Posted in News Roundup at 5:23 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Monday, October 13 was a busy day in Linux news. One of the more interesting tidbits comes from Neil Rickert who said, “Microsoft is being sneaky” in trying to covertly upgrade his Windows installs to version 10. Another from Red Hat’s Eike Rathke remembered OpenOffice.org fifteenth birthday. Elsewhere, Red Hat’s Nathan Jones addressed the state of government cloud and Marco Fioretti shared some thoughts on the “Citizen Cloud.”
I purchased my main desktop for use with linux. But it came with Windows 8 as a discount deal from Dell. So I kept the Windows 8, and added a second hard drive for linux. I did update to Windows 8.1. I kept Windows for experimenting with dual boot on a UEFI system.
My normal usage on this computer is to boot opensuse. But twice a week I boot to windows and update the anti-virus (Windows Defender). Once a month, I also do Windows updates. Then I boot straight back to linux.
Among the diverse things I found to read about was a relatively new but fast-growing computer operating system called Linux. It sounded fascinating: invented by a college student, developed by volunteers, used mainly by experts but available to amateurs; it appeared to defy not only the conventional business model, but the very concept of commercial software.
The short answer is I use Linux for the freedom that Free/Open Source Software provides. I use Linux and FOSS on principle—the principle that software should belong to those who contribute to its development and, ultimately, it should belong to all who wish to use it and make it better. Looking back, we’ve come a long way in the nine years I’ve been using Linux, to a point where now anyone can use it.
Welcome to our feature highlighting the numerous Colorado tech companies that make cool stuff. These little snippets are intended for readers to explore the technology being made right here. One company at a time, of course.
Recently, Linus Torvalds, Linux’s inventor, spoke at LinuxCon Europe in Dublin and said, “I’m happy to see that ARM is making progress. One of these days, I will actually have a machine with ARM. They said it would be this year, but maybe it’ll be next year. 2016 will be the year of the ARM laptop.”
HP has announced the launch of the OpenSwitch community and a new open source network operating system (NOS). HP and key supporters, Accton Technology Corporation, Arista, Broadcom, Intel, and VMWare, are delivering a community-based platform that provides developers and users the ability to accelerate innovation, avoid vendor lock-in and realize investment protection as they rapidly build data center networks customized for unique business applications.
Kernel Space
Over time, memory can become more and more fragmented on a system, making it difficult to find contiguous blocks of RAM to satisfy ongoing allocation requests. At certain times the running system may compact regions of memory together to free up larger blocks, but Vlastimil Babka recently pointed out that this wasn’t done regularly enough to avoid latency problems for code that made larger memory requests.
Just a few moments ago, Ben Hutchings, the maintainer of the long-term supported Linux 3.2 kernel series, has had the pleasure of informing Linux users about the immediate availability for download of Linux kernel 3.2.72 LTS.
The ONOS community hopes to expedite the advantages service providers can get from software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) by collaborating with the Linux Foundation in a strategic partnership.
The partnership will help ON.Lab/ONOS “transform service providers’ infrastructure for increased monetization by achieving high capex and opex efficiencies and creating new innovative services using the power of open source SDN and NFV,” according to a press release. The Linux Foundation will assist ONOS to “organize, grow and harness the power” of a global community to take ONOS and the solutions enabled by it to the next level of production and readiness.
ONOS, a carrier-grade open source software-defined networking (SDN) operating system, received a big endorsement this week from the Linux Foundation. Starting today, the two organizations will partner to develop open source SDN and NFV software.
Officials with the year-old project are looking to the Linux Foundation for help in growing the community around its open-source offerings.
Organizations have started to bypass the Linux kernel as they seek to push the limits of high-performance networking to cope with the increasing demands of the cloud and streaming high-resolution 4K video. The BBC and CloudFlare have both recently shown how they do this.
The AllSeen Alliance, a cross-industry collaboration to advance the Internet of Everything through an open source software project, today announced 13 new members, many from the Asia-Pacific region, have joined the Alliance.
Graphics Stack
Alexandre Courbot, a developer at NVIDIA who has been working on the Tegra open-source graphics support a lot for Nouveau, presented last week at LinuxCon Europe 2015.
Thanks to the work by Courbot and others at NVIDIA, the Tegra K1 with its Kepler GPU has mainline Nouveau graphics support while the open-source graphics enablement for the Tegra X1 with Maxwell GPU continues to be upstreamed.
Wayland has been ported to DragonFlyBSD along with its Weston compositor!
In the past we’ve seen some minor experiments by BSD developers with Wayland/Weston, but for the most part all of the BSDs are still focused on X.Org Server support — need I remind Phoronix readers that DRM/KMS support is in varying stages across the BSD distributions too as one of the support stepping stones. Just a few days ago I ran into the DragonFly Radeon kernel module failing to properly mode-set with a several year old (pre-GCN) graphics card while meanwhile FreeBSD’s Radeon KMS port worked. It’s still rather a mine field when it comes to open-source graphics acceleration and support on the BSDs while slowly but surely their catching up with the kernel code.
After CPU architect Jim Keller left AMD recently, Phil Rogers has now also left and joined up with Nvidia. According to the article on fudzilla his defection to Nvidia was kept under wraps, I wonder why.
Last month I wrote about an experimental Nouveau code branch that offered better GDDR5 Kepler re-clocking support. For some, this branch allows Nouveau users to finally fully re-clock their GeForce GTX 600/700 series graphics cards. Those patches are now being offered up for mainline Nouveau.
His patch-set is now up to the fourth revision as of yesterday. Perhaps for Linux 4.4 we’ll finally see this support cleaned up and ready for the mainline kernel.
Recently there were a number of requests about testing the latest state of Liquorix, the self-prcolaimed “better distro kernel” that is an optimized version of the Linux kernel with extra patches that makes it optimal for desktop, multimedia, and gaming workloads. Here’s some fresh Liquorix vs. mainline Linux kernel performance benchmarks.
We got pretty good feedback on Gnocchi so far, even if we only had little. Recently, in order to have a better feeling of where we were at, we wanted to know how fast (or slow) Gnocchi was.
The early benchmarks that some of the Mirantis engineers ran last year showed pretty good signs. But a year later, it was time to get real numbers and have a good understanding of Gnocchi capacity.
Although the numbers behind the name do not reflect it, the currently-named “SpeechLess” front end for MaryTTS is now being released as beta software. I was able to assemble a three man team to create a GUI and to my way of thinking, it has come along nicely. Although the demo is web-based, these guys have been able to construct it so the entire thing is local. That means little to no latency between hitting enter and having the text replicated to speech.
I’ve talked at length about how TTS in the Linuxsphere is less than user friendly at about every turn. Our goal is to create a front end that makes MaryTTS easy to use for everyone. We’re getting there.
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If you have ever done some statistics, it is possible that you have encountered the language R. If you have not, I really recommend this open source programming language which is tailored for statistics and data mining. Coming from a coding background, you might be thrown off a bit by the syntax, but hopefully you will get seduced by the speed of its vector operations. In short, try it. And to do so, what better way to start with an IDE? R being a cross platform language, there are a bunch of good IDEs which make data analysis in R far more pleasurable. If you are very attached to a particular editor, there are also some very good plugins to turn that editor into a fully-fledged R IDE.
FFmpeg, a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video, has received its first update for the 2.8 branch and is now ready for download.
CherryTree is a text editor, with the features of a modern editor, such as syntax highlighting, spell check, export to html, password protection, and many others.
As you may know, PhotoFlow is an open-source, non-destructive photo editing software for adjusting photos from RAW images to high-quality printing.
As you may know, Blender is a powerful suite for animation, modeling, interactive creation, post-production with support for a lot of file formats.
Today, October 13, Google had the great pleasure of promoting its Google Chrome 46 web browser to the stable channel for all supported operating systems, including GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Apple’s Mac OS X.
Campo Santo’s debut game Firewatch will release on PS4, PC, and Linux on February 9.
“We’re aiming for a world-wide release (as world-wide as our small studio can pull off) and will have more information in the lead-up to the date,” said Campo Santo’s Sean Vanaman, “and, if you’re in San Francisco, another opportunity for you to get your hands on the game (running on PS4 hardware!).”
The Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut, a remake of the original game released back in September 2014, has been released today on all the supported platforms, including Linux.
The Wasteland 2 Director’s Cut was released today in the Americas and will be out worldwide later this week. This Director’s Cut edition is a free upgrade for current Wasteland 2 owners and upgrades the game engine to Unity 5.
Firewatch has me excited, as it seems to offer an interesting story and some quite striking visuals. Anyone else excited? Not many games outright stun me like this game, I imagine I will stream a good bit of it at release.
The description of Shutshimi was too hilarious to pass up, so I decided to take a look at this recent Linux game release.
Murder Miners is a highly rated indie first-person shooter, and it has been confirmed by the developers and porter that it’s coming to Linux.
Skullgirls developer Lab Zero Games has released the Linux prototype for Indivisible and are still seeking funds on IndieGoGo for their planned side-scrolling action RPG.
Turbocharged will act as the initial testing stage for GMC, with the developers planning updates and additional features for the in-game purchase platform based on community feedback. There are also plans to implement GMC in two other games, EON: The Omega Event and Ring 13: The Curse of Nakamoto. All three will soon be available on Linux and other operating systems.
Guild Software announced a new update of their popular and cross-platform Vendetta Online 3D space combat massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for all supported platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS.
The Journey Down, the superb point and click adventure title developed by SkyGoblin, is coming to an end. The third part in the series is now on Kickstarter, and it needs your help to happen.
Desktop Environments/WMs
What’s the best thing about Linux? Security, stability, performance or freedom? It does a cracking job in all of those areas, but another feature we’d highlight is its modularity. As an operating system deeply influenced by Unix, GNU/Linux is designed to be easy to pull apart – and, all being well, easy to put back together again. Major parts of the system are built up from smaller components that can be omitted or replaced, which is one of the reasons why we have so many different Linux distributions.
Sure, this modularity adds complexity at times. But it also adds reliability, as components are designed to work independently, and if one crashes or suffers from some kind of bug, the other parts will (ideally) keep chugging along. So you can replace Bash with another shell, or switch to an alternative SSL library, or even replace your entire init system – as we’ve seen with the migration of major distros to Systemd.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
I’m happy to announce the availability of KDevelop 4.7.2. This is a bug fix release increasing the stability of our KDE 4 based branch. Please update to this version if you are currently using 4.7.1 or older.
The KDE Community has just announced that KDE Applications 15.08.2 has been released and is now available for download and testing.
On October 12, KDevelop developer Milian Wolff has had the great pleasure of announcing the immediate availability for download of the KDevelop 4.7.2 open-source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for KDE developers.
The eighth bug-fix release of Krita 2.9! We’re still fixing bugs and adding improvements, but a lot of work has gone into the kickstarter goals and the Krita 3.0 porting work, too. Ubuntu Linux users can use the ” krita-lod-unstable” packages from the Krita Lime repository to test-drive the first version of the animation support and the “LOD” performance improvements. Check the LOD option in the View menu, and many brushes and other features will be perform much better on large images!
Last week I attended QtWorldSummit in Berlin to help represent KDE manning the booth and chairing some sessions. I want to thank KDE e.V. for the support to go to this great event. It is awesome to see such a huge and vibrant Qt community and to see KDE as an important part. So many talks and also keynotes have speakers with a KDE background.
The GNOME developers are working hard these days to push the first point release of the GNOME 3.18 desktop environment to users of Linux kernel-based operating systems.
Some of the GNOME developers are gathered together these days at the Boston GNOME Summit 2015 hackfest event that takes place between October 10-12 at the MIT building E51, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
While some of the GNOME developers have gathered together at the Boston GNOME Summit 2015 hackfest to add new features to some of GNOME’s core components and apps, other GNOME devs are working hard on their own to add more cool features to the acclaimed desktop environment.
While the developers of the GNOME desktop environment are working hard these days to push the first point release of GNOME 3.18 to users worldwide, package maintainers have also prepared various updates to the project’s core components and applications.
New Releases
After releasing the Pinguy Builder tool, a Remastersys alternative for remixing Ubuntu, to the open source community, the developers behind the Pinguy OS project posted some details regarding the future of the GNU/Linux distribution.
Another update of Q4OS ‘Orion’ desktop is available, version 1.4.3. Bunch of important packages updates and security patches has been delivered. There are quite significant under the hood improvements, for example the ‘Desktop Profiler’ tool to be able to handle and fix possible software database inconsistencies automatically. Proprietary multimedia codecs installation script has been superseded by native Q4OS ‘Setup’ tool, that enables smooth and user friendly installation of external applications.
Zbigniew Konojacki, the lead developer and creator of the 4MLinux project, has had the great pleasure of informing Softpedia earlier today, October 11, 2015, about the immediate availability for download of his new BakAndImgCD 14.0 distrolette.
Arch Family
The Manjaro Community is proud to announce the release of our JWM Edition 15.09-1 (Bellatrix).
JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) is a lightweight stacking window manager for the X Window System written by Joe Wingbermuehle. JWM is written in C and uses only Xlib at a minimum. Configuration is by editing an XML file – no graphical configuration is supplied.
Arch Linux has much to offer savvy Linux users, but it’s not for the faint of heart or those who want a distro that simply works with no input from the user. A Linux redditor recently shared his frustrations with Arch Linux and got some helpful feedback from his fellow redditors.
Besides Oracle Linux, OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server were among the first tier-one Linux distributions really backing the Btrfs file-system. SUSE has liked Btrfs for years and at last week’s LinuxCon Europe 2015 in Dublin there was a presentation on their use of Btrfs with handling system rollbacks.
Slackware Family
It’s october, the leaves are falling, we had our first frost this week… and here is yet another KDE 5 release for Slackware to keep you warm and cozy. I am happy with my KDE 5_15.10 update. Again I waited until every KDE source was refreshed: this set contains Frameworks 5.15.0, Plasma 5.4.2 and Applications 15.08.2.
Red Hat Family
The federal government is projected to spend $7.7 billion on private cloud solutions by 2017, a nearly $6 billion increase from the projected $1.7 billion spent in 2014.
This panel will discuss government’s challenges and concerns when planning a cloud deployment from security, software development, managing virtualization, and load balancing. The latest trends in implementing cloud solutions including the use of open source will also be addressed.
I am pleased to announce general availability of the September 2015 snapshot for CentOS Linux. This release includes CentOS Linux 7 iso
based install media, Generic Cloud images, Atomic Host, Docker containers, Vagrant images, vendor hosted cloud images and live media.
CentOS Linux rolling builds are point in time snapshot media rebuild from original release time, to include all updates pushed to mirror.centos.org’s repositories. This includes all security, bugfix, enhancement and general updates for CentOS Linux. Machines installed from this media will have all these updates pre-included and will look no different when compared with machines installed with older media that have been yum updated to the same point in time. All rpm/yum repos remain on mirror.centos.org with no changes in either layout or content.
Karanbir Singh, the lead developer and maintainer of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux-derived CentOS distribution has just announced that new ISO images are available for download for the CentOS 7 rolling-release edition.
Azul Systems (Azul), the award-winning leader in Java runtime solutions, today announced that Zing®, Azul’s Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used by enterprises worldwide which require low latency and high performance for their Java applications, is now available as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Azul’s collaboration with Red Hat through the Red Hat ISV ecosystem delivers enterprise-ready commercial software applications backed by the reliability and support of the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform.
Java runtime solutions provider Azul Systems has made its flagship Zing JVM available as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the company announced. The new 64-bit Java AMIs are available from the AWS Marketplace.
Norway’s Central Securities Depository moves to OpenShift Enterprise to accelerate development and improve operational efficiency within business-critical infrastructure
The price to earnings ratio, or the valuation ratio of a company’s current share price compared to its per-share earnings sits at 72.98. This is an important indicator as a higher ratio typically suggests that investors are expecting higher future earnings growth compared to companies in the same industry with lower price to earnings ratios. When calculating in the EPS estimates for the current year from sell-side analysts, the Price to current year EPS stands at 40.84. Investors looking further ahead, will note that the Price to next year’s EPS is 34.69.
Middle managers have not fared well. Their ranks have been decimated in many organizations, and those that have survived are often perceived as powerless or, worse, as bureaucratic sticks-in-the-mud. This is not fair and it’s flat-out wrong.
Take what’s happening with Zappos at the moment. Much has been written about their adoption of a self-management system—holacracy—with no job titles and zero managers. That move earlier this month saw 14% of their workforce choose to leave the retailer. While I applaud their effort to break down unnecessary walls, getting rid of managers is not the answer.
According to the official release schedule for the forthcoming Fedora 23 Linux operating system, the day of October 13, 2015, marked the Final Freeze milestone in the distribution’s development cycle.
Debian Family
The Debian-based Parsix GNU/Linux computer operating system is becoming more and more popular with each day that passes, as its development cycle accelerated in the last year.
Ubuntu developers are talking about the future of Firefox in Ubuntu, which is creating a disturbance with its NPAPI support that will be deprecated in a little over a year.
The Ubuntu Internet browser is a little-known application that’s been getting a lot of updates lately. It’s developed internally by Canonical, and it seems to get better with each new edition.
We’ve talked a lot about the upcoming Ubuntu-powered drone with legs, called Erle-Spider, from the Erle Robotics team, who just demoed the device live earlier today, October 13, on Canonical’s UbuntuOnAir YouTube channel (see the video below).
We have some hot news from the Ubuntu land, as Canonical’s Michael Hall has just teased us with a photo from his Nexus 4 smartphone running the latest development version of the Ubuntu Touch mobile operating system.
We have just been informed by Łukasz Zemczak from Canonical about the latest work done by the Ubuntu Touch developers in preparation for the upcoming OTA-7 software update.
With an Ubuntu Long Term Support release coming up in just a half-year, the discussion has been re-ignited again about whether Firefox should remain the default web-browser for the platform.
Firefox continues to be the default browser — including for Ubuntu 15.10 — but Bryan Quigley has restarted the discussion given that an LTS cycle is about to start. Complicating things this time around is Mozilla’s plans at the end of 2016 to drop NPAPI plug-in support and then a few months later to stop maintaining the Flash NPAPI plug-in, which would mean breakage for LTS users or unmaintained support.
While Ubuntu 15.10 has Mesa 11.0 and it provides OpenGL 4 support for the Nouveau driver, it doesn’t for RadeonSI. The issue is that in Ubuntu 15.10 is still an older version of LLVM that in the AMDGPU LLVM back-end lacks the needed support for OpenGL 4.0/4.1 compliance. Fortunately, a PPA has been updated for Ubuntu Wily with said support.
Canonical’s Michael Vogt has informed us all about the release and immediate availability for download of the seventh update for the stable Snappy Ubuntu Core 15.04 operating system for IoT devices.
The Ubuntu Internet browser is a little-known application that’s been getting a lot of updates lately. It’s developed internally by Canonical, and it seems to get better with each new edition.
Its nice to see Ubuntu reverting to the Gnome scroll bars, the ones in Unity were a little on the strange side to say the least.
Its more of a wise move then anything else, Canonical replaced what they felt was broken. But when the upstream developers create their own fix which is as good as the one mentioned here, it makes sense to use the upstream code as its something less for Canonical to maintain.
Hi all,
we are excited to announce a new Snappy Ubuntu Core stable release
(image 7 at 15.04/stable)!
Highlights of this release include:
- fix uefi boot
- support for secure boot
- version sort speedup
- add “current” symlink for the data dirs
- hw-assign fixes
On October 13, Canonical’s Łukasz Zemczak sent his daily report to inform Ubuntu Touch developers and Ubuntu Phone users alike about the latest work done in preparation for the forthcoming OTA-7 software update.
It was via Ubuntu Forums that the name Full Circle was first suggested. It was also at this time that I made myself an unwritten rule: The magazine must be entirely produced using free and/or open source software. To me, it would be hypocritical to produce an Ubuntu magazine using anything other than FOSS. I settled on GIMP, LibreOffice, and Scribus.
The Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is knocking at our door and it will be here next week, but there are still some annoying problems related to the Trash that don’t seem to be acknowledged as important.
Canonical is making a push to get the ball rolling with Snappy packages, but for that it needs for developers to be able to quickly package their apps with this new format. Enter Snapcraft, which has been updated now to version 0.3.
Flavours and Variants
The traditional Samhein (Halloween) wallpapers are here! This time we celebrate the Wily Werewolf cycle and, of course, a Celtic themed one. Happy creepy season!
The developers of the well-known BusyBox software, a collection of command-line tools for system administration tasks used under GNU/Linux operating systems, have announced the release of BusyBox 1.24.0.
The immensely popular Doctor Who science-fiction TV series has a lot of beloved characters and one of them is the K-9, which has been present on and off on the show for the past 30 years. An IBM engineer built an amazing functional replica of the K9 robot, and it’s powered by a Raspberry Pi.
The project amounts to 1,000 lines of code, using software such as OpenWrt, and their paper explores how the IP stack and other networking protocols can be implemented on Linux-based VLC devices.
Today’s Geeky Gadgets Deal is the VoCore Mini Linux Computer with 13% off, the device normally retails for $45 and we have it available in the Geeky Gadgets Deal store for $39.
The VoCore Mini Linux Computer comes with a Ralinek/Meditake 360 MHz RT5350 MIPS processor, 32MB of RAM and 8MB of Flash, the bundle includes the computer and the dock.
Browsing though the junk store one day [Alec] spotted an old school 8mm film editor. For those who weren’t around, video used to be shot on film and editing it was a mechanical task of cutting (with a sharp implement) and pasting (with special tape) back together. It’s sad to see these in junk stores, but great for [Alec] who thought it begged to have an LCD and a single board computer implanted in it. Once the editor was in hand, the machine was gutted of its very simple parts: a lamp, some mirrors and a couple of lenses. He took measurements of the hollowed out enclosure and got down to business.
Arbor and Advantech unveiled Linux-ready Mini-ITX boards using Intel’s 6th Gen Skylake CPUs, with options ranging from a 25W Xeon to a 65W Core i7-6700.
Arne Exton, the creator of several free and commercial GNU/Linux and Android-x86 distributions, has informed us earlier today, October 11, about a new update for his AndEX Live CD.
Developers and tech-savvy mobile enthusiasts can get Android 6.0 on their Xperia phones and tablets thanks to Sony’s efforts.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge users on AT&T are now receiving the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop OTA update. At the end of the previous month, AT&T had released the Android 5.1.1 update for its Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge users.
T-Mobile may have announced several Samsung Galaxy smartphones, among its devices updating to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. But a recent leak from tech blog SamMobile gives further details on which devices from the Korean manufacturer will receive the new Google software.
The unveiling is said to be on November, in time for the holidays — when smartphone sales peak.
To be launched first in China, the phone is priced at $630, higher than most phones but a little cheaper than the Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6s.
But this kind of high-powered mobile computing won’t work on just any old Google handset. Here are the five best Android phones available today, all of which are either rumored or confirmed to get Marshmallow.
If you’re looking for a smartwatch that delivers a “next-generation” experience, the 2nd generation Moto 360 isn’t it. In fact, none of the Android Wear watches really move the platform forward in a significant way—perhaps because Google is largely in the driver’s seat for software development.
But if you want a smartwatch that delivers a great experience for everything Android Wear can do, this is the one. Numerous hardware refinements and a year of software development have made the new Moto 360 everything the first one should have been.
Motorola kicked off the age of Android Wear when it announced the original 360 more than six months before it was finally released. It was a beautiful piece of hardware, but was saddled with an ancient TI OMAP ARM chip and recessed lugs that led to cracked back panels. The second generation device addresses many of the shortcomings of that wearable, but some of them are still staring you in the face. Still, it might be the watch you’ve been waiting for.
One of the big benefits of strapping an Android Wear watch to your wrist is customizing your timepiece to suit your personality, current mood or sartorial taste. As Google’s wearable platform has grown, we’ve seen more and more Android Wear watch faces show up on Google Play—here are some of our favorites.
With smartphones getting larger and more powerful, there’s a growing perception that tablets are a dying product category. A good phablet today has nearly all the advantages of a tablet, and is more likely to be conveniently accessible. Despite this, Asus continues to push the technology, and the ZenPad 8.0 (Z380KL) shows that the Taiwanese company isn’t ready to give up on tablets just yet. It’s a decent device with enough muscle and style to satisfy mid-range users. Even those who use tablets as their primary smartphones will be happy.
Magellan’s new eXplorist TRX7 harnesses the power of the Android platform to deliver a navigation experience unbounded by roads and unaffected by mild to moderate “oops” events.
This Android-based GPS unit is built rugged for off-road vehicles. Its 7-inch, touch-sensitive LCD display is weatherproof. It’s dust proof and it can be submerged in water as far down as a meter, just over three feet.
Tablets! Everyone wants one, but a lot of us don’t want the same old slab. We’re in a great era where you can get a decent tablet without breaking the bank, but you usually have to make some sacrifices. Today we’re looking at the Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 8″. As the name implies, it’s the third generation of Lenovo’s Yoga Android family. I looked at the original Yoga Tab back in 2013, but that’s forever and a day ago in tech time. What’s the latest version like?
For a long time, Apple’s iPhone was referred to as the standard in mobile photography but over the past 12-18 months, we’ve seen Apple’s rivals narrow the gap and – if DxOMark’s rankings are to be believed – surpass the best that Cupertino has to offer. It’s been nearly two months since the iPhone 6S was released onto the market promising the greatest in camera quality but according to DxOMark, Apple doesn’t quite hit the mark.
Some LastPass users were clearly not pleased to find out last week that the password management app had been acquired by LogMeIn. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to choose from.
Sure, there are premium options like Dashlane, Keeper, Passpack, 1Password, and RoboForm, but there are also free password management systems that anyone can inspect and even contribute to. No matter what you use, the idea is to be more secure than you would be if you were to just use “password” as the password for every app you sign up for.
Having just passed its thirtieth birthday, the Free Software Foundation has plenty to celebrate. Having begun as a fringe movement, free and open source software has become the backbone of the Internet, transforming business as a side-effect. Yet for all is accomplishments, the one thing it has not done is capture the popular imagination. As a result, I find myself wondering how free and open source software might present itself in the next thirty years to overcome this problem.
I’m pleased to announce the release of Xen Project Hypervisor 4.6. This release focused on improving code quality, security hardening, enablement of security appliances, and release cycle predictability — this is the most punctual release we have ever had. We had a significant amount of contributions from cloud providers, software vendors, hardware vendors, academic researchers and individuals to help with this release. We continue to strive to make Xen Project Hypervisor the most secure open source hypervisor to match the security challenges in cloud computing, and for embedded and IoT use-cases. We are also continuing to improve upon the performance and scalability for our users, and aim to continuously bring many new features to our users in a timely manor.
It’s not every day that your CEO gives you a telephone ring, so I definitely remember the day mine phoned me. He’d called to tell me about a puzzling voicemail he’d just received.
I was a consultant for a tech community website and the team was rolling out a major site renovation. Our goal was to modernize the look and functionality of the site and, equally importantly, better monetize it so it could survive and thrive in the long term.
Apparently, however, not everyone welcomed the changes we’d made. In fact, that’s why the CEO was calling me: an active and passionate member of the website’s community, someone irked by our alterations, had found his home phone number and called him directly to protest. And he wanted me to intervene.
After building up its Node.js expertise with its StrongLoop acquisition, IBM has added Node.js debugging capabilities to its Bluemix PaaS.
Earlier today, October 13, the Xen Project, through Liu Wei, had the great pleasure of informing the world about the immediate availability for download of the Xen 4.6 open-source Linux hypervisor software.
Once again, you may have noticed a certain dose of quietness on Dedoimedo in the last week. For a good reason, because I was away in Dublin, Ireland, attending LinuxCon and its co-located sister events. Presenting. On OpenStack. Yay.
So let me tell you a few more details on how it all went. Should be interesting, I guess, especially some of the camera footage. Anyhow, if you care for one-man’s retelling of the Three Days of the Condor, I mean Mordor, I mean Dublin, oh so witty I am, then please, keep on reading this lovely article. Right on.
I had (at least) three big reasons to be at the fOSSa 2015 conference, a couple of weeks ago. Two already covered elsewhere and one, “Citizen Cloud: Towards a more decentralized internet?”, that deserves its own separate post. Before getting to that, however, let me quickly remind the first two reasons: first, I and Wouter Tebbens had to present a great research project we of the Free Knowledge Institute are working on, that is Digital Do-It-Yourself (DiDIY). I described the social, cultural and economical characteristics of DiDIY, and Wouter its main legal issues, like Right To Repair. More about the “Digital DIY” side of fOSSa 2015 is here. We also wanted to check out what others are doing about Open Education, as you can read from Wouter here, and from me here. On to Citizen Clouds now.
Web Browsers
We are excited to announce that Katharina Borchert will be transitioning from our Board of Directors to join the Mozilla leadership team as our new Chief Innovation Officer starting in January.
Mozilla has released a new report — mzl.la/localcontent — co-authored with the GSMA. Titled “Approaches to local content creation: realising the smartphone opportunity,” our report explores how the right tools, coupled with digital literacy education, can empower mobile-first Web users as content creators and develop a sustainable, inclusive mobile Web.
Rust is a systems programming language that got its start in 2010 with Mozilla Research. Today, one of Rust’s most ardent developers and guardians is Steve Klabnik, who can you find traveling the globe touting it’s features and teaching people how to use it.
At All Things Open 2015, Steve will give attendees all they need to know about Rust, but we got an exclusive interview prior to his talk in case you can’t make it.
NoSQL benefits from open source in a number of ways. Open source projects often innovate faster than proprietary projects due largely to the openness of the community. Open source communities share and spread knowledge about the use of key technologies across companies and industries. This allows NoSQL developers to leverage the contributions from many outside developers.
Open source also allows for a more natural market adoption process. NoSQL technology can be adopted much more rapidly because it can be downloaded and tried for free for exploration or small usage.
15 years ago the original OpenOffice.org source code was published by Sun Microsystems, on Friday, October 13, 2000, a Full Moon day. The source code that changed the Free Software office suite world and laid the basis for LibreOffice.
The Document Foundation has revealed that the first Release Candidate for the LibreOffice 5.0.3 branch has been released and is now available for download.s
On October 12, The Document Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes and governs the open-source LibreOffice office suite loved by numerous Linux users around the globe, published details about next year’s LibreOffice Conference event.
One Italian city has decided to move its 1,700s PCs from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice.
Semi-Open Source//Openwashing
Now, Microsoft is working on a brand new open source platform, under an Apache license, that seeks to allow developers to easily build cloud computing services and mobile applications that can analyze big streams of data. It is called Prajna, and the code is now on GitHub.
Christine Abernathy, developer advocate for the Facebook open source team, will be speaking at All Things Open this month. In this interview, she tells us more about how Facebook open sources projects at scale and what challenges lie ahead for the open source team there.
Christine also references the TODO group, which in the past year has seen its members ship 1,000 open source projects. The TODO group is “an open group of companies who want to collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective open source projects and programs.” TODO stands for talk openly develop openly.
DataVisor, a startup company that is building big things around Apache Spark, has announced that it has secured $14.5 million in Series A funding, led by GSR and NEA, to purportedly help protect consumer-facing websites and mobile apps from cyber criminals. The young company’s founders spent years working on computer security at Microsoft Research, and are now focused on big data.
Samsung is just one of many companies that has grown increasingly fond of the LLVM compiler infrastructure and Clang C/C++ front-end. Clang is in fact the default compiler for native applications on their Tizen platform, but they have a whole list of reasons why they like this compiler.
While the LLVM community tends to be very respectful to one another and I’m having a hard time thinking of when things have ever gotten out of hand in their mailing list discussions, they are now pursuing a Community Code of Conduct.
On Friday, October 9th, 2015 the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) submitted a comment with the United States Federal Communications Commission, which has proposed a number of revisions to its rules and regulations concerning approval of wireless devices. Notice of Proposed Rule Making, ET Docket No. 15-170. SFLC takes the position that the Commission does not possess the legal authority to adopt a rule that regulates the software running in devices that does not affect the operation of RF transmitters or create interference. SFLC further argues that, even within the scope of the Commission’s regulatory jurisdiction, the Commission must tread carefully to avoid over-regulating radio frequency device software to the detriment of user innovation and after-market software modification. SFLC also urges the Commission to issue a policy statement (1) supporting the use of community developed or free software in networking devices; (2) recognizing the overwhelming social benefits generated from the high-quality software produced by non-profit communities; and (3) stating that preferring proprietary software over software whose source code is publicly available does not meaningfully enhance the security of software.
Today in Linux and Open Source news the Software Freedom Law Center filed a comment with the FCC arguing against overly-broad regulations that eliminate Open Source alternative on wireless devices. Elsewhere, My Linux Rig interviewed FOSSforce’s Larry Cafiero and Rafael Laguna released Halloween wallpapers for Lubuntu.
This is a major release upgrade following the Extended Support Release upstream cycle, moving from v31.x-ESR to v38.x-ESR. All the features in previous releases have been preserved, along with extra polish and improvements in privacy.
Working as a senior software engineer at Red Hat on the GNOME Project, I was very impressed by the talent of the project contributors, by how rewarding it is to work on free software, and by the feeling of connectedness one gets when collaborating with people all over the world. Yet, at GUADEC 2009, of approximately 170 attendees, I believe I was one of only eight women. Of the software developers working on the entire GNOME project at the time, I was one of only three.
16 new GNU releases in the last month (as of September 24, 2015):
The campaign began in 2009 with the intent of removing advertisements for proprietary PDF reader software from public institutions’ websites. To start it all off, volunteers submitted 2104 “bugs”, or instances of proprietary PDF software being directly promoted by public authorities, and the FSFE listed[2] them online. Since then, hundreds of Free Software activists took action by writing to the relevant public institutions and calling for changes to their websites. We received a lot of positive feedback from the institutions thanking us for our letters, and to date, 1125 out of the 2104 websites (53%) edited their websites by removing links to proprietary PDF readers, or adding links to Free Software PDF readers.
For those who like their I/O packetised, GLib now has a companion for its GIOStream class — the GDatagramBased interface, which we’ve implemented as part of R&D work at Collabora. This is designed to be implemented by any class which does datagram-based I/O. GSocket implements it, essentially as an interface to recvmmsg() and sendmmsg(). The upcoming DTLS support in glib-networking will use it.
Public Services/Government
Five experts plan to challenge some of our traditional assumptions about the role of the public sector at the ‘Public Sector Modernisation: Open(ing) Governments, Open(ing) minds’ session on Wednesday 21 October. The experts will elaborate on questions like ‘How can governments meet the expectations of 21st century citizens?’ and ‘How is the information revolution going to further transform our governments?’.
The Free Software Foundation and Software Freedom Conservancy have released a statement of principles on how GPL enforcement work can and should be done in a community-oriented fashion. The president of the Open Source Initiative, Allison Randal, participated as a co-author in the drafting of the principles, together with the leadership of FSF and Conservancy.
The Open Source Initiative’s mission centers on advocating for and supporting efforts to improve community best practices, in order to promote and protect open source (founded on the principles of free software). While the OSI’s work doesn’t include legal enforcement actions for the GPL or any of the family of licenses that conform to the Open Source Definition, we applaud these principles set forth by the FSF and Conservancy, clearly defining community best practices around GPL enforcement.
Google’s Cloud Datalab and Cloud Shell continue company’s efforts to help developers with apps running on Cloud Platform.
The developer community has been a key focus area for Google in its strategy to drive broader enterprise adoption of the company’s Cloud Platform service.
My college days were coming to an end with placements all around. I was sure to work in a startup. One fine day, I saw a job posting on hasjob on 12th December 2012 that boldly said “HackerEarth is buidling its initial team – Python/Django enthusiast needed”. The idea made me apply to HackerEarth and after a few rounds of email with Sachin and Vivek. I landed up in a remote intern position.
One of the many benefits of open source software is that it offers some protection from having programs disappear or stop working. If part of a platform changes in a non-compatible way, users are free to modify the program so that it continues to work in the new environment. At a level above the software, open standards protect the information itself. Everybody expects to be able to open a JPEG image they took with their digital camera 5 years ago. And, it is not unreasonable to expect to be able to open that same image decades from now. For example, an ASCII text file written 40 years ago can be easily viewed today.
The cuts come as reinstalled CEO Jack Dorsey looks to boost Twitter’s fortunes after nearly a decade of financial losses.
Twitter is laying off up to 336 staff, with Jack Dorsey swinging the axe at the social network just a week after being appointed permanent chief executive.
Ada Lovelace was born two centuries ago this year, and is widely recognized as a visionary who saw the potential of computational machines long before the development of the modern computer – a prescience often credited to her devotion to metaphor-heavy “poetical” science. Lovelace’s mother provided her daughter with a thorough mathematical education, both to dissuade her from following in the footsteps of her father – the famed poet Lord Byron – and to provide her with intellectual and emotional stability. At age seventeen, Lovelace witnessed a demonstration of Charles Babbage’s difference engine, and eventually worked with him as he devised the analytical engine, furnishing Babbage with her own original set of groundbreaking notes.
I’m not generally a privacy nut when it comes to my digital life. That’s not really a good thing, as I think privacy is important, but it often can be very inconvenient. For example, if you strolled into my home office, you’d find I don’t password-protect my screensaver. Again, it’s not because I want to invite snoops, but rather it’s just a pain to type in my password every time I come back from going to get a cup of tea. (Note: when I worked in a traditional office environment, I did lock my screen. I’m sure working from a home office is why I’m comfortable with lax security.)
Flight MH17 was confirmed shot down in eastern Ukraine by a Russian-made anti-aircraft missile on July 17, 2014, in a final report by the Dutch Safety Board, but the 15-month investigation did not say who fired it.
Jeremy Corbyn, a long-time leftist dissident, has won a stunning victory in the contest for leadership of Britain’s Labour Party. Political pundits say that this means doom for Labour’s electoral prospects; they could be right, although I’m not the only person wondering why commentators who completely failed to predict the Corbyn phenomenon have so much confidence in their analyses of what it means.
But I won’t try to get into that game. What I want to do instead is talk about one crucial piece of background to the Corbyn surge — the implosion of Labour’s moderates. On economic policy, in particular, the striking thing about the leadership contest was that every candidate other than Mr. Corbyn essentially supported the Conservative government’s austerity policies.
Worse, they all implicitly accepted the bogus justification for those policies, in effect pleading guilty to policy crimes that Labour did not, in fact, commit. If you want a U.S. analogy, it’s as if all the leading candidates for the Democratic nomination in 2004 had gone around declaring, “We were weak on national security, and 9/11 was our fault.” Would we have been surprised if Democratic primary voters had turned to a candidate who rejected that canard, whatever other views he or she held?
The UK Trade Union Bill is a brazen attempt to crush worker power and restrict democratic rights.
Larry Pratt, the leader of the firearm lobbyist group Gun Owners of America (GOA), suggested in a recent interview with FoxNews.com that Jews in Europe lacked “determination” to stop the Holocaust.
Although Pratt and GOA routinely promote such extreme views, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said at the September 16 GOP primary debate that he was “honored” to be endorsed by GOA. Pratt was once a contributing editor at an anti-Semitic publication.
As of this month, 567 relays from our 2014 Tor Challenge are still up and running—more than were established during the entire inaugural Tor Challenge back in 2011. To put that number in perspective, these nodes represent more than 8.5% of the roughly 6,500 public relays currently active on the entire Tor network, a system that supports more than 2-million directly connecting clients worldwide.
Civil Rights
The Government has cancelled a contract that would have seen the Ministry of Justice provide prison services to Saudi Arabia, Downing Street has said.
The £5.9m deal, which Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn recently called on David Cameron to scrap, was controversial because of the autocratic kingdom’s weak human rights record.
The commercial venture would have seen the trading arm of the National Offender Management Service, JSi, provide development programmes for the country’s prison service.
Survivors of CIA torture have sued the contractor psychologists who designed one of the most infamous programs of the post-9/11 era.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit on Tuesday morning on behalf of three former U.S. detainees against the psychologists responsible for conceiving and supervising the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation program that used systematic torture.
Do you remember when the President first said he wanted to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay?
“I would very much like to end Guantanamo,” he said in 2006. I’m talking, of course, about President George W. Bush.
At the time, I was a senior Defense Department counterterrorism official. My colleagues and I had been trying to transfer or release Guantanamo detainees since 2002, when we had discovered that an overwhelming majority had neither intelligence value nor value for prosecution. Most were not taken off the battlefield, as we had been told. Many were just victims of circumstance.
Of course, Bush’s successor, Barack Obama, campaigned on closing the prison — and on his second day in office signed an executive order pledging to shut it down within a year. More than seven years later, this prison is still open — 114 people still languish there, down substantially from its height of 775.
We asked the agencies for every document that mentioned or referred to Mohammed Raghead. More than a year later, the FBI responded by turning over 56 pages of heavily redacted documents; the NSA and CIA are still processing our request. The FBI said it found a grand total of 86 pages, but redacted and/or withheld information on national security and privacy grounds, because they are considered “deliberative,” and because disclosure of the withheld material could reveal law enforcement techniques and procedures. Some Mohammed Raghead–related records, according to the FBI, originated with other government agencies and were sent to them for review for a final decision on whether they could be released.
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Posted in News Roundup at 9:06 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

The real culprits are the irresponsible vendors behind cheap broadband routers and their clueless customers
The 2015 Indonesia Linux Conference (ILC) that is held in Tegal, Central Java starting from October 10 to 11 is set to exhibits variety of Linux application. One of interesting application is a mobile digital forensic application that have been used by the police to assist investigation by detecting criminals’ phone and sim cards.
“Ditigal forensic is aimed to investigate cell phone and Sim Cards, Said Dedy Hariyadi from Ubuntu Indonesia community on Friday, October 9.
In the same survey last year by ACSI, tablets scored 80 on a 100-point scale, just one point behind desktops at 81. This year, consumers rated tablets at at 75—alongside laptops, which also fell this year, the survey said. The survey criteria require that the respondent purchased a new personal computer in the last years.
I think there’s (at least) 5 states you might find yourself in as a sysadmin in these days:
Day to day things that aren’t (yet) automated.
Automating and designing for the future.
Fires and outages
Time to dream
Kernel Space
The 4.3 release cycle continues to be fairly smooth – knock wood.
There’s nothing particularly worrying here: we had some annoying
fallout from the new strscpy stuff (it’s not actually *used* anywhere
yet, but we had build failures on some architectures), and a vfs layer
change uncovered an ancient and fascinating ext[34] bug, but on the
whole things look pretty normal. It’s the usual “lots of small fixes
to drivers and architecture code, with some filesystem updates thrown
in for variety”. The appended shortlog gives an overview of the
Things also seem to be calming down nicely, although since there was
no network pull this week, we might have a bump from that next rc.
Anyway, if you haven’t tried a recent kernel lately, feel free to hop
right in – it all looks pretty good.
Back in September, The Register’s networking desk chatted to a company called Teclo about the limitations of TCP performance in the Linux stack.
That work, described here, included moving TCP/IP processing off to user-space to avoid the complex processing that the kernel has accumulated over the years.
The Beeb boffins started by getting out of the kernel and into userspace, which let them write what they call a “zero-copy kernel bypass interface, where the application and the network hardware device driver share a common set of memory buffers”.
Golden ages are normally brought to an end by a rebellion of giants, titans or plagues. Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation said that Linux will be killed off by giant, titanic plagues of security bugs.
Several high profile zero-day vulnerabilities in popular open source technologies last year served not only to show the importance of open source to the internet and IT world, but how how badly it projects were under-resourced.
With the latest Git code pushed into Coreboot this morning, the Apple MacBook Air 4,2 is now supported.
The internet runs on Linux, everybody knows this fact. The Linux Kernel is one of the most complex and popular open source projects. If you wish to learn the basics, there is tons of material available online. Still, the core of the Linux kernel is a subject difficult to understand.
Last week I delivered some Linux 4.3 Git kernel benchmarks on Intel Skylake comparing it to Linux 4.2 stable. However, for those not yet on Intel’s latest generation of processors, here are some Linux 4.2 vs. Linux 4.3 benchmarks with older hardware.
You’re probably wide-eyed and gnawing at your teeth already.
I was finally tempted into writing this from a Hacker News discussion on “Debian Dropping the Linux Standard Base,” where some interest was expressed in reading an architectural critique of systemd.
To the best of my knowledge, this article – though it ultimately ended up more of a paper in article format, is the first of its kind. This is startling. It’s been over 5 years of systemd, and countless instances of religious warfare have been perpetrated over it, but even as it has become the dominant system in its area, there really hasn’t been a solid technical critique of it which actually dissects its low-level architecture and draws remarks from it.
In fact, much more worthwhile has been written on the systemd debate than on systemd itself. Among these include Judec Nelson’s “systemd: The Biggest Fallacies” and my own later “Why pro-systemd and anti-systemd people will never get along”.
I am very wary of publishing this, due to being keenly aware of how these discussions descend into an inferno with the same dead horse talking points, even in cases where the author makes relatively salient or previously unexplored points. The tribal instinct to show where one stands kicks in and people begin slinging mud about init systems, even if it’s tangential to whatever they’re supposed to be commenting on.
You might say that those who are critical of the behavior on the list are not grateful for their work, and to make that assumption is a laughable mistake. It’s not the work under indictment, once again it’s the attitudes. The prevailing caustic attitude may change and it may not, but if the latter course is chosen, then the list continues in its cancerous way at its own peril.
Graphics Stack
I ran some quick tests of Ubuntu 15.04 vs. 15.10 out-of-the-box to show the performance difference between the Linux 3.19 + Mesa 10.5 stack against the upcoming Linux 4.2 + Mesa 11.0 powered distribution. An Intel Core i7 4790K processor with HD Graphics 4600 was used for this weekend’s tests.
The first public beta in NVIDIA’s 358 driver series for Linux, BSD, and Solaris is available! Building off the NVIDIA 355 series, the 358 series adds in more pieces of the puzzle for interfacing with DRM/KMS and continues stepping closer to Mir/Wayland support.
A new Nvidia Beta driver has been released, and developers have added quite a few OpenGL changes and improvements, among other things.
The Nvidia developers have just pushed a new Beta driver out the door and this time it’s full of all kinds of OpenGL updates and fixes. It will be a while until all of these changes make their way onto the stable branch of the drivers, but these are pretty important, and it won’t take all that long.
A new version of the GTK+ based, open-source, user-friendly, free, fast and lightweight Claws Mail email client for GNU/Linux and Windows operating systems is now available for download, as announced by its developers on October 11, 2015.
The developers of the open-source, Qt-based, free, lightweight, modern, fast and cross-platform QupZilla web browser announced this past weekend a new update for the software.
If there was one software category where Linux has the most abundance, it’s the great selection of web browsers available. In this article, I’ll share what I believe to be the best web browsers available for the Linux desktop.
The developers of the open-source and cross-platform Evolution email and groupware client used in various GNU/Linux operating systems and distributed as part of the GNOME project, have announced the release of Evolution 3.18.1.
TV episodes, movie trailers, broadcasts, and interviews are also available on YouTube for viewing. If you find an interesting video on YouTube while browsing on your Linux machine and feel the urge to download it to your desktop, do not despair. This is because you have several options for achieving your goal with little fuss as shown below.
Gammu 1.36.6 has been just released. New bugfix release with lot of improvements in the documentation.
Today, we’re unveiling our new brand identity. We’re introducing a new look and feel. But, it’s more than just a logo shift.
Opera has evolved a lot since we started our journey as a browser company 20 years ago. Today, we serve over a billion internet users every month, between the 350 million people around the world experiencing the internet through our apps and services and the 1.1 billion people we reach through Opera Mediaworks.
Wine or Emulation
ASTRONEER was quite a surprise to see sent in, and it looks fantastic. You are an astronaut exploring and re-shaping different worlds, it’s simple and beautiful.
Broforce the massively popular action game will come to Linux with the official release on the 15th of October. I am really excited, as it looks awesome.
Cryptark, a new 2D sci-fi roguelike shooter developed and published on Steam by a studio named Alientrap, also comes with Linux support and a 15% discount that will end in a couple of days.
The Linux platform has its share of 2D action games, and some of you might be tempted to say that they are too many. While that might be true somewhat, the Linux players can always receive a new really good game in a genre, no matter how many others are already available.
Virtual Programming, one of the companies that are porting games to the Linux platform, has announced that is working on a few new titles, although the term ‘new’ might be loosely used.
The new Unreal Tournament is now in the works at Epic Games, and the Linux platform is on par with the other platforms. When it launches, it will be one of the best-looking games around.
After one and a half years of development, the developers of the UNIGINE real-time 3D engine were proud to announce this past weekend the general availability of the final release of UNIGINE 2.0.
Valve provides some pretty interesting statistics for the Steam usage, including the most played gaming titles. This is interesting because the top five games that are played right now on Steam have full Linux support.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
The KDE developers are already considering what they need to do to improve the Plasma desktop after the 5.4.2 launch, and they’ve shared some of the features that are going to be made available.
The Kubuntu developers, through Marco Parillo, announced this past weekend that the they updated the KDE Frameworks package in the development version of Kubuntu 15.10 to version 5.15.0, which was released on October 10, 2015.
The KDE PIM spring sprint was held in Toulouse, France in March this year in Makina Corpus offices.
The sprint was very important, because the team needed to decide how to continue from the current situation. At the previous sprint in Munich in November when Christian and Aaron introduced their new concept for next version of Akonadi it was decided to refocus all our efforts on working on that, which meant switching to maintenance mode of KDE PIM for a very long time and then coming back with a big boom. In Toulouse we re-evaluated this plan and decided that it is not working for us and that it will be much better for the project as well as the users if we continue active development of KDE PIM instead of focusing exclusively on the “next big thing” and take the one-step-at-the-time approach.
If I remember correctly I’ve known about Krita since 2005, I guess, when I used KDE and there was this office stuff and a drawing program, which I never used. Until early 2015 I used only MyPaint and GIMP. And now I’ve been using Krita since April 2015.
While KDE developers are increasingly working on their Plasma mobile plans, there still are new changes coming to the KDE desktop. For the upcoming Plasma 5.5 release, there is going to be improvements to the user-switcher including a new prompt and new plasmoid, the KDE Color Picker plasmoid has returned, the Solid Device Auto Mounter has also been restored, and there are other plasmoid improvements and smaller changes throughout.
It is still ugly, as scaled on my HiDPI display as the plist file is missing and it crashs on everything (aka open dialog) and has no icons.
A long time ago, GNOME software used to show star ratings as popularity next to the application using the fedora-tagger application. This wasn’t a good idea for several reasons.
A Google Summer of Code student who worked on GTK+ and Nautilus has managed to overhaul the search feature of GNOME’s file manager.
The new search feature built into Files/Nautilus is designed to be much more intuitive with new filters and more. The new code hasn’t yet been merged and still needs to be reviewed, but looks promising so far.
GNOME Software abandoned their “star rating system” over issues with abuse, lack of standardization by reviewers, and that package rating system really not working out. Now they’re going to introduce a “kudos” rating system.
The GNOME developers are preparing to reintroduce a rating system for GNOME Software, but nothing as simple as the old one. It will be a complex way of rating the applications so that users can make informed decisions.
The first day was filled with discussions and planning, with one of the central topics being how to make gnome-builder, xdg-app and gnome-continuous play well together. You can find notes and conclusions from this discussion here.
Earlier today, October 12, Debarshi Ray was happy to inform us all about the immediate availability of the first point release of his GNOME Photos 3.18 image viewer application for the soon-to-be-released GNOME 3.18.1 desktop environment.
Ever wondered how to view gedit in a browser? It’s not a secret anymore, broadway is there for some time.
As some (most? none? who knows =P) of you already know, last cycle I worked as a Google Summer of Code intern with Gtk+ and Nautilus. We saw the very positive results of it. And the picky eyes out there noticed that I wrote with these exact words: “While the project is over, I won’t stop contributing to Nautilus. Even with the interesting code, even with all the strange things surrounding it. Nautilus is like an ugly puppy: it may hurt your eyes, yet you still warmly love it.”
The Solus developers are making progress with the operating systems, and they’ve updated a number of important packages and they’ve also announced that a user repository mechanism will be supported.
It’s been more than a year since the release of CRUX 3.1, so the developers of the Linux kernel-based operating system have announced that the first Release Candidate of the upcoming CRUX 3.2 distribution is now available for download and testing.
Parsix The Parsix project released Parsix GNU/Linux 8.0 in September. The distribution is based on Debian and, in the project’s own words, their goal is “to provide a ready to use and easy to install desktop and laptop optimized operating system based on Debian’s Testing branch and the latest stable release of GNOME desktop environment.”
Simply Linux is not a new guest on Linux notes from DarkDuck. I have already reviewed it twice: versions 6.0.1 and 4.0.
Simply is not an independent distribution. Instead, it is based on the ALT Linux, a distribution from a team of Russian developers. While ALT Linux is a KDE-oriented distro, Simply uses Xfce. Both of these distributions share the same platform, called Sisyphus.
As with many other Linux distributions, Simply and ALT Linux continue development. The current version of Sisyphus is 7, that means that Simply Linux has the same number in the name.
New Releases
The developers of the gorgeous Apricity OS GNU/Linux distribution were happy to inform Softpedia a few minutes ago about the immediate availability for download of a new Beta release for the month of October 2015.
Just a few moments ago, Patrick d’Emmabuntus informed Softpedia about the availability of the second maintenance release of his educational-oriented Emmabuntus 3 GNU/Linux operating system.
Remember Pear OS? Yes, the popular GNU/Linux distribution that looked like a Mac OS X operating system! Well, you won’t believe this, but some people will not let go of the past, so a Portuguese developer has just cloned the OS.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Red Hat Academy, an open source education program that provides hands-on curriculum, labs, performance-based testing, and educator training and support, is available to universities with the required technology and support environments in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region.
Shares of Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) rose by 3.88% in the past week and 8.44% for the last 4 weeks. In the past week, the shares have outperformed the S&P 500 by 0.61% and the outperformance increases to 5.54% for the last 4 weeks.
Details about the NSA surveillance program unveiled by Edward Snowden are still coming to light, two years after the initial revelations were made. From the looks of it, at least one of the components of the NSA surveillance is being run from Red Hat Linux servers.
John Keese, director of government cloud solutions for Computer Sciences Corp., told Nextgov some federal agencies have expressed interest in ARCWRX, which is built on Red Hat‘s OpenShift platform.
Distributor Veracomp has boosted its software credentials with the buyout of peer Servodata’s Red Hat distribution business.
As of last week, Poland-headquartered Veracomp acquired from Servodata, which operates in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a contract to distribute the open source software vendor’s products. The employment of all applicable sales staff has also been transferred over to the Polish outfit.
Apple will be moving its corporate IT workloads from VMware’s ESXi to KVM, the open-source server virtualization platform that Red Hat operates on.
Apple is reportedly also evaluating OpenStack, an open-source IaaS cloud platform that Red Hat has built its cloud around.
The move by Apple might trigger other large organizations to try out Red Hat’s offerings.
Varnish-4.1.0 was recently released, and as usual, I have patched and wrapped up packages for fedora and epel. As 4.1.0 is not api/abi compatible with varnish-4.0, packages for stable releases of epel and fedora are not updated. Varnish-4.1.x will be available in a stable Fedora at latest from f24, though the package recompiles fine on anything from el5 to f23 as well.
Debian Family
The OnePlus One Ubuntu Touch port has been getting a lot of attention after its developer revealed that he got the cellular for it. Now, he also managed to fix the grid size.
We have received an email from Animesoft International regarding the release and immediate availability for download and testing of the Release Candidate (RC) build of the upcoming major version of the Mangaka GNU/Linux operating system.
The Ubuntu 15.10 development cycle is coming to an end, and the operating system has reached the final kernel freeze milestone. No more upgrades are made past this point, and only bug fixes are permitted.
In a surprising twist today, Meizumart, the official website used by Meizu to promote and sell its devices overseas, has been closed. The company has apologized for the change in strategy and left no other word. This also means that Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition no longer has a home.
Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is launching soon, and many users will wonder if they can upgrade the GNOME stack to version 3.18. The answer is yes, but you shouldn’t do it unless you know what you’re doing.
The Ubuntu Touch platform is about to get a new and powerful RSS reader for Newsblur. The application, however, is still in development and its maker wants to get ideas from the community.
Flavours and Variants
BackBox Linux is a distribution based on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS that has been built specifically for penetration testing and security assessments. A new major update has been released for it, and a number of important components have been upgraded.
TI has launched a “Processor SDK” based on a mainline LTS Linux kernel, U-Boot, a Yocto file system and Linaro tool chain, initially covering Sitara SoCs.
Texas Instruments has introduced a Processor Software Development Kit based on Linux as well as its own TI-RTOS, that will eventually scale across multiple Sitara and DSP processors families. The first two SoC families supported by Processor SDK are the 720MHz, Cortex-A8 Sitara AM335x and the 1GHz, single-core Cortex-A9 Sitara AM437x. Both SoCs are notable for offering a PRU-ICSS (Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem), which comprises 32-bit microcontrollers that enable customization of I/O.
We still regard the Linksys WRT1900AC as one of the best and fastest routers available, though if you’re eyeing that model, there’s a new version available with more memory and a faster processor.
It’s the WRT1900ACS, which is essentially an improved version of the WRT1900AC. The new model boasts a 1.6GHz dual-core processor, an upgrade over its predecessor’s 1.2GHz chip; 128MB of flash memory (same as before); 512MB of DDR3 RAM, which is two times as much as the WRT1900AC; and eSATA and USB ports.
What’s the next step for open source in the embedded computing market? Google (GOOG), the Linux Foundation and other inaugural supporters of the Real-Time Linux Collaborative Project, which launched this month with a focus on the robotics, telecom, manufacturing, aviation, medical and similar industries, think kernel-level real-time support is the answer.
Users of Huawei’s flagship Ascend P7 now have lots to cheer as Android 5.1.1, the latest Lollipop build is now seeding to the handset across the world. Owners of the smartphone should notice the latest update via automatic OTA.
As per a GSMArena report, Huawei Ascend P7 owners can check out the Android 5.1.1 OS update in the form of a 1.26GB size file. Those preferring to download manually can do so by checking out the official firmware section on Huawei’s website.
In switching to a runtime permissions model in Android 6.0 — you’re no longer giving access to your data just by installing an app — developers can now more easily explain themselves. Sort of.
Unfortunately the latest version of the hugely popular Android operating system is currently only available to those running a Nexus or Android One devices.
Express.co.uk has provided a quick guide on how to upgrade your handset, here.
If you are lucky enough to be running Marshmallow – here are FIVE new features and tweaks you should know about.
A member of the Google family since 2006, Lockheimer has been noted to be one of the more friendly faces among the roster of Android engineers. He has been held in high esteem by Pichai, who then also managed Android and Chrome before he was appointed to oversee all Google products last year. Although not as public a persona as Pichai, something that will of course be changing soon, Lockheimer has once in a while gone public about the direction that Android is heading to, like Google’s position on Android Auto and the future of Android in general. Most recently, Lockheimer setup an Reddit AMA thread to answer some of the more pressing questions about the newly announced Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X smartphones.
The security-focused smartphone segment has seen a couple of launches from companies such as Silent Circle and Turing Robotic Industries. The security-focused Blackphone 2 smartphone (from Silent Circle), which was introduced back in March at MWC, went on sale recently. Meanwhile, price of the ‘unhackable, unbreakable, and waterproof’ smartphone, the Turing Phone (Turing Robotic Industries), was also revealed recently by the company.
One of Android’s greatest strengths is that it is open source and relatively easy to modify. This means that the source code may be taken by anybody and modified to suit their particular purpose. A great many handsets sold in China are Android-based, whereby the manufacturer has reinvented how Android works partially because until very recently, one could not access Google Services in China. We have also seen Amazon build their Fire tablets using Fire OS, which is based on Android. At the opposite end of the scale, we have also seen dedicated teams of developers over the planet building custom ROMs for Android devices. By a “custom ROM,” I mean a replacement for the software that runs your Android device. There are many reasons why people will install a custom ROM onto their handset or tablet, from wishing to experiment with different software, to circumventing restrictions placed on them by the stock software, or through wishing to optimize or change how the device performs.
It took a while — longer than a year, actually — but the innovative laser autofocus system that first made its appearance on the LG G3 has actually made it to no less than nine other Android smartphones. We knew there was something to it ever since we saw the laser beams firing from the LG G3′s sensor and helping it focus quickly and accurately on objects from the scene. So it makes us feel especially cheerful that more manufacturers have discovered this technology for their own smartphones!
File management on Android is improving, but it’s still not great, and it can be frustrating trying to take control of exactly which files are saved and where they’re stored. Numerous third-party apps have rushed in to fill the gap but one of the best we’ve seen in recent times is Cabinet—it’s fast, feature-rich and a signed-up member of the Material Design club.
All the big changes happened in Lollipop. Now it’s Marshmallow’s turn is to show the world how useful and personal Android can be.
Wait, what? And why? A new leak has revealed that Pepsi — yes, that Pepsi — is making an Android phone. Android Headlines has spotted a listing for a new phone on a Chinese website called the Pepsi P1 that appears to be Pepsi’s first attempt at making its own smartphone. Despite selling for roughly $200, it looks like the device will have some decent specs.
Today, you’ll find a handful of Android smartphones that are every bit as beautiful, capable, reliable, and well-designed as the iPhone. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why people should be choosing Android phones over the iPhone.
Intel and Tag Heuer have done tons of hyping for its still upcoming, $1,800 Android Wear watch. But after hearsay that a November launch was coming, the Swiss luxury watchmaker is sticking with that rumored game plan. The most expensive Android Watch ever made is coming November 9th.
Swiss watchmaker Tag Heuer has set a date for its upcoming Android Wear smartwatch unveiling. The Tag Heuer Connected, as it’s called, will make its debut at the LVMH Tower in New York City on November 9th, according to invites sent out by the company today. The watch is reportedly based on the popular Tag Carrera and will cost around $1,800, according to a interview with Tag CEO Jean-Claude Biver on CNBC last month.
Chinese handset-maker ZTE has revealed more about the pricing, specs, and availability of the mini version of its Axon flagship smartphone.
Following on from ZTE’s US launch of its $450 flagship Axon in July, the company has announced it will begin offering two variants of its smaller sibling. Although the mini was also unveiled in July, ZTE has only now revealed prices.
We recently published a rather lengthy review of Google’s newest operating system, Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but there was one feature we couldn’t get working in time for the review: the new automatic backup feature for app data. The theory is that this feature would take all your app data, stick it in the cloud, and when you restore your phone or buy a new one, it would be like nothing ever changed—all your settings and logins would come back like magic.
Fear not, Android faithful, 3D Touch will be coming to our favorite platform. A few days ago, Synaptics announced their ClearForce technology that recognizes different levels of pressure to the screen. Synaptics is working with Android OEMs to make this happen.
The skeptics, of course, abound. Before Apple rolled out devices with this feature, people were doubtful of its usability. What Apple did, however, was seriously impress. They took a very challenging feature and made it work. That’s something Apple is quite good at.
The government is the de facto “keeper of the data” for the entire country. There’s all kinds of useful data on pretty much any topic. The problem is that often, that data is stored in a way that is very difficult to discover and access. In my opinion this is primarily a workflow issue as opposed to a policy issue. Too many datasets exist as documents on a walled-off shared folder somewhere. Even sharing data with another agency is difficult, especially if it’s of substantial size. Most agency networks block file sharing services like Dropbox. So, the opportunities for open data are really endless if we can change the way the government stores, creates, and releases data.
This is particularly important when it comes to Open Source. The Open Source world is a fabric of interconnected personalities, relationships, and expectations. It is critically important to not just get work done but to also ensure the people doing the work feel a sense of connection. To this end, face to face communication and collaboration is essential.
What makes the open source community so important though? Well, there are a lot of reasons out there, but for Butler, a lot of it has to do with collaboration. This is noteworthy when considering the value an open source community can bring to educational collaboration, then.
GnuCOBOL (formerly known as OpenCOBOL) is a modern, open source, COBOL compiler. It works by translating COBOL code into C and compiling the code using GCC. While the project does not claim standards compliance, it passes most of the tests in the COBOL 85 test suite from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Other compilers might be more standards compliant or contain the same quirks as their historical antecedents, but GnuCOBOL is the compiler used by the other two projects I cover below.
The ULSS5 health care organisation, one of 22 in the Italian Veneto Region, has nearly completed the transition to the open source office suite LibreOffice and the open document format ODF. Already 70% of all 1500 workstations have LibreOffice implemented, and the migration will be completed in 2016, says Enio Gemmo, one of the instructors involved in the project. Exchanging documents with others remains one of the main problems.
Another interesting angle is that during their first year at school all projects except their own, if they decide otherwise, must be open sourced online on the repository of their choice (such as GitHub).
“Open source is a great option for teaching students because it not only helps you in building new skills as as software engineers, but also you know how to communicate with your peers. You have to understand how the team is working among many things. So I think open source is a great way to learn software engineering,” added Barbier.
Because the Linux Foundation also runs many specialized courses, I asked whether the school had any plans to collaborate with the Foundation. I was told that, although they are in touch with the Linux Foundation, it’s too early to comment on it.
It originates from Allevo’s older offering, qPayintegrator. The open source project has been in the making for a few years.
A Columbia University law professor stood in a hotel lobby one morning and noticed a sign apologizing for an elevator that was out of order. It had dropped unexpectedly three stories a few days earlier. The professor, Eben Moglen, tried to imagine what the world would be like if elevators were not built so that people could inspect them.
Web Browsers
As we’ve reported several times, Google has been introducing big changes in its Chrome browser, especially when it comes to how the browser handles extensions. If you’ve regularly used either or both of the most popular open source Internet browsers–Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox–then you’re probably familiar with the performance and security problems that some extensions for them have caused.
Mozilla, like the Chrome team, is also focused on the effect that extensions have on performance and reliability. Now, Benjamin Smedberg, a Mozilla senior engineering manager, in a post to a blog, has confirmed that Mozilla will bar almost all plug-ins built using decades-old NPAPI technology by the end of 2016.
SaaS/Big Data
Astara provides OpenStack operators with a vendor-agnostic network orchestration platform that addresses the complex nature and scale of Neutron implementations. Astara features a driver-based orchestrator to manage network functions from different providers on bare metal, in virtual machines (VMs) and containers.
Mirantis, the pure-play OpenStack company, has joined hands with NetApp and announced a joint partnership that combines the Mirantis OpenStack with mission-critical NetApp storage infrastructures.
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has commenced “exploratory work” around expanding its use of open source technology to include an e-prescribing solution after going live with a non-proprietary electronic patient record (EPR) system earlier this month.
Trust IT director Malcolm Senior said that although work around potentially adopting a new e-prescribing system was at an early stage, Taunton and Somerset was now considering dates for possible implementation.
Senior said he was confident the trust would be able to meet a timeline for completing development of an e-prescribing service in line with aims for a ‘paperless NHS’ by 2018.
Semi-Open Source//Openwashing
A small Irish tech startup is in the last few days of crowdfunding for a small Linux-based router it’s hoping to ship out to supporters in February 2016.
If its Kickstarter campaign is successful, InvizBox Go will offer users some protection when connecting to WiFi networks. Whether you’re at home, at a hotel, or working out of a coffee shop, the InvizBox Go will be able to connect your devices and route all of your traffic over Tor or a VPN connection (or even both). And since it can connect all devices simultaneously, it’s a great solution for keeping your housemates secure without requiring them to plug into anything or even download any software. Or, let’s face it, it’s also good for watching blocked content from around the world. Users will also be able to block a known list of ad providers. An optional feature will block Windows 10’s tracking domain. Additionally, the device can acts as a WiFi extender or even be used to charge a mobile phone or tablet if users plug into its USB port.
It’s been a while since last running any BSD vs. Linux benchmarks, so I’ve started some fresh comparisons using the latest releases of various BSDs and Linux distributions. First up, as for what’s completed so far, is using the FreeBSD-based PC-BSD 10.2 compared to Ubuntu 15.04 stable and the latest development release of Ubuntu 15.10.
Issues digitally signing and/or verifying GNUHealth documents, using GNUPG version 2.x should be solved by upgrading to the latest python-gnupg library[1], version 0.3.8 . You can check the changelog[2] for the details.
Public Services/Government
The Italian city of Bari is about to complete its transition to LibreOffice and the open document format ODF. At the end of this year, the open source suite of office productivity tools will have been implemented on 75% of the city’s nearly 1700 PC workstations. Change management is a key part of the transition, explains Marini Latini, who helped train the city’s staff members.
Another city has decided to swap out Microsoft Office for the open source LibreOffice productivity suite. As ZDNet reported, the municipality of Bari in Italy is currently installing the open-source office software on its 1,700 PCs after a successful trial involving 100 PCs.
Open Data
The course aims at enhancing the understanding of linked open data principles and technologies. By the end of the course, participants should have a clear understanding of what linked open data is and how linked data technologies can be applied to improve the availability, understandability and usability of EU data.
For some of you, today is Columbus Day. For others it is Indigenous Peoples day and for the rest of you, it’s Monday.
Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor who wandered around the Caribbean and the Americas capturing and raping indigenous peoples. For his troubles, he is said to have “discovered” what we now know as the United States, an attribution that—just as he did—leaves out the worth of the millions of people who had been living here for a very, very long time.
Objectively, fuck Christopher Columbus.
However, one of the few helpful things he did was inadvertently give us a word for the phenomenon when someone (specifically a white someone) takes or is given credit for discovering something that existed long before it came to that individual’s attention.
Over the last week, the Tory party had their conference in Manchester. On Sunday 4th October, 60,000 people took to the streets to protest, organised by the People’s Assembly Against Austerity. We joined them as the Pirate Bloc, with some help from our friends over at the Manchester branch of Open Rights Group. We broadcast a lot of the march live on Periscope, and there are a number of videos saved on Bambuser, but we also have a few pictures to share with you.
I am an unrepentant enthusiast for the European Union, indeed a European Federalist. I think the freedoms of movement of people and goods within the EU are the most profound political achievement of my lifetime, and have made the world a very much better place.
I am therefore flabbergasted by the group of unpleasant elitist bastards who apparently will lead the pro-EU campaign for the referendum. How could anybody wishing to win a vote believe that a Board including Peter Mandelson and Danny Alexander is going to help? While the appointment of Lord Rose seems to confirm belief in the “Michelle Mone theory”, that selling knickers grants universal expertise.
Most egregious of all, the Executive Director is Will Straw, whose main qualification is that his father is a war criminal. Founder of the rabid anti-Corbyn website Left Foot Forward and every bit as Atlanticist as Liam Fox, Will Straw is as insanely pro-United States hegemony and as ultra-Zionist as only an extreme Blairite can be. He really is a deeply unappealing figure.
Yogi Berra probably is better known for his unique take on the English language than for his baseball career — and it was a heck of a baseball career.
The researchers’ conclusions are drawn from a database they assembled of more than 6 million scholarly publications in biomedicine and chemistry
I still remember the best lecture I ever attended. It was part of a joint series offered by the English and philosophy departments in my first term at university and, given that the subject was Sartre’s Being and Nothingness, should have been the dullest event in Christendom that night. But it wasn’t. The lecturer, Thomas Baldwin, had a deceptively simple style: he would write a proposition on the blackboard facing us and gaze at it for a moment, like a medium beckoning a spirit. Then he would turn and smile, and start to explain.
If there’s one constant on the consumer tech calendar, it’s iPhone reviews day. Happening sometime between the announcement and the release of the latest iPhone, it manifests itself with glowing accounts of the latest Apple smartphone at the top of the page, and irate accusations of Apple-favoring bias in the comments at the bottom. This is as reliable a phenomenon as today’s autumnal equinox.
The funny thing is that everyone’s right. Readers are right to claim that the iPhone is treated differently from other smartphones, and reviewers are correct in doing so. Apple makes more in quarterly profit than many of its mobile competitors are worth, and the success and failure of its smartphone plays a large role in shaping the fate of multiple related industries. The iPhone is reviewed like a transcendental entity that’s more than just the sum of its metal, plastic, and silicon parts, because that’s what it is.
The acquisition of data storage provider EMC continues the reinvention of Dell in the post-PC era.
“The sudden and dramatic demise of Addenbrooke’s Hospital is tragic and couldn’t be a starker warning of the impact of this government’s reckless policies on the NHS. The Tories are a danger to the security of our NHS and the public’s health.
The problems at Addenbrookes are symptomatic of a financial crisis right across the NHS with two thirds of trusts predicting a deficit this year. This is a result of chronic underfunding of the NHS following a £20 billion efficiency savings programme over the last five years. Whilst healthcare inflation runs at 4% per year, the NHS budget under Tories increased just 0.8% per year during the last Parliament, the lowest average annual increase of any parliament. With the government intent on another £22 billion of savings over the next five years, the situation for patients can only get worse under the Tories and will be further exacerbated by the growing rift Jeremy Hunt has created with NHS staff over the introduction of a full 24/7 NHS and the imposition of a damaging junior doctor contract.
The U.S. government paid the main healthcare.gov contractor $4 million to correct defects of the botched site and withheld only $267,420 of what it owed the company, according to a new federal audit.
The report on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its contract with CGI Federal is to be published today by the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. It is the latest in a series of audits critical of federal oversight of the private companies that built the insurance marketplace at the heart of Obamacare. Although CMS replaced the contractor a few months after healthcare.gov’s meltdown in 2013, the agency had little power to recover the money it spent trying to fix the site.
The LibreSSL project has started a new development release branch, LibreSSL 2.3.0.
In a blog post, researchers from FireEye have outlined a malvertising campaign that was running on Forbes.com earlier this month, which led visitors to landing pages ran by the Neutrino and Angler exploit kits.
Two weeks ago, a mini-scandal rocked the New York literary world. Gawker revealed that Andrew Roberts, the New York Times Book Review’s choice to review the authorized biography of Henry Kissinger, had in fact been Kissinger’s original choice to write the authorized biography.
Roberts also was a long-time friend of Niall Ferguson, the man who Kissinger wound up choosing to write his authorized biography. Roberts and Ferguson had even written a lengthy chapter together in a volume of essays edited by Ferguson. Worse yet: Roberts had revealed almost none of these involvements — with Ferguson, with Kissinger — to the New York Times when it asked him to write the review.
So unseemly were these entanglements, and the lack of transparency about them, that Margaret Sullivan, the New York Times public editor, felt called upon to rap the paper’s knuckles. Which prompted a further back and forth between Sullivan and Pamela Paul, the editor of the Times Book Review. While the back-scratching world of book reviews in the New York Times is an old topic — unlike other publications, the Times purports to be objective and untainted by personal connections, and its reviews help promote or kill books — this scandal brought it into especially sharp relief.
The person who revealed the scandal in Gawker was Greg Grandin, an NYU historian and winner of multiple academic and literary prizes. Grandin has his own book out on Kissinger, “Kissinger’s Shadow,” which was reviewed by the Times the same day that Ferguson’s bio was.
It’s not surprising to see the right-wing Government and press try to assassinate Jeremy Corbyn’s character. So far they’ve linked him with the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah. In their eyes, the Labour leader is a terrorist sympathiser.
The problem with this narrative, as with almost all narratives that invoke the spectre of terrorism, is that they rely on a decidedly one-sided view of the world. In their minds, life comprises two neatly opposed groups: those who support terror and those who oppose it.
The charges against Corbyn, regardless of their merit, cannot exist in a political vacuum of good versus evil though. Some conservatives would be wise to look closer to home before casting the first stone.
Whatever his views, Corbyn has never wielded the levers of power in government, and has never done more than put forward ideas. Yet if we look to the icon of conservative politics and “keeping Britain safe”, we have someone with a well-documented history of being a terrorist sympathiser. During her time as Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher openly called a terrorist a “true friend”, invited a terrorist into her home for tea, and personally lobbied against a terrorist’s prosecution for war crimes.
For my money, the best novel to read about the future of war today, in 2015, was published in 1974. Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War is an all-time science fiction classic, but it hasn’t quite enjoyed the same degree of mass cultural saturation as other war-themed SF staples like Ender’s Game or Starship Troopers—maybe because it hasn’t been made into a film or TV show, maybe because its politics are too thorny and complex.
On December 5, 2001, an American B-52 flying tens of thousands of feet above the ground mistakenly dropped a 2,000-pound satellite-guided bomb on an Army Special Forces team in Afghanistan. The aircrew had been fed the wrong coordinates, but had the plane been flying as low and slow as older generations of attack planes did, the crew might’ve realized their error simply by looking down at the ground.
It was not long after the Twin Towers fell, and American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by an American bomb dropped by an American plane. That this mistake happened illustrates just how poorly the air campaign in the United States’ longest war was executed, and how efforts ultimately failed to make things better by going after high-tech solutions that aren’t what they’re cracked up to be compared to the old tried and true technology.
Transparency Reporting
Is now the time for Julian Assange to try to make a break for it?
The British government has spent more than $19 million over the last three years trying to make sure that Assange, founder of the website WikiLeaks, doesn’t escape its clutches. Assange has been holed up in the tiny Ecuadorean Embassy in London since June 2012, a fugitive from arrest on allegations that he sexually assaulted two women in Sweden.
But authorities have apparently decided that the vigil is no longer worth it. Scotland Yard announced Monday that it was withdrawing its 24-hour presence at the embassy, which sits in one of London’s toniest neighborhoods, near the famous Harrods department store.
Police will no longer be stationed outside the Ecuadorean embassy in London where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has sought refuge since 2012.
Met Police officers had been there since Mr Assange sought asylum to avoid extradition to Sweden over a rape allegation, which he denies.
The Met said it had cost £12.6m and was “no longer proportionate” – but it would still try to arrest him.
Wikileaks said the decision did not change Mr Assange’s situation.
Police in London have removed their around-the-clock guarding of the Ecuadorian Embassy, where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been hiding out since 2012.
Assange sought refuge at the embassy, where he has stayed for three years, while facing extradition to Sweden for questioning about alleged sex crimes.
For the entirety of his stint inside the building, the Metropolitan Police have posted a guard outside the embassy, until Monday.
Anthony Mason: “Do You Think It’s Healthy For The System That So Much Money Is Coming Out Of A Relatively Small Group Of People?”
New Zealand has deported a Kiribati man who lost a legal battle to be the first person granted refugee status on the grounds of climate change alone.
Ioane Teitiota, 39, has argued that rising sea levels in his homeland meant his family would not be safe there.
The UK, France, and Germany lobbied in secret to retain outdated approaches to testing car emissions that would create major loopholes for manufacturers to exploit. According to documents seen by The Guardian, the overall effect would have been to increase real-world carbon dioxide emissions by 14 percent over those shown in the tests. Although not involving software, these loopholes would allow the carbon dioxide testing procedures to be gamed to produce deceptively good results just as Volkswagen has been doing for NOx gases.
In the wake of revelations that Volkswagen deceived regulators and car buyers about the high level of polluting emissions from its diesel-powered vehicles, you have two options if you own one of these cars: Park it or pollute.
Breaking her years-long silence on an issue that has galvanized climate activists, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out against construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline on Tuesday — marking a reversal of the position she seemed to hold as secretary of state and underscoring the issue’s resonance among the progressive voters Clinton needs to secure her party’s nod.
Speaking in Des Moines, Clinton reiterated that she had not taken a public position on the project because she did not want to interfere with the Obama administration’s deliberations over whether to approve the pipeline, which would transport oil from the tar sands of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. But given the administration’s persistent delays in announcing a decision on Keystone, Clinton said she now felt a “responsibility” to speak out.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton came out Tuesday against the Keystone XL oil pipeline, arguing the debate over its construction was a distraction from efforts to tackle climate change.
The announcement follows years of pressure from environmentalists, and as Clinton seeks to reassure supporters surprised that she faces a tough challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination in Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), an opponent of Keystone.
Global warming in the Arctic means earlier and more plentiful mosquitoes in Greenland, and that’s bad news for the country’s already shrinking caribou population, Alaska Dispatch Newsreports.
A new study found that for every degree Celsius the temperature rises in Greenland, mosquitoes take 10% less time to reach full, biting adulthood. And less time spent as larva means more mosquitoes survive into adulthood. The study found that a 5-degree Celsius jump raised mosquito survival rates by 160%.
Social networking firm paid average of £210,000 to staff in Britain, but overall loss in UK of £28.5m meant very little corporation tax was due
Stephen Colbert once described Elizabeth Warren as the “school librarian you had a crush on” but on last night’s Late Show, she was the Sheriff of Wall Street.
Like every interview with the senior senator of Massachusetts, there was a question about whether or not she’d be running for President in 2016. “You are a household name in American politics,” Colbert said. “And yet, you are one of the few household names that is not running for President of the United States. Are you sure you’re not running for President of the United States? Have you checked the newspapers lately, because a lot of people have jumped in, you might have done it in your sleep…. These days politicians have to check the ‘opt-out’ button. It’s like unsubscribing from an email.”
Compliance with demands of the European Union or hasty government amendments to domestic laws allows the government to claim that Thailand did not amend any laws on account of the EU-Thai FTA negotiations.
That’s noteworthy, because there’s evidence that the European Commission is aiming to implement key US demands for TAFTA/TTIP before negotiations are completed so that it too can claim that it did not amend any laws on account of it. If the biothai.org post is correct, it’s a sneaky trick that seems to be spreading.
Charles Koch misled CBS when he suggested that the Kochs’ political spending is publicly disclosed.
On October 11, the elder Koch brother gave a rare interview to CBS Sunday Morning. Reporter Anthony Mason asked, “Do you think it’s good for the political system that so much what’s called ‘dark money’ is flowing into the process now?”
Koch replied: “First of all, what I give isn’t ‘dark.’ What I give politically, that’s all reported. It’s either to PACs or to candidates. And what I give to my foundations is all public information.”
I usually avoid reading anything by Jonah Goldberg because life is short and the world has a finite supply of blood pressure medication. But his column in the Los Angeles Times covering the controversy over Carly Fiorina’s comments about the Planned Parenthood videos is so awful, it has to be read to be believed.
The editorial starts off with the full Fiorina quote that has become so controversial: “Anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”
Google’s informal appeal against a French order to apply the so-called “right to be forgotten” to all of its global Internet services and domains, not just those in Europe, has been rejected. The president of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), France’s data protection authority, gave a number of reasons for the rejection, including the fact that European orders to de-list information from search results could be easily circumvented if links were still available on Google’s other domains.
Mark Crispin Miller of NYU discusses some of the recent additions to his Forbidden Bookshelf series, which seeks out important out-of-print political works and republishes them as e-books; Miller explains the insidious ways the books were first “disappeared.” Next, Peter Hart with the National Coalition Against Censorship speaks about this year’s Banned Books Week, and some of the means — short of outright banning — which keep important books away from students. The program concludes with Gerry Condon of Vets for Peace, speaking about the historic vessel Golden Rule, brought to San Francisco as part of a protest against the U.S. Navy’s annual Fleet Week activities there.
Well, it didn’t take him long to reveal that his sudden free speech platform was bullshit — with the blocking of a young conservative activist from seeing or responding to his Twitter feed,” conservative YouTube sensation CJ Pearson, a 13-year-old black middle schooler from Georgia.”
Over the last year, there has been a tidal wave of websites that have decided to close their news comment sections because the companies are no longer willing to invest time and effort into cultivating healthy on-site discussion. While that’s any site’s prerogative, these announcements have all too often been accompanied by amusing, disingenuous claims that the reason these sites are muting their on-site audience is because they’re simply looking to build relationships or just really value conversation. Nothing says “we care about your opinions” like a shiny new muzzle, right?
The Apple bias is real
The Pirate Bay’s official SuprBay forum has gone dark after experiencing domain name problems. The forum’s domain name registrar eNom suspended the site following an ICANN complaint over inaccurate Whois information, and the site remains offline for now.
A Wisconsin man arrested for posting disparaging and profanity laced comments on a local police department’s Facebook page has settled a civil rights lawsuit and is being awarded $35,000.
Thomas G. Smith used the Facebook page of a rural Wisconsin village called Arena to, among other things, label local cops as “fucking racists bastards.”
He was charged criminally in state court on allegations of disorderly conduct and unlawful use of computerized communications. He was sentenced to a year of probation and 25 hours of community service. A state appeals court overturned his conviction last year.
Months after hackers first broke into Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the US government agency that handles all federal employee data, the hack keeps on getting worse.
Of course, chances of the US signing on to this are basically nil, but it will be interesting to see if other countries think it’s worth supporting. Countries that have tried to hold themselves out as bastions of free speech and against mass surveillance might make interesting targets. But, of course, actually getting countries to commit to such things isn’t always easy. Still, the effort seems worthwhile, even if it merely raises the issue of what kind of world do we live in that such a thing should even be necessary?
The approaches were analyzed as part of a months-long government discussion about how to deal with the growing use of encryption in which no one but the user can see the information. Law enforcement officials have argued that armed with a warrant they should be able to obtain communications, such as e-mails and text messages, from companies in terrorism and criminal cases.
Less than three months after announcing it was considering turning major social media platforms into unpaid government informants, the Senate Intelligence Committee is dropping its proposed requirement that Facebook, Twitter, etc. report “terrorist activity” to designated agencies.
Grassley is right about most of this. The FBI does tend to believe it’s above the law, what with its warrantless surveillance, refusal to cooperate with DOJ oversight and its general indifference to its own internal policies. But what Grassley is complaining about is standard operating procedure by the agency. When not withholding information for bogus reasons, the agency quite frequently cites “ongoing investigations” when refusing to turn over documents.
Last week, Mike wrote about what seems an important shift in US government policy on encryption, as the White House finally recognizes that adding backdoors isn’t a sensible option. That leaves a big question mark over what the UK will do, since David Cameron and intelligence officials have been hinting repeatedly that they wanted to undermine encryption in some unspecified way. Just last week, the new head of MI5, the UK’s domestic intelligence service, gave the first-ever live media interview by a senior British intelligence official.
If you were worried that deleting WhatsApp, Facebook and Viber chats could put you behind bars, fret not. In a complete u-turn, the government has withdrawn the proposed National Encryption policy that may have landed you in trouble for deleting your WhatsApp, Facebook messages before 90 days.
India’s newly released draft national encryption policy includes a requirement that plaintext versions of all encrypted data and messages must be kept by every user, whether a business or an individual, for 90 days. And the “verifiable” plaintext must made available to law enforcement agencies on demand. This unprecedented requirement is likely to make security breaches even more serious, and present enormous logistical problems for companies using encryption on a large scale, since they will have to manage the storage and timely deletion of the plaintext versions.
We have discussed for years, of course, the value of encrypting more of the web, and especially increasing use of HTTPS-by-default. Kudos to Twitter for making this move and encouraging widespread use of HTTPS to better protect people’s surfing. It’s worth noting that Twitter is also warning sites that they may see a drop in referrals from Twitter, because browsers drop the referrer from the header when an HTTPS link goes to an HTTP destination — but it notes that it will be using referrer policy instead, which is good. Most modern browsers support referrer policy, and thus this isn’t really that big a deal. However, it’s one of the random complaints that some anti-HTTPS campaigners have argued over the years (that the lack of referrer is a big loss under HTTPS).
4chan, an anonymous message board founded by Christopher Poole in 2003, has been home to a veritable smorgasbord of everything the web has to offer. With posts on the site lasting only a matter of days or even hours before they are deleted, the message board has been described as the collective id of the Internet, home to hardcore pornography, hardcore cooking tips and everything in between.
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals might be revisiting its recent decision of imposing a warrant requirement on the acquisition of cell site location information. The government has asked for an en banc hearing to settle this issue.
As of now, there is no unified view on the privacy (or lack thereof) inherent to historical cell site information. Nathan Freed Wessler, staff attorney for the ACLU, has put together a map of current decisions that shows where warrant requirements have been established (for now — many are being appealed/challenged) and where they haven’t. (Click through for a [slightly] larger version.)
When it comes to the NSA, we’ve been discussing just how dangerous it is when the government gets to put in place its own secret interpretation of laws that, when read by the public, appear to say something quite different than the secret interpretation. Otherwise you have secret laws, and that’s no way to run an open Constitutional democracy. For many years, it’s been known that in March of 2004 there was a hospital room showdown between then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales (with White House Chief of Staff Andy Card) and (at the time, quite ill) Attorney General John Ashcroft and acting Attorney General James Comey, over whether or not to reauthorize some sort of surveillance program. Comey, Ashcroft, and then FBI Director Robert Mueller all threatened to resign over the issue, and eventually, we were told, President Bush overruled Gonzales and Card. We knew at the time that the dispute was over domestic surveillance and whether or not it was legal. More recently, it came out that it was over domestic collection of internet/email metadata. This was a program similar to the phone metadata program that was revealed by Ed Snowden, but for email/internet information.
Civil Rights
Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists, according to a report from Human Rights Watch.
In a string of royal decrees and an overarching new piece of legislation to deal with terrorism generally, the Saudi King Abdullah has clamped down on all forms of political dissent and protests that could “harm public order”.
The new laws have largely been brought in to combat the growing number of Saudis travelling to take part in the civil war in Syria, who have previously returned with newfound training and ideas about overthrowing the monarchy.
An Islamic militant group in Bangladesh has issued a hitlist of secular bloggers, writers and activists around the world, saying they will be killed if its demands are not met.
The list will raise fears that Islamic militant violence within the unstable south Asian country could take on an international dimension.
Cellphone went missing after police took it, but uploaded file exonerated accused man and left judge questioning officers’ honesty, finding their testimony “deliberately misleading.”
Writing a letter with a pen has an odd feeling in a digital age. You pick your words carefully, without a delete key. You urge your hands to recall their best handwriting. You ponder about forms of address and how much space to leave; should I fill the page, or sign off half-way down?
The last time I wrote a letter was to the Syrian technologist, Bassel Khartabil. I had to write a letter, because Bassel’s not online right now, despite being an enthusiastic adopter of new technology when it reached his home town of Damascus. Bassel’s not online, because he was arrested and thrown in jail for his love of the Internet and free culture, and has now been incarcerated for over three and a half years.
Once again, a government agency is attempting to price itself out of the public records market. The Hayward (CA) police department told the National Lawyers Guild that it needed to come up with $3,000 before it would turn over requested body camera footage.
Internet/Net Neutrality
A White House report says broadband Internet is a core utility people need to participate in modern society. But millions of Americans, especially in rural areas, still don’t have access to high-speed Internet.
Last week, we noted that the Wall Street Journal appeared to have reached a completely new low in the “conversation” about net neutrality, with a bizarre, facts-optional missive about how Netflix was to blame for pretty much everything wrong with the Internet. According to Holman W. Jenkins Jr., Netflix is the diabolical villain at the heart of a cabal to regulate the Internet, cleverly convincing regulators to treat hard-working, honest companies like Comcast unfairly. As we noted, the screed is part of a broader telecom-industry attempt to vilify Netflix for not only its support of net neutrality, but for daring to erode traditional cable TV subscriptions through (gasp) competition.
Yesterday, EFF and the ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief (press release) defending the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules in the federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Along with our legal arguments, we submitted a statement signed by dozens of engineers familiar with Internet infrastructure. Signers include current and former members of the Internet Engineering Task Force and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ committees, professors, CTOs, network security engineers, Internet architects, systems administrators and network engineers, and even a founder of the company that registered the first “.com” domain.
The engineers explain in detail how ISP discrimination could require innovators to negotiate with ISPs before their applications will work, rather than being able to rely on ISPs to pass data in a neutral manner. ISP interference could also introduce errors and security vulnerabilities that would be challenging to fix.
What if instead of organising a football competition every four years, Fifa took on management of the internet? Leaving aside the arrests and bribery allegations, the organisation might look a bit like the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ( Icann), the private California company responsible for overseeing the running of the internet. The scary thing about Fifa is that, when things go wrong, no one else has the power to intervene.
It was thought that 30 September 2015 was supposed to be a significant date in internet governance. The US government was going to hand over key responsibilities to the internet community – but that date will be missed, because Icann’s board looks set to oppose plans to make itself more accountable.
If Icann’s board can override the consensus of its own community, it casts doubt on the viability of the entire Icann model, and exposes the flakiness of the way essential internet resources are governed.
Car hackers, farmers fixing their high-tech tractors, and teenage DVD rippers; all over the world, these digital tinkerers could have their devices seized and destroyed by the authorities thanks to provisions in the newly-minted Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
The finalized copyright chapter of the TPP, leaked on Friday by Wikileaks, reveals that under the agreement, “judicial authorities shall, at least, have the authority to [...] order the destruction of devices and products found to be involved in” any activity that circumvents controls that manufacturers build into their software or devices, known as Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology.
Automakers argue that it’s unlawful for independent researchers to look at the code that controls vehicles without the manufacturer’s permission. We’ve explained before how this allows manufacturers to prevent competition in the markets for add-on technologies and repair tools. It also makes it harder for watchdogs to find safety or security issues, such as faulty code that can lead to unintended acceleration or vulnerabilities that let an attacker take over your car.
Intellectual Monopolies
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will force internet service providers (ISPs) to give up the details of copyright infringers so that rights holders can protect and enforce their copyright through criminal and civil means with few limitations, according to the intellectual property chapter released by WikiLeaks over the weekend.
Late last year The Pirate Bay was pulled offline after Swedish police raided a datacenter near Stockholm. The police confiscated dozens of servers which many believed to belong to the notorious torrent site. Today, the TPB team reveals that this is not the case.
Last month South Africa released its draft Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill for public comment; the latest in a wave of such laws that has been sweeping the continent and beyond. EFF is currently reviewing the Bill with a view to sending a submission by the deadline of November 30, and we’ll have more to say about it before then. But there is one provision that deserves immediate comment: a clause that would criminalize essentially any infringement of copyright. This provision is oddly timed, given that South Africa is also separately considering amendments to its Copyright Act.
Internet provider Cox Communications has hit back at anti-piracy company Rightscorp. While denying responsibility for the alleged copyright infringements of its subscribers, Cox turns the tables, accusing Rightscorp of sharing thousands of copyrighted works without permission.
The CEO and chairman of the RIAA says that the current notice and takedown anti-piracy process is both costly and increasingly pointless. Cary Sherman says the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA have forced labels into a “never-ending game” of whack-a-mole while sites under its protection effectively obtain a discount music licensing system.
A leaked chapter of the final Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement proposes several changes to the copyright laws of participating countries. The intellectual property chapter covers a broad range of issues including extended copyright terms, ISP liability and criminalization of non-commercial piracy.
A judge has denied a bid by Kim Dotcom to suspend his long-awaited extradition hearing. The hearing began yesterday but was met with immediate calls by the Megaupload founder’s legal team to postpone to a later date. The decision handed down today by Judge Nevin Dawson means that evidence will be heard when the court resumes on Thursday.
After more than 3.5 years of legal argument and ten delays in proceedings, Kim Dotcom’s extradition hearing finally got underway this morning. The United States government wants Dotcom and his co-accused to be tried overseas for their role in Megaupload, but the larger-than-life entrepreneur intends to turn this into a dogfight.
After several years’ delay the extradition hearing of Kim Dotcom finally got moving this morning in the Auckland District Court. Characterizing the case as one of straightforward fraud, Crown lawyer Christine Gordon QC likened Megaupload to a post office shipping drugs, one in which its owners were well aware of their cargo.
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Posted in News Roundup at 11:28 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Where Linux is concerned, no one’s opinions are weighed quite as heavily as Linus Torvald’s, so when he makes a bold claim, it’s worth paying attention. At LinuxCon Europe this week, the Linux creator partook in a fireside chat with Intel’s Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist Dirk Hohndel, and from the conversation, a few interesting things were revealed.
The mythical Year of the Linux Desktop never arrived. But 2016 could be the year of the ARM-based laptop. That’s according to Linus Torvalds, who spoke at the Linux Foundation’s recent LinuxCon Europe 2015 event in Dublin.
“I’m happy to see that ARM is making progress,” Torvalds said in a discussion at the conference. “One of these days, I will actually have a machine with ARM. They said it would be this year, but maybe it’ll be next year. 2016 will be the year of the ARM laptop.”
Freshly returned from the LinuxCon Europe Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel project, has just published a short continuation of the interview with Dirk Hohndel, Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist at Intel.
Clearly, IBM is aiming at taking the server chip business away from Intel. Should Intel really worry?
Kernel Space
Container technologies have received explosive attention in the past year – and rightfully so. Projects like Docker and CoreOS have done a fantastic job at popularizing operating system features that have existed for years by making those features more accessible.ACLU: Orwellian Citizen Score, China’s credit score system, is a warning for Americans
Graphics Stack
Well known Mesa developer Marek Olšák has published a new patch series that yields better LLVM IR generation with the RadeonSI Gallium3D driver.
With development activity on the Linux 4.3 kernel settling down, here are some fresh benchmarks comparing the Linux 4.2 and Linux 4.3 Git kernels atop Ubuntu when using an Intel Core i5 6600K Skylake system.
The developers of the free, open-source and cross-platform qBittorrent P2P BitTorrent client announced on October 10 the immediate availability for download of what appears to be the last maintenance release in the qBittorrent 3.2 series.
On October 10, the Blender Foundation pushed a new major version of its amazing open-source, cross-platform, and free 3D modelling software used by numerous animation studios across the globe, Blender 2.76.
Prominent features of Blender 2.76 include initial support for Pixar’s OpenSubdiv geometry subdivision technology, support for tiled strokes in Sculpting, support for text effect strips and subtitle export in the sequencer, and a major performance boost to the view-port functionality.
I happened across a post on Reddit by chance, asking about textfile manipulation. It was a fairly simple request, similar to those that folks in Unix see nearly every day. In this case, it was how to remove all duplicate lines in a file, keeping one instance of each. This sounds relatively easy, but can get a bit complicated if the source file is sufficiently large and random.
The first thing I noticed was that it actually worked out of the box, and after installing gstreamer-ffmpeg all of the codecs I needed were working!
We have covered Tanks of Freedom before, but this open source strategy game has changed quite a bit since the initial article. I am pleased to see that they have been doing regular releases, and since our initial article they have added new unit movement, new maps, added a new soundtrack, upped the colour palette from 16bit to 32bit and much more.
The developer of InfiniTrap has sent in a few keys for us to giveaway, it’s interesting because it’s made on Linux, and it’s pretty hard. It’s from the mind of Yanick Bourbeau who recently wrote a Linux game development editorial on gamasutra, so it’s nice to see the developer still working away at it.
While many initially looked at ioDoom3 as the exciting fork of id Software’s id Tech 4 / Doom 3 source-code as it was done by some of the same folks as ioquake3, there sadly hasn’t been much to report on in recent times for the project. Fortunately, the independent “dhewm3″ is making strides as an open-source Doom 3 project.
For games developed in Unity and designed to be run from the web-browser, Unity has offered a Web Player plug-in for browsers. However, with Chrome dropping NPAPI support and other browsers changing their plug-in handling, Unity is dropping that plug-in to instead just use open web APIs and using WebGL for graphics. Unity has already supported WebGL but now it’s about the death of their Web Player.
While Divinity: Original Sin 2 is pretty much confirmed for Microsoft Windows following its successful Kickstarter campaign, the same cannot be said for the Linux or Mac version of the game.
The independent Larian Studios wants to remain publisher-free, and collected little over $2 million with its Kickstarter fund campaign. However, despite expectations of a Linux/Mac port for the game, the developers have pretty clearly stated that they cannot afford to port the game on other platforms at the time of release.
Virtual Programming has published their latest in-development titles for Mac and Linux, which includes the Overlord and Saints Row games making it over from Windows.
While many Linux gamers particularly don’t like Virtual Programming Linux game ports due to their use of the eON wrapper layer, which started out as a train wreck but has improved for recent games like DiRT Showdown, they’re bringing more games over to Linux.
While the Unigine engine isn’t used by too many games compared to its presence in simulation and other industries, it remains one of my favorite engines for its top-notch Linux support over the years, beautiful OpenGL capabilities, and powering the most demanding Linux graphics tech demos. Today Unigine Corp is excited to announce the release of Unigine 2.0.
SteamDB has revealed some new references to Half-Life 3 content within today’s Dota 2 game update.
Most evident is “hl3.txt”, which is a file defining some game assets while there are also some other new game definition files. Some of the definitions do differ with Source 2 and there’s also some VR-related definitions.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
We have a new release of Baloo. For those of you who don’t know about it – It’s a file indexing and searching solution for Linux. It’s quite fast, and shipped by default in KDE Plasma.
Aaron Honeycutt, Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN, and Rick Timmis debunk the myths surrounding the future of Kubuntu and interview Eike Hein (KDE Developer).
KDE Frameworks 5.15 have landed in Kubuntu Wily (to become 15.10).
Lots of things are happening! Let’s start with the most important part: Krita is no longer part of the Calligra source code. Krita 2.9 will still be developed inside Calligra, and we expect to do several more releases of Krita 2.9 with bug fixes and performance improvements. In fact, we expect to be releasing Krita 2.9 regularly until Krita 3.0 is done.
While waiting for the release notes of the Krita 2.9.8 to be published, so we can tell you what new features it brings, the developers of the best free, cross-platform and open-source digital painting software published news about the future of the project.
As with Words and the other Calligra apps, Stage of course has seen a few regressions due to the porting, which will be need to be ironed out in the next phase, together with the existing old bugs. Where you are invited to join our efforts!
With Plasma 5.4.2 out the door, it’s time to look ahead at what Plasma 5.5 will bring to a Desktop near you. Even though we’ve gone mobile, we won’t neglect traditional Desktops. In the upcoming release, I took care of the little things, as well as bringing back specialized tools that haven’t been a priority for the initial releases.
This week database apps builder Kexi that competes with MS Access and Filemaker has been released with cool new features.
A few minutes ago, Emil Velikov had the great pleasure of informing us of the release and immediate availability for download of the third maintenance version of the open-source Mesa 11.0 3D Graphics Library.
From the 7th to the 11th of October Kate and KDevelop contricutors once again met to work on both Kate and KDevelop.
For people never worked with Docker, I probably have to add slightly more information: Frankly, the Dockerfile is a recipe how Docker generates a system image that can be run as a virtual machine (for details, please use your favorite search machine). The virtual machine built by our Docker script provides a pre-configured cross-building environment for Qt applications on Android. Especially, our setup is very well suited to compile CMake-based Android projects, which use the cross-building toolchain from Extra-CMake-Modules. Using only 3 commands (see documentation at community.kde.org/Android), the virtual machine gets set up and one can directly start working.
While all of the major feature work is building up in Mesa Git for the next release, Mesa 11.0.3 still has a healthy smothering of fixes and improvements across the board. First up, Mesa 11.0.3 fixes a KDE/Weston regression that was introduced in the previous point release.
Are you a frequent user of web apps? Would you prefer them to be more integrated into your desktop? The Epiphany browser can do just that and this article will show you how.
For me, web apps feel a bit removed from the computing experience. I’d like them to integrate with my desktop more to make it easier and faster to launch them. Most browsers don’t offer this type of integration, so you have to load the browser, navigate to the web app and then login to the web app. Epiphany browser provides tools to seamlessly integrate web apps into the desktop as well as make the web app experience more enjoyable.
There are hundreds of Linux distributions and users choose the one based on their day-to-day tasks. Some of the popular Linux distros are Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora etc. Other than this I also suggest users to choose a lightweight distro when they’re starting to use Linux. But, In this post I’ll talk about the Lightweight Linux distributions and why Lightweight Linux distributions may be bothersome. Although there are benefits of using Light Linux distributions but there is also a fact that I experienced through my blog readers.
There are many Linux distributions out there which are designed to look like Windows and this guide lists the best ones. Why stop there though? Why not list Linux distributions that look like OSX, ChromeOS and Android as well.
Red Hat Family
Analysts at Drexel Hamilton initiated coverage on shares of Red Hat Inc (NYSE:RHT) in an analyst report revealed to clients and investors on Friday morning. The financial company set an Buy rating on the $13.74 billion market cap company.
Debian Family
Thanks to the help of Daniel Dehennin and Paul Cochrane, The rakudo implementation of Perl 6 is now up to date on Debian/sid.
With Ubuntu 15.10 set to be released later this month, I’ve started preparing for a variety of Linux performance comparisons involving the Wily Werewolf. This morning I ran some Ubuntu 15.04 vs. 15.10 benchmarks on one of my frequent test beds and it’s revealed a few significant changes in some of the benchmarks.
Earlier today, October 9, Canonical’s Alan Pope posted a very nice video on his YouTube channel to show us the latest convergence features of the Ubuntu Linux operating system.
Just a few moments ago, we were informed by Mr. Łukasz Zemczak about the latest work done by the Ubuntu Touch developers in preparation for the upcoming OTA-7 software update.
Recently it was reported that the next iteration of the highly famous OnePlus One will be getting a port of Ubuntu Touch. Well it seems that the developers have now delivered (well partially) and OnePlus One now has Ubuntu Touch support. Not long before it makes its way over to OnePlus 2.
On September 16th, Michael Hall sent out a call for nominations for the Ubuntu Community Council. I will not be seeking re-election this time around.
My journey with Ubuntu has been a long one. I can actually pinpoint the day it began, because it was also the day I created my ubuntuforums.org account: March 12th, 2005. That day I installed Ubuntu on one of my old laptops to play with this crazy new Debian derivative and was delighted to learn that the PCMCIA card I had for WiFi actually worked out of the box. No kidding. In 2006 I submitted my first package to Debian and following earlier involvement with Debian Women, I sent my first message to the Ubuntu-Women mailing list offering to help with consolidating team resources. In 2007 a LoCo in my area (Pennsylvania) started up, and my message was the third one in the archives!
Computers have been shrinking for years, and the revolution has only accelerated in recent times. As chipmakers focus on creating processors that sip power without sacrificing performance, thermal concerns have largely been alleviated in modern CPUs. Because of that, today’s pint-sized PCs offer enough performance to play HD video and satisfy Office jockeys, the opposite of the janky, compromised experience of yesteryear’s microcomputers.
Blackberry hasn’t quite yet died. And now they have officially shown the world the new physical QWERTY-slider (narrow format keyboard like Blackberries had always, not wide like Nokia Communicators for example) and its called the Priv. Best of all, it also runs Android! Wanna see the pictures? Slash Gear has the Blackberry pictures. For the record, I think this is a brilliant move and will see Blackberry smartphone unit sales jump once those Priv units are offered widely – and I personally will buy one. How big will the boost be, is anybody’s guess because its been so long since we’ve last seen a proper slider solution to a large touch screen and a physical QWERTY but yeah, I bet it will sell well. Lets see if this can save the company.
We all know by now how to read the Kantar numbers. Its useless to compare Kantar this quarter to the same quarter last year, as Kantar doesn’t measure the whole world, too many variables change the issue, such as did Apple launch the iPhone in China at the same time as the other big markets, or not, etc. But what we CAN do, is use Kantar latest quarter data, to compare to the immediate previous quarter. That is usually a good indicator of what the current just-ended Quarter is likely to show. We know well what Kantar measured for the last quarter (ended June 2015) and if we assign smartphone penetration-corrected indexes to all the reported region from Kantar, we get a pretty reliable indicator of what the direction and to some degree even scale of the change is, this quarter vs previous quarter. Note, this methodology is not infallible, it once led us on this blog to vastly mistake the Nokia/Lumia Windows Phone share. But in general, its worked quite accurately for about 15 of the past 16 quarters. I think we can use this as a good but not infallible predictive tool to see what the market share situation is like for the just-ended quarter.
Android 84% (82%)
iOS 12% (14%)
Windows Phone 3% (3%)
Others combined 1% (1%)
Samsung has applied to patent a 3D image technology that is years ahead of the capabilities Google Glass, it’s main competitor, as users will be able to Interact with 3D images shown on the glasses mid-air and be able to do such things as dial phone numbers, send SMS text messages and even play a virtual piano keyboard.
Sony’s new Bravia Smart TVs are the first ones to come preloaded with Android TV software offering a rich app experience and enhancing the smart TV experience. While some local players offer Android-powered TVs, what you actually get is a customised version of the mobile/tablet Android interface and apps that are scaled to fit the big screen. We’ve used the 50-inch Android smart TV for more than a month to help you make a buying decision.
Google has started to roll out Android 6.0 Marshmallow – but there is a catch.
Unfortunately the latest version of the hugely popular Android operating system is currently only available to those running Nexus devices.
Express.co.uk has provided a quick guide on how to upgrade your handset, here.
If you are lucky enough to be running Marshmallow – here are FIVE new features and tweaks you should know about.
Onstage at the Code/Mobile conference at The Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, Calif., he shared some of the ideas he thinks could spark “10 more Androids.”
Paranoid Android has long been considered one of the most popular custom ROMs available on Android. Unfortunately, it looks like the development team might be throwing in the towel sometime soon.
It’s no secret that the team has been slowing down as of late. After OnePlus hired a handful of key members from the Paranoid Android team to work on its new OxygenOS ROM back in February 2015, users running Paranoid on their devices quickly found out that future updates would be few and far between. The dev team did manage to push out Android 5.1 Lollipop to Nexus devices in July, though the team said the delay was largely due to the fact that they were missing the manpower they once had on their core team.
FinTP is an application distributed under GPL v3 open source software licensing frame that processes transactions, automates flows and offers compliance to regulatory and industry standards. FinTP is directly aimed to grow competitiveness, making financial processing systems affordable to both financial institutions and SMEs.
It is great to have an open source board and tool chain for FPGA development. We’ve talked about the open source Icestorm toolchain before and MyHDL, too. If you prefer, most of the vendor FPGA tools are free to use for many common devices and uses. The Lattice tools should work just as well with this board, even if it does offend your open source sensibilities.
Want to expand or refresh your computer science knowledge, but don’t want to pay or go back to school for it? Become a self-taught computer scientist with the Open Source Society (OSS) University’s “path to free self-taught education.”
Web Browsers
Google has unveiled a way to make web pages load much faster on mobile web browsers using their open-source project Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
For internet users, the faster load times will be welcome, but the move raises issues for ad-supported sites and services, who are unsure at this stage how they’ll be able to have ads on AMP pages.
Indeed, the company admits it is not yet sure precisely how advertising will work within AMP. It has stated that pages will load content before advertising but other details around ad targeting and tracking capabilities are yet to be addressed. Gingras said: “There are a lot of details to work out here in terms of some of those capabilities. We want to support existing business models, but it’s a work in progress. Today wasn’t the finish line; today was the starting line.”
Across the course of my career I have given, and continue to give, a lot of presentations at conferences all over the world. In the vast majority of them I have used LibreOffice because I like and support the project and I like my presentations being in an open format that can be used across different Operating Systems.
One of my longtime favorites, WPS Office (formerly Kingsoft Office), has become something of a mess. If you head to WPS.com, you find only Android, iOS and Linux versions of the suite. Huh? A little Googling reveals that Kingsoft proper still offers the Windows version, but good luck figuring out the different names and options. (My advice: click the Download button next to Office Suite Free 2013. That’s the version I used for a long while and really liked.) Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders can’t save America
There has been a lot of scuttlebutt lately about Oracle and a supposed de-emphasis on Java within the company. The rumblings are getting louder.
From the apparent dismissal of Java evangelists to an email alleging a shrugged-shoulders attitude about Java, Oracle’s commitment to the platform has come into question. This is happening despite a road map that commits to a modular Java 9 release in a year and a planned emphasis on enterprise Java at next month’s JavaOne conference.
Semi-Open Source//Openwashing
ARCWRX is built on Red Hat’s OpenShift and already has significant interest from several federal agencies, according to John Keese, director of government cloud solutions for CSC.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology definition for PaaS is: “The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment.”
While open-source AMD Linux users have largely been able to take it for granted for years that the Radeon DRM/KMS driver will at least light up their display when using an older GPU, after the Radeon KMS problems I ran into on DragonFlyBSD, I didn’t expect this hardware to play nicely on FreeBSD/PC-BSD 10.2. Fortunately, I was proven wrong and this AMD FirePro graphics card driving a DisplayPort monitor managed to run nicely out-of-the-box.
The Creative Commons has announced that their BY-SA 4.0 license has been found to be one-way compatible with the GPLv3 license.
With CC-BY-SA 4.0 material being compatible with the GPLv3, this should increase interoperability for games and other projects.
The use of open source to develop new software products is widespread among technology startups, to the point that there are over 25 million repositories on GitHub, over 430,000 projects on SourceForge and over 21 billion lines of indexed and searchable open source code on the Black Duck Open Hub. Technology startups use open source in three main ways:
The most significant aspect of the GPL is that it requires users of open source code who incorporate that code into their own programs and then distribute those programs, to make both the pre-existing source code and the source code for the new work available to recipients of the new software. This requirement arises when the new work is derived from or based upon the pre-existing code.
Open Access/Content
Students spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks every semester, but a push toward open-source has offered universities free electronic alternatives to make higher education more affordable.
With over $21,000 in funding from the Undergraduate Student Government, UConn professor Edward Neth will adapt a free open-source chemistry textbook for introductory chemistry courses in Fall 2016, Neth said.
Last fall USG passed legislation calling for the university to set-up an open-source textbook committee chaired by Vice Provost for Libraries Martha Bedard. This semester, the faculty-run UConn Senate passed a resolution in support of the open-source textbook initiative.
We are pleased to announce the release of Julia 0.4.0. This release contains major language refinements and numerous standard library improvements. A summary of changes is available in the NEWS log found in our main repository. We will be making regular 0.4.x bugfix releases from the release-0.4 branch of the codebase, and we recommend the 0.4.x line for users requiring a more stable Julia environment.
Julia, the high-performance, high-level technical computing programming language written against LLVM, has made it to version 0.4.
Julia 0.4 features generational garbage collection support, incremental code caching for packages, inter-task channels, tuple-type improvements, and a variety of other compiler and language additions.
Following the news that Twitter interim CEO Jack Dorsey was fully hired to the post on Monday, the company has been linked to a series of what Re/code has described as “company-wide layoffs” next week.
A Friday report from Re/code cited “multiple sources” in saying that most of Twitter’s departments will be hit with layoffs starting next week. Those sources did not specify numbers or percentages of staff, but they did point to Twitter’s plans to “restructure” its engineering staff, which may affect how the alleged firings play out in all. When asked to comment on the report, a Twitter representative told Ars that “we’re not commenting on rumor and speculation.”
Qualcomm, the maker of processors for Nexus smartphones and other mobes and tablets, has revealed early specifications for its upcoming server chips.
The California company is best known for designing the brains in handheld devices, networking kit, and other embedded gear.
Pity Monsanto, the genetically modified seed and agrichemical giant. Its share price has plunged 25 percent since the spring. Market prices for corn and soybeans are in the dumps, meaning Monsanto’s main customers—farmers who specialize in those crops—have less money to spend on its pricey seeds and flagship herbicide (which recently got named a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health organization, spurring lawsuits).
Expectant mothers who live near active natural gas wells operated by the fracking industry in Pennsylvania are at an increased risk of giving birth prematurely and for having high-risk pregnancies, new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research suggests.
The findings, published online last week in the journal Epidemiology, shed light on some of the possible adverse health outcomes associated with the fracking industry, which has been booming in the decade since the first wells were drilled. Health officials have been concerned about the effect of this type of drilling on air and water quality, as well as the stress of living near a well where just developing the site of the well can require 1,000 truck trips on once-quiet roads.
Not to be outdone, Google introduced its Google Cloud Security Scanner the same day of the Amazon Inspector announcement. Unlike Inspector, Google’s product is already generally available.
The screenshot, as gained by Heimdal Security, shows the link within the email that, when clicked, will redirect unsuspecting users to a website that will download the file ‘forsendelse.zip’, containing the executable file, forsendelse.exe.
A clever iPhone user uncovered a new exploit in iOS 9 (and 9.0.1) that allows a person—presumably with a list of handwritten steps—to bypass the device’s passcode and get into the Contacts and Photos apps.
So unless you have a bunch of selfies you don’t want anyone to see, or you use an alphanumeric instead of a four-digit passcode, you probably don’t have much to worry about. You can also cripple the exploit by disabling Siri on your lock screen, though you’ll lose convenience in the process.
The techniques used by XcodeGhost, the infected version of Apple’s Xcode compiler that has caused an eruption of malware on the Apple China app store, are similar to those developed and demonstrated by America’s Central Intelligence Agency.
A report in The Intercept, a website run by Glenn Greenwald who is well-known for having been the first to report on the NSA spying disclosures made by the former US defence contractor Edward Snowden, claims the CIA detailed the techniques at its annual top-secret Jamboree conference in 2012.
There was only one problem: At no point do the multiple iterations of the AP‘s reporting show that anyone involved in the FBI sting were members of or have any connection to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (aka ISIL or Daesh). While one of several smuggling attempts discussed in AP‘s reporting involved an actual potential buyer–an otherwise unknown Sudanese doctor who four years ago “suggested that he was interested” in obtaining uranium–the “terrorists” otherwise involved in the cases were FBI and other law enforcement agents posing as such.
This week on CounterSpin: The Pentagon has declared the bombing of a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, a “mistake.” But it will investigate itself to determine how US bombs came to destroy the Doctors Without Borders facility, killing at least 22 people. Doctors Without Borders is calling for an independent investigation—and you would think journalists would, too, since who knows better than they the administration’s history of changing its story?
It is well enough to condemn the US for bombing a hospital and killing Muslims in Kunduz but what about the Muslim members of a wedding party who were bombed into extinction in a formerly friendly country by the air force of an extremely friendly country?
Turkish police fired tear gas to disperse mourners who were laying flowers at the site of Turkey’s deadliest ever terror attack this morning.
Two Turkish security sources said ‘initial signs’ suggest ISIS were behind the two explosions which killed at least 97 and wounded 247 more at a peace rally in Ankara yesterday.
Protesters clashed with riot police in Istanbul last night as they took to the streets to denounce the attacks. And today, police clashed with demonstrators and pro-Kurdish officials at the scene of the disaster near Ankara’s main train station.
They held back the mourners, including the pro-Kurdish party’s leaders Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag, insisting that investigators were still working at the site.
In the mountains of Pakistan I met young men who would have killed me. They would have slit my throat, put a bullet in my brain, caved in my skull with a rock. After I was dead they would have severed my head from my body and displayed it as a warning to all.
Transparency Reporting
Last weekend, negotiators finally completed negotiations on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. However, as we noted, there was no timetable for the release of the text (though some are now saying it may come out next week). Once again, it was ridiculous that the negotiating positions of the various countries was secret all along, and that the whole thing had been done behind closed doors. And to have them not be ready to release the text after completion of the negotiations was even more of a travesty. Wikileaks, however, got hold of the Intellectual Property Chapter and has released it online.
Today’s release by Wikileaks of what is believed to be the current and essentially final version of the intellectual property (IP) chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) confirms our worst fears about the agreement, and dashes the few hopes that we held out that its most onerous provisions wouldn’t survive to the end of the negotiations.
Since we now have the agreed text, we’ll be including some paragraph references that you can cross-reference for yourself—but be aware that some of them contain placeholders like “x” that may change in the cleaned-up text. Also, our analysis here is limited to the copyright and Internet-related provisions of the chapter, but analyses of the impacts of other parts of the chapter have been published by Wikileaks and others.
Tech visionary warns that countries must do more to combat climate change
Climate change could create a refugee crisis far worse than the one currently unfolding in Europe, Elon Musk warned Thursday.
The Tesla CEO gave a speech in Berlin in which he said changes in Earth’s temperature could lead to depleted water and food supplies, thus forcing millions of people to leave their homes in search of resources, the Huffington Post reports.
Janine Jackson: “New Regulations on Smog Remain as Divisive as Ever.” That was the headline on a September 30 New York Times story which balanced what it called “concerns of lung doctors” that smog, or ozone, is a public health threat with industry claims that installing new equipment, in the reporter’s words, “could kneecap American manufacturing and threaten jobs across the country.” Three different industry sources were counterposed with a single representative of the American Lung Association.
But if the topic is harmful pollution, is the public really served by coverage that centers the views of the polluters? What’s a different way to talk about it? David Baron is managing attorney in the DC office of the group Earthjustice. His article “Smog Kills” appeared recently in Politico. He joins us now by phone from Washington, DC; welcome to CounterSpin, David Baron.
The politician says we should disregard the pope because “he’s not a scientist.” But the pope’s background is in chemistry and his counselors are top scientists.
On Tuesday 22 September, Middle East Eye broke the story of a senior member of the Saudi royal family calling for a “change” in leadership to fend off the kingdom’s collapse.
In a letter circulated among Saudi princes, its author, a grandson of the late King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, blamed incumbent King Salman for creating unprecedented problems that endangered the monarchy’s continued survival.
“We will not be able to stop the draining of money, the political adolescence, and the military risks unless we change the methods of decision making, even if that implied changing the king himself,” warned the letter.
Whether or not an internal royal coup is round the corner – and informed observers think such a prospect “fanciful” – the letter’s analysis of Saudi Arabia’s dire predicament is startlingly accurate.
Like many countries in the region before it, Saudi Arabia is on the brink of a perfect storm of interconnected challenges that, if history is anything to judge by, will be the monarchy’s undoing well within the next decade.
The Volkswagen scandal—selling 11 million diesel-engined cars designed to fool US emissions regulations—is moving into the “who knew what, and when” phase. Newspapers in Germany are reporting that Bosch (the company that supplies electronics to the auto industry) warned VW only to use the cheat mode internally back in 2007, and that a These findings both emerged from an internal audit at VW in response to the scandal.
On the October 6 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly falsely claimed that childhood hunger in the United States is “a total lie” and blamed purportedly “derelict” parents for allowing their families to live in poverty, which he implied was a form of child abuse.
“The monopolist pharmaceutical industry has won a lot with the TPP, at the expense of people’s health,” says Public Citizen.
Critics, meanwhile, are characterized as having parochial interests: On the right, there are “congressional Republicans who fear for local interests like sugar and rice, and many conservatives who oppose Mr. Obama at every turn,” while Hillary Clinton is backing away from the deal “as she has campaigned among unions and other audiences on the left.”
You might hope reporters would see the secrecy around such an important deal as a problem in itself, rather than an opportunity to scold critics for jumping the gun.
More than any other American company, Apple holds $181.1 billion in offshore accounts, according to a Tuesday report released by Citizens for Tax Justice, an advocacy group.
Other major American tech firms—including Cisco, Google, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle—are among the largest companies that are using legal but questionable tax tricks to keep money overseas and effectively pay little to no American federal corporate taxes.
Citizens for Tax Justice concluded: “Multinational corporations’ use of tax havens allows them to avoid an estimated $90 billion in federal income taxes each year.”
All three papers offered arguments that closely align with the rhetoric of corporate education reform, focusing on the plight of low-income students of color while ignoring the realities of how testing affects such populations.
The landslide victory of left-wing candidate Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Party leader in the United Kingdom has many establishment types bent out of shape. The Blair wing of the party was literally obliterated, with Corbyn drawing more than four times the votes of his nearest competitor. After giving the country the war in Iraq, and the housing bubble whose collapse led to the 2008-2009 recession and financial crisis, the discontent of the Labour Party’s rank and file is understandable.
CBS News analyst Frank Luntz pushed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) for House Speaker, claiming “he’s got a brain for policy, which is what we need in Washington right now,” adding, “if Paul Ryan says no, God help us.” CBS News and Luntz did not disclose that Ryan has paid Luntz’s company over $100,000 in consulting fees in recent years.
This is quite unlike the rules CNN set for its Republican presidential debate earlier this month. In addition to reaching a poll threshold, candidates had to officially file with the FEC and say they were running three weeks before the debate. They also had to have a paid campaign aide working in at least two of the four early voting states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada). And they had to have visited two of those states at least once.
Those Republican rules were designed to keep many candidates in the large field offstage. But CNN’s starkly different Democratic rules have seemingly been deliberately designed in hopes of coaxing one potential candidate in particular — Biden — onstage.
Throughout his illustrious career, one of Noam Chomsky’s chief preoccupations has been questioning — and urging us to question — the assumptions and norms that govern our society.
Following a talk on power, ideology, and US foreign policy last weekend at the New School in New York City, freelance Italian journalist Tommaso Segantini sat down with the eighty-six-year-old to discuss some of the same themes, including how they relate to processes of social change.
For radicals, progress requires puncturing the bubble of inevitability: austerity, for instance, “is a policy decision undertaken by the designers for their own purposes.” It is not implemented, Chomsky says, “because of any economic laws.” American capitalism also benefits from ideological obfuscation: despite its association with free markets, capitalism is shot through with subsidies for some of the most powerful private actors. This bubble needs popping too.
Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow is defending Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s controversial remarks that fewer people would have been killed in the Holocaust had they been armed by criticizing German Jews for not having “more actively resisted” the Nazis.
Carson sparked an outcry after he claimed the outcome of the Holocaust “would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed.” Carson has stood by his comments. The Anti-Defamation League called Carson’s remarks “historically inaccurate.”
In an October 9 FoxNews.com piece, Ablow defended Carson’s comments by asserting, “If Jews in Germany had more actively resisted the Nazi party or the Nazi regime and had diagnosed it as a malignant and deadly cancer from the start, there would, indeed, have been a chance for the people of that country and the world to be moved to action by their bold refusal to be enslaved.”
Conditions for reporters are more challenging than ever in Latin America, where they face increasing government repression and spiraling violence, the region’s leading journalism advocacy group said Tuesday.
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) issued its grim assessment about the state of the profession in the region, as it wrapped up a five-day general assembly meeting in Charleston, South Carolina.
The state of free speech in Venezuela has worsened over the last year, and the few remaining independent media outlets are under attack by the government. This according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which convened its 71st General Assembly of the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) in South Carolina on Friday, October 2.
Teen blogger Amos Yee had an appeal against his prior conviction and jail sentence dismissed by the High Court on Thursday (Oct 8).
Yee was expected to attend the hearing for his appeal to be heard, but did not show up. His lawyer, Mr Alfred Dodwell, who filed the notice of appeal on Jul 9, was present.
Justice Tay Yong Kwang decided to conduct the hearing without the 16-year-old, who has already finished serving his 4-week prison sentence. Following a hearing that lasted about two hours, the appeal was dismissed.
Blogger Amos Yee’s appeal against his conviction and jail sentence was dismissed by the High Court on Thursday.
Yee, who had filed a notice of appeal through his lawyer Alfred Dodwell on July 9, was not present during the hearing.
The 16-year-old was found guilty on May 12 – after a two-day trial – of intending to wound the religious feelings of Christians in a video, as well as of uploading an obscene image onto his blog.
The 16-year-old was found guilty on May 12—after a two-day trial—of intending to wound the religious feelings of Christians in a video, as well as of uploading an obscene image onto his blog.
Blogger Amos Yee was admonished by a High Court judge yesterday for having no regard for anyone else and using crude language to seek attention.
On May 12, Yee was found guilty of electronically transmitting an obscene image of former Prime Minister (PM) Lee Kuan Yew and former British PM Margaret Thatcher, and also for uploading content online that contained remarks against Christianity.
Throwing out blogger Amos Yee’s appeal against his conviction and sentence today (Oct 8), a High Court judge said four weeks’ jail was a justified sentence for the teenager, in light of his “attitude of complete disregard for others that is hardly ever seen, whether among adults or among younger persons like him”.
In a case which attracted much attention in Singapore, Yee, 16, was found guilty earlier this year,of making remarks intending to hurt the feelings of Christians in a video, and uploading an obscene image.
The only reason given by MDA for the cut was that the show’s producer Artsolute had submitted the script late, and hence it “was not able to process a problematic segment and work with Artsolute to address specific content concerns”.
Article 16 of the United Nations Child Rights Convention (UNCRC) states, “No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation.”
They were for electronically transmitting an obscene image of late former prime minister (PM) Lee Kuan Yew and late former British PM Margaret Thatcher, and for uploading content online that contained remarks against Christianity.
“I worry about Jeff Bezos’ bizarre obsession with dinosaur sex,” said Prince, towards the end of a long conversation in our New York newsroom.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard a chief executive — hell, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything like that before,” I said.
Prince was referring to how the bookseller and online retail giant banned so-called “monster erotica,” a genre of fan-fiction revolving around fantasy-based fictional encounters with mythical or extinct creatures (including dinosaurs), which was for a time sold on its online bookstore. Amazon, according to reports, pulled hundreds of the self-published books it sold — as well as some content that fetishized incest and rape — despite “vague” guidelines by the retailer.
The NUS has a strict No Platform policy, banning a growing list of people and organisations it deems too offensive or controversial for students to hear. The NUS does not want students to be faced with controversial opinions, and it will not allow students to form their own defence against opposing views. No Platform also forbids people with the views it deems unacceptable to run for NUS office. Apparently, the NUS doesn’t even trust its students to vote against a racist in an election campaign.
Recently, the Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) has banned a magazine called No Offence from their Freshers’ Fair, on the grounds of it being offensive. The apparent irony of this was quickly snapped up by various national news outlets. Having spoken to some of the editors and contributors of the magazine, and having had the dubious pleasure of reading certain excerpts of it, I cannot help but be exasperated by the way in which this has played out. The OUSU statement on the issue noted “The magazine included a graphic description of an abortion, the use of an ableist slur, a celebration of colonialism, and a transphobic article. In an attempt at satire, another article suggested organising a ‘rape swagger’ – in the style of a ‘slut walk’ – in order to make rape ‘socially acceptable.’”
Indeed, many of those fighting for friends’ speech actively support restrictions on non-friends’ speech. The defenders of Bindel include people who campaigned to end Page 3. In a letter to the Observer denouncing the No Platforming of feminists, various activists and academics called for a return to that time when No Platform was ‘a tactic used against self-proclaimed fascists and Holocaust deniers’. That so many can use the language of freedom of speech to defend people they like while simultaneously giving the nod, or turning a blind eye, to the censorship of people they don’t like – fascists, sexists, Islamists, pornographers – should leave no doubt that we are not witnessing a new fight for freedom of speech. If anything, the ideal of freedom of speech is being damaged, badly, by those who use the language of freedom in the pursuit of the very narrow, self-serving aim of preserving their own political influence.
Two speakers at a debate on feminism and censorship have been banned from appearing at the University of Manchester.
Radical feminist Julie Bindel and rightwing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos have been banned from speaking at a Manchester Students’ Union debate on free speech.
They were due to debate at an event being held by the Free Speech and Secular Society – titled ‘From liberation to censorship: does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?’ – the irony of which has not gone unnoticed by critics.
However, the president of the society, Leonardo Carella does not believe the reaction of the union answers the question posed by the debate.
An independent girls’ school in Ipswich has ignited a censorship row after it pulled a Rebecca Lenkiewicz play due to “grave reservations” over its portrayal of child sex abuse.
Censorship campaigners claim the move is part of worrying trend among schools and other education bodies to cancel productions that deal with controversial subjects. The news marks the second time a school has pulled out of a theatre production this year, after Raines Foundation Upper School in Bethnal Green withdrew from National Youth Theatre production Homegrown – which was later cancelled altogether.
You can only officially download the Apple News app if you’re in the United States right now. Though the app is also being tested elsewhere—Britain and Australia—it’s predominantly U.S.-only at the moment.
That’s not to say that you can’t access Apple News if you’re from the United States and you’re traveling abroad. Well. Sort-of. According to a report from The New York Times, Apple has allegedly turned off Apple News for anyone in China. You can open up the app without any issue if you happen to have it, but Apple News will time out before a single headline arrives on your iOS device: “Can’t refresh right now. News isn’t supported in your current region,” reads the resulting error message.
Freedom of expression campaigners Index on Censorship and the producers of award-winning documentary They Will Have To Kill Us First are delighted to announce the launch of a new fund to support musicians facing censorship globally.
Songhoy Blues, who feature in They Will Have To Kill Us First, were nominated for the arts category of the Index Freedom of Expression Awards in 2015. Index’s current arts award fellow is Mouad Belghouat, a Moroccan rapper who releases music as El Haqed. His music publicises widespread poverty and rails against endemic government corruption in Morocco, where he is banned from performing publicly.
Banned Books Week 2015 may have come to an end, but censorship is still alive and well. The team at the Simply Novel Teachers Blog has created an infographic on “Banned and Challenged Books by the Numbers.”
Hong Kong’s news media has had its general credibility rating improve slightly to 5.86 out of a maximum of 10, according to a survey by the University of Hong Kong (HKU).
More than 1,000 students and faculty members have marched through one of Hong Kong’s leading universities in silence to protest against what they describe as an intensifying Beijing-backed assault on academic freedoms.
During their show in Beijing on October 6th, Megadeth was abruptly canceled only an hour into their performance allegedly because of Chinese Censorship Officials.
According to The Beijinger, MEGADETH’s October 6 concert at the MasterCard Center in Beijing, China ended abruptly after only an hour, possibly due to the band being censored by officials.
Some disturbing news out of Georgia this week after parents in bucolic Walton County got fired up about their children learning about Islam in public schools. In response to the controversy, the Georgia Department of Education removed a program guide called “Respecting Beliefs” that was part of its statewide middle school requirements.
Journalists from various points on the political spectrum who have been targeted by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) convened with press unions at the Press Museum in İstanbul on Tuesday to discuss ways to fight censorship.
The Macedonian Parliament has confirmed a controversial government-backed bill that would have criminalised the publication of material related to allegations of mass unlawful wiretapping has been withdrawn.
Parliament announced the bill had been withdrawn in a written statement issued late Wednesday evening, as hundreds of demonstrators rallied outside the parliament building in the capital city Skopje.
Breaches of the proposed law would have been punishable by up to four years in jail.
Claims of mass unlawful surveillance emerged after opposition leaders began publishing recordings in February that they say reveal the government’s direct involvement in election fraud, the justice system and the media.
Hopkins Feminists attempts character assassination of Alan Dershowitz prior to his planned speech
Friday said the kingdom must counter online dissent and royal defamation as public outcry mounts over junta plans to launch a single Internet gateway that critics say will muzzle the web.
Tucked away in a coffee shop near Central Bangkok, Phannee Naksuk rushed behind her counter, sprinkling cinnamon on the foam of an iced latte that was beginning to wilt. All around, her dozen customers were stuck on smartphones or laptops, their faces illuminated in faint blue light inside the shady shop.
Thailand’s military junta has already banned Facebook (a few times), Bitcoin and the game Tropico, but that’s not enough for the censor-happy dictatorship. The nation is now kicking around the idea of a single gateway — effectively one internet connection between Thailand and the rest of the world. With that in place, the government would have complete control over the country’s internet traffic, making censorship and surveillance a breeze. Naturally, this so-called Great Firewall of Thailand isn’t something that its citizens are taking lying down, which is why several government websites were taken down in a co-ordinated DDoS attack last week.
Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom has responded to the #FreetheNipple movement – he says it’s Apple that requires women’s nipples to be censored on the photo app.
According to Kevin Systrom, Instagram’s CEO, Apple’s App store has stringent policies when it comes to inappropriate content. Speaking at a Dazed Media event last week, he explained that if Instagram breaks these rules in any way, such as allowing the posting of nipples, the app runs the risk of being banned by the store.
French director Leos Carax of “Boy Meets Girl” on Wednesday denounced the blurring of genitalia in Korean and Japanese cinema as “childish,” illustrating the wide gap that persists among censorship practices around the world.
Péter Tarr is the deputy director of the right-leaning HírTV cable television news network, which was established in 2003 as Hungary’s first 24/7 news channel. Back in February, the station’s owner, Lajos Simicska, had a very public and profanity-laced falling out with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and after that happened, HírTV journalists and staff, once the media darlings of the Orbán government, collectively became persona non grata in Fidesz circles. They were seen as traitors and enemies, nearly as bad as those independent journalists who the government labels with career-ending markers, such as “liberal” or “left-liberal.” This week, Mr. Tarr shared some insight into how HírTV was forced to make the transition from a station where government officials would intervene on a regular basis in programming decisions and would lecture journalists on how to do their job, to a news network that today is seen by the regime as being a tool of the opposition.
A Winchester jail is being sued over alleged censorship of inmates’ magazines
Syria’s authorities should immediately reveal the whereabouts of Bassel Khartabil, a software developer and defender of freedom of expression, 31 organizations said today. Syrian authorities transferred Khartabil, who has been detained since 2012, from Adra central prison to an undisclosed location on October 3, 2015.
Khartabil managed to inform his family on October 3 that security officers had ordered him to pack but did not reveal his destination. His family has not received any official information but believe based on unconfirmed information they received that he may have been transferred to the military-run field court inside the Military Police base in Qaboun.
A TV show advising its viewers to use discretion when viewing shows that have potentially disturbing material is not censorship. Letter ratings on films are not censorship.
A two-sentence warning at the beginning of an opinion article, warning readers about potentially traumatic material contained within is not censorship.
Most of the Russian NGOs defending freedom of the press are blacklisted as “foreign agents”, while facing excessive pressure for non-compliance, writes Mapping Media Freedom correspondent Andrey Kalikh
Chrome and Firefox are actively blocking direct access to the popular torrent site KickassTorrents. According to Google’s Safe Browsing diagnostics service the site contains “harmful programs,” most likely triggered by malicious advertisements running on Kat.cr.
The Toronto Sun is the latest to join what’s now a massive trend, a note to readers proclaiming that the paper is regretfully killing its news comment section because the paper just can’t figure out how to interact with human beings in the digital age, and would like to roll the clock back to an era where only editor-approved thinking reaches the readers’ eye.
Earlier in the week we had the pleasure of entraining Jim Killock, ORG’s executive director, ahead of a workshop on talking you MP about intrusive surveillance.
Jim bought us entertainingly up to date with the current thinking around the still-under-wraps government plans for wide-ranging updates to their subservience powers. Happy to take questions, Jim elaborated a number of points with us, including explaining a bit about what ORG’s plans are, which led neatly into the other half of the evening, but not before everyone had a well deserved tea break.
America Online (AOL) will be resurrecting Verizon’s zombie cookies because they are fabulous data-trackers that cannot be “killed”.
After months of deliberation, the Obama administration has made a long-awaited decision on the thorny issue of how to deal with encrypted communications: It will not — for now — call for legislation requiring companies to decode messages for law enforcement.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull responded to concerns over the use of his own private email server by saying politicians use insecure communication all the time.
Rogier Creemers, a China-specialist with Oxford University, told ComputerWorld, “With the help of the latest internet technologies the government wants to exercise individual surveillance. Government and big internet companies in China can exploit ‘Big Data’ together in a way that is unimaginable in the West.”
Chinese Internet users now have one more reason to look over their digital shoulders at the government’s nearly inescapable surveillance and censorship regime.
Gamer? Strike. Bad-mouthed the government in comments on social media? Strike. Even if you don’t buy video games and you don’t post political comments online “without prior permission,” but any of your online friends do….strike. The strikes are actually more like dings, dings to your falling credit score that is.
Thanks to a new terrifying use of big data, a credit score can be adversely affected by your hobbies, shopping habits, lifestyles, what you read online, what you post online, your political opinions as well as what your social connections do, say, read, buy or post. While you might never imagine such a credit-rating system in America, it is happening in China and the ACLU said it serves as a warning for Americans.
Last month, we wrote about a document leaked to the Washington Post that showed the three “options” that the White House was considering for responding to the debate about backdooring encryption. The document made it clear that the White House knew that there was zero chance that any legislation mandating encryption backdoors would pass. But the question then was what to do about it: take a strong stand on the importance of freedom and privacy, and make it clear that the US would not mandate backdoors… or take the sleazy way out and say “no new legislation for now.” As we said at the time, option 1 was the only real option. You take a stand. You talk about the importance of encryption in protecting the public.
This week, the European Court of Justice – the highest court in the European Union – declared that US companies may not transmit private sensitive personal data out of Europe to the United States for processing as they have up until now. It was a cancellation of the so-called Safe Harbor agreement, where U.S. companies self-declare that they meet certain European privacy standards. But the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) reason for declaring Safe Harbor null and void goes far beyond the cancellation as such – it says that U.S. companies don’t have agency to make any such promises of any kind in the first place, contractual or unilateral, not now, not ever, as long as the NSA operates.
The EU’s safe harbour ruling is a “puzzle piece in the fight against mass surveillance, and a huge blow to tech companies who think they can act in total ignorance of the law,” says Max Schrems, the man who brought the case.
“US companies are realising that European laws are getting more and more enforced. But still, people don’t believe that a court would order Google or Facebook to do something – they wouldn’t dare. Well, yes, they fucking would,” he said, speaking in Vienna.
How much do you estimate you’re worth to Facebook? If you live in America, it’s a lot more than if you’re a resident of the UK or other countries.
US Facebook users generate the site on average four times more advertising revenue than users outside of the country, making around $48.76 per year per user as opposed to $7.71, according to market research firm eMarketer.
The firm predicts revenue is set to rise to $61.06 in 2016 before reaching $73.29 the following year. Non-US users meanwhile, are expected to rise to $9.26 and $10.79 respectively.
From the outside, it looks like an enormous grey warehouse. Inside, there is a hint of the movie Bladerunner: long cavernous corridors, spinning computer servers with flashing blue lights and the hum of giant fans. There is also a long perimeter fence. Is its job to thwart corporate spies? No – it keeps out the moose.
The European Court of Justice (CJEU) handed down a decision declaring EU-US safe harbour for personal data invalid this morning. It has far-reaching implications for cloud services in particular and may presage increased opportunity for open source solutions from non-US suppliers. Looks like a real gift to companies like Kolab.
Two weeks ago, on my birthday, I decided to check Facebook for birthday wishes because I was having a crappy birthday. It became much worse when Facebook did two things. First, it informed me it had removed an image posted to my timeline based on violating its nudity/obscenity policy — though I had not posted an image, only a link to a post in which I wrote about a new documentary on identity and the gender binary (my link was posted with an NSFW warning). No image. I’ve been around the internet a long time, and I’ve been censored — mostly under inaccurate circumstances — by everyone from the government of Libya to Flickr, feminists and Christian conservatives alike, and Facebook too, when a religious organization campaigned to (successfully) get one of my pages removed on false pretenses.
Fake traffic has become a commodity. There’s malware for generating it and brokers who sell it. Some companies pay for it intentionally, some accidentally, and some prefer not to ask where their traffic comes from. It’s given rise to an industry of countermeasures, which inspire counter-countermeasures. “It’s like a game of whack-a-mole,” says Fernando Arriola, vice president for media and integration at ConAgra Foods. Consumers, meanwhile, to the extent they pay attention to targeted ads at all, hate them: The top paid iPhone app on Apple’s App Store is an ad blocker.
The news from the Office of Personnel Management hack keeps getting worse. In addition to the personal records of over 20 million US government employees, we’ve now learned that the hackers stole fingerprint files for 5.6 million of them.
As of 2012, GCHQ was storing about 50 billion metadata records about online communications and Web browsing activity every day, with plans in place to boost capacity to 100 billion daily by the end of that year. The agency, under cover of secrecy, was working to create what it said would soon be the biggest government surveillance system anywhere in the world.
That’s around 36 trillion metadata records gathered in 2012 alone — and it’s probably even higher now. As Techdirt has covered previously, intelligence agencies like to say this is “just” metadata — skating over the fact that metadata is actually much more revealing than traditional content because it is much easier to combine and analyze. An important document released by The Intercept with this story tells us exactly what GCHQ considers to be metadata, and what it says is content. It’s called the “Content-Metadata Matrix,” and reveals that as far as GCHQ is concerned, “authentication data to a communcations service: login ID, userid, password” are all considered to be metadata, which means GCHQ believes it can legally swipe and store them. Of course, intercepting your login credentials is a good example of why GCHQ’s line that it’s “only metadata” is ridiculous: doing so gives them access to everything you have and do on that service.
Sheryl Sandberg’s top concern as she prepares for New York’s largest annual gathering of advertising and media executives this week has nothing to do with ad-blocking software or click fraud. Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, can brag to Advertising Week attendees about how the world’s largest social network is largely immune to forces that have sent Internet and publishing companies into a panic. But Sandberg is losing her voice, so her pitch will need to be succinct.
Between sips of strawberry water at the company’s Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters, Sandberg explains how Facebook has avoided controversies around online advertising with its emphasis on a single account tied to a user’s real-world identity and subtle ads that can be easily scrolled past if the user isn’t interested. What advertisers want, according to a raspy-voiced Sandberg, is “to reach people in a way that feels good, that’s not intrusive.” The argument ignores that Facebook trackers are just about everywhere on the Internet. But because most of Facebook’s 1.49 billion users routinely access the service through an app, the ads cannot be hidden using one of the many blocker tools now topping the download charts on Apple’s App Store.
A CityNews investigation reveals Correctional Services Canada (CSC) introduced super surveillance technology in at least one federal institution this winter; capturing calls and texts made from inside the jail, the visitor parking lot and, potentially, passing drivers and residents who live in close proximity to the institution.
“We understand and believe there’s really been a breach of privacy. These were personal cell phones and personal calls. We’re looking at it from a legal aspect,” the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers’ Jason Godin told CityNews.
A confidential Sept. 17, 2015 email sent by Warkworth Institution’s warden Scott Thompson to staff at the Campbellford-area prison, and obtained by CityNews, details how the technology captures these conversations.
The time has come. I bought my second IoT device – in the form of a cheap IP camera. As it was the cheapest among all others, my expectations regarding security was low. But this camera was still able to surprise me.
Maybe I will disclose the camera model used in my hack in this blog later, but first I will try to contact someone regarding these issues. Unfortunately, it seems a lot of different cameras have this problem, because they share being developed on the same SDK. Again, my expectations are low on this.
A “Snowden Treaty” designed to counter mass surveillance and protect whistleblowers around the world has been proposed by Edward Snowden, and three of the people most closely associated with his leaks: the documentary film-maker Laura Poitras; David Miranda, who was detained at Heathrow airport, and is the Brazilian coordinator of the campaign to give asylum to Snowden in Brazil; and his partner, the journalist Glenn Greenwald. The “International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance and Protection of Whistleblowers,” to give it its full title, was launched yesterday in New York by Miranda, with Snowden and Greenwald speaking via video.
Civil Rights
National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent said “losers” who don’t carry a gun “get cut down by murderous maniacs like blind sheep to slaughter” in a column for WND, becoming the latest public conservative figure to blame victims of gun violence who are unarmed.
Everything tied to securing convictions seems to suffer from pervasive flaws compounded by confirmation bias. For four decades, the DOJ presented hair analysis as an unique identifier on par with fingerprints or DNA when it wasn’t. A 2014 Inspector General’s report found the FBI still hadn’t gotten around to correcting forensic lab issues it had pointed out nearly 20 years earlier. This contributed to two decades of “experts” providing testimony that greatly overstated the results of hair analysis. All of this happened in the FBI’s closed system, a place outsiders aren’t allowed to examine firsthand.
That’s the IRL version. The software version is just as suspect. Computers aren’t infallible and the people running them definitely aren’t. If the software cannot be inspected, the statements of expert witnesses should be considered highly dubious. After all, most expert witnesses representing the government have a vested interest in portraying forensic evidence as bulletproof. Without access to forensic software code, no one will ever be able to prove them wrong.
On September 14, local media reported that an appeals court and Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court had upheld the death sentence of Ali al-Nimr for participating in protests four years ago. He was 16 at the time. Today, he awaits the execution of his sentence, which stipulates that al-Nimr should be beheaded and that his headless body should be strung up for public display.
Kasturi, 50, is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital in Riyadh, her sister Vijayakumari told The Indian Express from their home in Vellore district.
India’s foreign ministry has complained to the Saudi Arabian authorities following an alleged “brutal” attack on a 58-year-old Indian woman in Riyadh.
Kasturi Munirathinam’s right arm was chopped off, allegedly by her employer, when she tried to escape from their house last week, reports say.
Leaked documents suggest vote-trading deal was conducted to enable nations to secure a seat at UN’s influential body
Britain has been accused of backing Saudi Arabia’s election to the United Nations top human right’s body as part of a vote trading deal – despite the Gulf State’s appalling abuse record.
Secret cables reportedly show that Britain approached Saudi Arabia about the trade ahead of the 2013 election for membership of the Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
The Saudi regime has shameful record on human rights and has executed 135 people since January on charges ranging from murder to witchcraft.
The conviction of former Reuters employee Matthew Keys on hacking charges this week has renewed focus on a controversial federal law that many say prosecutors are using incorrectly and too broadly to inflate cases and trump up charges.
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, or CFAA, is a federal law that was designed to target malicious hackers who obtain unauthorized access to protected computers. But judges have used it in a number of controversial cases to, for example, prosecute and convict a woman for violating MySpace’s user agreement, and to convict a former Korn/Ferry International employee for violating his employer’s computer use policy. It was also used to indict internet activist Aaron Swartz for downloading scholarly articles that he was authorized to access.
There’s a new narrative out there — one that’s being repeated by campaigning politicians and buttressed by fearful news reports. Apparently, the public has declared war on law enforcement. Each shooting of a police officer is presented as evidence that it’s open season on cops. Officers aren’t simply killed. They’re “targeted.” The problem is, the stats don’t back this up.
Most Americans haven’t even heard of civil asset forfeiture. This is why the programs have run unchallenged for so many years. An uninformed electorate isn’t a vehicle for change. This issue is still a long way away from critical mass.
Without critical mass, there’s little chance those who profit from it will lose their power over state and federal legislatures. Forfeiture programs are under more scrutiny these days, but attempts to roll back these powers, or introduce conviction requirements, have been met with resistance from law enforcement agencies and police unions — entities whose opinions are generally respected far more than the public’s.
California’s attempt to institute a conviction requirement met with pushback from a unified front of law enforcement groups. Despite nearly unanimous support by legislators, the bill didn’t survive the law enforcement lobby’s last-minute blitz. They also had assistance from the Department of Justice, which pointed out how much money agencies would be giving up by effectively cutting off their connection with federal agencies if the bill was passed.
Twenty-three year old Mariah Idrissi is the first Muslim woman in a hijab to be featured by world’s second largest fashion store
A well-known Washington, DC lawyer has been appointed to be the first of a total of five amici curae—friends of the court—who will act as a sort of ombudsman or public advocate at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).
The move was one of the provisions in the USA Freedom Act, which passed in June 2015 as a package of modest reforms to the national security system.
The attorney, Preston Burton, was named to the post by the FISC earlier this month, which was not widely reported until The Intercept noticed it on Friday.
Burton was likely selected because he has dealt with many security-related cases in the past, including former CIA intelligence agent Aldrich H. Ames, and former FBI Special Agent Robert Hanssen. In addition, according to his own biography, he “has held a Top Secret/SCI level security clearance at numerous points in his career,” which he will likely need again.
Australia’s workplace tribunal ruled that a woman was bullied after she was unfriended on Facebook following work dispute
This is so terrible. The guy — from a Detroit area suburb — is off his addiction-treatment meds and in withdrawal, and, at one point, lies under his bed, clawing up at it. What kind of person looks at a human being in this condition and just leaves them in their cage?
During his 17 days in jail, in the final days the horror of his withdrawal, he laid there on the floor for 48 hours, waiting to die — in a cell that was supposed to be specially monitored.
This guy was not a violent criminal. He lost 50 pounds in 17 days while jailed for an unpaid ticket.
We’ve sold each other for profit and lost what makes us happy.
Internet/Net Neutrality
After fifteen years in an apparent coma, earlier this year the FCC woke up to the fact that ISPs were effectively paying states to pass laws focused entirely on protecting uncompetitive, regional broadband duopolies. More specifically, they’ve been pushing legislation that prohibits towns and cities from improving their own broadband infrastructure — or in some cases partnering with utilities or private companies — even in areas local incumbents refused to upgrade. It’s pure protectionism, and roughly twenty states have passed such ISP-written laws nationwide.
Facebook is trying its best to defuse worries that the company is trying to impose a bizarre, walled-garden vision of the Internet upon the developing world. As we’ve been discussing, Facebook’s Internet.org initiative has been under fire of late in India, where the government has been trying to not only define net neutrality, but craft useful rules. Early policy guidelines have declared Internet.org to be little more than glorified collusion, since while it does offer limited access to some free services, it involves Facebook determining which services users will be able to access (and encrypted content wasn’t on the Facebook approval list).
Zuck was presenting a document signed by himself as well as Bill and Melinda Gates, stating: “The internet belongs to everyone. It should be accessible by everyone.”
Google too has been involved in looking for ways to improve coverage in remote areas. The firm’s Project Loon works to provide internet access using weather balloons. Bill Gates slammed this project stating that it won’t uplift the poor. Something has clearly changed his mind.
Signing on to the connectivity campaign were U2 star Bono, co-founder of One, a group that fights extreme poverty; actress Charlize Theron, founder of Africa Outreach Project; philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates; British entrepreneur Richard Branson; Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington; Colombian singer Shakira, actor and activist George Takei and Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales.
What is it about Net neutrality that invites such political posturing over a principal that enjoys huge bipartisan support among voters? While 85 percent of Republican voters oppose the creation of Internet fast lanes, presidential candidate Jeb Bush made headlines this week saying that if elected he would roll back Net neutrality rules passed under the Obama administration.
The Open Internet regulations still face legal challenges, but the biggest threat could come in 2016. President Obama has been a firm supporter of Net neutrality rules enacted by the FCC and a sure vetoer of any attempts by Congress to undo them. But what happens with the next president — and the next FCC? The agency is directed by five commissioners appointed to five-year terms by the president, but only three commissioners may be from the same political party. The FCC approved the current rules along party lines, with a 3-2 vote, but in 2017 the next president will be in a position to appoint a new commissioner who could reverse that vote.
The Librarian of Congress wields a surprising amount of power over the mobile devices we use every day. Once every three years, the head of the US Library of Congress is responsible for handing out exemptions to the anti-circumvention provisions in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
It was by sheer chance that the software “defeat device” that allowed Volkswagen to thwart emission tests on its diesel vehicles was discovered last year. The discovery came after a few university researchers tested a group of European cars made for the U.S. market.
The West Virginia University researchers drove the vehicles for thousands of miles, testing the emissions as they went along. They weren’t expecting to discover what they did: Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions rates 20 times the baseline set by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
The university researchers reported their findings to the California Air Resources Board, which then further investigated. That ultimately led to the charges by the EPA.
Cary Sherman, the chairman and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America, has some choice words about the current state of US copyright law. He says that under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, rightsholders must play a game of whack-a-mole with Internet companies to get them to remove infringing content.
But that “never-ending game” has allowed piracy to run amok and has cheapened the legal demand for music. Sure, many Internet companies remove links under the DMCA’s “notice-and-takedown” regime. But the DMCA grants these companies, such as Google, a so-called “safe harbor”—meaning companies only have to remove infringing content upon notice from rightsholders.
Intellectual Monopolies
Earlier this week this blog reported on the latest reference for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on hyperlinking and copyright.
Copyright holders celebrated a landmark victory early September when a Norwegian court ordered local ISPs to block the Pirate Bay. A breakthrough verdict perhaps, but one with a major flaw as the rightsholder forgot to list one of the site’s main domain names.
The Austrian Pirate Party is running a rather unusual advertising campaign on one of the largest Internet porn sites. Using an image of the Minister of the Interior the Pirates warn unsuspecting visitors that they might soon be being watched, a reference to a new mass surveillance proposal in Austria.
That urge to be first was what put Danks on the radars of FACT and then the police. After his arrest and subsequent conviction Danks was initially sent to HMP Hewell, a Category B prison in Worcestershire, later being transferred to the low-to-medium risk HMP Oakwood. But despite committing only white-collar crime, Danks was placed alongside those with a thirst for violence.
“I was locked up with all sorts of people, including murderers, bank robbers etc. I remember one guy who I worked with in the kitchens who had been sentenced to 18 years for killing someone. He got out and within six hours was arrested again for killing his victim’s friend,” Danks explains.
Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm Warg was released from a Swedish prison Saturday, three years after he began serving time for a Danish hacking conspiracy and for Swedish copyright offenses connected to the file-sharing site, The Pirate Bay.
Warg hasn’t made any public comments following his release from Skanninge Prison in Sweden.
But his mother chimed in on Twitter. “Yes, #anakata is free now. No more need to call for #freeanakata. Thank you everyone for your important support during these three years!”
Aurous, the music equivalent of Popcorn Time, is just two weeks away from alpha release but anti-piracy outfit Rightscorp is already touting a ‘solution’ to deal with the software. Biting back, Aurous’ developer Andrew Sampson says that Rightscorp has no idea how his technology works and accuses the company of fear mongering in an attempt to get more clients.
Anti-piracy monetization firm Rightscorp says it has retained a lawyer known for his work with infamous copyright troll Dallas Buyers Club. Carl Crowell, who recently claimed that it’s impossible to be anonymous using BitTorrent, will help “educate” people about the effects of piracy while suing “persistent and egregious infringers.”
Megaupload has asked a federal court in Virginia to postpone its legal battles with the MPAA and RIAA while the criminal proceedings remain pending. The movie studios and recording labels haven’t objected to the request which means that it will take at least six more months before the civil cases begin.
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Posted in News Roundup at 11:31 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Today, however, Lastpass drops a bombshell, announcing it has been bought by the company LogMeIn. I am not familiar with this new owner, but many people are unhappy — the comment section on the announcement is full of outrage. If you only use Windows, Mac, iOS or Android, there are alternatives, so you can switch if things get bad. Users of Chrome OS, Ubuntu, Fedora and other such operating systems? Not so much. Should we Linux users panic?
A number of the distributions on that list would have been suitable but I was also looking for a distribution that had a 32-bit version.
From the list I could reasonably have gone for PCLinuxOS, Linux Mint XFCE, Zorin OS Lite or Linux Lite but having recently reviewed Q4OS I decided that this was the best option because it looks a lot like older versions of Windows, it is lightweight, fast and easy to use.
Research firm Gartner Inc said worldwide shipments of personal computers fell 7.7 percent to 73.7 million units in the third quarter as a stronger dollar made them costlier.
IBM this week launched a new “LC” line of servers that infuse technologies from members of the OpenPower Foundation and are part of IBM’s Power Systems portfolio of servers.
The new Power Systems LC servers were designed based on technologies and development efforts contributed by OpenPower Foundation partners—including Canonical, Mellanox, Nvidia, Tyan and Wistron.
Kernel Space
Bottomley, maintainer of the kernel’s SCSI subsystem and other code, argues that things on the Linux kernel mailing list aren’t all that it’s talked up to be.
Another Linux kernel developer has left, citing a toxic environment. Jack Wallen proposes the type of motivation used by the kernel devs could unmake a very precious commodity.
Folks are still discussing the resignation of Sarah Sharp and Matthew Garrett from Linux kernel development. Jack Wallen said Sharp (and Garrett) are cases of more developers being “turned away, simply because developers had no patience for personal respect.” He said Linux rules with a “sharp and iron tongue” with “foul and abusive language.” He agreed with Dr. Roy Schestowitz in that all this is a “PR nightmare” threatening the “flagship of the open-source movement.” He placed part of the blame on what he calls the “Internet of hate” and said if Linux is to compete with Microsoft and Apple its developers need to “start treating the legions of programmers, who are working tirelessly to deliver, as well as they treat the code itself. Open source is about community. A community with a toxic foundation will eventually crumble.”
The definition of “thick-skinned” in different dictionaries ranges from “not easily offended” to “largely unaffected by the needs and feelings of other people; insensitive”, going through “able to ignore personal criticism”, “ability to withstand criticism and show no signs of any criticism you may receive getting to you”, “an insensitive nature” or “impervious to criticism”. It essentially describes an emotionally detached attitude regarding one’s social environment, the capacity or ignoring or minimizing the effects of others’ criticism and the priorization of the protection of one’s current state over the capacity of empathizing and taking into account what others may say that don’t conform to one’s current way of thinking. It is essentially setting up barriers against whatever others may do that might provoke any kind of crisis or change in you.
When Matthew Garrett, well-known Linux kernel developer and CoreOS principal security engineer, announced he was releasing a [Linux] kernel tree with patches that implement a BSD-style securelevel interface, I predicted people would say Garrett was forking Linux. I was right. They have. But, that’s not what Garrett is doing.
Linux Foundation head Jim Zemlin interviewed Linus Torvalds on stage at LinuxCon North America 2015. I thought it was worth sharing.
During the LinuxCon Europe and Embedded Linux Conference Europe events that took place earlier this week in Dublin, Ireland, between October 5 and 7, the non-profit organization The Linux Foundation announced the standardization of the future of the Software Supply Chain by creating the OpenChain Workgroup.
During the LinuxCon Europe event that took place in Dublin, Ireland, between October 5 and 7, 2015, The Linux Foundation non-profit organization announced that they would host FOSSology, the open source license compliance system and toolkit.
The discovery of several high profile zero-day vulnerabilities in popular open source technologies last year served not only to show the importance of open source to the Internet and IT world, but also how woefully under-resourced so many projects were
New KDBUS patches continue being published for this in-kernel IPC mechanism based on D-Bus, but it hasn’t been communicated yet whether Linux 4.4 is the next target for hoping to mainline this controversial code.
Just yesterday was a set of 44 patches in attempting to cleanup the KDBUS code further. There’s also been an assortment of other KDBUS patches floating around the kernel mailing list.
Lennart Poettering released systemd 227 a few minutes ago with what he describes as “lot’s of new awesomeness, and many bugfixes!”
Graphics Stack
AMD sent in a batch of fixes for the AMDGPU kernel driver today for Linux 4.3. One notable change with this AMDGPU DRM driver update is that it marks the Iceland/Topaz graphics processor support as experimental so it’s no longer enabled by default until the support has been better vetted.
Since this summer we’ve known that Canonical developers have been looking at Vulkan in regards to supporting this forthcoming graphics API by Unity 8 and Mir. Since then we’ve seen work done in Mir to support renderers other than OpenGL with this Ubuntu display server. As another sign of working towards Vulkan, more of Mir’s OpenGL code continues to be re-factored.
Given the recent releases of FreeBSD 10.2 and NetBSD 7.0, plus the H2’2015 Linux distribution updates rolling around, I’ve just started work on a new BSD vs. Linux operating system performance comparison.
First up are the BSD distributions for testing… The test system being used for this comparison is an Intel Xeon E5-2687W v3 Haswell-E plus AMD FirePro system. Given the new release of NetBSD 7.0, I decided to try that out first.
When you think of Linux and graphic art tools, you probably consider Gimp or Blender to be the only available software. With that thought, you’d be very wrong. Yes, Gimp and Blender are the de facto standard tools for either image manipulation (Gimp) or Blender (3D graphics and animation), but what if you need a tool to create images from scratch?
Fotoxx is an open source photo editing program, working on Linux. It has support for the most important image formats, including JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and RAW. Fotoxx is mostly used for cropping, resizing or retouching photos, without using layers, like Photoshop.
We have been informed by kornelix, the developers of the open-source and free Fotoxx image manipulation software, about the immediate availability for download of Fotoxx 15.10.
On October 8, Opera Software announced the release and immediate availability for download and testing of a new version of their Opera 34 web browser, which is currently in the Developer channel.
Guild Software has had the pleasure of announcing a new maintenance release of their popular Vendetta Online 3D space combat massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) for all supported platforms, including Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS.
Beyond Earth – Rising Tide, the first expansion for the latest game in the Civilization series, is launching today on Linux and other platforms, and it set to greatly expand the gameplay of the original Beyond Earth.
$15 will grant you a DRM-free Linux copy of the game (plus your name in the credits), or add $10 more to it to also get the soundtrack.
Epistory – Typing Chronicles is a rather unique looking atmospheric action/adventure game, and the developers have confirmed a Linux version is coming.
It’s a very popular series of games, and having all but the original on Linux is going to be a really amazing thing. Deep Silver do seem to be really rather quickly building up their Linux/SteamOS list of games.
We have just been informed by Riccardo Padovani, the creator of the Falldown face-paced and addictive game for Ubuntu Phone, that he and his team release a major update.
This weekend Storm United should finally have a new update, and the developers have told us it will include Linux too.
The new Humble Weekly Bundle: Nordic Games 3 – Nordic’s Staff Picks has arrived and it’s mostly about Windows-only games, but a couple of Linux-supported games can be found too for whoever is interested.
Now that Valve has made SteamOS 2.0 the official branch, the developers have also explained how they plan to upgrade the operating systems and with what frequency.
Desktop Environments/WMs
Enlightenment DR 0.20 Alpha has been released as the first step towards E20 with one year having passed since E19.
Enlightenment E20 in its current state has full Wayland support with much better, more featureful support than what’s found in E19. That’s why Wayland support was removed from E19 rather than for any nefarious reasons.
After reporting the other day on the immediate availability of the Enlightenment 0.19.12 open-source desktop environment, a release that dropped support for the next-generation Wayland display server, today we’re happy to inform you about the development of the next major release of the project.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
On October 8, Martin Gräßlin, a KDE Developer working for BlueSystems GmbH, reported on the work done for porting the modern KDE Plasma compositor and window manager to the next-generation Wayland display server.
Martin Gräßlin has shared a monthly status update about the work accomplished in recent weeks for running KDE/KWin atop a native Wayland environment without depending upon any X11 code-paths.
A month ago KDE on Wayland began running rather properly and now it’s looking even better.
Season of KDE is a community outreach program, much like Google Summer of Code that has been hosted by the KDE community for seven years.
While this year’s Google Summer of Code has long passed, the KDE development community is now once again starting the Season of KDE 2015 as an initiative to get new developers involved with KDE projects.
KDE Frameworks are 60 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the Frameworks 5.0 release announcement.
This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner.
The Calligra team announce availability of the Calligra Suite, and Calligra Active 2.9.8. It is recommended update that improves the 2.9 series of the applications and underlying development frameworks.
This week is really busy, first three days of Qt World Summit and now hacking away at the Kate/KDevelop sprint in Berlin.
MATE developers are currently working towards MATE 1.12. MATE 1.12 is expected to have full support for GTK3, initial support for Wayland, support for GNOME Account Servers, full support for systemd’s logind, xf86-input-libinput driver support, and various other changes. The work-in-progress items can be found via the MATE-Desktop Roadmap.
Tarballs are due on 2015-10-12 before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME 3.18.1 newstable release, which will be delivered on Wednesday.
The GNOME2-forked MATE-Desktop has tagged version 1.11.0 as their newest milestone.
MATE developers are currently working towards MATE 1.12. MATE 1.12 is expected to have full support for GTK3, initial support for Wayland, support for GNOME Account Servers, full support for systemd’s logind, xf86-input-libinput driver support, and various other changes. The work-in-progress items can be found via the MATE-Desktop Roadmap.
GNOME Twitch is a GNOME 3 application for watching Twitch.tv (a popular live streaming video platform that primarily focuses on video gaming) on your desktop, without Flash or a web browser.
Following up with Emmanuele’s blog posts about GTK+ being “dead” or “dying” I wanted to point out about the status of the MSVC builds for the GTK+ stack.
Today I am happy to announce we have completed work on the first couple of themes we are updating to be compatible with Moksha.
New Releases
Netrunner is a Linux distribution that comes into two versions – Main version and Rolling release. Main version is based on Kubuntu and the Rolling release is based on Manjaro Linux. The new Netrunner 2015.09 has been released with a completely different look – KDE4 has been transformed to Plasma 5.2 desktop. Let’s look at the complete changes in the Netrunner 2015.09 release.
Robert Shingledecker has had the please of informing us about the immediate availability for download and testing of the first Release Candidate (RC) build of the upcoming Tiny Core Linux 6.4.1 operating system.
Arch Family
A few minutes ago, October 10, the Manjaro Community Team, through Bernhard Landauer, was proud to announce the release and immediate availability for download of the Manjaro Linux Fluxbox 15.10 operating system.
On October 8, SUSE had the great pleasure of announcing the general availability of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) operating system for SAP Applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud-computing platform.
On October 9, Douglas DeMaio wrote about the latest major snapshot released for the rolling-release edition of the openSUSE Linux operating system, Tumbleweed, which adds some of the latest software versions.
SUSE Labs is looking to hire another Linux graphics developer to be involved with Linux kernel and user-space driver development, including both X.Org and Wayland.
If you are experienced with Linux graphics driver development and want to work out of the beautiful cities of Nürnberg or Prague, this job listing may be of interest to you.
Red Hat Family
Stock analysts at Drexel Hamilton started coverage on shares of Red Hat (NYSE:RHT) in a note issued to investors on Friday, MarketBeat.Com reports. The firm set a “buy” rating on the open-source software company’s stock.
Red Hat (RHT) is Initiated by Drexel Hamilton to Buy , according to the research report released to the investors. The shares recommendation by the Brokerage Firm was released on Oct-9-2015.
Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) has received a buy rating for the short term, according to the latest rank of 2 from research firm, Zacks. The shares could manage an average rating of 1.47 from 17 analysts. 12 market experts have marked it as a strong buy. 2 analysts recommended buying the shares. 3 analysts have rated the company at hold.
If you’re fortunate enough to have a powerful 64-bit ARM board, Xen virtualization support is now available via CentOS ARM64 packages.
It is very likely that you have seen the issues we had with logging in to Fedora Infrastructure services, or other websites that use Fedora OpenID to authenticate you.
This week, another edition of LinuxCon Europe took place in Dublin and as always Fedora was there. The Linux Foundation confirmed our booth quite late, just two weeks before the event, so we didn’t have a lot of time for preparation. On the other hand, we got the stand and three passes for free which was big help because the conference is otherwise very expensive (the standard pass was ~$1000). And I’d like to thank the Linux Foundation for the support.
Fedora has updated its packaging policy to allow more software to be bundled in the Fedora repository, but not everyone is happy with this change.
Debian Family
GParted Live, a small bootable GNU/Linux distribution for x86-based computers that can be used for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions, has been upgraded to version 0.23.0-2 and is now available for download.
Clonezilla Live, a Linux distribution based on DRBL, Partclone, and udpcast, which allows users to do a lot of maintenance and recovery work, is now at version 2.4.2-59 and is available for download and testing.
The Ubuntu Touch platform is still using some Android bits and it looks like the developers are preparing to upgrade those components as well in the coming months.
The Ubuntu Touch OS is getting a new OTA very soon and the developers are putting the final touches on it. The update is still on track for an October 19 launch and it will remain that way if nothing goes wrong.
The rumor that Microsoft is interested in buying Canonical doesn’t seem to go away, despite the fact that there is no real basis to it. We’ve already explained why that is unlikely to happen, but people still don’t listen, so here are some more reasons why the rumor is perfect for April 1.
A Spice vulnerability has been found and repaired in the Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS operating systems.
The SPICE protocol client and server library has been patched in the past few months a couple of times, and this is just the latest fix. It’s not a major component, but users should really close any kind of exploit and vulnerability and upgrade their systems frequently.
A while back I was fitted for a tinfoil hat by some because I had the audacity — the audacity! — to suggest that it would be a shrewd business move by the now-Linux-loving Microsoft to buy Canonical because a.) Canonical had technology that Microsoft would want and need to advance in mobile (like the Ubuntu Phone technology, which blows Microsoft’s out of the water currently), and b.) by this time, Mark Shuttleworth is beyond tired of flushing millions after millions down the toilet (though, as a half-billionaire, he still has several decades of current spending before his bank account resembles, well, mine), and who can blame him?
You laughed. Well, sports fans, allow me to hand back your tinfoil hat and ask, who’s laughing now? Linux Journal’s James Darvell outlines this scenario in great detail, quoting a blog item reporting the business deal, and makes an observation worth keeping an eye on: “Microsoft could convert Canonical into a very profitable acquisition by eliminating the unprofitable parts of the company,” he writes. “In fact, it could become the dominant player in the cloud space, and secure the company’s future.”
The Ubuntu Touch OS is home to a lot of apps, but not nearly enough to satisfy the users who are coming from other platforms. Canonical is taking the long way around this problem and wants to have native apps for the OS instead of just working to port the Android ones.
We recently covered the fact that Ubuntu Touch is being ported for the famous and elusive Oneplus 2 phone, even before the port for the Oneplus One was finished. The developer promised back then that he’s working on both ports, and he just delivered.
With this project, the Linux Foundation is getting another fellow: Thomas Gleixner, the long time maintainer of RTLinux, who would join the ranks of Linus Torvalds and Greg KH. Linux Foundation sponsors the work of fellows so they don’t have to worry about finding ‘jobs’ and can keep their focus on their projects.
Linksys has launched a “WRT1900ACS” router that updates the AC version with a faster dual-core, 1.6GHz SoC, twice the RAM (at 512MB), and OpenWrt support.
In early 2014 when Linksys resurrected the hackable Linksys WRT54G WiFi router in a new WRT1900AC model, the Belkin subsidiary said the the Linux-based router would also support the lightweight, networking-focused OpenWrt Linux distribution. With the new WRT1900ACS, Linksys is making life easier for OpenWrt lovers by providing full, open source OpenWrt support out of the box.
Open source firmware is the headline feature in the newest router from Linksys, the WRT1900ACS, which features vendor-endorsed compatibility with the latest version of the Linux-based OpenWrt router OS.
The RZ/G updates the Renesas Electronics RZ line of system-on-chips, which includes the Linux-ready RZ/A1 line of single-core, 400MHz Cortex-A9 SoCs, as well as an RZ/T line that runs an RTOS on a Cortex-M4 microcontroller. The new devices are aimed at a wide range of Linux- and Android embedded products including hand-held medical devices, digital signage, and industrial, home appliance, and office equipment devices that use a human-machine interface (HMI), says the Japanese semiconductor firm.
Amazon’s new “AWS IoT” cloud IoT platform offers Starter Kits built around Linux-ready SBCs like the BeagleBone Green, DragonBoard 410c, and Intel Edison.
Amazon made its first big Internet of Things play by launching an IoT managed cloud platform for aggregating and processing IoT endpoint data, built around its Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. Available now in beta form, AWS IoT, is being made available in the form of a series of AWS IoT Starter Kits, which bundle popular hacker boards with the AWS IoT Device SDK, and in some cases other hardware such as Grove sensors. Three of the 10 kits runs Linux, including kits for the DragonBoard 410c, BeagleBone Green, and Intel Edison (see farther below).
I believe there is only one way to avoid a debacle: mandated device upgradeability and mandated open-source licensing for device firmware so that the security and reliability problems can be swarmed over by all the volunteer hands we can recruit. This is an approach proven to work by the Internet ubiquity and high reliability of the Linux operating system.
Eric Anholt has published an updated BCM2835 KMS driver for supporting the Raspberry Pi budget SBCs with this DRM driver.
This latest Raspberry Pi KMS driver code now supports setting new video modes thanks to having a real clock driver. There’s also been DeviceTree changes with this latest patch series.
CRASH Space is a 501(c)3 non-profit hackerspace in Los Angeles. Throughout the years, we’ve brought our members and our equipment to schools, outreach events, and tech conventions all across California. And at each event, we brought along a little donation jar for people to give to our cause. Despite the often very impressive array of tech available for show at our booth, the donation jar we brought was literally an old Cheezy-Poofs container with a little hole cut into the lid.
The LF’s new “Real-Time Linux Collaborative Project” offers better funding, more developers, and tighter integration into mainline kernel development.
Advantech’s latest 10.1- and 15.6-inch touch-panels run Linux on a dual-core Atom E3827, and offer extended temperature support and iDoor expansion.
The TPC-51WP and TPC-1551WP continue Advantech’s line of rugged touch-panel PCs, dating back to the circa-2010, Intel Atom-based TPC-651H. The new devices have a more up-to-date Atom processor: the dual-core, 1.75GHz E3827 system-on-chip that includes Intel HD Graphics. Linux and multiple Windows flavors are supported.
It’s time to have a look at the top 20 apps of last month, September 2015 in this case, to see what users has downloaded the most. WhatsApp is the number 1 app with the newly released SShare app taking second place. Lots of new apps that month: Memorable photoframes, FFX Jumper, Sniper, WallpaperDecor, Balloon shoot, Cam-FX, Mehndi Designs, Colorlight, and MP3 Player climbing into the Top 20.
I’ve been enthusiastic about Android TV ever since Google first launched the platform a year ago.
The idea of Android TV is to take all the features of Google’s Chromecast dongle and add a full TV interface on top. That way, you get a traditional remote control when you want it, along with Google-powered voice search and recommendations. The concept intrigued me enough to buy an Nvidia Shield Android TV last May, and to make it my main living room set-top box even though it was rough around the edges at launch.
Sony’s Xperia Z5 has just gone on sale in the UK. Before you splash out, we find out how it compares to the current king of the Android phone market, the Samsung Galaxy S6. Read our Z5 vs S6 comparison.
People are still crazy protective of the computers and phones they use. When I wrote a piece a little while back lamenting the fact that the iPhone doesn’t play nicely with Windows the way Android can, a reader said I was “cocking stupid,” just as one example.
Android, Google’s mobile operating system, has matured a lot over the past year. It’s running on 1.4 billion devices (up from 1 billion last year) and its most popular app store, Google Play, has more than 1 billion active users. In the last quarter, IDC estimates that Android held 82.8 percent of the global smartphone market. As its newest iteration, 6.0 Marshmallow, rolls out, Android’s going incredibly, undeniably strong.
The Nvidia Shield is almost certainly more important to Google than it is to Nvidia. After the failure of Google TV—in part thanks to its lacklustre UI and poor developer support—its follow-up Android TV needed to do better. Unfortunately, that hasn’t quite happened. Sure, Google’s own Nexus Player is fine piece of hardware, and Razer’s Forge TV has its charms, but neither sport the flagship specs, nor the feature set of Nvidia’s sleek black box. There’s no doubt that the Shield is the best Android TV device money can buy, but like all Android TV devices, it comes with a few compromises.
Smartphone pioneer BlackBerry Ltd. could leave the physical smartphone business if it fails to turn a profit in a year, to focus solely on selling secure software across mobile platforms, chief executive John Chen suggested Thursday.
When it comes to using a smartphone to make purchases in retail stores, Apple Pay has been getting most of the attention.
But Android users now have a comparable alternative. Launched earlier this month, Android Pay not only sounds like Apple’s payment feature, it works a lot like it.
Several Android One devices receive their update to Android 6.0 Marshmallow in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Nepal. Supposing you have any one of several carrier-infused Android smartphones in your hand right this minute and are waiting for an update to Marshmallow, you may be interested to know that it’s not only Nexus devices that’ll be getting their software before you. This does not mean Google has betrayed you in any way, shape, or form. It means Google is making good on their promise to bring timely updates to devices – and not just the biggest and the best.
I have covered a lot of different scientific packages that are available under Linux in this space, but the focus has been on Linux running on desktop machines. This has been rather short-sighted, however, as lots of other platforms have Linux available and shouldn’t be neglected. So in this article, I start looking at the type of science you can do on the Android platform. For my next several articles, I plan to include occasional Android applications that you may find useful.
Ever since Google made Android 6.0 Marshmallow official, many users have wondered, “When will my phone get the latest OS update?” Well, that largely depends on the manufacturers and carriers. Thankfully, HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sony and T-Mobile have already announced their list of devices that will be getting the OS, though most have yet to reveal a set timeline for the update to reach these devices. Here’s what we know so far.
The Cat S40 rugged smartphone, built to take abuse in extreme environmental conditions in the workplace or daily life, is now available in the United States.
The new Android phone, which runs on GSM networks, such as T-Mobile and AT&T Wireless, sells for $399, according to an Oct. 7 announcement by Bullitt Mobile, which licenses the Caterpillar name for the device.
In conference rooms and boardrooms around the world for the last 25 years, there has been a common sight: a three-legged Polycom conference phone. Polycom is now updating that phone, as well as their other unified communications services, as part of a new wave of products announced on October 7.
We become better software developers by observing how some of the best software in the world is being written. Open source has changed and will continue to change the way the world builds software, not only by creating high-quality reusable components, but by giving us a model for how to produce better software. Open source gives us complete transparency into that process.
KNIME is an open source data analytics, reporting and integration platform developed and supported by KNIME.com AG. Through the use of a graphical interface, KNIME enables users to create data flows, execute selected analysis steps and review the results, models and interactive views.
This time last year the Computer Weekly Open Source Insider blog reported on the inaugural PentahoWorld 2014 conference and exhibition.
Day one is the first day of main event. I was late to wake up, but somehow managed to reach the venue around 8:30am. Had a quick breakfast, and then moved into the Red Hat booth. Sankarshan, Alfred, Soni were already there. I don’t know the exact reason, but the booth managed to grab the attention of all the people in the venue. It was over crowded
While the students were much more interested in stickers, and other goodies, many came forward to ask about internship options, and future job opportunities. Alfred did an excellent job in explaining the details to the participants. The crowd was in booth even though the keynote of day one had started. I missed most of keynote as many people kept coming in the booth, and they had various questions.
Web Browsers
With the upcoming releases of the Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web-browsers is support for the W3C Subresource Integrity (SRI) specification.
The Subresource Integrity feature allows web developers to ensure that externally-loaded scripts/assets from third-party sources (e.g. a CDN) haven’t been altered. The SRI specification adds a new “integrity” HTML attribute when loading such assets where you can specify a hash of the file source expected — the loaded resource must then match the hash for it to be loaded.
Microsoft tried to move users from its infamous Internet Explorer browser to a minimalist new web browser dubbed Edge following the launch of Windows 10.
But new data has revealed that Windows 10 users are reluctant to make the transition.
Google has announced a new project that could make a difference for mobile browsing. The company has launched the Accelerated Mobile Pages project (AMP), a fully open source initiative, with the underlying code available on GitHub.
Google has a plan to speed up mobile Web browsing. The recently unveiled AMP—Accelerated Mobile Pages—project is an open source initiative that restricts certain elements of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to produce leaner Web pages “that are optimised to load instantly on mobile devices.” How much quicker is “instantly”? According to Google, early testing with with a simulated 3G connection and a simulated Nexus 5 showed improvements of between 15 to 85 percent.
Firefox continues making progress on loosening web developers’ and users’ dependence on NPAPI plug-ins with a goal still in place to remove support for most NPAPI plugins by the end of 2016.
SaaS/Big Data
As it matures, OpenStack’s parallel to Linux is clearer. Linux emerged 20 years ago as a somewhat exotic challenger to proprietary operating systems. Today, it is one of the most popular and widely used OSes. However, Linux still exists in a market of mixed use. It’s likely that OpenStack will be subject to the same effect, becoming a viable option among a number of cloud infrastructures.
A little love, please, for Miami-based dotCMS, maker of Java open source content management system (CMS) software. Just yesterday, it was chosen as one of the 20 Most Promising Open Source Software Solution Providers by CIO Review.
Semi-Open Source/Openwashing
Only a few weeks after entering an agreement to help Microsoft Corp. bring its namesake data center orchestration framework to Windows, Mesosphere Inc. is announcing a partnership with another major vendor hoping to secure a seat at the software-defined table. EMC Corp. sees the same promise in the startup’s technology as Redmond.
FreeNAS’ Jordan Hubbard was proud to announce the other day, October 8, the release and immediate availability for download of the first Alpha build of the upcoming FreeNAS open source Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution.
In the series of questions and answers from the NetBSD-7.0 developers, we will meet Leoardo Taccari, a recent NetBSD committer, who works with this system on his desktop and maintains in this field pkgsrc packages.
The developers of the open source, BSD-based NetBSD operating system have had the great pleasure of announcing the release and immediate availability of the project’s fifteenth major release.
The GnuCash Project has announced the immediate availability for download of the ninth point release for all supported operating systems, including GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
Put simply this means you now have permission to adapt another licensor’s work under CC BY-SA 4.0 and release your contributions to the adaptation under GPLv3 (while the adaptation relies on both licenses, a reuser of the combined and remixed work need only look to the conditions of GPLv3 to satisfy the attribution and ShareAlike conditions of BY-SA 4.0).
Last Saturday, we celebrated the Free Software Foundation’s thirtieth birthday with a party to remember.
While I was mass editing the transcripts I used to create the FSF30 wordclouds, I realized I was doing too much manual movery to get to the next misspelled word. In a moment of clarity, I was like “hey, I bet vim has a way to properly do this!” And of course it did!
Compatibility means that a person can now take a work they received under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0 and then distribute adaptations of that work under the terms of GPLv3.
Guix-Tox is a young variant of the Tox “virtualenv” management tool for Python that uses guix environment as its back-end. In essence, while Tox restricts itself to building pure Python environments, Guix-Tox takes advantages of Guix to build complete environments, including dependencies that are outside Tox’s control, thereby improving environment reproducibility. Cyril will demonstrate practical use cases with OpenStack.
Project Releases
While the Internet has been buzzing recently about the new FLIF image format, libjpeg-turbo developers released a new version of their JPEG library.
Libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2 is the new release and it quietly made it out at the end of September. Libjpeg-Turbo 1.4.2 features at least five known bug fixes resulting in crashes and other problems.
Public Services/Government
The report released by DHS is definitely worth a read. While focused on real problems and challenges facing use of OSS by the USG, it has very useful insights for governments around the world. It confirms my growing view, as I’ve written previously, that we are past some of the old debates about OSS. Instead, many governments are today increasingly focused on the “how tos” of open source choices; not “whether” to use it.
Open Data
Seven start-ups from UK, Italy, France, Estonia and Austria were selected to be part of the first round of companies benefiting from the Open Data Incubator for Europe (ODINE). This two-year programme awarded EUR 650 000 in total to the companies, which can receive up to EUR 100 000 each.
Open Hardware
ISG3D has taken to Kickstarter this month to raise $11,000 to help take their open source 3D printer design into production.
The Eleven 3D printer has been specifically designed to provide users with an affordable machine but offers an impressive 22 x 40 x 40 cm build area and is completely open source allowing for modifications and enhancements to be created.
Perl 6, a long-awaited upgrade to the well-known scripting language, has gone into beta, with the general release planned for Christmastime.
The upgrade went to beta late last month, Perl designer Larry Wall told InfoWorld on Wednesday, and the October monthly release will feature the first of two beta releases of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler. There been having monthly compiler releases for years, but the language definition has now stabilized. Wall added, “At this point we’re optimizing, fixing bugs, and documenting, and I feel comfortable saying we can take a snapshot of whatever we have in December and call it the first production release.”
Couchbase Server 4.0 is designed to give software application development pros a route to building more apps on Couchbase.
By examining just a handful of sites along the genome and determining whether they are methylated, scientists can peg sexual orientation with nearly 70 percent accuracy. That’s according to data presented today (October 8) at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting.
According to Tesla Motors co-founder and CEO Elon Musk, engineers who can’t make the cut at Tesla end up at Apple, or the “Tesla graveyard,” as he calls the company in an interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt, published Friday.
“They have hired people we’ve fired,” the CEO tells Handelsblatt. “We always jokingly call Apple the ‘Tesla graveyard.’ If you don’t make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I’m not kidding.”
Dell Inc [DI.UL], the world’s third largest personal computer maker, is in talks to buy data storage company EMC Corp (EMC.N), a person familiar with the matter said, in what could be one of the biggest technology deals ever.
A deal could be an option for EMC, under pressure from activist investor Elliott Management Corp to spin off majority-owned VMware Inc (VMW.N).
The order issued by the Jabalpur bench of the high court directed authorities in Raisen district to immediately release the five people, including three teenagers, who were arrested on July 25 on the orders of the district magistrate.
The Experian/T-Mobile hack may be more worrisome than Experian’s carefully worded description of it suggests, some security experts said Friday.
One is the co-creator of the Tor secure browser, David Goldschlag, (now SVP of strategy at Pulse Secure). Goldschlag previously was head of mobile at McAfee, and also once worked at the NSA.
I asked Goldschlag a simple question: “After the Office of Personnel Management and Experian hacks, is there reason to fear that hackers now have the means to steal actual financial information (credit card numbers, etc.) from banks or insurers?”
To do so, it is often sufficient to copy files from a Linux environment to Windows.” it further adds. The most obvious mode of attack involves luring victims to install software or updates via third-party package sources. The team conducted test by running 16 different Anti-virus solutions and splitting test session into three distinct phases,
The detection of Windows malware
The detection of Linux malware and
The test for false positives.
Out of 16 antivirus solutions 8 detected between 95-99% of the 12,000 Windows threat used in the test: The Anti-virus solutions that helped in detection include Bitdefender, ESET, Avast, F-Secure, eScan, G Data, Sophos and Kaspersky Lab (server version).
The cross-site request forgery vulnerability means that any user visiting a malicious page can have their accounts hijacked without further interaction.
The since-patched hole existed in Microsoft Live.com and could have been spun into a dangerous worm, Wineberg says.
However, Softpedia News noted that the Linux.Wifatch source code has not been released in its entirety. That’s likely because the White Team is worried that traditional cybercriminals would exploit the malware for more nefarious purposes. It also explains why it was a clandestine operation in which router owners weren’t aware their systems had been infected, even if it was only to defend them against black-hat attackers.
Whether or not anyone appreciates the White Team’s form of vigilante security tactics, they may believe the work should serve as a warning to those who don’t follow basic data protection procedures, Hacked said. For example, there are still untold numbers of home routers that use default passwords and leave admin access wide open to malware and other threats.
The nuclear industry is ignorant of its cybersecurity shortcomings, claimed a report released today, and despite understanding the consequences of an interruption to power generation and the related issues, cyber efforts to prevent such incidents are lacking.
The report adds that search engines can “readily identify critical infrastructure components with” VPNs, some of which are power plants. It also adds that facility operators are “sometimes unaware of” them.
Nuclear plants don’t understand their cyber vulnerability, stated the Chatham House report, which found industrial, cultural and technical challenges affecting facilities worldwide. It specifically pointed to a “lack of executive-level awareness”.
It just dawned on me. The extravagant market-share shown for GNU/Linux in Palau is a real “experiment”. With GNU/Linux being part of a botnet that spoofs Palau, we can see the huge boost That Other OS must get with its multiple botnets and high percentage of infected hosts
When security vulnerabilities are found in any piece of software, the ideal way to fix them is before the general public or attackers are made aware of bugs. Kurth explained that the traditional wisdom in security is to keep any type of predisclosure list for security as small as possible. In Xen’s case, the project went through multiple iterations of its security disclosure process, in an attempt to keep things fair for both large and small vendors.
A convicted murderer was beaten up in a revenge attack in Wakefield Jail by Muslim prisoners because of his army service in Afghanistan, a jury was told.
Jeremy Green was a former army lieutenant whose history, and sentencing on April 7 last year for murder and attempted murder, was widely reported, said Tony Kelbrick prosecuting.
Just last year it was reported that the US State Department had been sending in fleets of specifically Toyota-brand trucks into Syria to whom they claimed was the “Free Syrian Army.”
Precisely why Russian action against Saudi Arabia’s proxy militias of fanatics is against western interests is something which nobody in the western elite seems to believe it is necessary to explain. That Russia is bad and evil and must be opposed is another one of those axiomatic beliefs of the governing elite, which they can’t bring themselves to believe the public do not wholeheartedly share. Equally they cannot quite understand why we the people do not see the necessity of backing the Saudi regime.
Transparency Reporting
In 1987, three years after the National Times story, the Labor government’s treasurer, Paul Keating, introduced a system which restricted how many newspapers and television stations any one person could own in Australia. Known as the cross-media ownership rules, it allowed media proprietors to make a choice between either controlling a TV station or a newspaper in any given geographical market.
Nothing says “election season” quite like politicians dumping their long-held policy stances overboard in a desperate gambit to gain votes, but you have to hand it to Hillary Clinton. With her recently-announced opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, she’s making one of the more brazen flip-flops in recent political memory.
What’s so amazing about Clinton’s newfound opposition to the highly controversial deal is the jaw-dropping transparency of the move. It’s such an open ploy to counter both the rise of staunch TPP critic Bernie Sanders and the possible entry of TPP supporter Joe Biden that it’s almost refreshing in its shamelessness.
here is absolutely nothing in either her political background or her political history to suggest that she has any real substantive problems with the deal.
Trade negotiators announced their agreement over the terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Monday, and yet the exact terms of the deal remain as secret as ever. For more than five years, we have been given a series of dubious justifications for keeping the text under close wraps. Now that it’s done, there is absolutely no reason they should not release it immediately.
When we talk about trade, we often think about material goods. News articles on the subject are illustrated with images of ships weighed down with big, corrugated containers, presumed to be filled with shoes, tires, cell phones, apples. And much of the discussion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the trade deal announced earlier this week between the U.S., Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, and New Zealand, has focussed on the movement of such goods across borders. But on Monday, after the deal was announced, some in the tech industry were fixated on a more of-the-moment aspect of the deal: its regulation of the movement of digital information—the substance of our music streams, financial payments, online communications, and just about everything else we do on the Internet.
Digital rights advocates’ worst fears were confirmed on Friday morning after the finalized intellectual property chapter of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal was leaked by Wikileaks, just days after talks concluded in Atlanta.
Under the agreement, it appears that internet service providers could be forced to block websites hosting content that infringes copyright.
The leaked copyright chapter of the TPP is just a portion of the text that all 12 negotiating nations agreed upon; the rest of the agreement will remain a closely-guarded secret until the full text is released in the coming months.
Superstar theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking just took a strong stance on income inequality, political lobbying and the redistribution of wealth. During a curated Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session July 27, Hawking was asked whether he saw technological unemployment — robots and computers taking human jobs — as a threat.
China launched a cross-border renminbi payments system on Thursday, a big step in its drive to boost international use of the Chinese currency and protect itself from US spy agencies with access to the Swift system.
Chinese leaders want the renminbi to rival the US dollar as a global currency for trade and investment. The “redback” is now the fourth most-used currency for global payments but its share by value remains low at just 2.8 per cent in August, according to Swift.
Ireland’s government is poised to drop a threat to increase a 150 million-euro ($170 million) annual levy on the nation’s banks, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
In delivering the budget on Tuesday in Dublin, Finance Minister Michael Noonan is set to signal the charge will remain in force after 2016, extending its original three-year lifespan, should the ruling coalition win re-election, said the person, who asked not to be named as the final decision hasn’t been made.
In this video acTVism Munich asks Glenn Greenwald at a Press Conference in Munich his opinion on the Mainstream Corporate Media and their reaction towards the NSA disclosures brought to light by whistleblower, Edward Snowden. Furthermore, Greenwald talks about the signficance of the preparations that he undertook with Laura Poitras and Edward Snowden before they decided to go public with the highly-classifed NSA documents. The next two parts of this press conference with Greenwald will be released soon.
Well, no—because elections aren’t won by getting a lot of votes, but by getting more votes than your opponents. If Obama got many more votes than Romney among lower-income voters, as he surely did, and fewer votes than Romney among upper-income voters, then lower-income voters were, in fact, more important to his coalition.
Now, it’s true, as Edsall says, that the Democratic Party is dependent on affluent donors—and his column has some interesting things to say about how, because of this dependence, “the Democratic Party has in many respects become the party of deregulated markets.”
Donald Trump told right-wing radio host Michael Savage there would be “common sense” if Trump appointed him head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as president. Savage has called autism “a fraud, a racket,” said PTSD and depression sufferers are “losers,” advised people not to get flu shots because you can’t trust the government, theorized liberals have been driven insane because of seltzer bubbles, claimed President Obama was intentionally trying “to infect the nation with Ebola,” and once told a caller he was a “sodomite” who should “get AIDS and die.”
At the CNN-sponsored Republican Party debate last month at the Reagan Library, one of the three panelists CNN selected to question the candidates was conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, affiliated with the proudly right-wing Salem Radio Network.
But at Tuesday’s upcoming Democratic Party debate, CNN is not planning to include a single progressive advocate among its panel of four questioners.
It’s clear that who gets to pose questions has impact on the tenor of the debate. For example, Hewitt used September’s Republican debate to declare that President Obama’s “knees buckled” over Syria and that every Republican candidate was “more qualified than” Hillary Clinton. Hewitt pressed Jeb Bush from the right over his comment about making sure guns are not in the hands of the mentally ill: “Where does it go from what you said last week, how far into people’s lives to take guns away from them?” (Hewitt’s appearance on the CNN panel is reportedly part of an agreement by which CNN and the right-wing Salem Media company are teaming up on three GOP presidential debates.)
At CNN‘s Republican debate last month, along with Hewitt, the panel was composed of two journalists CNN presents as neutral or objective: CNN anchor Jake Tapper and CNN correspondent Dana Bash.
You cannot watch Barton Gellman’s conference presentation about the National Security Agency and Edward Snowden. Purdue University deleted the video.
Gellman gave the keynote presentation at the university’s “Dawn or Doom” colloquium in September. He was promised a link to video of the presentation afterward, but was subsequently told that, on the advice of its lawyers, Purdue was unable to publish the video at all.
What happened? In a blog post for the Century Foundation, Gellman explains: three of the slides he used during his 90-minute talk contained classified information. It’s leaked information that lives on the Internet and has been viewed by millions of people, but it is classified nonetheless.
I have not heard back from Purdue today about recovery of the video. It is not clear to me how recovery is even possible, if Purdue followed Pentagon guidelines for secure destruction. Moreover, although the university seems to suggest it could have posted most of the video, it does not promise to do so now. Most importantly, the best that I can hope for here is that my remarks and slides will be made available in redacted form — with classified images removed, and some of my central points therefore missing. There would be one version of the talk for the few hundred people who were in the room on Sept. 24, and for however many watched the live stream, and another version left as the only record.
For our purposes here, the most notable questions have to do with academic freedom in the context of national security. How did a university come to “sanitize” a public lecture it had solicited, on the subject of NSA surveillance, from an author known to possess the Snowden documents? How could it profess to be shocked to find that spillage is going on at such a talk? The beginning of an answer came, I now see, in the question and answer period after my Purdue remarks. A post-doctoral research engineer stood up to ask whether the documents I had put on display were unclassified. “No,” I replied. “They’re classified still.” Eugene Spafford, a professor of computer science there, later attributed that concern to “junior security rangers” on the faculty and staff. But the display of Top Secret material, he said, “once noted, … is something that cannot be unnoted.”
This is useful since GPS-based location from android is almost always going to be more accurate than WiFi-based one (assuming neighbouring WiFi networks are covered by Mozilla Location Service). This is especially useful for desktop machines since they typically do not have even WiFi hardware on them and have until now been limited to GeoIP, which at best gives city-level accurate location.
A federal judge in the District of Columbia hearing arguments Thursday on a revived motion to block NSA phone snooping acknowledged his own concern that the program is continuing to violate millions of Americans’ constitutional rights.
But U.S. District Judge Richard Leon has not decided whether to issue a second preliminary injunction to block the collection of phone metadata in the final weeks of activity as part of the National Security Agency program.
“It’s important to get this ruling out as fast as possible,” Judge Leon said at the end of the latest hearing in conservative lawyer Larry Klayman’s challenge.
A federal judge who already ruled once against the administration of President Barack Obama and the National Security Agency in a lawsuit over the spy agency’s phone record collection program is set to make another decision about the case on Thursday.
The lawsuit, brought by activist Larry Klayman in 2013, challenges the constitutionality of the NSA’s phone record gathering practices. The case quickly resulted in a preliminary injunction to stop the practice by US District Court Judge Richard Leon, who said it was likely unconstitutional.
Last week, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina bragged about providing truckloads of HP servers to the NSA after 9/11, at the urgent request of then-NSA-chief Michael Hayden.
In an interview with Yahoo News, she boasted about receiving a call from Hayden, after which she swiftly redirected an order of HP servers to Fort Meade. “Carly, I need stuff and I need it now,” he reportedly told her. The NSA needed the machines to implement its warrantless wiretapping program codenamed “STELLARWIND.”
Police wiretaps of their Skype conversations revealed…
Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer, the hacker who was once sent to prison for sharing 114,000 e-mail addresses of iPad users, says he has plotted a new revenge.
Weev’s conviction and three-year prison term was overturned on jurisdictional grounds last year. But in an “open letter” sent today to two federal prosecutors by e-mail and posted on Twitter, Auernheimer says he will reveal private information about Department of Justice prosecutors who have attempted to cheat on their wives.
“The statements of prosecutors should be inviolate, and yet all around the country you have continually spewed nothing but lies in federal criminal cases,” writes Auernheimer. “Even the most sacred personal oath that a man can take is a rotten joke to people like you: a promise of commitment to one’s wife. We have located a number of US Attorneys within the Ashley Madison dataset using the resources of the taxpayer (offices, computers, paid time, and Internet connections) to attempt to cheat on their wives.”
Zimmermann, who created Pretty Good Privacy, one of the world’s most popular email encryption systems, said at IP Expo 2015 in London on Thursday that surveillance is getting “easier and easier” in the UK.
The country needs technologies such as phone and email encryption, but it also needs “cultural tools” that prompt citizens to change their expectations and demands and to “push back” at surveillance, he said.
Earlier this week, we wrote about the EU Court of Justice’s decision that the NSA’s surveillance of the internet meant that the EU-US data protection safe harbor was invalid. As we noted, there’s a lot of mess in all of this, but losing that safe harbor would be tremendously problematic for the internet. And the impact could be that the NSA basically screwed things up royally for American internet companies by spying on European users. But, the issue actually goes much deeper. As that ruling recognized, the crux of the matter was dependent on the EU’s Data Protection Directive. And that Data Protection Directive is about to be updated.
Usually, investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board have to guess what went wrong in such situations. But when they examined the chopper’s charred wreckage, they found a treasure in the ashes: a cockpit video recorder. The footage, from a camera mounted on the ceiling behind pilot Mel Nading, ruled out mechanical problems or ice as factors in the crash. Rather, investigators could see that Nading was confused. He allowed the helicopter to slow and start rocking back and forth, then reached out and reset the device that should show whether the craft is flying level—a decision that sealed his fate, making it “very unlikely that he would regain control of the helicopter,” the NTSB said in its report. In the dark, without an accurate reading, Nading had no way of knowing which way was up. “It really gave us the insight that this pilot was spatially disoriented,” says John DeLisi, the NTSB’s chief aviation investigator. “Without that video, we would have been looking at a pile of burned-up wreckage, trying to figure out what caused the erratic flight path that led to this crash.”
The recent European Court of Justice ruling, and the coming court cases over the next year or two, promise a second wave of post-Snowden privacy wins
He got Europe’s top court to strike down the decades-old Safe Harbour agreement between the E.U. and the U.S., an outcome that had been described as a “Doomsday scenario” by a business group talking to Fortune.
Finally, the Court observed that Commission Communications 846/2013 and 847/2013 showed that the processing of EU personal data in the US by US authorities went beyond what was strictly necessary and proportionate for the protection of national security. At the same time, concerned individuals had no means of redress to access, rectify and eventually erase their data. Finally, the Court observed that those same Commission Communications showed that the processing of EU personal data in the US on the part of US authorities went beyond what was strictly necessary and proportionate for the protection of national security: concerned individuals had no means of redress to access, rectify and eventually erase their data. The Court thus found that there was no equivalent level of protection f for the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in the EU, by which the right to privacy under EU law can be derogated by the collection, storage and processing of personal data only when strictly necessary.
When the Snowden leaks first became public knowledge, we predicted that there could be long-term ramifications as a result. The intervening period has done little to quell fears. Under the auspices of General Alexander and with ample support from sealed court cases and secret White House decisions, the NSA began hoovering up data from every conceivable source. Even in situations where the NSA had the right to order companies to turn over private records, it opted for yet more spying. Now, after 2.5 years, some of the country’s we’ve spied upon are beginning to push back.
The Court of Justice of the European Union decision to strike down the transatlantic Safe Harbor agreement gives EU officials and their American counterparts a chance to start over on data protection.
The two sides should take this opportunity to hammer out a deal that fixes the inherent problems with the original arrangement in order to offer meaningful data protection that respects the rights of everyone.
But for any real movement to improve on the Safe Harbor agreement will require meaningful political reform to curb the digital eavesdropping practices at the National Security Agency as well as at spy agencies across Europe.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) are taking on critics of a cybersecurity information-sharing bill.
The sponsors of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) hit back at opponents who have likened the measure to a “surveillance bill” on Friday.
Worse, the NSA has been spying on us for 50 years, not merely since 9/11, as its defenders often imply to excuse the agency’s evisceration of privacy. But even that revelation failed to faze us.
The Smurf Suite is comprised of apps: the Dreamy Smurf, the Nosey Smurf, the Tracking Smurf and the Paranoid Smurf. The Dreamy Smurf allows intelligence agency to turn the phones on and off. The Nosey Smurf is a microphone that can be turned on if government wants to listen to everything the owner is saying, even if the smartphone is off. The Tracker Smurf follows an individual with a greater precision than the typical triangulation of cellphone towers. The Paranoid Smurf cloaked all manifestations made by the government if something wrong happened to the phone and the user had it fixed.
Edward Snowden joined Twitter on September 29 and already has 1.37 million followers and counting. Just seven tweets by the famed NSA whistleblower almost immediately prompted George Pataki to call for Twitter to ban the account, though Twitter does not appear to be taking the bait. It’s worth noting, however, that Snowden isn’t the only whistleblower on Twitter. Here’s a rundown of 36 others.
At the time, that dormant account had a small number of followers, covered national security, and was named “Jay Snowden”.
For years it has been abundantly clear that the line between AT&T and the US intelligence services is blurry at best. AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein showed us how the telco effectively uses fiber splits to clone and potentially deliver every shred of data that touches the AT&T network to the NSA. Subsequent reports have indicated that the AT&T has volunteered its employees to work as intelligent analysts, even giving the government advice on how best to skirt around privacy and wiretap laws.
Much has changed in the nearly ten years since we launched our first lawsuit challenging the NSA’s illegal surveillance of millions of Americans’ Internet communications. Over time, the defendants in the cases have changed; the legal “authority” the government has invoked to justify the program has changed; and the public’s knowledge and understanding of the programs has increased remarkably.
But, nearly a decade in, one thing has stayed remarkably constant: the relevant facts. The NSA, with the help of the nation’s largest telecommunications firms, like AT&T, has tapped the nation’s Internet backbone, searching and sifting through vast amounts of innocent Americans’ Internet communications.
Suppose for one minute that Thailand’s military government is indeed hell-bent on getting their single gateway internet and ignoring all the yes-men and politicians who deny its existence and seem to be scrambling to protect the Dear Leader from any criticism whatsoever. Undoubtedly the best description of the gateway is the interview by NBTC commissioner Colonel Setthapong Malisuwan with the BBC.
Rubel says people’s lives have been turned upside down because their communication was being monitored. He says that includes innocent people who were not involved in criminal activity. Rubel says some groups have also been monitored for no obvious reason other than their political activism.
Of course, the all-seeing, all-knowing National Security Agency was aware. And, perhaps in light of the bad publicity the NSA has garnered since the Edward Snowden revelations, the agency decided to lighten up a bit and share some love notes of its own on its website.
Given the realities of the internet age and the potential danger posed by terrorism, there will almost certainly be some trade-off between our desire for intelligence and respecting our allies’ privacy. But if our government is going to persist in its panopticon-inspired attitudes regarding electronic communications, we should expect continued resistance from those whose trade, trust, and assistance we need.
Delivering a keynote in London today, the famous inventor of PGP complained that consumers want privacy for free, forcing his company Silent Circle to focus on selling secure telephony to enterprises – while he would like to see it more widely employed.
Silent Circle, the cryptographic communications firm at which Zimmermann is co-founder and Chief Scientist, has been is business for three years, and has recently launched its Blackphone 2 model – a “reasonably secure” Android-powered smartphone.
Zimmermann, the creator of encryption program Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), said he had always felt that “secure telephony is a lot more fun than secure email.”
Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden on Monday told the BBC about efforts by intelligence agencies in the U.S. and the UK to take control of mobile devices using malware – and explained there “is very little” that smartphone users can do to stop them. Once they have access to the smartphone, agents or hackers can hijack a smartphone’s camera and microphone to take photos, video, and audio without a user’s knowledge.
The Liberal Party of Canada clarified its platform on Tuesday saying that they don’t intend to give the Communication Security Establishment (CSE) any new powers to surveil Canadians.
In the Liberals’ platform, released Monday, the party committed to “limit Communications Security Establishment’s powers by requiring a warrant to engage in the surveillance of Canadians.”
An award-winning investigative journalist at The Washington Post, Carol Leonnig, broke the story about what can be described as a Secret Service “plot” to leak confidential documents in an attempt to embarrass Congressman Jason Chaffetz, an outspoken critic of the Service. Over a dozen officials at the Secret Service knew about the plot but failed to report this illegal activity.
Instead of focusing on the unlawful leak intended to humiliate Chaffetz, government officials issued judge-less warrants for the telephone records of the “good cop” who spoke with Leonnig when his colleagues failed to follow the law.
Without your consent, and likely without your knowledge, the state of Utah has been collecting data on your children in their schools since 2010. Yea you read that right. Without you having been told or warned in any way, shape, or form, your kids have been turned in to pencil pushing statistics for the state government to pull data and information on whenever they feel like it. Thank you former governor Huntsman for doing so all in exchange for part of the stimulus package slush fund.
At the end of August Hortonworks acquired technology startup Onyara, whose secure connection software was originally created by the NSA before the outfit was spun out.
Along with the technology, Hortonworks has also acquired a number of ex-NSA staff from the 10-man outfit. Cunitz said more acquisitions are on the cards.
On a late summer afternoon at the Goethe Institut in Washington DC, visual artist Simon Menner begins to address a small group of people. Behind him, two grainy, black and white photographs of a busy street are being projected onto a screen.
“My name is Simon Menner. I’m a visual artist. My work pretty much focuses on the nature of images, how images are used and utilized – very often against us.”
It’s the latest in a long string of exhibit openings and lectures he’s given about his research in the photographic archives of the former East German secret police, or the Stasi.
Menner’s initial interest in the photographs didn’t come from historical curiosity, he says, but rather the renewed dialogue about surveillance brought on by the recent NSA revelations.
The United States has an extensively complicated history with hacking, vulnerability analysis and disclosure. Some of the laws passed by them recently in regards to whistle blowing seem to directly affect how security researchers do their jobs and conduct research50 51 52.
But at the giant fair this December, artist Trevor Paglen will lead a small group on a scuba-diving expedition to the site of underwater Internet cables that have been tapped by the National Security Administration (NSA). His gallery, New York’s Metro Pictures, is organizing the trip.
Obama’s position on encryption is now public, as reported by the Washington Post. According to Ellen Nakashima and Andrea Peterson of the Post, Obama “will not —for now—call for legislation requiring companies to decode messages for law enforcement.”
Instead, the Post reports, the “administration will continue trying to persuade companies that have moved to encrypt their customers’ data to create a way for the government to still peer into people’s data when needed for criminal or terrorism investigations.”
While eschewing attempts to legislatively mandate that tech companies build backdoors into their services, the president is continuing the status quo – that is, informally pressuring companies to give the government access to unencrypted data.
The dawn of Snowden has been set (again). The Oliver Stone-directed thriller will open in theaters May 13, 2016.
The East Stroudsburg University computer security degree program has been notified by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of the renewal of its designation as an NSA Center of Academic Excellence (CAE). ESU is one of only five institutions in the Commonwealth to hold this esteemed accreditation.
Fault Lines investigates the fallout over the NSA’s mass data collection programs in the US and abroad
Though few noticed it, wireless network provider Verizon recently announced its intent to reintroduce its highly contentious user data tracking program. Sometimes colloquially dubbed as Verizon’s “supercookie” ad network, the “Relevant Mobile Advertising” program works by injecting a hidden tracking code into user’s mobile data, allowing the wireless giant to essentially trace their customers. While traditional cookies gather basic information about web users, such as where they are generally located, how long they read or use a page and what other sites are visited — Verizon’s supercookie is substantially more intrusive.
A privacy bill that would prohibit collection of electronic data from communication service providers without a warrant in most cases, and that would effectively block an NSA data sharing program, continues to work its way through the Massachusetts legislature.
Last spring, a bipartisan coalition of 36 legislators introduced Senate Bill 903 (S903). The legislation would prohibit any Massachusetts government agency, including law enforcement, from obtaining personal electronic records from a third party provider without either a judicially issued warrant or subpoena, with only a few exceptions. This would effectively block what NSA former Chief Technical Director William Binney called the country’s “greatest threat since the Civil War.”
A Justice Department prosecutor said Thursday that ordering the immediate end of bulk surveillance of millions of Americans’ phone records would be as hasty as suddenly letting criminals out of prison.
On Tuesday, the BBC published an article laying out how ISIS has been using Telegram, a secure messaging app, to distribute propaganda online.
The militant Islamist organisation has been using a new feature in the app — the ability to make public “channels,” akin to a Facebook page — to spread its message to more than 4,500 subscribers (and counting). The Yemeni branch of Al-Qaeda also apparently has a Telegram channel, as do some other terrorist organisations.
The Pentagon and U.S. Cyber Command have blocked the use of telecommunications equipment produced by the global Chinese company Huawei Technologies over cyber spying fears, according to congressional testimony last week.
Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work was asked if the Pentagon employs Huawei equipment during an appearance before the House Armed Services Committee.
Civil Rights
Top CIA officials may have covered up details of JFK’s assassination, according to a recently-declassified report.
The revelation comes from a once-secret document now published online at the George Washington University National Security Archive, 52 years after John F Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas.
CIA historian David Robarge alleges that CIA director John McCone was involved in a “cover-up” which concealed “incendiary” information from the official investigation into JFK’s death by the Warren Commission.
It’s been nearly 20 years since a German president was received in the White House. Joachim Gauck, a dissident who organized opposition to the East German state, is calling on the US to practice the values it preaches.
German President Joachim Gauck called for a greater US commitment to easing the refugee crisis engulfing Europe, during a visit to the White House on Wednesday.
Barack Obama was, in 2008, the anti-torture candidate.
It’s a sad comment on the state of U.S. democracy that such a thing ever existed. After all, it would be startling to hear appeals from a pro-oxygen or an anti-apocalypse candidate (though, of course, if the Republicans field a climate-change denier who uses the Book of Revelations as a policy guide, such a future scenario is not entirely beyond the realm of possibility).
Still, it was refreshing in 2008, after eight years on the “dark side,” to hear a presidential aspirant make a clear moral statement. “We need a commander in chief who has never wavered on whether or not it is acceptable for America to torture, because it is never acceptable,” Obama said in a back-and-forth with Hillary Clinton during the primary” said in a back-and-forth with Hillary Clinton during the primary.
Obama also promised to end extraordinary rendition (sending suspects to countries that specialize in torture), close the Guantanamo detention facility, and rebuild America’s international reputation.
Shane reports on the United States intelligence community. Prior to his work at The Times, he wrote for the Baltimore Sun from 1983-2004, and his book Dismantling Utopia: How Information Ended the Soviet Union reflects his work as the Sun’s Moscow correspondent from 1988-91. He is also the co-writer of a six-part explanatory series on the NSA (the first major investigation of the NSA since 1982) and the subject of his own New York Times series about his relationship with former CIA officer John Kiriakou and the reporter’s role in stories involving national security.
This is the man who boldly testified to a Congressional Committee that not a single civilian had been killed by drone strikes in Pakistan. This is the man who told the press, the morning after Osama bin-Laden’s assassination was announced, that OBL had shot it out with the SEALS while holding his youngest wife as a shield – all a total fabrication. This is the man who tells Americans that there is no blanket electronic surveillance of their communications. This is the man who denied ordering the hacking of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s computers. When refuted, this is the man who claims that the Agency was simply retrieving its property “stolen” by the Committee’s staffers.
A judge in Germany has said the country’s justice minister Heiko Maas is attempting to quietly push through legislation that would criminalize whistleblowing and “would be an attack on democracy and freedom of the press”.
Ulf Buermeyer, a judge at the Regional Court of Berlin and former research assistant at the Federal Constitutional Court, says Maas is attempting to push through a clause in the German criminal code that makes it an offence to receive stolen data.
On 21 September 2015, Alkarama transmitted its submission to the Stakeholder’s Summary in view of the Sudan’s second Universal Periodic Review (UPR) by the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) which is expected to be held during its 25th Session in April-May 2016. In its submission, Alkarama stressed that despite the adoption of a National Action Plan for the protection of human rights for the period 2013-2023, the situation since Sudan’s first UPR review in 2011 had not changed and that torture, unfair and military trials and violations of the rights to freedom of expression and of association were still prevailing in the country.
The system hates the police and the military. The problem is the entire rotten system, not an individual. The system is rotten. It’s so important to have people who oppose torture, because supporting torture will go all the way down the chain of command and to the police. We need fewer police and more Second Amendment and no torture.
Trump’s formula is a joke. He doesn’t really support a Second Amendment. He wants to watch a civil war. I don’t want to see a civil war. I hope it can be avoided. Donald Trump wants to close down the borders, but then he also says he supports the Second Amendment, while simultaneously wanting to repeal the Fifth Amendment, and wants more police with more powers. So when I saw the news story about Donald Trump telling us which way the wind is blowing with ISIS and talking about the Second Amendment, I saw somebody who actually wants to watch a civil war take place. Like he gets some kind of sadistic pleasure over being able to engineer one.
Internet/Net Neutrality
Domain system overseer ICANN has embarked on a campaign of fear and fuzzy logic in its latest bid to seize control of the internet from the US government without agreeing to limits on its power.
The handover of the critical IANA functions from Uncle Sam to ICANN was due to happen last week, but has been set back a year to October 1, 2016 following procedural delays and extensive negotiations.
Now, ICANN warns, unless the internet community makes concessions on the controls that it wants to place on the organization’s Board, the process could take even longer – and that could lead to the end of ICANN itself, as well as the United Nations taking over the internet.
Performance is a feature. For many Google applications it is the feature that makes everything else possible—instant text and voice search, directions, translations, and more. The platforms and infrastructure teams at Google are always on the leading edge of development and deployment of new performance best practices. These best practices, in turn, benefit your applications running on Google Cloud Platform.
Intellectual Monopolies
No, actually, he absolutely did not violate trademark law by making fun of Trump’s hat with his own hat. There are any number of reasons why this is the case. Essentially, all de Blasio would have to do is shout “Parody!” at anyone discussing this and the conversation is over, as parody is protected under Fair Use. But even beyond that, Trump would have to demonstrate before a court that not only is de Blasio’s hat not protected as parody, but that de Blasio is using his hat in commerce in competition with Trump’s hat, that the two slogans aren’t distinct enough to be easily separated in the mind of a moron in a hurry, and that anyone might be confused into thinking that Trump was behind the “fair” hat. None of those are the case. And, again, parody.
Dutch Filmworks, a large movie distributor based in the Netherlands, has successfully registered the logo and word trademarks for Popcorn Time. The company used Popcorn Time’s official logo for the application. Dutch Filmworks’ doesn’t plan to actively enforce the trademarks, but says they may play a role in future anti-piracy efforts.
Kim Dotcom and his Megaupload co-defendants don’t need to hire expert witnesses in the United States, the U.S. government argued today. Refuting claims that around $500,000 is needed to mount a proper extradition defense, the Crown prosecutor argued that incriminating admissions could not be trumped by technical know-how.
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Posted in News Roundup at 9:46 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

PCWorld recently published an article about Linux botnets launching DDoS attacks. The attackers find and exploit poorly secured Linux systems. Some Linux users have a fairly cavalier attitude about security, assuming the supposedly superior design of the OS somehow protects them. It doesn’t. Now that Chromebooks outsell Windows laptops and Amdroid devices are ubiquitous the days when Linux was a secondary target for malware are long gone. Linux’ prominence in both the server room and on consumer devices make it a prime target.
From those days until today, I have never had a job that didn’t give me the flexibility to run Linux as my operating system. I’ve been fortunate enough to have had managers who were more interested in me being efficient rather than compliant with the company’s policy. Every single one of them when they saw me automating manual processes with Perl, awk, bash, sed, would without hesitation say: “Sure, use Linux! Tell me more about it while you are at it.”
Linus Torvalds took the stage at the latest LinuxCon 2015 that took place in Dublin, Ireland, and talked about a number of things, including security and the future for Linux on ARM hardware.
Linux has proven itself to be extremely well-suited for these fields, where high-performance virtualization and secure networking are essential basic requirements. At the same time, the emerging processing requirements of today’s high-end real-time computing tasks are straining the limits of Intel-based commodity servers.
IBM on Thursday launched a series of Linux servers based on OpenPOWER with the aim of taking big data workloads away from Intel.
The OpenPOWER effort revolves around open hardware designs that run on IBM’s POWER processor. The aim of the group, which includes IBM, Nvidia, Mellanox, Canonical and Wistron, is to offer a counterweight to Intel in the data center.
OpenSwitch offers the now-familiar, thanks to the likes of Big Switch and Cumulus Networks, chance to buy a white box switch and run your own operating system on it. In a colossal non-surprise, the NOS is Linux-based. HP will happily install it on its own Altoline switches, or you can have a go yourself on Open Compute Project boxen.
Kernel Space
Everyone is free to have his own opinion (sorry, his/her), and I am free to form my own opinion on Sarah Sharp by just simply reading the facts. I am more than happy that one more SJW has left Linux development, as the proliferation of cleaning of speech from any personality has taken too far a grip.
On the other hand, it’s little mystery at all: Sarah was the first female kernel contributor I’d ever heard of, and the only one I can readily name now. It’s an uncomfortable answer, because when someone breaks into a space that doesn’t often include their gender or background, we feel we avoid culpability by being nonchalant. No exclusion here, nosiree. Didn’t even notice you were a woman. It’s comforting and dishonest; when someone breaks a boundary of cultural exclusion, regardless of how your reaction may later be judged, the fact is you notice.
Although apparently nobody noticed when Sarah quietly disappeared over the past year, finally coming out to cite now-familiar complaints about the toxic and hostile atmosphere on LKML and in the kernel community in general.
In the past year or so there’s been a lot to talk about when it comes to eBPF in the Linux kernel as an in-kernel virtual machine. The latest functionality being worked on is supporting eBPF for unprivileged users.
Jiri Slaby, the maintainer of the long-term supported Linux 3.12 kernel series, has just announced the release and immediate availability for download of the forty-ninth maintenance version of the Linux 3.12 LTS kernel.
On October 7, Lennart Poettering had the great pleasure of announcing the release and immediate availability for download of the systemd 227 init system for GNU/Linux operating systems.
Once again, he’s complaining about how the fun from Debian has been lost because making sexist jokes, or treating other people like shit is not allowed any more. He seems to think the LKML is the ideal environment and that Debian should be more like it.
Graphics Stack
Timothy Arceri is the independent developer that started out doing some crowd-funded Mesa OpenGL extension development that was successful so he did a second crowd-funding campaign to do more Mesa feature work. That second extension, ARB_arrays_of_arrays, finally appears nearly complete so he’s decided to work on another extension.
In this roundup, we take a quick look at five open source options for desktop email, share a little bit about each, and try to provide you with some options you may want to try out yourself.
In this tutorial, I have collected 10 useful utility tools for Linux users which will include various network monitoring, system auditing or some another random commands which can help users to enhance their productivity. I hope you will enjoy them.
Plex Media Server, an application that makes it easy for everyone to stream movies, TV shows, and online content on other devices, like smart TVs, has been upgraded and is now available for download.
Alex Thüring has announced a new release of his open-source, free and cross-platform DVD authoring software, DVDStyler 2.9.4, which lets users create professional-looking DVDs with just a few clicks.
The latest monthly point release to the Unvanquished open-source first person shooter was released yesterday.
Unvanquished Alpha 44 brings many gameplay changes: removing the credit system, simplifying the momentum system, anti-camping measures, removal of stamina, and many other changes.
Pretty safe to say Quasar caught my eye, and not just because Linux is going to be a first class citizen, but it looks great and I want to get my hands on it. It looks exactly like the kind of game I might actually beat Samsai on, so maybe we will have to do a livestream together and battle it out.
Looks like Divinity: Original Sin will finally see the promised Linux version with the Enhanced Edition due on October 27th.
Just a heads up guys, Magicka 2 looks like it could land on Linux this month. A developer mentioned it’s undergoing final bug fixes and performance improvements. Their communication with the community on this has been nothing short of excellent, and it’s really nice to see them being so open about the ports development.
The Beginner’s Guide is the new game from The Stanley Parable creator Davey Wreden, and it was released for Linux on Steam last week, along with the Windows and Mac versions.
The game was funded on Kickstarter in 2013, and in spite of Linux being a stretch goal that wasn’t reached, the game got a day-one release for Linux yesterday.
Team Fortress 2, a multiplayer game developed by Valve that’s still among the most played titles on Steam, has been upgraded once more for the Linux platform, and it comes with a community-created update named The Invasion Community.
After being in development for the last three years, British game developer Introversion Software was euphoric to announce the final release of the first ever stable build of the Prison Architect game for all supported platforms.
Hear ye, hear ye! Valve just pushed a few minutes ago a new, massive update to the stable branch of their Steam desktop client for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Desktop Environments/WMs
The developers of the Enlightenment open-source desktop environment used in numerous GNU/Linux distributions have announced the release and immediate availability of a new maintenance version of the Enlightenment DR 0.19 series.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
We reported earlier this year that the Calligra developers started work on porting the KDE’s number one open-source office suite to the latest Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5 technologies used in the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment.
September was a busy months in the KDE Wayland world. We have worked hard to bring Plasma closer to a workable system and could cross off some very important milestones.
We reported a couple of months ago that the GNOME developers decided to add codenames to upcoming releases of the open source desktop environment, starting with GNOME 3.18.
The GNOME Asia team is pleased to announce that next year’s GNOME.Asia Summit will be held in Delhi, at the Manav Rachna International University (MRIU). This is located in the Faridabad distract just south of the National Capital Territory (New Delhi).
GNOME.Asia 2016 will be held between the 21st and 24th of April, and will be a great place to celebrate and explore the many new features and enhancements in GNOME.
KaOS Linux calls itself a “lean KDE Distribution”, and it is certainly that, at least in terms of what is actually offered for download. Go to the KaOS Download page and you will find exactly one file (a 1.6GB hybrid Live ISO image) with one desktop (KDE Plasma 5.4) and one architecture (64 bit). No huge ‘all-in’ 4+ GB installer or tiny ‘netinst’ core-only installer, no other desktops (not even community editions), and no 32-bit version. Lean and focused.
New Releases
Barry Kauler, lead developer and creator of the Puppy Linux distribution, has had the great pleasure of announcing the immediate availability for download of the Quirky 7.2 distrolette.
Arch Family
The Manjaro community is proud to present a new Manjaro Cinnamon Edition installation media.
With the release 15.09-1 we changed our visual approach on things within Cinnamon. For instance we now use standard Plymouth, the background got changed in LightDM. We took also a spin on our wallpapers and icon-themes. Cinnamon got updated to the latest 2.6 series with all its enhancements.
The second major update for Manjaro 15.09 (Bellatrix) has been released, bringing some important updates and a wave of new supported Linux kernels for the new distribution.
The Manjaro project is evolving under our eyes with each new release, becoming one of the best, free, open source, powerful, and most user-friendly Arch Linux-based computer operating system on the market.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat today announced that it has joined the Node.js Foundation as a Platinum member, underscoring its commitment to developers, Node.js, and open source collaboration.
As commercial open source companies have proliferated, it’s become a given that there will be multi-billion dollar firms focused exclusively on open source. And, Red Hat has proven to be shining proof of concept in this area. The company has steadily innovated, but is also focused on how other companies and partners are creating innovative solutions that orbit Red Hat’s own products.
Last week I told you about a few of the more than 130 speakers scheduled for this year’s All Things Open (ATO) conference in Raleigh, to be held October 19-20. Today, we’ll talk about the impressive lineup of keynote speakers who’re on tap this year.
Actually, it’s something of a miracle that the event is still good-to-go. IT-oLogy, the organization behind ATO, is headquartered in Columbia, S.C., which was subject to massive flooding last week in the wake of hurricane Joaquin. In fact, the organizations headquarters are located only blocks away from the Congaree River, the source of much flooding.
Discussions at the upcoming 2015 Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) Government Symposium will focus on open source software and how it is utilized in agencies to build innovation, GovCon Executive reported Tuesday.
Red Hat said Oct. 1 Damon Edwards, co-founder at DTO Solutions, will provide the keynote address at the Nov. 10 event to be attended by more than 600 IT professionals from government and industry.
The firm said student materials for Red Hat Academy are available online.
Ever looked up at the night sky and tried to identify specific celestial bodies out of the millions you can see? Stellarium is an awesome open source planetarium application available in Fedora to help you identify and track objects in the night sky. Basically, it simulates the night sky and provides labels and other tools to help you know what you are actually looking at.
Debian Family
The Linux Journal today addressed the Microsoft-buying-Canonical rumors saying it’s against Ubuntu’s founding principles. Reactions to the two kernel resignations this week are mixed and we’ll take a look. Elsewhere, KDE signs the User Data Manifesto 2.0 and American Trade Journal looks at the business end of Red Hat lately.
On the day of October 7, Canonical’s Łukasz Zemczak sent in his daily report to inform us all about the latest work done by the Ubuntu Touch developers in preparation for the soon-to-be-released OTA-7 software update for the mobile OS.
Canonical is working on the next generation of the Unity desktop, and it has big plans for it, but it’s not yet ready for this particular environment. Here are some details about the new desktop that users might want to know.
While the ZFS file-system isn’t supported by the mainline Linux kernel due to the Oracle-owned file-system being under the GPL-incompatible CDDL license, Canonical is making plans to offer ZFS on Ubuntu in some standard way.
Through the wonderful ZFS On Linux project there is a native port of the ZFS file-system driver to Linux natively (unlike the ZFS FUSE implementation) but due to the GPL vs. CDDL licensing issue it can’t be mainlined into the Linux kernel.
When it comes to home networking, nothing is more iconic than the classic blue Linksys router. When I worked at CompUSA, I sold a ton of them, and for good reason — they worked well. Over the years, some of the models proved popular for open-source firmware replacements, making them attractive to tinkerers.
Fast forward to today, and Linksys announces a new open source-friendly router, witch builds upon the existing WRT1900AC. With a faster processor and double the RAM, the new model gets an “S” moniker — reminiscent of Apple’s iPhone naming — as WRT1900ACS. Are you excited for this Linux-powered home router?
Wind River Linux 8 brings together the flexibility and interoperability of open source along with improved user experience and scalability for addressing the opportunities and challenges of IoT.
Keeping in rhythm with using names from Toy Story characters, Raspbian Jessie was released this past week for Raspberry Pi users. This latest release marks many improvements and updates that Raspberry Pi users have been longing for. After using and experimenting with Raspbian Jessie for the past week, I have to say that I’m very pleased with the update.
While upstream Android 6.0 is available as “Marshmallow”, in the Android-x86 world they just reached their 5.1-RC1 milestone which is also their first release candidate to date based on Android Lollipop.
Android-x86 5.1-rc1 was released today with 64-bit kernel/user-space support while continuing to support 32-bit netbooks/tablets too, is based on the Linux 4.0.9 kernel, now enables OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for Intel / R600/RadeonSI / Nouveau on Mesa, supports booting from UEFI, can install to a number of different file-systems, supports multi-touch, support for foriegn architectures, and various other changes.
Android devices will soon be able to run Windows applications thanks to CodeWeavers’ CrossOver for Android, which will debut before the end of 2015.
Wine for Android was first shown off a few years ago, and work has been ongoing since then. You can run Android apps on Windows, and soon the reverse will be true, too!
According to Diabetes.org, in 2012 over 29.1 million Americans (that’s 9.3% of the population) had diabetes. Chances are, you know someone who has diabetes and you can help them by supporting an open source project that they can trust. If you are a developer, contribute to improve the code; you can help with documentation, or language so it can be translated.
That’s the only way any open source project succeeds – through collaboration and contribution; through people.
“Making machine data accessible, usable, and valuable to everyone” was the main theme at the Splunk .conf2015 last month in Las Vegas. The thousands attending this event are a clear proof of the growing importance and interest in collecting, analyzing and gaining insights from machine data. This interest started years ago mostly with IT related logs but will spread to cover all types of machine generated data. The growing IoT space will make today’s pile of machine data dwarf compared to what else is coming our way in the form of logs and other data generated by machines and sensors.
Bassel sent his letters from Adra prison, a civilian jail in the northeast outskirts of Damascus. Even representatives of the Assad government admit that conditions in Adra are overcrowded and inhumane. The prison was designed for 2,500 and now houses 9-11,000 prisoners. Single rooms hold fifty to a hundred cellmates. Food rations are minimal and prisoners must often pay bribes for sleeping materials. Nearby, according to reports, anti-regime forces attempted to seize the compound.
EFF has joined with organizations around the world in calling for Syria to reveal the whereabouts of detained technologist Bassel Khartabil. Khartabil’s arbitrary detention and treatment by the Syrian authorities have been cause for concern since his initial arrest three and a half years ago. Fears have grown for his safety after he was taken from civil prison to an unknown destination on Saturday. He is one of the five current cases that EFF tracks in our Offline campaign to protect unjustly imprisoned technologists and bloggers.
We’re increasingly living in a mobile world, and Google wants to make it a better experience. The search giant on Wednesday announced an initiative called “Accelerated Mobile Pages” (AMP) that makes viewing news articles on a smartphone even faster, the company said at a New York City event.
OpenAnswer is built on familiar open source technology like Asterisk, FreePBX, Apache, Linux, PF Sense, SIP and more.
Open source projects have risen in prominence over the past few years and are becoming important assets to enterprises. A recent report indicates that some 78 percent of enterprises use open source, and two-thirds build software for their customers that is based on open source software.
The eCommerce software space is a crowded one, with vendors offering any number of ways to track product data. B2C may grab the spotlight with innovation and omnichannel initiatives, and B2B has some catching up to do. But as small businesses recognize the need to adapt quickly to satisfy both their customers and suppliers, flexible software can make all the difference, according to Yoav Kutner.
The Python Software Foundation’s (PSF) Director Carol Willing is ready for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women conference to start on October 14. One of the many highlights of her week will most definitely be the Open Source Day Codeathon, where some attendees will be making their very first contributions to open source.
Web Browsers
Content is not inherently good or bad – with some notable exceptions, such as malware. So these principles aren’t about what content is OK to block and what isn’t. They speak to how and why content can be blocked, and how the user can be maintained at the center through that process.
At Mozilla, our mission is to ensure a Web that is open and trusted and that puts our users in control. For content blocking, here is what we think that means.
Details about a number of Thunderbird vulnerabilities in Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating systems have been revealed by Canonical in a short security notice.
SaaS/Big Data
At the recent Strata + Hadoop World, TIBCO Software, focused on data analytics and integration, announced new ways to integrate cloud business intelligence views with Apache Spark. The company is integrating its Spotfire business intelligence software delivered via the cloud to Apache Spark in-memory computing clusters and SparkR, an implementation of Apache Spark that is embedded with the R programming language.
This week, Industry Outlook talks with Pierre Fricke about open-source databases and their role in the Internet of Things (IoT). Pierre has a long history in open-source software. He spent 10 years as director of product marketing for JBoss Middleware. He had joined JBoss Inc. just over a year before its acquisition by Red Hat in 2006 and stayed on until he joined EDB. Pierre first became involved in open-source software in 1998 during his 17 years at IBM. He played a critical role in establishing IBM’s Linux and open-source strategy, being one of seven team leaders whose contributions are still used today. He also spent five years as an industry analyst with an emphasis on Java and Microsoft application development and integration software.
PF: No. “Open source” does not equate to “less secure.” Enterprise open-source solutions such as EDB Postgres boast the same level of security as traditional solutions, including enhanced auditing, row-level security, SQL-injection-attack guard and other capabilities. In addition, better-managed open-source solutions also have fewer vulnerabilities than commercial products owing to the strict reviews and testing process that these types of systems must undergo. Furthermore, the inherent nature of open source—in which the code kernel is available to a large community of developers—means more individuals are looking for potential bugs and problems (an open process that is often prohibited in propriety systems).
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has rolled out the first open source electronic patient record (EPR) in the UK.
The system – now live in A&E, theatres, outpatients and the hospital’s 30 wards – is pioneering changes in the NHS as trusts have always depended on proprietary software to record and manage patient information.
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust the first to go live with the openMAXIMS open-source electronic patient record system (EPR) in a landmark deal
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has customised openMaxims software for an electronic patient record that could be reused by other organisations
Almost all—95 percent, in fact—of companies will be using open source software by 2017 and the adoption of third-party open source code is increasing steadily. Those are among the key findings in a new report from Protecode on open source software.
Semi-Open Source
NetBSD 7.0 was quietly released at the end of September.
NetBSD 7.0 is a big release for this BSD operating system and it features Lua kernel scripting support, GCC 4.8.4 is the default compiler, DRM/KMS graphics support, multi-core support for ARM, Raspberry Pi 2 with SMP support, NPF improvements, and a variety of other enhancements.
Project Releases
After a year of development, PEAR version 1.10.0 has been released.
A new electric city car is being developed – one that aims to challenge the existing global automotive industry’s business practices, fossil fuel use and so-called “old mechanics.”
Open Hardware
Also attractive are the printer’s precision, light weight and simple design, making it ideal for first-time 3D printer buyers.
Remember the Eleven 3D printer? In early September, we first reported on a promising and remarkably large desktop 3D printer that is being developed by Canadian startup and 3D printer service provider ISG3D. This interesting machine already looked remarkably good a month ago, but we had to wait for their Kickstarter campaign to start before getting the full story. That moment is today, as the crowdfunding campaign for ISG3D’s Eleven has just gone life, and it’s still looking as good as before.
Open source hardware: Build your own hardware platforms. Take a look at Google and others who have done this. Open source hardware is roughly in the same place open source software was in the mid-1990s. What made open source software acceptable for many businesses was the arrival of support for it, such as Red Hat; something similar may take place with the hardware.
Setting up or upgrading a lab to conduct state-of-the-art DNA nanotechnology is not an inexpensive undertaking. The hardware alone can easily set you back several hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Perl 6 was unveiled last night in San Francisco by Larry Wall.
Those interested in the current development state of Perl 6 can visit the Perl6.org site.
The normal procedural step that the Commission takes after the introduction of such a strategy is to seek specific input and feedback—via a public consultation process—for the general ideas and proposals that they are presenting. A public consultation, as the phrase implies, is an invitation to answer a long list of wide ranging questions on these issues. Although procedural, the information gleaned from the consultation will help shape any formal legislation or other actions and regulations that the Commission deems necessary to achieve the goals of the DSM.
The group also add that Linux.Wifatch was never intended to be secretive and added that to be “truly ethical, it needs to have a free license.” However, the developers did not go out of their way to make the Wifatch’s presence known in the wider community, to avoid detection by other malware authors.
The group haven’t revealed their identity and contend that they are “nobody important,” while adding that although they can be trusted not to do “evil things” with users’ devices anybody could steal the key (speaking figuratively), no matter how well the group protects it.
The government has done a spectacularly terrible job at protecting sensitive personal information over the past couple of years. Since 2013, the FDA, US Postal Service, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, the IRS and the Office of Personnel Management have all given up personal information. So, it’s no surprise the Government Accountability Office’s latest report on information security contains little in the way of properly-secured information.
When I started working as a journalist in Colombia in 2006, “What do I do if I get kidnapped?” was a common topic at parties. In fact in 2007, my brother (not a journalist) got kidnapped in a small town outside of Medellín. The Colombian anti-kidnapping squad (GAULA) rescued him.
So let’s just say I take an interest in journalist security tools. New apps have the potential to help journalists do their jobs, and stay safe while doing so.
Unfortunately, Reporta, a new app from the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) billed as “the only comprehensive security app available worldwide created specifically for journalists,” sounds like it may put journalists in danger.
Cooper does her best nevertheless to make the reader empathize with the risks faced by bomber pilots, despite a former flyer’s admission that “if you stay above 10,000 feet, you’re not going to be hit.” Though the mechanical difficulties faced by Yip Yip dominate the story, Cooper asserts that “engine troubles are not the only risk at 25,000 feet.” What else is there? Well, there’s acceleration: “The F/A-18s today require more G-forces than the planes of the Top Gun era, and pilots today pull nine Gs instead of four and five Gs”—so pilots have to make sure they are “not dehydrated or hungover from drinking and crooning the Righteous Brothers to Kelly McGillis at a bar the night before.”
For comparison purposes, riders on the Shock Wave roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas experience six Gs–placing the amusement park-goers somewhere between Maverick and Bones on the toughness scale.
The outlandish rhetoric of Republican presidential wildcard Donald Trump has left many journalists at a loss for words—words such as bigotry, xenophobia, racism, sexism and demagoguery.
The next time you’re thinking of throwing away a used boarding pass with a barcode on it, consider tossing the boarding pass into a document shredder instead. Two-dimensional barcodes and QR codes can hold a great deal of information, and the codes printed on airline boarding passes may allow someone to discover more about you, your future travel plans, and your frequent flyer account.
The Secret Service thought we all needed a reminder that databases of personal information will be exploited for political gain. The chair of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, was leading the investigation into one of the recent cases of Secret Service misconduct. Agents within the service accessed records concerning Chaffetz’ application to the Secret Service (which was not acted upon) and then disseminated that information within the agency and talked to the press about it.
This week users of popular torrent sites found that they could no longer access them using their VPN. Speaking with TorrentFreak the operator of one of the affected sites revealed that the IP ranges of a popular VPN provider had been banned after they were used for massive anti-piracy activities. Using a VPN for copyright enforcement is apparently quite common.
China just introduced a universal credit score, where everybody is measured as a number between 350 and 950. But this credit score isn’t just affected by how well you manage credit – it also reflects how well your political opinions are in line with Chinese official opinions, and whether your friends’ are, too.
Apple has made ad-blocking mainstream, prompting fears in the $31.9bn mobile ad market. But those grappling with the problem say the user must come first
Civil Rights
Murdoch was praising Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson and his wife on Twitter Wednesday evening when he wrote: “Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide?”
A Saudi woman may face going to jail after she caught her husband cheating with the family maid and posted it on social media.
The woman used a hidden camera to catch her husband in the act, but despite his proven infidelity, she may be the one who ends up being punished.
The video, which she uploaded to YouTube, shows the man forcing himself on one of the family’s members of staff, while the maid appears to attempt to resist his advances.
Despite there being multiple copies of nearly-identical FBI/Stingray non-disclosure agreements in the public domain at this point, the Tacoma (WA) Police Department still refuses to provide FOIA requesters with an unredacted version of its own NDA.
In late 2014, the Tacoma Police Dept. handed Seattle’s Phil Mocek a copy of its NDA, which, perhaps unsurprisingly, failed to disclose much about the non-disclosure agreement. The only things left unredacted were the two opening paragraphs of the agreement and the signatures at the end of it. In the middle was a solid wall of black ink.
Despite research telling us it’s a really bad idea, many of us end up working 50-hour weeks or more because we think we’ll get more done and reap the benefits later. And according to a study published last month involving 600,000 people, those of us who clock up a 55-hour week will have a 33 percent greater risk of having a stroke than those who maintain a 35- to 40-hour week.
With this in mind, Sweden is moving towards a standard 6-hour work day, with businesses across the country having already implemented the change, and a retirement home embarking on a year-long experiment to compare the costs and benefits of a shorter working day.
We already wrote about how New Zealand has released some of the details about the finalized TPP agreement before the official text is released. The one we discussed is forcing participants into a “life plus 70 years” copyright term, even as the US had been exploring going back towards a life plus 50 regime like much of the rest of the world. That won’t be possible any more.
I have just learned about the “Rootless” feature in El Capitan, and I am hearing things like “There is no root user”, “Nothing can modify /System” and “The world will end because we can’t get root”.
What is the “Rootless” feature of El Capitan at a technical level? What does it actually mean for the user experience and the developer experience? Will sudo -s still work, and, if so, how will the experience of using a shell as root change?
Intellectual Monopolies
According to a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania this week, a Comcast user was sent a staggering 112 DMCA notices in just 48 hours after downloading and sharing a single torrent. The unlucky user was targeted for sharing the discography of Dog Fashion Disco, a long defunct metal band previously known as Hug the Retard.
This time at issue there are questions such as: Is selling a product that contains hyperlinks to infringing content a copyright infringement? Are those who stream unlawful content infringers?
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Posted in News Roundup at 6:10 pm by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

System76, the computer manufacturer that ships PCs, laptops, and servers powered only by Ubuntu, is preparing for Intel Skylake and is now organizing a competition to find a superfan in the community.
The Power Systems LC line was introduced by Dr Stefanie Chiras, director and business line executive of IBM scale-out Power Systems, as part of her keynote on the subject of ‘waitless computing’.
IBM, as a patron of the OpenPower Foundation, has been a staunch supporter of Linux and OpenStack, and this represents a logical step for the company, as it has been building its Power line following the sale of its x86 server business to Lenovo in 2014.
Univention’s Maren Abatielos has been very happy to inform Softpedia earlier today, October 6, about the general availability of the first milestone of the upcoming Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 4.1 Linux kernel-based operating system.
Big Switch Networks, Facebook and NTT, announced today that they have come together to create a unified operating system for the Open Compute Project‘s (OCP) open source networking switch called Open Network Linux.
The project is designed to help companies, whether web scale-type companies like Facebook or others looking to take advantage of the Open Compute Project’s open source switches, to use the platform as a base to configure the switches in a way that makes sense to them.
Rackspace is expanding beyond the confines of its own cloud to support Amazon’s cloud. It’s a move that will see Rackspace expand its Fanatical Support and Managed Security offerings to Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers.
Rackspace is primarily known as a hosting and cloud vendor, with its own infrastructure. In the last five years, Rackspace has expanded outward with the open-source OpenStack cloud, as a rival to AWS. For most of AWS’ history, Rackspace executives have been competitively positioning Rackspace as the supported alternative to AWS. But that is now changing as Rackspace is now positioning itself a the place where cloud customers, regardless of whether they run on OpenStack or in AWS, can come for a managed support experience.
The vendor reportedly is rolling out new servers that run on Power 8 processors and also include Nvidia’s Tesla K80 graphics products.
IBM officials for the past few years have been working with Nvidia to bring GPU accelerators to some of Big Blue’s Power-based servers used by enterprises and supercomputing organizations, and earlier this year said Nvidia’s Tesla K80 GPUs would be used in bare-metal server in its SoftLayer cloud environment.
Anders Wallgren, CTO of Electric Cloud, will discuss this very topic at the upcoming DevOps Enterprise Summit. We caught up with him to find out what CIOs need to know about microservices and DevOps. Read on for Wallgren’s three DevOps “rookie mistakes,” and a special discount code at the bottom of this article.
Kernel Space
A day after Sarah Sharp formally announced she’s stepping away from Linux kernel development due to the arguably toxic community, well known kernel developer Matthew Garrett announced he too is planning to cease his personal contributions to the upstream Linux kernel.
Just like Sarah Sharp, Linux developer Matthew Garrett has gotten fed up with the unprofessional development culture surrounding the kernel. “I remember having to deal with interminable arguments over the naming of an interface because Linus has an undying hatred of BSD securelevel, or having my name forever associated with the deepthroating of Microsoft because Linus couldn’t be bothered asking questions about the reasoning behind a design before trashing it,” Garrett writes. He has chosen to go his own way, and has forked the Linux kernel and added patches that implement a BSD-style securelevel interface. Over time it is expected to pick up some of the power management code that Garrett is working on, and we shall see where it goes from there.
Matthew Garrett, noted developers and self-proclaimed social justice warrior, today announced solidarity with Sarah Sharp’s resignation in protest of rude behavior and the “way [Linus Torvalds] behaves” by providing a Linux kernel with changes rejected by Torvalds. Elsewhere, Jack M. Germain said Slackel offers advantages over Slackware but it’s still not for new users and DarkDuck found most Linux users still use Windows or Mac as well.
A Game of Thrones style war has broken out amongst the weirdie beardies of Open Source Land which has now split the Linux kingdom just as “Winter is a Coming.”
Now, another Linux kernel developer has decided to move away from the project. Matthew Garrett has been in the news a lot this past year, but surprisingly, not for the Linux kernel. He’s been a constant critic of Canonical IP policy, and he has criticized the company more than once. In fact, he’s a rather well-known kernel developer, and he had his fair share of disputes with Linus Torvalds. Unlike Sarah, he made his reasons a lot more clear.
Open source code is supposed to reduce redundancy by saving developers from reinventing the wheel. To help it do a better job of that, the Linux Foundation this week announced a new OpenChain Workgroup, a new initiative that aims to standardize common practices to make open source more efficient.
Linux is a surprisingly successful operating system. Despite many of its distros having no graphical interface and/or not running with popular applications like Microsoft Office or the Adobe creative suite, it’s still managed to gather more than 80 million users by some estimates, and Linux support alone pulls in more than $1 billion in revenue each year. (That’s pretty impressive for an open-source system!) All of this leads to one important question …
In a culture that celebrates freedom and resists conformity, establishing rules and regulations isn’t always easy. So when LinuxCon introduced its Code of Conduct in 2010, it became one of the first open source conferences to outline an anti-harassment policy and act on reports of misconduct. Today, similar codes of conduct are in place at hundreds of conferences and events worldwide — and this year’s LinuxCon continues to see more women on panels and at the podium than ever before.
It all came about thanks to work between Valerie Aurora, former kernel developer and open source diversity champion, and leaders at the Linux Foundation. But they didn’t stop with the Code of Conduct. In the past year, LinuxCon has also hosted the Ally Skills Workshop, which teaches men simple, everyday ways to support women in their workplaces and at events like LinuxCon.
Today I want to talk a bit about some cool features of systemd, the default Debian init system since the release of Jessie. Ubuntu has also adopted systemd in 15.04, meaning that you are going to find it literally everywhere.
For many LinuxCon attendees, one of the biggest event highlights is the opportunity to rub elbows with the people who actually write the Linux code. The only thing that can top that? Hearing from Linus Torvalds himself, the man who created it 24 years ago and still writes the code to this day.
Daniel Vetter sent in a fresh intel-drm-next pull request today for landing more changes into DRM-Next as preparations for the Linux 4.4 kernel.
The elections for five of the ten members of the Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board (TAB) are held every year[1]. This year the election will be at the 2015 Kernel Summit in Seoul, South Korea (probably on the Monday, 26 October) and will be open to all attendees of both Kernel Summit and Korea Linux Forum.
Graphics Stack
While there’s just a handful of names that Phoronix readers are familiar with when it comes to AMD’s open-source Linux driver developers and those from AMD who communicate with the community in our forums, it turns out there are many more developers at AMD becoming involved as part of their new AMDGPU driver stack.
A few weeks ago at IDF, Displaylink released drivers for USB monitors on Linux. This has been something SemiAccurate has been asking them about since, well it has been years now.
The idea is simple, transfer video data over USB rather than a dedicated video port. This requires a bit of compression, CPU load, and of course their proprietary hardware on the monitor side. That isn’t a big deal, the chips are fairly inexpensive and since you are buying a USB monitor or dock, it comes with the device out of the box. On the plus side it means your monitor will work everywhere, or at least it will now.
A little more than a week ago at Linaro Connect SFO15 in Burlingame Jim Perrin of the CentOS project publicly announced the availability of the Xen hypervisor in CentOS 7 for ARM64 (also known as aarch64). Jim and I have been working closely with George Dunlap, maintainer of Xen in CentOS for the x86 architecture, to produce high quality Xen binaries for 64-bit ARM servers. As a result you can setup an ARM64 virtualization host with just a couple of yum commands.
Stefano Stabellini of the Xen project has informed us today, on October 5, that the Xen open-source hypervisor is now available for CentOS 7 for ARM64 (AArch64) Linux operating systems.
Go For It! is a simple, yet very useful 2 in 1 productivity app which includes to-do list management as well as a timer, available for Linux and Windows.
The developers of the world’s most popular free, cross-platform and open-source distributed version control system, Git, have announced the release and immediate availability for download of the first point release of Git 2.6 for all supported platforms.
We’re proud to announce that today we’ve released NetworkManager 1.0.6, a latest update in the NetworkManager 1.0.x stable series.
Audacious 3.7 beta 1 was released recently and is available in the WebUpd8 Unrelease/Backports PPA. The new beta version brings various new features such as playlist shuffle by album, record Internet streams and more, along with Qt interface improvements and bug fixes.
For those not familiar with Audacious, this is a fast, lightweight audio player that’s focused on high audio quality and low system resource usage.
The somewhat regular monthly upstream Armadillo update brings us a first release of the 6.* series. This follows an earlier test release announced on the list, and released to the Rcpp drat. And as version 6.100.0 was released on Friday by Conrad, we rolled it into RcppArmadillo release yesterday. Following yet another full test against all reverse dependencies, got uploaded to CRAN which has now accepted it. A matching upload to Debian will follow shortly.
This is an area where xdg-app shines, because it allows you to create binary builds of desktop applications that work on any distribution. In order to demonstrate this I set up an automated build system that builds Gimp and Inkscape from the development branch every day and produces a new binary that you can easily install and run:
Finally it has been done – to remove the DRM of a Kobo eBook one does not need to switch to Windows or Mac anymore, deal with the brain-dead Kobo Desktop app, etc etc. The only thing you need is a Kobo device! DRM is evil, we know that, please read up on DRM protection here.
I was recently in a discussion about meta-packages, and realized many users don’t know what they are or what they do. So, let’s see if we can clear-up the mystery.
Valve has updated SteamOS Brewmaster to use Debian 8.2 and with that also comes a Linux kernel update.
The developer’s first game Expeditions: Conquistador is on Linux and if you haven’t checked it out yet, you definitely should – it’s outstanding. However, citing poor Linux sales, distro fragmentation and troubles with middleware on that game, one of the developers stated in November of last year that a Linux port seemed unlikely for the time being:
The Linux version is fantastic, and has worked well for a long time which has kept me pretty happy with the developers.
The developers of the cross-platform and open-source Unvanquished first-person shooter game announced earlier today that immediate availability for download of the Alpha 44 build.
Valve is making SteamOS 2.0 the official version supported by the company, and it looks like it might ship with the Steam Machines after all.
Valve is working on SteamOS, and the newest version of this Linux distro is now based on Debian 8.2. The developers have also added some new features and packages, and it looks like things are in place for the November launch of the Steam Machines.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Today KDE releases a bugfix update to Plasma 5, versioned 5.4.2.
Plasma 5.4 was released in August with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience.
This year, in March 2015, we started the port of Calligra from Qt4/kdelibs4 to Qt5/KF5. Both, because Qt4/kdelibs4 is running out of support and because of the promised lands of better portability and more granular dependencies with Qt5/KF5.
I haven’t been to any KDE events and I can assure that the first experience of the KDE event is mind blowing.
The latest monthly point release to Plasma 5.4 is now available.
Plasma 5.4.2 finishes up the Breeze icons and has many fixes throughout the Plasma desktop stack.
KDE, through its legal body KDE e.V., is one of the launch partners and initial signatories of the User Data Manifesto 2.0. The User Data Manifesto defines basic rights for people to control their own data in the internet age:
Control over user data access
Knowledge of how the data is stored
Freedom to choose a platform
New Releases
Even if Solus is running a little late, it doesn’t mean that its developers are not actively working on it. In fact, quite a lot of interesting stuff has been happening with Solus and all the planned changes will be available in the stable version.
PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandriva Family
With the exception of a brief period in 2009, The PCLinuxOS Magazine has been published on a monthly basis since September, 2006. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is a product of the PCLinuxOS community, published by volunteers from the community. The magazine is lead by Paul Arnote, Chief Editor, and Assistant Editor Meemaw. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license, and some rights are reserved.
Earlier this week I posted a number of openSUSE Leap benchmarks of their different kernels: debug, default, desktop, and vanilla. Here’s some follow-up tests with more results from comparing the openSUSE 42.1 Leap Beta kernel builds.
The tests are very similar to the article earlier this week, just with many more data-points now after seeing the performance differences from the initial test suite.
The python-suseapi 0.22 has been released last week. The version number shows nothing special, but one important change has happened – the development repository has been moved.
Slackware Family
You might think of the Slackel distro as a better Slackware derivative. Slackware dates back to 1992. By comparison, well-known and well-used distros such as Ubuntu, Fedora and Linux Mint were introduced in the mid-2000s. So Slackware is among the oldest actively maintained Linux distros. Despite its longevity, it has not joined more modern Linux offspring in terms of user friendliness.
Red Hat Family
Red Hat, the world’s leading mobile application platform provider, says it will create an unprecedented partnership model with Samsung, a move it has been pushing to provide converged mobile systems at the enterprise level.
Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that nominations are open for the 2016 Red Hat Innovation Awards. 2016 will mark the 10th anniversary of the awards, which recognize the innovative ways that individuals, companies and partners worldwide are implementing Red Hat’s technologies.
The developers of the CentOS-based NethServer open-source server-oriented operating system have announced the immediate availability for download and testing of the first Release Candidate (RC) build of the upcoming NethServer 6.7 OS.
Azul Systems, the provider of Java runtime solutions, has announced that Zing, it’s Java Virtual Machine, is now available as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Amazon Web Services.
Red Hat, the undisputed king of Linux, has joined the the Node.js Foundation as a Platinum member. Node.js is a popular open source, server-side JavaScript runtime environment which is enjoying exponential growth in the enterprise.
Snow Software, the market-leading developer of hosted and on-premised Software Asset Management (SAM) solutions, today announced a collaboration with Red Hat, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, to bring Snow’s SAM capabilities to organisations that use open source software.
SoftNAS®, the #1 best-selling software-based NAS in the cloud, today announced SoftNAS has completed certification on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, to offer global enterprises access to SoftNAS Cloud for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the AWS Marketplace. SoftNAS Cloud, which continues to gain popularity on AWS Marketplace, now offers customers reliability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform, and the cost-effectiveness scalability and flexibility of Amazon EC2.
Today Omnibond announced the release of CloudyCluster running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the AWS Marketplace, establishing a new level of HPC research and discovery available to everyone.
I don’t read many management books, but I was very curious to read Jim Whitehurst’s The Open Organization because there’s a lot corporate America (and academia) can learn from free and open source projects. The fact that Red Hat, where Whitehurst serves as CEO, is a wildly successful business adds weight to his methodology (since presumably anyone can lose money with free software, but it’s quite a trick to make money with it).
So p2 Droplets have been in Rawhide for a little while now, and since then we’ve converted most Eclipse plugins to build using the new format. With the exception of some cases that will be done manually, pretty much everything building with the XMvn macros (%mvn_build, %mvn_install) is guaranteed to be a p2 Droplet after a rebuild. We still support the old format (Dropins), and an installation on rawhide can detect both types, but the goal is to switch completely to Droplets.
I’ve been using the tool to generate exploded trees for the past week or so. It seems to be working well, and I’ve published them at https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/jwboyer/fedora.git/ once again. There is a history gap there as the tree fell into disrepair for a while, but it should be kept current going forward.
Debian Family
Debcamp was great, I got to hack on some of my Python related packages that were in need of love for a long time and also got to spend a lot of time tinkering with VLC for the Video Team. Even better than that, I caught up with a lot of great people I haven’t seen in ages (and met new ones) and stayed up waaaaay too late drinking beer, playing Mao and watching meteor showers.
Proxmox Server Solutions GmbH, through Martin Maurer, has had the great pleasure of announcing the final release of their commercial Proxmox VE (Virtual Environment) 4.0 operating system based on Debian GNU/Linux.
A very interesting discussion started earlier today, October 6, on the Ubuntu Snappy Core mailing list about a method of adding kernel modules to a Snappy-based operating system.
Continuum for Windows 10 is Microsoft’s idea of convergence, and it looks like they got things going. The Windows 10 Devices event that happened yesterday saw the official launch of this feature, albeit it’s a little bit more complicated than you might suspect, and it’s not really all that similar to what Canonical is doing with Ubuntu.
A recent rumor has sparked waves of fear and outrage throughout the Linux community. The word is that Microsoft is in secret negotiations to purchase Canonical, the Ubuntu company.
With Ubuntu and its derivatives installed on millions of home computers and Web servers, the takeover would be disruptive to say the least. After all, in a world where most people think that Windows is “just how computers work”, not using Microsoft products is a deliberate choice. If Microsoft bought Canonical, millions of users would have to jump ship or accept life under the Microsoft banner.
Ever since the new CEO, Satya Nadella, has taken the place of the Linux-hater Steve Balmer, the change in Microsoft’s rhetoric regarding Linux has been clear. Now, Microsoft is officially recommending Linux on Twitter.
The winners of the UbuContest 2015 have been announced and it’s not really a huge surprise that the game “Falldown” has been mentioned first.
Canonical last week announced plans to launch the Internet of Toys, an open source initiative calling on toy makers, hackers, Internet of Things fans and innovators to build the next generation of Web-accessing toys. Participants will build the next generation of toys around open source tools such as Cylon JS, Gobot, Snappy Ubuntu Core, Snapcraft, ROS and Erle-Spider. “The idea is that any toy, for kids and not-so-kids, can be app-enabled and have an app store and, potentially, peripherals,” said Maarten Ectors, a vice president at Canonical.
Flavours and Variants
Black Lab Software’s Roberto J. Dohnert has had the pleasure of informing Softpedia earlier today about the immediate availability for download and testing of the final RC (Release Candidate) build of the upcoming Black Lab Linux 7 operating system.
The Linux Mint developers are polling the Linux community to find out how many people are playing games and what they can do to improve the things on their side.
Media streaming pioneer Roku has unveiled its 4th-gen media streaming player, featuring 4K resolution, 802.11ac WiFi, a larger footprint, and a $130 price.
Over the years, we’ve watched Roku evolve from being one of the first companies to offer Internet radios with its SoundBridge, to challenging Apple’s early dominance in the streaming media player market with its “Netflix box”, to pioneering HDMI-stick media players with its Streaming Stick, to becoming the “smart” in smart TVs. All these media player incarnations have run on Roku’s internally developed, Linux-based “Roku OS.”
Though there are multiple Linux distributions for the Rapsberry Pi, the default choice for many has long been Raspbian. Raspbian is Raspberry Pi’s purpose built Debian distro and now at long last it is being updated for Debian 8, aka ‘Jessie’.
Back in 2006, Linus Torvalds said, “Controlling a laser with Linux is crazy, but everyone in this room is crazy in his own way. So if you want to use Linux to control an industrial welding laser, I have no problem with your using PREEMPT_RT.” The debate on whether Linux should be a real-time operating system was on.
For electric and remote control vehicles – from quadcopters to electric longboards – the brains of the outfit is the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). The ESC is just a device that drives a brushless motor in response to a servo signal, but in that simplicity is a lot of technology. For the last few months, [Ben] has been working on a completely open source ESC, and now he’s riding around on an electric longboard that’s powered by drivers created with his own hands.
The firmware is based on ChibiOS…
Linux and open source software have always cost very little. Now, thanks to the $9 thin-client, ARM-based Chip PC, the hardware you need to run an open source operating system is next to free, too. Read on for more about the device, which began shipping a few days ago.
Five million Raspberry Pis have been manufactured by Sony UK Technology Centre in Wales since the educational computer was launched three years ago.
Although not every Android user makes full use of them on a regular basis, the home screen widgets that are natively supported by Google’s OS are one of its fundamental functionality features. In general, widgets are “miniature application views that can be embedded in other applications (such as the home screen) and receive periodic updates”, and are usually regarded highly by the Android community.
Google’s Android operating system may be open source software, but some of the most popular Android apps including YouTube, Google Maps, and the Chrome web browser are not. Neither is Google Play Services, which is a framework that many apps from Google and other developers tap into.
Single player games are usually more appealing because you can play them anytime, but a multiplayer game is more interactive and fulfilling. Android multiplayer games are better because you can either join forces with other players or fight against your friends, which brings out a certain type of joy when you manage to destroy your friend, but it’s all in good fun. Here are the Top 5 Best Multiplayer games that are free for Android and considered the best in 2015:
Can you believe it? After months of waiting and anticipation, Google’s Android 6.0 Marshmallow release is finally on its way into the world.
I’ll have a detailed overview of what’s different with Marshmallow and why it all matters for regular users soon. First, I wanted to take an up-close look at one of Android 6.0′s most interesting features: Google Now on Tap. As I mused when Google gave us our first glimpse at Now on Tap this summer, this feature really seems like the future of Android — like something that has the potential to change the way we interact with our mobile devices.
It may seem like a big decision, but something tells me the service arms race is going to be a lot like the feature race. Google has the nose on Apple with Google Now on Tap until… Apple figures out a way to borrow it.
The developers behind the Android-x86 project, a Linux kernel-based operating system that aims to deliver the latest Android mobile OS to your PC, have announced the release and immediate availability for download of the first RC (Release Candidate) build of the upcoming Android-x86 5.1 release.
Google’s Android 6.0 Marshmallow release is full of fresh new features and flavors. This detailed FAQ has everything you need to know.
Previously, customers had no way to understand what type of data was stored and what kind of things were done to it; they had no control or say in it. And that makes Unomi one of the most important projects in the modern world.
“Unomi is the first project where companies can aggregate data while respecting the data privacy of people, because we have to allow people to understand and decide what they want to be done with that data and anonymize it as they want,” said Auvray.
Unomi was recently accepted as an Apache Software Foundation Incubator project, which is not easy to do. ASF looks at many factors: sustainability of a project, for example, is extremely important, and an open source project can be sustainable if there are several entities backing that project, instead of just one player. In addition, there should be enough support for the project from within the ASF so that it’s solid for a long run.
Would the Internet exist if Linux did not? A video out this week from the Linux Foundation, which has launched a new campaign to promote open source, says no. History says yes.
The minute-long video is the first in a new series the Linux Foundation has created called “A World Without Linux.” The series “flips reality on its head to illustrate in an entertaining fashion just how pervasive Linux is today,” according to a Linux Foundation representative.
The intersection of those two concepts is the sweet spot to success (in my mind) in open source. Everyone wants to be a +1 in their interactions in open source, but sometimes you have to settle for being a 0 for a while until you build up enough expertise in a project. You don’t want to be a -1, where you are actively hampering work from being done.
However, you should be bold and inquisitive when figuring out what you want to work on in open source. People will generally help you in open source communities if they see you’re passionate and willing to learn.
This is something that most people don’t realize when they hear words “open source”. And I feel it is important to understand that open source doesn’t include just programming, though it originated in the context of computer software development. But is also about the way of life and what is called the open source way. Which means that to contribute to open source projects you do not have to code! (You might if you want to Wink ). Just remember that it is important to share and sharing is caring.
Car manufacturers should be obliged to make their motor management software available for review, Paul Tang, a Dutch member of the European Parliament for the Labour Party, requested in questions to the European Commission. Such a measure should prevent the manipulation of the emissions tests, in which Volkswagen was recently caught by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
It’s been a rough year for the Internet of Things. Security researchers uncovered terrifying vulnerabilities in products ranging from cars to garage doors to skateboards. Outages at smart home services Wink and Google’s Nest rendered customers’ gadgets temporarily useless. And the Volkswagen emissions scandal, though not precisely an Internet of Things issue, has exposed yet another issue with “smart” physical goods: the possibility of manufacturers embedding software in their products designed to skirt regulations.
Ripple is a peer-to-peer digital payment network, similar to Bitcoin in many ways, but with a number of distinguishing features. First of all, and most importantly, Ripple allows users to use Bitcoin-like cryptographically signed transactions to store and transfer almost anything – US dollars, euros, Swiss francs, gold and silver and even potentially company shares can all be handled on the network. The way that Ripple manages this is by storing all assets as debts between parties that trust each other. If someone wants to send some quantity of an asset to someone that they do not trust, then the Ripple network finds a path between the two such that every link is between two people that do trust each other. In practice, the social network is still not nearly dense enough to make this fully decentralized vision work, so Ripple has given rise to a secondary industry of “gateways” that everyone can trust because they are publicly visible entities. Second, Ripple includes a built-in “decentralized exchange” functionality, allowing people to exchange on Ripple asset for another without trusting either the person they’re trading with or any third parties. Finally, Ripple uses a mechanism known as “consensus” instead of Bitcoin’s mining, theoretically allowing the network to maintain stability without being vulnerable to 51% attacks or consuming any electricity beyond the minimum required to verify transactions and maintain network connections.
Simon Mitchell, CEO at LinuxIT, explains how to get the most out of your Open Source monitoring tools.
ZenHub, a Vancouver-based provider of GitHub-embedded project management and collaboration, announced a new tier for students and the open source community using its product.
The Meteor JavaScript application platform has announced the release of version 1.2, its biggest release to date, one that officially adds support for ECMAScript 6, the latest version of the JavaScript language, along with AngularJS and React.js, two top-of-the-line JavaScript frameworks developed by Google and Facebook respectively.
Van Staden is confident that while OS remains invisible to many, its use is growing steadily in SA, and awareness around it will build with time.
Operations Research(OR) is the use of advanced analytical methods to make better decisions. It is a subfield of mathematics. Operations Research(OR) is the science and technology in running complicated systems efficiently. For instance, OR would be used in managing the logistics of Supply Chain Management.
Are you working on a Bitcoin project? The latest open-source Bitcoin project, Bitcore has been launched to make it easier than ever to develop apps that interact with the real Bitcoin network. Bitcore is a complete, native interface to the Bitcoin network, providing a pure and powerful core for your Bitcoin project.
ManTech International, Hortonworks and B23 have partnered to promote an open-source analytics technology designed to help enterprise customers detect and manage sophisticated cybersecurity threats.
The OpenSOC platform is built to analyze more than a million network packets per second, recognize threats in real time and deliver computer network security alerts, Hortonworks said Tuesday
Hortonworks and Cisco built the technology, which is available on Github under an Apache software license.http://blog.executivebiz.com/2015/09/mantech-hortonworks-b23-alliance-seeks-to-drive-adoption-of-open-source-cyber-analytics-tech/
The Defense Information Systems Agency said last week that its open source repository was upgraded with more integrated collaboration tools to enhance user experience and provide greater access.
The agency said in a Sept. 24 press release that it adopted CollabNet Team Forge 7.2 to power the open-source platform Forge.mil. It’s hosted on DISA’s milCloud, which offers integrated capabilities to help develop, deploy and maintain secure applications.
Open source is well understood in the software world, as it has helped accelerate IT and bring business advantages by accelerating new solutions and lowering costs—especially around cloud computing. Open networking and software-defined networking (SDN) both promise to bring the benefits of open source to the world of networking, but is this something that your company can benefit from now? When we talk to customers (and even those in the industry), there is a general sense of confusion about what “open” means in terms of networking. There is of course open source in the world of networking, along with an explicit open networking movement that is about opening up the solutions, but not necessarily giving them away as open source does. Then to add one more ingredient to the idea of “open” in networking, software-defined networking (SDN) comes along to “open up networking”. Great, now most customers are confused.
The partnership will allow Leidos to use Boundless’ OpenGeo Suite geospatial platform to update its proprietary systems with open-source applications and support its integration initiatives that seek to address intelligence and national security efforts, Leidos said Tuesday.
It was just a couple of days before a meeting with a customer that a builder in Chennai felt the need for an app. He approached Instellar Tech, a Chennai-based mobile application development company for builders, with limited time in his hands. But the client wasn’t disappointed. The app was developed and delivered in two days.
That’s not a value judgement. It’s certainly not a criticism of your competence. I can say with almost complete confidence that every non-trivial piece of software I have written contains at least one bug. You might have written small libraries that are essentially bug free, but the chances of you having written whole programs which are are tantamount to zero.
Obviously I think Hypothesis is an example of this, but it’s neither the only one nor the only one you need. Better monitoring is another. Code review processes. Static analysis. Improved communication. There are many more.
The email client is currently available for Linux and Mac systems and its creators are currently working on a Windows version that will soon be made available.
You’d have to be looking hoard to find this… but deep inside a PDF white paper written by KPMG, the firm has justified its reasons for using, adopting, developing and subsequently releasing open source software.
For the last two years, we had only lightning talks and workshops at the ownCloud Contributor Conference. As chair of the paper committee at Akademy, I introduced a single morning track of lightning talks that turned out to be an exceptionally good model for creation-type events like ours. Your event might benefit from lightning talks too—here’s why and how to plan them.
This year’s EuroBSDCon in Stockholm, Sweden was a quite successful conference with approximately 250 attendees and a fairly strong showing of OpenBSD developers presenting…
Digital Ocean and GitHub are sponsoring “Hacktoberfest” to encourage developer contributions to open source projects on GitHub.
Mindtrek Openmind, an international forum about the future of open source and open data, began on Tuesday in Tampere, Finland.
The three-day event sees professionals from more than 15 countries discuss how businesses, governments and individuals can benefit from open solutions, software and data freely available to everyone.
The conference comes as open source solutions and open data are gaining ground around the world, including in Europe and in Asia. Companies and public organizations hope these can help lower costs, create new business opportunities and increase transparency.
Web Browsers
Today, we are pleased to announce that Ari Jaaksi will be joining the Mozilla leadership team next month as our new Senior Vice President of Connected Devices.
In this role, Ari will be responsible for Firefox OS and broader exploration of opportunities to advance our mission across the ever-increasing range of connection points of the modern Internet, i.e. phones, TVs, IoT, etc.
Mozilla Firefox 41, the newest version of the open source web browser, features a built-in instant messenger and more. Is Firefox still just a browser, or is trying to be much more?
The fact that Firefox is growing up so quickly is striking. After all, it now comes with its very own instant messenger, of all things, not to mention something approaching a full-featured IDE for Web developers.
SaaS/Big Data
Amazon’s (AMZN) recent announcement of a Amazon Elasticsearch Search creates another way to analyze big data in the cloud. But is the offering redundant? And what does it say about the role of open source cloud-based technologies that third parties can “resell” through the cloud without actually redistributing?
The firm has announced the addition of native JSON support to MapR-DB, its NoSQL database.
IBM is actively embracing a new software framework called Apache Spark as the core engine powering predictive analytics application going forward. The big data world has gone absolutely gaga over Spark, and Big Blue has even put Spark on the venerable z/OS mainframe. But where does that leave its little brother, the IBM i platform?
Open source container specialist Docker Inc. has updated its Docker Hub cloud service designed to speed up application delivery by development teams through automated workflows.
The Apache Spark project became the darling of the open source Big Data movement by addressing the shortcomings of original Hadoop ecosystem components such as MapReduce. Now, DataTorrent Inc. is touting its open sourced technology, Project Apex, to fill in what it sees as weaknesses inherent in Spark.
As Steve Holder, national practice lead for analytics for SAS Canada explains the points on his “open source integration” slide, he notes he selected a starry background after being inspired by the lunar eclipse event earlier in the week.
For many in Toronto, the eclipse was obscured by an impenetrable layer of cloud. The night sky was blacker than usual for star gazers that hoped to catch the rare celestial event. Perhaps as Holder looked up at those clouds blocking his view, they reminded him of the way a non-flexible data archive can obscure information from a business. Open source integration however, would clear the proverbial skies and reveal the objective.
Like other large software development efforts, OpenStack is divided into project teams. There is a marketing team, engineering which is in turn composed of sub-teams, leadership, systems engineering, event coordination and so on.
EnterpriseDB has signed up for the Coalition for Enterprise Open Source Software for Government to help educate Congress and administration officials on the value of open source systems.
Version 10.1 offers users the ability to fully encrypt their databases, with the company stating that this can be achieved without any changes to applications and won’t result in performance degradation.
The self-styled KVM kings have turned their attention to creating a new database designed to improve on the Apache Cassandra wide column store.
Among the news coming out of this week’s Cassandra Summit was ScyllaDB, a rewrite of the NoSQL database that claims 10x more data processing speed via new-age C++ techniques that take advantage of the multiple cores in modern hardware.
Pivotal Software Inc. has made good on a promise it made earlier this year to open-source its HAWQ SQL engine for Hadoop, and it’s also done the same for its MADlib machine learning technology.
The Document Foundation has revealed that the first Release Candidate for LibreOffice 4.4.6 has been released, and it packs quite a lot of changes and improvements.
Governments across Europe are steadily moving away from vendor-locked, non standard technologies towards open standard and vendor neutral technologies. One such example is the adoption of Open Document Format (ODF) across European government agencies.
After four years of development and refinement, they will get their wish. On Oct. 5, Jon Dugan of ESnet’s Tool Team will give a presentation on “ESnet’s Network Visualization Toolkit” at the 2015 Technology Exchange conference in Cleveland, Ohio. About 500 network experts from around the world are expected to attend the meeting.
When ESnet, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Sciences Network, unveiled its online interactive network portal called MyESnet in July of 2011, the reaction was strongly positive — other research and education networks liked it so much, they wanted the code to create their own portals.
Jay Reeder, CEO of VoiceNation, will be a special guest speaker for the Digium Webinar Series – Innovating with Asterisk “What Can Asterisk Do For Me?” on September 29, 2015.
The Launchpad is useful as a MIDI input device, but that’s about all it used to do. But now, Novation has released an open source API for the Novation Pro. This makes it possible to write your own code to run on the controller, which can be flashed using a USB bootloader. An API gives you access to the hardware, and example code is provided.
The Linux Foundation released a white paper titled “A $5 Billion Value: Estimating the Total Development Cost of Linux Foundation’s Collaborative Projects,” which estimates the value of the open source Linux code (and its collaborations) to be worth US$5 billion.
The LF issued a report estimating the worth of its Linux and open-source projects to be about $5 billion, and launched a “World without Linux” video series.
This week at the Linux Foundation’s LinuxCon + CloudOpen + Embedded Linux Conference Europe in Dublin, the not-for-profit Linux advocacy group launched the first in a video series called “A World Without Linux,” following last week’s release of a report that attempts to quantify the worth of its Linux and other open source Collaborative Projects.
At many a BSD conference, there’s a keynote from somebody involved in the early development of BSD. They get up and talk about the history of some program they contributed, and explain how some of the strange quirks it has came to be. This is usually a good opportunity to then go into the source and review it to see if it can perhaps be simplified.
The GnuCash development team humbly announces GnuCash 2.6.9, the eighth maintenance release in the 2.6-stable series, a snap release to repair a serious bug on Microsoft Windows. Please take the tour of all the new features.
On Oct. 3, the FSF will hold what it calls a “birthday party” for itself in Boston, featuring an address by Stallman. Earlier in the day, the FSF plans a “mini-conference” at which “the free software community will share lessons from its first 30 years and plan for the future.”
Vision & Objectives
1 To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
2 To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
3 To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
4 To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
5 To be inclusive of organisations and individuals that share our Vision
6 To be pragmatic, transparent, and responsible as an organisation
Public Services/Government
This week’s 4th International Conference on Free Software and Open Source Code in Montevideo brings together developers and users who see open source as a “guarantee of sovereignty,” one of the organizers told EFE.
The stated aim of the conference is to strengthen the links between the educational, cultural and tech communities and explore the virtues of open source software, which users are free to copy, distribute or modify without incurring fees.
If you’re reading this, you’re likely familiar with the terms open government, open data and open source. You probably understand how civic engagement is being radically transformed through these movements.
Open Data
Russian internet company Mail.ru Group has announced that its Maps.me mapping app has been open-sourced, making it available for developers to freely embed maps in their own apps.
MAPS.ME’s code will also be available under the Apache 2.0 license, which means free usage for users, even when being used for commercial purposes. Additionally, MAPS.ME will be used by humanitarian groups, activists and volunteers in rural areas of disaster zones and political crises. Typically in these areas there is no sustainable internet, and other mapping services do not provide necessary geographical data.
Last week, a coalition of Dutch and international civil society organisations published the manifesto ‘Onze Overheid, Onze Informatie!’ (Our Government, Our Information!). In the document, the authors argue that, by paying and voting for the government, tax payers have the right to know how their votes are used and their money is spent. “An open government is required from a perspective of democracy, engagement and accountability. Transparency contributes to the efficiency of government spending. Furthermore, an open government can — via open data, for example — result in new services and products.”
“It may be an idea too hot to handle for some groups wedded to IP,” says Jaykumar Menon, explaining the creation of the Open Source Pharma Foundation.
Open Access/Content
A major U.S. university’s undergraduate courses went 100 percent textbook-free this semester, generating millions in estimated savings for its more than 80,000 students worldwide — all with no drop-off in learning outcomes, to hear the university’s administrators tell it.
Two years ago, a federal judge ruled that Google’s sweeping book project did not infringe U.S. copyright law. The project, which includes more than 20 million scanned copies of library books, is now the largest digital library in the world. However, the preeminent status of Google’s project is being challenged by a Chinese company named CzurTek, which is developing a book scanner it plans to sell for only $169.
Open Hardware
Dobot has been created by a team of six engineers based in San Francisco California and has been designed to provide a 4-axis high accuracy, high repeat precision, stepper motor, Arduino-based, desktop robotic arm for makers, educators and anyone else there would like to learn more about robotics and have their very own precision desktop programmable robotic arm.
Open source hardware initiatives have emerged to fulfil educational needs. Arduino is maybe the most well-known example. It has been very successful so far, but its reach has been mainly limited to DIYers, teachers and students, or engineers who want to “play with,” discover or showcase a technology. However, truly open source hardware has not been widely used in the industry. But a new kind of open source hardware is now emerging.
It’s an entirely modular phone – in other words, you build it yourself. But you won’t need a degree in computer science to do so. Instead, you just put together the modules, get to grips with the software and attach the customisable phone enclosures. Couldn’t be simpler.
Tablets are wonderful things. A flat, compact computer that’s easily slipped into a bag or purse? Very convenient. However, they’re annoyingly fragile, and, if you’re like me, that makes them very dangerous to travel with. I try to avoid putting anything breakable into my bag or purse, because chances are it will end up in pieces, no matter how careful I try to be. Carrying a tablet by hand is inconvenient, though, and also dangerous – someone bumps into you on the bus, and there it goes.
Back in May of this year Google released a second version of their Cardboard virtual reality smartphone viewer, that they said would follow with the release of the open source plans for the Cardboard v2.
The first thing he did was thank Craigslist “for sponsoring me these last few years”. On October 5th, 2015 Larry Wall addressed a crowd of geeks at San Francisco’s Exploratorium, saying he couldn’t properly express his gratitude to Craigslist. Then he acknowledged how long the development arc had been for Perl 6. “As the old joke goes, Perl 6 is coming out this Christmas.” Only this time, he meant it.
The process of deploying a piece of software to run on a computer is, perhaps surprisingly, not trivial. An application is a complicated creature that, when deployed, may find itself in unfamiliar environments where it interacts with different hardware, different infrastructure software, and other neighboring programs. Ensuring that an application survives and thrives is the responsibility of both its code and its deployment process. The balance between the two often depends on the languages, runtime and tools used to construct the program, and therefore, different deployment tools may be appropriate for different technology stacks.
The method for educating developers in Europe comes to American shores, via the new Holberton School, which uses project-based methods to train developers.
A month out from the launch of PHP 7, Rogue Wave Software has announced they’ve acquired Zend Technologies, the main company behind PHP for the enterprise.
Kenneth Thompson, or as they call him “Ken”, the creator of UNIX and co-inventor of the “C” language. He was born in February 1943, New Orleans, Louisiana. Ken is a computer scientist and co-winner of the A.M. Turing Award with Dennis Richie in 1983, this award is the highest honor in computer science. Thompson and Ritchie were jointly cited for development of generic operating systems theories and specifically for implementation of UNIX operating system which they invented at Bell Laboratories. Ken earned the Bachelor’s degree in 1965 and the Master’s degree in 1966 in electrical engineering field from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). He went to work at Bell Labs after graduation, where he worked first on the Multics project.
Earlier this month, ProgrammableWeb published an article featuring several standalone RAML API mocking tools that have surfaced on GitHub. Open source RAML Parsers for various languages have also recently turned up on GitHub such as PHP RAML Parser, RamlParser, RAML Ruby, and Pyraml-Parser. These RAML parsers are in addition to the Java, JavaScript, and .Net parsers created by RAML sponsor MuleSoft.
The results of RedMonk’s bi-annual programming language study provides some clues as to the answers they need. Since 2010, the developer research company has been rating and ranking the myriad languages that developers use on a regular basis, and the latest survey has actually thrown a few curve balls into the mix.
Nintendo has quietly joined the Khronos Group which is a not-for-profit consortium of academics and media companies dedicated to managing open-standard graphics APIs like OpenGL and its successor, Vulkan.
A NeoGaf post, noted that Nintendo’s name was added to the list of Khronos Group contributing members earlier this month.
Thus the no fly list was established. It is estimated to have around 1 million names but nobody knows for sure. Keeping the list secret is a matter of national security, so the only way to find out if you’re on it is to be detained in the airport. Or in the air. For instance, in 2005 a 747 flight from Amsterdam to Mexico was turned back before it could reach its destination. The reason? Two of the plane’s passengers were on the no fly list and the flight crossed over US airspace. Well, better safe than sorry, right?
Even if you don’t enjoy writing and have no intentions of becoming a professional tech writer, chances are you’ll have to draft reports, mailing list updates, or technical articles at some point in your career. With a few practical tips in mind—along with solid writing advice from Stephen King—you can improve your writing before you start writing. And, with proper planning, you can easily repurpose your content for multiple audiences.
Outside a taco shop on Flint’s Fifth Street, Estella Walker balances a gallon jug of water on top of the stroller that holds her 3-month-old son, DeWayne. She’s mixing bottles of formula for DeWayne and his 19-month-old sister Vanessa.
Nadene Strickland sits outside her home on the city’s north side, watching her grandsons play basketball. She still drinks the water. She can’t afford bottled.
Shopping at the local farmers market with five of her seven children, Tena Fransioli says she hasn’t used tap water in a long time.
Dublin native James Joyce famously wrote that “mistakes are the portals of discovery.” LinuxCon 2015 keynote speaker Leigh Honeywell grabbed hold of the same theme here in Dublin, reminding hundreds of open source professionals that “you’re going to make mistakes; you’re going to introduce security bugs.” The goal, said Honeywell, who works as a senior security engineer at Slack Technologies, shouldn’t be the all-out elimination of these mistakes. Instead, security engineers should strive to make different mistakes next time around.
The current certificate is not cross-signed, so loading the page over HTTPS will give visitors an untrusted warning. The warning goes away once the ISRG root is added to the trust store. ISRG expects the certificate to be cross-signed by IdenTrusts’s root in about a month, at which point the certificates will work nearly anywhere. The project also submitted initial applications to the root programs for Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple so that Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari would recognize Let’s Encrypt certificates.
Team InvizBox have unveiled a new pocket sized device which has been created to provide an open source solution to online privacy and security.
The small InvizBox box is capable of offering users a broad range of privacy options, allowing secure connectivity to the Internet from both desktop and mobile devices.
DevSecCon is a newly formed, non-profit conference for DevOps and SecOps practitioners, run by practitioners. By creating a neutral platform, it will exchange and create new ideas on how to leverage the best of both worlds and adopt a new mind-set of inclusiveness and collaboration.
Cisco notes that Linux servers were being managed remotely via SSH using root, adding that they were likely compromised systems in Europe and Asia.
The Linux.Wifatch malware, also dubbed as the “vigilante malware” has been going around the Internet, infecting IoT devices, cleaning out malware infections, and boosting the devices’ security.
Today’s topics include how vigilante malware is protecting unpatched routers, HP launches its Open-Source Network OS, Twitter locks in Jack Dorsey as its permanent CEO, and Cisco is driving its investments in network chip startup Aquantia.
Countless numbers of routers and Internet-connected devices around the world are not properly updated, leaving the devices, their owners and the Internet at large at risk. A new code infection, however, dubbed Linux.Wifatch, is taking unpatched routers and devices a different route, protecting them, rather than exploiting them.
SECURITY RESEARCHERS FROM Cybereason have sounded a klaxon over a problem with the Microsoft Outlook Web Application (OWA) that could let attackers swoop in and tag and bag data and documents through the use of APT techniques.
Cybereason discovered the bug when a customer with some 19,000 endpoints suspected that it was the victim of infection.
Backdoor in Outlook Web Application operates inside target’s firewall.
When the ILOVEYOU worm struck on May 4, 2000, it thrust the reality of computer vulnerabilities into the public consciousness in a very big way.
Sure, computer worms had spread before, but some estimates pegged this particular worm as causing billions of dollars in damage. Entire government departments were crippled. The nature of its spread was unprecedented in scale.
Bolivia says it is launching a thorough investigation into revelations made public by a WikiLeaks report.
The U.S. has refuted reports that it planned to topple the government of Bolivia.
The controversy started after a report surfaced on WikiLeaks that the U.S. government had plotted an assassination attempt against President Evo Morales in 2008.
A representative described the WikiLeaks accusations as “absolutely false and absurd.”
The New York Times followed up its euphemistic and equivocal coverage (FAIR Blog, 10/5/15) of the US bombing of the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, with an article (10/6/15) that continued to downplay the US’s responsibility for the deaths of 12 hospital staffers and 10 patients.
FAIR has noted before how America’s well-documented clandestine activities in Syria have been routinely ignored when the corporate media discuss the Obama administration’s “hands-off” approach to the four-and-a-half-year-long conflict. This past week, two pieces—one in the New York Times detailing the “finger pointing” over Obama’s “failed” Syria policy, and a Vox “explainer” of the Syrian civil war—did one better: They didn’t just omit the fact that the CIA has been arming, training and funding rebels since 2012, they heavily implied they had never done so.
First, let’s establish what we do know. Based on multiple reports over the past three-and-a-half years, we know that the Central Intelligence Agency set up a secret program of arming, funding and training anti-Assad forces. This has been reported by major outlets, including the New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel and, most recently, the Washington Post, which—partly thanks to the Snowden revelations—detailed a program that trained approximately 10,000 rebel fighters at a cost of $1 billion a year, or roughly 1/15th of the CIA’s official annual budget.
Janine Jackson: A recent CNN report said that the worsening Syrian refugee crisis highlights the differences among countries that welcome what they called “desperate migrants” and those that don’t; but if US audiences think that the crisis, some 11 million people now displaced, reflects only on the action or inaction of countries “over there,” they’re misunderstanding the situation. What more do we need to know about this crisis, its roots and possible ways forward? Raed Jarrar is government relations manager at the American Friends Service Committee. He joins us now by phone from Washington, DC. Welcome back to CounterSpin, Raed Jarrar.
9/11 and the Rise of Neoconservative Foreign Policy. For this 14th anniversary 9/11 special program, co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips speak with Media Roots journalist and filmmaker Robbie Martin about his new film “A Very Heavy Agenda.” The film looks in depth at the Kagan family and the rise of neoconservative foreign policy prior to and since the events of 9/11. Tune in for a detailed discussion about the development of the US policy driving American Empire.
The Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations concluded early this morning in Atlanta with the 12 countries reaching agreement on the remaining outstanding issues. The U.S. quickly posted a summary of the TPP and the Canadian government has followed with its own package on the deal. At a just-concluded ministerial press conference, the ministers noted that this is one step in a longer process. The text itself must still be finalized and then each country will have its own rules before signing onto it. In the U.S., there is a review period with the full text, so this will be a 2016 issue. In Canada, new treaties must be tabled for review in the House of Commons, so there will be a Parliamentary review.
Trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region have reached a deal on the Pacific trade pact that is intended to cut trade barriers and establish common standards for 12 countries, This is the largest trade pact in 20 years and has been a long-term goal of the Obama administration.
Trade negotiators from the U.S. and its 11 Pacific Rim partners announced their agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) today, concluding the final round of closed negotiations in Atlanta and marking the culmination of seven years of secrecy. Throughout all that time, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has acted as a de facto representative of the Hollywood big media lobbies in pushing other countries to adopt the most punitive aspects of U.S. copyright policies—such as our over-the-top civil and criminal penalties—while at best giving lip service to pro-user aspects such as fair use.
It is amazing how the elite media can be dragged along by their noses into accepting that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) can have a big impact on trade and growth. If I had a dollar for every time the deal was described as “massive,” or that we were told what share of world trade will be covered by the TPP, I would be richer than Bill Gates.
A key aspect of Bitcoin’s value proposition is that it’s an open source protocol independent of any particular corporation or government.
Similar to other open source initiatives, the software that runs the Bitcoin network is managed and improved upon by a group of volunteer developers.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says a nonprofit Islamic advocacy group broke the law by calling for him to drop out of the presidential race.
“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a public press conference demanding that I withdraw from the presidential race,” Carson said in an email to supporters Saturday.
“Here’s the catch – CAIR is a tax-exempt nonprofit, and the IRS rules explicitly prohibit such groups from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of – or in opposition to – a candidate,” the email continues.
The Appeals Court of Kansas has upheld a lower court’s decision finding it beyond the reach of a university to expel a student for off-campus behavior.
Beneath this logical conclusion are some not-so-pretty facts. The origin of the lawsuit is a “bad breakup” that resulted in criminal charges for the former boyfriend, Navid Yeasin.
Add Motherboard to the quickly growing list of news websites killing their comment section because they’re so breathlessly in love with reader interaction and visitor conversation. Like The Verge, Recode, Popular Science, The Daily Beast and numerous other websites before it, Motherboard has decided that there’s simply no value whatsoever to having a healthy, on-site local community.
I witnessed something genuinely disturbing at Trinity College Dublin last night: trendy, middle-class, liberal students cheering and whooping a man who had just given the closest thing I have yet heard to a justification for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo.
It was as part of a debate on the right to offend. I was on the side of people having the right to say whatever the hell they want, no matter whose panties it bunches. The man on the other side who implied that Charlie Hebdo got what it deserved, and that the right to offend is a poisonous, dangerous notion, was one Asghar Bukhari of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee.
On September 24 I gave a keynote presentation at Purdue University about the NSA, Edward Snowden, and national security journalism in the age of surveillance. It was part of the excellent Dawn or Doom colloquium, which I greatly enjoyed. The organizers live-streamed my talk and promised to provide me with a permalink to share.
After unexplained delays, I received a terse email from the university last week. Upon advice of counsel, it said, Purdue “will not be able to publish your particular video” and will not be sending me a copy. The conference hosts, once warm and hospitable, stopped replying to my emails and telephone calls. I don’t hold it against them. Very likely they are under lockdown by spokesmen and lawyers.
Europe’s highest court today ruled that Facebook cannot send personal information on European users to data centers in the US, invalidating a 15-year trans-Atlantic data transfer agreement. In a decision that could have far-reaching implications for many US tech companies, the European Court of Justice said that the EU’s Safe Harbor agreement with the US is “invalid” because the country does not guarantee adequate privacy protections. The agreement allows technology companies to transfer data from Europe to the US, provided that certain privacy requirements are met. According to The Wall Street Journal, today’s ruling could impact around 4,500 companies that currently rely on the laws to transfer data to the US.
The European Court of Justice (CJEU) handed down a decision declaring EU-US safe harbour for personal data invalid this morning. It has far-reaching implications for cloud services in particular and may presage increased opportunity for open source solutions from non-US suppliers. Looks like a real gift to companies like Kolab.
Kirsten Johnson talks with Eric Hynes about her new film, which documents a military surveillance blimp over Kabul and its impact on the Afghans living beneath it.
The company behind the internet’s most popular advert-blocking plug-in has pledged to open up its controversial “whitelist” to outside scrutiny.
Poor Verizon. Telco executives for years have sat in their board rooms bored by the billions to be made on telecom and transit, jealously eyeing Facebook and Google ad revenue, and desperately dreaming of being seen as more than just a dull old phone company. That’s why the telecom giant recently paid $4.4 billion to acquire AOL, and is now throwing tens of millions at a new Internet video service aimed squarely at Millennials (hey kids, why get Internet video right from the source or a disruptive content company when you can get it from the phone company?).
Facebook, Google and thousands of other US companies can be barred from transferring private information about European citizens across the Atlantic after Europe’s highest court struck down a 15-year-old data sharing treaty.
The European Court of Justice has declared that the “Safe Harbour” agreement, which gives more than 4,400 US businesses free reign to send data about Europeans to American servers, is invalid.
Ireland has said it plans to investigate the transfer of data on Facebook users in Europe to the United States after an EU court invalidated the “safe harbour” provisions under which it took place.
It follows a request by Austrian citizen Max Schrems to the Irish data protection commissioner to investigate if there was adequate protection of his data transferred to the US by Facebook, which has its European headquarters in Dublin.
If you live in Europe, your online life changed this morning. The European Union’s highest court, the EU Court of Justice, has invalidated the legal agreement by which personal data can be moved from the EU to the US for processing.
The ruling against the 15-year-old law, known as Safe Harbour, threatens the business models of more than 3000 companies that use it to ship data to the US, including Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook.
If you think using secure HTTP would be enough to protect your privacy when checking webmail, think again. When users connect to their Microsoft user account page, Outlook.com, or OneDrive.com even when using HTTPS, the connection leaks a unique identifier that can be used to retrieve their name and profile photo in plaintext.
A unique identifier called a CID is exposed because it’s sent as part of a Domain Name Service lookup for the address of the storage server containing profile data and as part of the initiation of an encrypted connection. As a result, it could be used to track users when they connect to services from both computers and mobile devices, possibly even identifying users as their requests leave the Tor anonymizing network.
Facebook has come under heavy criticism for its real names (or ‘authentic identities’ as they are known to the social network) policy. Over the last year, all manner of rights groups and advocates have tried to convince Facebook to allow users to drop their real name in favor of a pseudonym if they want.
Now the Electronic Frontier Foundation is part of the 74-member strong Nameless Coalition and has written to Facebook demanding a rethink on the ground of safety, privacy, and equality. This is far from being the first time Facebook has been called on to allow the use of ‘fake names’, and the latest letter is signed by LGBT groups, freedom advocates, privacy supporters, and feminist organizations.
BitTorrent is a very efficient way to share large files, but not a very private one. It’s commonly known that anti-piracy outfits monitor users through public trackers. However, new research reveals that BitTorrent’s DHT is also full of “spies” who actively harvest IP-addresses.
Through DHT, BitTorrent users share IP-addresses with other peers. Thus far, little was known about the volume of monitoring through DHT, but research from Peersm’s Aymeric Vitte shows that it’s rampant.
Through various experiments Vitte consistently ran into hundreds of thousands of IP-addresses that show clear signs of spying behavior.
The spies are not hard to find and many monitor pretty much all torrents hashes they can find. Blocking them is not straightforward though, as they frequently rotate IP-addresses and pollute swarms.
Open Rights Group welcomes today’s decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that the Safe Harbor agreement is invalid.
In 2013, Austrian law student, Max Schrems brought a case against Facebook in Ireland, where the company has its European headquarters. He argued that revelations by NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, showed that the NSA were accessing data held by companies like Facebook. As US law did not offer enough protection against this surveillance, his privacy was being violated.
The Irish Data Protection Commissioner rejected Schrems’ case because the Safe Harbor agreement governed the transfer of data. The case was then referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
The ruling places greater obligations on data protection authorities – such as the UK’s Information Commissioner – as it says that they must ensure that fundamental rights are respected in data transfer arrangements to the US by private companies. It also limits the ability of the Commission to claim everything is OK and persuade European regulators to look away.
By a decision published this morning, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the highest European jurisdiction, repealed the Safe Harbor agreement. This agreement in effect since 2000, allows data transfers between Europe and the United States under different versions, authorised the processing of European citizens’ data by US companies, with fewer guarantees than those existing in Europe. Max Schrems, an Austrian citizen, has put Facebook on trial since the monitoring by the NSA of his data hosted by Facebook had an impact on his freedom and privacy. The CJEU today confirmed his viewpoint by invalidating the Safe Harbor and held that the European Commission abused its power by approving it. The CJEU also affirmed that a local data protection authority may dissent a European agreement if guarantees granted to citizens were modified.
Civil Rights
A Valencia woman has sued the city of Carlsbad and several of its officers over allegations that she was pinned to the ground and punched by police in 2013.
Cindy Hahn said the incident on July 31 – a day she calls the worst one of her life – was caught on cellphone video.
EVIL-DOING HAS HAD A BOOST. Google is no longer opposing it in its official company code of conduct for new and improved big brother company Alphabet, where employees will be expected to ‘do the right thing’.
According to the campaign group Reprieve, “Dawoud al-Marhoon was 17 when he was arrested without a warrant by Saudi security forces in May 2012, at the height of protests in the country’s Eastern Province.”
The campaign group claims that al-Marhoon signed a “confession”, which was used to convict him, after he was tortured. In a press release the group said: “He has been held in solitary confinement, and has been barred from speaking to his lawyer.
Indeed, the BBC has decided that, given the accusations against Assange are so risible, it would be wrong for any detail at all of the accusations to be given out. Therefore the BBC has never reported the fact that the allegation they describe as “rape” is that, during the act of consensual sex, Assange allegedly tore a condom with his fingers whilst wearing it (of which I doubt the physical possibility). The second sexual molestation accusation is that again consensual sex took place, but after they fell asleep in each others arms, Assange awoke and initiated a repeat of the sex act without requesting permission again.
Despite the fact that Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen have given press conferences in Sweden promoting their allegations, the BBC has made no attempt to interview them. The BBC has not reported that, the day after the condom splitting “rape”, Anna Ardin hosted a crayfish party for Assange and tweeted her friends from it that she was with the coolest man in the world. The BBC has not reported that Anna Ardin had invited Assange to share her flat and her bed. The BBC has not reported that Anna Ardin and Sofia Wilen only made accusations after the two of them got together and cooked up the story. The BBC has not reported that Stockholm’s chief prosecutor dismissed it as no case to answer, and that Ardin then took it, as Swedish law allows, to another prosecutor, Marianne Ny who has a campaigning feminist agenda.
The BBC has not reported any of that because it would be quite wrong to doubt the word of victims of sexual abuse. It would be wrong to put them under pressure, or look sceptically at the evidence for their stories, both direct and circumstantial. It would be quite wrong to prejudice possible legal proceedings.
Internet/Net Neutrality
Before and after the FCC imposed new net neutrality rules, you’ll recall there was no limit of hand-wringing from major ISPs and net neutrality opponents about how these “draconian regulations from a bygone era” would utterly decimate the Internet. We were told investment would freeze, innovation would dry up like dehydrated jerky, and in no time at all net neutrality would have us all collectively crying over our busted, congested, tubes.
And, of course, shockingly, absolutely none of that is happening. Because what the ISPs feared about net neutrality rules wasn’t that it would senselessly hurt their ability to invest, but that it would harm their ability to take aggressive and punitive advantage of the lack of competition in last mile broadband networks. Obviously ISPs can’t just come out and admit that, so what we get instead is oodles of nonsense, including bogus claims that net neutrality violates ISPs’ First Amendment rights.
Africa’s current state of Internet access is stark: the lowest levels of broadband connectivity, according to the United Nation’s State of Broadband report, are mostly found in sub-Saharan Africa. According to the UN, Internet availability reaches less than 2% of the populations in Guinea, Somalia, Burundi and Eritrea.
A few weeks ago, we covered news that the FCC was considering rules that could ban the use of third-party router firmware. The FCC has issued new draft rules that would prevent customers from making changes to certain radio settings that would allow for operation outside of certain parameters. Typically these restrictions are designed to prevent multiple devices in the same geographical area from overlapping and conflicting with each other.
The FCC has now revealed more details on these new policies, which could theoretically be read to prevent the installation of all third-party router firmware. The FCC’s initial order specifies, for example, that programs like DD-WRT should not be allowed, which is part of why people have been concerned about new restrictions in the first place. According to the FCC, manufacturers don’t need to lock out third-party firmware — they just need to prevent the third party firmware from changing settings the FCC doesn’t allow consumers to modify.
Craig Mod has a fascinating article for Aeon, talking about the unfortunate stagnation in digital books. He spent years reading books almost exclusively in ebook form, but has gradually moved back to physical books, and the article is a long and detailed exploration into the limits of ebooks today — nearly all of which are not due to actual limitations of the medium, but deliberate choices by the platform providers (mainly Amazon, obviously) to create closed, limited, DRM-laden platforms for ebooks.
If you haven’t heard, Apple has locked out root from various file system paths and core functions in Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan. The new sheriff here is System Integrity Protection (SIP), which reduces root privileges in an attempt to increase security.
The gist is that no user — not even root — can write to /usr, /bin, /System, and /sbin or debug protected processes. Apple has also removed the ability to use unsigned kernel extensions through boot-time flags. It’s important to note that SIP can be disabled, through the recovery partition, but this will typically be done only for development and testing purposes.
Intellectual Monopolies
For two weeks, Kim Dotcom and three other former Megaupload staffers accused of criminal copyright infringement were bombarded by accusations from New Zealand prosecutors.
To hear prosecutors tell it, Dotcom is the Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman of illegal file sharing. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) alleges that the defendants operated Megaupload as a criminal enterprise designed to profit from the illegal swapping of movies, music and software by users. A hearing is underway to determine whether New Zealand will extradite Dotcom, Mathias Ortmann, Bram van der Kolk, and Finn Batato to the US. Much is at stake for the four, who may eventually face lengthy prison sentences.
After the United States were given several days to state their case against Kim Dotcom and his former business associates, this morning lawyers for the Megaupload four stated why their clients should not be extradited to the United States. The U.S. has used unfair tactics to gain an advantage so the hearing should be brought to an end, the Court heard.
Google has to hand over the personal details of a user who published pirated eBooks online, a Dutch court has ruled. The information was requested by anti-piracy group BREIN, working on behalf of a local book publishers’ organization.
A few weeks ago, we wrote about the big ruling by Judge George King in a district court in California that Warner/Chappell does not hold a valid copyright in the song “Happy Birthday.” The press ran with the story, with nearly all of the coverage falsely stating that the judge had declared Happy Birthday to be in the public domain. As we noted in our post, however, that was not the case. While the plaintiffs had urged just such a finding, Judge King noted that there were issues related to this that a jury would need to answer, and he would not go that far. Instead, he merely stated that Warner did not hold a valid copyright. Many people assume that this is good enough. The likelihood of some third party magically showing up after all of these years and not just claiming the copyright, but having enough evidence to prove it seems very slim. Glenn Fleishman has done a nice job writing up a detailed explanation of this copyright mess for Fast Company, in which he notes the “uncertainty is maddening.”
Amongst the very old school and traditionalist judgments here in the UK, it is always refreshing to read ones that step outside of that dusty judicial demeanor, and often our friends across the pond in the US show us that even judges remember their youth with fondness.
In applying the test judge Ikuta quickly saw that, as the Batmobile has appeared in many renditions in a variety of forms, it has conceptual and physical qualities. The vehicle has also maintained a sufficient amount of distinct features over the years, even with minor (or more major) difference in some iterations, along with its specific characteristics and features in equipment and technology, making it sufficiently delineated to be recognizable as the same vehicle. Finally, judge Ikuta saw that the vehicle was especially distinctive, containing unique elements of expression through its status as a key part of Batman’s crime-fighting repertoire, along with its very distinctive name. The Batmobile therefore was deemed to be protectable under copyright.
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Posted in News Roundup at 11:33 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

I have a much better appreciation for Linux after having worked on the series! To be very honest, Linux intimidated me a little when I had to use it at Pixar over my internship a few years ago. But now, I would welcome any classes on how to use it. There is such a strong, positive, intelligent community creating Linux together, that I am honored now to somehow be a part of that. Thank you, Linux!
How many times did you use Linux this morning? Chances are you used Linux a lot as you went through your morning routine, from checking your phone to switching on your TV to hear the morning’s news as you ironed your shirt or made your coffee.
LinuxCon Europe and Embedded Linux Conference Europe — The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux and collaborative development, today announced the new Real-Time Linux (RTL) Collaborative Project. RTL will bring together industry leaders and experts to advance and maximize technologies for the robotics, telecom, manufacturing, aviation and medical industries, among others.
First of all, they just mention Ubuntu, without any other details about the version number. Secondly, there are other Linux distributions out there, a lot of them, many use different file systems, kernels, and so on. There are too many unknowns and stuff that’s been left out from the report, stuff that is usually important, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe them or not.
It’s easy to forget how intimidating it can be when trying something completely new for the first time. This is especially true when a power-user comfortable with Windows tries Linux. Since I’m a power user of various Linux distros, Windows and OS X, I have some insights that I think people looking to migrate to Linux need to read. Let’s get started, shall we?
Majority of voters, more than one third, use two operating systems on their computer, one of them being a flavour of Linux and another – Windows or MacOS
This is the stack and the tools that keep me productive in my day to day programming experience on Linux. First of all, let me tell you, that this might not fit your needs: I’m a full time java programmer and so have OS choices.
Linux is my choice for some years already and while this post won’t detail the reasons, it will focus on tools and utilities that help me survive in it.
An Amazon EC2 customer can install the Kubernetes orchestrator to manage container workloads using CoreOS with containers. That fact happened to have been brought to light at this time last year, just before the opening of Amazon’s re:Invent conference. A tested and confirmed version of the method now appears as part of Kubernetes’ official documentation.
Kernel Space
You all know the drill by now. It’s Sunday, and there is a new release candidate out there.
Linus Torvalds has just announced that Linux kernel 4.3 RC4 has been released, taking this kernel branch a little bit closer to a final release.
After announcing the release of the Linux 4.2.3 kernel, Greg Kroah-Hartman has informed the world today, October 3, about the release and immediate availability for download of the tenth maintenance version of the Linux 4.1 LTS kernel series.
I’m announcing the release of the 3.18.22 kernel.
All users of the 3.18 kernel series must upgrade.
The updated 3.18.y git tree can be found at:
git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git linux-3.18.y
and can be browsed at the normal kernel.org git web browser:
Open source licenses only work well when people use them properly. That’s why the Linux Foundation has made compliance with licenses such as the GPL and the Apache License a more central focus this week by announcing that it will now host the FOSSology project.
Several VMware partners told CRN that their customers are looking at KVM and OpenStack as a way to lower their VMware licensing costs. While OpenStack and KVM aren’t easy to deploy, large organizations can afford to hire the necessary talent and expertise, solution providers said.
“While most companies don’t have the technical chops to ditch VMware and go with KVM, ones with mature IT departments may look at this and reconsider their VMware strategies,” said one longtime VMware partner executive, who didn’t want to be named
Today marks 24 years since Linux Torvalds released version 0.01 of the Linux kernel to the benefit of humanity. The day was marred by the resignation of Sarah Sharp saying, “I am no longer a part of the Linux kernel community” due to “blunt, rude, or brutal” communication. The Linux Foundation today announced a new video series titled World Without Linux that will highlight the vast ecosystem spawned from that original 10,239 lines of code.
The Linux Foundation today is announcing a new Real-Time Linux Collaborative Project, though it’s important to first understand and realize that efforts to develop Real-Time Linux have been ongoing for over a decade.
Back in October of 2004, MontaVista Linux (now owned by Cavium) launched its Real-Time Linux effort, which saw multiple kernel developments land Real-Time Linux Kernelin 2005. In 2006, Wind River (now owned by Intel) joined the Real-Time Linux market, pushing it forward.
Until 2006, Real-Time Linux had been a separate area of development from the mainline Linux kernel, but that changed with the Linux 2.6.22 kernel, which was the first to include Real-Time. Various improvements have been incorporated and integrated in multiple kernels since as Real-Time has evolved.
On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the first Linux kernel release (do not confuse it with the anniversary of birth of Linux kernel, on August 25), the Linux Foundation non-profit organization debuts the world’s first Linux animated video series.
Sasha Levin, a kernel developer and maintainer of the Linux 3.18 LTS (Long-Term Support) kernel branch, has announced the release and immediate availability for download of Linux kernel 3.18.22.
The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux and collaborative development, today announced the OpenChain Workgroup, a community effort to standardize common best practices for open software compliance. It is expected to reduce costs and duplication of efforts and ease friction points in the software supply chain.
A new Real-Time Linux (RTL) Collaborative Project has been put together under the umbrella of The Linux Foundation and it looks like a lot of heavy hitters are on board, including Google, IBM, Intel, and quite a few others.
The Linux Foundation has launched a Real-Time Linux (RTL) Collaborative Project to accelerate the upstreaming of real-time RT-Preempt patches.
For the last decade, the RTL project, overseen by the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL), has been responsible for maintaining Real-Time Linux patches under the guidance of Thomas Gleixner, with important contributions from Ingo Molnar and others. OSADL has been periodically upstreaming the project’s RT-Preempt (or “Preempt-RT”) patches to mainstream Linux. Now, OSADL is turning over control of the project to the Linux Foundation to bring it closer in line with mainstream Linux kernel development.
The Linux Foundation has released a video called a “World Without Linux” that offers a quick look at what life might be like without Linux. The video is the first in a series of videos apparently designed to garner appreciation for Linux.
Systemd 227 hasn’t been released yet but it appears that it will be coming out quite soon. Here’s a look at some of the changes.
First up, systemd 227 has a system requirement now on util-linux 2.27 for its mount monitor feature in libmount, which systemd is making use of to replace some of their own code. Util-linux 2.27 was just officially released earlier this month so make sure you have it prior to jumping to this soon-to-be-out systemd update.
Graphics Stack
Mesa’s Gallium3D “Clover” state tracker still lacks full OpenCL 1.2 support, but as of yesterday the CL 1.2′s clCreateImage() function was hooked up.
The OpenGL EXT_polygon_offset_clamp extension has been supported in mainline Mesa for the Intel i965 Mesa DRI driver for some time while now this extension is supported for older Intel Gen 4/5 hardware.
If you’re stuck with an older Intel Gen 4 or Gen 5 graphics processor, with this commit the GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp extension is supported. The patch for this enablement on the older Intel IGPs was done by prolific community contributor Ilia Mirkin as opposed to being from the Intel OTC staff.
The developers of the Audacious open-source and cross-platform advanced audio player software for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows operating system, have announced the release and immediate availability for download of the first Beta build of the upcoming Audacious 3.7.
Git 2.6 brings additions to a number of Git sub-commands, improvements to Git send-email, better performance, reduced memory consumption in some areas, and various bug-fixes.
Earlier today, October 6, Aseman has announced the release and immediate availabilty for download of Cutegram 2.7.0 for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
According to the internal release notes, attached at the end of the article for reference, Cutegram 2.7.0 introduces a great number of new features, as well as many under-the-hood improvements, among which we can mention Sticker-Set support, the implementation of an encrypted authentication file, KWallet support under the KDE desktop environment, and support for sending messages via Ctrl+Enter.
On October 4, the developers of the Meld open-source diff and merge software that is distributed as part of the GNOME Project have announced the release and immediate availability for download of Meld 3.14.1.
The developers of PPSSPP, an open-source, free, and cross-platform PSP (PlayStation Portable) emulator for PCs (Windows, BSD, Mac OS X, and Linux) and mobile devices powered by either Android or iOS operating systems, have announced the release of PPSSPP 1.1.
The developers of the popular, independent, open-source, and cross-platform archive manager PeaZip software have announced earlier today, October 4, 2015, the immediate availability for download of PeaZip 5.8.0 for GNU/Linux/UNIX, and Windows OSes.
Last we heard of the famous Mplayer was all the way back in 2013 and it was only about a minor update. The developers have now returned with a new update, but this time it’s a more consistent one.
FFmpeg’s ffplay media player has interactive volume controls now that are inspired by the MPlayer-fork MPV.
Substance Designer is a node-based texturing tool and is quite advanced software. Up to now Allegorithmic’s Substance software has just been available for Windows and OS X, but now it’s being ported to Linux.
Lightworks is a professional non-linear editing solution that’s used for mastering videos and is available on multiple platforms, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. A new version has been released, and it integrates a lot of new features.
Wine or Emulation
Some minutes ago we released Wine Staging 1.7.52. This is the first release after WineConf 2015 and the integration into WineHQ.
Some of the changes related to the integration have been realized in the meantime and you should now use the WineHQ bug tracker for reporting bugs. Just open them as regular Wine bugs and mention the used wine version. Although this news is mostly about the source code changes, I would like to mention that Arch Linux now provides an official package which is also named wine-staging and therefore conflicts with our packages. The package installs into /usr instead of /opt/wine-staging so you might run into conflicts with other wine versions. Take a look at our Wiki for more information.
The Wine project is evolving, and developers have announced that Wine Staging and the regular Wine project have been merged, which should help users get their hands on the latest improvements and changes faster.
Building off Friday’s release of Wine 1.7.52 is now Wine-Staging 1.7.52 with a few more updates added in.
While Valve’s Steam Controller isn’t expected to formally launch until 10 November, at least some of those who pre-ordered this gaming controller early are now reportedly set to receive their device any day now.
The first public beta has been released for the Linux (and OS X) build of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power.
After teasing fans of the Trine trilogy with a trailer for the third installment of the long-running platforming and adventure series back in March 2015, Frozenbyte Games unveiled the availability of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power in Steam Early Access for the Windows platform in May.
They have confirmed to me the Linux version already exists, and is regularly tested on Ubuntu. They are aiming to release the game at the end of October, and I’m pretty excited to give this insanely fun looking game a good run.
Red Eclipse ranks among my top five FPS games of all time, which is surprising given how light-weight and feature-less it is when compared to AAA titles (and even other more well-known indie titles). It is open-source and built on top of the Cube Engine 2. It is available for BSD, Linux, Mac, and Windows.
Scraps: Modular Vehicle Combat is one of the types of games that I simply love, there’s nothing more fun that building your own death machine.
I’m going to be honest, how long it took them to actually fix this is surprising, annoying even, but they did finally do it. Honestly, 7 months to fix the broken launching on Linux when the community put out workarounds within a couple days is shocking, and I’ve not been very impressed with how 11bit handled it with no official announcement on what was going on. They have been pretty hard to get any word out of, and it annoyed me a lot.
It’s been a while since last having anything to report on Xoreos, but this week they’re out with a new release. For those out of the loop, Xoreos is an open-source re-implementation of BioWare’s proprietary Aurora Engine. With Xoreos the aim is to make it possible to power Neverwinter Nights and similar games off this GPLv3+ engine while still relying upon the game’s assets.
sIf you woke up this morning expecting to play Alien: Isolation with today being the expected release date for OS X and Linux, Feral Interactive has unfortunately had to push back the release.
In a brief news posting, Feral explains that the Linux/Mac release “has been delayed due to an issue that affects both platforms, and will not be released today. We are committed to releasing games only once they reach our high standards.”
Valve seems to put a lot of effort into the SteamOS Brewmaster branch, which is based on Debian 8, although it’s not giving any indications that it wants to migrate to the new version before the Steam Machines are launched.
After waiting a while, we now have access to Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power in beta form. There are a number of issues though. You can find the announcement post here.
I’ve been very interested in trying it out, but the negative reaction the game does have me a little worried. People haven’t been happy with how long the game is, and the story seems to be cut quite short.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Kubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) is almost ready for launch, but it looks like the developers are still pushing some important changes even this late in the cycle.
KDE software has been used in many large scale deployments, including universities, governments and countless companies.
One of these organizations suggested that KDE create a deployment forum so that others can benefit from their deployment experience. The forum would provide an opportunity for sysadmins and developers to ask questions and discuss problems/solutions related to deploying KDE software in large, complex environments.
It has been nearly a month since I got back from the Randa Meetings this year, and the memories are still fresh in my mind. This was my first KDE event that I have attended, and the overall experience was awesome!
Earlier today, October 3, Collabora’s Emil Velikov had the pleasure of announcing the immediate availability for download of the ninth and last maintenance release of the Mesa 3D Graphics Library 10.6 branch.
The KDE project has created a special mailing list for big entities that use this type of desktop environment in an effort to provide some much-needed support.
Within the latest development code of GNOME’s key GLib library leading up to GNOME 3.20 is Unicode 8.0 support.
Unicode 8.0 as released back in June adds 7,716 characters with six new scripts, many new symbols, and various character additions.
Per this commit today by Red Hat’s Matthias Clasen, GLib’s Unicode support has been updated to version 8.0. Clasen wrote, “Regenerate data tables from the Unicode Character Database, add new scripts, and update tests to include some of the new data.”
The GTK+ developers have announced this past weekend the immediate availability for download of the first maintenance release of the GTK+ 3.18 open-source and cross-platform GUI toolkit software.
Gnome Pie is an application launcher inspired by a World of Warcraft addon called OPie. The app consists of multiple “pies”, each being triggered by a keyboard shortcut or mouse button you set. Each pie has its own role: applications, bookmarks, main menu, multimedia (play/pause/previous/next), a pie that allows you to control the focused window (maximize, close, etc.) and so on.
HP is spearheading multivendor development of an open source network operating system for data centers in an effort to address scale, dynamic operation and vendor independence.
HP is banding together with three other hardware companies and a hypervisor vendor to launch the OpenSwitch Community, which will seek community-like participation in the development of a Linux-based OpenSwitch NOS. The other participants are Intel, Broadcom, Accton and VMware.
Today, HP officially launches the open source Open Switch network operating system. Intended to be the base of an open community, the new effort is supported by VMware, Intel, Broadcom, Broadcom and Arista. Mark Carroll, Vice-President and CTO at HP, emphasized that the OpenSwitch operating system is really a community-driven development base. Though HP is announcing the OpenSwitch OS at the Linuxcon EU conference, the effort is not formally backed by the Linux Foundation.
New Releases
Today we are happy to announce the release of Black Lab Core Server 7. Black Lab Core Server 7 is the base of the Black Lab Server distribution. Black Lab Core Server is for users to design their own servers or workstations and to include their own selection of software. Black Lab core Server 7 has some basic system requirements. Here are the minimum system requirements for running Black Lab Core Server 7.
We have been informed by Zbigniew Konojacki, the creator and lead developer of the 4MLinux project, that the Beta release of his upcoming 4MRecover 14.0 distrolette is now available for download and testing.
The developers of the Parsix GNU/Linux operating system have announced on October 4, 2015, that the first TEST build of their upcoming Parsix GNU/Linux 8.5 release is available for download and testing.
The Solus operating system was supposed to launch on October 1, but it looks like it’s running a little bit late. Its developers have had a number of small setbacks, but things seem to be back on track now.
The Manjaro community is proud to present a new Manjaro JWM Edition installation media.
JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) is a lightweight stacking window manager for the X Window System written by Joe Wingbermuehle. JWM is written in C and uses only Xlib at a minimum. Configuration is by editing an XML file – no graphical configuration is supplied.
The guys over Netrunner, an open-source GNU/Linux computer operating system that uses a rolling-release model and is based on the KDE technologies, were more than happy to announce today, October 3, the release of Netrunner Rolling 2015.09.
On October 5, the Manjaro Linux community was extremely proud to announce the release and immediate availability for download of the first-ever build of the new Manjaro Linux JWM Community Edition distribution.
Arch Family
I’m happy to announce another review of Manjaro 15.09 (Bellatrix)!
With this we repacked most of our packages against python 3.5. Please check if we have missed some. Also some of our kernels got updated: 3.18.22, 4.1.10 and 4.2.3. Last but not least we updated pamac to 2.4.2 and fixed some squashfs compression issue in our manjaro-tools for lower kernels than 4.0.
Also we ship the usual Archlinux upstream fixes (Sun Oct 4 08:25:34 CEST 2015)
So, the two installers are very similar. I don’t understand why the Manjaro developers feel it is necessary to develop their own installer, but perhaps there is some longer-term objective here. The two major differences in Thus are places where they seem to have borrowed ideas from the Ubuntu installer (Ubiquity), and I question the usefulness of both.
After announcing the release of the Manjaro Linux GNOME 15.09, Manjaro Linux LXDE 15.09, Manjaro Linux LXQt 15.09, and Manjaro Linux i3 15.09 distributions, the Manjaro team is happy to announce the availability of a new update for their stable Manjaro Linux 15.09 (Bellatrix) operating system.
Those unfamiliar with the openSUSE kernel flavors can see this Wiki page. Tested for this article was the default, desktop, debug, and vanilla kernel options. During testing, installed by default was the -desktop kernel when installing the openSUSE 42.1 Leap Beta and thus that was what ended up being used in last week’s Linux distribution comparison, although the Wiki page indicates that the -default kernel should be the default for desktops and servers. The 4.1.6-10 kernel was used when testing the -debug, -default, -desktop, and -vanilla kernel images obtained from the official openSUSE Leap repository.
Red Hat Family
The Open Organization Ambassadors Program identifies and spotlights members of the Opensource.com community who are exceptionally engaged in discussions regarding the management philosophy Jim Whitehurst outlines in his book, The Open Organization.
Interested in becoming an ambassador? Read more about the program and get in touch!
Red Hat has revealed that channel sales for the fiscal quarter to the end of August rose to 75 per cent of its total top line, marking solid progress towards its annual goal of 70 per cent.
Shares of Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) rose by 0.96% in the past week and 7.22% for the last 4 weeks. The shares have underperformed the S&P 500 by 0.08% during the past week but Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) has outperformed the index in 4 weeks by 5.57%.
The Koozali SME Server development team, through Terry Fage, announced this past weekend the general availability for download and testing of the third Beta build of the upcoming SME Server 9.1 GNU/Linux distribution.
I worked as a consultant for many years before becoming the CEO of Red Hat. One of the most surprising aspects of that work was that people would open up to me, an outsider, about all the elephants in the room—but they were too polite or embarrassed to call out the obvious issues or blame their peers inside their own organizations. My fellow consultants and I would sometimes joke that just about every individual inside a company could immediately tell you what was going wrong and what needed fixing. But whenever everybody convened for a meeting to point out those very issues, you wouldn’t hear a peep about anything that could be perceived as negative. To our amazement, they were more open to hearing feedback from us, the outsiders, than from their own colleagues.
An update to the chapeau-repos package has been pushed out this weekend that disables the ‘korora’ software repository on Chapeau going forward. This repository will not be used in future releases of Chapeau.
After proposing the transition from the Python 3.4 to the Python 3.5 stack for the upcoming Fedora 24 Linux distribution, Jan Kurik comes today with a new proposal, the update of the NetworkManager packages to version 1.2.
The new release of DNF and DNF-PLUGINS-CORE is coming to Fedora stable repositories. The `–downloadonly` option supported in yum is now available in DNF and repoquery from DNF-PLUGINS-CORE has extended it’s functionality of reverse RPM tag queries (`–what*`) for glob patterns. Aside from that nearly 20 bug fixes have been made in this DNF stack release. For further details look at DNF and DNF plugins release notes.
Vince Pooley, the creator and lead developer of the Fedora-based Chapeau GNU/Linux operating system, has recently announced that the distribution has dropped support for the official software repositories of the Korora Linux project, another Fedora-based distro.
As announced, PHP version 5.4.45 is the last official release of PHP 5.4
Which means that since version 5.5.30 and version 5.6.14 have been released, some security vulnerabilities are not, and won’t be, fixed by the PHP project.
RPM of QElectroTech version 0.5b (beta), an application to design electric diagrams, are available in remi-test for Fedora and Enterprise Linux 7.
The latest feature proposed for Fedora 24 and should almost certainly be approved is the landing of NetworkManager 1.2.
NetworkManager 1.2 brings a new libnma library for GUIs, numerous VPN-related additions, support for arbitrary software device hierarchy, support for managing container connectivity, RFC7217 stable privacy addressing, and various CLI improvements.
Debian Family
Debian’s decision to move to systemd as the default init system was a famously contentious (and rather public) debate. Once all the chaos regarding the decision itself had died down, however, it was left to project members to implement the change. At DebConf 2015 in Heidelberg, Martin Pitt and Michael Biebl gave a down-to-earth talk about how that implementation work had gone and what was still ahead.
Pitt and Biebl are the current maintainers of the systemd package in Debian, with Pitt also maintaining the corresponding Ubuntu package. The pair began with a brief recap of the init-replacement story, albeit one that steered mercifully clear of the quarrels and stuck to the technical side. Initial discussions for replacing the System V init system began as far back as 2007, but pressure grew in recent years, included considerable demand from system administrators and upstream projects (typically wanting specific features like support for logind or journald). Once the Technical Committee had made its decision to adopt systemd as the default, Pitt said, “the real work” began.
Debian was not generally seen as a bleeding-edge distribution, but it offered a perfect combination of stability and up-to-date software in our field when we chose the platform for our signature verification project. Having an active Debian Developer in the team also helped ensuring that packages which we use were in good shape when the freeze, then the release came and we can still rely on Jessie images with only a few extra packages to run our software stack.
After many months of silence, the guys over Scibuntu were more than happy to announce the release of the Beta build of their Scibuntu 0.4 open-source and free software for Ubuntu users.
Canonical is taking its Internet of Things (IoT) innovation on tour over the few days; bringing a host of new developments to the European market to show the emerging commercial opportunities surrounding IoT and robotics.
Normally, I’d argue that’s a good thing. No news is good news these days, when it comes to operating systems. Except Ubuntu’s October releases have historically been more experimental, less stable releases that tried to push the envelope a little. It’s been two years since we’ve seen that sort of fun-filled, experimental release from Canonical.
The Launchpad developers are working around the clock to improve this repository, and it looks like they intend to make it fully compatible with the upcoming Snappy packages.
The response came very quickly from both companies, who denied the rumors. While Microsoft’s response was “Microsoft declines to comment as they do not comment on rumors or speculation,” Canonical’s CEO Jane Silber responded with “Your sources are wrong; there are no such discussions.”
Just a few moments ago, October 5, Canonical published two new Ubuntu Security Notice reports on their website, informing users of Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) about the availability of a new kernel update.
I have been recently asked by some of my readers if Ubuntu convergence is almost here, so I’ve had to say yes because of the posts coming from Ubuntu developers about the latest convergence features added to the Unity 8 user interface.
A new OTA update is being prepared for Ubuntu Touch, and it looks like developers are currently putting the final touches on it. The update is approaching final freeze, which will be put in place this week.
PinguyBuilder is a script which allows creating a customized Live CD/Live USB (remaster) of Ubuntu or Linux Mint, that can be used either as a distributable ISO or as a backup.
The change in Microsoft’s rhetoric regarding Linux has been clear even since the new CEO, Satya Nadella, took the place of the Linux-hater Steve Balmer, and now we’re witnessing the impossible. Microsoft recommends Linux on Twitter.
On October 5, Canonical announced that the next Ubuntu Hackathon event would take place next week in Bangalore, the capital of India’s southern Karnataka state, between October 15-16, 2015.
Canonical are platinum sponsors at the Mobile Developer Summit in Bangalore this year, and will be hosting the very first Ubuntu hackathon in India from 15-16 October 2015.
IoT World Europe in Berlin is an event that takes place between 5 and 7 October, and it will be host to a lot of cool new smart devices. Canonical is launching there a new initiative named The Internet of Toys.
Mir 0.16.0 brings a much shorter buffer holding time for system compositors to provide higher and smoother frame-rates, progress on new buffer semantics, Mir-on-X11 changes, improved logging, the start of code refactoring to support renderers other than OpenGL (such as Vulkan in the future), and a variety of other changes.
While Mark Shuttleworth talked up before that an Ubuntu Phone supporting their much talked about “converged” experience would be available in 2015, it appears now to be delayed until some time in 2016.
We’ve been waiting for an Ubuntu Phone to support the convergence experience for transforming the phone into a PC when connected to a display and keyboard/mouse while the software will adapt accordingly. We had heard that BQ was the company manufacturing this first converged phone and that it would ship in October 2015.
Wind River®, a global leader in delivering software for the Internet of Things (IoT), today introduced the latest version of Wind River Linux. Wind River Linux 8 brings together the flexibility and interoperability of open source along with improved user experience and scalability for addressing the opportunities and challenges of IoT. The company also introduced new features for Wind River Open Virtualization.
In my first article in my series, I wrote about the Astro Pi competition, an opportunity for UK school students to have their coded experiments run in space. We’re getting closer and closer to the launch date of December 15, when British European Space Agency (ESA) Astronaut Tim Peake will embark on his six-month mission, Principia. He’ll be conducting scientific experiments and engaging with young people in educational outreach activities. As part of this, he’s taking up two Raspberry Pi computers in purpose-built flight cases, each with camera modules and sensor boards attached. These will be running Python programs written by the Astro Pi competition winners.
The Astro Pi is an original Raspberry Pi that’s been modified to go into space and the mission to take it there is about to launch in just a couple of months.
The Wind River Linux 8 embedded distribution has arrived with Yocto Project 2.0 and Linux 4.1, featuring faster setup, plus support for Intel Skylake CPUs.
Wind River released the version eight of its industry-leading commercial embedded Linux distribution with an updated open source foundation based on the soon-to-be-released Yocto Project 2.0 platform and BitBake build system. Other updated components include Linux kernel 4.1 and GNU toolchain 5.2. Wind River Linux 8 also reduces setup and installation time by up to 50 percent, says Wind River.
Following Apple’s launch of “Move to iOS” Android app on Sept. 16, users affirm that the process of migrating data to an iPhone or iPad running on iOS 9 is relatively easy, albeit the loss of some data. According to Mac World, users should know which contents are transferred and where they get stored in the iOS device.
The company that worked to rebuild its reputation as the Android manufacturer that does things right has just taken a wrong turn. And in the context of Motorola’s brand, this turn is particularly troubling.
In a blog posted this afternoon, Motorola revealed which of its phones will be receiving an upgrade to the upcoming Android 6.0 Marshmallow release. And the list contains some surprising omissions.
The Huawei Watch currently offers the best option on the Android Wear platform. The Huawei Watch looks elegant and offers great design as well as multiple attractive style options depending on the buyer’s cash flow. Even iPhone owners can take a look. If an iPhone owner prefers a stainless steel round watch, then the Huawei Watch is a usable option at a lower price than the Stainless Steel Apple Watch. Android Wear works well on iPhone, but does not give users the same level of integration. The most important features work fine, including notifications and fitness tracking.
We give the Huawei Watch a hearty recommendation. It is worth paying a little more for this attractive and well-designed Android Wear smartwatch.
After a lengthy developer preview, the newest version of Google’s flagship operating system is finally ready for the masses. Android 6.0 Marshmallow is the twenty-third version of Google’s “mobile” operating system, though it can accurately be described as “mobile” only if you’re referring to how much it gets around. With all the areas in which Google now tinkers, Marshmallow is destined for smartphones, tablets, watches, televisions, and cars, among others.
The CEO of CodeWeavers, the makers of Wine and CrossOver, has revealed that Wine is coming to Android, but it’s not clear how they will be able to monetize that.
Once you get beyond Nexus devices, your guess is as good as mine as to when you will see the upgrade happen. If Verizon is your carrier, you’ll likely see it sooner than later. However, if you’re locked into an AT&T contract, the upgrade might be a bit slower.
Are you excited about the Android Marshmallow update? If so, what feature are you looking forward to the most? Share your thoughts in the discussion thread below.
The Android-x86 project is an on-going effort to make Google’s Android operating system, typically run on phones and other mobile devices, run smoothly on laptops, desktop computers and tablets equipped with x86 processors. Android-x86, on paper at least, offers most of the features one would expect from a desktop operating system.
This week I decided to download the project’s latest release, version 4.4-r3, and see how well it would work as a desktop operating system. The Android-x86 download page is a bit cluttered, but I eventually found what I was looking for, a 411MB ISO file I could use to install this unusual operating system.
The Osaka-based electronics maker said Tuesday it would introduce a new mobile communication device in 2016 that is a tiny android robot. It will come with features of a smartphone including email, Internet connectivity, camera and a 2-inch display. Still to be decided is whether the device will use Google Inc.’s Android mobile operating system or another operating system.
You’d have to be looking hoard to find this… but deep inside a PDF white paper written by KPMG, the firm has justified its reasons for using, adopting, developing and subsequently releasing open source software.
When I teach beginners, I doubt many of them have any idea what open source really means! What I do know they notice (and care deeply about) is how easy it is to find information and answers to their questions (“Can I Google this?”). Open source, and the fact that it requires a community to work really well, benefits these beginners whether they know it or not.
Many enterprise customers are moving away from a ‘one-size fits all approach’, instead they are looking to open source.
Using open source software means that they are able to build more customised business solutions. Open source provides a relatively lower total cost of ownership and its rapid development is creating greater demand in enterprises.
If you were running Microsoft, how would you go about converting Windows into a fully Open Source project?
It may seem like a ludicrous idea to many – the notion that Microsoft would ever willingly open source their cash cow operating system – but I want to think this through. If I had control of Microsoft, how would I accomplish this seemingly impossible task? What are the specific steps I would take to get us from point A to point B?
A new update to OpenIndiana is available, the operating system powered by Illumos that’s derived from what was the OpenSolaris code-base prior to it being killed by Oracle. OpenIndiana 2015.10 “Hipster” is the name of this new release.
On October 4, Alexander Pyhalov had the great pleasure of announcing the immediate availability for download of the OpenIndiana 2015.10 (Hipster) open-source Solaris-based operating system.
In 2009, I decided to leave HP and become an independent consultant. I presented at the inaugural LinuxCon on “Transforming Your Company with Open Source.” Over time, my engagement with open source became more introspective. I wanted to integrate its lessons more fully into the personal development lessons that I was learning through my ongoing studies of psychology and spirituality. I thought back to the kid in the candy store. What open source was doing was connecting (and confronting!) me with the energy of abundance. This is the kind of energy that encourages positive action while loosening attachment to the fruits of that action, increasing self-awareness in the process. I wrote about this in a 2011 article on Opensource.com, and expanded on it further in chapter 3 of my book Enlightening Technical Leadership in 2013.
H2O, formerly known as Oxdata, has steadily been carving out a niche with its open source software for big data analysis and machine learning. There is a community aligned behind the company’s tools, and machine learning is a rapidly expanding field.
The day has changed, but the commentary remains the same: In a minor FOSS Force shuffle, I’ve moved from giving commentary on Wednesdays to giving it on Mondays. And while there is no one item that stands out in a grand way to start the week, there’s no reason we can’t begin the week with several smaller items, right?
Web Browsers
Mozilla’s next-generation, Rust-written Servo web layout engine now has an experimental renderer for drawing web content on the GPU. The Servo WebRender aims to do all the rasterization work on the graphics processor and the initial results are promising.
SaaS/Big Data
Here on OStatic, we’ve covered Cloudera since its early roots in 2008, as the Big Data trend started to ramp up and Hadoop become an uber-successful open source project. And last year, the company announced a staggering $900 million round of financing with participation by top tier institutional and strategic investors.
At many organizations, Big Data tools are being called on to help reveal deeper insights from data stores, but not every organization has an organized plan for onboarding the right tools. Likewise, there is evidence that some organizations are finding tools such as Hadoop hard to deploy and understand. For example, Gartner, Inc.’s 2015 Hadoop Adoption Study, involving 284 Gartner Research Circle members, found that only 125 respondents who completed the whole survey had already invested in Hadoop or had plans to do so within the next two years. The study found that there are difficulties in implementing Hadoop.
Mirantis, which continues to focus squarely on the OpenStack cloud platform, has announced the availability of a new version of its own OpenStack distribution. Mirantis OpenStack 7.0 enhances scalability and resilience, improves developer productivity and maximizes infrastructure flexibility, according to the company.
As the OpenStack cloud computing scene evolves, a whole ecosystem of tools is growing along with it. Tesora, the leading contributor to the OpenStack Trove open source project, came out months ago with what it billed as the first enterprise-ready, commercial implementation of OpenStack Trove database as a service (DBaaS). The company also announced that it had open sourced its Tesora Database Virtualization Engine, and delivered its TroveSpeed Program that includes the Tesora DBaaS Platform along with technical resources necessary to quickly roll out multi-database, database as a service.
While there is already LibreOffice Online as a cloud-based version of the open-source office suite, there’s a new, separate effort underway for getting LibreOffice in web browsers.
There is a new version of OpenOffice on the way. The suite of productivity tools has a long and stories history, and the Apache Software Foundation is now the steward of it. According to an announcement, development of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 is almost complete and the release is coming shortly.
The new version is slated to bring better Microsoft Office interoperability (including Sharepoint compatibility), as well as multiple improvements to all individual applications, including Writer, Impress, Draw, Calc, and Base.
Five years ago today marked the fork of OpenOffice.org into LibreOffice and coincidentally the Apache Software Foundation put out news this weekend that a new version of OpenOffice is coming.
It appears as if Java can be added to the list of things that Oracle spent big bucks acquiring from Sun for no apparent reason. Last Wednesday, InfoWorld’s Paul Krill wrote an article around an email the site received from “a former high-ranking Java official” who said, “Java has no interest to them anymore.”
OStatic (older)
Cloud computing is all the rage, and so is the trend toward employees using every stripe of cloud applications in and out of the office. That creates security problems, which has prompted IBM to release Cloud Security Enforcer, a tool that scans corporate networks for apps frequently used by employees. The goal is to help IT identify any unauthorized cloud apps inside organizations, and the tool can be leveraged across various cloud platforms.
Semi-Open Source
Broadcom Corporation (NASDAQ: BRCM), a global innovation leader in semiconductor solutions for wired and wireless communications, today announced the second release of the Broadcom Open Network Switch Library (OpenNSL), the industry’s most complete collection of open network application programming interfaces (APIs). With double the number of production-ready Open APIs now available, OpenNSL 2.0 enables the development of innovative open source networking projects on Broadcom’s best-in-class silicon platforms. For more news, visit Broadcom’s Newsroom.
It’s been discussed before, but now LLVM developers have firmly decided to drop LLVM on Windows XP with LLVM 3.8. The LLVM 3.7 series is the last with Windows XP.
The Taurinus X200 is a refrubished Lenovo ThinkPad X200 that is then loaded with Libreboot and the Intel Management Engine disabled. The operating system in use is the FSF-certified Trisquel Linux distribution. The Taurinus X200 is sold by Libiquity LLC.
FLIF is short for the Free Lossless Image Format and is the newest open-source (GPLv3) attempt at being a better image for the web than JPEG, PNG, WebP, etc.
Back in March was a patch enabling next-generation AMD Zen processor support for GCC and now it looks like this patch is ready to be added to the GNU Compiler Collect’s trunk code-base for GCC 6.
Public Services/Government
Open source has united Denmark’s public libraries, working together on an ‘open system of tools for cultural innovation, collaboration, and sharing of results in a digital society’. The TING community, in which libraries are developing open source solutions to help bring their services online, includes 50 of the country’s 98 municipalities.
Licenses are the legal underpinning of open source projects, but companies don’t always know how to manage them. Jeff Luszcz founded Palamida to help organizations ensure they were complying with upstream software licenses. Along the way, he and his team discovered that being unaware of the open source licenses in use leads to being unaware of vulnerabilities that need to be patched.
Open Hardware
Two Dutch design students are developing a 3D printed bicycle – an open source project through which they hope to encourage others to customise and manufacture their own versions.
The OBI, or Open Bicycle, has been created by industrial designers Stef de Groot and Paul De Medeiros. The open source template will allow the construction of a fully-functioning bicycle for around €400 (approx. £300) – far cheaper than buying a brand new set of wheels.
Read more
This article is for the English majors, the bookworms, the lovers of literature, and the people with humanities backgrounds who sometimes struggle with the question, “So do you ever use your English degree?” It’s also for the people who’ve asked that question of their colleagues with non-STEM backgrounds, who’ve been confused about how someone could start in psychology and end up in Python.
A child was transported to a hospital with minor head injuries after a shock from spider caused a crash involving a school bus and a “driverless” car, according to the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.
Around 4:15 p.m. Friday, deputies, along with Syracuse Police and Fire Units, responded to the area of 5571 E CR 1400 N on reports of a vehicle striking a school bus.
This is a very tiny application that usually does its thing behind the scenes, without interfering with the normal functioning of a phone, tablet or PC.
First, no operating system or program is secure. Some are more secure than others. So sure, Linux is inherently more secure than Windows. But a badly managed Linux server will still be more insecure than a well-administered Windows system.
We seem to have a vigilante white hat hacker on our hands, as newly discovered ‘malware’ aimed at Internet of Things devices and certain routers appears to be making these devices more secure. The Linux.Wifatch virus is doing the exact opposite of what most viruses would, rather than stealing user information or holding systems for ransom, it is actually improving security.
A new form of “malware” appears to have been set up by a Linux vigilante who wants to improve your security.
Software called Linux.Wifatch compromises routers and other Internet of Things devices and appears to try and improve infected devices’ security.
Symantec reports on an unusual “Linux.Wifatch” threat that improves the security of old Linux routers. Meanwhile, a new XOR botnet poses a deadlier threat.
Linux may still be the most secure general-purpose OS in existence, but as its presence grows in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) market, it’s increasingly being targeted by malware. Linux-based routers with outdated firmware (see farther below) and wireless enabled home automaton devices seem particularly vulnerable.
Why does the US continually send deadly weapons to the Middle East, make things even more chaotic than they were before and expect better results the next time?
As pretty much everyone who was paying attention predicted, the $500m program to train and arm “moderate” Syrian rebels is an unmitigated, Bay of Pigs-style disaster, with the head of US central command admitting to Congress this week that the year-old program now only has “four or five” rebels fighting inside Syria, with dozens more killed or captured.
Even more bizarre, the White House is claiming little to do with it. White House spokesman Josh Earnest attempted to distance Obama from the program, claiming that it was actually the president’s “critics” who “were wrong.” The New York Times reported, “In effect, Mr Obama is arguing that he reluctantly went along with those who said it was the way to combat the Islamic State, but that he never wanted to do it and has now has been vindicated in his original judgment.”
Russia miscalculated that diplomacy could solve the crisis that Washington created in Ukraine and placed its hopes on the Minsk Agreement, which has no Western support whatsoever, neither in Kiev nor in Washington, London, and NATO.
Russia can end the Ukraine crisis by simply accepting the requests of the former Russian territories to reunite with Russia. Once the breakaway republics are again part of Russia, the crisis is over. Ukraine is not going to attack Russia.
Russia doesn’t end the crisis, because Russia thinks it would be provocative and upset Europe. Actually, that is what Russia needs to do—upset Europe. Russia needs to make Europe aware that being Washington’s tool against Russia is risky and has costs for Europe.
A US-led NATO military coalition bombed a hospital run by international humanitarian aid organization Doctors Without Borders (known internationally as Medecins Sans Frontières, MSF) in Afghanistan, killing at least 22 people—12 staff members and 10 patients, including three children—and wounding 37 more.
Prof. Wolff discusses discusses why labor force participation is the lowest since 1977 and what’s really needed to stimulate the economy.
Sometimes public debates focus on important social issues; at other times, debates distract from them. Disputes over whether the Federal Reserve System should raise interest rates illustrate that second sort. Yes, “serious people” take strong positions for or against interest rate hikes. They sharply question one another’s motives to spice up what passes for mainstream media economic news. But it is not the debate we could and should have, not even close.
Both sides of that debate celebrate capitalism. They differ only on how best to have government serve the reproduction of capitalism: by leaving it alone, by intervening intensely or somewhere in between. These days they hassle over raising, lowering or leaving interest rates unchanged. The possibility that capitalism – rather than the Fed or interest rates – might be the problem troubles none of these folks. It does not occur to them. Nor is that surprising given the monotonous mantra of academic economics departments and the journalists and politicians trained by them.
Developing countries are most likely to suffer from the effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, Daniel Bertossa, director of policy and governance at the Public Services International (PSI) global trade union, told Sputnik Monday.
Earlier on Monday, 12 Pacific Rim countries, including the United States, reached a consensus on the wording and subject matter of the TPP free trade agreement.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal could have major ramifications for Canada’s already struggling auto industry, resulting in cheaper vehicles for consumers, but a more competitive landscape for Canadian manufacturers.
Unifor, the union that represents Canadian workers at the Detroit Three, said the deal would put an estimated 20,000 auto jobs at risk by eliminating tariffs and significantly reducing content rules for vehicles and auto parts.
Under the TPP agreement, Canada will phase out its existing 6.1 per cent tariff on imported passenger vehicles over the next five years — a move that is expected to lower the cost of Japanese-made vehicles for Canadian consumers.
He’s the only presidential candidate that’s been called a freedom fighter and a geek guru.
In Silicon Valley, Harvard professor Larry Lessig’s following goes back almost two decades and is rooted in his devotion to a free and open internet.
As Lessig struggles to be included in the national presidential polls and win a spot in the upcoming democratic debates, he’s banking on his loyal high-tech followers to step out from behind their computers and rally around his election and campaign finance reform platform.
… where I’m joined by my Cracked co-worker Randol Maynard and comic/activist/word doctor Genevieve Mueller. Specifically, we talk about all of the terrifyingly real ways that, no matter how crazy it sounds, Donald Trump is the closest the United States has ever come to producing our very own version of Adolf Hitler. Here are a few reasons why.
Civil Rights
As protest songs go, it wasn’t exactly Pussy Riot. Harperman is a jaunty folk song with acoustic guitars, an amateur choir, and a chorus politely telling Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper, “It’s time for you to go.”
But the five-minute protest song became a viral hit, got its mild-mannered creator suspended from his job at the country’s environment department – and gave voice to the pent-up frustrations of Canada’s public servants who say they have found themselves at the receiving end of Harper’s policies.
The Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Office arrested two people Friday after one of the suspects posted video of himself committing a crime to social media, according to the sheriff’s office.
On Thursday night, the sheriff’s office says road signs were shot on the west end of the bridge on CR 400 N, east of US 31.
Wilson, now 21 years old, later won $50,000 at a science fair for an anti-terrorism device he invented that can detect nuclear materials in cargo containers.
Unshaven, without a tie, the young dissident surveyed the crowd before him. It was June 16, 1989, and 250,000 people had gathered in Heroes’ Square for the reburial of Imre Nagy, the leader of the failed 1956 revolution. Viktor Orban demanded that Soviet troops leave Hungary. Soon afterward, they did.
“It proved to be the right sentence, because it was true and came from the people’s hearts,” Orban told me a decade later.
Hungary’s new border regime denies access to asylum and exposes vulnerable people to violence and prosecution, Human Rights Watch said today.
The sentencing of a 15 year old Blackburn boy – 14 at the time he committed his thought crimes – to life imprisonment is grossly inhuman. It is not quite as evil as the decision of the appalling Saudi regime to crucify and behead a child dissident, but it is recognisably a product of the same world view. History books will look back on this era as one of astonishing state cruelty.
That is why Theresa May is going today to give a bloodcurdling speech attempting to stir up racism against immigrants by saying they are making us poor and making our society less cohesive. She will even pander to the ludicrous notion that an economy is of a fixed size no matter how many people are in it, with a fixed number of jobs, so “they” are taking “our” jobs. Doubtless she will also outline yet more definitions of thought crime and new reasons to lock up young Muslims.
She proposes abolishing legislation that protects gun makers and dealers from being sued by shooting victims.
Internet/Net Neutrality
CounterSpin interview with Tim Karr about efforts to undermine net neutrality
Intellectual Monopolies
A drug treating a common parasite that attacks people with weakened immune systems increased in cost 5,000% to $750 per pill.
At a time of heightened attention to the rising cost of prescription drugs, doctors who treat patients with AIDS and cancer are denouncing the new cost to treat a condition that can be life-threatening.
Did you think that the story with hyperlinks and copyright was over?
Of course it’s not.
On the one hand, there is a new case currently pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union(CJEU): GS Media v Sanoma, C-160/15). This Dutch reference is seeking clarification as to how linking to content (leaked Playboy photographs in this case) freely accessible online, but which is communicated to the public without the consent of the copyright holder, should be qualified.
Language matters. Whether we get to keep our liberties or not depends on whether those liberties are generally named in positive words. The same thing goes for the privileges of corporations.
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Posted in News Roundup at 8:42 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Linux maintains a very small market share as a desktop operating system. Current surveys estimate its share to be a mere 2%; contrast that with the various strains (no pun intended) of Windows which total nearly 90% of the desktop market. For Linux to challenge Microsoft’s monopoly on the desktop, there needs to be a simple way of learning about this different operating system. And it would be naive to believe a typical Windows user is going to buy a second machine, tinker with partitioning a hard disk to set up a multi-boot system, or just jump ship to Linux without an easy way back.
What are microservices? Have you heard the phrase “microservices” used in a discussion of modern application development and wondered what it’s all about?
Kernel Space
For most users of distros, the distro bug system is the first line of interaction when something kernel related breaks on their system. This makes sense: the kernel most users are using is packaged by a distro so the maintainers should be the first ones to take a look at the problem. Inevitably though, something will arise such that the solution cannot come from the distro maintainers and must come from the greater kernel community. Sometimes the distro maintainers can do the follow up but there may be a request for the bug reporter or reproducer to contact the kernel mailing list directly. Now everything depends on how successful the person is in communicating with LKML.
One of the big items still in the works as part of AMD’s unified Linux driver strategy is that the Catalyst proprietary driver will be isolated to user-space and make use of the AMDGPU kernel DRM driver. Being publicly now in development in a few code branches are changes to the AMD DRM code for beginning to suit more of it to Catalyst’s driver design.
After only 4 days from the release of the second maintenance version of the Linux 4.2 kernel series, Greg Kroah-Hartman comes today, October 3, with news about the release of Linux kernel 4.2.3.
Graphics Stack
Emil Velikov announced Mesa 10.6.9 today as the newest point release for the aging Mesa 10.6 series.
Mesa 10.6.9 fixes an Intel crash issue with KDE, Unreal Tournament is fixed for Gallium3D drivers, and there are various other Mesa OpenGL fixes.
Mplayer 1.2 is compatible with the recent FFmpeg 2.8 release. The tarball already includes a copy of FFmpeg, so you don’t need to fetch it separately.
It’s been three years since the release of MPlayer 1.1 while surprisingly this weekend MPlayer 1.2 was released.
Lightworks is a professional video editor which is the fastest, most accessible and focused on Non-Linear Editing (NLE) software, the initial release of Lightworks was in 1989; 26 years ago. It support all resolutions available to public up to 4K as well as video in SD and HD formats. Lightworks has the widest support available for formats currently available in a professional NLE. MXF, Quicktime and AVI containers, with every professional format you can think of: ProRes, Avid DNxHD, AVC-Intra, DVCPRO HD, RED R3D, DPX, H.264, XDCAM EX / HD 422.
If you’re a Gimp power user, G’MIC is, without a doubt, one of the single most important add-ons available for the flagship open source image editing tool. With G’MIC you can bring some real magic to your digital images… and do so with ease. Give it a go and see if it doesn’t take your Gimp work to the next level.
The third alpha release of the Kodi 16 HTPC open-source software is now available for testing with long-press support.
Given the number of devices these days with limited remote control buttons but relying upon a long-press of the OK/Enter button to pull up a context menu, Kodi has now implemented similar long-press support for remotes. That’s the main new feature of Kodi 16 Alpha 3.
While more games continue to be ported over to Linux and offered on Steam, the overall Linux gaming market-share remains under 1%.
We covered it before, but now RollerCoaster Tycoon World has a proper release date, and Linux will be included.
Party Hard has recently released for Linux, and it looks like a pretty interesting game. You need to infiltrate your noisy neighbours parties, and kill them.
Polychromatic is probably one of my favourite new releases recently, it’s so simple, but it’s highly addictive.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Tuesday, 06 October 2015. Today KDE releases a bugfix update to Plasma 5, versioned 5.4.2. Plasma 5.4 was released in August with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience.
Kubuntu 15.10 “Wily Werewolf” is being released later this month and it will feature the very latest KDE Plasma 5.4 point release.
Plasma 5.4.2 isn’t being released until next week but the Kubuntu crew is pushing it early into 15.10 Wily now to ensure it arrives with the 15.10 debut.
I am really not a person who blogs much and its bit late, please bare with me in case if anyone does not like the way article is written or how it is formatted. I really feel good being KDE user since 2005. Officially I started coding / contributing to minor stuff in KDE in 2010. Switzerland is an awesome place and I really liked Randa. Speaking of Switzerland, for me those trains are art of engineering. I would like to thank KDE e.v. and other sponsors for making this event happen.
For those wondering about the state of GNOME, their annual report is now available.
The GNOME Foundation 2014 annual report covers their financial situation, their trademark battle with GroupOn, their temporary financial shortfall due to the OPW project, the hack/developer events engaged in, and much more.
Aside from a slightly buggy installer that’s not feature-complete, Antergos is a pretty good desktop distribution. It’s not as popular as Ubuntu or Linux Mint, but there’s nothing you can do on those distributions that you cannot do on Antergos. If you’re still distro-hopping, you can put this atop your list of distributions to try. And if you’re coming from the Windows side, and are new to Linux, Antergos is one of the better distributions to test-drive the popular desktop environments on. Installation images for 32- and 64-bit architectures are available for free download here.
New Releases
It is with great pleasure to present to you the 2015.10 ISO. As always with this rolling distribution you will find the very latest packages for the Plasma Desktop, this includes Frameworks 5.14.0, Plasma 5.4.1 and KDE Applications 15.08.1.
Netrunner Rolling 2015.09 has gotten a complete overhaul:
The desktop transitioned from KDE4 to Plasma5 together with KDE Applications 15.08 and hundreds of packages updated to their latest versions.
Calamares is now used as the default Installer.
LibreOffice and VirtualBox now ship in their 5.-versions.
Gmusicbrowser has been finetuned to load and display large music collections in an efficient and easy way, automatically adding album covers from the internet.
On October 2, Anke Boersma had the great pleasure of announcing the release and immediate availability for download of the KaOS 2015.10 GNU/Linux computer operating system.
While I am a GNOME fan, I recognize how wonderful KDE is too. If you prefer a traditional desktop user interface, KDE is a smart choice. Not only is it it easy to use for beginners, but it offers a ton of customization options for advanced users too.
There are quite a few KDE-based Linux distros, such as Kubuntu, Linux Mint KDE, and Netrunner, but the lesser known KaOS offers a more pure experience. This distro has a goal of remaining lean, while being fairly bleeding edge regarding KDE packages — it is a great showcase for the desktop environment. Today, version 2015.10 sees release, and you can download it now.
Gentoo Family
Calculate Linux 15 was released today in its KDE, MATE, and Xfce desktop spins along with Calculate Linux Directory Server, Linux Scratch, Scratch Server, and Media Center editions.
Arch Family
After the release of the Manjaro Linux 15.09 computer operating system with its official editions, including Xfce, KDE, and Net Install, it is time to take a closer look at the community flavors of the Arch Linux-based distro.
Slackware Family
Arne Exton, the developer of numerous Linux kernel-based and Android-x86 distributions, was happy to inform Softpedia about the release of a custom kernel for the Slackware 12.0 operating system and its derivatives.
Red Hat Family
Investors will be intently watching the EPS number that Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE:RHT) reports when they announce their upcoming earnings.
On October 3, the developers of the Network Security Toolkit (NST) open-source network monitoring and security analysis toolkit for Linux kernel-based operating systems announced the release of Network Security Toolkit 22-7248.
Since August I’ve been delivering various Linux benchmarks of the Core i5 6600K “Skylake” processor, but unfortunately don’t have access yet to a i7-6700K Linux box. Fortunately, thanks to the open-source Phoronix Test Suite benchmarking software and the OpenBenchmarking.org collaborative cloud component, there are already numerous result files.
Of course, last week marked the release of Fedora 23 beta. So far, reports are good, and I’m really happy using it on my system. (I’ve heard at least one “even better than F22 final release”!) If you haven’t yet, check it out (making sure to scan the F23 Common Bugs page, which to my eye is comfortingly short — looks like we’re on good track for our Halloween release!
Fedora 24 is anticipated to be a very exciting release with likely using the GNOME Wayland desktop by default, doing more to drop i686, likely depending upon KDBUS, and all of the other changes coming via GNOME 3.20 and the next few Linux kernel release cycles.
Debian Family
Generally Ubuntu Linux hasn’t allowed new minor point releases of software to be sent down as stable release updates (SRUs) once the Ubuntu release ships, but there’s been many exceptions, and now Ubuntu’s Technical Board has agreed to make changes to make it easier to send down micro-release updates as well as offering new features to existing LTS (Long-Term Support) releases.
We reported back in August that Canonical put together another contest for the default wallpapers of the next major release of Ubuntu Linux, this time entitled Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase.
We reported back in August that Canonical put together another contest for the default wallpapers of the next major release of Ubuntu Linux, this time entitled Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase.
Up until Ubuntu went public with Unity, out-of-the-box Linux has always been rather ugly compared to both Windows and Mac. (And depending on who you ask, Ubuntu’s Unity was even a step in the wrong direction!)
If you recently switched from Mac to Linux, or if you’re just a regular Linux user who happens to like the aesthetics of Mac, the good news is that you can do something about it — by using the Gela Theme.
Google’s Nest Labs subsidiary announced more details about the Weave peer-to-peer networking protocol for home automation devices. Nest, which sells the popular Nest Learning Thermostat and other Linux-based home automation products, says it has added Weave to its Works with Nest connected ecosystem program. It also announced the vendors that will support Weave when it is released in 2016, starting with Yale and its “Linus” smart lock (see farther below).
Acrosser’s “AND-G420N1” compact headless networking appliance runs Linux on a quad-core 2GHz AMD G-Series SoC, and offers SATA-II storage and six GbE ports.
Acrosser refers to the AND-G420N1 as a desktop networking microbox, as well as a “cost-effective niche solution.” The networking appliance runs Ubuntu or Fedora Linux on an AMD G-Series GX-420MC SoC
Last year I built a new derby track for my son’s royal rangers group. I used a RaspberryPi with Pidora on it to run the timing system.
And being late matters. In a globalised technology industry, hundreds of smaller industries, and their own supply chains, all line themselves up alongside the winners. Being late and going it alone is suicidal. Ask Nokia: it envisaged a ‘computer first, phone second world’ as far back as 2002, when it started Linux development, and devoted billions to being sure it would be competitive when this world came about. But consumers and industry had already anointed a second platform.
Following the release of the Samsung Gear S2 in the US, Korea, Singapore and Germany makets, Tizen Experts present you with custom Gear S2 wallpapers / backgrounds. To celebrate the Smartwatches history, these first batch of wallpapers will have a Tizen theme to them, after all the Gear S2 runs the Tizen Operating System. You can download them directly from our site either using your computer or your mobile device, and then easily transfer them to your Gear S2 Smartwatch.
Can you hear me now? Not if you’re eavesdropping on a Blackphone. Privacy company Silent Circle has released a second version of its signature handheld, a smartphone designed to quell the data scraping and web tracking that’s become such an integral part of the digital economy in the last few years (and whose results might well end up with the NSA, if the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act passes).
The handset runs a new version of the firm’s Android-based SilentOS, and comes with features including Silent Circle’s Silent Phone app, which offers encrypted voice calls, messaging and file transfers.
Android fans have a lot of good reasons to root for Motorola these days and the company gave them a brand-new one on Friday. Motorola not only announced which of its phones would be getting upgraded to Android but it also announced that it would actually be deleting two pieces of its own software from those devices to make the upgrade process go even faster.
Tracking mobile web traffic, NetMarketShare computes the market share for mobile operating systems. Based on the data from last month, Android was able to widen its gap over iOS globally. Considering that the Apple iPhone 6s and Apple iPhone 6s Plus weren’t launched until September 25th, the recently released phones accounted for a miniscule part of the data. The new models won’t have a major effect on the results until the figures for this month are released.
Reasonably priced in comparison to its rivals, the Tab S2 with its powerful display and fast processor could be the best Android tablet available in the market today.
Overall, Nvidia, Apple and Amazon have a clear strategy here. They want to revolutionise the way we interact with television, and they want to provide ‘capable enough’ games machines that appeal to the mainstream too. Nvidia is going one step further – it’s looking to attract core gamers on top of that with its Shield platform and GeForce functionality. But without all of the required media options properly in place and completely integrated into the highly promising interface, what we’re left with is an enthusiasts’ machine where only the core can really put the excellent hardware through its paces.
We are three students in the Bachelor of Computer Science second degree program at the University of British Columbia (UBC). As we each have cooperative education experience, our technical ability and contributions have increasingly become a point of focus as we approach graduation. Our past couple of years at UBC have allowed us to produce some great technical content, but we all found ourselves with one component noticeably absent from our resumes: an open source contribution. While the reasons for this are varied, they all stem from the fact that making a contribution involves a set of skills that goes far beyond anything taught in the classroom or even learned during an internship. It requires a person to be outgoing with complete strangers, to be proactive in seeking out problems to solve, and to have effective written communication.
Open source social and cultural history is the antithesis of traditional organizational management structures, and, unfortunately, it’s younger. Emotion is influenced by surroundings and norms, and what we learned about hierarchy when we were growing up influences how we participate in business today.
Join us in Raleigh, North Carolina, from October 19 – 20 at All Things Open 2015. You can also enter for a chance to win a free pass to All Things Open 2015.
SaaS/Big Data
The creator of Hadoop said web app developers must put public trust first and argued that actions by the National Security Agency (NSA) offer a cautionary tale for the future of big data.
Doug Cutting, who in 2004 developed the open-source implementation of the Map-Reduce framework, said big data analytics has opened the floodgates for capturing new consumer data as well as analyzing vast stores of historical information.
Hadoop is on a roll in the Big Data space. Allied Market Research has forecasted that the global market for Hadoop along with related hardware, software, and services will reach $50.2 billion by 2020, propelled by greater use of raw, unstructured, and structured data.
What kind of demand is there for cloud computing skills in the job market? Consider these notes from Forbes, based on a report from WANTED Analytics: “There are 3.9 million jobs in the U.S. affiliated with cloud computing today with 384,478 in IT alone. The median salary for IT professionals with cloud computing experience is $90,950 and the median salary for positions that pay over $100,000 a year is $116,950.”
At Strata + Hadoop World here yesterday, Hadoop distribution specialist Hortonworks unveiled a new tool called the Hortonworks Big Data Scorecard designed to help organizations develop a plan for jumpstarting big data projects.
Oracle is no longer interested in Java, according to an anonymous top-level Java source at Oracle. As rumours of Oracle’s neglect pile up, it looks more and more like IT’s most popular programming language is becoming a driverless train.
The full diff follows in the original mail, but it’s probably simpler to just use a snapshot. For those of you who’ve been looking forward to seeing how it handles, now’s the time to find out.
GNU Hurd – microkernel and part of GNU Project. Hurd means “Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons”, Hird – “Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth. Total recursion! Development started in 1990 (before Linux kernel) as part of plans to create fully free and open source operation system. Unlike the Linux kernel Hurd have a lot of system daemons (you can see it on video) run by GNU Mach microkernel and some specific system protocols. Popularity of Linux lowered Hurd’s priority, but project progress all this 25+ years.
tl;dr: I want to liberate people; software is a (critical) tool to that end. There is a conference this weekend that understands that, but I worry it isn’t FSF’s.
Mea culpa: I went to bed last night thinking it was Wednesday, woke up today thinking it was Thursday, went along with my usual Thursday work plan (which differs little from any other weekday) until Christine Hall emailed me and asked, “Where’s the wrap?”
This post is about writing technical documentation. More specifically: it’s about writing documentation for programming languages and libraries.
Let’s get started. The first thing to nail down is why we’re documenting a programming language or library in the first place.
A lot of companies are using tools like Slack, Hangouts, and GitLab…
These days, there’s a lot being said about big data and the value that comes from properly utilizing it. I’ve written previously about the importance of having a data science team. The next goal is to figure out how to keep those data scientists happy.
Advanced Micro Devices Inc., reacting to a continued slump in its business, said it will cut its workforce by about 5% as part of a restructuring to trim costs at the chip maker.
It’s sad right now that we’re going through a time where many new Linux game releases only work with NVIDIA graphics and flat out fail with AMD’s Catalyst driver. While AMD is known to deliver game fixes several months late, making matters worse, it seems some game developers don’t even know who to contact at AMD about Linux driver issues.
Carly Fiorina likes to boast about her friendship with the late Apple founder Steve Jobs. But it turns out she may have gotten taken advantage of by the company’s leader.
Government ministers have buried NHS statistics that show the service hurtling towards an unprecedented £2bn deficit to avoid overshadowing the Tory party conference, say top NHS officials.
One senior figure at the health service regulator Monitor said his organisation had been “leaned on” by Whitehall to delay its report, which shows that NHS finances are worsening.
It’s notable whenever cybercime spills over into real-world, physical attacks. This is the story of a Russian security firm whose operations were pelted with Molotov cocktail attacks after exposing an organized crime gang that developed and sold malicious software to steal cash from ATMs.
Scottrade announced Friday that it suffered a security breach in late 2013 and early 2014, affecting approximately 4.6 million customers. It said it had no idea that the breach had occurred until law enforcement officials told them about it.
An insecure configuration of Java Management Extensions (JMX) within VMware’s vCenter has been pinned as the cause of an exploit that would allow code execution on host machines.
The government has a phishing problem. The method hackers use to enter federal IT systems by luring them into clicking bogus links has led to massive data breaches, and now lawmakers want to ensure agencies are doing something about it.
I believe Michael Daniel when he asserts that the United States discloses the majority of the vulnerabilities that it discovers. Thanks to Edward Snowden, a lot of people in the cybersecurity community don’t. The Obama administration could rebuild some of that trust if it was more transparent on the process. One easy step is to release some of the annual reports that the VEP requires. Obviously some classification issues would need to be worked out but they are not insurmountable. The administration could release a range of the percentage of vulnerabilities it has disclosed, similar to what already exists for tech companies that want to disclose government surveillance requests. Not only will that help rebuild the trust between security researchers and the U.S. government, but provide tangible proof to U.S. rivals that its vulnerabilities stockpile isn’t as big as they think it is.
Western countries have ditched plans for a United Nations-led inquiry into alleged war crimes by Saudi Arabia and others in Yemen, instead backing an investigation by the Saudi-allied Yemen government.
The move came despite rising concern at the number of civilians killed in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition and indiscriminate shelling by the Houthi rebels. The UN reported on Tuesday that 2,355 civilians had been killed over the last six months. Britain supplies arms to Riyadh and there have been claims these could be being used to commit war crimes.
The Freedom of Information Act does open up the government to closer examination by taxpayers. The ideals of the law are rarely achieved, though. It requires agencies to respond in a reasonable amount of time, but far too often it takes a successful lawsuit to force an agency to give up the documents requested.
Russian air strikes in Syria are targeting Free Syrian Army recruits trained by the CIA, US Senator senate John McCain has said.
A military inferno is in the making in Syria after Russia unleashed bombing raids on what it said were “terrorist” targets but which, on early evidence, seemed to have included at least one CIA-backed rebel group – and as reports surfaced of Iranian troops pouring into the conflict.
A government which claims the right to kill its own citizens with no judicial process on the basis of the vote of 24.4% of the qualified electorate, legislates that workers cannot strike without the support of 40% of their qualified electorate because strikes can inconvenience people. Not as inconvenient as being sliced to pulp by flying metal, I should have thought.
…Cruz declared that the JCPOA “will facilitate and accelerate the nation of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.” This is, of course, a ridiculous thing to say. Beyond the fact that we’ve heard for over three decades that the advent of an Iranian nuke is just around the corner–only a few years, maybe two years, a year and half, 12 months, six weeks away!–and these estimates have never been based upon a shred of credible evidence, the enhanced monitoring and inspections implemented under the new deal effectively prevent any hypothetical Iranian move toward weaponizing its program for at least a decade, probably far longer.
The destruction by US bombs of the Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital in Kunduz – killing doctors, nurses and patients – comes as a stinging corrective to the media pretence that Russian bombs are somehow uniquely evil and destructive. The West has inflicted far more damage in recent years. But the Russians also showed just how ruthless they can be in their brutal suppression of the legitimate desire for national independence of the Chechen people. It is the Americans who today expose most starkly the evils of attempting to solve complex political questions by bombs.
The international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) condemns in the strongest possible terms the horrific aerial bombing of its hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Twelve staff members and at least seven patients, including three children, were killed; 37 people were injured including 19 staff members. This attack constitutes a grave violation of International Humanitarian Law.
All indications currently point to the bombing being carried out by international Coalition forces. MSF demands a full and transparent account from the Coalition regarding its aerial bombing activities over Kunduz on Saturday morning. MSF also calls for an independent investigation of the attack to ensure maximum transparency and accountability.
Just between 2003-5, US forces killed 15 journalists in Iraq, the majority either Westerners or working for Western news agencies.
After UK and US bombs have been devastating the Middle East for over a decade, killing certainly tens and probably hundreds of thousands of people, including many thousands of children, the media have suddenly noticed this morning that bombs kill an awful lot of civilians. But only Russian bombs, of course. British bombs are cheerful, happy and their shrapnel and blast are brilliantly engineered only to go in the direction of bad guys.
The main suspect in a series of parcel bombings in southern China was killed in one of the blasts, according to local police.
According to state media reports, police said a 33 year-old quarry worker, Wei Yinyong, was responsible for the 18 bombs hidden in packages that exploded at a series of locations in the southern region of Guangxi on Wednesday and Thursday, killing 10 and injuring 51.
Authorities in China have imposed censorship controls on domestic media reporting on this week’s deadly bomb blasts in Guangxi Province, which claimed seven lives and caused more than 50 injuries on the eve of National Day.
A notice from the central propaganda department, issued on Thursday, restricts all Chinese media including social media from sending reporters to Liuzhou or publishing special coverage while another notice by the cyberspace administration bans the use of close-up shots of the blast scenes.
Benn went on to advocate the “Responsibility to Protect”, the Blairite code for supporting United States military and especially bombing missions abroad. The thesis that Western bombing improves and stabilises countries appears tested well beyond destruction, but the neo-cons stick with it because of the corporate interests it does so much to boost.
Transparency Reporting
The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails have been revealed, and Trevor Timm, the Executive Director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, points us to a particularly interesting one, in which then State Department spokesperson PJ Crowley tells Clinton that the State Department has successfully “planted” questions for the show, 60 Minutes, to ask Assange.
There is a reason Fiorina shows up on lists of the “Worst CEOs Of All Time,” (See here, here, here, here, and here among others) and it’s not because the whole business world is engaged in some kind of conspiracy to portray her as an incompetent. Was HP better off after Carly left than when she arrived? The answer is no. [Link] Despite the spin she tries to put on it, Carly Fiorina was a disaster for Hewlett Packard, and they’re still suffering from her so-called leadership. [Link] Fiorina left HP with one of the largest golden parachutes, really unheard of! [Link]
Don’t forget about her trading with Iran in violation of U.S. trade sanctions by using a foreign entity. [Link] According to a column by Josh Rogin: “Under Fiorina’s leadership, Hewlett-Packard sold hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of products to Iran through a foreign subsidiary, despite strict U.S. export sanctions.” [Link]
When Carly was forced out of HP, the very next day, HP stock jumped over 10%. [Link]
Investigators are reportedly looking into whether the apparent killer in the latest mass shooting announced his murderous intentions beforehand on the social media site 4chan. Because of 4chan‘s anonymity, it’s impossible to say whether the poster who warned “don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest” actually was Chris Harper-Mercer, identified as the person who shot nine people to death at Umpqua Community College the next day before being killed by police.
A new commentary video produced by the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) NRA News suggests that school shootings occur because children do not “respect” firearms or know how to handle them safely.
Janine Jackson: Seattle public school teachers reached a tentative agreement with the school system after a five-day strike. As with most labor actions, there were a number of points at issue, but one of them was the question of basing teacher evaluations on student scores on standardized tests that are a source of frustration for growing numbers of teachers, parents and students.
Jeffrey Lord is using his CNN political commentator position to defend Donald Trump’s most outlandish remarks on the campaign trail. Lord’s pro-Trump advocacy has been so over the top that his own colleagues have repeatedly called him out for pushing inaccuracies, defending misogynistic and anti-Muslim remarks, and carrying Trump’s “fetid water every day.” Lord’s ongoing defense of Trump should not be a surprise, as the billionaire businessman reportedly “helped Lord get his job at CNN.”
So the consensus is that Hillary Clinton’s problem is that she’s not her husband, she lacks his “amazing campaign skills” and is “not very defined for people.” That’s why, from the perspective of NBC‘s Beltway studio, there’s “chatter about an alternative — whether Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden.” If only she could make it “more about the policy or the substance,” get some credit for Bill’s “economic legacy” and convey that “she’s done a lot for middle-class Americans.”
September 30, 2015, marked the 10th anniversary of the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad in Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten, a decision that would ignite a global battle of values over the relationship between free speech and religion that is still ongoing.
On one side of this conflict are those who insist that free speech includes the right to offend any idea, religious or secular, and that tolerance means putting up with those expressions that you most despise. On the other side are those who believe that religion, and in particular Islam, must be protected from scorn and mockery, a small minority of whom are willing to use violence to enforce a “jihadist’s veto.” In between are the many members of what Salman Rushdie has called the “but-brigade,” people who are formally committed to free speech, but for whom a commitment to tolerance and social peace means imposing society-wide norms of self-censorship on ideas that may offend or hurt members of religious or ethnic groups.
Greg Lukianoff, the President and CEO of FIRE, starts this 20 minute video interview for The Daily Caller by assessing global issues. “The international situation for freedom of speech is dire,” says Lukianoff, focusing on the emergence of blasphemy laws to not offend Islam.
The United Nations was born out of the deadliest tragedy in the world. The institution thus set a principled mission to never allow the repetition of past mistakes by promoting universal human rights, peace, and values of enlightenment. It was a force for good.
But things have changed. While the UN headquarters still remains in New York, the ideological powerhouse is now based in middle class suburbs of Islington, Hampstead, and the like. Its sole duty has become addressing capricious concerns of the middle classes. It’s evident, from the absurdity of Saudi Arabia heading the Council of Human Rights to the obsession with Israel and a “green economy”, that the UN is now a joke organisation completely detached from its noble past aims.
As the late author and Leominster native Robert Cormier argued decades ago, a panel of teachers and scholars argued at Fitchburg State University on Thursday: even with the best intentions, censorship does more harm than good.
Vice’s Motherboard blog recently reported about a campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence on Tinder was removed for “inappropriate images,” and “bad behavior.” The images featured women who appeared to have facial injuries. When the profiles received messages from other users, those users were directed to an advocacy website. An hour into the campaign on Tinder, the profiles behind the campaign were suspended.
Nintendo had a tendency in the eighties and nineties to over-edit their games before releasing them overseas to maintain their family-friendly image. Final Fight is one of the best examples of how this strategy often resulted in nonsensical changes. For the game’s SNES release here in the West, black enemies were given lighter skin. Trans criminals Roxy and Poison were changed into male thugs “Billy” and “Sid.” Instead of grabbing whiskey to regain health, players could grab “vitamine.” My personal favorite change, though, was to the boss Belger. Instead of fighting you in a wheel chair, he now fights you while riding a chair with…slightly smaller wheels. I’m still not sure why they thought these changes would make the game more palatable to a Western release. If Japanese gamers could handle the original version, why couldn’t we?
How much do movies matter to you? Director Jafar Panahi was thrown in jail by a harsh theocratic regime that then banned him from movie-making for the next 20 years. Since then he’s made three internationally acclaimed films in less than five years. Panahi, the Iranian filmmaker who first became known in the West for the 1995 art-house hit The White Balloon, has become an international symbol of the power of dissident art simply by continuing to find ways, even under the most restricted circumstances, to make art from whatever he has at hand.
In 1982, in response to a massive push to ban certain books from schools…
How to see a pair of eyes changed the perception of Banned Books Week.
Each year the American Library Association dedicates an entire week to preventing censorship at local libraries.
This year’s theme was “Readstricted,” a play on words meant to encourage the reading of restricted material.
You may already have heard that this is Banned Books Week, a venerable event established 33 years ago by the American Library Association (ALA). Like me, you may have walked into your local bookstore and seen a display of “banned books,” a display designed to stoke indignation and righteous First Amendment fury.
The latest story about censorship in America began when a Knoxville, Tennessee, woman named Jackie Sims found out that her 15-year-old son had been assigned to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks over the summer. Rebecca Skloot’s 2010 book tells the true story of a poor black woman whose cancerous cervical cells became the basis for medical advances including the polio vaccine and in vitro fertilization without her knowledge; it’s a best-selling, critically acclaimed account about science, race, ethics, and family. But Sims told a local TV station that she “consider[s] the book pornographic,” and wanted it out of the hands of all students in the district.
Apple reserves the right to deny apps entry into its App Store, but its application of this policy is maddeningly inconsistent.
Take the case of software engineer Charles Yeh, who developed an app called Speed Camera Alert and recently tried submitting it to Apple’s marketplace. The company decided to block his program — which tells drivers in Washington, D.C., when they’re nearing local police speed cameras — from being sold in the App Store and downloaded on iOS devices.
In 1972, Michael Scammell, the first editor of Index on Censorship magazine, wrote in the launch issue: “Freedom of expression is not self-perpetuating but needs to be maintained by the constant vigilance of those who care about it.”
The National Coalition Against Censorship has weighed in on a Nashville charter school’s decision to censor a novel without permission. Guess what? They don’t approve.
Some students claim they were censored on the campus of Utah State University after police ordered them to remove anti-abortion messages they wrote on sidewalks.
Four students set out to express anti-abortion sentiments on campus last Thursday to show support for “Women betrayed national day of action.”
They drew nearly 900 hearts on the sidewalk with chalk with a banner reading, “Say No to Abortion.”
When I was kid, the phrase “Banned in Boston” confused me. I thought of Boston as a liberal, cosmopolitan city. Surely they didn’t censor things there.
They don’t anymore, but they sure used to. About 100 years ago, Boston was in the grip of dour “vice” crusaders who used their religious beliefs to decide what books and magazines people could read and what performances they could see on stage. And it wasn’t alone.
Yan noted that he has experienced many rejections in his career because editors feared that his writing would cause controversy. Although he put great emotion into his work, he said he was rejected nine out of 10 times. Eventually, he realized that if he wrote something of quality, it would be published—adding that he is now “the champion of receiving rejections.”
The major question that is hanging in air now: do we need to go underground in London in order to continue to create shows that we feel need to exist for world politicians to understand that we are watching them no matter where we are: in Belarus, Rwanda, Uganda, Australia, or the UK – and that we can make free art with no fear of losing funding? Is it possible?
Former Feinberg Prof. Alice Dreger, who resigned from her position after she said the University censored a faculty magazine, is calling for an official apology from the administration.
“They need to say that a mistake was made and that they apologize and that it won’t happen again,” Dreger told The Daily.
Speaking Wednesday evening to a gathering of about 30 students and community members at Bookends & Beginnings in Evanston, Dreger explained her decision to leave Northwestern in August, just six months after publishing “Galileo’s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science,” a book on the ethics of medical research and academic freedom based on research made possible through support from the University.
Is there no end to the illegal suppression of free speech and debate on America’s public university campuses?
A teacher at Pemberton Township High School is alleging that his job was changed in retaliation for his refusal to censor articles written for the student-run newspaper, The Stinger, and the subsequent controversy that ensued.
The plague of political correctness infecting every corner of life on American college campuses has grown so ubiquitous that even President Barack Obama—by no means a conservative or contrarian on education matters—is bemoaning student-initiated censorship.
Malaysian police have opened an investigation on the latest book of political cartoons by Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque, or Zunar.
A sales assistant who manages online sales of the title, Sapuman – Man of Steal, on the website zunar.my has been ordered to attend a meeting with police under the sedition act. The questioning will take place in central Kuala Lumpur on Monday 5 October at noon.
“I strongly condemn these latest police tactics to frighten people from getting access to read and buy my books. My sales assistant did nothing illegal as the Sapuman – Man of Steal is not officially banned by the government. On the contrary, the police should investigate who took RM2.6 billion ($384 million) of public funds instead of clamping down on book sellers who sell books legally,” Zunar said in a statement.
Internet users on Wednesday (Sep 30) attacked Thai government websites leaving them impossible to access for many hours.
It is believed online activists used social media to mobilise supporters, who then went to these websites where they clicked to refresh the pages continuously.
After 40 days I had a novel in my laptop called Thunder Road, all about boys and cars, and swearing, and girls, and fighting, and sex and … did I mention swearing?
NCAC and our Banned Books Week partners know this all too well. But still we can manage to be surprised– both by the ways in which some schools and administrators will bend the rules to placate book banners, but also by the creative and determined activism to defend the freedom to read.
In the spirit of Banned Books Week, we bring you five stories from the field. A few of them will make shake your head, while the others will have you pumping your fist.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has mistakenly hinted at the social network’s plans to censor people who publish anti-migrant posts.
In a move which has angered free speech activists, the billionaire suggested his firm was working to silence racists and people who post hate speech.
Over the weekend, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was overheard discussing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel his website’s censorship of a wave of anti-immigrant posts appearing on the social network as Europe continues to deal with the largest refugee crisis since World War II, reported Bloomberg.
Is terror legislation being used to stifle free expression? Where should the line be drawn on pornography? Can national broadcasters be truly independent at a time of war? In a series of provocative debates at this year’s Cambridge Festival of Ideas (19 October – 1 November), censorship and freedom of expression will be explored by a range of leading thinkers and experts in their fields.
Skorton acknowledged the risks of the decision and that it could hurt the Smithsonian’s reputation.
“If a person strongly disagrees, I believe it will change that person’s view of the Smithsonian, but I believe taking down an exhibition will tarnish our reputation among museum professionals and others,” he said. “Creative activity of any kind can generate controversy. We will from time to time get beat up about some of these things.”
The CEOs of Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other major technology firms should press Chinese President Xi Jinping and Internet czar Lu Wei to reverse their expansion of surveillance, censorship, and data collection, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter.
Case in point is the story of Ellen Pao. A hotshot Harvard-educated lawyer, Pao sued her Silicon Valley venture-capital employer for gender discrimination. As evidence, she cited a partner’s referring to a porn star on a private jet.
Where would an otherwise worldly woman come to see a mere mention of porn-watching as evidence of sexual bias? No need to answer.
Brown offers an exhaustive list of advice for men wanting to counter sexual violence. Item No. 9: “Refuse to purchase any magazine, rent any video, subscribe to any website, or buy any music that portrays girls or women in a sexually degrading or abusive manner.”
Firstly, most pornography is legal, and school administrators have no business telling their scholars what is permissible reading.
As refugees flee one of the world’s most repressive and secretive regimes, Ismail Einashe talks to Eritreans who have reached the UK but who still worry about the risks of speaking out
After graduating top of his class from Eritrea’s Asmara University, Debesai became a well-known TV journalist for state-run news agency Erina Update. But from 2001, the real crackdown began and independent newspapers such as Setit, Tsigenai, and Keste Debena, were shut down. In raids journalists from these papers were arrested en masse. He suspects many of those arrested were tortured or killed, and many were never heard of again. No independent domestic news agency has operated in Eritrea since 2001, the same year the country’s last accredited foreign reporter was expelled.
Activists stepped up calls for Chinese President Xi Jinping to end an ongoing crackdown on rights activists back home as he defended his government’s tight controls on the Internet on Thursday.
Xi, who traveled from Washington state to Washington, D.C. on Thursday ahead of talks with Obama and a state dinner at the White House on Friday, has been greeted by protesters at every stop of his state visit to the United States this week.
Activists have hit out at the continued detention of prisoners of conscience, an ongoing crackdown on human rights lawyers, mistreatment of Tibetans and Uyghurs and continued harassment of non-governmental and civic organizations.
A diverse group of conservationists, animal advocates, academics and the press filed a federal lawsuit challenging two Wyoming laws they say chill free speech and punish people who collect data on open land.
A circular on Special Guidelines for Television Film Censorship has been enforced since June 15, 2015, the Film Censorship Board (FCB) said.
“This government wanted there to be more voices with the media law. My support and solidarity.”
Scioli also slammed the administration run by mayor and presidential rival Mauricio Macri. “This is a stage of censorship that I never want to see again in Argentina,” he said.
Earlier this year, Sen. Tom Udall, a Democrat from New Mexico, introduced a bill on the congressional floor titled the Cuba DATA Act. The bill encouraged U.S. telecommunication companies to set up shop in Cuba and was widely cheered by human rights activists and business leaders alike.
The records, seen by BuzzFeed News, show that at least one contract, for just under $4.7 million, was signed with a Mexican company that then successfully removed material from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.
Yahoo denied requests by law enforcement agencies in India, Ireland and the United Kingdom to remove content earlier this year, but agreed to remove a single Flickr image that glorified terrorism, according to the Sunnyvale company’s transparency report published Thursday.
At first glance, 16-year-old Amos Yee seems timid, naïve, almost oblivious to what he did: Challenge the very foundations of Singapore and its revered founder.
But within five minutes, Yee deliberately and clearly articulates why he believes his blog posts are worth jail time.
“I feel like I’m the one who’s actually supposed to break that boundary so that other people will be able to talk about things in an honest way and discuss about it, which I feel is really important,” says Yee, during an exclusive interview with CNN, while seated in his family’s flat in Singapore.
The Media Development Authority (MDA) had issued a licence for the performance of Chestnuts 50 after the “problematic segment” was dropped.
Ways to get invited to the White House for dinner: Make a clock that looks like a bomb.
Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was arrested after his teacher mistook the timepiece for an explosive device.
But Obama has since tweeted inviting the boy for dinner. Then Mark Zuckerberg said he was keen to meet the boy over at Facebook HQ.
All Singapore’s prime ministers, from PM Lee Kuan Yew, PM Goh Chok Tong, and PM Lee Hsien Loong, have been using the mass media to support their power. That explains why the government controls all media resources, from the capital, infrastructure, permits, editorial structure, to even tones of news.
Several senior Singaporean journalists recount that from 1965 to 1980s, PM Lee Kuan Yew use an iron fist to silence the media. During those times, the vocal, mostly leftist journalists and activists had to face hard Singapore laws.
“Between 1965-1977, no less than 10-15 journalists were imprisoned. They were charged as posing dangers to national security, or accused as using media to renounce against the government,” said one senior journalist in Singapore.
Also, there’s the case of teenage dissident Amos Yee Pang Sang (余澎杉), whose imprisonment after he posted a vitriolic video on YouTube against Lee Kuan Yew shortly after the latter’s death opened a floodgate of sympathy for the outspoken blogger.
Finally, social media encourages Singaporeans to share their political views and to discuss political issues with other citizens.
Inasmuch as mainstream media and new outlets are under the ironclad grip of the government, Facebook and Twitter have been serving as a political platform, such as in the calls for teen blogger Amos Yee to be freed when he was jail. His release in July demonstrated the growing influence of online social media on politics in Singapore.
Regardless of why the PAP is losing its edge, there is little doubt Singaporeans are starting to recognise the vulnerabilities that come with a one-party dominant system. Hongkongers should definitely cherish the divergent spectrum in the political ideologies that we still have in Legco.
What’s more, in true open source spirit we’re letting other ad blocking software use the Acceptable Ads guidelines and whitelisting processes also. Last week, Dean Murphy at Crystal took us up on the offer, and today we are welcoming tens of millions of AdBlock users to our Acceptable Ads whitelist. We’re all fighting on the same side for the consumer, after all.
Technically Incorrect: He might pose as a tech expert. But even the best make mistakes. Having signed up for Twitter, Edward Snowden gets buried in e-mail notifications from followers.
To block ads or not to block ads on your mobile device? That’s the philosophical dilemma facing consumers since Apple added support for ad blockers to its iPhone operating system a couple of weeks ago.
To help answer the question, we decided to put multiple ad blockers to the test. Over the course of four days, we used several ad-blocking apps on our iPhones and measured how much the programs cut down on web page data sizes and improved loading times, and also how much they increased the smartphone’s battery life.
The CIA has withdrawn a number of its personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing following two massive cyber attacks involving U.S. government employee records, according to the Washington Post.
CIA operatives have been withdrawn from China amid fears over their safety following one of the worst cyber hacks of US government data in history.
Computers belonging to the American office of personnel management (OPM) were hacked in April, compromising the details of approximately four million government employees.
In the US he faces charges that could put him in prison for up to 30 years.
Earlier this year, speaking via video-link to a Geneva audience, he said he would like to be granted asylum in Switzerland.
In this video acTVism Munich interviews William Binney to talk about his experience at the National Security Agency (NSA) where worked for circa 36 years and how he uncovered fraud, crime and corruption at the agency. Other issues that are discussed in detail include the role & significance of whistleblowers in society, scope & capacity of the US intelligence state and solutions that the government as well as the individual can employ to reform the NSA.
Fiorina said, “I’m not aware of circumstances” in which NSA surveillance “went too far,” although she supports “the checks and balances” put into place by Congress that ended agency bulk collection of phone records. She also suggested that there were greater government threats to privacy than NSA surveillance and other U.S. intelligence programs.
Four years ago, Facebook promised that the “Like” buttons that had sprung up on non-Facebook sites all around the web wouldn’t be used to track users. In 2011, Facebook said, “No information we receive when you see social plugins is used to target ads; we delete or anonymize this information within 90 days, and we never sell your information.” Back then, Facebook said it only used the information to target you if you actually clicked on one of its off-site Like buttons. Which calmed the privacy storm at the time.
The US government has responded to Europe’s top lawyer, who last week said sending people’s private data to the United States is illegal.
Uncle Sam is not happy.
At the heart of the matter is the so-called safe harbor agreement between the US and the EU. You cannot by law pipe people’s private information out of Europe unless you can promise to keep that data safe. Under the safe harbor framework, America promises to do exactly that, and respect Europeans’ privacy. That agreement is being renegotiated as you read this.
In the meantime, the European Court of Justice’s Advocate General Yves Bot has said, what with all this mass spying going on worldwide by the NSA, the safe harbor agreement is not worth the paper it’s written on.
In response, America reckons Bot has said some stupid things and gone too far.
“We believe that it is essential to comment in this instance because the Advocate General’s opinion rests on numerous inaccurate assertions about intelligence practices of the United States,” the US mission to the European Union stated on Monday.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said he doesn’t think we will hear the U.S. National Security Agency asking for a back door into our iPhones, at least not any more. In an interview on NPR’s All Things Considered on Thursday, Mr. Cook implied that even the FBI is coming around on the need for end-user encryption.
The United States makes an improper division between surveillance conducted on residents of the United States and the surveillance that is conducted with almost no restraint upon the rest of the world. This double standard has proved poisonous to the rights of Americans and non-Americans alike. In theory, Americans enjoy better protections. In practice there are no magical sets of servers and Internet connections that carry only American conversations. To violate the privacy of everyone else in the world, the U.S. inevitably scoops up its own citizens’ data. Establishing nationality as a basis for discrimination also encourages intelligence agencies to make the obvious end-run: spying on each other’s citizens, and then sharing that data. Treating two sets of innocent targets differently is already a violation of international human rights law. In reality, it reduces everyone to the same, lower standard.
A group of nine plaintiffs represented by the American Civil Liberties Union is fighting to get over the first hurdle in the lawsuit: convincing Judge T.S. Ellis of the Eastern District Court of Virginia that they have standing to sue the government, a hurdle the ACLU was unable to clear two years ago in a similar case.
Although Ellis was presiding over the hearing in Alexandria, Virginia, the case was initially filed in Maryland, where the NSA is based. The Maryland District Court handed the case off because of a peculiar conflict, Toomey said after the hearing: Edward Snowden’s mother is an administrator in a Maryland court.
The plaintiffs claim that the NSA’s “upstream” program, which was partially revealed in the documents leaked by Edward Snowden in June 2013, is illegally surveilling the communications of all internet users.
The case was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of the Wikimedia foundation – which owns and operates Wikipedia – as well as Human Rights Watch, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and several other plaintiffs including the Nation magazine.
Attorneys representing the NSA filed a motion to dismiss the case, claiming the plaintiffs’ case was “speculative” and had no standing.
Support groups help cult and gang members break free of their former lives. Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous help addicts overcome their dependencies. And now one group of privacy campaigners wants to offer its target audience an escape route for what it sees as a equally insidious trap: Their jobs working for intelligence agencies like the NSA.
From MonsterMind to TreasureMap, we’ve only just scratched the surface of the United States’ hyper-clandestine offensive capabilities.
Just as it seems the White House is close to finally announcing its policy on encryption – the FBI has been pushing for tech companies like Apple and Google to insert backdoors into their phones so the US government can always access users’ data – new Snowden revelations and an investigation by a legendary journalist show exactly why the FBI’s plans are so dangerous.
JUST OUTSIDE THE MAIN DOWNTOWN part of Athens lies Kolonos, an old Athenian neighborhood near the archaeological park of Akadimia Platonos, where Plato used to teach. Along the maze of narrow streets, flower-filled balconies hang above open-air markets, and locals gather for hours at lazy sidewalk cafes, sipping demitasse cups of espresso and downing shots of Ouzo in quick gulps.
The day before his death, Costas’ boss at Vodafone had ordered that a newly discovered code — a powerful and sophisticated bug — be deactivated and removed from its systems. The wiretap, placed by persons unknown, targeted more than 100 top officials, including then Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and his wife, Natassa; the mayor of Athens; members of the Ministerial Cabinet; as well as journalists, capturing not only the country’s highest secrets, but also its most intimate conversations. The question was, who did it?
Hero, traitor, geek – no matter what you think of Edward Snowden there is no doubt that he has changed the world a great deal.
In June 2013, the globe-shaking document leaks from Snowden put a spotlight on the National Security Agency’s domestic spying.
The revelations Snowden presented to journalist Glenn Greenwald — who worked at the Guardian at the time of the disclosures — have made people question the Obama administration’s mass surveillance practices.
The U.S. government also considered making changes to its surveillance programs such as Prism.
The director of the NSA, Admiral Michael Rogers, just admitted at a Senate hearing that when Internet companies provide copies of encryption keys to law enforcement, the risk of hacks and data theft goes way up.
The government has been pressuring technology companies to provide the encryption keys that it can use to access data from suspected bad actors. The keys allow the government “front door access,” as Rogers has termed it, to secure data on any device, including cell phones and tablets.
Rogers made the statement in answer to a question from Senator Ron Wyden at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday.
It would present an ‘opportunity’ for spy agencies if the foreign minister of Russia or Iran were to use a private email server for official business, the chief of the U.S. National Security Agency said on Thursday.
The National Security Agency is considering a reorganization to prepare for future threats and a changing security landscape.
On Sept. 26, during a little-known quasi-holiday called “Love Note Day” that encourages the writing of sentimental blather to loved ones, there was one very unusual contributor to the gushing chatter on social media: the US National Security Agency (NSA).
“Hoped to serve your people? Ended up spying on them? Exit intelligence.”
Looks like Edward Snowden’s excitement of joining Twitter just got lowered after he received 47 GB of notification from the micro-blogging site unknowingly.
The 32-year-old NSA whistleblower forgot to check his notification settings, as he was unaware that Twitter sends e-mail notifications for pretty much every social interaction, reports The Verge.
In a significant move for internet privacy campaigners, a lawyer for the European Court of Justice said an EU-US agreement on the transfer of huge data banks does not stop watchdogs from suspending the movement of information.
Yves Bot, advocate general in the Luxembourg-based court also said the deal should not prevent investigations of complaints against web giants.
This week, I interviewed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Pioneer Awards, an event that recognizes those protecting freedom on the Internet. We chatted by Google Hangout because Snowden remains in Russia, stuck in international limbo after the U.S. revoked his passport in 2013.
Perhaps the word “exploding” should be used advisedly: This ex-NSA fellow, Charlie Miller, made a name for himself recently when he and another man — Chris Valasek who, like Miller, also just joined Uber — demonstrated that they could mount a remote hack on an automobile, essentially take it over and, potentially, kill the driver.
Human Rights Watch and three anonymous individuals filed a complaint today over surveillance by the United Kingdom. The complaint by Human Rights Watch to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) charges its rights had been violated by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in intercepting, using, and retaining its communications and in particular, sharing them with the US National Security Administration (NSA).
Want to know if the British and American government are spying on you? You don’t need to go through a lengthy court battle to find out—now you just need to fill out an online form.
Claims must be submitted by 5 December, 2015 as the Investigatory Powers Tribunal will only search for records obtained and shared within the last year. King estimates that it will take at least six months for filed claims to be answered.
The British Civil Liberties Group, Privacy International is now offering a new online tool through which individuals and organizations can file complaints with GCHQ about surveillance of phone calls and internet usage. Privacy International has long concerned itself with the sharing of data between the US National Security Agency (NSA) and GCHQ and government surveillance.
The NSA will probably spy on foreign leaders like Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during the UN General Assembly in New York this week, applying a “full court press” that includes intercepting cellphone calls and bugging hotel rooms, former intelligence analysts told NBC News.
The NSA intercepted and spied on all telephone calls and correspondence, as well bugged the hotel rooms of all 143 members of the Iranian delegation, including then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during the 62nd UN General Assembly in New York in 2007, NBC reported.
Not everyone is inspired artistically by Edward Snowden, the former CIA employee who leaked classified NSA documents. But then again not everyone is Simon Denny, the New Zealand-born, Berlin-based artist, who took the PowerPoint slides leaked by Snowden and turned them into art for his installation show “Secret Power.”
But at the photographer Trevor Paglen’s new exhibition at Metro Pictures, the crowd was decidedly different. Instead of sleek monochrome, visitors wore hoodies and T-shirts, and clutched messenger bags instead of totes. The shift is probably because Paglen’s project, uncovering the infrastructure of governmental surveillance, resonates with a decidedly more hacker crowd than minimalist sculpture.
The federal judge refereeing a court battle over the National Security Agency’s phone-snooping program said Wednesday he will allow a conservative lawyer’s lawsuit to proceed with new plaintiffs but urged the attorney to narrow his focus in order to speed up the case.
Despite attempts by attorney Larry Klayman to push the court to question the government on whether it had specifically collected data from his phone records, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon urged Mr. Klayman to keep the case specific to new plaintiffs — who used a phone company already known to have provided data to the NSA.
European companies may have to review their widespread practice of storing digital data with US internet companies after a court accused America’s intelligence services of conducting “mass, indiscriminate surveillance”.
So when he heads to California’s Silicon Valley this week, Modi, 65, will get the red-carpet treatment as he dines with chief executives, promotes India’s start-up community and meets tech leaders including Apple’s Tim Cook and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella. On Sunday, he will appear at an online “town hall” session with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.
President George W. Bush sought to retroactively authorize portions of the National Security Agency’s post-9/11 surveillance and data collection program after a now-famous incident in 2004 in which his attorney general refused to certify the program as lawful from his hospital bed, according to newly declassified portions of a government investigation.
Mr. Bush’s effort to salvage the surveillance program without changes did not satisfy top Justice Department officials, who threatened to resign. But the newly disclosed passages of a report by inspectors general of six agencies suggest that the confrontation in the hospital room came after the Justice Department identified several problems, including a “gap” between what Mr. Bush had authorized the N.S.A. to collect and what the agency was collecting in practice.
One Hasidic woman from Borough Park has broken all the religious stereotypes which normally confine women to being mothers and caregivers. She has taken her knowledge and talent and used it to be the ultimate mensch, working for NSA to keep the U.S. safe.
According to YNetNews, Anne Neuberger, 39, was raised speaking Yiddish and studying Torah, but always had a passion for justice and civil rights, deciding to further her education at Columbia University with the support of her father and husband.
NSA, the United States National Security Agency, is challenging university students in the US to exercise their reverse engineering and low-level code analysis skills while working on a fictitious, yet realistic, security threat.
Maribor, 3 October – That there are no friendly countries in the world is an old diplomatic saying. Countries can only have shared interests, or they do not have them but will in the future, the daily Večer says on Saturday as it comments on allegations that the NSA had intercepted international calls from Slovenia in 2005-2008.
The Patriot Act allows the U.S. authorities including the NSA to collect and search communications data stored on servers from U.S. technology providers.
Former Dutch Government Minister Dion Kotteman slammed the U.S. Patriot Act on Tuesday for allowing U.S. intelligence agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) the ability to spy and collect the personal data of European citizens.
The US Patriot Act means it’s impossible to guarantee that the NSA and other American intelligence services aren’t able to snoop on data stored on European data centre servers, Dion Kotteman, executive adviser to the Dutch Ministry of Finance and Former CIO of the Dutch Government has said.
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush — or just “Jeb!” as he’s called in his campaign signs — probably won’t win the endorsement of the Electronic Frontier Foundation given his positions on tech policy. In fact, we can’t imagine many Silicon Valley types are pleased with Jeb’s latest declarations this week that as president he’ll kill net neutrality rules while at the same time bulking up the data collection powers of the National Security Agency.
It’s not just your pictures the NSA has access to. Every email you’ve sent will most certainly have passed through an AT&T cable at some point. Fun fact: AT&T has been fully co-operating with the NSA since the Patriot Act was passed. So the NSA has all of your emails. Any personal information you’ve sent through an email, they’ve got it.
Legally, the NSA’s supposed to get permission to look at it. However, it’s all sitting there on their servers. Some employee, say, an independent contractor named Edward Snowden, could get their hands on it and do whatever they want. You see, it’s not just the government you have to worry about. It’s identity theft, revenge porn, those sorts of things perpetrated by some rogue employee who decides it would be fun to post all of this data on the internet for everyone to see, such as the people who posted the nude photos of celebrity women that they stole from Apple’s cloud storage service.
If Edward Snowden could get away from the NSA and escape the country to Russia with classified information, what’s stopping someone from getting away with everyone’s emails? Which brings me to another point: if politicians are worried about Snowden revealing these things making the nation less safe, then they should be demanding answers from the NSA about how he got away with it in the first place. The word “security” is in their name. They had one job. They couldn’t even do that right.
China’s speakers will include General Hao Yeli, vice president of the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy, and Zhang Li, assistant to the director of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. Both are expected to “discuss the establishment of a new order in the cyber world and China’s outlook.”
On August 11, the National Security Agency updated an obscure page on its website with an announcement that it plans to shift the encryption of government and military data away from current cryptographic schemes to new ones, yet to be determined, that can resist an attack by quantum computers.
Germany’s Left and Greens are demanding the full list of “selectors” to be published.
Last week saw a lot of reactions on social media over a draft proposal submitted by a government committee. The suggestions included some points that could at the least be qualified as draconian in today’s digital age. However, not sliding on to the political ramifications of this, let us discuss this in a global scenario. The whole world was in arms on social media when Snowden dropped the bomb on NSA- alleged snooping of citizens calls, messages and private data by the government had people worried. According to Snowden, the NSA surveillance systems collected roughly 1.7 billion emails, phone calls and other types of communications every day. Although the furor that was created then is all but dead now, its existence persists. Not so long ago we also heard the likes of RIM (Research in Motion) for a tussle over handing over their data to the government.
The Justice Department is persisting in the implausible claim that there is no reliable proof that Verizon Wireless was part of the National Security Agency’s program to sweep up data on U.S. telephone calls, notwithstanding a government document officially released last month that appears to confirm the cellphone carrier’s involvement.
Because it can barely keep its own data safe.
There has been a continuos stir arising among people about the National Security Agency peeking into people’s lives by tracking their social network or social media platforms. Also, the rumours have surfaced about NSA tracking people’s buying patterns with the help of an app called PEEPME, created by a young guy from Belgium named Zeki Sever.
Although NSA has completely denied the rumours that it has impersonated any US company website, including PEEPME to collect data and spy on targets but sources have suggested that NSA is using Metadata to compile ‘Social netwrok Diagrams’ on PEEPME to view people’s lifestyle, how much and on what they are spending. To do this, they are using Zeki Sever as their puppet.
Keeping apart the continuing rumours about NSA, the unique app is surely gaining huge popularity among the people and in fact, a lot of celebrities like Tyga, Scott Disick and Amber Rose have come out on social media to promote the app.
Sen. Ron Wyden on Monday stopped blocking a bill that authorizes 2016 funding for the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency after it was stripped of a provision that would have required Twitter, Facebook and other social media companies to heavily police their users’ online speech.
Military and civilian employees of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) gathered at the agency’s Memorial Wall on September 11, 2015 – Patriot Day – to collectively recite the Oath of Office, reaffirming their commitment to the Constitution and to the safety, security, and liberty of the American people.
No. This is not the opening sentence of an Onion article. This actually happened.
In real life.
Maybe it was opposite day.
It’s tempting to call this staged event Orwellian. It reeks of doublespeak. But this is really too ridiculously transparent and silly to even qualify. It is an insult to doublespeak.
Seriously, look up “implausible” in the dictionary and you will find the words “NSA agents safeguarding the Constitution and liberty.”
Here is a photo of all of the NSA employees who are faithful to the Constitution standing on the beach.
OK. Perhaps I’m being too harsh.It could have been an honest mistake, Maybe the pocket Constitutions they pass out to NSA employees don’t include the Bill of Rights. Or maybe the Fourth Amendment got all blurred because of some kind of ink smear. It could have been a printing mistake or something.
The NSA committed at least three major acts: the battle over FISA orders against Yahoo, sabotaging US products in transit, and the bulk surveillance of Yahoo and Google’s internal networks, that all represent not just attacks on Silicon Valley companies, but attacks on the very business models these companies operate on. For Silicon Valley, beyond anything else, needs a reputation for trust, a reputation directly attacked by the NSA.
Adm. Mike Rogers has long posited that strong encryption on consumer devices hampers law enforcement and intelligence work. But on Thursday he acknowledged the possible security downside of one proposed way for the government to decrypt data on consumer devices.
The American Booksellers for Free Expression (ABFE) has joined the American Library Association (ALA) and other library groups in urging a federal court to limit the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance of international electronic communications, including those relating to the purchase and use of books. On September 3, ABFE and ALA filed an amicus brief in support of an ACLU lawsuit challenging Upstream, a once-secret program that was revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward J. Snowden.
The CIA, the National Security Agency and the military’s Joint Special Operations Command have been leading a dedicated manhunt to methodically detect and kill senior militants in Syria and Iraq.
According to The Associated Press, “The drone strikes—separate from the conventional bombing campaign run by U.S. Central Command—have significantly diminished the threat from the Khorasan Group, an al-Qaida cell in Syria that had planned attacks on American aviation, U.S. officials say. The group’s leader, Muhsin al-Fadhli, and its top bomb-maker, David Drugeon, were killed this past summer.”
A dedicated manhunt by the CIA, the National Security Agency and the military’s Joint Special Operations Command has been methodically finding and killing senior militants in Syria and Iraq, in one of the few clear success stories of the U.S. military campaign in those countries.
The idea of university professors or students working with the FBI or CIA probably makes you raise your eyebrows.
But then perhaps you’re picturing someone like the fictional Henry McCord in Madam Secretary. He’s a Georgetown theology professor who was asked to plant a bug for the National Security Agency (NSA) at the home of a scholar believed to be connected to a terrorist.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, Brazilian privacy activist David Miranda and others have launched a new campaign to establish global privacy standards. The proposed International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance and Protection of Whistleblowers would require states to ban mass data collection and implement public oversight of national security programs. The treaty would also require states to offer asylum to whistleblowers. It is being dubbed the “Snowden Treaty.” At a launch event last week, Edward Snowden spoke about the need for the treaty via teleconference from Russia. “This is not a problem exclusive to the United States or the National Security Agency or the FBI or the Department of Justice or any agency of government anywhere. This is a global problem that affects all of us,” Snowden said.
The goal of the new directorate is to provide CIA analysts with a “wide range of cyber options in the initial trade space” to help them solve problems earlier in the intelligence cycle, Roche told FCW during a recent visit to Langley. This means, among other things, locating and understanding the “digital dust” left behind by actors in the cyber domain. It is an open question whether the new directorate will serve as a platform for offensive operations.
One of the most consistent responses to the concerns raised by EFF and others about the US government’s mass spying programs is this: If you’ve got nothing to hide you have no reason to fear.
We know that the government claims that any evidence of a crime can be sent to domestic law enforcement agencies and we also know that the DEA built its own database of telephone records, which was supposed to be limited to drug crimes but was used far beyond its initial mandate.
Second, even if you don’t think you have something to hide, it’s possible the government thinks you do. One legal expert has argued that the average person likely commits three felonies a day without ever realizing it.
That’s not surprising since there are so many criminal laws on the books – an attempt to catalogue them all in the 1980s failed. And even if you don’t ever violate any law or draw the ire of policeman or prosecutor, someone you know and love could.
For years, the British government has reportedly tracked and stored billions of records of Internet use by British citizens and those outside the UK in an effort to track every visible user on the Internet. Ryan Gallagher of the Intercept joins Hari Sreenivasan via Skype from Brighton, England, with more on UK cyber surveillance.
Civil Rights
Anthony Silva, the mayor of Stockton, California, recently went to China for a mayor’s conference. On his return to San Francisco airport he was detained by Homeland Security, and then had his two laptops and his mobile phone confiscated.
“Just how high are these rates? A pro bono attorney paid $14 a minute to speak to an incarcerated client,” FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn said in a speech last week. “Families write explaining how they are making extraordinary sacrifices by paying $400-$500 a month to hear their loved one’s voice. The endless array of new and increasing fees can add nearly 40 percent to costs—fees as high as $9.50 to open a new account, $4.75 to add money to an account, and $2.99 a month for the account maintenance fee. These rates and fees would be difficult for any family to bear, but if you were already struggling to stay afloat, you are now foregoing basic necessities like food and medicine just to make a phone call. No family should be forced to make this choice.”
Not even Turkmenistan, where the Glorious Leader renamed the days of the week after his family and bequeathed the Presidency to his dentist (who remains President) do they have a national anthem as ludicrously obsequious as the British. Furthermore, even North Korea’s anthem makes no mention of the ruling dynasty. I haven’t sung the British hymn to arse-licking since I was old enough to understand what it meant (about 13). As a British diplomat and Ambassador I used to do exactly what Corbyn did – stand silently. And I have done that while in the Queen’s company.
Saudi Arabia has still not responded to India’s request to interrogate one of its diplomats, accused of raping two Nepali women who worked for him.
The US Attorney’s Office [official website] on Friday dismissed all charges against the former chairman of Temple University’s physics department, Xi Xiaoxing [University profile], for allegedly sharing American-made schematics of a device used in superconductor research to Chinese scientists. The charges were based on emails of technological specifications of the device, known as a pocket heater, that the professor sent during his time as chairman of the physics department at Temple. The US Attorney’s Office declined [AP report] to comment on the matter other than the decision to dismiss the charges was based on “new information.” The motion comes after a presentation by the professors’ attorney that demonstrated the information he exchanged with China had little to no commercial value and did not involve restricted technology. Xi’s attorney argued that the government misunderstood the science and Xi’s attorney presented several experts that testified on behalf of Xi.
An Israeli media report on a Ukrainian woman who recently immigrated has caused consternation among pro-Russian separatists in the east of the former Soviet republic, with representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic calling on Jerusalem to censor her story.
The American tech company CloudFlare, known for its no-compromise stance on internet freedom and freedom of expression, announced nearly two weeks ago that it had finally entered—sort of—a territory where those principles are often compromised: China.
Technically, CloudFlare didn’t really enter China. The company agreed to an unprecedented partnership with the Chinese internet giant Baidu, creating something like a fast lane for websites both inside and outside of the communist country, through a service owned by Baidu and called Yunjiasu, or “Fast Cloud.”
Some, given CloudFlare’s history of defending websites against censorship, and its public goal of making the internet better, saw this as sort of a deal with the devil. Richard Bejtlich, a well-known security expert who works for another security firm, FireEye, wrote in a Motherboard op-ed that the deal was dangerous for two reasons: intellectual property, and censorship.
They also call for more independent newspapers and media houses to be allowed to operate in Swaziland, where King Mswati III rules as sub-Saharan Africa’s last absolute monarch.
As we’ve reported in the past, Bassel Khartabil Safadi, a 31-year-old Palestinian-Syrian, is a respected computer engineer specializing in open source software development. He has been a project leader for open source web software called Aiki Framework. He is well known in online technical communities as a dedicated volunteer to major Internet projects like Creative Commons, Mozilla, Wikipedia, Open Clip Art Library, Fabricatorz, and Sharism.
Internet/Net Neutrality
We’ve all been there: It’s nearly 2 in the morning and you’re cruising around the Internet looking for new domain names to purchase. I mean, talk about a cliched night, right?
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is asking a federal appeals court to approve Federal Communications Commission (FCC) net neutrality rules that prevent Internet service providers from interfering with and censoring content on the Web.
U.S. telecommunication providers sued the FCC in Washington D.C. federal circuit court after the FCC published the rules, called the Open Internet Order, earlier this year. Among other things, service providers and their supporters argue that the order strips telecom companies of control over which speech they transmit.
The main difference, from the publishers’ point of view, between print books and e-books is that it’s very difficult to self-publish a print book: It’s difficult for an author to distribute physical books to thousands of real-world bookstores. In a world where books are mostly delivered electronically, it’s hard to imagine that publishers will play much of a role.
Intellectual Monopolies
Towards the end of 2013, IP-Watch — along with the Yale Media Freedom and Access Center — filed a FOIA lawsuit against the USTR for its refusal to release its TPP draft documents. The USTR spent a year ignoring IP-Watch’s William New’s request before telling him the release of draft agreements would “harm national security.”
Copyright holders must consider fair use before taking down YouTube videos of cute cavorting children, federal judges have ruled. The decision in the landmark digital copyright case is expected to curb takedown requests, although some loopholes remain.
Kim Dotcom’s oft-delayed extradition hearing is slated to begin on Monday, nearly three years and 10 months since the infamous raid of Dotcom’s New Zealand mansion. Over that time span, Dotcom’s legal team has managed to drag out the affair through 10 extradition hearing delays and various other legal maneuvering. And according to some number crunching from the New Zealand Herald (confirmed by the Crown Law Office, the NZ prosecutors representing the US there), Dotcom’s trials and tribulations have cost NZ taxpayers nearly NZ$5.8 million in legal fees (or approximately $3.7 million).
Wyoming lawmakers adopted legislation making it illegal to gather data on open space—such as performing water quality tests or taking photographs—for the purpose of reporting to the government harmful farming practices, environmental degradation, or other ills.
The two-part legislative package, signed by Gov. Matt Mead earlier this year, is the subject of a constitutional legal challenge from environmentalists, animal rights advocates, and the media.
Back at the end of August, we wrote about a ridiculous situation in which the Pokemon Company decided to sue two fans in Seattle who had set up a Pokemon-themed party leading into the big PAX conference. As soon as the threats came down, these guys shut down the party entirely, but the Pokemon Company would not be stopped in its determination to totally bankrupt and destroy such a big fan who was out there promoting Pokemon and Pokemon culture. The company, represented by big copyright maximalist law firm Davis Wright Tremaine, went forward with the ridiculous lawsuit anyway. While they dismissed one guy from the lawsuit, the other, Ramar Larking Jones, didn’t hire a lawyer, saying he had no money for it.
As Techdirt has pointed out, copyright extensions are bad enough, but retroactive ones are even worse, since the creation of the work has already occurred, so providing additional incentives makes no sense, even accepting the dubious idea that artists think about copyright terms before setting to work. Moreover, copyright extensions are a real kind of copyright theft — specifically, stealing from the public domain. If you think that is just rhetoric, it’s worth looking at what is happening in Argentina.
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