In the European Patent Office, Battistelli Implements Changes That Clearly Defy the Rule of Law
De facto martial law under King Battistelli (like Erdoğan in Turkey)
Summary: The EPO has quickly descended into a police state, but the supervisors of Battistelli (national delegates) have thwarted or at least postponed his incredible pursuit of imposition by the highest-ranking governor (himself) on everyone, effectively removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the EPO (Organisation), under the pretense that this is necessary for the Office to function effectively (e.g., to maintain order and security, or to provide core services)
SOMEONE recently leaked to us an opinion on the Investigation and Disciplinary Guidelines [PDF, 17MB]
(or disciplinary and investigation guidelines) proposed for Battistelli’s chinchillas (the Administrative Council, or AC for short) to pass to him on a silver platter, probably for continued persecution of perceived ‘enemies’ and union-busting activities. We saw some portions of discussions about it, in particular after this failed to pass (the chinchillas found some backbone for a change). “A Game Changer” is what one person called it (alluding to the UK delegation which expressed its feeling that this could be a “game changer”), but it wasn’t long before Battistelli resumed union-busting activities, in defiance of the chinchillas’ opposition (he doesn’t care what they say, he just does whatever he wants anyway). “It seems that as the result of a coordinated effort by the AC delegates, both the Investigation and Disciplinary guidelines proposed by the EPO have been removed from the AC agenda,” said one person. There’s some background to all this, namely “the somewhat unfruitful discussion in the Board 28,” which is definitely aware of the crisis at the EPO*.
“Curiously, based on what we learned, Battistelli grossly violated/ignored what was decided on because “in clear terms delegates insisted that no decision should be taken on presently running disciplinary procedures until the new procedure is put in place!””As a result of this rejection (Battistelli not getting what he demanded), the opinion will be taken into account and the proposals revised for next month’s meeting. There seems to be growing interest in improving protections for staff representatives and union leaders. Has the coin finally dropped? Is the AC realising that Battistelli is totally out of control?
Curiously, based on what we learned, Battistelli grossly violated/ignored what was decided on because “in clear terms delegates insisted that no decision should be taken on presently running disciplinary procedures until the new procedure is put in place!”
Well, Battistelli fired a staff representative regardless. What a mockery to the AC. The tyrant is so insecure that he doesn’t care what the rules say. Delegates from Switzerland, France, Britain and the Netherlands in particular got snubbed by Battistelli. Isn’t it time for them to fire him already?
“Delegates from Switzerland, France, Britain and the Netherlands in particular got snubbed by Battistelli.”As staff representatives explicitly put it, “there is no specific safeguard for Staff representatives or Union officials in disciplinary procedures, especially when the complaints are filed directly by the President or a high official [like Bergot] acting under his authority.”
In relation to the person whom Battistelli brutally fired this month, representatives wrote at the time that he had been “downgraded in Jan 2016 (against the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee). In fact, the Office has launched investigation and disciplinary procedures against several other Staff representatives as well, affecting negatively their health.”
EPO workers are also citizens of European nations. Their human rights cannot simply be disregarded when they visit Eponia**. █
* The summary results of the 75th Board 28 meeting said that “The new proposals were welcomed, but nevertheless no common understanding could be reached on the right to remain silent and on other issues. The President had strong reservations on this issue, insisting on the necessity to ensure an efficient procedure to fight fraud and harassment, and reserved the possibility to withdraw the package from the agenda.”
** Incidentally, later today Julian Assange will have his rights revisited and his lawyers currently (overnight) spread around this image (copied below).