Plutocrats
Systematic Looting of Society Disguised as ‘Crisis’ (for Austerity/Privatisation) and Bogus ‘Charity’ as Solution
The Age When Press Organisations Are Run by — Not Just Funded by — Plutocrats
Mother Jones Shows That Gates Foundation is a Hypocritical Ploy
Bill Gates Brings NSA-esque Surveillance to Children
Convicted Monopolist Near Our Children
Crisis Capitalism: Bill Gates and Other ‘Education Oligarchs’ Turn Schools Into their Private, For-Profit Ventures
The World’s Biggest Patent Troll (and Racketeering/Pyramid Scheme Operation) Grows Closer to the Gates Foundation
Entryism at Work: Microsoft Nick Grooms Bill Gates at Slashdot
Gates Foundation Expands to Africa to Profit From the World’s Poorest
California and Denver Public Schools Bribed by Bill Gates to Promote His Privatisation Agenda
Bill Gates Becomes Much Richer While Advocating Austerity for Those Whom He Loots
Bill Gates et al. Turn Schools and Universities Into Private Corporations
Entryism and Bribes Still Drive the Bill Gates Agenda in Schools and Colleges (Funnelling Taxpayers’ Money Into His Own Pocket)
The Chronicle of Higher Education Criticises Bill Gates’ Agenda of Controlling US Schools (Indoctrination for Profit), the Gates Propaganda Machine Responds Poorly
Bill Gates’ AstroTurf in Education (Privatisation for Profit) Recruits More Lobbyists, Necessitates More Bribes
Bill Gates Sets Up/Institutionalises GMO Monopoly in Africa, Still Bribes Officials Who Implement His Policies (Feed His Investment), Prepares GMO Doomsday Plan
Bill and Melinda Gates: The Couple That Made Eugenics Hip
Lawsuit Filed Against Gates Agenda of Privatising Public Schools for Profit and Corporate Indoctrination
Bill Gates Criticised for Doing With Monsanto What He Did With Microsoft
A Message to Bill Gates: “Eliminating Poor People is Not the Same as Eliminating Poverty”
Bill Gates’ For-Profit AstroTurf in Africa, Promoted by Gates-Funded ‘News’ Sites
How Bill Gates Got Taxpayers to Bankroll His Own For-Profit AstroTurf Groups
Bill Gates Invades the European Commission to Better Control Research Grants (Based on Profit Motives)
Bill Gates Marginalises Teachers and Harvests Schools’ Data for Profit at Expense of Privacy
Bill Gates Looking for Profit in Privatised Oppression in the United Kingdom and Elsewhere
PRISM Lite: Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Collecting Information About Everybody’s Children
Bill Gates is Buying Out Education and Academia Using New Lobbies/Proxies Like Common Core and ResearchGate
Bill Gates Lobbying Australia, Rewriting History, Distorting Facts, Trying to Raise Taxpayers' Money for His Profitable Investments
Corporate Press Grooms Bill Gates While He Profits From Education Privatisation
Time for People to March Against Bill Gates, Not Just Monsanto
Bill Gates Still Getting Richer Through For-Profit Investments, Now Wants to Brainwash Children in Schools in Favour of His Investments
Bill Gates Enters Financial Centres With His Goons Becoming US Budget Chief, Top Bankers
Gates Foundation: Buying Influence for Bill’s Ego and Bill’s Profit
Does Bill Gates Try to Flush GNU/Linux Down the Toilet in Kerala?
Dr. Ravitch: Gates Foundation Underwrites Almost Every Organisation in its Quest to Control American Education
Gates, Ballmer, and Zuckerberg Lobby Together Against Public Interests, Relying on Corruptible Officials
The Arrogance and Looting of Bill Gates: How Plundering Gets Disguised as Goodwill
Bill Gates — Not Just Microsoft — Stole Millions From Irish Taxpayers, US Taxpayers Still Robbed by Corruption of Microsoft Moles
Bill Gates and Microsoft Collude with Governments to Indoctrinate Children, Make it Obligatory for All
Pressuring for US Style European Patent System and Anti-Android Policies, Courtesy of Bill Gates and His Goons
Gagging Critics: Bill Gates Bribes Crosscut for Favourable Coverage and Immediate Censorship, Then Abducts It
Patents on DNA and Molecules (or How Bill Gates is Still Making Billions of Dollars)
Bill Gates is Occupying the Department of Education, Education Press, Education Forums/Debates, and Ultimately Politicians
After Microsoft Corruption Bill Gates Buys the Press to Whitewash and Deflect
More Propaganda Films From Bill Gates Target ‘Education’ While His Education Lobby Expands to the United Kingdom
Bill Gates Promotes Junk Food for Profit, Pretends to Fight Hunger (With Patent Maximalism)
Public Radio International One of the Latest Media Outlets to be Bribed by Bill Gates for Whitewash, Lobbying, and Propaganda
Mortal Cost of Patents and Bill Gates’ Patent Profit
Tax-Evading Gates Accuses Tax Evaders of Causing Poverty, Microsoft Still Evades Tax Too
New Links About Bill Gates Lobbying
Gates Foundation Criticism
Bill Gates is Openly Promoting Patent Trolls Which Attack Linux
Bill Gates Lobbies for Monopoly on Crops, Gates-funded BBC Advertises It
Education Agenda and Public Policy Hijacked by Bill Gates
Bill Gates Criticised by Childhood Friend, Gates Foundation Criticised in Site It Funds
Microsoft and Gates: Avoiding Tax, Buying Consent
The Alternative Press Explains What the Gates Foundation Et Al. Are Doing
Billions for Indoctrinating Children
Gates Watch
Facing Public Backlash, Bill Gates Stops Funding Predatory Lobby ALEC
American Protests Form Against the Gates Foundation
Microsoft Bribing for Tamil Nadu (India) to Drop GNU/Linux in Education (Gates involved too)
Bill Gates Pays the BBC, Gets Coverage From the BBC
Financing and Foundations
Reuters Explains How Foundations Like Gates Foundation Are Used to Evade Tax
Bill Gates Bribes to Change Policy, Make Profit From Patents
Bill Gates Pays League of Education Voters, Stand for Children for Lobbying, Wolfram for Self-Serving ‘Study’
Principals Say No to Gates’ Occupation of US Schools
Dr. Ben Goldacre Speaks Out Against Gates Foundation Support for Bad Drugs
Bill Gates Pays Learning Matters, Inc. for Lobbying, Information Censored
Bill Gates Funds ALEC
Bill Gates Experiments on the Poor to Help Drug Monopolies He Invests in Become Richer
Bill Gates Uses Symbolic ‘Donation’ to Force Taxpayers to Pay Microsoft (of Which He Holds Shares)
Bill Gates Indoctrinates Youth in the United States and India, Critics Speak Out
Backlash Against Bill Gates’ Lobbying for Patented Life
Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch Liaise to Take Over Minds of Children
The Gates Foundation is Still Hijacking the Voice of the Poor and Effectively Runs Paid Advertisements Inside ‘News’
Bill Gates is Hijacking Open Source While Attacking It Using Lobbyists, Patents, and Patent Trolls
Teachers Still Suspended and Writers Removed for Standing up Against Bill Gates’ Abuses
The ‘Filthy Rich’ ‘King Gates’
Principal Gates Still Indoctrinates Children
Gates Foundation Bribes Officials, Press in Africa
Gates Foundation Still Funds ‘Studies’ to Praise the Gates Foundation, Provide PR Fodder
False Information Funded by the Gates Foundation
Gates Wants the Public System to Pay the Bill
Bill Gates and His Father Are Looting the American Public
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert Explain Why the Gates Foundation Does Bad Work
Bill Gates Keeps Getting Richer and Gaining More Lobbying Power
Number of Complaints About Increasing Number of Gates-funded AstroTurf Groups for Education ‘Reform’
Bill Gates Labelled “Public Health Dictator”
The Bill Gates Front Group Further Criticised
Bill Gates On The Media, in Exchange for Undisclosed Payments
Gates Foundation Downplays and Intercepts Unwanted Communication
BBC Takes More Money From Bill Gates, Then Advertises for His Agenda
Steve Ballmer and His Wife Connie Join Gates and Co. in Their Crusade Against Public Education
Patent Law Corrupted by Billionaires and Their Lobbyists
Even the UN Calls Out Bill Gates’ BS
Gates Foundation Still Strives for Power Over Teachers
Bill Gates Tells World Health Organization (WHO) What to Do, Still Pushing for Spendings on His Patents
NNDB on Gates Foundation Connections
Keeping on Top (summary of some 2011 Gates Foundation stories)
Undereducated by the Billions: Steve Jobs Steps Closer to Bill Gates’ Front Groups for Ed Hijack
Microsoft Systematically Corrupts the Media (Gates too)
The Super-Rich Know Better
Cablegate: Bill Gates an Asian Leader, Promotes Microsoft
Cablegate: Bill Gates Belittles the World
Cablegate: Luis Tascón Accused of Being “Instrument of the (U.S.) Empire” Having Spent a Month “in the Offices of Bill Gates”
Cablegate: Bill Gates Lobbies to Integrate Programmes in Dubai With Microsoft
Cablegate: Caterpillar Official Cites Bill Gates to Justify Colluding With Oppressors
Secrecy Around the Gates Foundation and Its Monopolistic Behaviour Come Under Fire
Bill Gates Piggybacks Vaccination Revolution For Fame and Profit (Patents)
Even Gates-funded Sites Turn Against the Gates Foundation for Its Selfish Lobbying
Cablegate: Gates Foundation Sends Team to Install ‘Free’ Software in the Health Ministry
Super Lobbyist Bill Gates Tells the Entire World What Patents to License
Journals of Record Complain About Bill Gates’ Lobbying and AstroTurfing in the Education Arena
Cablegate: Bill Gates Uses AIDS to Bring Microsoft Windows to Indonesia at Expense of Linux-based OLPC
Cablegate: Head of Microsoft Lobbies With Jimmy Carter
Africans Insulted by Philanthrocapitalism
Microsoft and Bill Gates Corrupt Public Systems to Consume Taxpayers’ Money
Newsweek Exposes Education System Takeover by Bill Gates et al.
Mo Ibrahim to Bill Gates et al.: “We Are Not Sick People.”
Astroturf Alert: “Vibrant Schools Tacoma Coalition” and “Alliance for Education” Directly and Indirectly Funded by Bill Gates to Lobby for Privatisation (Profit!)
Funded by Gates, the Seattle Times Anonymously Lobbies for Gates Foundation Agenda
Indian Voices Against Bill Gates’ Colonisation of the Country With Patents, Monopolies
Gates Monitor: April 2011 Press Distortion
Pressure on Authors and Journals/Journalists to Push Bill Gates’ Agenda
Gates Monitor: March-April 2011 on Education
Bill Gates Under Fire for Hijacking the Voice of the Poor
Gates Foundation is Lobbying for Monsanto Shareholders (Including BIll Gates)
Chair of Gates Foundation’s Global Development Program Advisory Panel an Alleged Insider Trader
Bill Gates Buys More Blogs and Papers, Creates Puppet Group “Teaching First” to Lobby the Press
Departures and Firings of Bill Gates Lobbyists
Seattle Teachers Complain About Gates Foundation Lobbyists
Seattle Times Funded by the Gates Foundation to Praise the Gates Foundation
Gates Monitor: February 2011 on Bill Gates-Funded Lobbyists Who Drive US Education Agenda
Bill Gates Uses Influence Over Washington Post, GOOD and Other Publications He ‘Sponsors’ to Privatise Education, Promote His Patent Monopolies
Painting Tax With a ‘Charity’ Brush
Gates Monitor: January 2011 on Dubious Investments (Patents)
Gates Monitor: January 2011 on Buying the Press, Shaping Public Opinion
Gates Monitor: January 2011 on Education
Bill Gates Started the World’s Biggest Pyramid Scheme With Patents
Bill Gates Pays More Media Companies, Including Grupo Televisa
Elop-led Nokia and Bill Gates Lobby Europe Amid New Push Ushering in Software Patents
Microsoft Co-founder Traul Allen Says Bill Gates is a Bully
Bill Gates and Nathan Myhrvold Find New Ways to Extort the Competitors, Using Patents
Bill Gates is Killing Journalism, Replacing it With Self-Serving PR
GNU/Linux is Crushing Microsoft’s Business Model But New Problems Emerge From the Same People
How Bill Gates Got Control of a Budget of $500 Billion Per Year (Taxpayers’ Money)
Bill Gates Promotes Patent Monopolies
New Allegations of “Fraud” Around Gates Foundation Funding
Controlling Software, Controlling Minds, Controlling Nations
Gates Foundation Uses Money to Increase Its Control
Gates Foundation Owns the Press Which Shapes the Image of the Gates Foundation
Gates Foundation is Not African But Speaks and Decides for Africa
Bill Gates: “We Were Naïve When We Began.”
Microfinance the Lesser-known Dark Side of the Gates Foundation
Bill Gates Becomes Economist for the United States of America
Blue State Digital (Now Part of WPP) Hired to Advertise and Carry Water for the Gates Foundation
Bill Gates Pays National Television (This Time PBS) for Self-Serving Propaganda
Gates Foundation Pays the Lancet Journal — Now Distorts Academic Literature Too
Gates Foundation Pays More Blogs Like GOOD, Blog4GlobalHealth, and Crosscut to Promote Its Agenda
Bill Gates Pays Millions to AllAfrica (“Largest Electronic Distributor of African News and Information Worldwide”) to Push His Agenda
AGRA-Gates Lobbying for Monopolies on Life
The New York Times Advertises the Gates Foundation
Teach for America, Inc. (TFA) a New Gates Euphemism for Indoctrinating American’s Next Generation
Education Scandal Leaves Melinda Gates Out of the Washington Post
Bill Gates Forms Government Connections to Avoid Paying Tax and Further Exploit the System
Apple and Bill Gates Serve Power, Serve Themselves, Harm the Population
Wikileaks/Cablegate Sheds Bad Light on Bill Gates’ Rogue Patent Investments
James Love Shows That Gates Foundation is About Marketing and News Distortion for Bill’s Agenda
When Up is Down and Left is Right Bill Gates Fights Against the World’s Richest People
Bill Gates Takes Over Schooling Systems With Help From Oprah, NBC, Other Press for Hire
How Gates Foundation Censors Publications (Also on Microsoft Matters and Offences) by Bribing Them
Bill Gates #3 Man in United States Government, Permanently?
Bill Gates Buys ABC (News/TV), Schools
Bill Gates-Funded Guardian ‘Writers’ Are Again Whitewashing Gates and Attacking Microsoft Rivals
More Evidence That Bill Gates’ Destructive Hijack of the Education System is About Control and Microsoft Indoctrination
New Examples of Gates Foundation Proximity to Government, Big Banks, Monsanto
Increased Opposition to Bill Gates/Microsoft Exploitation of Schools, Shameless PR Explained
Tax-Exempt Gates Family Still Lobbies to Tax Its Peers Even More
“Alliance for Education {Used} to Fabricate the Astroturf “Our Schools Coalition” {For} Reforms That the Gates-puppet Alliance is Pushing”
Gates Foundation, the World Bank, and the Urgent Need for Population Control
Gates Foundation Purchases Famous Events, Newspapers to Brainwash the Public
Reader’s Article: “HPV Vaccination Experimentation on Children Backed by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”
Bill Gates Called a “Strong Eugenicist”
PR Disaster: Discussion With Bill Gates Turns to “Death Panels ”
Teachers Demand That Bill Gates Gets Thrown Out of the Education System and Stops Controlling Coverage
Latest Examples of Gates Foundation Attacking the World Under Pretense of Charity
Libraries Burned by Microsoft and the Gates Foundation as Another Project/Product Dies
How the Gates Foundation is Sometimes Starving — Not Feeding — African People
World’s Leading Medical Journal (The Lancet) Slams Bill Gates for Supporting Tobacco Industry
Gates Foundation and Microsoft Both Hate Sharing, Love Taking
Gates Foundation Slammed by the Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice, Accused of Harming African Farmers, Population
Blogger Accuses Bill Gates of Bribery
Generosity by Publicity
Bill Gates’ Plan to Control US Education Proceeds as Planned, Now Assisted by Lobbyists
Bill Gates Dumps His Microsoft Shares and Buys Shares Of Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, and Exxon Mobil
Gates Foundation Joins Microsoft and Attacks Free Software in Greece
Interesting Message Connects Bill Gates to Eugenics
“The Gates Foundation Has Bought TED (Technology Entertainment and Design)” (Conference)
Bill Gates Sells Drugs in Less Developed Nations (for Profit)
Bill Gates Chastised by Increasing Number of Newspapers and Dedicated Web Sites for Taking Over US Education
Bill Gates’ ‘Foundation’ is Lobbying Vietnam’s Leadership to Derail Migration to Software Freedom, Puts Money Together With Microsoft
Why Bill Gates Needs to Abduct School Children
Washington Post Gets Guts, Warns America About Bill Gates’ Hijack of Education
Bill Gates’ Forced Parenthood of Africa Receives Press Backlash
Role of the Gates Foundation Comes Under Pressure Due to Shareholder Conflicts
Gates Foundation Staff and Affiliates Enter School Boards in the United States
Amid Fraud Allegations, Gates Foundation Ownership in Wells Fargo Surfaces
Microsoft Co-founder Paul Allen Joins Philanthrocapitalism Club While Bill Gates Invests in Climate Liars
Gates Foundation Still Sponsors Blogs That Praise Its Work, Lobbies Governments, Takes Over School Districts
Quote of the Day: “Gates Foundation Still Giving Windows Away for Free”
The Gates Foundation May Be Turning School Teachers Into State-funded PR Agents
Bill Gates Successfully Lobbies Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Ahead of G8 to Make Countries (Taxpayers) Pay for His Initiatives
Gates Foundation Helps Bring Coca-Cola and Monsanto (GMO) to Africa
Bill Gates Still Works for Microsoft
Bill Gates and Microsoft Use Government Support to Turn Public Schools Into Private Business
Gates Foundation Keeps Increasing Investments in BP, Super-Patent Troll Nathan Myhrvold Joins the Feast
Gates Foundation Hires More Advertising Agencies to Spin its Work in the Press; Gates Grantees Are Complaining, Finds Survey
“Gates Now Runs an Investment Company in the Guise of a Charity.”
Bill Gates Lobbies in Nigeria for Governments (Taxpayers) to Solve Polio Problem That Gates’ Investments in Oil Are Creating
Bill Gates et al Told Off by Haitian Farmers for Monsanto Lobbying/Investments
Big Financial Link Between Fraunhofer and Microsoft: The Gates Foundation
Microsoft and the Gates Foundation Inherit More Roles of the US Department of Education
Gates Foundation is Policing Its Message Using — to Guard Against Critics
Microsoft’s and Bill Gates’ Role in US Unemployment
US Education Steps Aside for Bill
The Gates Foundation-Connected GlaxoSmithKline Indirectly Paid Scientists to Exaggerate Vaccine Needs
“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Owns Over 7 Million Shares of BP”
Pressure or Petition the Gates Foundation to Stop Investing in BP
Where Gates Wealth Goes
Gates Foundation Criticised Again for Monopolising Research
“Both Sen. Williams and Mr. Gates Do a Great Disservice to the Hundreds of Thousands of Students and Teachers”
Bill Gates’ Reputation Laundering is Good Investment for Microsoft Corporation
The Gates Foundation Nearly Doubles Its Investment in Walmart, Also Invests in McDonald’s and GMO
Boston Globe Writes About Gates’ Dangerous Influence on US Education, Memphis Provides New Example
Firms Behind Microsoft Bribes Involved in Gates Foundation PR, Prodding and Misinforming the Press
Philanthrocapitalism - A roundup of news looking at the actions of the Gates Foundation and the consequences of profit which is made
Bill Gates and Microsoft Guard Their Interest in Schoolchildren and Colleges
Microsoft’s and Gates’ Tax Evasion College Tours
Author Calls for Action to Stop Bill Gates’ Abduction of US Education
Gates Foundation (and Microsoft) Take the Libraries Takeover Global
Gates Foundation Increases Polio and Tobacco Risk While Pretending to Do the Opposite
Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Finds Way for Taxpayers to Fund His Patents (on Dangerous Life Forms)
The Gates Foundation May Have Silenced Competing Research Ahead of New Gates Foundation-Funded ‘Study’; Gates Connected to Novartis
Gates Foundation Accused of “Steer{ing} State and National Policy in Education” (Monopolising Schools)
Bill Gates — Just Like Microsoft — Incompatible With Tax Law
Monsanto Plants Its Lies in the Gates Foundation-funded NPR
Gates Foundation Retreats After Being Exposed as Funder of Big Tobacco
How the Gates Foundation Makes People “Addicted” to Microsoft
Gates Foundation Pays for Press Coverage of Its Work, Involved in Fatal Vaccination Disaster in India (With Merck), Collaborates With World’s Largest Patent Troll (IV)
How the Gates Foundation Blocks GNU/Linux and Free Software in National Libraries, Then Inherits Education
The World According to Gates: Constructing a System of Profitable Philanthropy
Gates Foundation Roundup: Schools, Vaccines Monopoly, and “Fatally Flawed” Studies
Gates Foundation Roundup: (Mis)Education With Spin; GAVI, Pfizer, Merck, and the African Ventures
Gates Roundup: Monsanto, Colonisation, Clinton Ties, and Control of Education
Huffington Post, Technologizer, and Other Web Sites in Bill’s Pocket
Head of Global Health for the Gates Foundation Has Criminal Baggage in the Pharmaceutical Cartel
Gates Foundation is ‘Planting’ Stories in the Press and Called “World-wide Killing Machine” by CRS
Bill Gates Slammed for Global Warming Debate Aversion, Conspiracy to Defraud Taxpayers
Attacking GNU/Linux Using “Donations”
Harper’s Article on Bill Gates Turning Hunger Into Profit
United Nations and World Bank Help Bill Gates and Microsoft Colonise Africa
Frederick Kaufman on the Gates Foundation’s Monsanto Venture; 100,000 Indians to Protest by Fasting
Microsoft and Its Drones Lobby for Even More Tax Breaks; Bill Gates Tries to Loot Italians
Mainstream Press Misses Billions of Dollars Bill Gates Earns in Africa (Gates Foundation as Monsanto Front)
Chief Microsoft Lobbyist Bill Gates Goes on Anti-Google Tour in the Press
Huffington Post Lets Microsoft Lie and Lie and Lie (Digital Copyright Canada: "You forgot the real issue here, which is that Bono, Gates and similar pseudo-philanthropists are actively involved with making a variety of “teaching” (sharing of knowledge) expensive and/or illegal.")
Firm of Bill Gates’ Father Accused of Enabling Looting of $500,000,000, Microsoft Tax Dodge Goes to Olympia, Department of Justice Prioritises Financial Fraud
Lobbyists Dodge the Law; Bill Gates Lobbies the US Education System with Another $10 Million
Bill Gates’ Influence in Obama Administration and Africa Increases Even Further
Bill Gates Puts in a Million to Ratify His Role as Education Minister
Seattle-based PCC Natural Markets Slams the Gates Foundation for Its Monsanto Agenda
Microsoft’s Gates Seeks More Monopolies
The Gates Foundation Extends Control Over Communication with Oxfam Relationship
New Information About Intel’s Attack on OLPC, Bill Gates Hijacks the Educational Systems
The Great Pharmaceutical Patent Hoax and the Gates Pharmaceutical Patent Investments
“Boycott Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in China”
Gates Foundation Funds Blogs to Promote Its Party Line
Bill Gates Tightens Information/Agriculture Grip on Africa by Funding African Journalists, Expanding to India
Gates-Backed Company Accused of Monopoly Abuse and Investigated
Gates Foundation Funds Literature Supportive of Its Objectives
Gates Foundation Denies Global Warming and Strives for Global Domination
Gates/Microsoft Tax Dodge and Agriculture Monopoly Revisited
Young Napoleon Comes to Africa and Told Off
Bill Gates, Philip Morris, and the Business of Illness
AIDS Organisation Manager: “Gates Has Created a Huge Blood-Buying Operation That Only Cares About Money, Not About People”
With Microsoft Monopoly in Check, Bill Gates Proceeds to Creating More Monopolies
Gates Foundation Looking to Destroy Kenya with Intellectual Monopolies
Black Friday Film: What the Bill Gates-Backed Monsanto Does to Animals, Farmers, Food, and Patent Systems
Beyond the ‘Public Relations’
Microsoft Builds Coalitions of NGOs, Makes Political and Educational Changes
More Dubious Practices from the Gates Foundation
Gates Foundation Accused of Faking/Fabricating Data to Advance Political Goals
Some Perceive Toddlers as Emerging Markets, a Business
How the Gates Foundation is Used to Ensure Children Become Microsoft Clients
Call for Federal Action Against Microsoft (and Gates) Tax Dodge
Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation Collaborate on Colonisation of Africa
Gates Keepers to Keep Track of Gates Foundation
New Dilbert Cartoon “Picking on Bill Gates and His Foundation”
Seeds of Doubt in Bill Gates Investments
Monsanto: The Microsoft of Food
Bill Gates Takes His GMO Patent Investments/Experiments to India
More on Gates’ Evil Foundation (GMO)
Apple’s, Microsoft’s and the Gates Foundation’s Games with Intellectual Monopolies
How the Gates Foundation Privatises Africa
Gates Foundation Monoculture Accused of Harming World Health Organization (WHO)
The Poor People of Redmond, Rich Uncle Bill, and the Pharmaceutical Cartel
Philanthropic Investments in Massive Chains of Retailers
How the Gates Foundation Helps Getting Children Addicted
Reader’s Article: The Gates Foundation and Genetically-Modified Foods
Microsoft Corporation Joins Hand with the Pharmaceutical Cartel
Microsoft Colonisation in Thailand and Peru
Bill Gates Uses Malaria to Attack GNU/Linux
What Rockefeller and Gates Have in Common
The Pharmaceutical Cartel
The Revisionist Gates/Microsoft PR Campaign Hits the Press, Maybe Literature Too
Microsoft and Gates ‘Donate’ Training for Microsoft
Bill Gates and the Business of Disease
'Poor’ Warren Buffett Receives Donations… from the Gates Foundation
More Bizarre Investments from the Gates Foundation
The Lesser-covered Side of the Big Stories
Bill and Melinda Gates Instruct Countries They Invest in to Feed Pharmaceuticals They Invest In
How the Microsoft Kickbacks Cycle Works
Why is the Gates Foundation Investing in Governments?
The Takeaways from the Giveaways
Watching the Microsoft Money at Play
Today’s ‘Objective’ News, Brought to You by Microsoft Corporation

We have provided extensive evidence for the above claims in many past summaries which include the following (sorted in chronological order although we took a much closer look in later years). As Techrights will report fraud in other areas as it is discovered.