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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 19th, 2009 – Part 1

Posted in IRC Logs at 10:02 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz


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schestowitz OK, done. http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/1… be sure to watch the video… it’ll make you smile. Jan 19 00:04
MinceR gn Jan 19 00:11
twitter *looking Jan 19 00:27
schestowitz Eeek! Someone just mailed me this: http://schestowitz.com/temp/FSdailly.png Jan 19 00:31
schestowitz He says: “See image attached,, they kreep in from anywhere….” Jan 19 00:31
schestowitz It’s also hard to block these in BN. They use many different domains (channel) Jan 19 00:32
schestowitz Why Google Employees Quit < http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/18/w… > Jan 19 00:33
twitter he he, that’s a good version of his rant. Jan 19 00:36
twitter gotta go help the wife, bbl Jan 19 00:36
*dsmith_ (n=dsmith@c-76-114-142-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 01:25
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection) Jan 19 01:45
twitter bitch slap for dan 0-brain and vista 7 Jan 19 01:59
*kapipi has quit (Remote closed the connection) Jan 19 02:19
tessier http://www.scottberkun.com/blog/2009/… Jan 19 04:27
tessier This is the blog of a former microsoftie which a lot of other microsofties seem to read. Jan 19 04:27
tessier This particular article is no smoking gun or anything but who knows if something interesting might appear there in the future. Jan 19 04:28
*tessier has quit (“Leaving”) Jan 19 05:03
*tessier__ has quit (“leaving”) Jan 19 05:32
*zer0c00l (i=d2d4ff83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-366afd97e49d1499) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 06:03
*r0ver (n=r0ver@ has left #boycottnovell Jan 19 06:57
*zer0c00l (i=d2d4ff83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-366afd97e49d1499) has left #boycottnovell Jan 19 07:01
*kentma1 (n=user@host86-154-249-100.range86-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 07:23
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Jan 19 07:39
schestowitz http://www.itweb.co.za/sections/busin… “It was this document that led government to adopt the open document format as the national standard for government documentation.” Jan 19 08:53
schestowitz Edward Said, “The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations”  < http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=boB… > Jan 19 08:54
schestowitz “According to a US report, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is considering a liver transplant.” http://www.itwire.com/content/vi… Jan 19 08:57
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 09:21
MinceR geekings Jan 19 09:43
schestowitz http://www.computable.nl/artikel/ict_topics… Does anyone do Dutch? Jan 19 11:02
schestowitz In case someone wondered about the Wiki: We put unorganised smoking guns there, fetch the text from the docs, link to then (eventually it’ll be internal links), link to press coverage and when it’s presentable it becomes public. Jan 19 11:07
trmanco fishy is back Jan 19 11:13
schestowitz No WAY!! Jan 19 11:19
trmanco maybe not Jan 19 11:22
trmanco but wait Jan 19 11:23
trmanco http://groups.google.com/group/c… Jan 19 11:24
trmanco using chrome Jan 19 11:24
trmanco maybe not Jan 19 11:24
trmanco http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.l… Jan 19 11:26
schestowitz It smells fishy Jan 19 11:32
schestowitz http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7832652.stm Glyn: ‘Windows worm numbers ‘skyrocket’ ” – keep those factual, descriptive headlines coming, BBC people” Jan 19 12:56
schestowitz Microsoft almost merged with Novell 17 years ago Jan 19 13:55
schestowitz OMG. Jan 19 13:58
schestowitz Brad Silverberg: “look what znix is doing! cut those fuckers off.” Jan 19 13:58
schestowitz They dared to support something other than Windows. Jan 19 13:58
zoobab test Jan 19 14:01
schestowitz ACK. Jan 19 14:02
schestowitz I will post that with context soon. Jan 19 14:02
MinceR who’s znix? Jan 19 14:03
schestowitz I’ll post that in context soon. Jan 19 14:05
schestowitz They ‘dared’ not to support MS-DOS Jan 19 14:05
schestowitz I’m reading the petition Jan 19 14:05
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.php?t… Jan 19 14:05
schestowitz Please don’t edit because I’m already doing it right now. VERY interesting. Jan 19 14:06
schestowitz 90 pages or so.. Jan 19 14:06
schestowitz “Microsoft’s collaboration with Intel and Compaq was almost identical to Microsoft’s more recent collaboration with the same firms against Linux” Jan 19 14:07
schestowitz “Microsoft sent two managers to Japan to express Microsoft’s anger over the arrangement. Microsoft also threatened to raise the price of Windows to Hitachi if Hitachi installed Be’s boot manager on its computers.” Jan 19 14:10
schestowitz Microsoft… the Stalin regime of the 90s…. you’ve got to read the petition.. Jan 19 14:11
schestowitz “Microsoft has targeted the competing operating system by pressuring Intel, as well as various major OEMs such as Dell and Compaq, to boycott Linux.” Jan 19 14:11
schestowitz In late 2000, for instance, Microsoft executive Joachim Kempin described his plan of retaliation and coercion to shut down competition from Linux: “I am thinking of hitting the OEM harder than in the past with anti-Linux actions” and … Jan 19 14:12
schestowitz ..will “further try to restrict source code deliveries where possible and be less gracious when interpreting agreements – again without being obvious about it,” continuing “this will be a delicate dance.” Jan 19 14:12
schestowitz ” In March 2002, a Gateway marketing executive (Anthony Fama) testified before Judge Kollar-Kotelly in State of New York et al. v. Microsoft, Case No. 98-1233 (CKK), about how Microsoft used its MDA program in order to force OEMs to market Microsoft’s operating system exclusively” Jan 19 14:16
schestowitz “These restrictive agreements exited before 2000 but, in 2000, Microsoft ratcheted the restriction up so that OEMs are forced to forfeit all discounts otherwise earned if they ship any “naked machines” to consumers.” Jan 19 14:17
schestowitz “Microsoft described its campaign as a “jihad” to win the “browser war.” Microsoft embarked on that “jihad” because winning the “browser war” was essential to its ability to preserve the applications barrier to entry and to thereby preserve …” Jan 19 14:27
schestowitz “Microsoft would be the sole supplier of browsers for use with Windows 95 and successor operating systems, and that Netscape would be the sole supplier of browsers for operating systems other than Windows 95 and its successors. Netscape refused to participate in Microsoft’s patently unlawful market allocation scheme.” Jan 19 14:29
schestowitz So once again Microsoft broke the law. Jan 19 14:29
schestowitz “Microsoft’s Vice President in Charge of the Platforms Group told industry executives: “We are going to cut off [Netscape’s] air supply. Everything they’re selling, we’re going to give away for free.”” Jan 19 14:30
schestowitz That’s the CEO of VMware… Microsoft MOLE Jan 19 14:30
schestowitz “I was quite frank with him [Scott Cook, Chairman of Intuit] that if he had a favor we could do for him that would cost Us something like $1M to do that in return for switching browsers in the next few months I would be open to doing that.” Jan 19 14:31
*kapipi has quit (“Ah Nah!”) Jan 19 14:41
schestowitz “…failing to provide preferential treatment for Microsoft’s Interact browser, was deletion from the Windows desktop. Even the largest Interact Access Providers were unwilling to risk this Jan 19 14:49
schestowitz penalty.” Jan 19 14:49
*kapipi (n=tor@ has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 14:50
schestowitz “Microsoft also hopes to leverage its .NET market power to increase its market share in the adjacent market of embedded devices.” <<— this is something that was shown yesterday Jan 19 14:56
schestowitz That’s why Miguel et al (Microsoft lobbyisys) try to put Mono on devices Jan 19 14:56
MinceR 150343 <@schestowitz> Microsoft almost merged with Novell 17 years ago Jan 19 15:14
MinceR do you have an article on this? Jan 19 15:14
schestowitz It’s not very new Jan 19 15:17
schestowitz Noorda spoke to Gates at the time, IIRC Jan 19 15:17
ushimitsudoki Ha check out this headline: ”    Microsoft and IE hit with EU antitrust attack” http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/200904/… Jan 19 15:17
schestowitz Gates told Noorda he had power over the govt., sort of Jan 19 15:18
schestowitz ushimitsudoki: I’ve just been reading about Netscape (many pages)… what a bunch of criminals they are I’m reminded.. Jan 19 15:18
schestowitz It’s a miracle they were not embargoed a decade ago Jan 19 15:18
schestowitz None of what they do is make better products. They map competitors and destroy them one by one… they still can’t manage with Google… Jan 19 15:19
trmanco Windows 7 has ODF support Jan 19 15:26
trmanco bundled Jan 19 15:26
PetoKraus how? Jan 19 15:26
trmanco don’t know Jan 19 15:26
trmanco thats what they say Jan 19 15:26
trmanco htt p://blogs.msdn.com/tims/archive/2009/01/12/the -bumper-list-of-windows-7-secrets.aspx Jan 19 15:27
twitter I wonder if my PDA can do Google docs. Jan 19 15:27
trmanco jump to 15 Jan 19 15:27
twitter if so, I can say that my PDA has ODF support Jan 19 15:27
twitter and that it will work better than anything from M$ Jan 19 15:28
trmanco Novell is putting some good sense into Microsoft, or is this some dirty trick? Jan 19 15:28
twitter you have to ask? Jan 19 15:28
trmanco Well, you don’t have to reply to my question if you don’t want to Jan 19 15:30
MinceR perhaps they’ve realized that they can’t bribe every single government on the planet Jan 19 15:30
trmanco I wonder how ODF standard compliant it is Jan 19 15:30
MinceR that’s another concern Jan 19 15:30
schestowitz EEE in Vista7? Jan 19 15:30
MinceR considering that i’ve heard that not even their ooxml implementation complies with their own standard Jan 19 15:30
trmanco maybe the just want to screw upODF with Microstandards Jan 19 15:30
twitter when you can’t bribe, lie Jan 19 15:30
twitter java, c, html, asci, bitmap, is there anything M$ has touched that they have not used to their advantage by making non standard? Jan 19 15:32
twitter M$ is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches. Jan 19 15:33
trmanco maybe not Jan 19 15:33
schestowitz http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/19/br… Jan 19 15:37
schestowitz They could make ‘Windows-flavoured’ ODF Jan 19 15:38
schestowitz Like they did with Java when they fought Java and Netscape. Jan 19 15:38
trmanco they could? I think they are Jan 19 15:38
schestowitz If you can’t beat it, (embrace and extend) extinguish it Jan 19 15:39
schestowitz If they can injure Sun using Novell with Go-OOXML, then they are freer to abuse Jan 19 15:39
schestowitz Just watch what they did in WMware, which is now operated by Microsoft lackeys Jan 19 15:39
schestowitz VMware won’t sue Microsoft because that’s like MS suing MS Jan 19 15:40
twitter Looking at your patent troll article.  The dating service targets are sinister.  So much for my PeerBook alternative to FaceBook. Jan 19 15:41
schestowitz I’m doing one about NC now.. Jan 19 15:45
schestowitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_computer Jan 19 15:45
schestowitz Friend says : “I’m just curious (and I know there’s probably no way to know for sure) if posting these documents online could have an impact on the current European anti-trust investigations into Microsoft.  I sure hope so.  Anyway, I’m glad to see all of these things being organized and made public. “ Jan 19 15:46
schestowitz “Maybe it isn’t so far-fetched to think Microsoft will fail soon, or at least be hit hard enough with fines to greatly reduce its money supply.  “ Jan 19 15:46
twitter Distributed Lack of Purchasing attack (DLoP) Jan 19 15:48
schestowitz I get port-scanned several times a day now by Wintendo boxes… this hardly even happened before the latest worm outbreak. Jan 19 15:55
*Casperin (n=Casperin@h11n7-m-kr-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 15:58
twitter nice Jan 19 16:07
schestowitz Wanna read something fun and help me out? Jan 19 16:08
twitter sure Jan 19 16:08
twitter beats that pathetic Vista7 secrets list of KDE like stuff and Windows annoyances. Jan 19 16:08
schestowitz I’m posting this prematurely (could use more proofreading): http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/19/ga… Jan 19 16:09
twitter What’s to read? Jan 19 16:09
schestowitz We now have evidence that: (i) Microsoft has FUD tours organised; (ii) TCO is a Microsoft measure (Gartner is just a well-paid mouthpiece) Jan 19 16:09
schestowitz See if you come across something awry while you read it. Jan 19 16:10
twitter OK Jan 19 16:10
schestowitz I’m putting together so many dynamite refs for future use… EDGI; Allchin’s “I’m scared (of Linux)”; Gartner corruption… Jan 19 16:11
twitter Well written and yes, explosive evidence of corruption. Jan 19 16:15
twitter nice find Jan 19 16:16
twitter So, any TCO study that favors M$ has been a M$ controlled thing since 1997. Jan 19 16:18
schestowitz Yes Jan 19 16:18
twitter Wow, they really screwed themselves with that one. Jan 19 16:20
schestowitz Use this when people utter “TCO” Jan 19 16:20
twitter I may have found a typo from a quote “we am driving the case study team”  from “the needed case studies” Jan 19 16:35
twitter this may be original to the memo Jan 19 16:36
schestowitz Ah.. I see.. Jan 19 16:36
schestowitz Fixed Jan 19 16:37
schestowitz I do the copying of text quickly and rely on my spellchecker, so it’s probably my fault (haven’t checked)… at least we have the original to accompany. Jan 19 16:37
twitter cool Jan 19 16:38
schestowitz Let’s link from the petition < http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.php?… > to exhibits we put in the Wiki. :-) Jan 19 16:39
schestowitz Ideally, we should be able to reproduce the Comes case in a sense. Jan 19 16:39
schestowitz I posted the petition in USENET (relevant part of it anyway) Jan 19 16:39
schestowitz Reply: “No wonder Microsoft wanted to settle Comes quick and get the incriminating documents off-line.  Too bad they weren’t quick enough.” Jan 19 16:39
schestowitz We got copies of all/most of them Jan 19 16:40
schestowitz The good news is, it doesn’t matter if it was settled about 2 years ago… some of the evidence is decades old and never been seen by the public Jan 19 16:40
schestowitz So we can take our time to nicely lay out the DYNAMITE Jan 19 16:40
*confignak (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 16:55
trmanco schestowitz, do you still read Asay? Jan 19 17:11
trmanco here, have a peak -> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-1… Jan 19 17:11
*mib_e8jun7 (i=44e62112@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0d0e5f62a2b08e3d) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 17:19
*mib_e8jun7 has quit (Client Quit) Jan 19 17:19
schestowitz trmanco: I don’t (unless it’s linked to from somewhere) Jan 19 17:19
trmanco see that link Jan 19 17:20
trmanco he uses a post of yours Jan 19 17:20
schestowitz Ah, that’s nice. Jan 19 17:20
schestowitz He cited BN last week as well. Jan 19 17:20
trmanco :-P Jan 19 17:21
schestowitz I’ll repost in COLA Jan 19 17:22
schestowitz That’s why MS was so scared for the Comes case Jan 19 17:24
schestowitz I’m almost done with the petition. Should I post it in BN? Jan 19 17:24
trmanco yes, why not Jan 19 17:26
schestowitz I want to interlink first Jan 19 17:26
schestowitz I have some volunteers who organise the smoking guns Jan 19 17:26
schestowitz We can improve the petition, extending it with hyperlinks Jan 19 17:26
schestowitz Will you be interested in reading the petition? Jan 19 17:28
schestowitz It’s like a REALLY good books Jan 19 17:28
schestowitz *book Jan 19 17:28
schestowitz Teaches you about the comp. industry too Jan 19 17:28
schestowitz If you read it via Wiki, then you can mend typos as you go along readin. Jan 19 17:29
trmanco petition? what petition? did I miss something? Jan 19 17:29
trmanco this -> http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.ph… Jan 19 17:31
trmanco http://boycottnovell.com/wiki/index.php?… ? Jan 19 17:31
trmanco it huge Jan 19 17:31
trmanco its* Jan 19 17:32
confignak hi there .. Jan 19 17:37
confignak this is all still relevent, yea ? Jan 19 17:38
confignak schest ? Jan 19 17:39
*jose (n=jose@adsl-233-171-54.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 17:41
schestowitz Hey, jose Jan 19 17:41
schestowitz hey, confignak Jan 19 17:41
schestowitz I am doing the petition Jan 19 17:41
schestowitz Polishing up now Jan 19 17:42
confignak Good, Jan 19 17:42
schestowitz I think I’ll link it to exhibits it talks about Jan 19 17:42
jose schestowitz, you can email me if you have comments to this http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=… Jan 19 17:42
schestowitz It covers everything Jan 19 17:42
confignak It’s a lot of text, Jan 19 17:42
schestowitz AARD code… OS/2.. BeOS Jan 19 17:42
jose I probably should change it (besides some obvious changes necessary for a new format) Jan 19 17:42
schestowitz I just need to enhance it with help ;-) adding links to exhibits (PDF) with summaries and articles from the press Jan 19 17:43
jose it’s a first draft that doesn’t include a gentle intro nor good running examples Jan 19 17:43
schestowitz jose: brilliant, let me seee.. Jan 19 17:43
jose thnx but call it “brilliant” after you read it Jan 19 17:44
jose if you still feel that way Jan 19 17:44
jose in any case, it’s a contribution Jan 19 17:44
confignak You need to boil these article down into a set of links off a main page that summerises the whole thing .. Jan 19 17:44
schestowitz Yes! Jan 19 17:45
schestowitz jose: I’ve bookmarked it. Do you edit it some more? Jan 19 17:45
jose probably after i sit back relax and then reread it (not today) Jan 19 17:45
confignak | title | Jan 19 17:45
confignak text text text | links | text  text  text  text   text  text  text  text  text   text  text  text  text  text   text  text  text  text  text  text  text | links |  text  text  text  text  text  text& nbsp; text  text  text  text Jan 19 17:45
confignak use a standard template for all the pages .. Jan 19 17:46
jose i want to write something many can understand, but this draft might serve as a first version that might be fine for now Jan 19 17:46
confignak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Template Jan 19 17:46
confignak later .. Jan 19 17:47
*confignak has quit () Jan 19 17:47
jose email me if you read all of it and think it’s fine or have questions/suggestions.. so as a first draft it’s probably mostly ready i guess Jan 19 17:47
schestowitz Thanks. I will do. Jan 19 17:48
*_doug (n=configna@unaffiliated/confignak) has joined #boycottnovell Jan 19 17:54
_doug MS Silverlight To Stream Obama Inauguration Events Jan 19 17:57
_doug http://www.linuxplus.net/2009/01/18/ms… Jan 19 17:57
jose schestowitz, i was re-reading and I want to make a point clearer.. even if mono core is safe from patents (if you want to believe that) it doesn’t mean your mono app relying on mono core will be since it might overlap with extension characteristics that ms has patented.. Jan 19 18:00
jose ..in fact, the point of the section on extensions may not be that clear. Jan 19 18:00
schestowitz _doug: yea, seen that Jan 19 18:00
jose ..in fact, all of it may need some fixing.. i understand it, but I’ve been thinking about this for a while and i also wrote it so know what i meant Jan 19 18:01
schestowitz Isn’t that adorable? Jan 19 18:01
jose i’ll probably want to re-read in a few days and see what i think Jan 19 18:01
schestowitz jose: I found some good bits on .NET in Iowa stuff.. Jan 19 18:01
schestowitz It’s really  a must-read Jan 19 18:01
schestowitz jose: thanks. Jan 19 18:02
jose don’t keep me waiting Jan 19 18:02
schestowitz In what sense? Jan 19 18:02
jose was iowa what ms really wanted to have removed from the public record? or does ms really want everything removed Jan 19 18:03
*schestowitz reads LT Jan 19 18:03
jose don’t keep me waiting over the links to the iowa stuff Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz Microsoft settled super quickly Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz The site then locked Jan 19 18:03
jose yup Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz grouchy had grabbed  a copy ;-) Jan 19 18:03
jose so what did you find and how Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz Google Cache had some too Jan 19 18:03
jose oh ok Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz So it made torrent Jan 19 18:03
jose love torrent Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz Tens of thousands of pages Jan 19 18:03
schestowitz The MAFIAA says the torrent protocols is ‘ileggal” Jan 19 18:04
schestowitz *illegal Jan 19 18:04
jose when you post raw material, others can do some of the work.. works great Jan 19 18:04
jose ileggal is not a problem ;-) Jan 19 18:04
schestowitz Keep people from sharing ‘stuff’ (like crime evidence)… keep the “helpless and divided”, depending on ‘producers’ and responsible adults(C) for ‘content) Jan 19 18:05
schestowitz jose: yes, it’s on Big G too Jan 19 18:05
schestowitz So people fish this stuff Jan 19 18:05
schestowitz jose: see http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-… Jan 19 18:05
schestowitz So it’s already getting wider publicity Jan 19 18:05
schestowitz I hope you have a raw  copy of  http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?… Jan 19 18:06
jose i wrote to the obama campaign disappointed about them helping to protect monopolies Jan 19 18:06
schestowitz Mail me if you want this posted Jan 19 18:06
jose the letter was thrown together oddly, but at least i got some points through to express disappointment as a constituent Jan 19 18:06
schestowitz jose: some person has just proposed a petition: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/16/ob… Jan 19 18:07
jose ok, will let you know then. Jan 19 18:07
jose if i take over 2 weeks to get back to you, you can go ahead Jan 19 18:07
jose if by raw copy, you mean the original text essay, then yes Jan 19 18:08
jose would it help/hinder if i add some markup? it might be fake mark-up but maybe help you out.. i may not do that though Jan 19 18:09
schestowitz yes, please Jan 19 18:14
jose do you prefer a (anchor) tags be used instead of inline text urls? Jan 19 18:15
_doug I guess englisg isn’t his first language :) Jan 19 18:16
_doug http://softsecuritysite.com/essentials.html Jan 19 18:16
_doug “The Internet is a supreme reserve for bag, tutoring, and going” Jan 19 18:17
_doug “When aquatics the cyberspace you are downbeat to supervise into harmful software twisted for the exclusive belief of incoming legwork notebook and then sabotaging from the inside.” Jan 19 18:17
jose schestowitz, it’s always good when less controversial sites/authors link to you. Jan 19 18:17
jose _doug, that’s a remarkable sentence Jan 19 18:18
jose :-) Jan 19 18:18
_doug yea, BabelFish translation ? Jan 19 18:19
jose yes, that’s what I was thinking Jan 19 18:19
jose an auto job Jan 19 18:19
_doug is the net very sluggish recently ? Jan 19 18:19
_doug browsing slow, slow DNS lookup ? Jan 19 18:21
jose i haven’t noticed.. from florida, US Jan 19 18:24
jose the isp might be the key here (?) Jan 19 18:24
_doug crapola, I ran Wireshark and noticed a lot of dropped packets, are the telecoms injecting fake reset packets to disrupt peer-to-peer ? Jan 19 18:26
schestowitz jose:  in what sense? Jan 19 18:26
schestowitz Oh, I see… Jan 19 18:26
schestowitz jose: anchor is better Jan 19 18:26
*schestowitz was distracted by post on Microsoft shill Jan 19 18:27
_doug “Dear Valued Customer .. An attempt to access your abbey Online Banking was denied on:” Jan 19 18:28
_doug :) Jan 19 18:28
_doug The link goes here :) Jan 19 18:29
schestowitz get the eff’s kit for testing the throttling… Jan 19 18:29
_doug http://memorytank.com/admin/galler… Jan 19 18:29
schestowitz Project Switzerland or something they call it…….. Jan 19 18:29
_doug query: KOREAN Jan 19 18:31
_doug snoooozeeee .. Jan 19 18:36
schestowitz Could be an out-of-control ActiveX Jan 19 18:36
_doug       .-. Jan 19 18:37
_doug      (/^\) Jan 19 18:37
_doug      (\ /) Jan 19 18:37
_doug      .-’-. Jan 19 18:37
_doug     \\) (// Jan 19 18:37
_doug      \ | / Jan 19 18:37
_doug       \|/ Jan 19 18:37
_doug       \|/ Jan 19 18:37
_doug jgs   /Y\ Jan 19 18:37
_doug are you talking to me ? Jan 19 18:37
schestowitz Are these hand? Jan 19 18:42
schestowitz *s Jan 19 18:42
_doug DUNNO Jan 19 18:43
schestowitz Let me post something fun.. Jan 19 18:44
schestowitz Here: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/19/euro… Jan 19 18:44
schestowitz Tell me what you think. Jan 19 18:44
_doug               _             _ Jan 19 18:44
_doug         I I   :  .’\   /`.  :   I I Jan 19 18:44
_doug         I b__:   . .`~’. .   :__d I Jan 19 18:44
_doug         I p~~:   . `._.’ .   :~~q I Jan 19 18:44
_doug         I I   :   ./   \.   :   I I Jan 19 18:44
_doug          \`.   :   `—’   :   ,’/ Jan 19 18:44
_doug           \`.   `..     ..’   ,’/ Jan 19 18:44
_doug            \`.     “~”     ,’/ Jan 19 18:44
_doug             \`               ‘/    - mfj Jan 19 18:44
_doug              \\             // Jan 19 18:45
_doug               ~             ~ Jan 19 18:45
_doug That image would make a great company logo @) Jan 19 18:46
_doug i51kbs .. very slow … Jan 19 18:47
_doug This happened elsewhere, the connection is massive for the first few weeks, then goes all sluggish .. Jan 19 18:47
schestowitz mjf: Mary Foley Jo? Jan 19 18:48
MinceR looks like a half TIE Interceptor Jan 19 18:48
MinceR well, little more than half Jan 19 18:48
_doug yea .. it got cropped :? Jan 19 18:48
schestowitz That’s the Starship Enterprise’s engine. Jan 19 18:48
schestowitz Star trekking to impose US harvesting in other planets. ;-) Jan 19 18:48
_doug       ,-. Jan 19 18:49
_doug      |66A Jan 19 18:49
_doug     (|  `M\ Jan 19 18:49
_doug    _>\   |M) Jan 19 18:49
_doug    ‘-_)=(_,’ Jan 19 18:49
schestowitz The  accusing Klingons of being “anti-Americans” Jan 19 18:49
schestowitz Is that a frog or a tux? Jan 19 18:49
_doug tux .. Jan 19 18:50
schestowitz Very oblique. Jan 19 18:50
schestowitz Here’s a plan for Wiki edit Jan 19 18:51
schestowitz Since the petition has no links (other than cross-paragraph links), how about we add links to exhibits+summaries? Jan 19 18:51
_doug             .-””””-. Jan 19 18:51
_doug          |\__\    /__/|| Jan 19 18:51
_doug           \    ||    / Jan 19 18:51
_doug            \        / Jan 19 18:51
_doug             \  __  / Jan 19 18:51
_doug              ‘.__.’    ‘ Jan 19 18:51
_doug               |  | Jan 19 18:51
schestowitz Then, we can also have links to articles that relate to exhibits Jan 19 18:51
_doug               |  | Jan 19 18:51
schestowitz On exhibit pages we have summaries Jan 19 18:52
schestowitz We have links to related news Jan 19 18:52
_doug I can’t really concentrate right now, I feel beer is calling … Jan 19 18:52
schestowitz And also, if coverage of them exists in BN (blog), then it’ll be linked also Jan 19 18:52
schestowitz Beer at 7? Jan 19 18:52
_doug They jsut stiopped paying me to browse the Internet .. Jan 19 18:53
_doug It’s frigging monday already … :( Jan 19 18:53
_doug re: “a plan for Wiki edit”, write up an editing stylesheet, give examples … Jan 19 18:54
_doug                   o Jan 19 18:54
_doug                   | Jan 19 18:54
_doug                 ,’~’. Jan 19 18:54
_doug               |   ____|_ Jan 19 18:54
_doug               |  ‘___,,_’         .—————-. Jan 19 18:54
_doug               |  ||(o |o)|       ( KILL ALL HUMANS! ) Jan 19 18:54
_doug               |   ——-         ,—————-’ Jan 19 18:54
_doug               |  _____|         -’ Jan 19 18:55
_doug               \  ‘####, Jan 19 18:55
_doug                ——- Jan 19 18:55
_doug not much conversation going on here, why not bump anyone who doesn’t contribute ? Jan 19 18:55
benJIman As opposed to people who spam the channel with ascii art? Jan 19 18:56
schestowitz benJIman: you’re here for Novell, no? Jan 19 18:56
schestowitz I’m adding linkage in the Wiki right now.. Jan 19 18:56
_doug ___________________          _-_ Jan 19 18:56
_doug \==============_=_/ ____.—’—`—.____ Jan 19 18:56
_doug              \_ \    \—-._________.—-/ Jan 19 18:56
_doug                \ \   /  /    `-_-’ Jan 19 18:56
_doug            __,–`.`-’..’-_ Jan 19 18:56
_doug                `–.____,-’ Jan 19 18:56
benJIman Yes, they pay me to watch this channel. Jan 19 18:56
schestowitz You get compensated in other ways Jan 19 18:57
_doug hi benJIman, I sooo missed you ? Jan 19 18:57
_doug at least I gave free entertainment :) Jan 19 18:57
schestowitz http://twitter.com/glynmoody/statuses/1130536566 “Netcraft January 2009 Web Server Survey: Apache up 1%, Microsoft down 0.9%; even wider gap for active sites “ Jan 19 18:57
schestowitz Not enough host ‘incentives’……….\? Jan 19 18:57
_doug ,dP””8a “888888b,  d8b    “888b  ,888″ Jan 19 18:58
_doug 88b   ”  888  d88 dPY8b    88Y8b,8888 Jan 19 18:58
_doug `”Y8888a 888ad8P’dPaaY8b   88 Y88P888 Jan 19 18:58
_doug a    Y88 888    dP    Y8b  88  YP 888 Jan 19 18:58
_doug `”8ad8P’a888a  a88a;*a888aa88a   a888a Jan 19 18:58
MinceR spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam spam Jan 19 18:58
*MinceR sings the Spam Song Jan 19 18:58
schestowitz They give a bad name for the dietary product those crackers.. Jan 19 18:58
_doug       .–..–..–..–..–..–. Jan 19 18:58
_doug     .’ \  (`._   (_)     _   \ Jan 19 18:58
_doug   .’    |  ‘._)         (_)  | Jan 19 18:58
_doug   \ _.’)\      .—-..—.   / Jan 19 18:58
_doug   |(_.’  |    /    .-\-.  \  | Jan 19 18:58
_doug   \     0|    |   ( O| O) | o| Jan 19 18:58
_doug    |  _  |  .–.____.’._.-.  | Jan 19 18:58
_doug    \ (_) | o         -` .-`  | Jan 19 18:58
_doug     |    \   |`-._ _ _ _ _\ / Jan 19 18:58
_doug     \    |   |  `. |_||_|   | Jan 19 18:59
schestowitz Maybe the companies behind real spam will sue the press Jan 19 18:59
_doug     | o  |    \_      \     |     -.   .-. Jan 19 18:59
_doug     |.-.  \     `–..-’   O |     `.`-’ .’ Jan 19 18:59
_doug   _.’  .’ |     `-.-’      /-.__   ‘ .-’ Jan 19 18:59
schestowitz Like the “netbook” suit Jan 19 18:59
_doug .’ `-.` ‘.|=’=.=’=.=’=.=’=|._/_ `-’.’ Jan 19 18:59
_doug `-._  `.  |________/\_____|    `-.’ Jan 19 18:59
schestowitz _doug: enough Jan 19 18:59
_doug    .’   ).| ‘=’ ‘=’\/ ‘=’ | Jan 19 18:59
_doug    `._.`  ‘—————’ Jan 19 18:59
_doug              ||       || Jan 19 18:59
_doug              ||_.-.   ||_.-. Jan 19 18:59
_doug             (_.–__) (_.–__) Jan 19 18:59
*_doug has quit (Remote closed the connection) Jan 19 18:59
benJIman Nought point nine percent? Stop the presses! Jan 19 19:00
tessier_ At least he’s obedient. Like my dog. Jan 19 19:00
jose schestowitz, when you spoke about having a raw copy, were you talking to me? Did you ask because you think re-printing from LT might be a problem? Jan 19 19:02
schestowitz Yes Jan 19 19:02
schestowitz No Jan 19 19:02
schestowitz Oops.. I mean yes to the former, no to the matter Jan 19 19:02
jose ok Jan 19 19:03
schestowitz Of course copy and paste from page or source is possible, but maybe you use an editor to do that (I use Kate) Jan 19 19:03
jose ok, so if i don’t get back to you on this in a couple of weeks, feel free to edit as you which and post if you wish. Jan 19 19:03
schestowitz Thanks! Jan 19 19:04
jose i’ll send you an email with the text if you want it, though copying from lt (firefox to kate) should work i would think Jan 19 19:04
schestowitz I’ve just done Slated’s. Jan 19 19:04
jose s/which/wish Jan 19 19:04
schestowitz A little strong in terms of language: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/19/european… Jan 19 19:04
schestowitz Miguel won’t like it either (he reads us) Jan 19 19:05
MinceR benJIman: i know it hurts you, but apache still has greater market share than iis :> Jan 19 19:05
schestowitz Obama quits’………………… ……………………………  spam recruits zombie drones < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/19/oba… > Jan 19 19:06
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