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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 3rd, 2009 – Part 1

Posted in IRC Logs at 5:40 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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schestowitz Sort of like the term propaganda without the WW2 connotation Jan 03 00:00
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richar… Jan 03 00:00
schestowitz I might as well not spend much time outside a site I control, but the Brits here want to start filtering sites like in Thailand (2700 sites blacklisted) Jan 03 00:00
Roy_B Coincides with my observation too.  Example: CNN used to be a good news channel, but it became just like the others after it was bought out by Time Warner. Jan 03 00:00
schestowitz So if not by omission or centralisation, they try to control information by blacklisting, which is a shame. Jan 03 00:00
schestowitz AOL. Jan 03 00:01
schestowitz Heh. Jan 03 00:01
schestowitz Digg too was ruined Jan 03 00:01
schestowitz Slashdot. Blech. Jan 03 00:01
schestowitz It’s easier to keep readers naive than to have them in charge. Jan 03 00:02
twitter Corporate control of US news is blatant.  CFR looks too large and unwieldy for consensus, but the overall story is credible and seems to be factual. Jan 03 00:02
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_F… Jan 03 00:03
Roy_B Joke I heard several years ago: CNN == Corrupt News Network Jan 03 00:03
schestowitz twitter: it only seems factual if everyone is doing it. Jan 03 00:04
schestowitz As long as CFR can prevent conflict in reporting, you could believe the world is a dic Jan 03 00:04
schestowitz *disc Jan 03 00:04
schestowitz They always chant along with the Novell/MS party line. That’s why BN is important Jan 03 00:04
twitter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osc… Jan 03 00:05
Roy_B At least with the Internet, there’s a wider variety of sources to chose from (for as long as that may last …) Jan 03 00:05
schestowitz To change this, one needs: 1) Different sources; 2) journalists with guts; 3) editors that are not corrupt because they serve as gatekeepers. So you must break through 3 layers just to get truth told. And then, try to convince an audience that it forcefed lies in Slashdot through marketing people. Jan 03 00:06
schestowitz I’d love to know how Novell or its fans re-scraped that anti OOo smear and put it in Digg and /. Jan 03 00:06
schestowitz I doubt this was just a ‘natural’ thing Jan 03 00:06
twitter Very interesting, ” Callaway came to national attention in 1916 with his opposition to the naval appropriation bill. He believed that a civilian army could repel any invasion, that battleships had been made obsolete by submarines, and that the military expenditures called for by the Preparedness Movement unduly favored munition makers.” Jan 03 00:06
twitter ” In 1917 he charged that leading business interests were purchasing newspapers to advance the preparedness campaign, which led his colleague J. Hampton Moore to call for an investigation.” Jan 03 00:07
schestowitz .Well, duh :-) Jan 03 00:08
schestowitz Press is corrupt Jan 03 00:08
schestowitz RMS says people should read blogs they trust Jan 03 00:08
schestowitz He know the autocracy and role of money Jan 03 00:08
schestowitz Wikipedia can still be trusted more than the press. It does no advertising. Jan 03 00:08
twitter http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.h… Jan 03 00:08
schestowitz But it’ll be accused of stuff for “Not Being the Same(C)” as the ‘bought’ coverage Jan 03 00:08
twitter obnoxious pdf link, sorry. Jan 03 00:09
schestowitz Heh. Full PDF Jan 03 00:09
schestowitz Did Adobe exist back then? :-) Jan 03 00:09
schestowitz The quality if poor. Jan 03 00:10
Roy_B It’s not so bad considering that it’s from 1917 … Jan 03 00:12
twitter very bad, considering they have OCR Jan 03 00:13
twitter That’s the NYT, throwing away a chance to advertise and inconveniencing their readers to prevent sharing. Jan 03 00:13
schestowitz Google intends to scan more papers Jan 03 00:14
schestowitz I saw this in Grolaw about 3 months ago Jan 03 00:14
Roy_B I wouldn’t complain too much.  Most papers I know charge for access to articles older than 7, 14 or 30 days. Jan 03 00:14
schestowitz That ought to help research, BUT… I never know how much papers can be trusted anyway Jan 03 00:14
twitter Most papers are going out of business for those kinds of policies. Jan 03 00:15
schestowitz There were no personal blogs back then, either. There were paper journals that are personal. Jan 03 00:15
schestowitz twitter: precisely Jan 03 00:15
Roy_B I think less lately, since thy’re under so much financial pressure. Jan 03 00:15
schestowitz Had they made ALL the stuff they have available, that would be an ocean of good information. Jan 03 00:15
twitter The more they keep their product to themselves, the less money they earn. Jan 03 00:15
schestowitz There are those that try selling archives, but it’s very unhelpful. Jan 03 00:15
schestowitz Roy_B: they fire lots Jan 03 00:16
schestowitz Let me find an articdle. Jan 03 00:16
Roy_B Yup, I know it. Jan 03 00:16
twitter Google, the last time I looked, pointed to Amazon.com even when there were free book copies available online. Jan 03 00:16
twitter I have not looked in a couple of years, but thought that was wrong at the time. Jan 03 00:17
schestowitz Got it: http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/features/article… Jan 03 00:17
twitter It is also wrong that copyright lasts as long as it does.  Stuff from 1917 is still copyright but has lost much of it’s values. Jan 03 00:18
schestowitz “The Tribune Company filed for bankruptcy Monday. The company publishes the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune and other daily newspapers. The New York Times Co. intends to pawn its shiny new Manhattan building to borrow a quarter of a billion dollars just to stop the bleeding. Other major dailies are either for sale, or rumored to be so, including the Rocky Mountain News, the Miami Herald and others. The Cox newspaper group is Jan 03 00:18
schestowitz closing its Washington bureau. Most newspapers have announced layoffs, or will do so soon.” Jan 03 00:18
schestowitz More here: http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=20… Jan 03 00:18
schestowitz http://lessig.org/blog/2008/12/re… (Required Reading: News) -> Lessig war on corruption Jan 03 00:19
twitter I’ll be back later, it’s time to try a fancy 2.6.26 kernel.  24 works better on my laptop but I’d like to see what it does for this newer AMD.  It’s the only version with all the extra modules compiled. Jan 03 00:20
twitter for Lenny. Jan 03 00:20
*twitter (n=willhill@ip72-203-149-158.br.br.cox.net) has left #boycottnovell Jan 03 00:20
Roy_B Interesting news.  They say that it’s necessary to be cynical to be a lawyer and Lessig will have the chance to develop that in abundance. Jan 03 00:24
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/02/… I think James’ concern is that his former employer tries canning his ‘reputation’, portraying him as a lone wolf or a rotten apple. I wonder if his buddy, Marshall Goldberg, is still delivering these training sessions to new ‘TE’ recruits. Jan 03 00:24
schestowitz His blog is worth reading. He’s truthworthy and he says the truth about the Bad Guys. Jan 03 00:25
schestowitz He too is being smeared (of course), mostly by the media industry Jan 03 00:25
*twitter (n=willhill@ip72-203-149-158.br.br.cox.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 00:27
twitter so good so far Jan 03 00:27
Roy_B He’s bold: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog… Jan 03 00:27
twitter quick boot Jan 03 00:27
Roy_B “Lawrence Lessig Calls for the Demolition of the FCC” Jan 03 00:28
twitter Reed and Bose called for similar action years ago.  Good for Lessig to get in on it. Jan 03 00:28
Roy_B Or from the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte… Jan 03 00:29
schestowitz Roy_B: yes, that’s his latest big blast Jan 03 00:29
Roy_B “Lawrence Lessig Proposes “Innovation Environment Protection Agency” Jan 03 00:29
Roy_B The FCC no longer serves the needs of the public …” Jan 03 00:29
schestowitz He put it in NewsWeek with about half a mil readers. Jan 03 00:29
schestowitz The FCC ensures duopoly and lack of modernisation. Jan 03 00:29
Roy_B That’s called makin’ a splash. Jan 03 00:29
schestowitz Dana Blakenhorn too writes about this a lot. Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz They changed his headline in NewsWeek Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz He used harder language. Jan 03 00:30
Roy_B I remember an interview with Danish media some months ago where he talks about his new focus. Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz Which just shows you how editorship sets the tone. Jan 03 00:30
Roy_B I’m glad to see he’s following through on it. Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz Roy_B: yes, I posted this in many places. Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz The Danish TV interview Jan 03 00:30
schestowitz [H]omer found it first and put it in COLA. Jan 03 00:31
schestowitz He pushed for Obama to be elected too… he knows him in person. Jan 03 00:31
Roy_B ’twill be interesting to see what he does in office.  Bush was a hard lesson in “don’t listen to what we say — watch what we do.” Jan 03 00:32
schestowitz Startup Founders Turn Android into Desktop OS < http://www.pcworld.com/article/156267/and… > Jan 03 00:33
schestowitz I found several worrisome signs in Obama re: technology: http://boycottnovell.com/2008/12/30… Jan 03 00:33
schestowitz He also has a bad advisor (among several) on ‘IPR’ issues. Jan 03 00:33
schestowitz So he’s surrounded by corporations that supposedly represent individuals. Jan 03 00:34
Roy_B I’m not expecting too much but I hope to be surprised anyway. Jan 03 00:35
Roy_B He does seem pretty intelligent and hopefully he has more curiosity than his predecessor. Jan 03 00:35
schestowitz Heh. We’re cited here: http://softlibre.barrapunto.com/sof… Jan 03 00:36
schestowitz BN is actually quite high status in the Free software circles these days Jan 03 00:36
schestowitz About 300,000 hits today.. Jan 03 00:36
schestowitz Obama is a brand Jan 03 00:37
schestowitz He has some puppets and dictators in his cabinet Jan 03 00:37
schestowitz Biden and Emanuel for starters. Jan 03 00:37
Roy_B Interesting: “La AdministraciC3n de Obama migrarC! a OpenOffice.org” Jan 03 00:38
Roy_B I don’t speak Spanish, but if that means what I think it means … Jan 03 00:38
schestowitz In related stories. Jan 03 00:38
schestowitz http://translate.google.com/translate?sourc… Jan 03 00:39
schestowitz La Administración de Obama migrará a OpenOffice.org Obama Administration migrate to OpenOffice.org Jan 03 00:39
schestowitz Según se dice en PCWorld, una de las primeras medidas que acometerá Barack Obama, en caso de resultar elegido, será la estandarización de toda la Administración Federal de EEUU a Openoffice.org . Para Obama, Openoffice es una suite ofimática libre, robusta, fiable y adecuada en el 99% de los casos a las necesidades del gobierno americano.» As stated in PCWorld, one of the first steps to launch Barack Obama, if elected, will Jan 03 00:39
schestowitz be standardized across the U.S. Federal Openoffice.org. For Obama, an office suite OpenOffice is free, robust, reliable and adequate in 99% of the cases to the needs of the American government. “ Jan 03 00:39
tessier_ The whole federal administrration would standardize on OO.org? Jan 03 00:43
tessier_ Does Obama really know anything about OO.org? Jan 03 00:43
*tessier_ speaks spanish Jan 03 00:43
tessier_ Google’s translation is decent Jan 03 00:43
*twitter (n=willhill@ip72-203-149-158.br.br.cox.net) has left #boycottnovell Jan 03 00:53
schestowitz He uses Apple stuff, doesn’t he? Jan 03 00:54
MinceR i guess he uses whatever the rich bastards throw at him as a marketing stunt Jan 03 00:55
MinceR after all, exploiting people who don’t know better for profit is the American Dream Jan 03 00:55
Roy_B Obama?  Yes, plus he uses a Crackberry Jan 03 00:55
MinceR at least i’ve heard they’ve given him a zune Jan 03 00:56
Roy_B I wonder if it would mean anything to him that they were sued by a patent troll and had to waste a lot of money to settle it. Jan 03 00:56
MinceR i don’t remember his official stance on sw patents, if he had any Jan 03 00:57
schestowitz MinceR: I doubt he understands these issues. Jan 03 01:04
schestowitz He’ll find some advisors… mental aides Jan 03 01:04
MinceR some of his advisors might though Jan 03 01:04
MinceR then again, those advisors might very well answer to someone else… with money. Jan 03 01:04
schestowitz Judging by the inauguration, I already lose trust in him Jan 03 01:04
MinceR i’ve lost trust him long ago, but i can’t remember why :> Jan 03 01:05
MinceR s/hi/in hi/ Jan 03 01:05
MinceR i vaguely remember that there was a concrete reason besides that he’s a fundamentalist politician Jan 03 01:05
schestowitz Obama inauguration, sponsored and brought to you by Brad Smith, Clyde Ballmer, Steve Ballmer, Melinda Gates, Bill Gates, etc. Jan 03 01:05
*Roy_B has quit (“Leaving”) Jan 03 01:15
*trmanco has quit (“changing servers”) Jan 03 01:17
*trmanco (i=trmanco@online.na.tuxSP.pt) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 01:18
*twitter (n=willhill@ip72-203-149-158.br.br.cox.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 02:08
twitter eh, back to 24. Jan 03 02:10
MinceR 24? Jan 03 02:10
twitter 2.6.26 gave me problems with setting a bt878 capture card. Jan 03 02:10
MinceR oh. Jan 03 02:10
MinceR my bt878 card fried and i couldn’t get a replacement :/ Jan 03 02:10
twitter you should be able to find them for $5 at any computer shop. Jan 03 02:11
twitter used parts, that is Jan 03 02:11
schestowitz gn Jan 03 02:11
twitter good night Jan 03 02:11
twitter vlc records very will now Jan 03 02:11
MinceR i have a saa7134 card now Jan 03 02:12
MinceR which means no radio and no teletext Jan 03 02:12
MinceR also, damned slow channel switching Jan 03 02:12
twitter hmmm. Jan 03 02:12
MinceR i used to have a Hauppauge WinTV PCI/FM, and when i tried to get another, i’ve found that they’ve silently replaced the bt878 with a cx88 Jan 03 02:12
twitter all I do is record with chron jobs. Jan 03 02:12
twitter cron jobs Jan 03 02:13
MinceR not even the vendor was aware of this, they still advertised it as a bt878 card Jan 03 02:13
twitter uhg. Jan 03 02:13
MinceR hopefully we’ll soon switch to DVB and i can get some decent solution to this problem Jan 03 02:13
MinceR i’m afraid i’ll have to get both a DVB-T and DVB-C dongle though :/ Jan 03 02:14
twitter I got a converter box.  Reception is surprisingly better than analog. Jan 03 02:15
MinceR what sort of converter? Jan 03 02:15
twitter DTV to analog. Jan 03 02:16
twitter Insignia and Apex from Best Buy. Jan 03 02:16
MinceR isn’t kind of pointless to convert from DTV to analog and then back to digital again? Jan 03 02:16
MinceR s/ki/it ki/ Jan 03 02:16
twitter not if all I have is an analog capture card Jan 03 02:16
twitter If my ATI all in wonder card does DTV, I don’t know how it works. Jan 03 02:17
MinceR well, you could get a digital tv card :> Jan 03 02:17
twitter I got one with my last computer but could not make it work. Jan 03 02:17
twitter The old card works AOK and I don’t want more than 640×480 anyway. Jan 03 02:18
twitter after capture, I trim them down to ogg theora Jan 03 02:19
twitter The biggest problem I have with the converter box is that I can’t change frequencies in software anymore, but that’s not too big a deal because I rarely want to record anything but PBS anyway. Jan 03 02:21
twitter The nicest thing about the older cards are that they don’t “respect” broadcast flags. Jan 03 02:22
twitter I don’t think the converter boxes do anything about that either. Jan 03 02:22
twitter good night Jan 03 02:23
MinceR gn twitter Jan 03 02:24
MinceR if i had DTV, i’d just save the stream directly :> Jan 03 02:24
MinceR no information loss, no problem :> Jan 03 02:25
MinceR gn Jan 03 02:57
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-142-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 04:31
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) Jan 03 06:11
*mib_la0tyo (i=7b746497@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-469f0827f8b57cfc) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 07:35
mib_la0tyo hi Jan 03 07:35
mib_la0tyo all Jan 03 07:35
*mib_la0tyo has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Jan 03 08:05
schestowitz http://venturebeat.com/2009/01/01/androi… “Ramifications abound: What does it mean for the stock price of Microsoft? Microsoft currently owns the vast majority of the desktop operating system market share? In recent weeks, Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer repeatedly dismissed Android as competition to Windows Mobile.” FUD means MS is concerned. Jan 03 09:25
schestowitz “Only two companies will have office suites with ODF 1.1 read/write support, Microsoft Office and StarOffice. Sun jerked the ODF 1.1 write support out of OOo 3.0, which can only write to what is called “ODF 1.2,” which is dramatically different from ODF 1.1. StarOffice users can choose whether to write to ODF 1.1 or ODF 1.2.” Jan 03 09:26
schestowitz “So StarOffice/MS Office interop should be dramatically  better than OOo/MS Office interop, driving enterprise OOo users to proprietary StarOffice.” Jan 03 09:27
schestowitz “But I don’t think there will be much of that in this piece. This is more about the latest round in the Microsoft-Sun Microsystems plot to knock OOo out of the market. Their plan to do it with Microsoft’s patents didn’t work. See < http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/709519/0001193… >section IV.” Jan 03 09:27
schestowitz “Software patents went down in flames in India and the E.U. and the U.S. Supreme Court began making noises about doing away with software patents.” Jan 03 09:28
schestowitz “Rumaor has it for many years, Microsoft uses large numbers of subcontractors for low wage programmers in Redmond?” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/33369 Jan 03 10:14
schestowitz “Microsoft uses sweat shop programmers ? 5000 Vietnamese ?” Jan 03 10:14
schestowitz http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2008/12/no-layo… D”avid Gerard said..    Microsoft Corporation is headed for swingeing layoffs in mid-January and has called for a government bailout in the face of the credit crunch.” Jan 03 10:21
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 10:36
Omar87 Hi All Jan 03 10:36
schestowitz Hey there! Jan 03 10:37
schestowitz http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/science/01… Jan 03 10:37
Omar87 How’s it goin’? Jan 03 10:37
schestowitz Quite OK. Some trolls abound Jan 03 10:38
Omar87 Did you read about the bootable FSF membership cards? Jan 03 10:38
Omar87 They seem cool! Jan 03 10:38
Omar87 They contain Gnewsense Live along with a collection of videos for RMS, and more. Jan 03 10:39
schestowitz Videos? *LOL* Jan 03 10:39
schestowitz So if they were stranded on an island, they could watch RMS talks. Jan 03 10:40
Omar87 http://www.heise-online.co.uk/open/Now-… Jan 03 10:40
Omar87 LOL! :D Jan 03 10:40
schestowitz Member #0 Jan 03 10:40
Omar87 Of course, they can do that as long the battery of their laptop is still alive. ;) Jan 03 10:41
Omar87 as long *as*.. Jan 03 10:42
schestowitz http://jadi.net/2009/01/giving-l… “Pentium 120, 32 MB ram, 4 GB Hard”!! Jan 03 10:44
schestowitz Will it run Vista? Jan 03 10:44
Omar87 I don’t think? Jan 03 10:45
Axz Knoppix would be perfect for those poor machines Jan 03 10:45
Omar87 I don’t think so.. Jan 03 10:45
Omar87 I think DSL will be good too. Jan 03 10:45
Axz lol ironic i did’t notice it was a mac Jan 03 10:46
Axz but yeah Knoppix can polish that slow poor thing up Jan 03 10:47
Omar87 [NOTE: By "I don't think so", I meant I don't think they can run Vista] Jan 03 10:47
schestowitz Would knoppix ever run? Jan 03 10:47
Axz lol like charmed Jan 03 10:47
Axz we installed knoppix on ols atari once Jan 03 10:47
Axz old* Jan 03 10:47
schestowitz The 7-pound sub-notebooks :-) Jan 03 10:48
Omar87 WOW!! Jan 03 10:48
Axz perfect distro for old abused machines by windows :p Jan 03 10:48
Omar87 What about Damn Small? Jan 03 10:48
schestowitz This is ridiculous: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/dec/3… Jan 03 10:48
Axz also great one indd Jan 03 10:48
Omar87 LOL Jan 03 10:48
Omar87 A couple of days ago, my friend told about someone he knows, he’s a MS extremists, and hated each and every Linux distro. Jan 03 10:49
Axz Hehe, poor guy Jan 03 10:50
schestowitz Because they harms Monopoly Jan 03 10:50
schestowitz *harm Jan 03 10:50
schestowitz Some people want to be ‘Part of the Club’ (the MS kickbacks) Jan 03 10:50
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@120.162.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 10:50
Omar87 One day he came to my friend and started asking him a lot about BackTrack Linux, and when my friend asked why he’s doing that, he said: “Although I hate all sorts of Linux, Backtrack Linux is the only Linux distro. I liked!!” Jan 03 10:51
Omar87 Can you believe that..? Jan 03 10:51
Axz That’s great example for everyone using perfect GUI designed OS but security is zero Jan 03 10:51
Omar87 Isn’t that hilarious?? :D Jan 03 10:51
schestowitz The Clean Coal Bait and Switch < http://www.prwatch.org/node/8096 > Jan 03 10:51
schestowitz It’s all PR. Jan 03 10:51
schestowitz http://www.stallman.org/archives/2008-… Jan 03 10:51
Axz security isnt even i ‘m worried about, more lazyness Jan 03 10:51
schestowitz Omar87: people who discredit Linux try to have people try bad sdistros Jan 03 10:52
schestowitz Like suggesting newbies that they try Gentoo Jan 03 10:52
Omar87 schestowitz: He hated all other Linux distros. but Backtrack Linux. :) Jan 03 10:52
schestowitz This way they recoil in disgust and never want to try it again. Jan 03 10:52
oiaohm There is no such thing as a Perfect GUI someone will hate it.  Some people like ratpoison wm of all things. Jan 03 10:52
Omar87 schestowitz: No, my friend is a big fan of Linux. Jan 03 10:52
schestowitz Oh, oops. Jan 03 10:52
Axz Omar87, Sorry BackTrack is not really distro is more utilities like Qparted Jan 03 10:53
schestowitz Either way, many distros are acceptable these days Jan 03 10:53
Omar87 schestowitz: Actually, my friend is the current leader of Open Source Group at my university. Jan 03 10:53
schestowitz Some people only require a Web browser, not even an office suite, which SaaS can often substitute. Jan 03 10:53
schestowitz brb Jan 03 10:54
Omar87 schestowitz: Yeah, but what freaks you is that how did he even hear about BackTrack when he never even liked it’s parent Slackware! :D Jan 03 10:55
oiaohm http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/  << Yes I have one person I work with who loves thing. Jan 03 10:55
Omar87 schestowitz: tyt. Jan 03 10:55
oiaohm Hmm that clean coal one.   Pumping CO2 into the ground you better be dam sure its not going to rupture someone popultated and release the CO2.   People forget one lake killed many villages in afria due to a mass CO2 release. Jan 03 11:01
schestowitz Nice logo:: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/… Jan 03 11:08
schestowitz I can imagine what the boxed version would be like. Jan 03 11:08
*oiaohm has quit (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) Jan 03 11:10
*benJIman has quit (lindbohm.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) Jan 03 11:10
trmanco LOL Jan 03 11:10
trmanco rat poison? Jan 03 11:11
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@120.162.dsl.brs.iprimus.net.au) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 11:12
*benJIman (n=benji@benjiweber.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 11:12
oiaohm Hmm netsplit Jan 03 11:13
*mib_s3p2og (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3f14f8569790b3bb) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 11:15
*mib_fg3ruu (i=9265a08d@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d231d57ce3ae5779) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 11:21
schestowitz New site: http://www.yearwithoutdrm.com/ Jan 03 11:24
*mib_o21sxr (i=7dad5341@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3ead599b831b5a80) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 11:25
schestowitz US harnesses blog for its propaganda (‘PR’): http://andylark.blogs.com/andyl… Jan 03 11:29
*mib_fg3ruu has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Jan 03 11:31
*mib_s3p2og has quit (“http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client”) Jan 03 11:33
oiaohm US Airforce answer guide is fairly good. Jan 03 11:34
oiaohm I find tolls hate nothing more than pure logical answers.   And after a while doing that in there blog there blog dies. Jan 03 11:34
schestowitz It’s best to ignore them. Jan 03 11:35
schestowitz In BN, I can’t totally not read them (no killfiles), but it’s better if no-one gives them attention. Jan 03 11:35
oiaohm Depends. Jan 03 11:36
oiaohm Linux Hater and the like breeding  a culture of trolling kinda needs to be taken out. Jan 03 11:36
schestowitz Whose trolling? Posters or comments? Jan 03 11:37
schestowitz Beranger has been silent for a week. Jan 03 11:37
oiaohm Me picking on him with logic at moment. Jan 03 11:37
schestowitz It’s probably a good thing. He thought about shutting it down too Jan 03 11:37
oiaohm Linux Hater opening prometed insulting and the like. Jan 03 11:45
oiaohm Yes it got funny I had trolls there begging for me to leave because I was undermining there fun. Jan 03 11:46
mib_o21sxr hola Jan 03 11:46
schestowitz Hey there. Jan 03 11:47
mib_o21sxr good articles of late Jan 03 11:48
schestowitz oiaohm: in which blof? Redux? Jan 03 11:48
schestowitz *Hehe. Blog, not bloff Jan 03 11:48
oiaohm Did in redux as well. Jan 03 11:48
schestowitz mib_o21sxr: thanks, I have some more about Microsoft, but errands to run… which get in the way Jan 03 11:48
oiaohm He was too simple really did not have the IT skill of the first Linux hater. Jan 03 11:48
schestowitz Which was the first one? Miguel de Novell knows her/him Jan 03 11:49
mib_o21sxr Keep up the solid facts and tight arguments…don’t let the detractors distract you! Jan 03 11:49
schestowitz Thanks. When they nitpick and don’t comment on important posts or issues, then it means all is correct Jan 03 11:49
mib_o21sxr You see the OLPC stuff in the Comes vs Microsoft files? Jan 03 11:50
schestowitz ??? Jan 03 11:50
schestowitz Really? Jan 03 11:50
mib_o21sxr http://antitrust.slated.org/www.iowacon… Jan 03 11:50
mib_o21sxr maybe something there Jan 03 11:50
schestowitz Let’s see Jan 03 11:50
schestowitz Martin taylor… Jan 03 11:50
mib_o21sxr take a look …not sure if it’s enough to blog on , but i like the proposal and him giving away the back-up startegy if XP is rejected Jan 03 11:51
schestowitz Grrrrrrr……. Jan 03 11:51
schestowitz The anti-Linux guy…Ballmer’s buddy Jan 03 11:51
schestowitz Bad English… Jan 03 11:51
schestowitz Is there an OCRed version? Jan 03 11:52
oiaohm There are a lot of anti-Linux guys.  Best fun I ever had was going head to head with the 1 lead developer of reactos who really loves Windows.   He had the idea that he would beat me. Jan 03 11:52
oiaohm Yes he did know both sides quite well. Jan 03 11:52
mib_o21sxr I haven’t see one yet … I’m still working my way through the archives. About halfway done Jan 03 11:52
mib_o21sxr it’s tiring work Jan 03 11:52
schestowitz Orlandao Ayala! Jan 03 11:53
schestowitz He’s now their main man.. Jan 03 11:53
oiaohm To be correct loves NT design hates how windows is built. Jan 03 11:53
schestowitz And Mundie’s there too Jan 03 11:53
schestowitz Windows is badly built Jan 03 11:53
schestowitz Microsoft has regrrets Jan 03 11:53
schestowitz But it has libailities related to backward compat. Jan 03 11:54
schestowitz *liabilities Jan 03 11:54
oiaohm That is wrong for some sections. Jan 03 11:54
mib_o21sxr Oh I have IDC actually sending the draft of thier TCO report to MS for review and comment as well Jan 03 11:54
mib_o21sxr if you haven’t seen that one Jan 03 11:54
schestowitz Which Rashid is this? I can recall Mary Jo Foley talking about one. VP or something.. Jan 03 11:54
schestowitz http://www.microsoft.com/presspa… Jan 03 11:55
oiaohm Bad spinlock system in windows NT fixing does not break backward compad and would free up 14 percent more cpu time. Jan 03 11:55
schestowitz Will Poole is there. Jan 03 11:55
schestowitz He was made head of “Unlimited” “Potential” Jan 03 11:55
mib_o21sxr rashid is VP of Microsoft Research i think Jan 03 11:55
mib_o21sxr that’s “MSR” in the emails … pretty sure Jan 03 11:56
schestowitz Then he left to ‘occupy’ NCOmputer, which he’s likely doing his service to Microsoft Jan 03 11:56
schestowitz oiaohm: see their research on Singularity. Win is a Pig Jan 03 11:56
schestowitz Richard (Rick) F. Rashid Jan 03 11:56
schestowitz MSR = Richard (Rick) F. Rashid? Jan 03 11:57
mib_o21sxr no MSR = Microsoft Research Jan 03 11:57
mib_o21sxr they are funding Media Lab and MIT and discussing that in the email Jan 03 11:57
schestowitz I haven’t read that through Jan 03 11:57
schestowitz But this reminds me of the Kenya incident Jan 03 11:57
oiaohm Singularity research is because Microsoft could is the writing on the wall.  Single CPU type OS was doomed in time. Jan 03 11:57
schestowitz Threatening to decrease or affect funds if some demands are not met Jan 03 11:58
schestowitz In one case it was OOXML Jan 03 11:58
mib_o21sxr “This could be a very significant investment, with the discussion indicating that it would be somewhere between $10MM and $30MM” Jan 03 11:58
schestowitz Here they talk about finding to something and the selling of Windows Jan 03 11:58
schestowitz They try to muck about with charitable means using money… like bribes or blackmail Jan 03 11:58
mib_o21sxr yuo Jan 03 11:58
mib_o21sxr yup Jan 03 11:58
schestowitz Education Open Source Jan 03 11:59
mib_o21sxr the whole EDGI program is basically a bribery slush fund Jan 03 11:59
schestowitz Again with the posturing. Jan 03 11:59
schestowitz Does anyone have OCR software?? Jan 03 12:00
schestowitz We need to publish this. It’s important. Thanks, mib_o21sxr Jan 03 12:01
oiaohm Fun thing about these tight times sluch funds will have to be justified.(Sorry no OCR here) Jan 03 12:01
schestowitz brb Jan 03 12:01
mib_o21sxr np i have quite a bit more as well on other topics Jan 03 12:01
oiaohm That document is so microsoft. Jan 03 12:05
mib_o21sxr yes … reading through all the archive is tedious as all get out, but there are a few gems there Jan 03 12:23
oiaohm Embrace, extend and extinguish tatics have not changed that much over the years.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_ex… Jan 03 12:28
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-158-128.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 03 12:38
schestowitz Watch the Mundie E-mail in page 2 Jan 03 12:40
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-158-128.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net) has left #boycottnovell (“Konversation terminated!”) Jan 03 12:43
schestowitz MinceR will love this: My biggest tech disappointment of 2008: MacBook Air < http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10129… > Jan 03 12:50
MinceR r4wr Jan 03 12:53
oiaohm I still remember see the guy on youtube cutting bread with a MacBook Air Jan 03 12:53
oiaohm There is such thing as making a device too small. Jan 03 12:53
schestowitz That comes from a Mac fan even. Jan 03 12:55
schestowitz Small can be impractical Jan 03 12:56
schestowitz This is a work device, not a fashion accessory Jan 03 12:56
oiaohm Netbooks + me are impractical.   I am 6 foot 4. Jan 03 12:56
oiaohm Thing I wonder are all reviews of Netbooks shortter than me.  I cannot type effectively on a netbook keyboard. Jan 03 12:58
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